List of usage examples for java.util.regex Matcher end
public int end()
From source
public void resolveKnownLicensesByText(LicenseFile licenseFile) { List<KnownLicense> foundLicenses = new ArrayList<>(); String licenseText = licenseFile.getText(); if (knownLicenses.getLicenses() == null) { return;/* w ww . j ava2s .c om*/ } SortedMap<TextVariant, KnownLicense> textVariantsBySize = new TreeMap<>(new Comparator<TextVariant>() { @Override public int compare(TextVariant o1, TextVariant o2) { return o2.getText().length() - o1.getText().length(); } }); for (KnownLicense knownLicense : knownLicenses.getLicenses().values()) { for (TextVariant textVariant : knownLicense.getTextVariants()) { textVariantsBySize.put(textVariant, knownLicense); } } for (SortedMap.Entry<TextVariant, KnownLicense> textVariantBySizeEntry : textVariantsBySize.entrySet()) { Matcher textVariantMatcher = textVariantBySizeEntry.getKey().getCompiledTextPattern() .matcher(licenseText); if (textVariantMatcher.find()) { foundLicenses.add(textVariantBySizeEntry.getValue()); licenseText = licenseText.substring(textVariantMatcher.end()); break; } } if (foundLicenses.size() == 0) { System.out.println("No known license found for license file " + licenseFile.getFileName()); } licenseFile.setKnownLicenses(foundLicenses); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(licenseText)) { licenseFile.setAdditionalLicenseText(licenseText); } }
From source
/** * ? ? , HTML-?, ? ? <span class="filesize">. * ? , ?? {@link #currentAttachments} * ?? {link {@link ThreadModel#attachmentsCount}) {@link #currentThread}.<br> * ? ?? /* ww w . jav a 2 s.c o m*/ * (? , ?? , , ??, ?, ? ?). */ protected void parseAttachment(String html) { AttachmentModel attachment = new AttachmentModel(); attachment.size = -1; int startHref, endHref; if ((startHref = html.indexOf("href=\"")) != -1 && (endHref = html.indexOf('\"', startHref + 6)) != -1) { attachment.path = html.substring(startHref + 6, endHref); String pathLower = attachment.path.toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (pathLower.endsWith(".jpg") || pathLower.endsWith(".jpeg") || pathLower.endsWith(".png")) attachment.type = AttachmentModel.TYPE_IMAGE_STATIC; else if (pathLower.endsWith(".gif")) attachment.type = AttachmentModel.TYPE_IMAGE_GIF; else if (pathLower.endsWith(".svg") || pathLower.endsWith(".svgz")) attachment.type = AttachmentModel.TYPE_IMAGE_SVG; else if (pathLower.endsWith(".webm") || pathLower.endsWith(".mp4") || pathLower.endsWith(".ogv")) attachment.type = AttachmentModel.TYPE_VIDEO; else if (pathLower.endsWith(".mp3") || pathLower.endsWith(".ogg")) attachment.type = AttachmentModel.TYPE_AUDIO; else if (pathLower.startsWith("http") && (pathLower.contains("youtube."))) attachment.type = AttachmentModel.TYPE_OTHER_NOTFILE; else attachment.type = AttachmentModel.TYPE_OTHER_FILE; } else { return; } Matcher byteSizeMatcher = ATTACHMENT_SIZE_PATTERN.matcher(html); while (byteSizeMatcher.find()) { try { String digits =',', '.'); int multiplier = 1; String prefix =; if (prefix != null) { if (prefix.equalsIgnoreCase("") || prefix.equalsIgnoreCase("k")) multiplier = 1024; else if (prefix.equalsIgnoreCase("") || prefix.equalsIgnoreCase("m")) multiplier = 1024 * 1024; } int value = Math.round(Float.parseFloat(digits) / 1024 * multiplier); attachment.size = value; char nextChar = ' '; int index = byteSizeMatcher.end(); while (index < html.length() && nextChar <= ' ') nextChar = html.charAt(index++); if (nextChar == ',') break; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } Matcher pxSizeMatcher = ATTACHMENT_PX_SIZE_PATTERN.matcher(html); int indexEndPxSize = -1; while (pxSizeMatcher.find()) { try { int width = Integer.parseInt(; int height = Integer.parseInt(; attachment.width = width; attachment.height = height; indexEndPxSize = pxSizeMatcher.end(); char nextChar = ' '; int index = pxSizeMatcher.end(); while (index < html.length() && nextChar <= ' ') nextChar = html.charAt(index++); if (nextChar == ',') break; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } if (indexEndPxSize != -1) { Matcher originalNameMatcher = ATTACHMENT_ORIGINAL_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(html); if (originalNameMatcher.find(indexEndPxSize)) { String originalName =; if (originalName != null && originalName.length() > 0) { attachment.originalName = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(originalName); } } } ++currentThread.attachmentsCount; currentAttachments.add(attachment); }
From source
public static String getNameFromFilename(String input) { int lastIndex = 0; Pattern searchPattern = Pattern.compile(YEAR_PATTERN); Matcher searchMatcher = searchPattern.matcher(input); while (searchMatcher.find()) lastIndex = searchMatcher.end(); if (lastIndex > 0) try {//from w ww. ja v a 2s . co m return input.substring(0, lastIndex - 4); } catch (Exception e) { } return input; }
From source
/** * Retrieces the category of the article * from its content, and more particularly * from its first sentence, which generally * takes the following form in biographies: * "Firstname Lastname (19xx-19xx) was/is a politician/artist/etc." * // w w w .ja va 2s. co m * @param article * Article to be processed. * @return * The identified categories, possibly an empty list if none * could be identified. */ public List<ArticleCategory> getArticleCategoriesFromContent(Article article) { logger.log("Using the article content to retrieve its categories"); Set<ArticleCategory> categories = new TreeSet<ArticleCategory>(); logger.increaseOffset(); // get first sentence String text = article.getRawText(); String firstSentence = null; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,}\\. "); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text); if (!matcher.find()) logger.log("Could not find the first sentence of the article"); else { int i = matcher.end(); firstSentence = text.substring(0, i); logger.log("First sentence of the article: \"" + firstSentence + "\""); // identify state verb (to be) int index = firstSentence.length(); String verb = null; for (String v : STATE_VERBS) { pattern = Pattern.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]" + v + "[^a-zA-Z0-9]"); matcher = pattern.matcher(firstSentence); if (matcher.find()) { i = matcher.start(); if (i > -1 && i < index) { index = i; verb = v; } } } if (verb == null) logger.log("WARNING: could not find any state verb in the first sentence"); else { logger.log("State verb detected in the sentence: '" + verb + "'"); // look for key words located in the second part of the sentence (after the verb) firstSentence = firstSentence.substring(index + verb.length()); logger.log("Focusing on the end of the sentence: \"" + firstSentence + "\""); logger.increaseOffset(); String temp[] = firstSentence.split("[^a-zA-Z0-9]"); for (String key : temp) { if (!key.isEmpty()) { ArticleCategory cat = CONTENT_CONVERSION_MAP.get(key); if (cat == null) { logger.log(key + ": no associated category"); } else { categories.add(cat); logger.log(key + ": category " + cat); } } } logger.decreaseOffset(); } } List<ArticleCategory> result = new ArrayList<ArticleCategory>(categories); Collections.sort(result); logger.decreaseOffset(); logger.log("detected categories: " + result.toString()); return result; }
From source
public static String decryptYear(String input) { String result = ""; Pattern searchPattern = Pattern.compile(YEAR_PATTERN); Matcher searchMatcher = searchPattern.matcher(input); while (searchMatcher.find()) { try {//from www . ja v a 2 s . c o m int lastIndex = searchMatcher.end(); result = input.substring(lastIndex - 4, lastIndex); } catch (Exception e) { } } return result; }
From source
