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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.tajo.engine.planner.physical;

import io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.tajo.SessionVars;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.Schema;
import org.apache.tajo.catalog.SortSpec;
import org.apache.tajo.common.TajoDataTypes.Type;
import org.apache.tajo.common.type.TajoTypeUtil;
import org.apache.tajo.engine.query.QueryContext;
import org.apache.tajo.exception.TajoInternalError;
import org.apache.tajo.exception.TajoRuntimeException;
import org.apache.tajo.exception.UnsupportedException;
import org.apache.tajo.tuple.memory.UnSafeTuple;
import org.apache.tajo.tuple.memory.UnSafeTupleList;
import org.apache.tajo.util.SizeOf;
import sun.misc.Contended;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;

 * Radix sort implementation (
 * This implementation uses the hybrid approach which consists of MSD radix sort and Tim sort.
 * It first organizes the given tuples into several bins which have the same radix key. For each bin, it groups
 * it again using MSD radix sort if the length of the bin is sufficiently large. Otherwise, it simply sorts that bin
 * using Tim sort.
public class RadixSort {

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RadixSort.class);

    private static class RadixSortContext {
        UnSafeTuple[] in;
        UnSafeTuple[] out;
        final int[] keys;

        final int[] sortKeyIds;
        final int maxSortKeyId;
        final Type[] sortKeyTypes;
        final boolean[] asc;
        final boolean[] nullFirst;
        final Comparator<UnSafeTuple> comparator;

        // If the number of tuples to be sorted does not exceed this value, Tim sort is used.
        // The default value is 65536 which is got from some experiments.
        final int timSortThreshold;

        long msdRadixSortTime = 0;
        long histogramPrepareTime = 0;
        long swapTime = 0;
        long histogramBuildTime = 0;
        int msdRadixSortCall = 0;

        public RadixSortContext(UnSafeTuple[] in, Schema schema, SortSpec[] sortSpecs,
                Comparator<UnSafeTuple> comparator, int timSortThreshold) {
   = in;
            this.out = new UnSafeTuple[in.length];
            this.keys = new int[in.length];
            this.maxSortKeyId = sortSpecs.length - 1;
            this.sortKeyIds = new int[sortSpecs.length];
            sortKeyTypes = new Type[sortSpecs.length];
            asc = new boolean[sortSpecs.length];
            nullFirst = new boolean[sortSpecs.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < sortSpecs.length; i++) {
                if (sortSpecs[i].getSortKey().hasQualifier()) {
                    this.sortKeyIds[i] = schema.getColumnId(sortSpecs[i].getSortKey().getQualifiedName());
                } else {
                    this.sortKeyIds[i] = schema.getColumnIdByName(sortSpecs[i].getSortKey().getSimpleName());
                this.asc[i] = sortSpecs[i].isAscending();
                this.nullFirst[i] = sortSpecs[i].isNullsFirst();
                this.sortKeyTypes[i] = sortSpecs[i].getSortKey().getDataType().getType();
            this.comparator = comparator;
            this.timSortThreshold = timSortThreshold;

        public void printStat() {
  "- msdRadixSortTime: " + msdRadixSortTime + " ms");
  "\t|- histogramPrepareTime: " + histogramPrepareTime + " ms");
  "\t\t|- histogramBuildTime: " + histogramBuildTime + " ms");
  "\t|- swapTime: " + swapTime + " ms");
  "- msdRadixSortCall: " + msdRadixSortCall + " times");

     * Entry method.
     * @param list
     * @param schema input schema
     * @param sortSpecs sort specs
     * @param comp comparator for Tim sort
     * @return a sorted list of tuples
    public static List<UnSafeTuple> sort(QueryContext queryContext, UnSafeTupleList list, Schema schema,
            SortSpec[] sortSpecs, Comparator<UnSafeTuple> comp) {
        UnSafeTuple[] in = list.toArray(new UnSafeTuple[list.size()]);
        RadixSortContext context = new RadixSortContext(in, schema, sortSpecs, comp,

        long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
        recursiveCallForNextKey(context, 0,, 0);
        context.msdRadixSortTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - before;
        ListIterator<UnSafeTuple> it = list.listIterator();
        for (UnSafeTuple t : {
        return list;

