Example usage for java.util EnumMap get

List of usage examples for java.util EnumMap get


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util EnumMap get.


public V get(Object key) 

Source Link


Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.


From source file:org.safecreative.api.wrapper.SafeCreativeAPIWrapperTest.java

 * Test of getLicenseFeatures method, of class SafeCreativeAPIWrapper.
 *///from   ww  w  .jav  a2s . com
public void testGetLicenseFeatures() throws Exception {
    EnumMap<License.Feature, LicenseFeatureObject> result = instance.getLicenseFeatures();

    License.Feature feature = License.Feature.COMMERCIAL;

    boolean someIsTrue = false;
    for (License.FeatureValue value : License.FeatureValue.values()) {
        if (result.get(feature).hasValue(value)) {
            someIsTrue = true;

    // has read some values
    System.out.println("Result: " + result);

From source file:it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.cluster.IndexCluster.java

/** Returns a new index cluster.
 * /*w  ww .j av a2s . co  m*/
 * <p>This method uses the <samp>LOCALINDEX</samp> property to locate the local indices,
 * loads them (passing on <code>randomAccess</code>) and
 * builds a new index cluster using the appropriate implementing subclass.
 * <p>Note that <code>documentSizes</code> is just passed to the local indices. This can be useful
 * in {@linkplain DocumentalCluster documental clusters}, as it allows local scoring, but it is useless in
 * {@linkplain LexicalCluster lexical clusters}, as scoring is necessarily centralised. In the
 * latter case, the property {@link it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.Index.UriKeys#SIZES} can be used to specify a global sizes file (which
 * usually comes from an original global index).
 * @param basename the basename.
 * @param randomAccess whether the index should be accessible randomly.
 * @param documentSizes if true, document sizes will be loaded (note that sometimes document sizes
 * might be loaded anyway because the compression method for positions requires it).
 * @param queryProperties a map containing associations between {@link it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.Index.UriKeys} and values, or <code>null</code>.
static public Index getInstance(final CharSequence basename, final boolean randomAccess,
        final boolean documentSizes, final EnumMap<UriKeys, String> queryProperties)
        throws ConfigurationException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SecurityException,
        URISyntaxException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
        NoSuchMethodException {
    final Properties properties = new Properties(basename + DiskBasedIndex.PROPERTIES_EXTENSION);
    ClusteringStrategy strategy = null;
    Class<? extends ClusteringStrategy> strategyClass = null;
    if (properties.containsKey(PropertyKeys.STRATEGY))
        strategy = (ClusteringStrategy) BinIO.loadObject(properties.getString(PropertyKeys.STRATEGY));
    else if (properties.containsKey(PropertyKeys.STRATEGYCLASS))
        try {
            strategyClass = (Class<? extends ClusteringStrategy>) MG4JClassParser.getParser()
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Cluster properties must contain either a strategy or a strategy class property");
    final Class<? extends IndexCluster> indexClass = (Class<? extends IndexCluster>) Class
            .forName(properties.getString(Index.PropertyKeys.INDEXCLASS, "(missing index class)"));

    String[] localBasename = properties.getStringArray(PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX);
    Index[] localIndex = new Index[localBasename.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < localIndex.length; i++)
        localIndex[i] = Index.getInstance(localBasename[i], randomAccess, documentSizes);

    final int numberOfDocuments = properties.getInt(Index.PropertyKeys.DOCUMENTS);
    final IntBigList sizes = queryProperties != null && queryProperties.containsKey(Index.UriKeys.SIZES)
            ? DiskBasedIndex.readSizes(queryProperties.get(Index.UriKeys.SIZES), numberOfDocuments)
            : null;

    if (sizes != null && documentSizes)
                "You are loading both local sizes and a global size file specified by the \"size\" properties, which is usually nonsensical");

    boolean hasCounts = true;
    boolean hasPositions = true;
    Payload payload = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < localIndex.length; i++) {
        hasCounts = hasCounts && localIndex[i].hasCounts;
        hasPositions = hasPositions && localIndex[i].hasPositions;

        if (i == 0)
            payload = localIndex[i].payload;
        if ((payload == null) != (localIndex[i].payload == null)
                || payload != null && !payload.compatibleWith(localIndex[i].payload))
            throw new IllegalStateException("The payload specification of index " + localIndex[0]
                    + " is not compatible with that of index " + localIndex[i]);