/** * Creates a time span using the date string to specify the time units and * amounts. Time units are specified using a single lower case letter of * the word for the time unit, e.g. {@code y} for year, {@code m} for month. * * @param timespan a string containing numbers each followed by a single * character to denote the time unit * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <ul> <li> any of the parameters are * negative <li> if any of the time units are specified more than * once</ul>/*from w w w . j a v a2s. c o m*/ */ public TimeSpan(String timespan) { Matcher matcher = TIME_SPAN_PATTERN.matcher(timespan); // Keep track of which time units have been set so far using a bit flag // pattern. Each of the 5 units is stored as a single bit in order of // length, with longest first. int unitBitFlags = 0; // Assign default values of 0 to all of the time ranges before hand, // then overwite those with what data the timespan string contains int y = 0; int m = 0; int w = 0; int d = 0; int h = 0; int prevEnd = 0; while (matcher.find()) { // check that the next time unit has a proper format by ensuring // that all the patterns occur with no character gaps, e.g. 30d is // valid but 30dd will cause an error from the extra 'd'. if (matcher.start() != prevEnd) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid time unit format: " + timespan); } prevEnd = matcher.end(); String lengthStr = timespan.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end() - 1); int length = Integer.parseInt(lengthStr); checkDuration(length); char timeUnit = timespan.charAt(matcher.end() - 1); // Update the appropriate time based on the unit switch (timeUnit) { case 'y': checkSetTwice(unitBitFlags, 0, "years"); unitBitFlags |= (1 << 0); y = length; break; case 'm': checkSetTwice(unitBitFlags, 1, "months"); unitBitFlags |= (1 << 1); m = length; break; case 'w': checkSetTwice(unitBitFlags, 2, "weeks"); unitBitFlags |= (1 << 2); w = length; break; case 'd': checkSetTwice(unitBitFlags, 3, "days"); unitBitFlags |= (1 << 3); d = length; break; case 'h': checkSetTwice(unitBitFlags, 4, "hours"); unitBitFlags |= (1 << 4); h = length; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown time unit: " + timeUnit); } } // update the final variables; years = y; months = m; weeks = w; days = d; hours = h; }
From source
/** * This parses the HTML template to//from www . j a v a 2s. c o m * - get the list of needed parameters (${xxx} parameters in the template, so get the foo, bar etc variables) * - create a usable template using the MessageFormat system (have strings with ${0}, ${1} instead of ${foo}, ${bar}) * @param htmlTemplate */ private void prepareTemplateAndParameters(String htmlTemplate) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{(.+?)}"); // Detect ${...} sequences Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(htmlTemplate); // To construct a new template with ${0}, ${1} fields .. StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); int previousStart = 0; int currentParameterIndex = 0; // Loop through the parameters in the template while (matcher.find()) { String parameter =; String stringBeforeCurrentParam = htmlTemplate.substring(previousStart, matcher.start()); // Add string before parameter buffer.append(stringBeforeCurrentParam); // Replace parameter with parameter index buffer.append("{" + currentParameterIndex + "}"); // Save current parameter name in the list parameterNames.add(parameter); previousStart = matcher.end(); currentParameterIndex++; } // Add string after the last parameter String stringAfterLastParam = htmlTemplate.substring(previousStart); buffer.append(stringAfterLastParam); // Create the HTML form htmlForm = new MessageFormat(buffer.toString()); }
