Example usage for java.util.regex Matcher end

List of usage examples for java.util.regex Matcher end


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.regex Matcher end.


public int end(String name) 

Source Link


Returns the offset after the last character of the subsequence captured by the given named-capturing group during the previous match operation.


From source file:com.edgenius.wiki.render.filter.MacroFilter.java

private void resetRegion(final int initPos, final CharSequence input, final List<Region> list) {

    final List<Region> pairRegions = new ArrayList<Region>();

    singleMacroProvider.replaceByTokenVisitor(input, new TokenVisitor<Matcher>() {
        public void handleMatch(StringBuffer buffer, Matcher result) {
            String macroName = result.group(1);
            if (macroName != null && !macroName.startsWith("$")) {
                Macro macro = macroMgr.getMacro(macroName);
                if (macro != null && macro.isPaired()) {
                    String body = result.group(0);
                    int start = result.start(0);
                    int end = result.end(0);
                    Region pair = new Region(start, end);
                    //no parameter, then mark as unknown, otherwise, must be a start macro
                    if (StringUtils.isBlank(result.group(2))) {
                    } else {
                    }//from   www .  j a v a 2  s  .c o m

                    //just for temporary to remember the macro name...
                    //sum to list

    int size = pairRegions.size();
    if (size > 0) {
        StringBuffer inputBuf = new StringBuffer(input);
        for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
            Region reg = pairRegions.get(idx);
            int deep = 0;
            Region pair = null;
            //looking for pairs...
            for (int chIdx = idx + 1; chIdx < size; chIdx++) {
                Region next = pairRegions.get(chIdx);
                if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(reg.getContent(), next.getContent())) {
                    //start is unknown (no attribute), then end must be unknown
                    if (MACRO_REGION_KEY_UNKNOWN.equals(reg.getKey())
                            && MACRO_REGION_KEY_UNKNOWN.equals(next.getKey())) {
                        pair = next;
                        //skip all internal node - which is handle by embedded recursive
                        idx = chIdx;

                    if (MACRO_REGION_KEY_START.equals(reg.getKey())
                            && MACRO_REGION_KEY_UNKNOWN.equals(next.getKey())) {
                        if (deep == 0) {
                            pair = next;
                            //skip all internal node - which is handle by embedded recursive
                            idx = chIdx;
                        } else {
                            //just another inner same name macro matched, deep minus  
                    if (MACRO_REGION_KEY_START.equals(next.getKey())) {
                        //ok, it gets another start, in 4th scenarios - then add deep
            //ok, success find paired
            if (pair != null) {
                int start = initPos + reg.getStart();
                int end = initPos + pair.getEnd();
                int contentStart = initPos + reg.getEnd();
                int contentEnd = initPos + pair.getStart();

                String macroName = reg.getContent();
                Macro macro = macroMgr.getMacro(macroName);
                boolean immutable = macro instanceof ImmutableContentMacro;

                list.add(new Region(MacroFilter.this, immutable, start, end, contentStart, contentEnd));
                if (macro.isProcessEmbedded() && (end > start)) {
                            inputBuf.subSequence(contentStart - initPos, contentEnd - initPos), list);


From source file:com.streamsets.pipeline.stage.processor.fieldmask.FieldMaskProcessor.java

String regExMask(Field field, FieldMaskConfig fieldMaskConfig) {
    String value = field.getValueAsString();
    Matcher matcher = regExToPatternMap.get(fieldMaskConfig.regex).matcher(value);
    if (matcher.matches()) {
        int groupCount = matcher.groupCount();
        //create a masked string of the same length as the original string
        StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
        }/*from   w  w w  .j a  va2  s. c o m*/
        //for each group that needs to be shown, replace the masked string with the original string characters at those
        Set<Integer> groupsToShow = regexToGroupsToShowMap.get(fieldMaskConfig.regex);
        if (groupsToShow != null && !groupsToShow.isEmpty()) {
            for (int i = 1; i <= groupCount; i++) {
                if (groupsToShow.contains(i)) {
                    resultString.replace(matcher.start(i), matcher.end(i), matcher.group(i));
        return resultString.toString();
    return field.getValueAsString();

