Example usage for java.util Formatter toString

List of usage examples for java.util Formatter toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util Formatter toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns the result of invoking toString() on the destination for the output.


From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.irt.estimation.JointMaximumLikelihoodEstimation.java

 * This method is for displaying item parameter estimates, standard errors, and other information.
 * @return//from   w  ww .  j  av  a 2s .c  om
public String printBasicItemStats(String title) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    Formatter f = new Formatter(sb);
    int maxCat = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < nItems; j++) {
        maxCat = Math.max(irm[j].getNcat(), maxCat);

    f.format("%40s", title);

    String line1 = "========================================================";
    int lineLength = 44;
    if (maxCat > 2) {
        for (int k = 0; k < maxCat - 1; k++) {
            line1 += "============";
            lineLength += 12;
    f.format("%" + lineLength + "s", line1);

    f.format("%20s", "Name");
    f.format("%12s", "Difficulty");
    f.format("%12s", "Std. Error");
    if (maxCat > 2) {
        for (int k = 0; k < maxCat - 1; k++) {
            f.format("%12s", "step" + (k + 1));

    f.format("%12s", "Extreme");

    String line = "--------------------------------------------------------";
    lineLength = 44;
    if (maxCat > 2) {
        for (int k = 0; k < maxCat - 1; k++) {
            line += "------------";
            lineLength += 12;

    f.format("%" + lineLength + "s", line);
    for (int j = 0; j < nItems; j++) {
        f.format("%20s", irm[j].getName());

        if (droppedStatus[j] == 0) {
            f.format("%12.2f", irm[j].getDifficulty());
            f.format("%12.2f", irm[j].getDifficultyStdError());
            if (irm[j].getNcat() > 2) {
                double[] t = irm[j].getThresholdParameters();
                for (int k = 0; k < t.length; k++) {
                    f.format("%12.2f", t[k]);

            if (itemSummary[j].isExtremeMaximum()) {
                f.format("%12s", "MAXIMUM");
            } else if (itemSummary[j].isExtremeMinimum()) {
                f.format("%12s", "MINIMUM");
            } else {
                f.format("%12s", "");

            if (irm[j].getNcat() > 2) {
                String id = irm[j].getGroupId();
                double[] tse = rsg.get(id).getThresholdStandardError();
                f.format("%44s", "");
                for (int k = 0; k < tse.length; k++) {
                    f.format("%12.2f", tse[k]);
        } else {
            f.format("%12s", "DROPPED");

    f.format("%" + lineLength + "s", line1);
    return f.toString();

From source file:umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts.HistogramSeriesCollection.java

public String toLatex(double XScale, double YScale, double XShift, double YShift, double xmin, double xmax,
        double ymin, double ymax) {

    // Calcule les bornes reelles du graphique, en prenant en compte la position des axes
    xmin = Math.min(XShift, xmin);
    xmax = Math.max(XShift, xmax);
    ymin = Math.min(YShift, ymin);
    ymax = Math.max(YShift, ymax);

    CustomHistogramDataset tempSeriesCollection = (CustomHistogramDataset) seriesCollection;
    Formatter formatter = new Formatter(Locale.US);
    double var;
    double margin = ((XYBarRenderer) renderer).getMargin();

    for (int i = tempSeriesCollection.getSeriesCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        List temp = tempSeriesCollection.getBins(i);
        ListIterator iter = temp.listIterator();

        Color color = (Color) renderer.getSeriesPaint(i);
        String colorString = detectXColorClassic(color);
        if (colorString == null) {
            colorString = "color" + i;
            formatter.format("\\definecolor{%s}{rgb}{%.2f, %.2f, %.2f}%n", colorString, color.getRed() / 255.0,
                    color.getGreen() / 255.0, color.getBlue() / 255.0);
        }/*from w w  w. ja v a  2  s .c  om*/

