List of usage examples for java.util LinkedList addAll
public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c)
From source
public LinkedList<AZoFTPFile> discoverRemoteFiles(String root, boolean includeDirs) throws IOException { LinkedList<AZoFTPFile> retval = new LinkedList(); for (FTPFile f : ftpclient.listFiles(root)) { AZoFTPFile af = new AZoFTPFile(f, root); if (f.isFile() && isPicture(af) && !retval.contains(af)) { retval.add(af);/* www . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ } if (f.isDirectory()) { if (includeDirs) { retval.add(af); } retval.addAll(discoverRemoteFiles(root + f.getName() + "/", includeDirs)); } } return retval; }
From source
/** * Performs an search. The caller indicates the maximum number of results to return, and the offset within * the total number of results./*from w ww . ja va2s. c o m*/ * <p/> * Because there is no concrete search implementation backing the mock connector, the query semantics are * determined by parsing the query string, and the query itself is emulated. Currently, the following kinds * of searches are supported: * <ul> * <li>ancestry search - find entities that share a common ancestor</li> * <li>identity search - find an entity with a specific id</li> * <li>parent search - find child Deliverable Units of a parent DU</li> * </ul> * * @param query the query string * @return an iterator over the search results * @throws DcsConnectorFault */ public CountableIterator<DcsEntity> search(String query, int maxResults, int offset) throws DcsConnectorFault { LinkedList<DcsEntity> result = new LinkedList<DcsEntity>(); // Grab id String archive_id = null; if (query.contains("parent:")) { archive_id = query.substring(query.indexOf("parent:") + "parent:".length() + 1, query.length() - 2); } else { int i = query.indexOf('\"'); archive_id = query.substring(i + 1, query.indexOf('\"', i + 1)); } // TODO unescape solr syntax correctly archive_id = archive_id.replace("\\", ""); if (query.contains(" OR ") && !query.contains("former:")) { // Assume sip recreation search // Find all the ancestors of archive_id performAncestrySearch(result, archive_id); // Add the common ancestor itself. DcsEntity e = archiveUtil.getEntity(archive_id); if (!result.contains(e)) { result.add(e); } } else if (query.startsWith("id:")) { // Assume id search if (archiveUtil.getEntity(archive_id) != null) { result.add(archiveUtil.getEntity(archive_id)); } } else if (query.startsWith("ancestry:")) { // Assume ancestry search performAncestrySearch(result, archive_id); } else if (query.contains("parent")) { performParentSearch(result, archive_id); } else if (query.contains("former:")) { // example query we're handling: // ((entityType:"DeliverableUnit" AND former:"ed64f0fc\-8201\-47c0\-bdc9\-024078aaefbc" AND type:"root")) // OR ((entityType:"DeliverableUnit" AND former:"ed64f0fc\-8201\-47c0\-bdc9\-024078aaefbc" AND type:"state")) // another example query: // ((entityType:"DeliverableUnit" AND former:"id\://mooo" AND type:"root")) OR ((entityType:"DeliverableUnit" AND former:"id\://mooo" AND type:"state")) // another example: // (entityType:"DeliverableUnit" AND former:"http\://localhost\:8080/item/8" AND type:"org.dataconservancy\:types\:DataItem") Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^.*former:(\\S*)\\s.*$"); Matcher m = p.matcher(query); if (m.find()) { String former_ref =; former_ref = stripQuotes(former_ref); performFormerSearch(result, former_ref); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to parse value for the 'former:' parameter from query string '" + query + "'"); } LinkedList<DcsEntity> culledResults = new LinkedList<DcsEntity>(); p = Pattern.compile("type:(\\S*)"); m = p.matcher(query); if (!m.find()) { culledResults.addAll(result); } m = p.matcher(query); while (m.find()) { String type = stripQuotes(; Iterator<DcsEntity> itr = result.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DcsEntity entity =; if (!(entity instanceof DcsDeliverableUnit)) { culledResults.add(entity); } if (type.equals(((DcsDeliverableUnit) entity).getType())) { culledResults.add(entity); } } } result = culledResults; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Search not handled: " + query); } if (offset > 0 && result.size() > 0) { result.subList(0, offset).clear(); } if (maxResults > 0 && result.size() > maxResults) { result.subList(maxResults, result.size()).clear(); } return new MockSearchIterator(result); }