    // We stem the names of Bloom filters from the index basename.
    BloomFilter<Void>[] termFilter = null;
    if (properties.getBoolean(DocumentalCluster.PropertyKeys.BLOOM)) {
        LOGGER.debug("Loading Bloom filters...");
        termFilter = new BloomFilter[localIndex.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < localIndex.length; i++)
            termFilter[i] = (BloomFilter<Void>) BinIO.loadObject(basename + "-" + i + BLOOM_EXTENSION);

    // Let us rebuild the strategy in case it's a chained strategy
    if (strategyClass != null) {
        strategy = strategyClass.getConstructor(Index[].class, BloomFilter[].class).newInstance(localIndex,
    } else {
        if (strategy instanceof ChainedLexicalClusteringStrategy)
            strategy = new ChainedLexicalClusteringStrategy(localIndex, termFilter);
        else if (strategy.numberOfLocalIndices() != localBasename.length)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of local indices of the strategy ("
                    + localIndex.length + ") and the number of local indices specified by the property file ("
                    + localBasename.length + ") differ");

    if (LexicalCluster.class.isAssignableFrom(indexClass))
        return new LexicalCluster(localIndex, (LexicalClusteringStrategy) strategy, termFilter,
                numberOfDocuments, properties.getInt(Index.PropertyKeys.TERMS),
                properties.getInt(Index.PropertyKeys.MAXCOUNT), payload, hasCounts, hasPositions,
                Index.getTermProcessor(properties), properties.getString(Index.PropertyKeys.FIELD), sizes,
    else if (DocumentalCluster.class.isAssignableFrom(indexClass)) {
        if (DocumentalConcatenatedCluster.class.isAssignableFrom(indexClass))
            return new DocumentalConcatenatedCluster(localIndex, (DocumentalClusteringStrategy) strategy,
                    properties.getBoolean(IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.FLAT), termFilter, numberOfDocuments,
                    properties.getInt(Index.PropertyKeys.MAXCOUNT), payload, hasCounts, hasPositions,
                    Index.getTermProcessor(properties), properties.getString(Index.PropertyKeys.FIELD), sizes,
        return new DocumentalMergedCluster(localIndex, (DocumentalClusteringStrategy) strategy,
                properties.getBoolean(IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.FLAT), termFilter, numberOfDocuments,
                properties.getInt(Index.PropertyKeys.TERMS), properties.getLong(Index.PropertyKeys.POSTINGS),
                properties.getInt(Index.PropertyKeys.MAXCOUNT), payload, hasCounts, hasPositions,
                Index.getTermProcessor(properties), properties.getString(Index.PropertyKeys.FIELD), sizes,
    } else
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown IndexCluster implementation: " + indexClass.getName());


From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLogLoader.java

private void incrOpCount(FSEditLogOpCodes opCode, EnumMap<FSEditLogOpCodes, Holder<Integer>> opCounts,
        Step step, Counter counter) {/*from   w w w  . j  a va  2 s . c o m*/
    Holder<Integer> holder = opCounts.get(opCode);
    if (holder == null) {
        holder = new Holder<Integer>(1);
        opCounts.put(opCode, holder);
    } else {

From source file:eu.ggnet.dwoss.report.ReportAgentBean.java

public ViewReportResult prepareReport(ReportParameter p, boolean loadUnreported) {
    attachDanglingComplaints(p.getContractor(), p.getEnd());
    List<ReportLine> findUnreportedUnits = reportLineEao.findUnreportedUnits(p.getContractor(),
            (loadUnreported) ? null : p.getStart(), p.getEnd());
    EnumMap<ViewReportResult.Type, NavigableSet<ReportLine>> lines = new EnumMap<>(ViewReportResult.Type.class);

