Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 Q24 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.kahu.hawaii.util.logger; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.MDC; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import; import; import; import io.kahu.hawaii.util.exception.HawaiiException; import io.kahu.hawaii.util.exception.ServerError; import io.kahu.hawaii.util.exception.ServerException; import io.kahu.hawaii.util.exception.ValidationException; import io.kahu.hawaii.util.logger.LoggingContext.PopResource; public class DefaultLogManager implements LogManager { public static final String MASKED_PASSWORD = "********"; private final Map<String, Logger> loggers; private String literalField = null; private final LogManagerConfiguration config; public DefaultLogManager(final LogManagerConfiguration config) { this.loggers = new HashMap<>(); this.config = config; } // Private copy constructor for builder pattern, no logging configurations // (plural), caller is responsible to pass the appropriate configuration private DefaultLogManager(final Map<String, Logger> loggers, final LogManagerConfiguration config, final String literalField) { this.loggers = loggers; this.config = config; this.literalField = literalField; } private Logger getLogger(final LoggerName name) { assert (name != null); String loggerName = name.getName(); Logger logger = loggers.get(loggerName); if (logger == null) { logger = Logger.getLogger(loggerName); loggers.put(loggerName, logger); } return logger; } public void addLogger(final LoggerName loggerName, final Logger logger) { loggers.put(loggerName.getName(), logger); } @Override public void error(final HawaiiException e) { assert (e != null); // Horrible hack to prevent validation exceptions to give stacktraces // and be logged as errors. Needs changes in validations to fix for real if (e instanceof ValidationException) { info(e.getLoggerName(), e.getMessage()); } else { error(e.getLoggerName(), e); } } public void storeCaller() { StackTraceElement[] trace = new Throwable().getStackTrace(); int i = 3; boolean skip = true; while (skip && i < trace.length) { skip = false; for (String cls : getLoggingConfiguration().getSkippedLocationClasses()) { if (trace[i].getClassName().startsWith(cls)) { skip = true; i++; break; } } } if (i < trace.length) { String location = trace[i].getClassName() + ":" + trace[i].getLineNumber(); putContext("log.loc", location); } } @Override public void setLevel(final LoggerName name, final String level) { try { Level logLevel = null; if (level != null) { Field field = Level.class.getField(level); logLevel = (Level) field.get(Level.DEBUG); } getLogger(name).setLevel(logLevel); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void audit(final AuditTrail trail) { assert (trail != null); getLogger(CoreLoggers.AUDIT).info(trail.toString()); } @Override public void audit(final String message) { assert (message != null); getLogger(CoreLoggers.AUDIT).info(message); } @Override public void trace(final LoggerName name, final String message) { if (getLogger(name).isTraceEnabled()) { log(name, Level.TRACE, message, null, LogType.NORMAL); } } @Override public void trace(final LoggerName name, final String message, final Throwable t) { if (getLogger(name).isTraceEnabled()) { log(name, Level.TRACE, message, t, LogType.NORMAL); } } @Override public void debug(final LoggerName name, final String message) { if (getLogger(name).isDebugEnabled()) { log(name, Level.DEBUG, message, null, LogType.NORMAL); } } @Override public void debug(final LoggerName name, final String message, final Throwable t) { if (getLogger(name).isDebugEnabled()) { log(name, Level.DEBUG, message, t, LogType.NORMAL); } } @Override public void info(final LoggerName name, final String message) { if (getLogger(name).isInfoEnabled()) { log(name, Level.INFO, message, null, LogType.NORMAL); } } @Override public void info(final LoggerName name, final String message, final Throwable t) { if (getLogger(name).isInfoEnabled()) { log(name, Level.INFO, message, t, LogType.NORMAL); } } @Override public void warn(final LoggerName name, final String message) { log(name, Level.WARN, message, null, LogType.NORMAL); } @Override public void warn(final LoggerName name, final String message, final Throwable t) { log(name, Level.WARN, message, t, LogType.NORMAL); } @Override public void error(final LoggerName name, final String message) { log(name, Level.ERROR, message, null, LogType.NORMAL); } @Override public void error(final LoggerName name, final Throwable t) { log(name, Level.ERROR, null, t, LogType.NORMAL); } @Override public void error(final LoggerName name, final String message, final