List of usage examples for java.util Locale getCountry
public String getCountry()
From source
public void updateList() { // Time today = new Time(Time.getCurrentTimezone()); // today.setToNow(); // today.format(" %H:%M:%S") Date dt = new Date(); m_titleTime.setText(m_timeFormat.format(dt)); boolean expandAll = m_list.isEmpty(); m_list.clear();// w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m // Swap colors int color = m_rowColor1; m_rowColor1 = m_rowColor2; m_rowColor2 = color; ActivityManager actMgr = (ActivityManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); try { String androidIDStr = Settings.Secure.getString(getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); addBuild("Android ID", androidIDStr); try { AdvertisingIdClient.Info adInfo = AdvertisingIdClient.getAdvertisingIdInfo(getContext()); final String adIdStr = adInfo.getId(); final boolean isLAT = adInfo.isLimitAdTrackingEnabled(); addBuild("Ad ID", adIdStr); } catch (IOException e) { // Unrecoverable error connecting to Google Play services (e.g., // the old version of the service doesn't support getting AdvertisingId). } catch (GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException e) { // Google Play services is not available entirely. } /* try { InstanceID instanceID = InstanceID.getInstance(getContext()); if (instanceID != null) { // Requires a Google Developer project ID. String authorizedEntity = "<need to make this on google developer site>"; instanceID.getToken(authorizedEntity, GoogleCloudMessaging.INSTANCE_ID_SCOPE, null); addBuild("Instance ID", instanceID.getId()); } } catch (Exception ex) { } */ ConfigurationInfo info = actMgr.getDeviceConfigurationInfo(); addBuild("OpenGL", info.getGlEsVersion()); } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.e(ex.getMessage()); } try { long heapSize = Debug.getNativeHeapSize(); // long maxHeap = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(); // ConfigurationInfo cfgInfo = actMgr.getDeviceConfigurationInfo(); int largHeapMb = actMgr.getLargeMemoryClass(); int heapMb = actMgr.getMemoryClass(); MemoryInfo memInfo = new MemoryInfo(); actMgr.getMemoryInfo(memInfo); final String sFmtMB = "%.2f MB"; Map<String, String> listStr = new TreeMap<String, String>(); listStr.put("Mem Available (now)", String.format(sFmtMB, (double) memInfo.availMem / MB)); listStr.put("Mem LowWhenOnlyAvail", String.format(sFmtMB, (double) memInfo.threshold / MB)); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) { listStr.put("Mem Installed", String.format(sFmtMB, (double) memInfo.totalMem / MB)); } listStr.put("Heap (this app)", String.format(sFmtMB, (double) heapSize / MB)); listStr.put("HeapMax (default)", String.format(sFmtMB, (double) heapMb)); listStr.put("HeapMax (large)", String.format(sFmtMB, (double) largHeapMb)); addBuild("Memory...", listStr); } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.e(ex.getMessage()); } try { List<ProcessErrorStateInfo> procErrList = actMgr.getProcessesInErrorState(); int errCnt = (procErrList == null ? 0 : procErrList.size()); procErrList = null; // List<RunningAppProcessInfo> procList = actMgr.getRunningAppProcesses(); int procCnt = actMgr.getRunningAppProcesses().size(); int srvCnt = actMgr.getRunningServices(100).size(); Map<String, String> listStr = new TreeMap<String, String>(); listStr.put("#Processes", String.valueOf(procCnt)); listStr.put("#Proc With Err", String.valueOf(errCnt)); listStr.put("#Services", String.valueOf(srvCnt)); // Requires special permission // int taskCnt = actMgr.getRunningTasks(100).size(); // listStr.put("#Tasks", String.valueOf(taskCnt)); addBuild("Processes...", listStr); } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.e("System-Processes %s", ex.getMessage()); } try { Map<String, String> listStr = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); listStr.put("LargeIconDensity", String.valueOf(actMgr.getLauncherLargeIconDensity())); listStr.put("LargeIconSize", String.valueOf(actMgr.getLauncherLargeIconSize())); putIf(listStr, "isRunningInTestHarness", "Yes", ActivityManager.isRunningInTestHarness()); putIf(listStr, "isUserAMonkey", "Yes", ActivityManager.isUserAMonkey()); addBuild("Misc...", listStr); } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.e("System-Misc %s", ex.getMessage()); } // --------------- Locale / Timezone ------------- try { Locale ourLocale = Locale.getDefault(); Date m_date = new Date(); TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault(); Map<String, String> localeListStr = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); localeListStr.put("Locale Name", ourLocale.getDisplayName()); localeListStr.put(" Variant", ourLocale.getVariant()); localeListStr.put(" Country", ourLocale.getCountry()); localeListStr.put(" Country ISO", ourLocale.getISO3Country()); localeListStr.put(" Language", ourLocale.getLanguage()); localeListStr.put(" Language ISO", ourLocale.getISO3Language()); localeListStr.put(" Language Dsp", ourLocale.getDisplayLanguage()); localeListStr.put("TimeZoneID", tz.getID()); localeListStr.put(" DayLightSavings", tz.useDaylightTime() ? "Yes" : "No"); localeListStr.put(" In DLS", tz.inDaylightTime(m_date) ? "Yes" : "No"); localeListStr.put(" Short Name", tz.getDisplayName(false, TimeZone.SHORT, ourLocale)); localeListStr.put(" Long Name", tz.getDisplayName(false, TimeZone.LONG, ourLocale)); addBuild("Locale TZ...", localeListStr); } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.e("Locale/TZ %s", ex.getMessage()); } // --------------- Location Services ------------- try { Map<String, String> listStr = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); final LocationManager locMgr = (LocationManager) getActivity() .getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); GpsStatus gpsStatus = locMgr.getGpsStatus(null); if (gpsStatus != null) { listStr.put("Sec ToGetGPS", String.valueOf(gpsStatus.getTimeToFirstFix())); Iterable<GpsSatellite> satellites = gpsStatus.getSatellites(); Iterator<GpsSatellite> sat = satellites.iterator(); while (sat.hasNext()) { GpsSatellite satellite =; putIf(listStr, String.format("Azm:%.0f, Elev:%.0f", satellite.getAzimuth(), satellite.getElevation()), String.format("%.2f Snr", satellite.getSnr()), satellite.usedInFix()); } } Location location = null; if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(getContext(), Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED || ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(getContext(), Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { location = locMgr.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER); if (null == location) location = locMgr.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER); if (null == location) location = locMgr.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.PASSIVE_PROVIDER); } if (null != location) { listStr.put(location.getProvider() + " lat,lng", String.format("%.3f, %.3f", location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude())); } if (listStr.size() != 0) { List<String> gpsProviders = locMgr.getAllProviders(); int idx = 1; for (String providerName : gpsProviders) { LocationProvider provider = locMgr.getProvider(providerName); if (null != provider) { listStr.put(providerName, (locMgr.isProviderEnabled(providerName) ? "On " : "Off ") + String.format("Accuracy:%d Pwr:%d", provider.getAccuracy(), provider.getPowerRequirement())); } } addBuild("GPS...", listStr); } else addBuild("GPS", "Off"); } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.e(ex.getMessage()); } // --------------- Application Info ------------- ApplicationInfo appInfo = getActivity().getApplicationInfo(); if (null != appInfo) { Map<String, String> appList = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); try { appList.put("ProcName", appInfo.processName); appList.put("PkgName", appInfo.packageName); appList.put("DataDir", appInfo.dataDir); appList.put("SrcDir", appInfo.sourceDir); // appList.put("PkgResDir", getActivity().getPackageResourcePath()); // appList.put("PkgCodeDir", getActivity().getPackageCodePath()); String[] dbList = getActivity().databaseList(); if (dbList != null && dbList.length != 0) appList.put("DataBase", dbList[0]); // getActivity().getComponentName(). } catch (Exception ex) { } addBuild("AppInfo...", appList); } // --------------- Account Services ------------- final AccountManager accMgr = (AccountManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.ACCOUNT_SERVICE); if (null != accMgr) { Map<String, String> strList = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); try { for (Account account : accMgr.getAccounts()) { strList.put(, account.type); } } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.e(ex.getMessage()); } addBuild("Accounts...", strList); } // --------------- Package