Example usage for java.util ListIterator set

List of usage examples for java.util ListIterator set


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util ListIterator set.


void set(E e);

Source Link


Replaces the last element returned by #next or #previous with the specified element (optional operation).


From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.security.authorization.plugin.sqlstd.SQLAuthorizationUtils.java

 * Calls getValidatedPrincipal on each principal in list and updates the list
 * @param hivePrincipals/*from   w  w w  . j  av  a2s  .  c  o m*/
 * @return
 * @return
 * @throws HiveAuthzPluginException
public static List<HivePrincipal> getValidatedPrincipals(List<HivePrincipal> hivePrincipals)
        throws HiveAuthzPluginException {
    ListIterator<HivePrincipal> it = hivePrincipals.listIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
    return hivePrincipals;

From source file:exm.stc.ic.ICUtil.java

 * Replace the current instruction with the provided sequence
 * After this is done, next() will return the instruction after
 * the inserted sequence/*w w  w.jav a 2  s.  c o  m*/
public static void replaceInsts(Block block, ListIterator<Statement> it,
        List<? extends Statement> replacements) {
    for (Statement stmt : replacements) {
    if (replacements.size() == 1) {
    } else if (replacements.size() == 0) {
    } else {
        List<? extends Statement> rest = replacements.subList(1, replacements.size());
        for (Statement newInst : rest) {

From source file:Main.java

private static <E> void updateList(List<E> origList, Collection<? extends E> updateList, boolean add,
        boolean replace, boolean remove, BiPredicate<? super E, ? super E> equalTester,
        BiConsumer<List<E>, Collection<? extends E>> adder) {
    List<E> itemsToRemove = null;
    List<E> itemsToAdd = null;
    for (E update : updateList) {
        boolean origListContainsUpdate = false;
        ListIterator<E> origIter = origList.listIterator();
        while (origIter.hasNext()) {
            E orig = origIter.next();/*from  w  w  w  .ja v  a2s.  com*/
            if (equalTester.test(orig, update)) {
                origListContainsUpdate = true;
                if (remove) {
                    if (itemsToRemove == null) {
                        itemsToRemove = new ArrayList<>(origList);
                if (replace) {
        if (!origListContainsUpdate && add) {
            if (itemsToAdd == null) {
                itemsToAdd = new ArrayList<>();
    if (remove) {
        if (itemsToRemove != null) {
        } else {
    if (itemsToAdd != null) {
        adder.accept(origList, itemsToAdd);

From source file:com.linuxbox.enkive.docsearch.indri.IndriQueryComposer.java

 * Iterate through all the terms in the phrase and sanitize each one in
 * place.//from  w  w w. j av  a  2s.c  o  m
 * @param phrase
protected static void sanitizePhraseInPlace(Phrase phrase) {
    ListIterator<CharSequence> i = phrase.getTermsListIterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        CharSequence charSeq = i.next();

        // convert to a StringBuffer if not one already
        StringBuffer buffer;
        if (!(charSeq instanceof StringBuffer)) {
            buffer = new StringBuffer(charSeq);
        } else {
            buffer = (StringBuffer) charSeq;


        // replace term in phrase

From source file:exm.stc.ic.ICUtil.java

public static void replaceVarsInList(Map<Var, Arg> replacements, List<Var> vars, boolean removeDupes,
        boolean removeMapped) {
    // Remove new duplicates
    ArrayList<Var> alreadySeen = null;
    if (removeDupes) {
        alreadySeen = new ArrayList<Var>(vars.size());
    }//from   w  ww .j av a2 s . com

    ListIterator<Var> it = vars.listIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Var v = it.next();
        if (replacements.containsKey(v)) {
            Arg oa = replacements.get(v);
            if (oa.isVar()) {
                if (removeDupes && alreadySeen.contains(oa.getVar())) {
                } else {
                    if (removeDupes) {
        } else {
            if (removeDupes) {
                if (alreadySeen.contains(v)) {
                } else {

