Java tutorial
package org.opencommercesearch; /* * Licensed to OpenCommerceSearch under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. OpenCommerceSearch licenses this * file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import atg.multisite.Site; import atg.multisite.SiteContextManager; import atg.nucleus.GenericService; import atg.repository.Repository; import atg.repository.RepositoryException; import atg.repository.RepositoryItem; import atg.repository.RepositoryView; import atg.repository.rql.RqlStatement; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.DocumentAnalysisRequest; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.FieldAnalysisRequest; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.UpdateRequest; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FacetField; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.FacetField.Count; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.GroupCommand; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.GroupResponse; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.SolrPingResponse; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.SpellCheckResponse; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.UpdateResponse; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.params.GroupCollapseParams; import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; import org.opencommercesearch.client.impl.Facet; import org.opencommercesearch.client.impl.Facet.Filter; import org.opencommercesearch.repository.RedirectRuleProperty; import org.opencommercesearch.repository.SearchRepositoryItemDescriptor; import static org.opencommercesearch.SearchServerException.create; import static org.opencommercesearch.SearchServerException.Code.*; import static org.opencommercesearch.SearchServerException.ExportSynonymException; import; import java.util.*; /** * * * @author gsegura * @author rmerizalde */ public abstract class AbstractSearchServer<T extends SolrServer> extends GenericService implements SearchServer { public static final String SCORE = "score"; // Current cloud implementation seem to have a bug. It support the // collection property but once a collection is used it sticks to it private Map<String, T> catalogSolrServers = new HashMap<String, T>(); private Map<String, T> rulesSolrServers = new HashMap<String, T>(); private Map<String, T> autocompleteSolrServers = new HashMap<String, T>(); private String catalogCollection; private String rulesCollection; private String autocompleteCollection; private String catalogConfig; private String rulesConfig; private String autocompleteConfig; private String minimumMatch; private Repository searchRepository; private RqlStatement synonymListRql; private RqlStatement ruleCountRql; private RqlStatement ruleRql; private RqlStatement synonymRql; private int ruleBatchSize; private RulesBuilder rulesBuilder; private boolean isGroupSortingEnabled; private static final String Q_ALT = "q.alt"; private static final String BRAND_ID = "brandId"; private static final String CATEGORY_PATH = "categoryPath"; public void setCatalogSolrServer(T catalogSolrServer, Locale locale) { catalogSolrServers.put(locale.getLanguage(), catalogSolrServer); } public T getCatalogSolrServer(Locale locale) { return catalogSolrServers.get(locale.getLanguage()); } public void setRulesSolrServer(T rulesSolrServer, Locale locale) { rulesSolrServers.put(locale.getLanguage(), rulesSolrServer); } public T getRulesSolrServer(Locale locale) { return rulesSolrServers.get(locale.getLanguage()); } public void setAutocompleteSolrServers(T autocompleteSolrServer, Locale locale) { autocompleteSolrServers.put(locale.getLanguage(), autocompleteSolrServer); } public T getAutocompleteSolrServers(Locale locale) { return autocompleteSolrServers.get(locale.getLanguage()); } public T getSolrServer(String collection, Locale locale) { if (rulesCollection != null && rulesCollection.equals(collection)) { return getRulesSolrServer(locale); } else if (autocompleteCollection != null && autocompleteCollection.equals(collection)) { return getAutocompleteSolrServers(locale); } return getCatalogSolrServer(locale); } public String getCollectionName(String collection, Locale locale) { if (rulesCollection != null && rulesCollection.equals(collection)) { return getRulesCollection(locale); } else if (autocompleteCollection != null && autocompleteCollection.equals(collection)) { return getAutocompleteCollection(locale); } return getCatalogCollection(locale); } public String getCatalogCollection() { return catalogCollection; } public String getCatalogCollection(Locale locale) { return catalogCollection + "_" + locale.getLanguage(); } public void setCatalogCollection(String catalogCollection) { this.catalogCollection = catalogCollection; } public String getRulesCollection() { return rulesCollection; } public String getRulesCollection(Locale locale) { return rulesCollection + "_" + locale.getLanguage(); } public String getAutocompleteCollection() { return autocompleteCollection; } public String getAutocompleteCollection(Locale locale) { //TODO gsegura figure out if we want to support autocomplete per language locale //return autocompleteCollection + "_" + locale.getLanguage(); return autocompleteCollection; } public String getMinimumMatch() { return minimumMatch; } public void setMinimumMatch(String minimumMatch) { this.minimumMatch = minimumMatch; } public String getCatalogConfig() { return catalogConfig; } public void setCatalogConfig(String catalogConfig) { this.catalogConfig = catalogConfig; } public String getRulesConfig() { return rulesConfig; } public void setRulesConfig(String rulesConfig) { this.rulesConfig = rulesConfig; } public void setRulesCollection(String ruleCollection) { this.rulesCollection = ruleCollection; } public String getAutocompleteConfig() { return autocompleteConfig; } public void setAutocompleteConfig(String autocompleteConfig) { this.autocompleteConfig = autocompleteConfig; } public void setAutocompleteCollection(String autocompleteCollection) { this.autocompleteCollection = autocompleteCollection; } public Repository getSearchRepository() { return searchRepository; } public void setSearchRepository(Repository searchRepository) { this.searchRepository = searchRepository; } public RqlStatement getSynonymListRql() { return synonymListRql; } public void setSynonymListRql(RqlStatement synonymListRql) { this.synonymListRql = synonymListRql; } public RqlStatement getRuleCountRql() { return ruleCountRql; } public void setRuleCountRql(RqlStatement ruleCountRql) { this.ruleCountRql = ruleCountRql; } public RqlStatement getRuleRql() { return ruleRql; } public void setRuleRql(RqlStatement ruleRql) { this.ruleRql = ruleRql; } public RqlStatement getSynonymRql() { return synonymRql; } public void setSynonymRql(RqlStatement synonymRql) { this.synonymRql = synonymRql; } public int getRuleBatchSize() { return ruleBatchSize; } public void setRuleBatchSize(int ruleBatchSize) { this.ruleBatchSize = ruleBatchSize; } public RulesBuilder getRulesBuilder() { return rulesBuilder; } public void setRulesBuilder(RulesBuilder rulesBuilder) { this.rulesBuilder = rulesBuilder; } public boolean isGroupSortingEnabled() { return isGroupSortingEnabled; } public void setGroupSortingEnabled(boolean groupSortingEnabled) { isGroupSortingEnabled = groupSortingEnabled; } @Override public SearchResponse browse(BrowseOptions options, SolrQuery query, FilterQuery... filterQueries) throws SearchServerException { return browse(options, query, SiteContextManager.getCurrentSite(), Locale.US, filterQueries); } @Override public SearchResponse browse(BrowseOptions options, SolrQuery query, Locale locale, FilterQuery... filterQueries) throws SearchServerException { return browse(options, query, SiteContextManager.getCurrentSite(), locale, filterQueries); } @Override public SearchResponse browse(BrowseOptions options, SolrQuery query, Site site, FilterQuery... filterQueries) throws SearchServerException { return browse(options, query, SiteContextManager.getCurrentSite(), Locale.US, filterQueries); } @Override public SearchResponse browse(BrowseOptions options, SolrQuery query, Site site, Locale locale, FilterQuery... filterQueries) throws SearchServerException { boolean hasCategoryId = StringUtils.isNotBlank(options.getCategoryId()); boolean hasCategoryPath = StringUtils.isNotBlank(options.getCategoryPath()); boolean hasBrandId = StringUtils.isNotBlank(options.getBrandId()); boolean addCategoryGraph = (options.isFetchCategoryGraph() || (hasBrandId && options.isFetchProducts() && !hasCategoryId)) && !options.isRuleBasedPage(); String categoryPath = null; if (hasCategoryPath) { categoryPath = options.getCategoryPath(); } else { categoryPath = options.getCatalogId() + "."; } if (options.isRuleBasedPage()) { //handle rule based pages String filter = rulesBuilder.buildRulesFilter(options.getCategoryId(), locale); query.addFilterQuery(filter); query.setParam("q", "*:*"); } else { //handle brand, category or onsale pages if (addCategoryGraph) { query.setFacetPrefix(CATEGORY_PATH, categoryPath); query.addFacetField(CATEGORY_PATH); query.set("f.categoryPath.facet.limit", options.getMaxCategoryResults()); } if (!options.isFetchProducts()) { query.setRows(0); } List<String> queryAltParams = new