Throwable t) { log(name, Level.ERROR, message, t, LogType.NORMAL); } @Override public void fatal(final LoggerName name, final String message) { log(name, Level.FATAL, message, null, LogType.NORMAL); } @Override public void fatal(final LoggerName name, final String message, final Throwable t) { log(name, Level.FATAL, message, t, LogType.NORMAL); } @Override public DefaultLogManager literalField(final String literalField) { return new DefaultLogManager(loggers, config, literalField); } // Make sure we never log any passwords void maskPasswords(final LoggingConfiguration config) throws JSONException { // Look at all fields that may contain a URL, and mask passwords in // query string parameters for (String field : config.getUrlFields()) { Object value = getContext(field); if (value == null || value == JSONObject.NULL || value == JSONObject.EXPLICIT_NULL) { continue; } if (!(value instanceof String)) { // If it's not a string, just play it safe and replace the // entire parameter putContext(field, MASKED_PASSWORD); continue; } // It's a String so iterate over the QS parameters String url = (String) value; int p1 = url.indexOf('?'); boolean changed = false; while (p1 >= 0) { int p2 = url.indexOf('=', p1 + 1); if (p2 < 0) { break; } String qsParam = url.substring(p1 + 1, p2); int p3 = url.indexOf('&', p2 + 1); if (p3 < 0) { p3 = url.length(); } String qsValue = url.substring(p2 + 1, p3); if (config.getPasswordParameters().contains(qsParam)) { qsValue = MASKED_PASSWORD; url = url.substring(0, p2 + 1) + qsValue + url.substring(p3); changed = true; } p1 = url.indexOf('&', p1 + 1); } if (changed) { putContext(field, url); } } // Next, look at all parameter objects, which are String -> List of // String mappings for (String field : config.getParameterFields()) { Object value = getContext(field); if (value == null || value == JSONObject.NULL || value == JSONObject.EXPLICIT_NULL) { continue; } if (!(value instanceof JSONObject)) { // If it's not a JSONObject, just play it safe and replace the // entire parameter putContext(field, MASKED_PASSWORD); continue; } // It's a JSONObject, so discover and nuke all possible password // fields JSONObject params = (JSONObject) value; boolean changed = false; for (String key : config.getPasswordParameters()) { if (params.has(key)) { JSONArray a = new JSONArray(); a.put(MASKED_PASSWORD); params.put(key, a); changed = true; } } if (changed) { putContext(field, params); } } // Next, look at all request/response headers, which are stored as an // array of strings for (String field : config.getHeaderFields()) { Object value = getContext(field); if (value == null || value == JSONObject.NULL || value == JSONObject.EXPLICIT_NULL) { continue; } if (!(value instanceof JSONArray)) { // If it's not a JSONArray, just play it safe and replace the // entire parameter putContext(field, MASKED_PASSWORD); continue; } // It's a JSONArray, so discover and nuke all possible password // headers JSONArray headers = (JSONArray) value; boolean changed = false; for (String key : config.getPasswordParameters()) { for (int i = 0; i < headers.length(); i++) { String header = headers.getString(i); if (header.startsWith(key + ":")) { headers.put(i, key + ": " + MASKED_PASSWORD); changed = true; } } } if (changed) { putContext(field, headers); } } // Finally, look at all body fields for password patterns for (String field : config.getBodyFields()) { Object value = getContext(field); if (value == null || value == JSONObject.NULL || value == JSONObject.EXPLICIT_NULL) { continue; } if (!(value instanceof String)) { // If it's not a string, just play it safe and replace the // entire parameter putContext(field, MASKED_PASSWORD); continue; } // It's a String, so apply all password patterns to mask the // passwords String body = (String) value; boolean changed = false; if (looksLikeJson(body)) { body = removePasswordFieldsFromJsonBody(body, Arrays.asList(config.getBodyPasswordFields())); changed = (body != null); } else { for (Pattern pattern : config.getBodyPasswordPatterns()) { Matcher m = pattern.matcher(body); int i = 0; while (m.find(i)) { body = body.substring(0, m.start(1)) + MASKED_PASSWORD + body.substring(m.end(1)); i = m.end() - + MASKED_PASSWORD.length(); m = pattern.matcher(body); changed = true; } } } if (changed) { putContext(field, body); } } } private String removePasswordFieldsFromJsonBody(final String body, final List<String> passwordFieldNames) throws JSONException { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(body); boolean changed = removePasswordFieldsFromJson(json, passwordFieldNames); if (!changed) { return null; } else { return json.toString(); } } private boolean removePasswordFieldsFromJson(final JSONObject json, final List<String> passwordFieldNames) throws JSONException { boolean changed = false; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<String> keys = json.