    PrepareReportPartition unitPartition = partition(findUnreportedUnits, p.getContractor());

    lines.put(ACTIVE_INFO, unitPartition.getActiveInfo());
    lines.put(REPORT_INFO, filterReportInfo(unitPartition.getReportAble()));
    lines.put(REPAYMENTS, filterRepayed(unitPartition.getReportAble()));

    switch (p.getViewMode()) {
    case DEFAULT:
        lines.put(INVOICED, filterInvoiced(unitPartition.getReportAble()));
        break;/* w w w. j  a v  a  2 s .  c o  m*/
        YearSplit filterInvoicedSplit = filterInvoicedSplit(unitPartition.getReportAble(), p.getStart());
        lines.put(PAST_ONE_YEAR, filterInvoicedSplit.getAfter());
        lines.put(UNDER_ONE_YEAR, filterInvoicedSplit.getBefore());
        PrepareReportPartition warrantyPartition = partition(
                filterWarrenty(reportLineEao.findUnreportedWarrentys(), unitPartition.getReportAble()),
        lines.put(WARRENTY, filterInvoiced(warrantyPartition.getReportAble()));

    ViewReportResult viewReportResult = new ViewReportResult(lines, p);
    viewReportResult.getAllLines().stream().forEach((allLine) -> reportEm.detach(allLine));
    if (!marginCalculator.isUnsatisfied())
    return viewReportResult;

From source file:org.codehaus.mojo.license.AbstractFileHeaderMojo.java

 * Checks the results of the mojo execution using the {@link #isFailOnMissingHeader()} and
 * {@link #isFailOnNotUptodateHeader()}.
 * @param result processed files by their status
 * @throws MojoFailureException if check is not ok (some file with no header or to update)
 */// www .j av  a2s .co  m
protected void checkResults(EnumMap<FileState, Set<File>> result) throws MojoFailureException {
    Set<FileState> states = result.keySet();

    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    if (isDryRun() && isFailOnMissingHeader() && states.contains(FileState.add)) {
        List<File> files = FileUtil.orderFiles(result.get(FileState.add));

        builder.append("There are ").append(files.size()).append(" file(s) with no header :");
        for (File file : files) {

    if (isDryRun() && isFailOnNotUptodateHeader() && states.contains(FileState.update)) {
        List<File> files = FileUtil.orderFiles(result.get(FileState.update));

        builder.append("\nThere are ").append(files.size()).append(" file(s) with header to update:");
        for (File file : files) {
    String message = builder.toString();

    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(message)) {
        throw new MojoFailureException(builder.toString());

From source file:tasly.greathealth.oms.web.inventory.rest.resources.ItemInfoResource.java

@PUT/*from w w w.j  a  v  a 2 s .c om*/
public Response updateFlagSku(final SkuList skuList) throws Exception {
    int flag;
    EnumMap<HandleReturn, Object> handleReturn = new EnumMap<HandleReturn, Object>(HandleReturn.class);
    boolean updateStatus = false;
    final List<String> skus = skuList.getSkus();
    if (skus.size() > 0 || skus != null) {
        for (final String sku : skus) {
            final ItemInfo itemInfo = itemInfoFacade.getBySku(sku);
            flag = itemInfo.getStockManageFlag();
            if (flag == 0) {
                final List<TaslyItemLocationData> checkTaslyItemLocationDatas = taslyItemLocationService
                if (checkTaslyItemLocationDatas == null || checkTaslyItemLocationDatas.size() == 0) {
                    omsLOG.error("sku:" + sku + ",no ItemLocation data!");
                } else {
                    try {