ArrayList<String>(); if (hasCategoryId) { queryAltParams.add(CATEGORY_PATH + ":" + categoryPath); query.setParam("q", ""); } if (hasBrandId) { queryAltParams.add(BRAND_ID + ":" + options.getBrandId()); query.setParam("q", ""); } if (options.isOnSale()) { queryAltParams.add("onsale" + locale.getCountry() + ":true"); } if (queryAltParams.size() > 0) { query.set(Q_ALT, "(" + StringUtils.join(queryAltParams, " AND ") + ")"); } } RepositoryItem catalog = null; if (site != null) { catalog = (RepositoryItem) site.getPropertyValue("defaultCatalog"); } SearchResponse response = null; if (options.isRuleBasedPage()) { response = doSearch(query, site, catalog, locale, false, true, categoryPath, options.isOnSale(), options.getBrandId(), filterQueries); } else if (hasCategoryPath) { response = doSearch(query, site, catalog, locale, false, false, categoryPath, options.isOnSale(), options.getBrandId(), filterQueries); } else { response = doSearch(query, site, catalog, locale, false, false, null, options.isOnSale(), options.getBrandId(), filterQueries); } if (addCategoryGraph) { response.setCategoryGraph( createCategoryGraph(response, options.getCategoryPath(), options.getCatalogId(), options.getCategoryId(), options.getDepthLimit(), options.getSeparator())); } return response; } @Override public SearchResponse search(SolrQuery query, FilterQuery... filterQueries) throws SearchServerException { return search(query, SiteContextManager.getCurrentSite(), Locale.US, filterQueries); } @Override public SearchResponse search(SolrQuery query, Locale locale, FilterQuery... filterQueries) throws SearchServerException { return search(query, SiteContextManager.getCurrentSite(), locale, filterQueries); } @Override public SearchResponse search(SolrQuery query, Site site, FilterQuery... filterQueries) throws SearchServerException { return search(query, site, Locale.US, filterQueries); } @Override public SearchResponse search(SolrQuery query, Site site, Locale locale, FilterQuery... filterQueries) throws SearchServerException { RepositoryItem catalog = null; if (site != null) { catalog = (RepositoryItem) site.getPropertyValue("defaultCatalog"); } return search(query, site, catalog, locale, filterQueries); } @Override public SearchResponse search(SolrQuery query, Site site, RepositoryItem catalog, FilterQuery... filterQueries) throws SearchServerException { return search(query, site, catalog, Locale.ENGLISH, filterQueries); } @Override public SearchResponse search(SolrQuery query, Site site, RepositoryItem catalog, Locale locale, FilterQuery... filterQueries) throws SearchServerException { return doSearch(query, site, catalog, locale, true, false, null, false, null, filterQueries); } @Override public Facet getFacet(Site site, Locale locale, String fieldFacet, int facetLimit, int depthLimit, String separator, FilterQuery... filterQueries) throws SearchServerException { try { SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery(); query.setRows(0); query.setQuery("*:*"); query.addFacetField(fieldFacet); query.setFacetLimit(facetLimit); query.setFacetMinCount(1); query.addFilterQuery("country:" + locale.getCountry()); RepositoryItem catalog = (RepositoryItem) site.getPropertyValue("defaultCatalog"); String catalogId = catalog.getRepositoryId(); query.setFacetPrefix(CATEGORY_PATH, catalogId + "."); query.addFilterQuery(CATEGORY_PATH + ":" + catalogId); if (filterQueries != null) { for (FilterQuery filterQuery : filterQueries) { query.addFilterQuery(filterQuery.toString()); } } QueryResponse queryResponse = getCatalogSolrServer(locale).query(query); Facet facet = null; if (queryResponse != null && queryResponse.getFacetFields() != null) { FacetField facetField = queryResponse.getFacetField(fieldFacet); if (facetField != null) { List<Count> values = facetField.getValues(); if (values != null && !values.isEmpty()) { facet = new Facet(); facet.setName(StringUtils.capitalize(fieldFacet)); List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Facet.Filter>(); boolean filterByDepth = depthLimit > 0 && StringUtils.isNotBlank(separator); for (Count count : values) { if (filterByDepth && StringUtils.countMatches(count.getName(), separator) > depthLimit) { continue; } Filter filter = new Filter(); filter.setName(count.getName()); filter.setCount(count.getCount()); filter.setFilterQuery(count.getAsFilterQuery()); filter.setFilterQueries(count.getAsFilterQuery()); filters.add(filter); } facet.setFilters(filters); } } } return facet; } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw create(SEARCH_EXCEPTION, ex); } catch (SolrException ex) { throw create(SEARCH_EXCEPTION, ex); } } private SearchResponse