List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList size
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private void reorder(int inicio, int fin) { boolean sentido = inicio < fin; LinkedList<Object> aSubir = new LinkedList<Object>(); LinkedList<Object> resultado = new LinkedList<Object>(); for (Object o : right.getSelectedValues()) { aSubir.add(o);// w w w . ja v a 2s .c om } final DefaultListModel defaultListModel = (DefaultListModel) right.getModel(); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Elementos seleccionados:"); for (Object o : aSubir) { log.trace(o + " " + o.getClass()); } } for (int i = inicio; (sentido ? i <= fin : fin <= i); i = (sentido ? i + 1 : i - 1)) { Object o = defaultListModel.get(i); if (aSubir.contains(o) && i != inicio) { Object siguiente = resultado.pollLast(); log.trace("Cambiamos " + o + " por " + siguiente); resultado.add(o); resultado.add(siguiente); } else { log.trace("Aadimos " + o); resultado.add(o); } } ((DefaultListModel) right.getModel()).removeAllElements(); log.trace("Nueva lista: "); int inicio2 = (sentido ? 0 : resultado.size() - 1); int fin2 = (sentido ? resultado.size() - 1 : 0); for (int i = inicio2; (sentido ? i <= fin2 : fin2 <= i); i = (sentido ? i + 1 : i - 1)) { Object o = resultado.get(i); log.trace("Nueva lista >" + o); ((DefaultListModel) right.getModel()).addElement(o); } int seleccion[] = new int[aSubir.size()]; int k = 0; for (Integer i = 0; i < right.getModel().getSize(); i++) { if (aSubir.contains(right.getModel().getElementAt(i))) { seleccion[k++] = i; } } right.setSelectedIndices(seleccion); right.updateUI(); }
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@Test public void shouldReturnObjectsForGivenIdsUsingMultiGet() { // given/* w ww. jav a2 s . c om*/ List<IndexQuery> indexQueries; // first document String documentId = randomNumeric(5); SampleEntity sampleEntity1 = SampleEntity.builder().id(documentId).message("some message") .version(System.currentTimeMillis()).build(); // second document String documentId2 = randomNumeric(5); SampleEntity sampleEntity2 = SampleEntity.builder().id(documentId2).message("some message") .version(System.currentTimeMillis()).build(); indexQueries = getIndexQueries(Arrays.asList(sampleEntity1, sampleEntity2)); elasticsearchTemplate.bulkIndex(indexQueries); elasticsearchTemplate.refresh(SampleEntity.class); // when SearchQuery query = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder().withIds(Arrays.asList(documentId, documentId2)).build(); LinkedList<SampleEntity> sampleEntities = elasticsearchTemplate.multiGet(query, SampleEntity.class); // then assertThat(sampleEntities.size(), is(equalTo(2))); assertEquals(sampleEntities.get(0), sampleEntity1); assertEquals(sampleEntities.get(1), sampleEntity2); }
From source
/** * Sorts certificate chain from root to leaf. * * This method sorts an array of certificates (e.g. from a PKCS #7 * data) that represents a certificate chain from root to leaf * according to the subject DNs and issuer DNs. * * The input array is a set of certificates that are part of a * chain but not in specific order./* w ww. j a v a 2 s . com*/ * * The result is a new array that contains the certificate chain * sorted from root to leaf. The input array is unchanged. * * @param certs input array of certificates * @return new array containing sorted certificates */ public static[] sortCertificateChain([] certs) throws Exception { // lookup map: subject DN -> cert Map<String,> certMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // hierarchy map: subject DN -> issuer DN Map<String, String> parentMap = new HashMap<>(); // reverse hierarchy map: issuer DN -> subject DN Map<String, String> childMap = new HashMap<>(); // build maps for ( cert : certs) { String subjectDN = cert.getSubjectDN().toString(); String issuerDN = cert.getIssuerDN().toString(); if (certMap.containsKey(subjectDN)) { throw new Exception("Duplicate certificate: " + subjectDN); } certMap.put(subjectDN, cert); // ignore self-signed certificate if (subjectDN.equals(issuerDN)) continue; if (childMap.containsKey(issuerDN)) { throw new Exception("Branched chain: " + issuerDN); } parentMap.put(subjectDN, issuerDN); childMap.put(issuerDN, subjectDN); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Certificates:"); for (String subjectDN : certMap.keySet()) { logger.debug(" - " + subjectDN); String parent = parentMap.get(subjectDN); if (parent != null) logger.debug(" parent: " + parent); String child = childMap.get(subjectDN); if (child != null) logger.debug(" child: " + child); } } // find leaf cert List<String> leafCerts = new ArrayList<>(); for (String subjectDN : certMap.keySet()) { // if cert has a child, skip if (childMap.containsKey(subjectDN)) continue; // found leaf cert leafCerts.add(subjectDN); } if (leafCerts.