From source file:mobi.jenkinsci.server.core.net.ProxyUtil.java

private String replaceLinks(final String linkPattern, final int linkIndex, final String newLinkPrefix,
        final String remoteBasePath, final String content) {
    log.debug("Rewriting links to basePath " + remoteBasePath);
    final boolean isUrlEncodingNeeded = newLinkPrefix.indexOf('?') >= 0;
    final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(linkPattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL);
    final Matcher m = pattern.matcher(content);

    // determines if the link is absolute
    final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    int lastEnd = 0;
    while (m.find()) {
        final String link = m.group(linkIndex).trim();
        if (link.startsWith("data")) {
        }/*from w w  w  .j a v  a2 s.c om*/

        if (!isFullLinkWithProtocol(link)) {
            String newURI = getRelativeLink(newLinkPrefix, remoteBasePath, isUrlEncodingNeeded, link);
            buffer.append(getSubstringBetweenLinks(linkIndex, content, m, lastEnd));
            lastEnd = m.end(linkIndex);
    return buffer.toString();

From source file:com.hichinaschool.flashcards.libanki.Media.java

 * Percent-escape UTF-8 characters in local image filenames.
 * /* w  w w  .j  a v  a2s.  com*/
 * @param string The string to search for image references and escape the filenames.
 * @return The string with the filenames of any local images percent-escaped as UTF-8.
public String escapeImages(String string) {
    Matcher m = fMediaRegexps[1].matcher(string);
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    while (m.find()) {
        if (fRemoteFilePattern.matcher(m.group(2)).find()) {
            m.appendReplacement(sb, m.group());
        } else {
            String tagBegin = m.group(1).substring(0, m.start(2));
            String fname = m.group(2);
            String tagEnd = m.group(1).substring(m.end(2));
            String tag = tagBegin + Uri.encode(fname) + tagEnd;
            m.appendReplacement(sb, tag);
    return sb.toString();

From source file:com.cyberway.issue.crawler.extractor.ExtractorHTML.java

 * Run extractor.//  w w w  . j  a  v a  2s  .  c o  m
 * This method is package visible to ease testing.
 * @param curi CrawlURI we're processing.
 * @param cs Sequence from underlying ReplayCharSequence. This
 * is TRANSIENT data. Make a copy if you want the data to live outside
 * of this extractors' lifetime.
void extract(CrawlURI curi, CharSequence cs) {
    Matcher tags = TextUtils.getMatcher(RELEVANT_TAG_EXTRACTOR, cs);
    while (tags.find()) {
        if (Thread.interrupted()) {
        if (tags.start(8) > 0) {
            // comment match
            // for now do nothing
        } else if (tags.start(7) > 0) {
            // <meta> match
            int start = tags.start(5);
            int end = tags.end(5);
            assert start >= 0 : "Start is: " + start + ", " + curi;
            assert end >= 0 : "End is :" + end + ", " + curi;
            if (processMeta(curi, cs.subSequence(start, end))) {

                // meta tag included NOFOLLOW; abort processing
        } else if (tags.start(5) > 0) {
            // generic <whatever> match
            int start5 = tags.start(5);
            int end5 = tags.end(5);
            assert start5 >= 0 : "Start is: " + start5 + ", " + curi;
            assert end5 >= 0 : "End is :" + end5 + ", " + curi;
            int start6 = tags.start(6);
            int end6 = tags.end(6);
            assert start6 >= 0 : "Start is: " + start6 + ", " + curi;
            assert end6 >= 0 : "End is :" + end6 + ", " + curi;
            processGeneralTag(curi, cs.subSequence(start6, end6), cs.subSequence(start5, end5));