    static void recursiveCallForNextKey(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd, int curSortKeyIdx) {
        if (needConsiderSign(context.sortKeyTypes[curSortKeyIdx])) {
            if (TajoTypeUtil.isReal(context.sortKeyTypes[curSortKeyIdx])) {
                msdTernaryRadixSort(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, context.asc[curSortKeyIdx],
            } else {
                msdRadixSort(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, context.asc[curSortKeyIdx],
                        calculateInitialPass(context.sortKeyTypes[curSortKeyIdx]), true);
        } else {
            msdRadixSort(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, context.asc[curSortKeyIdx],
                    calculateInitialPass(context.sortKeyTypes[curSortKeyIdx]), false);

    static boolean needConsiderSign(Type type) {
        switch (type) {
        case INT2:
        case INT4:
        case INT8:
        case TIME:
        case TIMESTAMP:
        case FLOAT4:
        case FLOAT8:
            return true;
        case DATE:
            return false;
            throw new TajoInternalError(new UnsupportedException(;

    private static int getFieldOffset(long address, int fieldId) {
        return PlatformDependent.getInt(address + (long) (SizeOf.SIZE_OF_INT + (fieldId * SizeOf.SIZE_OF_INT)));

    private static long getFieldAddr(long address, int fieldId) {
        return address + getFieldOffset(address, fieldId);

     * Get a radix key from a column values of the given tuple.
     * The sign of the column value should be considered.
     * @param tuple
     * @param sortKeyId
     * @param pass
     * @return
    static int ascNullLastSignConsidered16RadixKey(UnSafeTuple tuple, int sortKeyId, int pass) {
        int key = _16BIT_NULL_LAST_IDX; // for null
        if (!tuple.isBlankOrNull(sortKeyId)) {
            // For negative values, the key should be 1 ~ 32768. For positive values, the key should be 32769 ~ 65536.
            key = PlatformDependent.getShort(getFieldAddr(tuple.address(), sortKeyId) + (pass))
                    + _16BIT_SECOND_HALF_START_IDX;
        return key;

     * Get a 16-bit radix key from a column values of the given tuple.
     * The sign of the column value should be considered.
     * @param tuple
     * @param sortKeyId
     * @param pass
     * @return
    static int ascNullFirstSignConsidered16RadixKey(UnSafeTuple tuple, int sortKeyId, int pass) {
        int key = _16BIT_NULL_FIRST_IDX; // for null
        if (!tuple.isBlankOrNull(sortKeyId)) {
            // For negative values, the key should be 1 ~ 32768. For positive values, the key should be 32769 ~ 65536.
            key = PlatformDependent.getShort(getFieldAddr(tuple.address(), sortKeyId) + (pass))
                    + _16BIT_SECOND_HALF_START_IDX;
        return key;

     * Get a 16-bit radix key from a column values of the given tuple.
     * The sign of the column value should be considered.
     * @param tuple
     * @param sortKeyId
     * @param pass
     * @return
    static int descNullLastSignConsidered16RadixKey(UnSafeTuple tuple, int sortKeyId, int pass) {
        int key = _16BIT_NULL_LAST_IDX; // for null
        if (!tuple.isBlankOrNull(sortKeyId)) {
            // For positive values, the key should be 1 ~ 32768. For negative values, the key should be 32769 ~ 65536.
            key = _16BIT_FIRST_HALF_END_IDX
                    - PlatformDependent.getShort(getFieldAddr(tuple.address(), sortKeyId) + (pass));
        return key;

     * Get a 16-bit radix key from a column values of the given tuple.
     * The sign of the column value should be considered.
     * @param tuple
     * @param sortKeyId
     * @param pass
     * @return
    static int descNullFirstSignConsidered16RadixKey(UnSafeTuple tuple, int sortKeyId, int pass) {
        int key = _16BIT_NULL_FIRST_IDX; // for null
        if (!tuple.isBlankOrNull(sortKeyId)) {
            // For positive values, the key should be 1 ~ 32768. For negative values, the key should be 32769 ~ 65536.
            key = _16BIT_FIRST_HALF_END_IDX
                    - PlatformDependent.getShort(getFieldAddr(tuple.address(), sortKeyId) + (pass));
        return key;