From source file:Main.java

 * Returns a list iterator that swaps all previous/next calls.
 * <p><b>Important:</b> The returned iterator violates the {@link ListIterator#nextIndex()} and {@link ListIterator#previousIndex()} specifications.
 *//*  w  ww .  j a  v  a2s . co  m*/
public static <E> ListIterator<E> reverse(ListIterator<E> iterator) {
    return new ListIterator<E>() {
        public boolean hasNext() {
            return iterator.hasPrevious();

        public E next() {
            return iterator.previous();

        public boolean hasPrevious() {
            return iterator.hasNext();

        public E previous() {
            return iterator.next();

        public int nextIndex() {
            return iterator.previousIndex();

        public int previousIndex() {
            return iterator.nextIndex();

        public void remove() {

        public void set(E e) {

        public void add(E e) {

From source file:com.ppp.prm.portal.server.service.gwt.HibernateDetachUtility.java

* @param value the object needing to be detached/scrubbed.
* @param checkedObjectMap This maps identityHashCodes to Objects we've already detached. In that way we can
* quickly determine if we've already done the work for the incoming value and avoid taversing it again. This
* works well almost all of the time, but it is possible that two different objects can have the same identity hash
* (conflicts are always possible with a hash). In that case we utilize the checkedObjectCollisionMap (see below).
* @param checkedObjectCollisionMap checkedObjectMap maps the identityhash to the *first* object with that hash. In
* most cases there will only be mapping for one hash, but it is possible to encounter the same hash for multiple
* objects, especially on 32bit or IBM JVMs. It is important to know if an object has already been detached
* because if it is somehow self-referencing, we have to stop the recursion. This map holds the 2nd..Nth mapping
* for a single hash and is used to ensure we never try to detach an object already processed.
* @param depth used to stop infinite recursion, defaults to a depth we don't expectto see, but it is configurable.
* @param serializationType//from w  w w. j  av a  2 s  .  com
* @throws Exception if a problem occurs
* @throws IllegalStateException if the recursion depth limit is reached
private static void nullOutUninitializedFields(Object value, Map<Integer, Object> checkedObjectMap,
        Map<Integer, List<Object>> checkedObjectCollisionMap, int depth, SerializationType serializationType)
        throws Exception {
    if (depth > depthAllowed) {
        String warningMessage = "Recursed too deep [" + depth + " > " + depthAllowed
                + "], will not attempt to detach object of type ["
                + ((value != null) ? value.getClass().getName() : "N/A")
                + "]. This may cause serialization errors later. "
                + "You can try to work around this by setting the system property [" + DEPTH_ALLOWED_SYSPROP
                + "] to a value higher than [" + depth + "] or you can set the system property ["
                + THROW_EXCEPTION_ON_DEPTH_LIMIT_SYSPROP + "] to 'false'";
        if (throwExceptionOnDepthLimit) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(warningMessage);

    if (null == value) {

    // System.identityHashCode is a hash code, and therefore not guaranteed to be unique. And we've seen this
    // be the case.  So, we use it to try and avoid duplicating work, but handle the case when two objects may
    // have an identity crisis.
    Integer valueIdentity = hashCodeGenerator.getHashCode(value);
    Object checkedObject = checkedObjectMap.get(valueIdentity);

    if (null == checkedObject) {
        // if we have not yet encountered an object with this hash, store it in our map and start scrubbing            
        checkedObjectMap.put(valueIdentity, value);

    } else if (value == checkedObject) {
        // if we have scrubbed this already, no more work to be done            

    } else {
        // we have a situation where multiple objects have the same identity hashcode, work with our
        // collision map to decide whether it needs to be scrubbed and add if necessary.
        // Note that this code block is infrequently hit, it is by design that we've pushed the extra
        // work, map, etc, involved for this infrequent case into its own block. The standard cases must
        // be as fast and lean as possible.

        boolean alreadyDetached = false;
        List<Object> collisionObjects = checkedObjectCollisionMap.get(valueIdentity);

        if (null == collisionObjects) {
            // if this is the 2nd occurrence for this hash, create a new map entry                
            collisionObjects = new ArrayList<Object>(1);
            checkedObjectCollisionMap.put(valueIdentity, collisionObjects);

        } else {
            // if we have scrubbed this already, no more work to be done                
            for (Object collisionObject : collisionObjects) {
                if (value == collisionObject) {
                    alreadyDetached = true;