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Unable to find leaf certificate"); } if (leafCerts.size() > 1) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String subjectDN : leafCerts) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("[" + subjectDN + "]"); } throw new Exception("Multiple leaf certificates: " + sb); } // build sorted chain LinkedList<> chain = new LinkedList<>(); // start from leaf String current = leafCerts.get(0); while (current != null) { cert = certMap.get(current); if (cert == null) { // incomplete chain break; } // add to the beginning of chain chain.addFirst(cert); // follow parent to root current = parentMap.get(current); } return chain.toArray(new[chain.size()]); }
From source
protected Searcher getVolumeSearchers() throws MessageSearchException { logger.debug("getVolumeSearchers()"); boolean searcherPresent = false; Hashtable<String, String> remoteServers = new Hashtable<String, String>(); List<Volume> volumes = Config.getConfig().getVolumes().getVolumes(); LinkedList<Searchable> searchers = new LinkedList<Searchable>(); Iterator<Volume> vl = volumes.iterator(); logger.debug("searching for suitable searchers"); while (vl.hasNext()) { Volume volume = (Volume); logger.debug("should search volume? {" + volume + "}"); try {//from w w w. j a va2 s.c o m Searchable volsearcher; if (shouldSearch(volume)) { try { volsearcher = new IndexSearcher(volume.getIndexPath()); logger.debug("adding volume to search {indexpath='" + volume.getIndexPath() + "'}"); searchers.add(volsearcher); searcherPresent = true; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("failed to volume to search{" + volume + "}: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else { logger.debug("deliberately not searching inside volume {" + volume.getIndexPath() + "}"); } } catch (Exception io) { logger.error("failed to open index for search {" + volume + "}.", io); } } if (!searcherPresent) return null; for (String remotePath : remoteServers.values()) { try { Searchable volsearcher = (Searchable) Naming.lookup(remotePath); searchers.add(volsearcher); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("failed to add volume searcher", e); } } Searchable[] searcherarraytype = new Searchable[searchers.size()]; Searchable[] allsearchers = (Searchable[]) (searchers.toArray(searcherarraytype)); Searcher searcher; try { searcher = new ParallelMultiSearcher(allsearchers); } catch (IOException io) { throw new MessageSearchException("failed to open/create one or more index searchers", logger); } return searcher; }
From source
/** * Lists changes. Next page token is the ID of the last change listed. *///from ww w . j a va 2 s .com @VisibleForTesting Response listChanges(String projectId, String zoneName, String query) { Map<String, Object> options = OptionParsers.parseListChangesOptions(query); Response response = checkListOptions(options); if (response != null) { return response; } ZoneContainer zoneContainer = findZone(projectId, zoneName); if (zoneContainer == null) { return Error.NOT_FOUND.response( String.format("The 'parameters.managedZone' resource named '%s' does not exist", zoneName)); } // take a sorted snapshot of the current change list NavigableMap<Integer, Change> changes = new TreeMap<>(); for (Change c : zoneContainer.changes()) { if (c.getId() != null) { changes.put(Integer.valueOf(c.getId()), c); } } String[] fields = (String[]) options.get("fields"); String sortOrder = (String) options.get("sortOrder"); String pageToken = (String) options.get("pageToken"); Integer maxResults = options.get("maxResults") == null ? null : Integer.valueOf((String) options.get("maxResults")); // as the only supported field is change sequence, we are not reading sortBy NavigableSet<Integer> keys; if ("descending".equals(sortOrder)) { keys = changes.descendingKeySet(); } else { keys = changes.navigableKeySet(); } Integer from = null; try { from = Integer.valueOf(pageToken); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // ignore page token } keys = from != null ? keys.tailSet(from, false) : keys; NavigableMap<Integer, Change> fragment = from != null && changes.containsKey(from) ? changes.tailMap(from, false) : changes; boolean sizeReached = false; boolean hasMorePages = false; LinkedList<String> serializedResults = new LinkedList<>(); String lastChangeId = null; for (Integer key : keys) { Change change = fragment.get(key); if (sizeReached) { // we do not add this, just note that there would be more and there should be a token hasMorePages = true; break; } else { lastChangeId = change.getId(); try { serializedResults.addLast(jsonFactory.toString(OptionParsers.extractFields(change, fields))); } catch (IOException e) { return Error.INTERNAL_ERROR.response( String.format("Error when serializing change %s in managed zone %s in project %s", lastChangeId, zoneName, projectId)); } } sizeReached = maxResults != null && maxResults.equals(serializedResults.size()); } boolean includePageToken = hasMorePages && (fields == null || Arrays.asList(fields).contains("nextPageToken")); return toListResponse(serializedResults, "changes", lastChangeId, includePageToken); }
From source
private void pushEventsWithTransaction(DMaaPContext ctx, InputStream inputStream, final String topic, final String partitionKey, final String requestTime, final boolean chunked, final String mediaType) throws ConfigDbException, AccessDeniedException, TopicExistsException, IOException, CambriaApiException {/*from w w w . j av a 2 s . co m*/ final MetricsSet metricsSet = ctx.getConfigReader().getfMetrics(); // setup the event set final CambriaEventSet events = new CambriaEventSet(mediaType, inputStream, chunked, partitionKey); // start processing, building a batch to push to the backend final long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); long count = 0; long maxEventBatch = 1024 * 16; String evenlen = AJSCPropertiesMap.getProperty(CambriaConstants.msgRtr_prop, BATCH_LENGTH); if (null != evenlen) maxEventBatch = Long.parseLong(evenlen); final LinkedList<Publisher.message> batch = new LinkedList<Publisher.message>(); final ArrayList<KeyedMessage<String, String>> kms = new ArrayList<KeyedMessage<String, String>>(); Publisher.message m = null; int messageSequence = 1; Long batchId = 1L; final boolean transactionEnabled = true; int publishBatchCount = 0; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SS"); // LOG.warn("Batch Start Id: " + // Utils.getFromattedBatchSequenceId(batchId)); try { // for each message... batchId = DMaaPContext.getBatchID(); String responseTransactionId = null; while ((m = != null) { // LOG.warn("Batch Start Id: " + // Utils.getFromattedBatchSequenceId(batchId)); addTransactionDetailsToMessage(m, topic, ctx.getRequest(), requestTime, messageSequence, batchId, transactionEnabled); messageSequence++; // add the message to the batch batch.add(m); responseTransactionId = m.getLogDetails().getTransactionId(); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("message", m.getMessage()); jsonObject.put("transactionId", responseTransactionId); final KeyedMessage<String, String> data = new KeyedMessage<String, String>(topic, m.getKey(), jsonObject.toString()); kms.add(data); // check if the batch is full final int sizeNow = batch.size(); if (sizeNow >= maxEventBatch) { String startTime = sdf.format(new Date());"Batch Start Details:[serverIp=" + ctx.getRequest().getLocalAddr() + ",Batch Start Id=" + batchId + "]"); try { ctx.getConfigReader().getfPublisher().sendBatchMessage(topic, kms); // transactionLogs(batch); for (message msg : batch) { LogDetails logDetails = msg.getLogDetails();"Publisher Log Details : " + logDetails.getPublisherLogDetails()); } } catch (Exception excp) { int status = HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND; String errorMsg = null; if (excp instanceof CambriaApiException) { status = ((CambriaApiException) excp).getStatus(); JSONTokener jsonTokener = new JSONTokener(((CambriaApiException) excp).getBody()); JSONObject errObject = new JSONObject(jsonTokener); errorMsg = (String) errObject.get("message"); } ErrorResponse errRes = new ErrorResponse(status, DMaaPResponseCode.PARTIAL_PUBLISH_MSGS.getResponseCode(), "Transaction-" + errorMessages.getPublishMsgError() + ":" + topic + "." + errorMessages.getPublishMsgCount() + count + "." + errorMsg, null, Utils.getFormattedDate(new Date()), topic, Utils.getUserApiKey(ctx.getRequest()), ctx.getRequest().getRemoteHost(), null, null);; throw new CambriaApiException(errRes); } kms.clear(); batch.clear(); metricsSet.publishTick(sizeNow); publishBatchCount = sizeNow; count += sizeNow; // batchId++; String endTime = sdf.format(new Date());"Batch End Details:[serverIp=" + ctx.getRequest().getLocalAddr() + ",Batch End Id=" + batchId + ",Batch Total=" + publishBatchCount + ",Batch Start Time=" + startTime + ",Batch End Time=" + endTime + "]"); batchId = DMaaPContext.getBatchID(); } } // send the pending batch final int sizeNow = batch.size(); if (sizeNow > 0) { String startTime = sdf.format(new Date());"Batch Start Details:[serverIp=" + ctx.getRequest().getLocalAddr() + ",Batch Start Id=" + batchId + "]"); try { ctx.getConfigReader().getfPublisher().sendBatchMessage(topic, kms); // transactionLogs(batch); for (message msg : batch) { LogDetails logDetails = msg.getLogDetails();"Publisher Log Details : " + logDetails.getPublisherLogDetails()); } } catch (Exception excp) { int status = HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND; String errorMsg = null; if (excp instanceof CambriaApiException) { status = ((CambriaApiException) excp).getStatus(); JSONTokener jsonTokener = new JSONTokener(((CambriaApiException) excp).getBody()); JSONObject errObject = new JSONObject(jsonTokener); errorMsg = (String) errObject.get("message"); } ErrorResponse errRes = new ErrorResponse(status, DMaaPResponseCode.PARTIAL_PUBLISH_MSGS.getResponseCode(), "Transaction-" + errorMessages.getPublishMsgError() + ":" + topic + "." + errorMessages.getPublishMsgCount() + count + "." + errorMsg, null, Utils.getFormattedDate(new Date()), topic, Utils.getUserApiKey(ctx.getRequest()), ctx.getRequest().getRemoteHost(), null, null);; throw new CambriaApiException(errRes); } kms.clear(); metricsSet.publishTick(sizeNow); count += sizeNow; // batchId++; String endTime = sdf.format(new Date()); publishBatchCount = sizeNow;"Batch End Details:[serverIp=" + ctx.getRequest().getLocalAddr() + ",Batch End Id=" + batchId + ",Batch Total=" + publishBatchCount + ",Batch Start Time=" + startTime + ",Batch End Time=" + endTime + "]"); } final long endMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long totalMs = endMs - startMs;"Published " + count + " msgs in " + totalMs + "ms for topic " + topic); // build a response final JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put("count", count); response.put("serverTimeMs", totalMs); } catch (Exception excp) { int status = HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND; String errorMsg = null; if (excp instanceof CambriaApiException) { status = ((CambriaApiException) excp).getStatus(); JSONTokener jsonTokener = new JSONTokener(((CambriaApiException) excp).getBody()); JSONObject errObject = new JSONObject(jsonTokener); errorMsg = (String) errObject.get("message"); } ErrorResponse errRes = new ErrorResponse(status, DMaaPResponseCode.PARTIAL_PUBLISH_MSGS.getResponseCode(), "Transaction-" + errorMessages.getPublishMsgError() + ":" + topic + "." + errorMessages.getPublishMsgCount() + count + "." + errorMsg, null, Utils.getFormattedDate(new Date()), topic, Utils.getUserApiKey(ctx.getRequest()), ctx.getRequest().getRemoteHost(), null, null);; throw new CambriaApiException(errRes); } }
From source
/** * Parses the XML Document passed into the application. * /* w w w. j ava 2s . co m*/ * @param args - the fully-qualified name of the test * script document. * @return - true if the document parsed successfully, * false otherwise. */ protected boolean parseAndStart() { //String ts = testScriptFiles.getFirst(); File f = new File(activeTestScriptFile); if (f != null) {, subCat, "Using input document " + activeTestScriptFile); TSParser tsp = new TSParser(true); try { doc = tsp.parse(activeTestScriptFile); logPackage();, subCat, "Using input document " + activeTestScriptFile + " v." + doc.getVersion()); Stacks.logStackSocketInformation(); ss.setDynamicPlatformSettings(doc.getProperties()); ss.logSettings(); // Now see if we are running a test for an UE and if so // See if we should auto provision the device? ProvisioningData pd = autoProvision(doc.getName()); if (pd != null) { String macAddr = autoGenerate(pd); if (macAddr != null) { // doc.setAutoProv(pd);, subCat, "Updating the global registrar's that the DUT is rebooting"); ProvListener pl = new ProvListener(pd); if (pl != null) { logger.debug(PC2LogCategory.PCSim2, subCat, "Starting the provisioning listener operation."); autoProvisioned =; if (!autoProvisioned) { logger.error(PC2LogCategory.PCSim2, subCat, "Auto provisioning did not occur as expected, test is terminating."); provDB.clearIssuedData(macAddr); return