From source
public List<String> getNoteInterpreterSettingBinding(String noteId) { LinkedList<String> bindings = new LinkedList<String>(); synchronized (interpreterSettings) { List<String> settingIds = interpreterBindings.get(noteId); if (settingIds != null) { bindings.addAll(settingIds); }/*from w w w . j a va2 s. c om*/ } return bindings; }
From source
List findJavaFiles(File dir) { LinkedList files = new LinkedList(); if (!dir.isDirectory()) { return files; }//from www. j a va2 s.c o m String[] subs = dir.list(); for (int i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) { String next = subs[i]; File nextFile = new File(dir, next); if (nextFile.isDirectory()) { files.addAll(findJavaFiles(nextFile)); } else { if (next.endsWith(".java")) { files.add(nextFile); } } } return files; }
From source
public LinkedList<String> getDatasetList(String repositoryPath) { LinkedList<String> datasetList = new LinkedList<>(); File dir = new File(repositoryPath + "/"); if (dir.exists()) { String[] files = dir.list(DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE); datasetList.addAll(Arrays.asList(files)); } else {//from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m dir.mkdir(); } return datasetList; }
From source
public static void discoverFsqLocations(String lat, String lng) { String appid = params._contains(PARAM_APPID) ? params.get(PARAM_APPID) : ""; String limit = params._contains(PARAM_LIMIT) ? params.get(PARAM_LIMIT) : ""; limit = verifyRecordLimit(limit);//from w w w . j ava2 s. com String radius = params._contains(PARAM_RADIUS) ? params.get(PARAM_RADIUS) : ""; radius = verifyRadius(radius); String herenow = params._contains(PARAM_HERENOW) ? params.get(PARAM_HERENOW) : "true";// by default : true String query = params._contains(PARAM_QUERY) ? params.get(PARAM_QUERY) : "";"PARAMS -> appid:%s ; lat,lng:%s,%s ; radius:%s ; limit:%s ; herenow:%s ; query:%s", appid, lat, lng, radius, limit, herenow, query); ResponseModel responseModel = new ResponseModel(); ResponseMeta responseMeta = new ResponseMeta(); LinkedList<Object> dataList = new LinkedList<Object>(); HashMap params = new HashMap(); String cacheKey = CACHE_KEYPREFIX_NEARBY + "geo:" + lat + "," + lng; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(limit)) cacheKey += "|" + limit; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(query)) cacheKey += "|" + query; try { //dataList = (LinkedList<Object>) Cache.get(cacheKey); dataList = Cache.get(cacheKey, LinkedList.class); if (dataList == null) { dataList = new LinkedList<Object>(); params.clear(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(lat) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(lng)) params.put("ll", lat + "," + lng); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(limit)) params.put(PARAM_LIMIT, limit); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(radius)) params.put(PARAM_RADIUS, radius); /*params.put(PARAM_RADIUS, !StringUtils.isEmpty(radius)? radius :Play.configuration.getProperty("fsqdiscovery.discovery.API_LOCO_SEARCHDISTANCE") );*/ if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(query)) params.put(PARAM_QUERY, query); FoursquareDiscoverPoiJob mFoursquarePoiJob = new FoursquareDiscoverPoiJob(); mFoursquarePoiJob.setReqParams(params); dataList.addAll((LinkedList<Object>) mFoursquarePoiJob.doJobWithResult()); if (dataList.size() > 0) {"adding to cache!!! %s", dataList.size()); Cache.set(cacheKey, dataList, CACHE_TTL_NEARBY); } else {"NO NEED to