        HistogramBin currentBin = null;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            double currentMargin;
            currentBin = (HistogramBin) iter.next();
            currentMargin = ((margin * (currentBin.getEndBoundary() - currentBin.getStartBoundary()))) * XScale;
            if ((currentBin.getStartBoundary() >= xmin && currentBin.getStartBoundary() <= xmax)
                    && (currentBin.getCount() >= ymin && currentBin.getCount() <= ymax)) {
                var = Math.min(currentBin.getEndBoundary(), xmax);
                if (filled[i]) {
                            "\\filldraw [line width=%.2fpt, opacity=%.2f, color=%s] ([xshift=%.4f] %.4f, %.4f) rectangle ([xshift=-%.4f] %.4f, %.4f); %%%n",
                            lineWidth[i], (color.getAlpha() / 255.0), colorString, currentMargin,
                            (currentBin.getStartBoundary() - XShift) * XScale, 0.0, currentMargin,
                            (var - XShift) * XScale, (currentBin.getCount() - YShift) * YScale);
                } else {
                            "\\draw [line width=%.2fpt, color=%s] ([xshift=%.4f] %.4f, %.4f) rectangle ([xshift=-%.4f] %.4f, %.4f); %%%n",
                            lineWidth[i], colorString, currentMargin,
                            (currentBin.getStartBoundary() - XShift) * XScale, 0.0, currentMargin,
                            (var - XShift) * XScale, (currentBin.getCount() - YShift) * YScale);
            } else if ((currentBin.getStartBoundary() >= xmin && currentBin.getStartBoundary() <= xmax)
                    && (currentBin.getCount() >= ymin && currentBin.getCount() > ymax)) { // Cas ou notre rectangle ne peut pas etre affiche en entier (trop haut)
                var = Math.min(currentBin.getEndBoundary(), xmax);
                if (filled[i]) {
                            "\\filldraw [line width=%.2fpt,  opacity=%.2f, color=%s] ([xshift=%.4f] %.4f, %.4f) rectangle ([xshift=-%.4f] %.4f, %.4f); %%%n",
                            lineWidth[i], (color.getAlpha() / 255.0), colorString, currentMargin,
                            (currentBin.getStartBoundary() - XShift) * XScale, 0.0, currentMargin,
                            (var - XShift) * XScale, (ymax - YShift) * YScale);
                            "\\draw [line width=%.2fpt, color=%s, style=dotted] ([xshift=%.4f] %.4f, %.4f) rectangle ([yshift=3mm, xshift=-%.4f] %.4f, %.4f); %%%n",
                            lineWidth[i], colorString, currentMargin,
                            (currentBin.getStartBoundary() - XShift) * XScale, (ymax - YShift) * YScale,
                            currentMargin, (var - XShift) * XScale, (ymax - YShift) * YScale);
                } else {
                            "\\draw [line width=%.2fpt, color=%s] ([xshift=%.4f] %.4f, %.4f) rectangle ([xshift=-%.4f] %.4f, %.4f); %%%n",
                            lineWidth[i], colorString, currentMargin,
                            (currentBin.getStartBoundary() - XShift) * XScale, 0.0, currentMargin,
                            (var - XShift) * XScale, (ymax - YShift) * YScale);

                            "\\draw [line width=%.2fpt, color=%s, style=dotted] ([xshift=%.4f] %.4f, %.4f) rectangle ([yshift=3mm, xshift=-%.4f] %.4f, %.4f); %%%n",
                            lineWidth[i], colorString, currentMargin,
                            (currentBin.getStartBoundary() - XShift) * XScale, (ymax - YShift) * YScale,
                            currentMargin, (var - XShift) * XScale, (ymax - YShift) * YScale);
    return formatter.toString();

From source file:com.itemanalysis.psychometrics.cfa.CfaSummary.java

public String multipleCfa(int estimationMethod, int optimizationMethod) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    Formatter f = new Formatter(sb);