        } else if (tags.start(1) > 0) {
            // <script> match
            int start = tags.start(1);
            int end = tags.end(1);
            assert start >= 0 : "Start is: " + start + ", " + curi;
            assert end >= 0 : "End is :" + end + ", " + curi;
            assert tags.end(2) >= 0 : "Tags.end(2) illegal " + tags.end(2) + ", " + curi;
            processScript(curi, cs.subSequence(start, end), tags.end(2) - start);

        } else if (tags.start(3) > 0) {
            // <style... match
            int start = tags.start(3);
            int end = tags.end(3);
            assert start >= 0 : "Start is: " + start + ", " + curi;
            assert end >= 0 : "End is :" + end + ", " + curi;
            assert tags.end(4) >= 0 : "Tags.end(4) illegal " + tags.end(4) + ", " + curi;
            processStyle(curi, cs.subSequence(start, end), tags.end(4) - start);

From source file:io.kahu.hawaii.util.logger.DefaultLogManager.java

void maskPasswords(final LoggingConfiguration config) throws JSONException {
    // Look at all fields that may contain a URL, and mask passwords in
    // query string parameters
    for (String field : config.getUrlFields()) {
        Object value = getContext(field);
        if (value == null || value == JSONObject.NULL || value == JSONObject.EXPLICIT_NULL) {
        }/* w  w w  .  jav a 2  s .  c  o  m*/
        if (!(value instanceof String)) {
            // If it's not a string, just play it safe and replace the
            // entire parameter
            putContext(field, MASKED_PASSWORD);

        // It's a String so iterate over the QS parameters
        String url = (String) value;
        int p1 = url.indexOf('?');
        boolean changed = false;
        while (p1 >= 0) {
            int p2 = url.indexOf('=', p1 + 1);
            if (p2 < 0) {
            String qsParam = url.substring(p1 + 1, p2);
            int p3 = url.indexOf('&', p2 + 1);
            if (p3 < 0) {
                p3 = url.length();
            String qsValue = url.substring(p2 + 1, p3);
            if (config.getPasswordParameters().contains(qsParam)) {
                qsValue = MASKED_PASSWORD;
                url = url.substring(0, p2 + 1) + qsValue + url.substring(p3);
                changed = true;
            p1 = url.indexOf('&', p1 + 1);
        if (changed) {
            putContext(field, url);

    // Next, look at all parameter objects, which are String -> List of
    // String mappings
    for (String field : config.getParameterFields()) {
        Object value = getContext(field);
        if (value == null || value == JSONObject.NULL || value == JSONObject.EXPLICIT_NULL) {
        if (!(value instanceof JSONObject)) {
            // If it's not a JSONObject, just play it safe and replace the
            // entire parameter
            putContext(field, MASKED_PASSWORD);

        // It's a JSONObject, so discover and nuke all possible password
        // fields
        JSONObject params = (JSONObject) value;
        boolean changed = false;
        for (String key : config.getPasswordParameters()) {
            if (params.has(key)) {
                JSONArray a = new JSONArray();
                params.put(key, a);
                changed = true;
        if (changed) {
            putContext(field, params);

    // Next, look at all request/response headers, which are stored as an
    // array of strings
    for (String field : config.getHeaderFields()) {
        Object value = getContext(field);
        if (value == null || value == JSONObject.NULL || value == JSONObject.EXPLICIT_NULL) {
        if (!(value instanceof JSONArray)) {
            // If it's not a JSONArray, just play it safe and replace the
            // entire parameter
            putContext(field, MASKED_PASSWORD);

        // It's a JSONArray, so discover and nuke all possible password
        // headers
        JSONArray headers = (JSONArray) value;
        boolean changed = false;
        for (String key : config.getPasswordParameters()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < headers.length(); i++) {
                String header = headers.getString(i);
                if (header.startsWith(key + ":")) {
                    headers.put(i, key + ": " + MASKED_PASSWORD);
                    changed = true;
        if (changed) {
            putContext(field, headers);