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private Object doAction(final Context cx, final Scriptable scope, final Scriptable thisObj, final Object[] args, final int actionType) { // in a first time just improve replacement with a String (not a function) if (RA_REPLACE == actionType && args.length == 2 && (args[1] instanceof String)) { final String thisString = Context.toString(thisObj); String replacement = (String) args[1]; final Object arg0 = args[0]; if (arg0 instanceof String) { replacement = REPLACE_PATTERN.matcher(replacement).replaceAll("\\$"); // arg0 should *not* be interpreted as a RegExp return StringUtils.replaceOnce(thisString, (String) arg0, replacement); } else if (arg0 instanceof NativeRegExp) { try { final NativeRegExp regexp = (NativeRegExp) arg0; final RegExpData reData = new RegExpData(regexp); final String regex = reData.getJavaPattern(); final int flags = reData.getJavaFlags(); final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, flags); final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(thisString); return doReplacement(thisString, replacement, matcher, reData.hasFlag('g')); } catch (final PatternSyntaxException e) { LOG.warn(e.getMessage(), e); }/*ww w . j a v a 2s. c o m*/ } } else if (RA_MATCH == actionType || RA_SEARCH == actionType) { if (args.length == 0) { return null; } final Object arg0 = args[0]; final String thisString = Context.toString(thisObj); final RegExpData reData; if (arg0 instanceof NativeRegExp) { reData = new RegExpData((NativeRegExp) arg0); } else { reData = new RegExpData(Context.toString(arg0)); } final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(reData.getJavaPattern(), reData.getJavaFlags()); final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(thisString); final boolean found = matcher.find(); if (RA_SEARCH == actionType) { if (found) { setProperties(matcher, thisString, matcher.start(), matcher.end()); return matcher.start(); } return -1; } if (!found) { return null; } final int index = matcher.start(0); final List<Object> groups = new ArrayList<>(); if (reData.hasFlag('g')) { // has flag g groups.add(; setProperties(matcher, thisString, matcher.start(0), matcher.end(0)); while (matcher.find()) { groups.add(; setProperties(matcher, thisString, matcher.start(0), matcher.end(0)); } } else { for (int i = 0; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) { Object group =; if (group == null) { group = Context.getUndefinedValue(); } groups.add(group); } setProperties(matcher, thisString, matcher.start(), matcher.end()); } final Scriptable response = cx.newArray(scope, groups.toArray()); // the additional properties (cf ECMA script reference 13) response.put("index", response, Integer.valueOf(index)); response.put("input", response, thisString); return response; } return wrappedAction(cx, scope, thisObj, args, actionType); }
From source
/** * Method runImpl./* w ww .j a v a2s. co m*/ */ @Override protected void runImpl() { Player activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null) { return; } if ((_type == null) || (_text == null) || (_text.length() == 0)) { activeChar.sendActionFailed(); return; } _text = _text.replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n"); if (_text.contains("\n")) { String[] lines = _text.split("\n"); _text = StringUtils.EMPTY; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { lines[i] = lines[i].trim(); if (lines[i].length() == 0) { continue; } if (_text.length() > 0) { _text += "\n >"; } _text += lines[i]; } } if (_text.length() == 0) { activeChar.sendActionFailed(); return; } if ((_text.length() > 0) && (_text.charAt(0) == '.')) { String fullcmd = _text.substring(1).trim(); String command = fullcmd.split("\\s+")[0]; String args = fullcmd.substring(command.length()).trim(); if (command.length() > 0) { IVoicedCommandHandler vch = VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance().getVoicedCommandHandler(command); if (vch != null) { vch.useVoicedCommand(command, activeChar, args); return; } } activeChar.sendMessage(new CustomMessage("common.command404", activeChar)); return; } else