Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package de.quadrillenschule.azocamsyncd.ftpservice; import de.quadrillenschule.azocamsyncd.LocalStorage; import de.quadrillenschule.azocamsyncd.ftpservice.FTPConnectionListener.FTPConnectionStatus; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author Andreas */ public class FTPConnection { LinkedList<FTPConnectionListener> ftpConnectionListeners = new LinkedList(); private String[] possibleConnections = {}; private String lastWorkingConnection = ""; private String fileTypes[] = { "JPG", "NEF", "CR2", "TIF" }; FTPClient ftpclient; LinkedList<FTPFile> remotePictureDirs = new LinkedList<>(); public CountingInputStream cis; public long downloadsize = 0; public static final int TIMEOUT = 3000, LONG_TIMEOUT = 5000; private boolean looksFullySynced = false; public FTPConnection() { } public LinkedList<AZoFTPFile> checkConnection(boolean includeDirs) { if (!"".equals(getLastWorkingConnection())) { LinkedList<String> t = new LinkedList<>(); t.add(getLastWorkingConnection()); for (String s : possibleConnections) { if (!s.equals(lastWorkingConnection)) { t.add(s); } } possibleConnections = t.toArray(new String[0]); } for (String ip : possibleConnections) { notify(FTPConnectionStatus.TRYING, ip, -1); if (ftpclient != null) { close(); } ftpclient = new FTPClient(); try { ftpclient.setDefaultTimeout(TIMEOUT); ftpclient.connect(ip); if (ftpclient.isAvailable()) { LinkedList<AZoFTPFile> retval = discoverRemoteFiles("/", includeDirs); lastWorkingConnection = ip; close(); notify(FTPConnectionStatus.CONNECTED, ip, -1); return retval; } else { close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { close(); notify(FTPConnectionStatus.NOCONNECTION, "", -1); Logger.getLogger(FTPConnection.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, null, ex); } } setLooksFullySynced(false); notify(FTPConnectionStatus.NOCONNECTION, "", -1); return null; } public void simplyConnect(int fileType) { boolean conn = false; do { try { // if (ftpclient != null) { close(); // } ftpclient = new FTPClient(); if (fileType == FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE) { ftpclient.setDefaultTimeout(LONG_TIMEOUT); } else { ftpclient.setDefaultTimeout(TIMEOUT); } ftpclient.connect(getLastWorkingConnection()); ftpclient.enterLocalPassiveMode(); ftpclient.setFileType(fileType); conn = true; } catch (Exception ex) { close(); conn = false; checkConnection(false); } } while (!conn); } public LinkedList<AZoFTPFile> download(LinkedList<AZoFTPFile> afs, LocalStorage localStorage) { if (afs.size() <= 0) { return afs; } LinkedList<AZoFTPFile> retval = new LinkedList<>(); /* for (AZoFTPFile a : afs) { retval.add(a); }*/ Collections.sort(afs, new Comparator<AZoFTPFile>() { @Override public int compare(AZoFTPFile o1, AZoFTPFile o2) { return o1.ftpFile.getTimestamp().compareTo(o2.ftpFile.getTimestamp()); } }); simplyConnect(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); notify(FTPConnectionStatus.CONNECTED, getLastWorkingConnection(), -1); if (afs.size() > 0) { AZoFTPFile af = afs.getFirst();//) { File localFile = null; try { localFile = localStorage.getLocalFile(af); } catch (IOException ex) { notify(FTPConnectionStatus.LOCALSTORAGEERROR, af.dir + af.ftpFile.getName(), -1); close(); return retval; } if (!localStorage.prepareLocalFile(localFile)) { notify(FTPConnectionStatus.LOCALSTORAGEERROR, af.dir + af.ftpFile.getName(), -1); close(); return retval; } FileOutputStream fos = null; InputStream is = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(localFile); ftpclient.setSoTimeout(LONG_TIMEOUT); is = ftpclient.retrieveFileStream(af.dir + af.ftpFile.getName()); cis = new CountingInputStream(is); downloadsize = af.ftpFile.getSize(); notify(FTPConnectionStatus.DOWNLOADING, af.dir + af.ftpFile.getName(), ((int) (100.0 * ((afs.indexOf(af) + 1.0) / (double) afs.size())))); // ftpclient.setDataTimeout(TIMEOUT); // ftpclient.setSoTimeout(TIMEOUT); // Files.copy(cis, localFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); try { IOUtils.copyLarge(cis, fos); } catch (Exception ie) { fos.close(); is.close(); } while (!ftpclient.completePendingCommand()) { try { Thread.currentThread().wait(500); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(FTPConnection.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } ; is.close(); fos.close(); localStorage.setLatestIncoming(localFile); localStorage.addSyncedFile(af); notify(FTPConnectionStatus.NEW_LOCAL_FILE, localFile.getAbsolutePath(), -1); retval.add(af); notify(FTPConnectionStatus.SUCCESS, af.dir + af.ftpFile.getName(), ((int) (100.0 * ((afs.indexOf(af) + 2.0) / (double) afs.size())))); } catch (Exception ex) { try { is.close(); fos.close(); close(); localFile.delete(); simplyConnect(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); } catch (Exception ex2) { close(); } } } close(); return retval; } public void close() { if (ftpclient == null) { return; } ; /* try { ftpclient.noop(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(FTPConnection.