Example usage for java.util PriorityQueue size

List of usage examples for java.util PriorityQueue size


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util PriorityQueue size.


int size

To view the source code for java.util PriorityQueue size.

Click Source Link


The number of elements in the priority queue.


From source file:org.eclipse.recommenders.jayes.transformation.LatentDeterministicDecomposition.java

private List<double[]> getBest(final Map<double[], Integer> counts, int basisSize, int minTotalCounts) {
    PriorityQueue<double[]> q = new PriorityQueue<double[]>(basisSize,

    for (Entry<double[], Integer> e : counts.entrySet()) {
        if (q.isEmpty() || q.size() < basisSize) {
            q.add(e.getKey());//from w w w.j a  v  a2 s.  c  o m
        } else {
            double[] head = q.peek();
            if (counts.get(head) < counts.get(e.getKey())) {

    int totalcounts = 0;
    for (double[] v : q) {
        totalcounts += counts.get(v);
    if (totalcounts < minTotalCounts)
        return null;

    return new ArrayList<double[]>(q);

From source file:com.android.switchaccess.HuffmanTreeBuilder.java

 *  Given a priority queue of HuffmanNodes and the number of nodes per parent, a new
 *  parent HuffmanNode is constructed. The probability of the parent HuffmanNode is the sum of
 *  the probabilities of all its children. If none of the children branches have a
 *  {@code ClearFocusNode}, one is included when the parent node is created.
 *  @param nodes The total nodes that will be included in the Huffman tree.
 *  @param nodesPerParent The number of children the parent node will have.
 *  @param clearFocusNode The clear focus node to be included if none of the children branches
 *         have a {@code ClearFocusNode} included.
 *  @return The parent HuffmanNode created.
 *//*  ww w  . ja v a  2 s  . c  o m*/
private HuffmanNode createParentNode(PriorityQueue<HuffmanNode> nodes, int nodesPerParent,
        ClearFocusNode clearFocusNode) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (nodesPerParent < 2 || nodes.size() < nodesPerParent) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    Double childrenProbability = 0.0;
    List<OptionScanNode> children = new ArrayList<>(nodesPerParent);
    Boolean clearFocusNodePresence = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < nodesPerParent; i++) {
        HuffmanNode huffmanNode = nodes.poll();
        childrenProbability += huffmanNode.getProbability();
        if ((i == nodesPerParent - 1) && huffmanNode.hasClearFocusNode()) {
            clearFocusNodePresence = true;
    if (!clearFocusNodePresence) {
        addClearFocusNodeToBranch(children, clearFocusNode);
    List<OptionScanNode> otherChildren = children.subList(2, children.size());
    OptionScanNode parent = new OptionScanSelectionNode(children.get(0), children.get(1),
            otherChildren.toArray(new OptionScanNode[otherChildren.size()]));
    HuffmanNode parentHuffmanNode = new HuffmanNode(parent, childrenProbability);
    return parentHuffmanNode;

From source file:org.apache.mahout.classifier.bayes.algorithm.BayesAlgorithm.java

public ClassifierResult[] classifyDocument(String[] document, Datastore datastore, String defaultCategory,
        int numResults) throws InvalidDatastoreException {
    Collection<String> categories = datastore.getKeys("labelWeight");
    PriorityQueue<ClassifierResult> pq = new PriorityQueue<ClassifierResult>(numResults,
            new ByScoreLabelResultComparator());
    for (String category : categories) {
        double prob = documentWeight(datastore, category, document);
        if (prob > 0.0) {
            pq.add(new ClassifierResult(category, prob));
            if (pq.size() > numResults) {
                pq.remove();//  ww  w .ja  v  a  2s. c om

    if (pq.isEmpty()) {
        return new ClassifierResult[] { new ClassifierResult(defaultCategory, 0.0) };
    } else {
        List<ClassifierResult> result = new ArrayList<ClassifierResult>(pq.size());
        while (pq.isEmpty() == false) {
        return result.toArray(new ClassifierResult[pq.size()]);

From source file:android.support.v7.graphics.ColorCutQuantizer.java

 * Iterate through the {@link java.util.Queue}, popping
 * {@link ColorCutQuantizer.Vbox} objects from the queue
 * and splitting them. Once split, the new box and the remaining box are offered back to the
 * queue.//from www.  j  a va  2s. c  o m
 * @param queue {@link java.util.PriorityQueue} to poll for boxes
 * @param maxSize Maximum amount of boxes to split
private void splitBoxes(final PriorityQueue<Vbox> queue, final int maxSize) {
    while (queue.size() < maxSize) {
        final Vbox vbox = queue.poll();

        if (vbox != null && vbox.canSplit()) {
            // First split the box, and offer the result

            if (LOG_TIMINGS) {
                mTimingLogger.addSplit("Box split");
            // Then offer the box back
        } else {
            if (LOG_TIMINGS) {
                mTimingLogger.addSplit("All boxes split");
            // If we get here then there are no more boxes to split, so return