false; } else { Properties dut = SystemSettings.getSettings(SettingConstants.DUT); String pui = dut.getProperty(SettingConstants.PUI); if (pui != null) Stacks.generateAutoRebootEvent(pui); String pui2 = dut.getProperty(SettingConstants.PUI2); if (pui2 != null) Stacks.generateAutoRebootEvent(pui2);, subCat, "Test execution pausing while resetting the DUT."); Thread.sleep(5000);, subCat, "Pause complete."); } } } else {, subCat, "Auto generate didn't return an updated data file for provisioning."); } } else {, subCat, "Auto provisioning did not return a data file for the device."); } LinkedList<FSM> fsms = doc.getFsms(); // Initialize the settings that can be overwritten from // within the document setExtensions(fsms); if (doc.getInspector()) ss.enableInspector(); for (int i = 0; i < fsms.size(); i++) { FSM fsm = fsms.get(i); PC2Models testModel = null; String modelName = fsm.getModel().getName(); if (modelName.equalsIgnoreCase("session")) { testModel = new Session(fsm); if (testModel != null) testModel.init(); try { fsm.getNetworkElements().certify(); } catch (PC2Exception e) { } } else if (modelName.equalsIgnoreCase(MsgRef.STUN_MSG_TYPE)) { testModel = new Stun(fsm); if (testModel != null) testModel.init(); //if (!fsm.getNetworkElements().certify()) // return false; } else if (modelName.equalsIgnoreCase("registrar")) { Properties dut = SystemSettings.getSettings("DUT"); String pui = dut.getProperty(SettingConstants.PUI); Properties platform = SystemSettings.getSettings(SettingConstants.PLATFORM); String destIP = platform.getProperty(SettingConstants.IP); if (pui != null) { testModel = new Registrar(fsm, pui, destIP); if (testModel != null) testModel.init(); try { fsm.getNetworkElements().certify(); } catch (PC2Exception e) { } } else return false; } if (modelName.equalsIgnoreCase("register")) { testModel = new Register(fsm); if (testModel != null) testModel.init(); try { fsm.getNetworkElements().certify(); } catch (PC2Exception e) { } } if (testModel != null) { testModel.start(); activeModels.add(testModel); } } return true; } catch (PC2XMLException pe) { String err = "\n** Parsing error in file \n " + pe.getFileName() + " at line " + pe.getLineNumber(); if (pe.getSystemId() != null) { err += ", uri " + pe.getSystemId(); } if (pe.getPublicId() != null) { err += ", public " + pe.getPublicId(); } err += "\n"; logger.fatal(PC2LogCategory.Parser, subCat, err, pe); } catch (SAXParseException spe) { String err = "\n** Parsing error in file \n " + activeTestScriptFile + " at line " + spe.getLineNumber(); if (spe.getSystemId() != null) { err += ", uri " + spe.getSystemId(); } if (spe.getPublicId() != null) { err += ", public " + spe.getPublicId(); } err += "\n"; logger.fatal(PC2LogCategory.Parser, subCat, err, spe); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return false; }
From source
@Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (!mIsUserSeekable || !isEnabled()) { return false; }/*from w ww. ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ final int xx = Math.round(event.getX()); final int yy = Math.round(event.getY()); int pointerIdx = event.getActionIndex(); Thumb currThumb = null; if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN || event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN) { LinkedList<Thumb> closestOnes = getClosestThumb((int) event.getX(pointerIdx)); if (isInScrollingContainer() && mDraggingThumbs.size() == 0 && exactTouched != null && pointerIdx > 0) { //we have been here before => we want to use the bar Thumb prevThumb = exactTouched.getFirst(); onStartTrackingTouch(prevThumb); exactTouched = null; } if (closestOnes != null && !closestOnes.isEmpty()) { if (closestOnes.size() == 1) { currThumb = closestOnes.getFirst(); if (isInScrollingContainer() && mDraggingThumbs.size() == 0) { exactTouched = closestOnes; } } else { //we have more than one thumb at the same place and we touched there exactTouched = closestOnes; } } } else if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { if (exactTouched != null && !exactTouched.isEmpty()) { currThumb = getMostMovableThumb(event); //check if move actually changed value // if (currThumb == null) return false; } else if (mDraggingThumbs.size() > pointerIdx) { currThumb = mDraggingThumbs.get(pointerIdx); } } else if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP) { if (mDraggingThumbs.size() > pointerIdx) { currThumb = mDraggingThumbs.get(pointerIdx); } //else we had a candidate but