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("\n\tIDENTITY HASHCODE COLLISION [hash=");
            message.append(", alreadyDetached=");
            message.append("\n\tCurrent  : ");
            message.append("\n\t    ");
            message.append("\n\tPrevious : ");
            message.append("\n\t    ");
            for (Object collisionObject : collisionObjects) {
                message.append("\n\tPrevious : ");
                message.append("\n\t    ");


        // now that we've done our logging, if already detached we're done. Otherwise add to the list of collision
        // objects for this hash, and start scrubbing
        if (alreadyDetached) {


    // Perform the detaching
    if (value instanceof Object[]) {
        Object[] objArray = (Object[]) value;
        for (int i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++) {
            Object listEntry = objArray[i];
            Object replaceEntry = replaceObject(listEntry);
            if (replaceEntry != null) {
                objArray[i] = replaceEntry;
            nullOutUninitializedFields(objArray[i], checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth + 1,
    } else if (value instanceof List) {
        // Null out any entries in initialized collections
        ListIterator i = ((List) value).listIterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Object val = i.next();
            Object replace = replaceObject(val);
            if (replace != null) {
                val = replace;
            nullOutUninitializedFields(val, checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth + 1,

    } else if (value instanceof Collection) {
        Collection collection = (Collection) value;
        Collection itemsToBeReplaced = new ArrayList();
        Collection replacementItems = new ArrayList();
        for (Object item : collection) {
            Object replacementItem = replaceObject(item);
            if (replacementItem != null) {
                item = replacementItem;
            nullOutUninitializedFields(item, checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth + 1,
        collection.addAll(replacementItems); // watch out! if this collection is a Set, HashMap$MapSet doesn't support addAll. See BZ 688000
    } else if (value instanceof Map) {
        Map originalMap = (Map) value;
        HashMap<Object, Object> replaceMap = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
        for (Iterator i = originalMap.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            // get original key and value - these might be hibernate proxies
            Object originalKey = i.next();
            Object originalKeyValue = originalMap.get(originalKey);

            // replace with non-hibernate classes, if appropriate (will be null otherwise)
            Object replaceKey = replaceObject(originalKey);
            Object replaceValue = replaceObject(originalKeyValue);

            // if either original key or original value was a hibernate proxy object, we have to 
            // remove it from the original map, and remember the replacement objects for later
            if (replaceKey != null || replaceValue != null) {
                Object newKey = (replaceKey != null) ? replaceKey : originalKey;
                Object newValue = (replaceValue != null) ? replaceValue : originalKeyValue;
                replaceMap.put(newKey, newValue);

        // all hibernate proxies have been removed, we need to replace them with their
        // non-proxy object representations that we got from replaceObject() calls

        // now go through each item in the map and null out their internal fields
        for (Object key : originalMap.keySet()) {
            nullOutUninitializedFields(originalMap.get(key), checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap,
                    depth + 1, serializationType);
            nullOutUninitializedFields(key, checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth + 1,
    } else if (value instanceof Enum) {
        // don't need to detach enums, treat them as special objects

    if (serializationType == SerializationType.JAXB) {
        XmlAccessorType at = value.getClass().getAnnotation(XmlAccessorType.class);
        if (at != null && at.value() == XmlAccessType.FIELD) {
            nullOutFieldsByFieldAccess(value, checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth,
        } else {
            nullOutFieldsByAccessors(value, checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth,
    } else if (serializationType == SerializationType.SERIALIZATION) {
        nullOutFieldsByFieldAccess(value, checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth,


From source file:ch.flashcard.HibernateDetachUtility.java

 * @param value the object needing to be detached/scrubbed.
 * @param checkedObjectMap This maps identityHashCodes to Objects we've already detached. In that way we can
 * quickly determine if we've already done the work for the incoming value and avoid taversing it again. This
 * works well almost all of the time, but it is possible that two different objects can have the same identity hash
 * (conflicts are always possible with a hash). In that case we utilize the checkedObjectCollisionMap (see below).
 * @param checkedObjectCollisionMap checkedObjectMap maps the identityhash to the *first* object with that hash. In
 * most cases there will only be mapping for one hash, but it is possible to encounter the same hash for multiple
 * objects, especially on 32bit or IBM JVMs. It is important to know if an object has already been detached
 * because if it is somehow self-referencing, we have to stop the recursion. This map holds the 2nd..Nth mapping
 * for a single hash and is used to ensure we never try to detach an object already processed.
 * @param depth used to stop infinite recursion, defaults to a depth we don't expectto see, but it is configurable.
 * @param serializationType/*w  w  w .  j  a  v a2s . co  m*/
 * @throws Exception if a problem occurs
 * @throws IllegalStateException if the recursion depth limit is reached
private static void nullOutUninitializedFields(Object value, Map<Integer, Object> checkedObjectMap,
        Map<Integer, List<Object>> checkedObjectCollisionMap, int depth, SerializationType serializationType)
        throws Exception {
    if (depth > depthAllowed) {
        String warningMessage = "Recursed too deep [" + depth + " > " + depthAllowed
                + "], will not attempt to detach object of type ["
                + ((value != null) ? value.getClass().getName() : "N/A")
                + "]. This may cause serialization errors later. "
                + "You can try to work around this by setting the system property [" + DEPTH_ALLOWED_SYSPROP
                + "] to a value higher than [" + depth + "] or you can set the system property ["
                + THROW_EXCEPTION_ON_DEPTH_LIMIT_SYSPROP + "] to 'false'";
        if (throwExceptionOnDepthLimit) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(warningMessage);

    if (null == value) {

    // System.identityHashCode is a hash code, and therefore not guaranteed to be unique. And we've seen this
    // be the case.  So, we use it to try and avoid duplicating work, but handle the case when two objects may
    // have an identity crisis.
    Integer valueIdentity = hashCodeGenerator.getHashCode(value);
    Object checkedObject = checkedObjectMap.get(valueIdentity);

    if (null == checkedObject) {
        // if we have not yet encountered an object with this hash, store it in our map and start scrubbing            
        checkedObjectMap.put(valueIdentity, value);

    } else if (value == checkedObject) {
        // if we have scrubbed this already, no more work to be done            

    } else {
        // we have a situation where multiple objects have the same identity hashcode, work with our
        // collision map to decide whether it needs to be scrubbed and add if necessary.
        // Note that this code block is infrequently hit, it is by design that we've pushed the extra
        // work, map, etc, involved for this infrequent case into its own block. The standard cases must
        // be as fast and lean as possible.

        boolean alreadyDetached = false;
        List<Object> collisionObjects = checkedObjectCollisionMap.get(valueIdentity);

        if (null == collisionObjects) {
            // if this is the 2nd occurrence for this hash, create a new map entry                
            collisionObjects = new ArrayList<Object>(1);
            checkedObjectCollisionMap.put(valueIdentity, collisionObjects);

        } else {
            // if we have scrubbed this already, no more work to be done                
            for (Object collisionObject : collisionObjects) {
                if (value == collisionObject) {
                    alreadyDetached = true;

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("\n\tIDENTITY HASHCODE COLLISION [hash=");
            message.append(", alreadyDetached=");
            message.append("\n\tCurrent  : ");
            message.append("\n\t    ");
            message.append("\n\tPrevious : ");
            message.append("\n\t    ");
            for (Object collisionObject : collisionObjects) {
                message.append("\n\tPrevious : ");
                message.append("\n\t    ");


        // now that we've done our logging, if already detached we're done. Otherwise add to the list of collision
        // objects for this hash, and start scrubbing
        if (alreadyDetached) {


    // Perform the detaching
    if (value instanceof Object[]) {
        Object[] objArray = (Object[]) value;
        for (int i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++) {
            Object listEntry = objArray[i];
            Object replaceEntry = replaceObject(listEntry);
            if (replaceEntry != null) {
                objArray[i] = replaceEntry;
            nullOutUninitializedFields(objArray[i], checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth + 1,
    } else if (value instanceof List) {
        // Null out any entries in initialized collections
        ListIterator i = ((List) value).listIterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            Object val = i.next();
            Object replace = replaceObject(val);
            if (replace != null) {
                val = replace;
            nullOutUninitializedFields(val, checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth + 1,