    ConfirmatoryFactorAnalysis congeneric = new ConfirmatoryFactorAnalysis(cfaMatrix, numberOfExaminees,
            ConfirmatoryFactorAnalysisModel.CONGENERIC, estimationMethod);
    logger.info("Congeneric Model CFA completed\n" + congeneric.printOptimizationSummary());

    ConfirmatoryFactorAnalysis tauEquivalent = new ConfirmatoryFactorAnalysis(cfaMatrix, numberOfExaminees,
            ConfirmatoryFactorAnalysisModel.TAU_EQUIVALENT, estimationMethod);
    logger.info("Tau-equivalent Model CFA completed\n" + tauEquivalent.printOptimizationSummary());

    ConfirmatoryFactorAnalysis parallel = new ConfirmatoryFactorAnalysis(cfaMatrix, numberOfExaminees,
            ConfirmatoryFactorAnalysisModel.PARALLEL, estimationMethod);
    logger.info("Parallel Model CFA completed\n" + parallel.printOptimizationSummary());

    f.format("%-60s", "            CONGENERIC, TAU-EQUIVALENT, AND PARALLEL");
    f.format("%-60s", "                  CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANLAYSIS");
    f.format("%-60s", "            ****IT HAS NOT BEEN THOROUGHLY TESTED****");
    f.format("%-25s", "                         MODEL SUMMARY");
    f.format("%-60s", "=================================================================");
    f.format("%11s", "Statistic");
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("%10s", "Congeneric");
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("%14s", "Tau-Equivalent");
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("%10s", "Parallel");
    f.format("%-60s", "-----------------------------------------------------------------");
    f.format("%11s", "Fmin");
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", congeneric.getEstimator().fMin());
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", tauEquivalent.getEstimator().fMin());
    f.format("%9s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", parallel.getEstimator().fMin());
    f.format("%11s", "Chi^2");
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", congeneric.getEstimator().chisquare());
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", tauEquivalent.getEstimator().chisquare());
    f.format("%9s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", parallel.getEstimator().chisquare());
    f.format("%11s", "df");
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", congeneric.getEstimator().degreesOfFreedom());
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", tauEquivalent.getEstimator().degreesOfFreedom());
    f.format("%9s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", parallel.getEstimator().degreesOfFreedom());
    f.format("%11s", "p-rho");
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", congeneric.getEstimator().pvalue());
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", tauEquivalent.getEstimator().pvalue());
    f.format("%9s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", parallel.getEstimator().pvalue());
    f.format("%11s", "GFI");
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", congeneric.getEstimator().gfi());
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", tauEquivalent.getEstimator().gfi());
    f.format("%9s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", parallel.getEstimator().gfi());
    f.format("%11s", "AGFI");
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", congeneric.getEstimator().agfi());
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", tauEquivalent.getEstimator().agfi());
    f.format("%9s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", parallel.getEstimator().agfi());
    f.format("%11s", "RMR");
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", Math.sqrt(congeneric.getEstimator().meanSquaredResidual()));
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", Math.sqrt(tauEquivalent.getEstimator().meanSquaredResidual()));
    f.format("%9s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", Math.sqrt(parallel.getEstimator().meanSquaredResidual()));
    f.format("%11s", "RMSEA");
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", congeneric.getEstimator().rmsea());
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", tauEquivalent.getEstimator().rmsea());
    f.format("%9s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", parallel.getEstimator().rmsea());
    f.format("%11s", "Reliability");
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", congeneric.getEstimator().mcdonaldOmega());
    f.format("%5s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", tauEquivalent.getEstimator().mcdonaldOmega());
    f.format("%9s", "");
    f.format("% 10.4f", parallel.getEstimator().mcdonaldOmega());
    f.format("%-60s", "-----------------------------------------------------------------");

    return f.toString();

From source file:umontreal.iro.lecuyer.charts.XYListSeriesCollection.java

public String toLatex(double XScale, double YScale, double XShift, double YShift, double xmin, double xmax,
        double ymin, double ymax) {