    // Finally, look at all body fields for password patterns
    for (String field : config.getBodyFields()) {
        Object value = getContext(field);
        if (value == null || value == JSONObject.NULL || value == JSONObject.EXPLICIT_NULL) {
        if (!(value instanceof String)) {
            // If it's not a string, just play it safe and replace the
            // entire parameter
            putContext(field, MASKED_PASSWORD);

        // It's a String, so apply all password patterns to mask the
        // passwords
        String body = (String) value;
        boolean changed = false;
        if (looksLikeJson(body)) {
            body = removePasswordFieldsFromJsonBody(body, Arrays.asList(config.getBodyPasswordFields()));
            changed = (body != null);
        } else {
            for (Pattern pattern : config.getBodyPasswordPatterns()) {
                Matcher m = pattern.matcher(body);
                int i = 0;
                while (m.find(i)) {
                    body = body.substring(0, m.start(1)) + MASKED_PASSWORD + body.substring(m.end(1));
                    i = m.end() - m.group(1).length() + MASKED_PASSWORD.length();
                    m = pattern.matcher(body);
                    changed = true;
        if (changed) {
            putContext(field, body);

From source file:mergedoc.core.Comment.java

 * ? Java ??? Javadoc ??????// w  w w . j av  a  2s.c  om
 * ????????????????
 * <p>
 * @param tagName ??
 * @return ?
private List<String> createWrapTagList(String tagName) {

    List<String> tagValues = null;
    if (srcBody.contains(tagName)) {

        String undeco = FastStringUtils.replaceAll(srcBody, "(?m)^ *\\* *", "");
        Pattern pat = PatternCache.getPattern("(?s)" + tagName + " *(.*?)([^\\{]@\\w+|/\\s*$)");
        Matcher mat = pat.matcher(undeco);
        for (int start = 0; mat.find(start); start = mat.end(1)) {
            if (tagValues == null) {
                tagValues = new LinkedList<String>();
    return tagValues;

From source file:com.github.gekoh.yagen.ddl.CreateDDL.java

private static String getIfExistsDropStatement(Dialect dialect, String sql, String name) {
    Matcher matcher = DROP_TABLE_PATTERN.matcher(sql);
    if (matcher.find()) {
        StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
        res.append(sql.substring(0, matcher.start(1) >= 0 ? matcher.start(1) : matcher.start(2)))
                .append(getNameAndIfExistsWhenSupported(dialect, name == null ? matcher.group(2) : name))
                .append(sql.substring(matcher.end(3) >= 0 ? matcher.end(3) : matcher.end(2)));
        sql = res.toString();/*from  w w w  .j av a 2  s. co m*/
    return sql;

From source file:com.edgenius.wiki.render.filter.MacroFilter.java

 *///w w w  .j a va 2  s  .c  o  m
private void checkGroup(final int initPos, CharSequence input, final LinkedList<GroupProcessor> stack,
        List<GroupProcessor> processors) {
    final List<Region> pairRegions = new ArrayList<Region>();

    singleMacroProvider.replaceByTokenVisitor(input, new TokenVisitor<Matcher>() {
        public void handleMatch(StringBuffer buffer, Matcher result) {
            String macroName = result.group(1);
            if (macroName != null && !macroName.startsWith("$")) {
                Macro macro = macroMgr.getMacro(macroName);

                if (macro != null) {
                    //IMPORTANT: here does not check Macro.isPair() and also put it into pairRegions for following process
                    //it is the sequence of process must keep consistant with physical sequence in input text, 
                    //for example, {table}{cell}...{rowdiv}, rowdiv is single and must be after cell
                    int start = result.start(0);
                    int end = result.end(0);
                    Region pair = new Region(start, end);
                    //no parameter, then mark as unknown, otherwise, must be a start macro
                    if (StringUtils.isBlank(result.group(2))) {
                    } else {

