List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList size
int size
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public LinkedList<String[]> getServerLogs(String sessionId) { // work with deep copied clone of the static server logs object in // order to avoid multiple threads ConcurrentModificationException. LinkedList<String[]> serverLogsCloned = new LinkedList<String[]>(); try {// www .j a v a 2s .c om serverLogsCloned = (LinkedList<String[]>) SerializationUtils.clone(serverLogs); } catch (SerializationException e) { // ignore } if (lastDisplayedServerLogIdBySessionId.containsKey(sessionId)) { // client exist with the sessionId. // -> only display new log entries. long lastDisplayedServerLogId = lastDisplayedServerLogIdBySessionId.get(sessionId); LinkedList<String[]> newServerLogEntries = new LinkedList<String[]>(); // FYI, channelLog.size() will never be larger than LOG_SIZE = // 100. for (String[] aServerLog : serverLogsCloned) { if (lastDisplayedServerLogId < Long.parseLong(aServerLog[0])) { newServerLogEntries.addLast(aServerLog); } } if (newServerLogEntries.size() > 0) { // put the lastDisplayedLogId into the HashMap. index 0 is // the most recent entry, and index0 of that entry contains // the logId. lastDisplayedServerLogIdBySessionId.put(sessionId, Long.parseLong(newServerLogEntries.get(0)[0])); } try { return SerializationUtils.clone(newServerLogEntries); } catch (SerializationException e) { logger.error(e); } } else { // brand new client. i.e. brand new session id, and all log // entries are new. // -> display all log entries. if (serverLogsCloned.size() > 0) { lastDisplayedServerLogIdBySessionId.put(sessionId, Long.parseLong(serverLogsCloned.get(0)[0])); } else { // no log exist at all. put the currentLogId-1, which is the // very latest logId. lastDisplayedServerLogIdBySessionId.put(sessionId, logId - 1); } try { return SerializationUtils.clone(serverLogsCloned); } catch (SerializationException e) { logger.error(e); } } return null; }
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@Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { LinkedList<String> argList = new LinkedList<>(); Collections.addAll(argList, args); boolean recursive = false; while (argList.isEmpty() == false) { String arg = argList.removeFirst(); if (arg.equals("-r") || arg.equals("-recursive")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ recursive = true;//from w w w . j av a 2s . c o m } else if (arg.equals("--")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ break; } else { argList.addFirst(arg); break; } } if (argList.size() < 2) { LOG.error(MessageFormat.format("Invalid arguments: {0}", Arrays.toString(args))); System.err.println(MessageFormat.format("Usage: hadoop {0} -conf <datasource-conf.xml> [-r] " + "base-path resource-pattern [resource-pattern [...]]", getClass().getName())); return 1; } String path = argList.removeFirst(); List<FilePattern> patterns = new ArrayList<>(); for (String arg : argList) { patterns.add(FilePattern.compile(arg)); } if (repository == null) { repository = HadoopDataSourceUtil.loadRepository(getConf()); } String basePath = repository.getComponentPath(path); DirectDataSource source = repository.getRelatedDataSource(path); for (FilePattern pattern : patterns) { source.delete(basePath, pattern, recursive, new Counter()); } return 0; }
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@Test public void testWordCount() throws Exception { Path input = new Path("/user/test/keywords_data"); Path output = new Path("/user/test/word_count"); Job job = new Job(configuration); job.setJobName("Word Count Test"); job.setMapperClass(WordCountMapper.class); job.setReducerClass(SumReducer.class); job.setInputFormatClass(TextInputFormat.class); job.setMapOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setMapOutputValueClass(LongWritable.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(LongWritable.class); job.setNumReduceTasks(1);/*from w w w . j a va 2 s.c o m*/ FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, input); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, output); assertTrue("All files from /data classpath directory should have been copied into HDFS", miniMRClusterContext.getFileSystem().exists(input)); job.waitForCompletion(true); assertTrue("Output file should have been created", miniMRClusterContext.getFileSystem().exists(output)); final LinkedList<String> expectedLines = new LinkedList<String>(); expectedLines.add("goodbye\t1"); expectedLines.add("hello\t1"); expectedLines.add("world\t2"); miniMRClusterContext.processData(output, new Function<String, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(String line) { assertEquals(expectedLines.pop(), line); return null; } }); assertEquals(0, expectedLines.size()); }