doSearch(SolrQuery query, Site site, RepositoryItem catalog, Locale locale, boolean isSearch, boolean isRuleBasedPage, String categoryPath, boolean isOutletPage, String brandId, FilterQuery... filterQueries) throws SearchServerException { if (site == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing site"); } if (catalog == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing catalog"); } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); query.addFacetField("category"); query.set("facet.mincount", 1); RuleManager ruleManager = new RuleManager(getSearchRepository(), getRulesBuilder(), getRulesSolrServer(locale)); if ((query.getRows() != null && query.getRows() > 0) || (query.get("group") != null && query.getBool("group"))) { setGroupParams(query, locale); setFieldListParams(query, locale.getCountry(), catalog.getRepositoryId()); try { ruleManager.setRuleParams(query, isSearch, isRuleBasedPage, categoryPath, filterQueries, catalog, isOutletPage, brandId); if (ruleManager.getRules().containsKey(SearchRepositoryItemDescriptor.REDIRECT_RULE)) { Map<String, List<RepositoryItem>> rules = ruleManager.getRules(); List<RepositoryItem> redirects = rules.get(SearchRepositoryItemDescriptor.REDIRECT_RULE); if (redirects != null) { RepositoryItem redirect = redirects.get(0); return new SearchResponse(query, null, null, null, (String) redirect.getPropertyValue(RedirectRuleProperty.URL), null, true); } } } catch (RepositoryException ex) { if (isLoggingError()) { logError("Unable to load search rules: " + ex.getMessage()); } throw create(SEARCH_EXCEPTION, ex); } catch (SolrServerException ex) { if (isLoggingError()) { logError("Unable to load search rules: " + ex.getMessage()); } throw create(SEARCH_EXCEPTION, ex); } catch (SolrException ex) { if (isLoggingError()) { logError("Unable to load search rules: " + ex.getMessage()); } throw create(SEARCH_EXCEPTION, ex); } } else { ruleManager.setFilterQueries(filterQueries, catalog.getRepositoryId(), query); } try { QueryResponse queryResponse = getCatalogSolrServer(locale).query(query); String correctedTerm = null; boolean matchesAll = true; //if no results, check for spelling errors if (query.getRows() > 0 && isEmptySearch(queryResponse.getGroupResponse()) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(query.getQuery())) { SpellCheckResponse spellCheckResponse = queryResponse.getSpellCheckResponse(); //try to do searching for the corrected term matching all terms (q.op=AND) QueryResponse tentativeResponse = handleSpellCheck(spellCheckResponse, getCatalogSolrServer(locale), query, "AND"); if (tentativeResponse != null) { //if we got results, set the corrected term variable and proceed to return the results queryResponse = tentativeResponse; correctedTerm = spellCheckResponse.getCollatedResult(); } else { //if we didn't got any response, try doing another search matching any term (q.op=OR) tentativeResponse = handleSpellCheck(spellCheckResponse, getCatalogSolrServer(locale), query, "OR"); if (tentativeResponse != null) { //if we got results for the match any term scenario. Set similar results to true //and set the corrected term. queryResponse = tentativeResponse; matchesAll = false; correctedTerm = query.getQuery(); } } } long searchTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if (isLoggingDebug()) { logDebug("Search time is " + searchTime + ", search engine time is " + queryResponse.getQTime()); } SearchResponse searchResponse = new SearchResponse(query, queryResponse, ruleManager, filterQueries, null, correctedTerm, matchesAll); searchResponse.setRuleQueryTime(ruleManager.getLoadRulesTime()); return searchResponse; } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw create(SEARCH_EXCEPTION, ex); } catch (SolrException ex) { throw create(SEARCH_EXCEPTION, ex); } } public void setGroupParams(SolrQuery query, Locale locale) { query.set("group", true); query.set("group.ngroups", true); query.set("group.limit", 50); query.set("group.field", "productId"); query.set("group.facet", false); if (isGroupSortingEnabled()) { List<SolrQuery.SortClause> clauses = query.getSorts(); boolean isSortByScore = false; if (clauses.size() > 0) { for (SolrQuery.SortClause clause : clauses) { if (SCORE.equals(clause.getItem())) { isSortByScore = true; } } } else { isSortByScore = true; } if (isSortByScore) { // break ties with custom sort field query.set("group.sort", "isCloseout asc, salePrice" + locale.getCountry() + " asc, sort asc, score desc"); } } } /** * Sets the list of fields that should be returned from search. * @param query Current SolrQuery being created. * @param country Current country code * @param catalog Current catalog code */ private void setFieldListParams(SolrQuery query, String country, String catalog) { String listPrice = "listPrice" + country; String salePrice = "salePrice" + country; String discountPercent = "discountPercent" + country; if (getCatalogCollection().