if (_text.startsWith("==")) { String expression = _text.substring(2); Expression expr = null; if (!expression.isEmpty()) { try { expr = ExpressionTree.parse(expression); } catch (ExpressionParseException ignored) { } if (expr != null) { double result; try { VarMap vm = new VarMap(); vm.setValue("adena", activeChar.getAdena()); result = expr.eval(vm, null); activeChar.sendMessage(expression); activeChar.sendMessage("=" + Util.formatDouble(result, "NaN", false)); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } } return; } if ((Config.CHATFILTER_MIN_LEVEL > 0) && ArrayUtils.contains(Config.CHATFILTER_CHANNELS, _type.ordinal()) && (activeChar.getLevel() < Config.CHATFILTER_MIN_LEVEL)) { if (Config.CHATFILTER_WORK_TYPE == 1) { _type = ChatType.ALL; } else if (Config.CHATFILTER_WORK_TYPE == 2) { activeChar.sendMessage(new CustomMessage("chat.NotHavePermission", activeChar) .addNumber(Config.CHATFILTER_MIN_LEVEL)); return; } } boolean globalchat = (_type != ChatType.ALLIANCE) && (_type != ChatType.CLAN) && (_type != ChatType.PARTY); if ((globalchat || ArrayUtils.contains(Config.BAN_CHANNEL_LIST, _type.ordinal())) && (activeChar.getNoChannel() != 0)) { if ((activeChar.getNoChannelRemained() > 0) || (activeChar.getNoChannel() < 0)) { if (activeChar.getNoChannel() > 0) { int timeRemained = Math.round(activeChar.getNoChannelRemained() / 60000); activeChar.sendMessage( new CustomMessage("common.ChatBanned", activeChar).addNumber(timeRemained)); } else { activeChar.sendMessage(new CustomMessage("common.ChatBannedPermanently", activeChar)); } activeChar.sendActionFailed(); return; } activeChar.updateNoChannel(0); } if (globalchat) { if (Config.ABUSEWORD_REPLACE) { if (Config.containsAbuseWord(_text)) { _text = Config.ABUSEWORD_REPLACE_STRING; activeChar.sendActionFailed(); } } else if (Config.ABUSEWORD_BANCHAT && Config.containsAbuseWord(_text)) { activeChar.sendMessage(new CustomMessage("common.ChatBanned", activeChar) .addNumber(Config.ABUSEWORD_BANTIME * 60)); Log.add(activeChar + ": " + _text, "abuse"); activeChar.updateNoChannel(Config.ABUSEWORD_BANTIME * 60000); activeChar.sendActionFailed(); return; } } Matcher m = EX_ITEM_LINK_PATTERN.matcher(_text); ItemInstance item; int objectId; while (m.find()) { objectId = Integer.parseInt(; item = activeChar.getInventory().getItemByObjectId(objectId); if (item == null) { activeChar.sendActionFailed(); break; } ItemInfoCache.getInstance().put(item); } String translit = activeChar.getVar("translit"); if (translit != null) { m = SKIP_ITEM_LINK_PATTERN.matcher(_text); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int end = 0; while (m.find()) { sb.append( Strings.fromTranslit(_text.substring(end, end = m.start()), translit.equals("tl") ? 1 : 2)); sb.append(_text.substring(end, end = m.end())); } _text = sb.append( Strings.fromTranslit(_text.substring(end, _text.length()), translit.equals("tl") ? 1 : 2)) .toString(); } Log.LogChat(, activeChar.getName(), _target, _text); Say2 cs = new Say2(activeChar.getObjectId(), _type, activeChar.getName(), _text); switch (_type) { case TELL: Player receiver = World.getPlayer(_target); if ((receiver == null) && Config.ALLOW_FAKE_PLAYERS && FakePlayersTable.getActiveFakePlayers().contains(_target)) { cs = new Say2(activeChar.getObjectId(), _type, "->" + _target, _text); activeChar.sendPacket(cs); return; } else if ((receiver != null) && receiver.isInOfflineMode()) { activeChar.sendMessage("The person is in offline trade mode."); activeChar.sendActionFailed(); } else if ((receiver != null) && !receiver.isInBlockList(activeChar) && !receiver.isBlockAll()) { if (!receiver.getMessageRefusal()) { if (activeChar.antiFlood.canTell(receiver.getObjectId(), _text)) { receiver.sendPacket(cs); } cs = new Say2(activeChar.getObjectId(), _type, "->" + receiver.getName(), _text); activeChar.sendPacket(cs); } else { activeChar.sendPacket(Msg.THE_PERSON_IS_IN_A_MESSAGE_REFUSAL_MODE); } } else if (receiver == null) { activeChar.sendPacket( new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.S1_IS_NOT_CURRENTLY_LOGGED_IN).addString(_target), ActionFail.STATIC); } else { activeChar.sendPacket(Msg.YOU_HAVE_BEEN_BLOCKED_FROM_THE_CONTACT_YOU_SELECTED, ActionFail.STATIC); } break; case SHOUT: if (activeChar.