                    //just for temporary to remember the macro name...
                    //sum to list

    int size = pairRegions.size();
    if (size > 0) {
        StringBuffer inputBuf = new StringBuffer(input);
        for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
            Region reg = pairRegions.get(idx);
            Macro macro = macroMgr.getMacro(reg.getContent());
            if (macro.isPaired()) {
                int deep = 0;
                Region pair = null;
                //looking for pairs...
                for (int chIdx = idx + 1; chIdx < size; chIdx++) {
                    Region next = pairRegions.get(chIdx);
                    if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(reg.getContent(), next.getContent())) {
                        //start is unknown (no attribute), then end must be unknown
                        if (MACRO_REGION_KEY_UNKNOWN.equals(reg.getKey())
                                && MACRO_REGION_KEY_UNKNOWN.equals(next.getKey())) {
                            pair = next;
                            //skip all internal node - which is handle by embedded recursive
                            idx = chIdx;

                        if (MACRO_REGION_KEY_START.equals(reg.getKey())
                                && MACRO_REGION_KEY_UNKNOWN.equals(next.getKey())) {
                            if (deep == 0) {
                                pair = next;
                                //skip all internal node - which is handle by embedded recursive
                                idx = chIdx;
                            } else {
                                //just another inner same name macro matched, deep minus 1
                        if (MACRO_REGION_KEY_START.equals(next.getKey())) {
                            //ok, it gets another start, in 4th scenarios - then add deep
                //ok, success find paired
                if (pair != null) {
                    int start = initPos + reg.getStart();
                    int end = initPos + pair.getEnd();
                    int contentStart = initPos + reg.getEnd();
                    int contentEnd = initPos + pair.getStart();

                    GroupProcessor currProcessor = stack.size() == 0 ? null : stack.getLast();
                    if (currProcessor != null) {
                        currProcessor.adoptChild(macro, start, end);

                    if (macro.isProcessEmbedded() && (end > start)) {
                        if (macro.hasChildren() != null) {
                            stack.add(((GroupProcessorMacro) macro).newGroupProcessor(macro, start, end));
                                inputBuf.subSequence(contentStart - initPos, contentEnd - initPos), stack,
                        if (macro.hasChildren() != null) {
                            //pop the current one, means it is a completed GroupProcessor
            } else {
                //single macro - directly detect if it is child
                GroupProcessor currProcessor = stack.size() == 0 ? null : stack.getLast();
                if (currProcessor != null) {
                    currProcessor.adoptChild(macro, initPos + reg.getStart(), initPos + reg.getEnd());

From source file:cn.dreampie.resource.LessSource.java

private void resolveImports() throws IOException {
    Matcher importMatcher = IMPORT_PATTERN.matcher(normalizedContent);
    while (importMatcher.find()) {
        String importedResource = importMatcher.group(5);
        importedResource = importedResource.matches(".*\\.(le?|c)ss$") ? importedResource
                : importedResource + ".less";
        String importType = importMatcher.group(3) == null
                ? importedResource.substring(importedResource.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)
                : importMatcher.group(3);
        if (importType.equals("less")) {
            logger.debug("Importing %s", importedResource);

            if (!imports.containsKey(importedResource)) {
                LessSource importedLessSource = new LessSource(getImportedResource(importedResource));
                imports.put(importedResource, importedLessSource);

                normalizedContent = includeImportedContent(importedLessSource, importMatcher);
                importMatcher = IMPORT_PATTERN.matcher(normalizedContent);
            } else {
                normalizedContent = normalizedContent.substring(0, importMatcher.start(1))
                        + normalizedContent.substring(importMatcher.end(1));
                importMatcher = IMPORT_PATTERN.matcher(normalizedContent);
            }/*from  www . ja  v a 2  s  . c o  m*/