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("catalogEvaluation")) { query.setFields("id", "productId", "title", "brand", "isToos", listPrice, salePrice, discountPercent, "url" + country, "reviewAverage", "reviews", "isPastSeason", "freeGift" + catalog, "image", "score", "isToos"); } else { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(query.getFields())) { query.setFields("id", "productId", "title", "brand", "isToos", listPrice, salePrice, discountPercent, "url" + country, "reviewAverage", "reviews", "isPastSeason", "freeGift" + catalog, "image", "isCloseout"); } } query.setParam(GroupCollapseParams.GROUP_COLLAPSE, true); query.setParam(GroupCollapseParams.GROUP_COLLAPSE_FL, listPrice + "," + salePrice + "," + discountPercent + ",color,colorFamily"); } private QueryResponse handleSpellCheck(SpellCheckResponse spellCheckResponse, T catalogSolrServer, SolrQuery query, String queryOp) throws SolrServerException { QueryResponse queryResponse; if (spellCheckResponse != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(spellCheckResponse.getCollatedResult())) { //check if we have any spelling suggestion String tentativeCorrectedTerm = spellCheckResponse.getCollatedResult(); //if we have spelling suggestions, try doing another search using //q.op as the specified queryOp param (the default one is AND so we only add it if it's OR) //and use q="corrected phrase" to see if we can get results if ("OR".equals(queryOp)) { query.setParam("q.op", "OR"); query.setParam("mm", getMinimumMatch()); } query.setQuery(tentativeCorrectedTerm); queryResponse = catalogSolrServer.query(query); //if we didn't got any results from the search with q="corrected phrase" return null //otherwise return the results return isEmptySearch(queryResponse.getGroupResponse()) ? null : queryResponse; } else if ("OR".equals(queryOp)) { //for the match any terms scenario with no corrected terms do another query query.setParam("q.op", "OR"); query.setParam("mm", getMinimumMatch()); queryResponse = catalogSolrServer.query(query); return isEmptySearch(queryResponse.getGroupResponse()) ? null : queryResponse; } else { //if we didn't got any corrected terms and are not in the match any term scenario, //then return null return null; } } protected boolean isEmptySearch(GroupResponse groupResponse) { boolean noResults = true; if (groupResponse != null) { for (GroupCommand command : groupResponse.getValues()) { if (command.getNGroups() > 0) { noResults = false; break; } } } return noResults; } @Override public QueryResponse query(SolrQuery solrQuery, String collection, Locale locale) throws SearchServerException { try { T server = getSolrServer(collection, locale); if (server == null) { throw create(SEARCH_EXCEPTION); } return server.query(solrQuery); } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw create(SEARCH_EXCEPTION, ex); } } @Override public UpdateResponse add(Collection<SolrInputDocument> docs) throws SearchServerException { return add(docs, getCatalogCollection(), Locale.ENGLISH); } @Override public UpdateResponse add(Collection<SolrInputDocument> docs, Locale locale) throws SearchServerException { return add(docs, getCatalogCollection(), locale); } public UpdateResponse add(Collection<SolrInputDocument> docs, String collection) throws SearchServerException { return add(docs, collection, Locale.ENGLISH); } @Override public UpdateResponse add(Collection<SolrInputDocument> docs, String collection, Locale locale) throws SearchServerException { UpdateRequest req = new UpdateRequest(); req.add(docs); req.setParam("collection", getCollectionName(collection, locale)); try { return req.process(getSolrServer(collection, locale)); } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw create(UPDATE_EXCEPTION, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw create(UPDATE_EXCEPTION, ex); } } @Override public SolrPingResponse ping() throws SearchServerException { return ping(Locale.ENGLISH); } @Override public SolrPingResponse ping(Locale locale) throws SearchServerException { try { return getCatalogSolrServer(locale).ping(); } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw create(PING_EXCEPTION, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw create(PING_EXCEPTION, ex); } } @Override public UpdateResponse rollback() throws SearchServerException { return rollback(getCatalogCollection(), Locale.ENGLISH); } @Override