     * Get a 16-bit radix key from a column values of the given tuple.
     * The return key is an unsigned short value.
     * @param tuple
     * @param sortKeyId
     * @param pass
     * @return
    static int ascNullLast16RadixKey(UnSafeTuple tuple, int sortKeyId, int pass) {
        int key = _16BIT_NULL_LAST_IDX; // for null
        if (!tuple.isBlankOrNull(sortKeyId)) {
            key = 1 + (PlatformDependent.getShort(getFieldAddr(tuple.address(), sortKeyId) + (pass))
                    & SHORT_UNSIGNED_MASK);
        return key;

     * Get a 16-bit radix key from a column values of the given tuple.
     * The return key is an unsigned short value.
     * @param tuple
     * @param sortKeyId
     * @param pass
     * @return
    static int ascNullFirst16RadixKey(UnSafeTuple tuple, int sortKeyId, int pass) {
        int key = _16BIT_NULL_FIRST_IDX; // for null
        if (!tuple.isBlankOrNull(sortKeyId)) {
            key = 1 + (PlatformDependent.getShort(getFieldAddr(tuple.address(), sortKeyId) + (pass))
                    & SHORT_UNSIGNED_MASK);
        return key;

     * Get a 16-bit radix key from a column values of the given tuple.
     * The return key is an unsigned short value.
     * @param tuple
     * @param sortKeyId
     * @param pass
     * @return
    static int descNullLast16RadixKey(UnSafeTuple tuple, int sortKeyId, int pass) {
        int key = _16BIT_NULL_LAST_IDX; // for null
        if (!tuple.isBlankOrNull(sortKeyId)) {
            key = _16BIT_MAX_BIN_IDX
                    - (PlatformDependent.getShort(getFieldAddr(tuple.address(), sortKeyId) + (pass))
                            & SHORT_UNSIGNED_MASK);
        return key;

     * Get a 16-bit radix key from a column values of the given tuple.
     * The return key is an unsigned short value.
     * @param tuple
     * @param sortKeyId
     * @param pass
     * @return
    static int descNullFirst16RadixKey(UnSafeTuple tuple, int sortKeyId, int pass) {
        int key = _16BIT_NULL_FIRST_IDX; // for null
        if (!tuple.isBlankOrNull(sortKeyId)) {
            key = _16BIT_MAX_BIN_IDX
                    - (PlatformDependent.getShort(getFieldAddr(tuple.address(), sortKeyId) + (pass))
                            & SHORT_UNSIGNED_MASK);
        return key;

     * Calculate positions of the input tuples.
     * @param context
     * @param start
     * @param exclusiveEnd
     * @param curSortKeyIdx
     * @param pass
     * @param positions
     * @param keys
    static void prepare16AscNullLastSignConsideredHistogram(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd,
            int curSortKeyIdx, int pass, int[] positions, int[] keys) {
        for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
            keys[i] = ascNullLastSignConsidered16RadixKey([i], context.sortKeyIds[curSortKeyIdx], pass);
            positions[keys[i]] += 1;

     * Calculate positions of the input tuples.
     * @param context
     * @param start
     * @param exclusiveEnd
     * @param curSortKeyIdx
     * @param pass
     * @param positions
     * @param keys
    static void prepare16AscNullFirstSignConsideredHistogram(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd,
            int curSortKeyIdx, int pass, int[] positions, int[] keys) {
        for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
            keys[i] = ascNullFirstSignConsidered16RadixKey([i], context.sortKeyIds[curSortKeyIdx], pass);
            positions[keys[i]] += 1;

     * Calculate positions of the input tuples.
     * @param context
     * @param start
     * @param exclusiveEnd
     * @param curSortKeyIdx
     * @param pass
     * @param positions
     * @param keys
    static void prepare16DescNullLastSignConsideredHistogram(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd,
            int curSortKeyIdx, int pass, int[] positions, int[] keys) {
        for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
            keys[i] = descNullLastSignConsidered16RadixKey([i], context.sortKeyIds[curSortKeyIdx], pass);
            positions[keys[i]] += 1;

     * Calculate positions of the input tuples.
     * @param context
     * @param start
     * @param exclusiveEnd
     * @param curSortKeyIdx
     * @param pass
     * @param positions
     * @param keys
    static void prepare16DescNullFirstSignConsideredHistogram(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd,
            int curSortKeyIdx, int pass, int[] positions, int[] keys) {
        for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
            keys[i] = descNullFirstSignConsidered16RadixKey([i], context.sortKeyIds[curSortKeyIdx], pass);
            positions[keys[i]] += 1;