was never tracked else if (exactTouched != null && exactTouched.size() > 0) { currThumb = getMostMovableThumb(event); exactTouched = null; } } // else { // LinkedList<Thumb> closestOnes = getClosestThumb((int) event.getX()); // currThumb = closestOnes.getFirst(); // } switch (event.getActionMasked()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: if (isInScrollingContainer() && mDraggingThumbs.size() == 0) { mTouchDownX = event.getX(pointerIdx); } else { onStartTrackingTouch(currThumb); setThumbValue(currThumb, getValue(event, currThumb), true); setHotspot(xx, yy, currThumb); } break; //with move we dont have pointer action so set them all case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: if (mDraggingThumbs.contains(currThumb)) { //need the index for (int i = 0; i < mDraggingThumbs.size(); i++) { if (mDraggingThumbs.get(i) != null && mDraggingThumbs.get(i).getThumb() != null) { invalidate(mDraggingThumbs.get(i).getThumb().getBounds()); } setThumbValue(mDraggingThumbs.get(i), getValue(event, i, mDraggingThumbs.get(i)), true); } setHotspot(xx, yy, currThumb); } else { final float x = event.getX(pointerIdx); if (Math.abs(x - mTouchDownX) > mScaledTouchSlop) { onStartTrackingTouch(currThumb); exactTouched = null; setThumbValue(currThumb, getValue(event, currThumb), true); setHotspot(xx, yy, currThumb); } } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: setPressed(false); //there are other pointers left case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: if (currThumb != null) { boolean toUnPress = false; if (!isPressed()) { setPressed(true); toUnPress = true; } setThumbValue(currThumb, getValue(event, currThumb), true); setHotspot(xx, yy, currThumb); onStopTrackingTouch(currThumb); if (toUnPress) { setPressed(false); } } else { // currThumb = getClosestThumb(newValue); // // Touch up when we never crossed the touch slop threshold should // // be interpreted as a tap-seek to that location. // onStartTrackingTouch(currThumb); // setThumbValue(currThumb, newValue, true); // onStopTrackingTouch(currThumb); } // ProgressBar doesn't know to repaint the thumb drawable // in its inactive state when the touch stops (because the // value has not apparently changed) invalidate(); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: if (mDraggingThumbs != null) { onStopTrackingTouch(); setPressed(false); } invalidate(); // see above explanation break; } return true; }
From source
/** Get the file classpath of the context. * This method makes a best effort to return a complete file * classpath for the context.//from w w w .ja va2 s . c o m * It is obtained by walking the classloader hierarchy and looking for * URLClassLoaders. The system property java.class.path is also checked for * file elements not already found in the loader hierarchy. * @return Path of files and directories for loading classes. * @exception IllegalStateException HttpContext.initClassLoader * has not been called. */ public String getFileClassPath() throws IllegalStateException { ClassLoader loader = getClassLoader(); if (loader == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Context classloader not initialized"); LinkedList paths = new LinkedList(); LinkedList loaders = new LinkedList(); // Walk the loader hierarchy while (loader != null) { loaders.add(0, loader); loader = loader.getParent(); } // Try to handle java2compliant modes loader = getClassLoader(); if (loader instanceof ContextLoader && !((ContextLoader) loader).isJava2Compliant()) { loaders.remove(loader); loaders.add(0, loader); } for (int i = 0; i < loaders.size(); i++) { loader = (ClassLoader) loaders.get(i); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("extract paths from " + loader); if (loader instanceof URLClassLoader) { URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader) loader).getURLs(); for (int j = 0; urls != null && j < urls.length; j++) { try { Resource path = Resource.newResource(urls[j]); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("path " + path); File file = path.getFile(); if (file != null) paths.add(file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { LogSupport.ignore(log, e); } } } } // Add the system classpath elements from property. String jcp = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); if (jcp != null) { StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(jcp, File.pathSeparator); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String path = tok.nextToken(); if (!paths.contains(path)) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("PATH=" + path); paths.add(path); } else if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("done=" + path); } } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); Iterator iter = paths.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(File.pathSeparator); buf.append(; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("fileClassPath=" + buf); return buf.toString(); }