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, null, ex); } try { ftpclient.logout(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(FTPConnection.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, null, ex); } */ try { ftpclient.disconnect(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(FTPConnection.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, null, ex); } // ftpclient=null; } public void deleteFiles(int remainingNumber, LocalStorage localStorage) { if (remainingNumber < 0) { return; } if (ftpclient != null) { close(); } ftpclient = new FTPClient(); ftpclient.setDefaultTimeout(TIMEOUT); try { ftpclient.connect(getLastWorkingConnection()); LinkedList<AZoFTPFile> afs = discoverRemoteFiles("/", false); int todelete = afs.size() - remainingNumber; if (todelete > 0) { notify(FTPConnectionStatus.DELETING_FILES, "", -1); int i = 0; Collections.sort(afs, new Comparator<AZoFTPFile>() { @Override public int compare(AZoFTPFile o1, AZoFTPFile o2) { return o1.ftpFile.getTimestamp().compareTo(o2.ftpFile.getTimestamp()); } }); close(); LinkedList<String> deleteables = new LinkedList(); for (AZoFTPFile af : afs) { i++; if (localStorage.isFileSynced(af)) { // deleteSingleFile(lastWorkingConnection) deleteables.add((af.dir + af.ftpFile.getName())); // System.out.println("Would delete"+af.ftpFile.getName()); } if (i >= todelete) { break; } } simplyConnect(FTP.ASCII_FILE_TYPE); for (String s : deleteables) { ftpclient.deleteFile(s); } // remountSD(deleteables); notify(FTPConnectionStatus.SUCCESS, "", -1); } else { close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { close(); } close(); } public String telnetCommands(String[] commands) { close(); final TelnetClient telnetclient = new TelnetClient(); telnetclient.setDefaultTimeout(TIMEOUT); try { telnetclient.connect(getLastWorkingConnection()); final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); for (String command : commands) { IOUtils.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream((command + "\r\n").getBytes(telnetclient.getCharset())), telnetclient.getOutputStream()); } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(FTPConnection.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } // tins.join(); telnetclient.disconnect(); // System.out.println(sw.toString()); return null;//sw.toString();//sw.toString(); } catch (IOException ex) { try { telnetclient.disconnect(); } catch (IOException ex1) { Logger.getLogger(FTPConnection.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex1); } Logger.getLogger(FTPConnection.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return null; } public void remountSD() { LinkedList<String> commands = new LinkedList<>(); commands.add("/usr/bin/refresh_sd"); telnetCommands(commands.toArray(new String[commands.size()])); } public boolean isPicture(AZoFTPFile ftpfile) { for (String f : fileTypes) { if (ftpfile.ftpFile.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(f.toLowerCase())) { return true; } } return false; } public LinkedList<AZoFTPFile> discoverRemoteFiles(String root, boolean includeDirs) throws IOException { LinkedList<AZoFTPFile> retval = new LinkedList(); for (FTPFile f : ftpclient.listFiles(root)) { AZoFTPFile af = new AZoFTPFile(f, root); if (f.isFile() && isPicture(af) && !retval.contains(af)) { retval.add(af); } if (f.isDirectory()) { if (includeDirs) { retval.add(af); } retval.addAll(discoverRemoteFiles(root + f.getName() + "/", includeDirs)); } } return retval; } public void notify(FTPConnectionStatus status, String message, int progress) { for (FTPConnectionListener f : ftpConnectionListeners) { f.receiveNotification(status, message, progress); } } public void addFTPConnectionListenerOnce(FTPConnectionListener f) { if (!ftpConnectionListeners.contains(f)) { ftpConnectionListeners.add(f); } } public void removeFTPConnectionListener(FTPConnectionListener f) { ftpConnectionListeners.remove(f); } /** * @return the possibleConnections */ public String[] getPossibleConnections() { return possibleConnections; } /** * @param possibleConnections the possibleConnections to set */ public void setPossibleConnections(String[] possibleConnections) { this.possibleConnections = possibleConnections; } /** * @return the fileTypes */ public String[] getFileTypes() { return fileTypes; } /** * @param fileTypes the fileTypes to set */ public void setFileTypes(String[] fileTypes) { this.fileTypes = fileTypes; } /** * @return the lastWorkingConnection */ public String getLastWorkingConnection() { return lastWorkingConnection; } /** * @return the looksFullySynced */ public boolean isLooksFullySynced() { return looksFullySynced; } /** * @param looksFullySynced the looksFullySynced to set */ public void setLooksFullySynced(boolean looksFullySynced) { this.looksFullySynced = looksFullySynced; } }