From source file:MSUmpire.PSMDataStructure.ProtID.java

public float GetAbundanceByTopPepFrag(int toppep, int topfrag, float pepweight) {
    if (PeptideID.isEmpty()) {
        return 0;
    }/*from w w  w . ja  v a  2 s.  c o m*/
    PriorityQueue<Float> TopQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(PeptideID.size(), Collections.reverseOrder());
    for (PepIonID peptide : PeptideID.values()) {
        if (peptide.FilteringWeight > pepweight) {
    float totalabundance = 0f;
    int num = Math.min(toppep, TopQueue.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        totalabundance += TopQueue.poll();
    return totalabundance / num;

From source file:MSUmpire.PSMDataStructure.ProtID.java

public float GetAbundanceByMS1_TopN(int topN, float pepweight) {
    if (PeptideID.isEmpty()) {
        return 0;
    }//ww  w  .  ja  v  a  2 s  .  com
    PriorityQueue<Float> TopQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(PeptideID.size(), Collections.reverseOrder());
    for (PepIonID peptide : PeptideID.values()) {
        if (peptide.PeakHeight != null && peptide.FilteringWeight > pepweight) {

    float totalabundance = 0f;
    int num = Math.min(topN, TopQueue.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        totalabundance += TopQueue.poll();
    return totalabundance / num;

From source file:com.net2plan.gui.utils.onlineSimulationPane.OnlineSimulationPane.java

 * Shows the future event list./*w w  w . j  a  v a 2 s . c om*/
 * @since 0.3.0
public void viewFutureEventList() {
    final JDialog dialog = new JDialog();
    dialog.setTitle("Future event list");
    dialog.setSize(new Dimension(500, 300));
    dialog.setLayout(new MigLayout("fill, insets 0 0 0 0"));

    final String[] tableHeader = StringUtils.arrayOf("Id", "Time", "Priority", "Type", "To module",
            "Custom object");
    Object[][] data = new Object[1][tableHeader.length];

    DefaultTableModel model = new ClassAwareTableModel();
    model.setDataVector(new Object[1][tableHeader.length], tableHeader);

    JTable table = new AdvancedJTable(model);
    RowSorter<TableModel> sorter = new TableRowSorter<TableModel>(model);
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
    dialog.add(scrollPane, "grow");

    PriorityQueue<SimEvent> futureEventList = simKernel.getSimCore().getFutureEventList().getPendingEvents();
    if (!futureEventList.isEmpty()) {
        int numEvents = futureEventList.size();
        SimEvent[] futureEventList_array = futureEventList.toArray(new SimEvent[numEvents]);
        Arrays.sort(futureEventList_array, futureEventList.comparator());
        data = new Object[numEvents][tableHeader.length];

        for (int eventId = 0; eventId < numEvents; eventId++) {
            //            List<SimAction> actions = futureEventList_array[eventId].getEventActionList();
            Object customObject = futureEventList_array[eventId].getEventObject();
            data[eventId][0] = eventId;
            data[eventId][1] = StringUtils
            data[eventId][2] = futureEventList_array[eventId].getEventPriority();
            data[eventId][3] = futureEventList_array[eventId].getEventType();
            data[eventId][4] = futureEventList_array[eventId].getEventDestinationModule().toString();
            data[eventId][5] = customObject == null ? "none" : customObject;

    model.setDataVector(data, tableHeader);
    table.getTableHeader().addMouseListener(new ColumnFitAdapter());
    table.setDefaultRenderer(Double.class, new CellRenderers.NumberCellRenderer());