                        handleReturn = itemQuantityService.handleUpdateMethod(checkTaslyItemLocationDatas, sku,
                                flag, 0);
                    } catch (final Exception e) {
                        omsLOG.error("handle sku:" + sku + " failed and error is " + e);
                        handleReturn.put(HandleReturn.handleStatus, false);
                    if ((boolean) handleReturn.get(HandleReturn.handleStatus)) {
                        try {
                            updateStatus = itemQuantityService.updateMethod(sku, flag, 0);
                            if (updateStatus) {
                                omsLOG.debug("sku:" + sku + ",flag=0 allocated ok!");
                        } catch (final Exception e) {
                            omsLOG.error("update sku:" + sku + " failed and error is " + e);
        omsLOG.info("Update quantity where flag=0 finished.");
    return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build();

From source file:tasly.greathealth.oms.web.inventory.rest.resources.ItemInfoResource.java

@GET//from w  w  w  .ja  va 2s .  c  om
public Response updateQuantity() {
    omsLOG.info("Begin to update quantity where flag=0.");
    final Collection<ItemInfo> itemInfos = itemInfoFacade.getAll();
    int flag;
    String sku;
    EnumMap<HandleReturn, Object> handleReturn = new EnumMap<HandleReturn, Object>(HandleReturn.class);
    boolean updateStatus = false;
    if (itemInfos.size() == 0 || itemInfos == null) {
        omsLOG.error("Get all itemInfos failed!");
    } else {
        for (final ItemInfo itemInfo : itemInfos) {
            flag = itemInfo.getStockManageFlag();
            sku = itemInfo.getSku();
            if (flag == 0) {
                final List<TaslyItemLocationData> checkTaslyItemLocationDatas = taslyItemLocationService
                if (checkTaslyItemLocationDatas == null || checkTaslyItemLocationDatas.size() == 0) {
                    omsLOG.error("sku:" + sku + ",no ItemLocation data!");
                } else {
                    try {
                        handleReturn = itemQuantityService.handleUpdateMethod(checkTaslyItemLocationDatas, sku,
                                flag, 0);
                    } catch (final Exception e) {
                        omsLOG.error("handle sku:" + sku + " failed and error is " + e);
                        handleReturn.put(HandleReturn.handleStatus, false);
                    if ((boolean) handleReturn.get(HandleReturn.handleStatus)) {
                        try {
                            updateStatus = itemQuantityService.updateMethod(sku, flag, 0);
                            if (updateStatus) {
                                omsLOG.debug("sku:" + sku + ",flag=0 allocated ok!");
                        } catch (final Exception e) {
                            omsLOG.error("update sku:" + sku + " failed and error is " + e);
    omsLOG.info("Update quantity where flag=0 finished.");
    return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build();

From source file:gov.nih.nci.caarray.web.action.project.ProjectFilesAction.java

 * Computes a file status count for each type of file status.
 * @return Map, map contains key value pair (status, count)
 *//*ww  w  .  j  a  v a2  s.c  o m*/
public EnumMap<FileStatus, Integer> computeFileStatusCounts() {
    final EnumMap<FileStatus, Integer> countMap = new EnumMap<FileStatus, Integer>(FileStatus.class);

    for (final FileStatus f : FileStatus.values()) {
        countMap.put(f, 0);

    for (final CaArrayFile f : getFiles()) {
        countMap.put(FileStatus.valueOf(f.getStatus()), countMap.get(FileStatus.valueOf(f.getStatus())) + 1);
    return countMap;

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.TestCacheOnWrite.java

private void readStoreFile(boolean useTags) throws IOException {
    AbstractHFileReader reader;//from   w  ww . j a  v a2s. com
    if (useTags) {
        reader = (HFileReaderV3) HFile.createReader(fs, storeFilePath, cacheConf, conf);
    } else {
        reader = (HFileReaderV2) HFile.createReader(fs, storeFilePath, cacheConf, conf);
    LOG.info("HFile information: " + reader);
    final boolean cacheBlocks = false;
    final boolean pread = false;
    HFileScanner scanner = reader.getScanner(cacheBlocks, pread);
    assertTrue(testDescription, scanner.seekTo());

    long offset = 0;
    HFileBlock prevBlock = null;
    EnumMap<BlockType, Integer> blockCountByType = new EnumMap<BlockType, Integer>(BlockType.class);