     * Calculate positions of the input tuples.
     * @param context
     * @param start
     * @param exclusiveEnd
     * @param curSortKeyIdx
     * @param pass
     * @param positions
     * @param keys
    static void prepare16AscNullLastHistogram(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd,
            int curSortKeyIdx, int pass, int[] positions, int[] keys) {
        for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
            keys[i] = ascNullLast16RadixKey([i], context.sortKeyIds[curSortKeyIdx], pass);
            positions[keys[i]] += 1;

     * Calculate positions of the input tuples.
     * @param context
     * @param start
     * @param exclusiveEnd
     * @param curSortKeyIdx
     * @param pass
     * @param positions
     * @param keys
    static void prepare16AscNullFirstHistogram(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd,
            int curSortKeyIdx, int pass, int[] positions, int[] keys) {
        for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
            keys[i] = ascNullFirst16RadixKey([i], context.sortKeyIds[curSortKeyIdx], pass);
            positions[keys[i]] += 1;

     * Calculate positions of the input tuples.
     * @param context
     * @param start
     * @param exclusiveEnd
     * @param curSortKeyIdx
     * @param pass
     * @param positions
     * @param keys
    static void prepare16DescNullLastHistogram(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd,
            int curSortKeyIdx, int pass, int[] positions, int[] keys) {
        for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
            keys[i] = descNullLast16RadixKey([i], context.sortKeyIds[curSortKeyIdx], pass);
            positions[keys[i]] += 1;

     * Calculate positions of the input tuples.
     * @param context
     * @param start
     * @param exclusiveEnd
     * @param curSortKeyIdx
     * @param pass
     * @param positions
     * @param keys
    static void prepare16DescNullFirstHistogram(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd,
            int curSortKeyIdx, int pass, int[] positions, int[] keys) {
        for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
            keys[i] = descNullFirst16RadixKey([i], context.sortKeyIds[curSortKeyIdx], pass);
            positions[keys[i]] += 1;

    static void buildHistogram(RadixSortContext context, int start, int[] positions) {
        long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
        positions[0] += start;
        for (int i = 0; i < positions.length - 1; i++) {
            positions[i + 1] += positions[i];
        context.histogramBuildTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - before;

    private final static int _16BIT_BIN_NUM = 65538;
    private final static int _16BIT_NULL_FIRST_IDX = 0;
    private final static int _16BIT_NULL_LAST_IDX = 65537;
    private final static int _16BIT_MAX_BIN_IDX = 65536;
    private final static int _16BIT_FIRST_HALF_END_IDX = 32768;
    private final static int _16BIT_SECOND_HALF_START_IDX = 32769;
    private final static int SHORT_UNSIGNED_MASK = 0xFFFF;

     * Sort the specified part of the input tuples.
     * If the length of the part is sufficiently large, recursively call msdRadixSort(). Otherwise, call Arrays.sort().
     * @param context radix sort context
     * @param start start position of the part will be sorted.
     * @param exclusiveEnd end position of the part will be sorted.
     * @param curSortKeyIdx current sort key index
     * @param asc ascending flag
     * @param pass current pass
     * @param considerSign a flag to represent that the sign must be considered
    static void msdRadixSort(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd, int curSortKeyIdx, boolean asc,
            int pass, boolean considerSign) {

        // This array contains the end positions of bins. For example, suppose an input which consists of nulls and numbers
        // of 1 ~ 9. The number of each numbers and null is 10. If this input is organized into 12 bins which have the equal
        // length of 10, this array will contain the below values.
        // Ex) asc, null first
        //   [0]  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]  [11] // 0th and 11th bins are reserved for null values
        //   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100   100   100
        // If the considerSign flag is set, this array is used for both negative and positive values.
        // The positions of both values are determined by the asc flag.
        // When the asc flag is set, the first half of the array is used for negative values.
        // Otherwise, the second half of the array is used for negative values.
        // Note: too many recursive calls to msdRadixSort() can incur a lot of memory overhead because this array should be
        // always newly created when it is called.
        final int[] binEndIdx = new int[_16BIT_BIN_NUM];

        // An array to cache radix keys which are gotten while building the histogram.
        // Since getting keys is the most expensive part of this implementation, keys should be cached once they are gotten.
        final int[] keys = context.keys;