    } else if (value instanceof Collection) {
        Collection collection = (Collection) value;
        Collection itemsToBeReplaced = new ArrayList();
        Collection replacementItems = new ArrayList();
        for (Object item : collection) {
            Object replacementItem = replaceObject(item);
            if (replacementItem != null) {
                item = replacementItem;
            nullOutUninitializedFields(item, checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth + 1,
        collection.addAll(replacementItems); // watch out! if this collection is a Set, HashMap$MapSet doesn't support addAll. See BZ 688000
    } else if (value instanceof Map) {
        Map originalMap = (Map) value;
        HashMap<Object, Object> replaceMap = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
        for (Iterator i = originalMap.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            // get original key and value - these might be hibernate proxies
            Object originalKey = i.next();
            Object originalKeyValue = originalMap.get(originalKey);

            // replace with non-hibernate classes, if appropriate (will be null otherwise)
            Object replaceKey = replaceObject(originalKey);
            Object replaceValue = replaceObject(originalKeyValue);

            // if either original key or original value was a hibernate proxy object, we have to 
            // remove it from the original map, and remember the replacement objects for later
            if (replaceKey != null || replaceValue != null) {
                Object newKey = (replaceKey != null) ? replaceKey : originalKey;
                Object newValue = (replaceValue != null) ? replaceValue : originalKeyValue;
                replaceMap.put(newKey, newValue);

        // all hibernate proxies have been removed, we need to replace them with their
        // non-proxy object representations that we got from replaceObject() calls

        // now go through each item in the map and null out their internal fields
        for (Object key : originalMap.keySet()) {
            nullOutUninitializedFields(originalMap.get(key), checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap,
                    depth + 1, serializationType);
            nullOutUninitializedFields(key, checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth + 1,
    } else if (value instanceof Enum) {
        // don't need to detach enums, treat them as special objects

    if (serializationType == SerializationType.JAXB) {
        XmlAccessorType at = (XmlAccessorType) value.getClass().getAnnotation(XmlAccessorType.class);
        if (at != null && at.value() == XmlAccessType.FIELD) {
            nullOutFieldsByFieldAccess(value, checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth,
        } else {
            nullOutFieldsByAccessors(value, checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth,
    } else if (serializationType == SerializationType.SERIALIZATION) {
        nullOutFieldsByFieldAccess(value, checkedObjectMap, checkedObjectCollisionMap, depth,


From source file:org.apache.tajo.engine.planner.physical.RadixSort.java

 * Entry method./* w  w  w .  jav  a2  s.c  om*/
 * @param list
 * @param schema input schema
 * @param sortSpecs sort specs
 * @param comp comparator for Tim sort
 * @return a sorted list of tuples
public static List<UnSafeTuple> sort(QueryContext queryContext, UnSafeTupleList list, Schema schema,
        SortSpec[] sortSpecs, Comparator<UnSafeTuple> comp) {
    UnSafeTuple[] in = list.toArray(new UnSafeTuple[list.size()]);
    RadixSortContext context = new RadixSortContext(in, schema, sortSpecs, comp,

    long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
    recursiveCallForNextKey(context, 0, context.in.length, 0);
    context.msdRadixSortTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - before;
    ListIterator<UnSafeTuple> it = list.listIterator();
    for (UnSafeTuple t : context.in) {
    return list;

From source file:se.inera.axel.shs.broker.ds.internal.HeaderToFilterConverter.java

public MessageLogService.Filter toFilter(@Header("producttype") String producttype,
        @Header("filter") String noAckfilter, @Header("maxhits") Integer maxHits,
        @Header("status") String status, @Header("corrid") String corrId, @Header("contentid") String contentId,
        @Header("originator") String originator, @Header("since") String since,
        @Header("sortattribute") String sortattribute, @Header("sortorder") String sortorder,
        @Header("arrivalorder") String arrivalorder, @Header("endrecipient") String endrecipient) {

    MessageLogService.Filter filter = new MessageLogService.Filter();

    if ("noack".equals(noAckfilter))
        filter.setNoAck(true);//from ww  w  .  ja v a  2 s  . c o m

    if (producttype != null) {
        List<String> productIds = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(producttype, ','));
        ListIterator<String> productIdsIterator = productIds.listIterator();

        while (productIdsIterator.hasNext()) {







    if (since != null) {

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("timestamp format error on 'since': " + since);



    if (status != null)

    return filter;