public UpdateResponse rollback(Locale locale) throws SearchServerException { return rollback(getCatalogCollection(), locale); } public UpdateResponse rollback(String collection) throws SearchServerException { return rollback(collection, Locale.ENGLISH); } @Override public UpdateResponse rollback(String collection, Locale locale) throws SearchServerException { try { return getSolrServer(collection, locale).rollback(); } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw create(COMMIT_EXCEPTION, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw create(COMMIT_EXCEPTION, ex); } } @Override public UpdateResponse commit() throws SearchServerException { return commit(getCatalogCollection(), Locale.ENGLISH); } @Override public UpdateResponse commit(Locale locale) throws SearchServerException { return commit(getCatalogCollection(), locale); } public UpdateResponse commit(String collection) throws SearchServerException { return commit(collection, Locale.ENGLISH); } @Override public UpdateResponse commit(String collection, Locale locale) throws SearchServerException { try { return getSolrServer(collection, locale).commit(); } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw create(COMMIT_EXCEPTION, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw create(COMMIT_EXCEPTION, ex); } } @Override public UpdateResponse deleteByQuery(String query) throws SearchServerException { return deleteByQuery(query, getCatalogCollection()); } @Override public UpdateResponse deleteByQuery(String query, Locale locale) throws SearchServerException { return deleteByQuery(query, getCatalogCollection(), locale); } public UpdateResponse deleteByQuery(String query, String collection) throws SearchServerException { return deleteByQuery(query, collection, Locale.ENGLISH); } @Override public UpdateResponse deleteByQuery(String query, String collection, Locale locale) throws SearchServerException { UpdateRequest req = new UpdateRequest(); req.deleteByQuery(query); req.setParam("collection", getCollectionName(collection, locale)); try { return req.process(getSolrServer(collection, locale)); } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw create(UPDATE_EXCEPTION, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw create(UPDATE_EXCEPTION, ex); } } @Override public NamedList<Object> analyze(DocumentAnalysisRequest request) throws SearchServerException { return analyze(request, Locale.ENGLISH); } @Override public NamedList<Object> analyze(DocumentAnalysisRequest request, Locale locale) throws SearchServerException { try { return getCatalogSolrServer(locale).request(request); } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw create(ANALYSIS_EXCEPTION, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw create(ANALYSIS_EXCEPTION, ex); } } @Override public NamedList<Object> analyze(FieldAnalysisRequest request) throws SearchServerException { return analyze(request, Locale.ENGLISH); } @Override public NamedList<Object> analyze(FieldAnalysisRequest request, Locale locale) throws SearchServerException { try { return getCatalogSolrServer(locale).request(request); } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw create(ANALYSIS_EXCEPTION, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw create(ANALYSIS_EXCEPTION, ex); } } @Override public NamedList<Object> analyze(FieldAnalysisRequest request, String collection, Locale locale) throws SearchServerException { try { T solrServer = getSolrServer(collection, locale); if (solrServer == null) { throw create(ANALYSIS_EXCEPTION); } return solrServer.request(request); } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw create(ANALYSIS_EXCEPTION, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw create(ANALYSIS_EXCEPTION, ex); } } @Override public SearchResponse termVector(String query, String... fields) throws SearchServerException { return termVector(query, Locale.ENGLISH, fields); } @Override public SearchResponse termVector(String query, Locale locale, String... fields) throws SearchServerException { SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery(query); solrQuery.setRequestHandler("/tvrh"); solrQuery.setFields(fields); solrQuery.setParam("tv.fl", "categoryName"); try { QueryResponse queryResponse = getCatalogSolrServer(locale).query(solrQuery); return new SearchResponse(solrQuery, queryResponse, null, null, null, null, true); } catch (SolrServerException ex) { throw create(TERMS_EXCEPTION, ex); } } @Override public void onRepositoryItemChanged(String repositoryName, Set<String> itemDescriptorNames) throws RepositoryException, SearchServerException { if (repositoryName.endsWith(getSearchRepository().getRepositoryName()) && (itemDescriptorNames.contains(SearchRepositoryItemDescriptor.SYNONYM) || itemDescriptorNames.contains(SearchRepositoryItemDescriptor.SYNONYM_LIST))) { // TODO: support localized synonyms exportSynonyms(Locale.ENGLISH); reloadCollections(); } } @Override public void onProductChanged(RepositoryItem product) throws RepositoryException, SearchServerException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void exportSynonyms() throws RepositoryException, SearchServerException { exportSynonyms(Locale.ENGLISH); } /** * Export the synonym lists in the search repository to Zoo Keeper. Each * synonym list is exported into its own file. When renaming a new list or * creating its synonyms won't have effect until its get configured in an * analyzer. * * When renaming a list that is currently being use by an analyzer it won't * be deleted to prevent the analyzer from breaking. However, new changes to * the renamed list won't take effect. * * @throws RepositoryException * when an error occurs while retrieving synonyms from the * repository * @throws ExportSynonymException * if an error occurs while exporting the synonym list */ public void exportSynonyms(Locale locale) throws RepositoryException, SearchServerException { RepositoryView view = searchRepository.getView(SearchRepositoryItemDescriptor.SYNONYM_LIST); RepositoryItem[] synonymLists = getSynonymListRql().executeQuery(view, null); if (synonymLists != null) { for (RepositoryItem synonymList : synonymLists) { exportSynonymList(synonymList, locale); } } else { if (isLoggingInfo()) { logInfo("No synonym lists were exported to ZooKeeper"); } } } protected abstract void exportSynonymList(RepositoryItem synonymList, Locale locale) throws RepositoryException, SearchServerException; /** * Reloads the catalog and rule collections * * @throws SearchServerException if an error occurs while reloading the core */ public void reloadCollections() throws SearchServerException { // @TODO add support to reload all locale cores String collectionName = getCatalogCollection(Locale.ENGLISH); reloadCollection(collectionName, Locale.ENGLISH); collectionName = getRulesCollection(Locale.ENGLISH); reloadCollection(collectionName, Locale.ENGLISH); collectionName = getAutocompleteCollection(Locale.ENGLISH); reloadCollection(collectionName, Locale.ENGLISH); } /** * Reloads the core * * @param collectionName * the cored to be reloaded * * @throws SearchServerException if an error occurs while reloading the core * */ public abstract void reloadCollection(String collectionName, Locale locale) throws SearchServerException; private List<CategoryGraph> createCategoryGraph(SearchResponse searchResponse, String path, String catalogId, String categoryId, int depthLimit, String separator) { List<CategoryGraph> categoryGraphList = new ArrayList<CategoryGraph>(); for (Facet facet : searchResponse.getFacets()) { if (CATEGORY_PATH.equalsIgnoreCase(facet.getName())) { searchResponse.removeFacet(facet.getName()); return createCategoryGraphAux(facet, path, catalogId, categoryId, depthLimit, separator); } } return categoryGraphList; } private List<CategoryGraph> createCategoryGraphAux(Facet facet, String path, String catalogId, String categoryId, int depthLimit, String separator) { List<CategoryGraph> categoryGraphList = new ArrayList<CategoryGraph>(); if (facet != null) { CategoryGraphBuilder categoryFacetBuilder = new CategoryGraphBuilder(); boolean filterByDepth = depthLimit > 0 && StringUtils.isNotBlank(separator); // iterate through the flat category facet structure and create a // graph from it for (Filter filter : facet.getFilters()) { if (isLoggingDebug()) { String filterPath = Utils.findFilterExpressionByName(filter.getFilterQueries(), CATEGORY_PATH); logDebug("Generating CategoryGraph for path: " + filterPath); } if (filterByDepth && StringUtils.countMatches(filter.getName(), separator) > depthLimit) { continue; } categoryFacetBuilder.addPath(filter); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(categoryId)) { // no category filtering scenario. Return top level list categoryGraphList = categoryFacetBuilder.getCategoryGraphList(); } else { // category filtering scenario. Search hierarchy for the actual // result node. CategoryGraph currentLevelVO =, categoryFacetBuilder.getParentNode()); if (currentLevelVO != null) { categoryGraphList = currentLevelVO.getCategoryGraphNodes(); } else { if (isLoggingDebug()) { logDebug("The CategoryGraph is empty for catalog: " + catalogId + " and category: " + categoryId + " path: " + path + " This is expected for leaf categories"); } } } } return categoryGraphList; } }