cache, dataList.size(): 0"); response.status = Http.StatusCode.OK; responseMeta.code = response.status; responseModel.meta = responseMeta; = dataList; renderJSON(LocoUtils.getGson().toJson(responseModel)); } } else {"Found in CACHE!!! %s", dataList.size()); } if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(herenow)) { // HereNow part params.clear(); FoursquareDiscoverHereNowJob mFoursquareDiscoverHereNowJob = new FoursquareDiscoverHereNowJob(); mFoursquareDiscoverHereNowJob.setReqParams(params); mFoursquareDiscoverHereNowJob.setPoiList(dataList); dataList = new LinkedList<Object>();//dataList.clear(); dataList.addAll((LinkedList<Object>) mFoursquareDiscoverHereNowJob.doJobWithResult()); // remove items which doesn't have any hereNow in it!!! try { PoiModelFoursquare fsqPoi = null; LinkedList<Object> dataListFiltered = new LinkedList<Object>(); for (Object obj : dataList) { fsqPoi = (PoiModelFoursquare) obj; //if (fsqPoi.herenow==null || fsqPoi.herenow.size()==0) dataList.remove(obj); if (fsqPoi.herenow != null && fsqPoi.herenow.size() > 0) dataListFiltered.add(obj); }"dataList.size(): %s | dataListFiltered.size(): %s", dataList.size(), dataListFiltered.size()); dataList = new LinkedList<Object>();//dataList.clear(); dataList.addAll(dataListFiltered); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.warn("exception while filtering out hereNow : %s", ex.toString()); } } else {"herenow param is NOT set true, skip loading hereNow!!! herenow: %s", herenow); } response.status = Http.StatusCode.OK; responseMeta.code = response.status; responseModel.meta = responseMeta; = dataList; renderJSON(LocoUtils.getGson().toJson(responseModel)); } catch (Exception ex) { responseMeta.code = Http.StatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR; gotError(responseMeta, ex); //renderJSON(responseModel); } }
From source
/** * Locks to prevent request processing while mapping is added. * * Finds all classes annotated with ServletConfig and maps the class to * the url specified in the annotation. Wildcard mapping are allowed in * the form of *.extension or /some/path/* * * @param context an active ServletContext *///from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c om public void load(final ServletContext context) { try { write.lock(); LinkedList<URL> urlList = new LinkedList<URL>(); urlList.addAll(Arrays.asList(ClasspathUrlFinder.findResourceBases(EMPTY))); urlList.addAll(Arrays.asList(WarUrlFinder.findWebInfLibClasspaths(context))); URL[] urls = new URL[urlList.size()]; urls = urlList.toArray(urls); AnnotationDB annoDB = new AnnotationDB(); annoDB.setScanClassAnnotations(true); annoDB.setScanFieldAnnotations(false); annoDB.setScanMethodAnnotations(false); annoDB.setScanParameterAnnotations(false); annoDB.scanArchives(urls); HashMap<String, Set<String>> annotationIndex = (HashMap<String, Set<String>>) annoDB .getAnnotationIndex(); if (annotationIndex != null && !annotationIndex.isEmpty()) { //----------------------------------------------------------- // Look for any classes annotated with @ServletConfig Set<String> classNames = annotationIndex.get(ServletConfig.class.getName()); if (classNames != null) { for (String c : classNames) { try { final Class<? extends HttpServlet> klass = (Class<? extends HttpServlet>) Class .forName(c); if (klass.isAnnotationPresent(ServletConfig.class)) { final ServletConfig config = (ServletConfig) klass .getAnnotation(ServletConfig.class); // If the config specifies String mapppings... if (config.mappings() != null) { for (String url : config.mappings()) { // Leave the asterisk, we'll add it when matching... //if (url.matches("(^\\*[^*]*?)|([^*]*?