Example usage for java.util LinkedList LinkedList

List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList LinkedList


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util LinkedList LinkedList.


public LinkedList() 

Source Link


Constructs an empty list.


From source file:com.wavemaker.tools.apidocs.tools.parser.util.Utils.java

public static List<Class<?>> getAllFilteredSuperTypes(Class<?> type) {
    List<Class<?>> superTypes = new LinkedList<>();
    if (type.getSuperclass() != null) {
        // All classes in java overrides Object, we need to ignore it to avoid making all models as Composed.
        if (!type.getSuperclass().equals(Object.class)) {
            if (ContextUtil.getConfiguration().getModelScanner().filter(type.getSuperclass())) {
            }/*  w  w w.j a va  2s  .co  m*/
    return superTypes;

From source file:com.microsoft.rest.pipeline.HttpResponseInterceptorAdapter.java

 * Initialize a new instance of HttpResponseInterceptorAdapter.
public HttpResponseInterceptorAdapter() {
    filters = new LinkedList<ServiceResponseFilter>();

From source file:net.decix.jatlasx.ripe.atlas.api.handler.TraceHandler.java

public List<IpAddress> handleResponse(String jsonString) {

    List<IpAddress> ipAddresses = new LinkedList<IpAddress>();
    JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonString);

    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
        JSONObject hop = (JSONObject) jsonArray.get(i);
        String ipAddress = "null";
        if (hop.has("from")) {
            ipAddress = String.valueOf(hop.get("from"));
        }// www.  j av a  2  s .  c om

        try {
            ipAddresses.add(new IpAddress(ipAddress));
        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            String errorMsg = "Could not create IP-address:" + ipAddress;
            System.err.println(e.getClass().getName() + ":" + errorMsg + "(" + this.getClass().getName() + ")");
    return ipAddresses;

From source file:com.smallnn.input.FileUtil.java

public static List<File> find(File file, FileFilter filter) {
    List<File> result = new ArrayList<File>();
    LinkedList<File> stack = new LinkedList<File>();
    stack.push(file);//from   w ww .  ja  va2 s .  c o  m
    while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
        File f = stack.pop();
        if (filter == null || filter.accept(f)) {

        if (f.isDirectory() && f.exists()) {
    return result;

From source file:Main.java

 * Method getChildTags. Get all direct children of given element which
 * match the given tag./*ww  w . j  av  a 2s. co  m*/
 * This method only looks at the direct children of the given node, and
 * doesn't descent deeper into the tree. If a '*' is passed as tag,
 * all elements are returned.
 * @param el            Element where to get children from
 * @param tag           Tag to match. Use '*' to match all tags.
 * @return Collection  Collection containing all elements found. If
 *                      size() returns 0, then no matching elements
 *                      were found. All items in the collection can
 *                      be safely cast to type
 *                      <code>org.w3c.dom.Element</code>.
public static Collection<Node> getChildTags(Element el, String tag) {
    Collection<Node> c;
    NodeList nl;
    int len;
    boolean allChildren;

    c = new LinkedList<Node>();
    nl = el.getChildNodes();
    len = nl.getLength();

    if ("*".equals(tag)) {
        allChildren = true;
    } else {
        allChildren = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        Node n = nl.item(i);
        if (n instanceof Element) {
            Element e = (Element) n;
            if (allChildren || e.getTagName().equals(tag)) {

    return c;

From source file:com.offbynull.portmapper.common.RegexUtils.java

 * Finds all IPv4 addresses in a block of text.
 * @param text block of text to search in
 * @return all IPv4 addresses in {@code text}
 * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null}
 *//*from ww w. j  av  a  2s  . co m*/
public static List<String> findAllIpv4Addresses(String text) {

    List<String> ret = new LinkedList<>();

    Matcher matcher = IPV4_PATTERN.matcher(text);
    while (matcher.find()) {

    return ret;

From source file:com.yahoo.platform.yuitest.coverage.results.DirectoryCoverageReport.java

public DirectoryCoverageReport(String directory) {
    this.directory = directory;
    this.fileReports = new LinkedList<FileCoverageReport>();

From source file:com.insightml.models.AbstractBasicDoubleLearner.java

private static Pair<double[], double[][]> filter(final LearnerInput<? extends Sample, ? extends Double> input) {
    final double[][] features = input.getTrain().features();
    final Double[] expected = input.getTrain().expected(input.labelIndex);

    final DoubleArray expFiltered = new DoubleArray(expected.length);
    final List<double[]> featsFiltered = new LinkedList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) {
        if (expected[i] != null) {
        }/*from w  ww . ja  va2 s  .  c o m*/
    final double[][] featsArray = Arrays.of(featsFiltered, double[].class);
    return new Pair<>(expFiltered.toArray(), featsArray);

From source file:neo4j.models.log.PerformanceLog.java

public static void create(long duration, LogCategory logCategory, Request<AnyContent> request, String text) {
    if (Global.isPerformanceLogging() == true) {
        PerformanceLog result = new PerformanceLog();
        result.duration = duration;/*  w w w. j a  v a 2s .  com*/
        abstractCreate(result, logCategory, LogLevel.INFO, request, new LinkedList<AbstractModel>());
        if (text != null) {
            result.httpUrl += " - " + text;
    } else {
        String requestString = logCategory.toString();
        if (request != null) {
            requestString += " " + request.uri();
        if (text != null) {
            requestString += " - " + text;
        Logger.info(requestString + " took " + duration + " ms");

From source file:com.erinors.hpb.tests.HpbTestUtils.java

public static void assertEqualsByCloneableFields(Object o1, Object o2) {
    if (o1 == null || o2 == null || o1.getClass() != o2.getClass()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Non-null objects of same class expected but got: " + o1 + ", " + o2);
    }/*from ww w  .j a v  a2s .  c  om*/

    List<Field> fields = new LinkedList<Field>();
    ClassUtils.collectCloneableFields(o1.getClass(), fields);

    for (Field field : fields) {
        try {

            Object fieldValue1 = field.get(o1);
            Object fieldValue2 = field.get(o2);

            if (!equal(fieldValue1, fieldValue2)) {
                throw new AssertionError("Field value mismatch: " + field + ", value1=" + fieldValue1
                        + ", value2=" + fieldValue2);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot copy field: " + field, e);