From source
public void setPriority(int id, Priority priority) { LinkedList<FilterRule> list = filterRules; FilterRule ar = filterRules.get(id); list.remove(ar);//from w w w. j a m switch (priority) { case HIGHER: if ((id - 1) <= 0) list.addFirst(ar); else list.add(id - 1, ar); break; case LOWER: if ((id + 1) >= list.size()) list.addLast(ar); else list.add(id + 1, ar); break; case HIGHEST: list.addFirst(ar); break; case LOWEST: list.addLast(ar); break; } }
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public void handle(HttpResponse response) throws IOException { if (this.job.isFinished()) { return;/*from w w w. ja va2 s . co m*/ } HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); BufferedInputStream in; if (this.zipped) { in = new BufferedInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(entity.getContent())); } else { in = new BufferedInputStream(entity.getContent()); } String responseText = IOUtils.toString(in, CHARSET_ISO_8859_1); if (this.job.isFinished()) { return; } //"PT response: " + responseText); LinkedList<PartialRoute> partialRoutes = parseExternalRouteResponse(responseText); if (!partialRoutes.isEmpty()) {"Got " + partialRoutes.size() + " partial routes"); if (!this.job.setFinished(this.url)) { return; } RouteResult result = readRouteInfo(partialRoutes); createRouteResponse(, result); this.job.setHandled(); } else {"No partial routes received: " + url); } }
From source
private void runTest(PatternTestStyle testStyle) throws Exception { Configuration config = SupportConfigFactory.getConfiguration(); config.addEventType("A", SupportBean_A.class); config.addEventType("B", SupportBean_B.class); config.addEventType("C", SupportBean_C.class); config.addEventType("D", SupportBean_D.class); config.addEventType("E", SupportBean_E.class); config.addEventType("F", SupportBean_F.class); config.addEventType("G", SupportBean_G.class); EPServiceProvider serviceProvider = EPServiceProviderManager.getDefaultProvider(config); serviceProvider.initialize();//from w ww . j av a 2 s .co m EPRuntime runtime = serviceProvider.getEPRuntime(); // Send the start time to the runtime if (sendEventCollection.getTime(EventCollection.ON_START_EVENT_ID) != null) { TimerEvent startTime = new CurrentTimeEvent( sendEventCollection.getTime(EventCollection.ON_START_EVENT_ID)); runtime.sendEvent(startTime); log.debug(".runTest Start time is " + startTime); } // Set up expression filters and match listeners int index = 0; for (EventExpressionCase descriptor : caseList.getResults()) { String expressionText = descriptor.getExpressionText(); EPStatementObjectModel model = descriptor.getObjectModel(); EPStatement statement = null; try { if (model != null) { statement = serviceProvider.getEPAdministrator().create(model, "name--" + expressionText); } else { if (testStyle == PatternTestStyle.USE_PATTERN_LANGUAGE) { statement = serviceProvider.getEPAdministrator().createPattern(expressionText, "name--" + expressionText); } else if (testStyle == PatternTestStyle.USE_EPL) { String text = "@Audit('pattern') @Audit('pattern-instances') select * from pattern [" + expressionText + "]"; statement = serviceProvider.getEPAdministrator().createEPL(text); expressionText = text; } else if (testStyle == PatternTestStyle.COMPILE_TO_MODEL) { String text = "select * from pattern [" + expressionText + "]"; EPStatementObjectModel mymodel = serviceProvider.getEPAdministrator().compileEPL(text); statement = serviceProvider.getEPAdministrator().create(mymodel); expressionText = text; } else if (testStyle == PatternTestStyle.COMPILE_TO_EPL) { String text = "select * from pattern [" + expressionText + "]"; EPStatementObjectModel mymodel = serviceProvider.getEPAdministrator().compileEPL(text); String