/\\*$)")) // url = url.replace("*", EMPTY); url = url.toLowerCase(); // all comparisons are lower-case if (urlMap.putIfAbsent(url, klass) == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Mapping servlet " + klass.getName() + " to path " + url); } else log.error("Unable to map servlet " + klass.getName() + " to path " + url + ", path already mapped to " + urlMap.get(url).getName()); } } // If the config specifies a regex mapping... if (!empty(config.regex())) { regexMap.putIfAbsent(config.regex(), klass); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Mapping servlet " + klass.getName() + " to regex path " + config.regex()); } // Create an instance of the servlet and init it HttpServlet servlet = klass.newInstance(); servlet.init(new ServletConfigImpl(klass.getName(), context)); // Store a reference servletMap.put(klass, new ServletMapping(servlet, config)); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error registering servlet [name=" + c + "]", e); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Look for any classes annotated with @FiltersConfig classNames = annotationIndex.get(FilterConfig.class.getName()); if (classNames != null) { for (String c : classNames) { try { final Class<? extends Filter> klass = (Class<? extends Filter>) Class.forName(c); if (klass.isAnnotationPresent(FilterConfig.class)) { final FilterConfig config = (FilterConfig) klass.getAnnotation(FilterConfig.class); // Create an instance of the servlet and init it Filter filter = klass.newInstance(); filter.init(new FilterConfigImpl(klass.getName(), context)); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Mapping filter " + klass.getName() + " to path " + config.match()); // Store a reference filters.add(new FilterMapping(filter, config)); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error registering servlet [name=" + c + "]", e); } } } } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error loading urlMappings", e); } finally { write.unlock(); // ALWAYS Release the configure lock } }
From source
public static void trendingFsqLocations(String lat, String lng) { String appid = params._contains(PARAM_APPID) ? params.get(PARAM_APPID) : ""; String limit = params._contains(PARAM_LIMIT) ? params.get(PARAM_LIMIT) : ""; limit = verifyRecordLimit(limit);//from w w w . j a va 2s. c o m String radius = params._contains(PARAM_RADIUS) ? params.get(PARAM_RADIUS) : ""; radius = verifyRadius(radius); String herenow = params._contains(PARAM_HERENOW) ? params.get(PARAM_HERENOW) : "true";// by default, thats true! String query = params._contains(PARAM_QUERY) ? params.get(PARAM_QUERY) : "";"PARAMS -> appid:%s ; lat,lng:%s,%s ; radius:%s ; limit:%s ; herenow:%s ; query:%s", appid, lat, lng, radius, limit, herenow, query); // using Async jobs ResponseModel responseModel = new ResponseModel(); ResponseMeta responseMeta = new ResponseMeta(); LinkedList<Object> dataList = new LinkedList<Object>(); HashMap params = new HashMap(); String cacheKey = CACHE_KEYPREFIX_TRENDING + "geo:" + lat + "," + lng; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(limit)) cacheKey += "|" + limit; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(query)) cacheKey += "|" + query; try { //dataList = (LinkedList<Object>) Cache.get(cacheKey); dataList = Cache.get(cacheKey, LinkedList.class); if (dataList == null) { dataList = new LinkedList<Object>(); params.clear(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(lat) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(lng)) params.put("ll", lat + "," + lng); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(limit)) params.put(PARAM_LIMIT, limit); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(radius)) params.put(PARAM_RADIUS, radius); /*params.put(PARAM_RADIUS, !StringUtils.isEmpty(radius)? radius :Play.configuration.getProperty("fsqdiscovery.trending.API_LOCO_SEARCHDISTANCE") );*/ if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(query)) params.put(PARAM_QUERY, query); FoursquareTrendingPoiJob mFoursquareTrendingPoiJob = new FoursquareTrendingPoiJob(); mFoursquareTrendingPoiJob.setReqParams(params); dataList.addAll((LinkedList<Object>) mFoursquareTrendingPoiJob.doJobWithResult()); //"adding to cache!!! %s", dataList.size()); //Cache.set(cacheKey, dataList, CACHE_TTL_TRENDING); if (dataList.size() > 0) {"adding to cache!!! %s", dataList.size()); Cache.set(cacheKey, dataList, CACHE_TTL_TRENDING); } else {"NO NEED to cache, dataList.size(): 0"); response.status = Http.StatusCode.OK; responseMeta.code = response.status; responseModel.meta = responseMeta; = dataList; renderJSON(LocoUtils.getGson().toJson(responseModel)); } } else {"Found in CACHE!!! %s", dataList.size()); } if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(herenow)) { // HereNow part params.clear(); FoursquareDiscoverHereNowJob mFoursquareDiscoverHereNowJob = new FoursquareDiscoverHereNowJob(); mFoursquareDiscoverHereNowJob.setReqParams(params); mFoursquareDiscoverHereNowJob.setPoiList(dataList); dataList = new LinkedList<Object>();//dataList.clear(); dataList.addAll((LinkedList<Object>) mFoursquareDiscoverHereNowJob.doJobWithResult()); } else {"herenow param is NOT set true, skip loading hereNow!!! herenow: %s", herenow); } response.status = Http.StatusCode.OK; responseMeta.code = response.status; responseModel.meta = responseMeta; = dataList; renderJSON(LocoUtils.getGson().toJson(responseModel)); } catch (Exception ex) { responseMeta.code = Http.StatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR; gotError(responseMeta, ex); //renderJSON(responseModel); } }
From source
@App("Parse all sample corpus. Does not do an offline analysis to add most frequent words to cache in advance.") public void parse8MWords() throws Exception { /*/*from www.j a v a 2s . co m*/ Total time :0:07:29.799 Nr of tokens : 18362187 Avg time : 0.024495938310616267 ms */ final Set<File> files = SampleFiles.oneMillionSentencesTokenizedFiles(); final LinkedList<String> words = new LinkedList<String>(); final HashSet<String> uniqueWords = new HashSet<String>(); for (File tokenizedFile : files) { final List<String> lines = Files.readLines(tokenizedFile, Charsets.UTF_8); for (String line : lines) { final ArrayList<String> strings = Lists .newArrayList(Splitter.on(" ").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(line)); words.addAll(strings); uniqueWords.addAll(strings); } } System.out.println("Number of words : " + words.size()); System.out.println("Number of unique words : " + uniqueWords.size()); System.out.println("======================"); final MorphologicParserCache l1Cache = new LRUMorphologicParserCache(NUMBER_OF_THREADS, INITIAL_L1_CACHE_SIZE, MAX_L1_CACHE_SIZE); final ThreadPoolExecutor pool = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NUMBER_OF_THREADS); final MorphologicParser[] parsers = new MorphologicParser[NUMBER_OF_THREADS]; for (int i = 0; i < parsers.length; i++) { parsers[i] = new CachingMorphologicParser(new TwoLevelMorphologicParserCache(BULK_SIZE, l1Cache), contextlessMorphologicParser, true); } final StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); stopWatch.start(); for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i = i + BULK_SIZE) { final MorphologicParser parser = parsers[(i / BULK_SIZE) % NUMBER_OF_THREADS]; int start = i; int end = i + BULK_SIZE < words.size() ? i + BULK_SIZE : words.size(); final List<String> subWordList = words.subList(start, end); final int wordIndex = i; pool.execute(new BulkParseCommand(parser, subWordList, wordIndex, false)); } pool.shutdown(); while (!pool.isTerminated()) { System.out.println("Waiting pool to be terminated!"); pool.awaitTermination(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } stopWatch.stop(); System.out.println("Total time :" + stopWatch.toString()); System.out.println("Nr of tokens : " + words.size()); System.out.println("Avg time : " + (stopWatch.getTime() * 1.0d) / (words.size() * 1.0d) + " ms"); }
From source
public List<Object> getFacts(String typeName) { synchronized (facts) { LinkedList<Object> fs = new LinkedList<Object>(); HashMap<Object, Object> typeFacts = facts.get(typeName); if (typeFacts != null) { fs.addAll(typeFacts.values()); }/*w w w .jav a 2 s. c om*/ return fs; } }