        // TODO: consider the current key type
        long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // Build a histogram.
        // Call different methods depending on the sort spec of the current key. This is to avoid frequent branch
        // mispredictions. This is effective because the below code block is the most expensive part of this implementation.
        // TODO: code generation can simplify the below codes.
        if (considerSign) {
            if (asc) {
                if (context.nullFirst[curSortKeyIdx]) {
                    prepare16AscNullFirstSignConsideredHistogram(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, pass,
                            binEndIdx, keys);
                } else {
                    prepare16AscNullLastSignConsideredHistogram(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, pass,
                            binEndIdx, keys);
            } else {
                if (context.nullFirst[curSortKeyIdx]) {
                    prepare16DescNullFirstSignConsideredHistogram(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, pass,
                            binEndIdx, keys);
                } else {
                    prepare16DescNullLastSignConsideredHistogram(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, pass,
                            binEndIdx, keys);
        } else {
            if (asc) {
                if (context.nullFirst[curSortKeyIdx]) {
                    prepare16AscNullFirstHistogram(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, pass, binEndIdx,
                } else {
                    prepare16AscNullLastHistogram(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, pass, binEndIdx,
            } else {
                if (context.nullFirst[curSortKeyIdx]) {
                    prepare16DescNullFirstHistogram(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, pass, binEndIdx,
                } else {
                    prepare16DescNullLastHistogram(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, pass, binEndIdx,
        context.histogramPrepareTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - before;

        // Swap tuples if necessary.
        // If every tuple has the same radix key, tuples don't have to be swapped.

        boolean needSwap = -> eachCount > 0).count() > 1;
        buildHistogram(context, start, binEndIdx);
        if (needSwap) {
            before = System.currentTimeMillis();
            final int[] binNextElemIdx = new int[_16BIT_BIN_NUM];
            System.arraycopy(binEndIdx, 0, binNextElemIdx, 0, _16BIT_BIN_NUM);
            for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
                context.out[--binNextElemIdx[keys[i]]] =[i];
            System.arraycopy(context.out, start,, start, exclusiveEnd - start);
            context.swapTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - before;

        // Recursive call radix sort if necessary.
        if (pass > 0 || curSortKeyIdx < context.maxSortKeyId) {
            boolean nextKey = pass == 0;
            int len = binEndIdx[0] - start;

            if (len > 1) {
                // Use the tim sort when the array length is sufficiently small.
                if (len < context.timSortThreshold) {
                    Arrays.sort(, start, binEndIdx[0], context.comparator);
                } else {
                    if (nextKey) {
                        recursiveCallForNextKey(context, start, binEndIdx[0], curSortKeyIdx + 1);
                    } else {
                        msdRadixSort(context, start, binEndIdx[0], curSortKeyIdx, asc, pass - 2, false);

            for (int i = 0; i < _16BIT_MAX_BIN_IDX && binEndIdx[i] < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
                len = binEndIdx[i + 1] - binEndIdx[i];
                if (len > 1) {
                    // Use the tim sort when the array length is sufficiently small.
                    if (len < context.timSortThreshold) {
                        Arrays.sort(, binEndIdx[i], binEndIdx[i + 1], context.comparator);
                    } else {
                        if (nextKey) {
                            recursiveCallForNextKey(context, binEndIdx[i], binEndIdx[i + 1], curSortKeyIdx + 1);
                        } else {
                            msdRadixSort(context, binEndIdx[i], binEndIdx[i + 1], curSortKeyIdx, asc, pass - 2,

    // Below methods are only used for floating point types.

     * Get a 1-bit radix key from a column values of the given tuple.
     * The keys of 0 and 3 are reserved for null values.
     * @param tuple
     * @param sortKeyId
     * @param pass
     * @return
    static int ascNullFirst1bRadixKey(UnSafeTuple tuple, int sortKeyId, int pass) {
        int key = 0; // for null
        if (!tuple.isBlankOrNull(sortKeyId)) {
            key = 2 - ((PlatformDependent.getShort(getFieldAddr(tuple.address(), sortKeyId) + (pass))
                    & 0xFFFF) >> 15);
        return key;

     * Get a 1-bit radix key from a column values of the given tuple.
     * The keys of 0 and 3 are reserved for null values.
     * @param tuple
     * @param sortKeyId
     * @param pass
     * @return
    static int ascNullLast1bRadixKey(UnSafeTuple tuple, int sortKeyId, int pass) {
        int key = _1BIT_BIN_MAX_IDX; // for null
        if (!tuple.isBlankOrNull(sortKeyId)) {
            key = 2 - ((PlatformDependent.getShort(getFieldAddr(tuple.address(), sortKeyId) + (pass))
                    & 0xFFFF) >> 15);
        return key;