    // Calcule les bornes reelles du graphique, en prenant en compte la position des axes
    xmin = Math.min(XShift, xmin);
    xmax = Math.max(XShift, xmax);
    ymin = Math.min(YShift, ymin);
    ymax = Math.max(YShift, ymax);

    Formatter formatter = new Formatter(Locale.US);
    XYSeriesCollection tempSeriesCollection = (XYSeriesCollection) seriesCollection;
    double XEPSILON = (1.0E-4 / XScale) + XShift;
    double YEPSILON = (1.0E-4 / YScale) + YShift;
    boolean outOfBounds = false;
    MathFunction[] spline = null;/*from   w  w w . j  av  a2s  . com*/
    double[] xBounds = getRangeBounds();
    double[] yBounds = getDomainBounds();
    double x, y;
    // Smoothing splines, consulter  ref: QA278.2 G74, QA278.2 T35, QA278.2 E87

    //       if(xBounds[0] < xmin || xBounds[1] > xmax || yBounds[0] < ymin || yBounds[1] > ymax) {
    //          // on sait qu'il y a des points qui vont sortir du chart
    //          // initialisation d'une spline pour chaque courbe
    //          spline = new SmoothingCubicSpline[seriesCollection.getSeriesCount()];
    //          for(int i = 0; i<seriesCollection.getSeriesCount(); i++)
    //             spline[i] = new SmoothingCubicSpline(  (seriesCollection.getSeries(i).toArray())[0],
    //                                                    (seriesCollection.getSeries(i).toArray())[1], 0.5);
    //       }

    // on sait qu'il y a des points qui vont sortir du chart
    // initialisation d'une spline pour chaque courbe
    if (true) {
        spline = new SmoothingCubicSpline[tempSeriesCollection.getSeriesCount()];
        for (int i = 0; i < tempSeriesCollection.getSeriesCount(); i++)
            spline[i] = new SmoothingCubicSpline((tempSeriesCollection.getSeries(i).toArray())[0],
                    (tempSeriesCollection.getSeries(i).toArray())[1], 1);
    } else {
        spline = new AffineFit[tempSeriesCollection.getSeriesCount()];
        for (int i = 0; i < tempSeriesCollection.getSeriesCount(); i++)
            spline[i] = new AffineFit((tempSeriesCollection.getSeries(i).toArray())[0],

    for (int i = tempSeriesCollection.getSeriesCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        XYSeries temp = tempSeriesCollection.getSeries(i);

        if (temp.getItemCount() < 2)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Unable to plot series " + i + ": this series must have two points at least");

        Color color = (Color) renderer.getSeriesPaint(i);
        String colorString = detectXColorClassic(color);
        if (colorString == null) {
            colorString = "color" + i;
            formatter.format("\\definecolor{%s}{rgb}{%.2f, %.2f, %.2f}%n", colorString, color.getRed() / 255.0,
                    color.getGreen() / 255.0, color.getBlue() / 255.0);

        // Cas particulier pour le premier point, on doit savoir si il est dans le chart ou pas
        if (temp.getX(0).doubleValue() >= xmin && temp.getX(0).doubleValue() <= xmax
                && temp.getY(0).doubleValue() >= ymin && temp.getY(0).doubleValue() <= ymax) {
            outOfBounds = false;
            formatter.format("\\draw [%s, color=%s, mark=%s, style=%s] plot coordinates {%%%n", plotStyle[i],
                    colorString, marksType[i], dashPattern[i]);
        } else {
            outOfBounds = true;
            formatter.format("%% ");
        formatter.format("(%.2f,%.4f)", (temp.getX(0).doubleValue() - XShift) * XScale,
                (temp.getY(0).doubleValue() - YShift) * YScale);
        formatter.format(" %%   (%f,  %f)%n", temp.getX(0).doubleValue(), temp.getY(0).doubleValue());

        // Cas general
        for (int j = 1; j < temp.getItemCount(); j++) {
            double[] result;
            if (!outOfBounds) { //on est dans le chart
                result = evalLimitValues(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, XEPSILON, YEPSILON, spline[i], temp, j, false);
                // on regarde si on ne sort pas du chart, si c'est le cas on evalue le point en limite
                if (result != null) { // le point courant n'est pas dans le chart, on sort donc du chart
                    outOfBounds = true;
                    if (autoCompletion)
                        formatter.format("(%.2f,%.4f) %%%n", (result[0] - XShift) * XScale,
                                (result[1] - YShift) * YScale);
                    formatter.format("}%%%n%% ");
            } else { // le point precedent etait hors du chart
                if (temp.getX(j).doubleValue() >= xmin && temp.getX(j).doubleValue() <= xmax
                        && temp.getY(j).doubleValue() >= ymin && temp.getY(j).doubleValue() <= ymax) {
                    // on rentre dans le chart, il faut evaluer le point en limite
                    j = j - 1;
                    result = evalLimitValues(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, XEPSILON, YEPSILON, spline[i], temp, j,
                    // ici result ne peut pas etre null
                    formatter.format(";%%%n\\draw [%s, color=%s, mark=%s, style=%s] plot coordinates {%%%n",
                            plotStyle[i], colorString, marksType[i], dashPattern[i]);
                    if (autoCompletion)
                        formatter.format("(%.2f,%.4f) %%%n ", (result[0] - XShift) * XScale,
                                (result[1] - YShift) * YScale);
                    formatter.format("%% ");
                    outOfBounds = false;
                } else {
                    formatter.format("%% ");
                    // on les donnees sont toujours hors du chart
            /* on affiche les coordonnees du point quoiqu'il arrive,
            si celui ci est hors du chart alors la balise de commentaire a ete deja place */
            formatter.format("(%.2f,%.4f)", (temp.getX(j).doubleValue() - XShift) * XScale,
                    (temp.getY(j).doubleValue() - YShift) * YScale);
            if (j == temp.getItemCount() - 1)
            formatter.format(" %%   (%f,  %f)%n", temp.getX(j).doubleValue(), temp.getY(j).doubleValue());
            //            formatter.format(" %%%n");
        formatter.format(" node[right] {%s};%n", (String) temp.getKey());
    return formatter.toString();

From source file:adapters.AxisAdapter.java

 * Formats and returns a string containing a <SPAN CLASS="logo,LaTeX">L<SUP><SMALL>A</SMALL></SUP>T<SMALL>E</SMALL>X</SPAN>-compatible
 *    source code which represents this axis and its parameters.
 * @return LaTeX source code in a String.
 *    @param scale current axis wished scale.
 *///from  w  w  w  . j av a  2  s . co m
public String toLatex(double scale) {
    Formatter formatter = new Formatter(Locale.US);
    double maxAxis = Math.max(axis.getRange().getUpperBound(), twinAxisPosition); //valeur du label le plus grand
    double minAxis = Math.min(axis.getRange().getLowerBound(), twinAxisPosition); //valeur du label le plus petit

    String precisionAffichageLabel; //determine combien de decimales seront affichees pour les labels
    double pas = axis.getTickUnit().getSize(); //step d'affichage des labels
    pas = fixStep(minAxis, maxAxis, pas);

    int puissDix; //echelle des valeurs sur l'axe
    if (Math.log10(pas) < 0)
        puissDix = (int) Math.log10(pas) - 1;
        puissDix = (int) Math.log10(pas);

    //Placement des fleches, on pourrait facilement les rendre personnalisables...
    String arrowLeftType = "latex";
    String arrowRightType = "latex";
    String arrowLeftMargin = "3mm";
    String arrowRightMargin = "3mm";
    if (twinAxisPosition == minAxis) {
        arrowLeftType = "";
        arrowLeftMargin = "0mm";
    } else if (twinAxisPosition == maxAxis) {
        arrowRightType = "";
        arrowRightMargin = "0mm";