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key =; if (passwordFieldNames.contains(key)) { json.put(key, MASKED_PASSWORD); changed = true; } else { Object object = json.get(key); if (removePasswordFieldFromJsonValue(object, passwordFieldNames)) { changed = true; } } } return changed; } private boolean removePasswordFieldFromJsonValue(final Object object, final List<String> passwordFieldNames) throws JSONException { boolean changed = false; if (object instanceof JSONObject) { changed = removePasswordFieldsFromJson((JSONObject) object, passwordFieldNames); } else if (object instanceof JSONArray) { JSONArray array = (JSONArray) object; for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { changed = removePasswordFieldFromJsonValue(array.get(i), passwordFieldNames); } } return changed; } private void log(final LoggerName loggerName, final Level level, final String message, final Throwable t, final LogType logType) { Logger logger = getLogger(loggerName); if (!logger.isEnabledFor(level)) { return; } LoggingConfiguration config = getLoggingConfiguration(); try (PopResource pop = LoggingContext.get().push()) { storeCaller(); putContext("message", message); if (t != null) { putContext("exception.class", t.getClass().getName()); putContext("exception.message", t.getMessage()); try (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);) { t.printStackTrace(pw); String trace = sw.toString(); putContext("exception.trace", trace); } catch (IOException cant_happen) { putContext("exception.trace", "Unable to generate"); } } try { maskPasswords(getLoggingConfiguration()); } catch (JSONException cant_happen) { // } String field = literalField; if (field == null && t != null) { field = "exception.trace"; } if (field == null && message != null && message.length() > 0) { field = "message"; } MDC.put("logtype", logType); String formatted = LoggingContext.get().formatFields(field, config.getTracingFields(), config.getComplexityThreshold()); logger.log(level, formatted); MDC.remove("logtype"); } } @Override public void logIncomingCallStart(final String type, final String body, final JSONObject params) { boolean largeBody = false; putContext("tx.type", type); LoggingConfiguration config = getLoggingConfiguration(); String ppbody = prettyPrintJson(body); try (PopResource pop = pushContext()) { if (params != null && params.length() != 0) { putContext("tx.request.params", params); } if (ppbody != null) { String s = ppbody; if (s.length() > config.getMaxInfoRequestBodySize()) { s = s.substring(0, config.getMaxInfoRequestBodySize()) + "[...]"; largeBody = true; } putContext("tx.request.body", s); } log(CoreLoggers.SERVER, Level.INFO, null, null, LogType.START); } if (largeBody) { try (PopResource pop = pushContext()) { String s = ppbody; if (s.length() > config.getMaxDebugRequestBodySize()) { s = s.substring(0, config.getMaxDebugRequestBodySize()) + "[...]"; } putContext("tx.request.body", s); literalField("tx.request.body").log(CoreLoggers.SERVER, Level.DEBUG, null, null, LogType.START); } } } @Override public void logIncomingCallEnd(final Throwable t) { HawaiiException exception = null; if (t instanceof HawaiiException) { exception = (HawaiiException) t; } else { exception = new ServerException(ServerError.UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, t); } putContext("tx.result", (exception instanceof ServerException) ? 2 : 1); putContext("tx.response.status", exception.getStatus().value()); putContext("tx.duration", getContextDuration()); try (PopResource pop = pushContext()) { putContext("tx.response.exception", exception.getClass().getName()); putContext("tx.response.message", exception.getMessage()); log(CoreLoggers.SERVER, Level.INFO, null, null, LogType.END); } try (PopResource pop = pushContext()) { try (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);) { exception.printStackTrace(pw); String trace = sw.toString(); putContext("tx.response.trace", trace); } catch (IOException cant_happen) { putContext("tx.response.trace", "Unable to generate"); } literalField("tx.response.trace").log(CoreLoggers.SERVER, Level.DEBUG, null, null, LogType.END); } } @Override public void logIncomingCallEnd(final int status, final String body) { boolean largeBody = false; LoggingConfiguration config = getLoggingConfiguration(); if (status == HttpStatus.OK.value()) { putContext("tx.result", 0); } else { putContext("tx.result", 1); } putContext("tx.response.status", status); putContext("tx.duration", getContextDuration()); try (PopResource pop = pushContext()) { if (body != null) { String s = body; if (s.length() > config.getMaxInfoResponseBodySize()) { s = s.substring(0, config.getMaxInfoResponseBodySize()) + "[...]"; largeBody = true; } putContext("tx.response.body", s); } log(CoreLoggers.SERVER, Level.INFO, null, null, LogType.END); } if (largeBody) { try (PopResource pop = pushContext()) { String s = body; if (s.length() > config.getMaxDebugResponseBodySize()) { s = s.substring(0, config.getMaxDebugResponseBodySize()) + "[...]"; } putContext("tx.response.body", s); literalField("tx.response.body").log(CoreLoggers.SERVER, Level.DEBUG, null, null, LogType.END); } } } @Override public void logOutgoingCallStart(final String type, final String id, final String method, final String uri, final List<Header> headers, final String body, final JSONObject params) { boolean largeBody = false; boolean hasHeaders = headers != null && headers.size() != 0; LoggingConfiguration config = null; CallLoggerName loggerName = new CallLoggerName(type); try (PopResource pop = pushContext()) { putContext("call.type", type); putContext("", id); putContext("call.method", method); putContext("call.uri", uri); if (params != null && params.length() != 0) { putContext("call.request.params", params); } config = getLoggingConfiguration(); if (body != null) { String s = body; if (s.length() > config.getMaxOutInfoRequestBodySize()) { s = s.substring(0, config.getMaxOutInfoRequestBodySize()) + "[...]"; largeBody = true; } putContext("call.request.body", s); } log(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, null, LogType.START_CALL); } if (largeBody || hasHeaders) { try (PopResource pop = pushContext()) { putContext("call.type", type); putContext("", id); if (hasHeaders) { JSONArray a = new JSONArray(); for (Header header : headers) { a.put(header.toString()); } putContext("call.request.headers", a); } if (body != null) { String s = body; if (s.length() > config.getMaxOutDebugRequestBodySize()) { s = s.substring(0, config.getMaxOutDebugRequestBodySize()) + "[...]"; } putContext("call.request.body", s); } literalField("call.request.body").log(loggerName, Level.DEBUG, null, null, LogType.START_CALL); } } } @Override public void logOutgoingCallEnd(final String type, final String id, final Response<?> response, String body) { boolean largeBody = false; boolean hasHeaders = response.getHeaders() != null && response.getHeaders().size() != 0; boolean callSucceeded = (response.getStatusCode() == 200); boolean hasThrowable = (response.getThrowable() != null); if (body == null) { body = response.getRawPayload(); } Level secondEventLevel = Level.DEBUG; if (!callSucceeded || hasThrowable) { secondEventLevel = Level.INFO; } LoggingConfiguration config = null; CallLoggerName loggerName = new CallLoggerName(type); try (PopResource pop = pushContext()) { putContext("call.type", type); putContext("", id); putContext("call.result", response.getStatus().toString()); if (response.getStatusCode() != 0) { putContext("call.response.status", response.getStatusCode()); } putContext("call.response.status.line", response.getStatusLine()); addRequestStatisticsToLoggingContext(response); config = getLoggingConfiguration(); if (body != null) { String s = body; if (s.length() > config.getMaxOutInfoResponseBodySize()) { s = s.substring(0, config.getMaxOutInfoResponseBodySize()) + "[...]"; largeBody = true; } putContext("call.response.body", s); } log(loggerName, Level.INFO, null, null, LogType.END_CALL); } if (largeBody || hasHeaders) { try (PopResource pop = pushContext()) { putContext("call.type", type); putContext("", id); addHeadersToLoggingContext(response); if (body != null) { String s = body; if (s.length() > config.getMaxOutDebugResponseBodySize()) { s = s.substring(0, config.getMaxOutDebugResponseBodySize()) + "[...]"; } putContext("call.response.body", s); } literalField("call.response.body").log(loggerName, secondEventLevel, null, null, LogType.END_CALL); } } if (hasThrowable) { try (PopResource pop = pushContext()) { Throwable t = response.getThrowable(); putContext("call.type", type); putContext("", id); putContext("call.exception.class", t.getClass().getName()); putContext("call.exception.message", t.getMessage()); try (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);) { t.printStackTrace(pw); String trace = sw.toString(); putContext("call.exception.trace", trace); } catch (IOException cant_happen) { putContext("call.exception.trace", "Unable to generate"); } literalField("call.exception.trace").log(loggerName, secondEventLevel, null, null, LogType.END_CALL); } } } private void addHeadersToLoggingContext(final Response<?