From source
public void run() { logger.debug("InboundMessageThread running"); Boolean dbconnected = false;//from w w w. jav a 2 s. c om if (Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).isConnected(sessionID) == false) { dbconnected = Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).connect(sessionID, hostID); } else { dbconnected = true; } if (dbconnected) { JDBInterfaceLog il = new JDBInterfaceLog(getHostID(), getSessionID()); JeMail mail = new JeMail(getHostID(), getSessionID()); JDBInterface inter = new JDBInterface(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingMaterialDefinition imd = new IncommingMaterialDefinition(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingProcessOrderStatusChange iposc = new IncommingProcessOrderStatusChange(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingProductionDeclarationConfirmation ipd = new IncommingProductionDeclarationConfirmation( getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingProcessOrder ipo = new IncommingProcessOrder(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingLocation ilocn = new IncommingLocation(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingPalletStatusChange ipsc = new IncommingPalletStatusChange(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingPalletMove ipmv = new IncommingPalletMove(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingBatchStatusChange bsc = new IncommingBatchStatusChange(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingJourney ij = new IncommingJourney(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingInspectionResult iirslt = new IncommingInspectionResult(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingDespatchConfirmation idc = new IncommingDespatchConfirmation(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingQMInspectionRequest iireq = new IncommingQMInspectionRequest(getHostID(), getSessionID()); IncommingMaterialAutoMove imam = new IncommingMaterialAutoMove(getHostID(), getSessionID()); GenericMessageHeader gmh = new GenericMessageHeader(); LinkedList<String> filenames = new LinkedList<String>(); BasicFileAttributes attrs; while (true) { com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(100); if (allDone) { if (dbconnected) { Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).disconnect(getSessionID()); } return; } if (InboundMessageCollectionThread.recoveringFiles == false) { dir = new File(inputPath); chld = dir.listFiles((FileFilter) FileFileFilter.FILE); if (chld == null) { allDone = true; } else { Arrays.sort(chld, LastModifiedFileComparator.LASTMODIFIED_COMPARATOR); filenames.clear(); for (int i = 0; (i < chld.length) & (i < maxfiles); i++) { fileName = chld[i].getName(); try { attrs = Files.readAttributes(chld[i].getAbsoluteFile().toPath(), BasicFileAttributes.class); if (attrs.size() > 0) { if (fileName.endsWith(".xml")) { filenames.addFirst(fileName); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(50); } } else { try { chld[i].delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch (IOException e) { } } if (filenames.size() > 0) { logger.debug("Begin processing " + String.valueOf(filenames.size()) + " files."); for (int i = filenames.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (allDone) { if (dbconnected) { Common.hostList.getHost(hostID).disconnect(getSessionID()); } return; } fromFile = filenames.get(i); try { logger.debug("<--- START OF PROCESSING " + fromFile + " ---->"); logger.debug("Reading message header : " + inputPath + fromFile); if (gmh.readAddressInfo(inputPath + fromFile, getSessionID()) == true) { messageProcessedOK = true; errorMessage = ""; if (gmh.getInterfaceType().length() == 0) { messageProcessedOK = false; errorMessage = "Unrecognised Commander4j XML message format in file " + fromFile; logger.debug(errorMessage); String datetime = ""; datetime = JUtility .getISOTimeStampStringFormat(JUtility.getSQLDateTime()); gmh.setMessageDate(datetime); gmh.setInterfaceDirection("Unknown"); gmh.setMessageInformation(fromFile); gmh.setInterfaceType("Unknown"); gmh.setMessageRef("Unknown"); } else { if (gmh.getInterfaceDirection().equals("Input") == false) { messageProcessedOK = false; errorMessage = "Inbound message ignored - Interface Direction = " + gmh.getInterfaceDirection(); } else { String interfaceType = gmh.getInterfaceType(); logger.debug("Processing " + interfaceType + " started."); if (interfaceType.equals("Despatch Confirmation") == true) { messageProcessedOK = idc.