From source file:io.anserini.rerank.lib.AxiomReranker.java

 * Calculate the scores (weights) of each term that occured in the reranking pool.
 * The Process:/*  w  ww .ja  v a2  s  .c  o m*/
 * 1. For each query term, calculate its score for each term in the reranking pool. the score
 * is calcuated as
 * <pre>
 * P(both occurs)*log{P(both occurs)/P(t1 occurs)/P(t2 occurs)}
 * + P(both not occurs)*log{P(both not occurs)/P(t1 not occurs)/P(t2 not occurs)}
 * + P(t1 occurs t2 not occurs)*log{P(t1 occurs t2 not occurs)/P(t1 occurs)/P(t2 not occurs)}
 * + P(t1 not occurs t2 occurs)*log{P(t1 not occurs t2 occurs)/P(t1 not occurs)/P(t2 occurs)}
 * </pre>
 * 2. For each query term the scores of every other term in the reranking pool are stored in a
 * PriorityQueue, only the top {@code K} are kept.
 * 3. Add the scores of the same term together and pick the top {@code M} ones.
 * @param termInvertedList A Map of <term -> Set<docId>> where the Set of docIds is where the term occurs
 * @param context An instance of RerankerContext
 * @return Map<String, Double> Top terms and their weight scores in a HashMap
private Map<String, Double> computeTermScore(Map<String, Set<Integer>> termInvertedList,
        RerankerContext<T> context) throws IOException {
    class ScoreComparator implements Comparator<Pair<String, Double>> {
        public int compare(Pair<String, Double> a, Pair<String, Double> b) {
            int cmp = Double.compare(b.getRight(), a.getRight());
            if (cmp == 0) {
                return a.getLeft().compareToIgnoreCase(b.getLeft());
            } else {
                return cmp;

    // get collection statistics so that we can get idf later on.
    IndexReader reader;
    if (this.externalIndexPath != null) {
        Path indexPath = Paths.get(this.externalIndexPath);
        if (!Files.exists(indexPath) || !Files.isDirectory(indexPath) || !Files.isReadable(indexPath)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    this.externalIndexPath + " does not exist or is not a directory.");
        reader = DirectoryReader.open(FSDirectory.open(indexPath));
    } else {
        IndexSearcher searcher = context.getIndexSearcher();
        reader = searcher.getIndexReader();
    final long docCount = reader.numDocs() == -1 ? reader.maxDoc() : reader.numDocs();

    //calculate the Mutual Information between term with each query term
    List<String> queryTerms = context.getQueryTokens();
    Map<String, Integer> queryTermsCounts = new HashMap<>();
    for (String qt : queryTerms) {
        queryTermsCounts.put(qt, queryTermsCounts.getOrDefault(qt, 0) + 1);

    Set<Integer> allDocIds = new HashSet<>();
    for (Set<Integer> s : termInvertedList.values()) {
    int docIdsCount = allDocIds.size();

    // Each priority queue corresponds to a query term: The p-queue itself stores all terms
    // in the reranking pool and their reranking scores to the query term.
    List<PriorityQueue<Pair<String, Double>>> allTermScoresPQ = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> q : queryTermsCounts.entrySet()) {
        String queryTerm = q.getKey();
        long df = reader.docFreq(new Term(LuceneDocumentGenerator.FIELD_BODY, queryTerm));
        if (df == 0L) {
        float idf = (float) Math.log((1 + docCount) / df);
        int qtf = q.getValue();
        if (termInvertedList.containsKey(queryTerm)) {
            PriorityQueue<Pair<String, Double>> termScorePQ = new PriorityQueue<>(new ScoreComparator());
            double selfMI = computeMutualInformation(termInvertedList.get(queryTerm),
                    termInvertedList.get(queryTerm), docIdsCount);
            for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Integer>> termEntry : termInvertedList.entrySet()) {
                double score;
                if (termEntry.getKey().equals(queryTerm)) { // The mutual information to itself will always be 1
                    score = idf * qtf;
                } else {
                    double crossMI = computeMutualInformation(termInvertedList.get(queryTerm),
                            termEntry.getValue(), docIdsCount);
                    score = idf * beta * qtf * crossMI / selfMI;
                termScorePQ.add(Pair.of(termEntry.getKey(), score));

    Map<String, Double> aggTermScores = new HashMap<>();
    for (PriorityQueue<Pair<String, Double>> termScores : allTermScoresPQ) {
        for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(termScores.size(), this.K); i++) {
            Pair<String, Double> termScore = termScores.poll();
            String term = termScore.getLeft();
            Double score = termScore.getRight();
            if (score - 0.0 > 1e-8) {
                aggTermScores.put(term, aggTermScores.getOrDefault(term, 0.0) + score);
    PriorityQueue<Pair<String, Double>> termScoresPQ = new PriorityQueue<>(new ScoreComparator());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Double> termScore : aggTermScores.entrySet()) {
        termScoresPQ.add(Pair.of(termScore.getKey(), termScore.getValue() / queryTerms.size()));
    Map<String, Double> resultTermScores = new HashMap<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(termScoresPQ.size(), this.M); i++) {
        Pair<String, Double> termScore = termScoresPQ.poll();
        String term = termScore.getKey();
        double score = termScore.getValue();
        resultTermScores.put(term, score);

    return resultTermScores;