     * Get a 1-bit radix key from a column values of the given tuple.
     * The keys of 0 and 3 are reserved for null values.
     * @param tuple
     * @param sortKeyId
     * @param pass
     * @return
    static int descNullFirst1bRadixKey(UnSafeTuple tuple, int sortKeyId, int pass) {
        int key = 0; // for null
        if (!tuple.isBlankOrNull(sortKeyId)) {
            key = 1 + ((PlatformDependent.getShort(getFieldAddr(tuple.address(), sortKeyId) + (pass))
                    & 0xFFFF) >> 15);
        return key;

     * Get a 1-bit radix key from a column values of the given tuple.
     * The keys of 0 and 3 are reserved for null values.
     * @param tuple
     * @param sortKeyId
     * @param pass
     * @return
    static int descNullLast1bRadixKey(UnSafeTuple tuple, int sortKeyId, int pass) {
        int key = _1BIT_BIN_MAX_IDX; // for null
        if (!tuple.isBlankOrNull(sortKeyId)) {
            key = 1 + ((PlatformDependent.getShort(getFieldAddr(tuple.address(), sortKeyId) + (pass))
                    & 0xFFFF) >> 15);
        return key;

     * Calculate positions of the input tuples.
     * @param context
     * @param start
     * @param exclusiveEnd
     * @param curSortKeyIdx
     * @param pass
     * @param positions
     * @param keys
    static void prepare1bAscNullFirstHistogram(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd,
            int curSortKeyIdx, int pass, int[] positions, int[] keys) {
        for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
            keys[i] = ascNullFirst1bRadixKey([i], context.sortKeyIds[curSortKeyIdx], pass);
            positions[keys[i]] += 1;

     * Calculate positions of the input tuples.
     * @param context
     * @param start
     * @param exclusiveEnd
     * @param curSortKeyIdx
     * @param pass
     * @param positions
     * @param keys
    static void prepare1bAscNullLastHistogram(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd,
            int curSortKeyIdx, int pass, int[] positions, int[] keys) {
        for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
            keys[i] = ascNullLast1bRadixKey([i], context.sortKeyIds[curSortKeyIdx], pass);
            positions[keys[i]] += 1;

     * Calculate positions of the input tuples.
     * @param context
     * @param start
     * @param exclusiveEnd
     * @param curSortKeyIdx
     * @param pass
     * @param positions
     * @param keys
    static void prepare1bDescNullFirstHistogram(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd,
            int curSortKeyIdx, int pass, int[] positions, int[] keys) {
        for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
            keys[i] = descNullFirst1bRadixKey([i], context.sortKeyIds[curSortKeyIdx], pass);
            positions[keys[i]] += 1;

     * Calculate positions of the input tuples.
     * @param context
     * @param start
     * @param exclusiveEnd
     * @param curSortKeyIdx
     * @param pass
     * @param positions
     * @param keys
    static void prepare1bDescNullLastHistogram(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd,
            int curSortKeyIdx, int pass, int[] positions, int[] keys) {
        for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
            keys[i] = descNullLast1bRadixKey([i], context.sortKeyIds[curSortKeyIdx], pass);
            positions[keys[i]] += 1;

    private final static int _1BIT_BIN_NUM = 4;
    private final static int _1BIT_BIN_MAX_IDX = 3;

     * Sort the specified part of the input tuples when the current sort key has a floating point type.
     * This method is called only once at the first pass.
     * @param context radix sort context
     * @param start start position of the part will be sorted
     * @param exclusiveEnd end position of the part will be sorted
     * @param curSortKeyIdx current sort key index
     * @param asc ascending flag
     * @param pass current pass
    static void msdTernaryRadixSort(RadixSortContext context, int start, int exclusiveEnd, int curSortKeyIdx,
            boolean asc, int pass) {

        // The values of floating point types are organized into three groups, i.e., positives, negatives, and nulls.
        // The positions for these groups are stored in an integer array of length 4.
        // The first and last slots are reserved for null values.
        // The second and third slots are used for positives and negatives depending on the ascending order specification.
        // If the ascending order is specified, negatives come first. Otherwise, positives come first.
        // Ex) asc, null first
        // [ nulls ] [ negatives ] [ positives ] [ empty ]
        final int[] binEndIdx = new int[_1BIT_BIN_NUM];

        // An array to cache radix keys which are gotten while building the histogram.
        // Since getting keys is the most expensive part of this implementation, keys should be cached once they are gotten.
        final int[] keys = context.keys;

        // TODO: consider the current key type
        long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // Build a histogram.
        // Call different methods depending on the sort spec of the current key. This is to avoid frequent branch
        // mispredictions. This is effective because the below code block is the most expensive part of this implementation.
        // TODO: code generation can simplify the below codes.
        if (asc) {
            if (context.nullFirst[curSortKeyIdx]) {
                prepare1bAscNullFirstHistogram(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, pass, binEndIdx, keys);
            } else {
                prepare1bAscNullLastHistogram(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, pass, binEndIdx, keys);
        } else {
            if (context.nullFirst[curSortKeyIdx]) {
                prepare1bDescNullFirstHistogram(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, pass, binEndIdx, keys);
            } else {
                prepare1bDescNullLastHistogram(context, start, exclusiveEnd, curSortKeyIdx, pass, binEndIdx, keys);

        context.histogramPrepareTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - before;

        // Swap tuples if necessary.
        // If every tuple has the same radix key, tuples don't have to be swapped.
        boolean needSwap = -> eachCount > 0).count() > 1;
        buildHistogram(context, start, binEndIdx);
        if (needSwap) {
            before = System.currentTimeMillis();
            final int[] binNextElemIdx = new int[_1BIT_BIN_NUM];
            System.arraycopy(binEndIdx, 0, binNextElemIdx, 0, _1BIT_BIN_NUM);
            for (int i = start; i < exclusiveEnd; i++) {
                context.out[--binNextElemIdx[keys[i]]] =[i];
            System.arraycopy(context.out, start,, start, exclusiveEnd - start);
            context.swapTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - before;

        // Recursively call radix sort
        if (context.nullFirst[curSortKeyIdx]) {
            // The bin with null values doesn't have to be sorted anymore. As a result, call sort for the next key directly.
            if (curSortKeyIdx < context.maxSortKeyId) {
                recursiveCallForNextKey(context, start, binEndIdx[0], curSortKeyIdx + 1);
        } else {
            // The bin with null values doesn't have to be sorted anymore. As a result, call sort for the next key directly.
            if (curSortKeyIdx < context.maxSortKeyId) {
                recursiveCallForNextKey(context, binEndIdx[2], binEndIdx[3], curSortKeyIdx + 1);

        int len = binEndIdx[1] - binEndIdx[0];

        if (len > 1) {
            // Use the tim sort when the array length is sufficiently small.
            if (len < context.timSortThreshold) {
                Arrays.sort(, binEndIdx[0], binEndIdx[1], context.comparator);
            } else {
                msdRadixSort(context, binEndIdx[0], binEndIdx[1], curSortKeyIdx, false, pass, false);

        len = binEndIdx[2] - binEndIdx[1];

        if (len > 1) {
            // Use the tim sort when the array length is sufficiently small.
            if (len < context.timSortThreshold) {
                Arrays.sort(, binEndIdx[1], binEndIdx[2], context.comparator);
            } else {
                msdRadixSort(context, binEndIdx[1], binEndIdx[2], curSortKeyIdx, true, pass, false);

    static int calculateInitialPass(Type type) {
        int initialPass = typeByteSize(type) - 2;
        return initialPass < 0 ? 0 : initialPass;

    static int typeByteSize(Type type) {
        switch (type) {
        case INT2:
            return 2;
        case INT4:
        case FLOAT4:
            return 4;
        case INT8:
        case FLOAT8:
            return 8;
        case DATE:
            return 4;
        case TIME:
            return 8;
        case TIMESTAMP:
            return 8;
            throw new TajoRuntimeException(new UnsupportedException(;

     * Returns whether this implementation supports the given type or not.
     * @param sortSpec
     * @return
    public static boolean isApplicableType(SortSpec sortSpec) {
        switch (sortSpec.getSortKey().getDataType().getType()) {
        // Variable length types are not supported.
        case CHAR:
        case TEXT:
        case BLOB:
            return false;
        // 1 byte types are not supported.
        case BOOLEAN:
        case BIT:
            return false;
            return true;