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = idc.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Material Definition") == true) { messageProcessedOK = imd.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = imd.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Process Order") == true) { messageProcessedOK = ipo.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = ipo.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Location") == true) { messageProcessedOK = ilocn.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = ilocn.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Pallet Status Change") == true) { messageProcessedOK = ipsc.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = ipsc.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Pallet Move") == true) { messageProcessedOK = ipmv.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = ipmv.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Batch Status Change") == true) { messageProcessedOK = bsc.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = bsc.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Journey Definition") == true) { messageProcessedOK = ij.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = ij.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Process Order Status Change") == true) { messageProcessedOK = iposc.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = iposc.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Production Declaration") == true) { messageProcessedOK = ipd.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = ipd.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("QM Inspection Request") == true) { messageProcessedOK = iireq.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = iireq.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("QM Inspection Result") == true) { messageProcessedOK = iirslt.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = iirslt.getErrorMessage(); } if (interfaceType.equals("Material Auto Move") == true) { messageProcessedOK = imam.processMessage(gmh); errorMessage = imam.getErrorMessage(); } GenericMessageHeader.updateStats("Input", interfaceType, messageProcessedOK.toString()); logger.debug("Processing " + interfaceType + " finished."); } } logger.debug( " === RESULT " + messageProcessedOK.toString() + " ==="); if (messageProcessedOK) { il.write(gmh, GenericMessageHeader.msgStatusSuccess, "Processed OK", "DB Update", fromFile); reader.deleteFile(backupPath + gmh.getInterfaceType() + File.separator + fromFile); reader.move_FileToDirectory(inputPath + fromFile, backupPath + gmh.getInterfaceType(), true); } else { il.write(gmh, GenericMessageHeader.msgStatusError, errorMessage, "DB Update", fromFile); if (inter.getInterfaceProperties(gmh.getInterfaceType(), "Input") == true) { if (inter.getEmailError() == true) { String emailaddresses = inter.getEmailAddresses(); StringConverter stringConverter = new StringConverter(); ArrayConverter arrayConverter = new ArrayConverter( String[].class, stringConverter); arrayConverter.setDelimiter(';'); arrayConverter.setAllowedChars(new char[] { '@', '_' }); String[] emailList = (String[]) arrayConverter .convert(String[].class, emailaddresses); if (emailList.length > 0) { String siteName = Common.hostList.getHost(getHostID()) .getSiteDescription(); String attachedFilename = Common.base_dir + + inputPath + fromFile; logger.debug("Attaching file " + Common.base_dir + + inputPath + fromFile); mail.postMail(emailList, "Error Processing Incoming " + gmh.getInterfaceType() + " for [" + siteName + "] on " + JUtility.getClientName(), errorMessage, fromFile, attachedFilename); com.commander4j.util.JWait.milliSec(2000); } } } reader.deleteFile( errorPath + gmh.getInterfaceType() + File.separator + fromFile); reader.move_FileToDirectory(inputPath + fromFile, errorPath + gmh.getInterfaceType(), true); } } logger.debug("<--- END OF PROCESSING " + fromFile + " ---->"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } } } }