List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList LinkedList
public LinkedList()
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public Car() { reservations = new LinkedList<>(); }
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public static String mergeVCFs(String GATK, String RefGenome, String Infolder, String Outfolder, String Regex, String GenotypeMergeOption, final ExecutionContext exec, NodeLogger logger, String OUTFILETAG) throws InvalidSettingsException { LinkedList<String> Files2Merge = new LinkedList<String>(); de.helmholtz_muenchen.ibis.utils.ngs.FileSearch.searchWithV(Infolder, Regex, Files2Merge); String OUTFILE = merge_vcfs(GATK, RefGenome, Files2Merge, Outfolder, GenotypeMergeOption, exec, logger, OUTFILETAG);/*from www .j a va2 s .c o m*/ return OUTFILE; }
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public User(String _userName, String _phoneNumber) { this._userName = _userName; this._phoneNumber = _phoneNumber; this._massegesQueue = new LinkedList(); this._cookie = new BasicClientCookie((_userName + "Cookie"), _userName); this.groups = new HashMap<>(); }
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public static String[] getAllAppNames(String[] excludes) { File classpath = getClasspath(); File deployDir = classpath.getParentFile(); List<String> appNames = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String suffix : SUFFIXS) { File[] files = listFiles(deployDir, suffix, excludes); addFilesToAppNames(files, appNames, suffix); }// w ww .j ava 2 s . c o m return appNames.toArray(new String[appNames.size()]); }
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public static Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<VRowCol> loadTestVHMap(String testFilePath, Configuration configuration, int numThreads) { List<String> testFilePaths = new LinkedList<>(); Path path = new Path(testFilePath); try {//from w ww . java 2 s. com FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(configuration); RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> iterator = fs.listFiles(path, true); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String name =; testFilePaths.add(name); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Fail to get test files", e); } VStore testVStore = new VStore(testFilePaths, numThreads, configuration); testVStore.load(true, false); return testVStore.getVHMap(); }
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Path(final String pathString) { this.pathComponents = new LinkedList<>(); final String pathComponentString; if (pathString.startsWith(START_TOKEN)) { this.pathComponents.addFirst(START_TOKEN); pathComponentString = pathString.substring(2); } else {// w w w .ja v a 2 s . c o m pathComponentString = pathString; } if (pathComponentString.contains(START_TOKEN)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied path string " + pathString + " contains " + START_TOKEN + " at an index other than 0"); } final String[] pathComponents = pathComponentString.split("/"); for (final String pathComponent : pathComponents) { if (!pathComponent.isEmpty()) { this.pathComponents.add(pathComponent); } } }
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public TextV(String trama) { this.trama = trama; this.longitud = -1; datos = new LinkedList<>(); }
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public List<TraceroutePath> handleResponse(String jsonString) { List<TraceroutePath> listOfPaths = new LinkedList<TraceroutePath>(); JSONArray tracesListArray = new JSONArray(jsonString); for (int i = 0; i < tracesListArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject results = (JSONObject) tracesListArray.get(i); IpAddress source = null;/* w w w.j a va2 s . co m*/ IpAddress destination = null; try { source = new IpAddress((String) results.get("from")); destination = new IpAddress((String) results.get("dst_name")); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { String errorMsg = "Could not create IP-addresses"; System.err .println(e.getClass().getName() + ":" + errorMsg + " (" + this.getClass().getName() + ")"); } TracesHandler handler = new TracesHandler(); String resultString = results.get("result").toString(); List<IpAddress> trace = handler.handleResponse(resultString); TraceroutePath path = new TraceroutePath(source, destination, trace); listOfPaths.add(path); } return listOfPaths; }
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public static List<double[]> loadPoints(List<String> fileNames, int pointsPerFile, int cenVecSize, Configuration conf, int numThreads) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<PointLoadTask> tasks = new LinkedList<>(); List<double[]> arrays = new LinkedList<double[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { tasks.add(new PointLoadTask(pointsPerFile, cenVecSize, conf)); }/*from www.j a v a 2s .co m*/ DynamicScheduler<String, double[], PointLoadTask> compute = new DynamicScheduler<>(tasks); for (String fileName : fileNames) { compute.submit(fileName); } compute.start(); compute.stop(); while (compute.hasOutput()) { double[] output = compute.waitForOutput(); if (output != null) { arrays.add(output); } } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out .println("File read (ms): " + (endTime - startTime) + ", number of point arrays: " + arrays.size()); return arrays; }
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public static List<List<double[]>> loadPoints(List<String> fileNames, int pointsPerFile, int cenVecSize, Configuration conf, int numThreads) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<PointLoadTask> tasks = new LinkedList<>(); List<List<double[]>> arrays = new LinkedList<List<double[]>>(); for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { tasks.add(new PointLoadTask(pointsPerFile, cenVecSize, conf)); }//from w w w . j a v a 2s .c o m DynamicScheduler<String, List<double[]>, PointLoadTask> compute = new DynamicScheduler<>(tasks); for (String fileName : fileNames) { compute.submit(fileName); } compute.start(); compute.stop(); while (compute.hasOutput()) { List<double[]> output = compute.waitForOutput(); if (output != null) { arrays.add(output); } } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out .println("File read (ms): " + (endTime - startTime) + ", number of point arrays: " + arrays.size()); return arrays; }