    // Label pour l'axe, avec eventuellement l'echelle
    String label = axis.getLabel();
    if (label == null)
        label = " ";

    if (puissDix < -2 || puissDix > 2)
        label = label + " $(10^{" + puissDix + "})$";
        puissDix = 0;

    if (orientation) { //on est sur l'axe des abscisses

        //affichage de l'axe
        formatter.format("\\draw [%s-%s] ([xshift=-%s] %s,0) -- ([xshift=%s] %s,0) node[right] {%s};%n",
                arrowLeftType, arrowRightType, arrowLeftMargin, (minAxis - twinAxisPosition) * scale,
                arrowRightMargin, (maxAxis - twinAxisPosition) * scale, label);

        if (labelsFlag) { //labels manuels
            String name;
            double value;
            double labelTemp;
            for (int i = 0; i < labelsValue.length; i++) {
                value = labelsValue[i];
                if (labelsName == null) {
                    labelTemp = (value * 100.0 / Math.pow(10, puissDix));
                    //                   if(labelTemp == (int)(labelTemp))
                    name = Integer.toString((int) (labelTemp / 100.0));
                    //                   else
                    //                      name = Double.toString(Math.round(labelTemp)/100.0);
                } else
                    name = labelsName[i];
                if (value == twinAxisPosition && tick0Flag)
                    formatter.format("\\draw (%s,00) -- +(0mm,1mm) -- +(0mm,-1mm) node[below right] {%s};%n",
                            (value - twinAxisPosition) * scale, name);
                    formatter.format("\\draw (%s,0) -- +(0mm,1mm) -- +(0mm,-1mm) node[below] {%s};%n",
                            (value - twinAxisPosition) * scale, name);
        } else { //labels automatiques
            double labelTemp;
            double k = twinAxisPosition;
            labelTemp = (Math.round(k * 100 / Math.pow(10, puissDix))) / 100.0;
            if (labelTemp == (int) (labelTemp))
                precisionAffichageLabel = "0";
            else if (labelTemp * 10 == (int) (labelTemp * 10))
                precisionAffichageLabel = "1";
                precisionAffichageLabel = "2";
            if (tick0Flag)
                formatter.format("\\draw (%s,0) -- +(0mm,1mm) -- +(0mm,-1mm) node[below right] {%."
                        + precisionAffichageLabel + "f};%n", (k - twinAxisPosition) * scale, labelTemp);
                formatter.format("\\draw (%s,0) -- +(0mm,1mm) -- +(0mm,-1mm) node[below] {%."
                        + precisionAffichageLabel + "f};%n", (k - twinAxisPosition) * scale, labelTemp);
            k += pas;
            while (k <= maxAxis) { //cote positif
                labelTemp = (Math.round(k * 100 / Math.pow(10, puissDix))) / 100.0;
                if (labelTemp == (int) (labelTemp))
                    precisionAffichageLabel = "0";
                else if (labelTemp * 10 == (int) (labelTemp * 10))
                    precisionAffichageLabel = "1";
                    precisionAffichageLabel = "2";
                formatter.format("\\draw (%s,0) -- +(0mm,1mm) -- +(0mm,-1mm) node[below] {%."
                        + precisionAffichageLabel + "f};%n", (k - twinAxisPosition) * scale, labelTemp);
                k += pas;

            k = twinAxisPosition - pas;
            while (k >= minAxis) { //cote negatif
                labelTemp = (Math.round(k * 100 / Math.pow(10, puissDix))) / 100.0;
                if (labelTemp == (int) (labelTemp))
                    precisionAffichageLabel = "0";
                else if (labelTemp * 10 == (int) (labelTemp * 10))
                    precisionAffichageLabel = "1";
                    precisionAffichageLabel = "2";
                formatter.format("\\draw (%s,0) -- +(0mm,1mm) -- +(0mm,-1mm) node[below] {%."
                        + precisionAffichageLabel + "f};%n", (k - twinAxisPosition) * scale, labelTemp);
                k -= pas;