reverse = mymodel.toEPL(); statement = serviceProvider.getEPAdministrator().createEPL(reverse); expressionText = reverse; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown test style"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { String text = expressionText; if (model != null) { text = "Model: " + model.toEPL(); } log.fatal(".runTest Failed to create statement for style " + testStyle + " pattern expression=" + text, ex);; } // We stop the statement again and start after the first listener was added. // Thus we can handle patterns that fireStatementStopped on startup. statement.stop(); expressions[index] = statement; expressions[index].addListener(listeners[index]); // Start the statement again: listeners now got called for on-start events such as for a "not" statement.start(); index++; } // Some expressions may fireStatementStopped as soon as they are started, such as a "not b()" expression, for example. // Check results for any such listeners/expressions. // NOTE: For EPL statements we do not support calling listeners when a pattern that fires upon start. // Reason is that this should not be a relevant functionality of a pattern, the start pattern // event itself cannot carry any information and is thus ignore. Note subsequent events // generated by the same pattern are fine. int totalEventsReceived = 0; if (testStyle != PatternTestStyle.USE_PATTERN_LANGUAGE) { clearListenerEvents(); totalEventsReceived += countExpectedEvents(EventCollection.ON_START_EVENT_ID); } else // Patterns do need to handle event publishing upon pattern expression start (patterns that turn true right away) { checkResults(testStyle, EventCollection.ON_START_EVENT_ID); totalEventsReceived += countListenerEvents(); clearListenerEvents(); } // Send actual test events for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : sendEventCollection.entrySet()) { String eventId = entry.getKey(); // Manipulate the time when this event was send if (sendEventCollection.getTime(eventId) != null) { TimerEvent currentTimeEvent = new CurrentTimeEvent(sendEventCollection.getTime(eventId)); runtime.sendEvent(currentTimeEvent); log.debug(".runTest Sending event " + entry.getKey() + " = " + entry.getValue() + " timed " + currentTimeEvent); } // Send event itself runtime.sendEvent(entry.getValue()); // Check expected results for this event checkResults(testStyle, eventId); // Count and clear the list of events that each listener has received totalEventsReceived += countListenerEvents(); clearListenerEvents(); } // Count number of expected matches int totalExpected = 0; for (EventExpressionCase descriptor : caseList.getResults()) { for (LinkedList<EventDescriptor> events : descriptor.getExpectedResults().values()) { totalExpected += events.size(); } } if (totalExpected != totalEventsReceived) { log.debug(".test Count expected does not match count received, expected=" + totalExpected + " received=" + totalEventsReceived); TestCase.assertTrue(false); } // Kill all expressions for (EPStatement expression : expressions) { expression.removeAllListeners(); } // Send test events again to also test that all were indeed killed for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : sendEventCollection.entrySet()) { runtime.sendEvent(entry.getValue()); } // Make sure all listeners are still at zero for (SupportUpdateListener listener : listeners) { if (listener.getNewDataList().size() > 0) { log.debug(".test A match was received after stopping all expressions"); TestCase.assertTrue(false); } } }
From source
public void sortImages() { LinkedList<Map.Entry<String, Long>> timestampList = new LinkedList<>(timestampData.entrySet()); sort(timestampList, (x, y) -> x.getValue() > y.getValue() ? -1 : x.getValue().equals(y.getValue()) ? 0 : 1); // Sort in reverse so that the most recent timestamps are first.e so that the most recent timestamps are first. LinkedList<Map.Entry<File, Long>> imageDataList = new LinkedList<>(imageData.entrySet()); sort(imageDataList, (x, y) -> x.getValue() > y.getValue() ? -1 : x.getValue().equals(y.getValue()) ? 