From source file:com.joliciel.jochre.analyser.BeamSearchImageAnalyser.java

public void analyseInternal(JochreImage image) {
    LOG.debug("Analysing image " + image.getId());
    if (currentMonitor != null) {
                new Object[] { image.getPage().getIndex() });
    }/*  www. j av  a2  s.c om*/
    for (LetterGuessObserver observer : observers) {
    if (totalShapeCount < 0)
        totalShapeCount = image.getShapeCount();

    for (Paragraph paragraph : image.getParagraphs()) {
        LOG.debug("Analysing paragraph " + paragraph.getIndex() + " (id=" + paragraph.getId() + ")");
        List<LetterSequence> holdoverSequences = null;
        for (RowOfShapes row : paragraph.getRows()) {
            LOG.debug("Analysing row " + row.getIndex() + " (id=" + row.getId() + ")");
            for (GroupOfShapes group : row.getGroups()) {
                if (group.isSkip()) {
                    LOG.debug("Skipping group " + group.getIndex() + " (id=" + group.getId() + ")");
                LOG.debug("Analysing group " + group.getIndex() + " (id=" + group.getId() + ")");

                int width = group.getRight() - group.getLeft() + 1;

                List<ShapeSequence> shapeSequences = null;
                if (boundaryDetector != null) {
                    shapeSequences = boundaryDetector.findBoundaries(group);
                } else {
                    // simply add this groups shape's
                    shapeSequences = new ArrayList<ShapeSequence>();
                    ShapeSequence shapeSequence = boundaryService.getEmptyShapeSequence();
                    for (Shape shape : group.getShapes())

                // Perform a beam search to guess the most likely sequence for this word
                TreeMap<Integer, PriorityQueue<LetterSequence>> heaps = new TreeMap<Integer, PriorityQueue<LetterSequence>>();

                // prime a starter heap with the n best shape boundary analyses for this group
                PriorityQueue<LetterSequence> starterHeap = new PriorityQueue<LetterSequence>(1);
                for (ShapeSequence shapeSequence : shapeSequences) {
                    LetterSequence emptySequence = this.getLetterGuesserService()
                heaps.put(0, starterHeap);

                PriorityQueue<LetterSequence> finalHeap = null;
                while (heaps.size() > 0) {
                    Entry<Integer, PriorityQueue<LetterSequence>> heapEntry = heaps.pollFirstEntry();
                    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
                        LOG.trace("heap for index: " + heapEntry.getKey().intValue() + ", width: " + width);
                    if (heapEntry.getKey().intValue() == width) {
                        finalHeap = heapEntry.getValue();

                    PriorityQueue<LetterSequence> previousHeap = heapEntry.getValue();

                    // limit the breadth to K
                    int maxSequences = previousHeap.size() > this.beamWidth ? this.beamWidth
                            : previousHeap.size();

                    for (int j = 0; j < maxSequences; j++) {
                        LetterSequence history = previousHeap.poll();
                        ShapeInSequence shapeInSequence = history.getNextShape();
                        Shape shape = shapeInSequence.getShape();
                        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                            LOG.trace("Sequence " + history + ", shape: " + shape);
                        int position = 0;
                        if (Linguistics.getInstance(image.getPage().getDocument().getLocale())
                                .isLeftToRight()) {
                            position = shape.getRight() - group.getLeft() + 1;
                        } else {
                            position = group.getRight() - shape.getLeft() + 1;
                        PriorityQueue<LetterSequence> heap = heaps.get(position);
                        if (heap == null) {
                            heap = new PriorityQueue<LetterSequence>();
                            heaps.put(position, heap);

                        MONITOR.startTask("guess letter");
                        try {
                            letterGuesser.guessLetter(shapeInSequence, history);
                        } finally {

                        MONITOR.startTask("heap sort");
                        try {
                            for (Decision<Letter> letterGuess : shape.getLetterGuesses()) {
                                // leave out very low probability outcomes
                                if (letterGuess.getProbability() > this.minOutcomeWeight) {
                                    LetterSequence sequence = this.getLetterGuesserService()
                                } // weight big enough to include
                            } // next letter guess for this shape
                        } finally {
                    } // next history in heap
                } // any more heaps?