Features ------------- PackageManager pm = getActivity().getPackageManager(); FeatureInfo[] features = pm.getSystemAvailableFeatures(); if (features != null) { Map<String, String> strList = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (FeatureInfo featureInfo : features) { strList.put(, ""); } addBuild("Features...", strList); } // --------------- Sensor Services ------------- final SensorManager senMgr = (SensorManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE); if (null != senMgr) { Map<String, String> strList = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); // Sensor accelerometer = senMgr.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER); // senMgr.registerListener(foo, accelerometer, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL); List<Sensor> listSensor = senMgr.getSensorList(Sensor.TYPE_ALL); try { for (Sensor sensor : listSensor) { strList.put(sensor.getName(), sensor.getVendor()); } } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.e(ex.getMessage()); } addBuild("Sensors...", strList); } try { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) { final UserManager userMgr = (UserManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE); if (null != userMgr) { try { addBuild("UserName", userMgr.getUserName()); } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.e(ex.getMessage()); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } try { Map<String, String> strList = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); int screenTimeout = Settings.System.getInt(getActivity().getContentResolver(), Settings.System.SCREEN_OFF_TIMEOUT); strList.put("ScreenTimeOut", String.valueOf(screenTimeout / 1000)); int rotate = Settings.System.getInt(getActivity().getContentResolver(), Settings.System.ACCELEROMETER_ROTATION); strList.put("RotateEnabled", String.valueOf(rotate)); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) { // Global added in API 17 int adb = Settings.Global.getInt(getActivity().getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.ADB_ENABLED); strList.put("AdbEnabled", String.valueOf(adb)); } addBuild("Settings...", strList); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (expandAll) { // updateList(); int count = m_list.size(); for (int position = 0; position < count; position++) m_listView.expandGroup(position); } m_adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); }
From source
public boolean isSupportsLocalePair(MachineTranslationProfile mt, Locale sourcelocale, Locale targetlocale) { boolean isSupportLocalePair = false; MachineTranslationExtentInfo result = null; EngineEnum ee = EngineEnum.getEngine(mt.getMtEngine()); String lp = ""; switch (ee) { case ProMT:// ww w.j a va 2 s . co m lp = getLanguagePairNameForProMt(sourcelocale, targetlocale); break; case IPTranslator: return IPTranslatorUtil.supportsLocalePair(sourcelocale, targetlocale); case Asia_Online: lp = getLanguagePairNameForAo(sourcelocale, targetlocale); // Currently AO supports zh-CN, not support zh-HK and zh-TW. if (sourcelocale.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("ZH") && !sourcelocale.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase("CN")) { return false; } if (targetlocale.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase("ZH") && !targetlocale.getCountry().equalsIgnoreCase("CN")) { return false; } break; } try { Set lp2DomainCombinations = mt.getExInfo(); if (lp2DomainCombinations != null && lp2DomainCombinations.size() > 0) { Iterator lp2DCIt = lp2DomainCombinations.iterator(); while (lp2DCIt.hasNext()) { MachineTranslationExtentInfo aoLP2DC = (MachineTranslationExtentInfo); String lpName = aoLP2DC.getLanguagePairName(); if (lpName != null && lpName.equalsIgnoreCase(lp)) { result = aoLP2DC; break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { } isSupportLocalePair = result == null ? false : true; return isSupportLocalePair; }
From source