    } else { //On est sur l'axe des ordonnees

        //affichage de l'axe
        formatter.format("\\draw [%s-%s] ([yshift=-%s] 0,%s) -- ([yshift=%s] 0, %s) node[above] {%s};%n",
                arrowLeftType, arrowRightType, arrowLeftMargin, (minAxis - twinAxisPosition) * scale,
                arrowRightMargin, (maxAxis - twinAxisPosition) * scale, label);

        if (labelsFlag) {
            //labels manuels
            String name;
            double value;
            double labelTemp;
            for (int i = 0; i < labelsValue.length; i++) {
                value = labelsValue[i];
                if (labelsName == null) {
                    labelTemp = (value * scale * 100 / Math.pow(10, puissDix));
                    if (labelTemp == (int) (labelTemp))
                        name = Integer.toString((int) (labelTemp / 100.0));
                        name = Double.toString(Math.round(labelTemp) / 100.0);
                } else
                    name = labelsName[i];
                if (value == twinAxisPosition && tick0Flag)
                    formatter.format("\\draw (%s,%s) -- +(1mm,0mm) -- +(-1mm,0mm) node[above left] {%s};%n", 0,
                            (value - twinAxisPosition) * scale, name);
                    formatter.format("\\draw (%s,%s) -- +(1mm,0mm) -- +(-1mm,0mm) node[left] {%s};%n", 0,
                            (value - twinAxisPosition) * scale, name);
        } else {
            //Les labels automatiques
            double k = twinAxisPosition;
            double labelTemp;
            labelTemp = (Math.round(k * 100 / Math.pow(10, puissDix))) / 100.0;
            if (labelTemp == (int) (labelTemp))
                precisionAffichageLabel = "0";
            else if (labelTemp * 10 == (int) (labelTemp * 10))
                precisionAffichageLabel = "1";
                precisionAffichageLabel = "2";
            if (tick0Flag)
                formatter.format("\\draw (0,%s) -- +(1mm,0mm) -- +(-1mm,0mm) node[above left] {%."
                        + precisionAffichageLabel + "f};%n", (k - twinAxisPosition) * scale, labelTemp);
                formatter.format("\\draw (0,%s) -- +(1mm,0mm) -- +(-1mm,0mm) node[left] {%."
                        + precisionAffichageLabel + "f};%n", (k - twinAxisPosition) * scale, labelTemp);
            k += pas;
            while (k <= maxAxis) { //cote positif de l'axe
                labelTemp = (Math.round(k * 100 / Math.pow(10, puissDix))) / 100.0;
                if (labelTemp == (int) (labelTemp))
                    precisionAffichageLabel = "0";
                else if (labelTemp * 10 == (int) (labelTemp * 10))
                    precisionAffichageLabel = "1";
                    precisionAffichageLabel = "2";
                formatter.format("\\draw (0,%s) -- +(1mm,0mm) -- +(-1mm,0mm) node[left] {%."
                        + precisionAffichageLabel + "f};%n", (k - twinAxisPosition) * scale, labelTemp);
                k += pas;
            k = twinAxisPosition - pas;
            while (k >= minAxis) { //cote negatif de l'axe
                labelTemp = (Math.round(k * 100 / Math.pow(10, puissDix))) / 100.0;
                if (labelTemp == (int) (labelTemp))
                    precisionAffichageLabel = "0";
                else if (labelTemp * 10 == (int) (labelTemp * 10))
                    precisionAffichageLabel = "1";
                    precisionAffichageLabel = "2";
                formatter.format("\\draw (0,%s) -- +(1mm,0mm) -- +(-1mm,0mm) node[left] {%."
                        + precisionAffichageLabel + "f};%n", (k - twinAxisPosition) * scale, labelTemp);
                k -= pas;
    return formatter.toString();