                LetterSequence bestSequence = null;
                boolean shouldCombineWithHoldover = false;
                boolean isHoldover = false;
                MONITOR.startTask("best sequence");
                try {
                    List<LetterSequence> finalSequences = new ArrayList<LetterSequence>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.beamWidth; i++) {
                        if (finalHeap.isEmpty())

                    if (this.getMostLikelyWordChooser() == null) {
                        // most likely sequence is on top of the last heap
                        bestSequence = finalSequences.get(0);
                    } else {
                        // get most likely sequence using lexicon
                        if (holdoverSequences != null) {
                            // we have a holdover from the previous row ending with a dash
                            bestSequence = this.getMostLikelyWordChooser().chooseMostLikelyWord(finalSequences,
                                    holdoverSequences, this.beamWidth);
                            shouldCombineWithHoldover = true;
                        } else {
                            // check if this is the last group on the row and could end with a dash
                            boolean shouldBeHeldOver = false;
                            if (group.getIndex() == row.getGroups().size() - 1
                                    && row.getIndex() < paragraph.getRows().size() - 1) {
                                for (LetterSequence letterSequence : finalSequences) {
                                    if (letterSequence.toString().endsWith("-")) {
                                        shouldBeHeldOver = true;
                            if (shouldBeHeldOver) {
                                holdoverSequences = finalSequences;
                                isHoldover = true;
                            } else {
                                // simplest case: no holdover
                                bestSequence = this.getMostLikelyWordChooser()
                                        .chooseMostLikelyWord(finalSequences, this.beamWidth);
                        } // have we holdover sequences?
                    } // have we a most likely word chooser?

                    if (!isHoldover) {
                        for (LetterGuessObserver observer : observers) {
                            observer.onBeamSearchEnd(bestSequence, finalSequences, holdoverSequences);
                } finally {

                MONITOR.startTask("assign letter");
                try {
                    if (shouldCombineWithHoldover) {
                        holdoverSequences = null;
                    if (!isHoldover) {
                        for (LetterGuessObserver observer : observers) {


                        int i = 0;
                        for (ShapeInSequence shapeInSequence : bestSequence.getUnderlyingShapeSequence()) {
                            String bestOutcome = bestSequence.get(i).getString();
                            this.assignLetter(shapeInSequence, bestOutcome);
                        } // next shape

                        for (LetterGuessObserver observer : observers) {

                    this.shapeCount += group.getShapes().size();
                    if (this.currentMonitor != null) {
                        double progress = (double) shapeCount / (double) totalShapeCount;
                        LOG.debug("progress: " + progress);
                } finally {
            } // next group
        } // next row
    } // next paragraph

    for (LetterGuessObserver observer : observers) {

From source file:com.android.switchaccess.HuffmanTreeBuilder.java

 * Builds a Huffman tree with all the clickable nodes in the tree anchored at
 * {@code windowRoot}. The context provides information about actions the user has taken so far
 * and allows the probabilities for the views in a window to be adjusted based on that.
 * @param windowRoot The root of the tree of SwitchAccessNodeCompat
 * @param treeToBuildOn A tree of OptionScanNodes that should be included as part of the
 *        Huffman tree.//from  w w w .  j a v  a  2 s.  c  o  m
 * @param context The actions the user has taken so far. In case of an IME, this would be what
 *        the user has typed so far.
 * @return A Huffman tree of OptionScanNodes including the tree {@code treeToBuildOn} and all
 *        clickable nodes from the {@code windowRoot} tree. If there are no clickable nodes in
 *        {@code windowRoot and the treeToBuildOn is {@code null}, a {@code ClearFocusNode} is
 *        returned.
/* TODO(rmorina) It will probably not be possible to capture context using a string only.
 * Once we understand how to capture context better we need to change this. */
public OptionScanNode buildTreeFromNodeTree(SwitchAccessNodeCompat windowRoot, OptionScanNode treeToBuildOn,
        String context) {
    PriorityQueue<HuffmanNode> optionScanNodeProbabilities = getOptionScanNodeProbabilities(context,
    ClearFocusNode clearFocusNode = new ClearFocusNode();
    if (treeToBuildOn != null) {
        optionScanNodeProbabilities.add(new HuffmanNode(treeToBuildOn, DEFAULT_PROBABILITY));
    } else if (optionScanNodeProbabilities.isEmpty()) {
        return clearFocusNode;
            getNodesPerParent(optionScanNodeProbabilities.size()), clearFocusNode));
    while (optionScanNodeProbabilities.size() > 1) {
        optionScanNodeProbabilities.add(createParentNode(optionScanNodeProbabilities, mDegree, clearFocusNode));
    return optionScanNodeProbabilities.peek().getOptionScanNode();