0 : 1); // Sort in reverse so that the most recent timestamps are first. // For the gui update int idCount = imageDataList.size(); //Take the first image and the first timestamp scan taken, which is last in the list, //and sync the camera time to the timestamp time.Both are throwaways. if (!timestampList.isEmpty() && !imageDataList.isEmpty() && parent.syncTime) { Map.Entry<File, Long> iData = imageDataList.pollLast(); Map.Entry<String, Long> tsData = timestampList.pollLast(); //Make the offset cameraTimeOffset = tsData.getValue() - iData.getValue(); }// w w w. j av a 2 s . c o m //add the file to the top timestamp student until it is no longer more than it while (!timestampList.isEmpty() && !imageDataList.isEmpty()) { Map.Entry<File, Long> iData = imageDataList.peekFirst(); Map.Entry<String, Long> tsData = timestampList.pollFirst(); ArrayList<File> studentImages = new ArrayList<>(); while (!imageDataList.isEmpty() && iData.getValue() + cameraTimeOffset > tsData.getValue()) { iData = imageDataList.pollFirst(); studentImages.add(iData.getKey()); iData = imageDataList.peekFirst(); //update the GUI parent.addProgress((.125 / parent.numThreads) / idCount); } if (!studentImages.isEmpty()) { parent.addImagesToStudent(tsData.getKey(), studentImages); } } //add the unsorted images to the parent's unsorted queue for (Map.Entry<File, Long> entry : imageDataList) { parent.unsortedFiles.add(entry.getKey()); //update the GUI parent.addProgress((.125 / parent.numThreads) / idCount); } }
From source
private int deleteJsonRecords(Handle dbi, String baseDBPath, String like) { LinkedList<String> params = getAllParentPaths(baseDBPath); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("DELETE from jsondb where path LIKE ?"); if (!params.isEmpty()) { sql.append(" OR path in ( ").append(String.join(", ", Collections.nCopies(params.size(), "?"))) .append(" )"); }// w w w.j a va 2 m params.addFirst(like); return dbi.update(sql.toString(), params.toArray()); }
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/** * Constructor/*w w w. j a va 2 s.c o m*/ * @param certificatePath path to a p7b or DER encoded file * @return Array of X509Certificate * @throws * @throws */ public CertificateChain(String certificatePath) throws CertificateException, IOException { if (certificatePath == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("certificatePath expected"); logger.debug("Loading certificate from: " + certificatePath); LinkedList<X509Certificate> returnList = new LinkedList<X509Certificate>(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(certificatePath); try { CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); Collection certificates = cf.generateCertificates(fis); for (Object cert : certificates) { returnList.add((X509Certificate) cert); logger.debug("Certificate: " + cert); } } finally { fis.close(); } chain = returnList.toArray(new X509Certificate[returnList.size()]); }
From source
/** * Sends all events in the buffer to the collector. *//*ww w . jav a2 s . co m*/ public void flushBuffer() { if (buffer.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("Buffer is empty, exiting flush operation.."); return; } if (httpMethod == HttpMethod.GET) { int success_count = 0; LinkedList<Payload> unsentPayloads = new LinkedList<Payload>(); for (Payload payload : buffer) { int status_code = sendGetData(payload).getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (status_code == 200) success_count++; else unsentPayloads.add(payload); } if (unsentPayloads.size() == 0) { if (requestCallback != null) requestCallback.onSuccess(success_count); } else if (requestCallback != null) requestCallback.onFailure(success_count, unsentPayloads); } else if (httpMethod == HttpMethod.POST) { LinkedList<Payload> unsentPayload = new LinkedList<Payload>(); SchemaPayload postPayload = new SchemaPayload(); postPayload.setSchema(Constants.SCHEMA_PAYLOAD_DATA); ArrayList<Map> eventMaps = new ArrayList<Map>(); for (Payload payload : buffer) { eventMaps.add(payload.getMap()); } postPayload.setData(eventMaps); int status_code = sendPostData(postPayload).getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (status_code == 200 && requestCallback != null) requestCallback.onSuccess(buffer.size()); else if (requestCallback != null) { unsentPayload.add(postPayload); requestCallback.onFailure(0, unsentPayload); } } // Empties current buffer buffer.clear(); }