@Override public Facet getFacet(Site site, Locale locale, String fieldFacet, int facetLimit, int depthLimit, String separator, FilterQuery... filterQueries) throws SearchServerException { try {/* w w w . j ava2 s .c o m*/ SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery(); query.setRows(0); query.setQuery("*:*"); query.addFacetField(fieldFacet); query.setFacetLimit(facetLimit); query.setFacetMinCount(1); query.addFilterQuery("country:" + locale.getCountry()); RepositoryItem catalog = (RepositoryItem) site.getPropertyValue("defaultCatalog"); String catalogId = catalog.getRepositoryId(); query.setFacetPrefix(CATEGORY_PATH, catalogId + "."); query.addFilterQuery(CATEGORY_PATH + ":" + catalogId); if (filterQueries != null) { for (FilterQuery filterQuery : filterQueries) { query.addFilterQuery(filterQuery.toString()); } } QueryResponse queryResponse = getCatalogSolrServer(locale).query(query); Facet facet = null; if (queryResponse != null && queryResponse.getFacetFields() != null) { FacetField facetField = queryResponse.getFacetField(fieldFacet); if (facetField != null) { List<Count> values = facetField.getValues(); if (values != null && !values.isEmpty()) { facet = new Facet(); facet.setName(StringUtils.capitalize(fieldFacet)); List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Facet.Filter>(); boolean filterByDepth = depthLimit > 0 && StringUtils.isNotBlank(separator); for (Count count : values) { if (filterByDepth && StringUtils.countMatches(count.getName(), separator) > depthLimit) { continue; } Filter filter = new Filter(); filter.setName(count.getName()); filter.setCount(count.getCount()); filter.setFilterQuery(count.getAsFilterQuery()); filter.setFilterQueries(count.getAsFilterQuery()); filters.add(filter); } facet.setFilters(filters); } } } return facet; } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw create(SEARCH_EXCEPTION, ex); } catch (SolrException ex) { throw create(SEARCH_EXCEPTION, ex); } }
From source
private UserEvent requestAuthenticate(HttpServletRequest oRequest, HttpServletResponse oResponse, ISession oSession, ASelectIDP oASelectOrganization, Collection cForcedOrganizations) throws OAException, IOException { UserEvent oUserEvent = UserEvent.AUTHN_METHOD_FAILED; Hashtable<String, String> htRequest = new Hashtable<String, String>(); try {/*from www . j av a 2 s .c o m*/ String sUID = null; IUser oUser = oSession.getUser(); if (oUser != null) sUID = oUser.getID(); else sUID = oSession.getForcedUserID(); if (sUID != null) { if (_idMapper != null) { sUID =; if (sUID == null) { UserEventLogItem(oSession, oRequest.getRemoteAddr(), UserEvent.AUTHN_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED, this, "No user mapping")); return UserEvent.AUTHN_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } htRequest.put(PARAM_UID, sUID); } htRequest.put(PARAM_FORCED, String.valueOf(oSession.isForcedAuthentication())); StringBuffer sbMyURL = new StringBuffer(); sbMyURL.append(oRequest.getRequestURL().toString()); sbMyURL.append("?").append(ISession.ID_NAME); sbMyURL.append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(oSession.getId(), CHARSET)); htRequest.put(PARAM_LOCAL_AS_URL, sbMyURL.toString()); htRequest.put(PARAM_LOCAL_ORG, _sMyOrganization); htRequest.put(PARAM_ASELECTSERVER, oASelectOrganization.getServerID()); ISessionAttributes oAttributes = oSession.getAttributes(); String sRequiredLevel = null; if (oAttributes.contains(ProxyAttributes.class, SESSION_PROXY_REQUIRED_LEVEL)) sRequiredLevel = (String) oAttributes.get(ProxyAttributes.class, SESSION_PROXY_REQUIRED_LEVEL); else sRequiredLevel = String.valueOf(oASelectOrganization.getLevel()); htRequest.put(PARAM_REQUIRED_LEVEL, sRequiredLevel); String sCountry = null; String sLanguage = null; Locale oLocale = oSession.getLocale(); if (oLocale != null) { sCountry = oLocale.getCountry(); sLanguage = oLocale.getLanguage(); } if (sCountry == null && oASelectOrganization.getCountry() != null) sCountry = oASelectOrganization.getCountry(); if (sCountry != null) htRequest.put(PARAM_COUNTRY, sCountry); if (sLanguage == null && oASelectOrganization.getLanguage() != null) sLanguage = oASelectOrganization.getLanguage(); if (sLanguage != null) htRequest.put(PARAM_LANGUAGE, sLanguage); if (cForcedOrganizations != null) {//DD Only send the optional remote_organization parameter if it the value is not the target organization ID Iterator iter = cForcedOrganizations.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String sRemoteOrg = (String); if (!sRemoteOrg.equals(oASelectOrganization.getID())) { htRequest.put(PARAM_REMOTE_ORGANIZATION, sRemoteOrg); break; } } } if (oASelectOrganization.isArpTargetEnabled()) { String sArpTarget = resolveArpTarget(oAttributes, oSession.getRequestorId()); if (sArpTarget != null) htRequest.put(PARAM_ARP_TARGET, sArpTarget); } if (oASelectOrganization.doSigning()) { String sSignature = createSignature(htRequest); htRequest.put(PARAM_SIGNATURE, sSignature); } htRequest.put(PARAM_REQUEST, AUTHENTICATE); Hashtable<String, String> htResponse = null; try { htResponse = sendRequest(oASelectOrganization.getURL(), htRequest); } catch (IOException e) { _logger.debug("Could not send authenticate request to: " + oASelectOrganization.getURL(), e); throw e; } String sResultCode = htResponse.get(PARAM_RESULTCODE); if (sResultCode == null) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Required parameter ("); sbError.append(PARAM_RESULTCODE); sbError.append(") not found in request=authenticate response ("); sbError.append(htResponse); sbError.append(") from A-Select Organization: "); sbError.append(oASelectOrganization.getServerID()); _logger.warn(sbError.toString()); UserEventLogItem(oSession, oRequest.getRemoteAddr(), UserEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR, this, "Invalid authenticate response")); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } if (!ERROR_ASELECT_SUCCESS.equals(sResultCode)) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Response parameter ("); sbError.append(PARAM_RESULTCODE); sbError.append(") from A-Select Organization '"); sbError.append(oASelectOrganization.getServerID()); sbError.append("' contains error code: "); sbError.append(sResultCode); _logger.warn(sbError.toString()); UserEventLogItem(oSession, oRequest.getRemoteAddr(), UserEvent.AUTHN_METHOD_FAILED, this, sResultCode)); return UserEvent.AUTHN_METHOD_FAILED; } String sRemoteRid = htResponse.get(PARAM_RID); if (sRemoteRid == null) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Required parameter ("); sbError.append(PARAM_RID); sbError.append(") not found in request=authenticate response ("); sbError.append(htResponse); sbError.append(") from A-Select Organization: "); sbError.append(oASelectOrganization.getServerID()); _logger.warn(sbError.toString()); UserEventLogItem(oSession, oRequest.getRemoteAddr(), UserEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR, this, "Invalid authenticate response")); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } String sRemoteLoginUrl = htResponse.get(PARAM_AS_URL); if (sRemoteLoginUrl == null) { StringBuffer sbError = new StringBuffer("Required parameter ("); sbError.append(PARAM_AS_URL); sbError.append(") not found in request=authenticate response ("); sbError.append(htResponse); sbError.append(") from A-Select Organization: "); sbError.append(oASelectOrganization.getServerID()); _logger.warn(sbError.toString()); UserEventLogItem(oSession, oRequest.getRemoteAddr(), UserEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR, this, "Invalid authenticate response")); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } StringBuffer sbRedirect = new StringBuffer(sRemoteLoginUrl); sbRedirect.append("&").append(PARAM_RID); sbRedirect.append("=").append(sRemoteRid); sbRedirect.append("&").append(PARAM_ASELECTSERVER); sbRedirect.append("=").append(oASelectOrganization.getServerID()); UserEventLogItem(oSession, oRequest.getRemoteAddr(), UserEvent.AUTHN_METHOD_IN_PROGRESS, this, "Redirect user with request=login1")); oSession.persist(); oUserEvent = UserEvent.AUTHN_METHOD_IN_PROGRESS; try { oResponse.sendRedirect(sbRedirect.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { _logger.debug("Could not send redirect: " + sbRedirect.toString(), e); throw e; } } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (OAException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { if (oSession != null) UserEventLogItem(oSession, oRequest.getRemoteAddr(), UserEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR, this, null)); else UserEventLogItem(null, null, null, UserEvent.INTERNAL_ERROR, null, oRequest.getRemoteAddr(), null, this, null)); _logger.fatal("Internal error during 'request=authenticate' API call to: " + oASelectOrganization.getServerID(), e); throw new OAException(SystemErrors.ERROR_INTERNAL); } return oUserEvent; }
From source
/** * Adds a locale to the list of available locales.<p> * // w w w . j a v a2 s .c o m * @param localeName the locale to add */ public void addAvailableLocale(String localeName) { Locale locale = getLocale(localeName); // add full variation (language / country / variant) if (!m_availableLocales.contains(locale)) { m_availableLocales.add(locale); if (CmsLog.INIT.isInfoEnabled()) {, locale)); } } // add variation with only language and country locale = new Locale(locale.getLanguage(), locale.getCountry()); if (!m_availableLocales.contains(locale)) { m_availableLocales.add(locale); if (CmsLog.INIT.isInfoEnabled()) {, locale)); } } // add variation with language only locale = new Locale(locale.getLanguage()); if (!m_availableLocales.contains(locale)) { m_availableLocales.add(locale); if (CmsLog.INIT.isInfoEnabled()) {, locale)); } } }
From source
/** * Helper method to create some default headers for the request. *//*from ww w . ja va2s . c o m*/ private void setDefaultHeaders() { headers.clear(); addHeader("Accept", "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml," + "text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5"); addHeader("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"); Locale l = locale; addHeader("Accept-Language", l.getLanguage().toLowerCase() + "-" + l.getCountry().toLowerCase() + "," + l.getLanguage().toLowerCase() + ";q=0.5"); addHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040707 Firefox/0.9.2"); }
From source
/** * <p>A locale based lookup sequence is build using the supplied {@link Locale} and (if it is * different) the default {@link Locale}. * <ol><li>Lookup <{@code}descid><{@code}language_country_variant>.properties</li> * <li>Lookup <{@code}descid><{@code}language_country>.properties</li> * <li>Lookup <{@code}descid><{@code}language>.properties</li> * </ol>//from ww w. ja v a2 s .c o m * The repeat but with the default {@link Locale}. Finally lookup <descid>.properties * </p> * @param path String * @param locale The requested {@link Locale}. * @return LinkedHashSet<String> */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") private LinkedHashSet<String> buildLocalePathList(final String path, final Locale locale) { final LinkedHashSet<String> pathSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); // Add the paths for the current locale... pathSet.add(path + '_' + locale.toString() + DOT_PROPS); if (locale.getCountry().length() != 0) { pathSet.add(path + '_' + locale.getLanguage() + '_' + locale.getCountry() + DOT_PROPS); } pathSet.add(path + '_' + locale.getLanguage() + DOT_PROPS); if (locale.equals(Locale.getDefault())) { // We're already using the default Locale, so don't add it's paths again. } else { // Use the default locale to add some more possible paths... final Locale defLocale = locale.getDefault(); pathSet.add(path + '_' + defLocale.toString() + DOT_PROPS); if (defLocale.getCountry().length() != 0) { pathSet.add(path + '_' + defLocale.getLanguage() + '_' + defLocale.getCountry() + DOT_PROPS); } pathSet.add(path + '_' + defLocale.getLanguage() + DOT_PROPS); } // Finally add a path with no locale information... pathSet.add(path + DOT_PROPS); return pathSet; }
From source
/** * Returns the first matching locale (eventually simplified) from the available locales.<p> * /*from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * In case no match is found, code <code>null</code> is returned.<p> * * @param locales must be an ascending sorted list of locales in order of preference * @param available the available locales to find a match in * * @return the first precise or simplified match, or <code>null</code> in case no match is found */ public Locale getFirstMatchingLocale(List<Locale> locales, List<Locale> available) { Iterator<Locale> i; // first try a precise match i = locales.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Locale locale =; if (available.contains(locale)) { // precise match return locale; } } // now try a match only with language and country i = locales.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Locale locale =; if (locale.getVariant().length() > 0) { // the locale has a variant, try to match without the variant locale = new Locale(locale.getLanguage(), locale.getCountry(), ""); if (available.contains(locale)) { // match return locale; } } } // finally try a match only with language i = locales.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Locale locale =; if (locale.getCountry().length() > 0) { // the locale has a country, try to match without the country locale = new Locale(locale.getLanguage(), "", ""); if (available.contains(locale)) { // match return locale; } } } // no match return null; }