> response) { boolean hasHeaders = response.getHeaders() != null && response.getHeaders().size() != 0; if (hasHeaders) { JSONArray a = new JSONArray(); for (Header header : response.getHeaders()) { a.put(header.toString()); } putContext("call.response.headers", a); } } private void addRequestStatisticsToLoggingContext(final Response<?> response) { RequestStatistic requestStatistic = response.getStatistic(); double d; d = requestStatistic.getTotalDuration(); if (d != 0) { putContext("call.duration", d); } d = requestStatistic.getCallbackDuration(); if (d != 0) { putContext("call.duration.callback", d); } d = requestStatistic.getCallTime(); if (d != 0) { putContext("call.duration.backend", d); } d = requestStatistic.getConversionDuration(); if (d != 0) { putContext("call.duration.conversion", d); } d = requestStatistic.getQueueTime(); if (d != 0) { putContext("call.duration.queue", d); } QueueStatistic queueStatistic = requestStatistic.getQueueStatistic(); if (queueStatistic != null) { putContext("", queueStatistic.getQueueName()); putContext("queue.tasks.rejected", queueStatistic.getRejectedTaskCount()); putContext("queue.tasks.completed", queueStatistic.getCompletedTaskCount()); putContext("", queueStatistic.getActiveTaskCount()); putContext("queue.tasks.pending", queueStatistic.getQueueSize()); putContext("queue.pool.size", queueStatistic.getPoolSize()); putContext("queue.pool.core_size", queueStatistic.getCorePoolSize()); putContext("queue.pool.maximum_size", queueStatistic.getMaximumPoolSize()); putContext("queue.pool.largest_size", queueStatistic.getLargestPoolSize()); } } // Methods for managing the logging context. These just delegate to the // LoggingContext instance for the current thread. @Override public PopResource pushContext() { return LoggingContext.get().push(); } @Override public PopResource pushContext(final LoggingContextMap newContext) { return LoggingContext.get().push(newContext); } @Override public void popContext() { LoggingContext.get().pop(); } @Override public Object removeContext(final String key) { return LoggingContext.get().remove(key); } @Override public boolean containsContextKey(final String key) { return LoggingContext.get().containsKey(key); } @Override public boolean isContextEmpty() { return LoggingContext.get().isEmpty(); } @Override public Object putContext(final String key, final Object value) { return LoggingContext.get().put(key, value); } @Override public Object getContext(final String key) { return LoggingContext.get().get(key); } @Override public double getContextDuration() { return LoggingContext.get().getContextDuration(); } @Override public LoggingContextMap getContextSnapshot() { return LoggingContext.get().getSnapshot(); } // A few support methods to deal with request/response bodies @Override public boolean isComplex(final Object o) { return LoggingContext.getObjectComplexity(o) > getLoggingConfiguration().getComplexityThreshold(); } private boolean looksLikeJson(final String s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (Character.isWhitespace(c) || c == 0xFEFF) { continue; } return c == '{'; } return false; } @Override public String prettyPrintJson(final String s) { try { if (s == null) { return null; } if (!looksLikeJson(s)) { return s; } JSONObject o = new JSONObject(s); if (isComplex(o)) { return o.toString(2); } return s; } catch (Throwable t) { return s; } } private boolean looksLikeXml(final String s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (Character.isWhitespace(c) || c == 0xFEFF) { continue; } return c == '<'; } return false; } @Override public String prettyPrintXml(final String s) { try { if (s == null) { return null; } if (!looksLikeXml(s)) { return s; } Source xmlInput = new StreamSource(new StringReader(s)); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); StreamResult xmlOutput = new StreamResult(stringWriter); TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); transformerFactory.setAttribute("indent-number", 2); Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); transformer.transform(xmlInput, xmlOutput); return xmlOutput.getWriter().toString(); } catch (Throwable t) { return s; } } private LoggingConfiguration getLoggingConfiguration() { String txType = (String) getContext("tx.type"); String callType = (String) getContext("call.type"); LoggingConfiguration configuration = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(callType)) { configuration = config.getLoggingConfiguration(callType); } if (configuration == null) { configuration = config.getLoggingConfiguration(txType); } if (configuration == null) { configuration = config.getLoggingConfiguration(LogManagerConfiguration.DEFAULT); } return configuration; } }