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { activeChar.sendPacket(Msg.SHOUT_AND_TRADE_CHATING_CANNOT_BE_USED_SHILE_POSSESSING_A_CURSED_WEAPON); return; } if (activeChar.isInObserverMode()) { activeChar.sendPacket(Msg.YOU_CANNOT_CHAT_LOCALLY_WHILE_OBSERVING); return; } if (!activeChar.isGM() && !activeChar.antiFlood.canShout(_text)) { activeChar.sendMessage("Shout chat is allowed once per 5 seconds."); return; } if (Config.GLOBAL_SHOUT) { announce(activeChar, cs); } else { shout(activeChar, cs); } activeChar.sendPacket(cs); break; case TRADE: if (activeChar.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { activeChar.sendPacket(Msg.SHOUT_AND_TRADE_CHATING_CANNOT_BE_USED_SHILE_POSSESSING_A_CURSED_WEAPON); return; } if (activeChar.isInObserverMode()) { activeChar.sendPacket(Msg.YOU_CANNOT_CHAT_LOCALLY_WHILE_OBSERVING); return; } if (!activeChar.isGM() && !activeChar.antiFlood.canTrade(_text)) { activeChar.sendMessage("Trade chat is allowed once per 5 seconds."); return; } if (Config.GLOBAL_TRADE_CHAT) { announce(activeChar, cs); } else { shout(activeChar, cs); } activeChar.sendPacket(cs); break; case ALL: if (activeChar.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { cs = new Say2(activeChar.getObjectId(), _type, activeChar.getTransformationName(), _text); } List<Player> list = null; if (activeChar.isInObserverMode() && (activeChar.getObserverRegion() != null) && (activeChar.getOlympiadObserveGame() != null)) { OlympiadGame game = activeChar.getOlympiadObserveGame(); if (game != null) { list = game.getAllPlayers(); } } else if (activeChar.isInOlympiadMode()) { OlympiadGame game = activeChar.getOlympiadGame(); if (game != null) { list = game.getAllPlayers(); } } else { list = World.getAroundPlayers(activeChar); } if (list != null) { for (Player player : list) { if ((player == activeChar) || (player.getReflection() != activeChar.getReflection()) || player.isBlockAll() || player.isInBlockList(activeChar)) { continue; } player.sendPacket(cs); } } activeChar.sendPacket(cs); break; case CLAN: if (activeChar.getClan() != null) { activeChar.getClan().broadcastToOnlineMembers(cs); } break; case ALLIANCE: if ((activeChar.getClan() != null) && (activeChar.getClan().getAlliance() != null)) { activeChar.getClan().getAlliance().broadcastToOnlineMembers(cs); } break; case PARTY: if (activeChar.isInParty()) { activeChar.getParty().broadCast(cs); } break; case PARTY_ROOM: MatchingRoom r = activeChar.getMatchingRoom(); if ((r != null) && (r.getType() == MatchingRoom.PARTY_MATCHING)) { r.broadCast(cs); } break; case COMMANDCHANNEL_ALL: if (!activeChar.isInParty() || !activeChar.getParty().isInCommandChannel()) { activeChar.sendPacket(Msg.YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_AUTHORITY_TO_USE_THE_COMMAND_CHANNEL); return; } if (activeChar.getParty().getCommandChannel().getChannelLeader() == activeChar) { activeChar.getParty().getCommandChannel().broadCast(cs); } else { activeChar.sendPacket(Msg.ONLY_CHANNEL_OPENER_CAN_GIVE_ALL_COMMAND); } break; case COMMANDCHANNEL_COMMANDER: if (!activeChar.isInParty() || !activeChar.getParty().isInCommandChannel()) { activeChar.sendPacket(Msg.YOU_DO_NOT_HAVE_AUTHORITY_TO_USE_THE_COMMAND_CHANNEL); return; } if (activeChar.getParty().isLeader(activeChar)) { activeChar.getParty().getCommandChannel().broadcastToChannelPartyLeaders(cs); } else { activeChar.sendPacket(Msg.ONLY_A_PARTY_LEADER_CAN_ACCESS_THE_COMMAND_CHANNEL); } break; case HERO_VOICE: boolean PremiumHeroChat = false; if (Config.PREMIUM_HEROCHAT && (activeChar.getNetConnection().getBonus() > 1)) { long endtime = activeChar.getNetConnection().getBonusExpire(); if (endtime >= 0) { PremiumHeroChat = true; } } if (activeChar.isHero() || activeChar.getPlayerAccess().CanAnnounce || PremiumHeroChat) { if (!activeChar.getPlayerAccess().CanAnnounce) { if (!activeChar.antiFlood.canHero(_text)) { activeChar.sendMessage("Hero chat is allowed once per 10 seconds."); return; } } for (Player player : GameObjectsStorage.getAllPlayersForIterate()) { if (!player.isInBlockList(activeChar) && !player.isBlockAll()) { player.sendPacket(cs); } } } break; case PETITION_PLAYER: case PETITION_GM: if (!PetitionManager.getInstance().isPlayerInConsultation(activeChar)) { activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.YOU_ARE_CURRENTLY_NOT_IN_A_PETITION_CHAT)); return; } PetitionManager.getInstance().sendActivePetitionMessage(activeChar, _text); break; case BATTLEFIELD: if (activeChar.getBattlefieldChatId() == 0) { return; } for (Player player : GameObjectsStorage.getAllPlayersForIterate()) { if (!player.isInBlockList(activeChar) && !player.isBlockAll() && (player.getBattlefieldChatId() == activeChar.getBattlefieldChatId())) { player.sendPacket(cs); } } break; case MPCC_ROOM: MatchingRoom r2 = activeChar.getMatchingRoom(); if ((r2 != null) && (r2.getType() == MatchingRoom.CC_MATCHING)) { r2.broadCast(cs); } break; default: _log.warn("Character " + activeChar.getName() + " used unknown chat type: " + _type.ordinal() + "."); } }
From source
private String getContent(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); final boolean asHtml = matchedSegmentHtmlStyle != null; escapeHtml = asHtml || escapeHtml;//from www . j a v a 2 s . c o m StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder fullLog = new StringBuilder(); int ch; // Buffer log contents including line terminators, and remove console notes while ((ch = != -1) { if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') { if (line.length() > 0) { // Remove console notes (JENKINS-7402) fullLog.append(ConsoleNote.removeNotes(line.toString())); line.setLength(0); } fullLog.append((char) ch); } else { line.append((char) ch); } } // Buffer the final log line if it has no line terminator if (line.length() > 0) { // Remove console notes (JENKINS-7402) fullLog.append(ConsoleNote.removeNotes(line.toString())); } StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); int numMatches = 0; boolean insidePre = false; int lastMatchEnd = 0; final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(fullLog); while (matcher.find()) { if (maxMatches != 0 && ++numMatches > maxMatches) { break; } if (showTruncatedLines) { if (matcher.start() > lastMatchEnd) { // Append information about truncated lines. int numLinesTruncated = countLineTerminators( fullLog.subSequence(lastMatchEnd, matcher.start())); if (numLinesTruncated > 0) { insidePre = stopPre(content, insidePre); appendLinesTruncated(content, numLinesTruncated, asHtml); } } } if (asHtml) { insidePre = startPre(content, insidePre); } if (substText != null) { final StringBuffer substBuf = new StringBuffer(); matcher.appendReplacement(substBuf, substText); // Remove prepended text between matches final String segment = substBuf.substring(matcher.start() - lastMatchEnd); appendMatchedSegment(content, segment, escapeHtml, matchedSegmentHtmlStyle); } else { appendMatchedSegment(content,, escapeHtml, matchedSegmentHtmlStyle); } lastMatchEnd = matcher.end(); } if (showTruncatedLines) { if (fullLog.length() > lastMatchEnd) { // Append information about truncated lines. int numLinesTruncated = countLineTerminators(fullLog.subSequence(lastMatchEnd, fullLog.length())); if (numLinesTruncated > 0) { insidePre = stopPre(content, insidePre); appendLinesTruncated(content, numLinesTruncated, asHtml); } } } stopPre(content, insidePre); return content.toString(); }