    DataBlockEncoding encodingInCache = encoderType.getEncoder().getDataBlockEncoding();
    while (offset < reader.getTrailer().getLoadOnOpenDataOffset()) {
        long onDiskSize = -1;
        if (prevBlock != null) {
            onDiskSize = prevBlock.getNextBlockOnDiskSizeWithHeader();
        // Flags: don't cache the block, use pread, this is not a compaction.
        // Also, pass null for expected block type to avoid checking it.
        HFileBlock block = reader.readBlock(offset, onDiskSize, false, true, false, true, null,
        BlockCacheKey blockCacheKey = new BlockCacheKey(reader.getName(), offset);
        boolean isCached = blockCache.getBlock(blockCacheKey, true, false, true) != null;
        boolean shouldBeCached = cowType.shouldBeCached(block.getBlockType());
        if (shouldBeCached != isCached) {
            throw new AssertionError("shouldBeCached: " + shouldBeCached + "\n" + "isCached: " + isCached + "\n"
                    + "Test description: " + testDescription + "\n" + "block: " + block + "\n"
                    + "encodingInCache: " + encodingInCache + "\n" + "blockCacheKey: " + blockCacheKey);
        prevBlock = block;
        offset += block.getOnDiskSizeWithHeader();
        BlockType bt = block.getBlockType();
        Integer count = blockCountByType.get(bt);
        blockCountByType.put(bt, (count == null ? 0 : count) + 1);

    LOG.info("Block count by type: " + blockCountByType);
    String countByType = blockCountByType.toString();
    BlockType cachedDataBlockType = encoderType.encode ? BlockType.ENCODED_DATA : BlockType.DATA;
    if (useTags) {
        assertEquals("{" + cachedDataBlockType + "=1550, LEAF_INDEX=173, BLOOM_CHUNK=9, INTERMEDIATE_INDEX=20}",
    } else {
        assertEquals("{" + cachedDataBlockType + "=1379, LEAF_INDEX=154, BLOOM_CHUNK=9, INTERMEDIATE_INDEX=18}",

From source file:hu.mta.sztaki.lpds.cloud.simulator.iaas.PhysicalMachine.java

 * Defines a new physical machine, ensures that there are no VMs running so
 * far/*from w  ww.  j  av  a2  s  .c om*/
 * @param cores
 *            defines the number of CPU cores this machine has under control
 * @param perCorePocessing
 *            defines the processing capabilities of a single CPU core in
 *            this machine (in instructions/tick)
 * @param memory
 *            defines the total physical memory this machine has under
 *            control (in bytes)
 * @param disk
 *            defines the local physical disk & networking this machine has
 *            under control
 * @param turnonOperations
 *            defines the tasks to execute before the PM can be turned on -
 *            this can be considered as the simulation of the boot process.
 *            for the complete definition of this array have a look at the
 *            powerstatedelayer class.
 * @param switchoffOperations
 *            defines the tasks to execute before the PM can be switched off
 *            - this can be considered as the simulation of the shutdown
 *            process. for the complete definition of this array have a look
 *            at the powerstatedelayer class.
 * @param powerTransitions
 *            determines the applied power state transitions while the
 *            physical machine state changes. This is the principal way to
 *            alter a PM's energy consumption behavior.

public PhysicalMachine(double cores, double perCorePocessing, long memory, Repository disk,
        double[] turnonOperations, double[] switchoffOperations,
        EnumMap<PowerStateKind, EnumMap<State, PowerState>> powerTransitions) {
    super(cores * perCorePocessing);
    // Init resources:
    totalCapacities = new ConstantConstraints(cores, perCorePocessing, memory);
    internalAvailableCaps = new AlterableResourceConstraints(totalCapacities);
    availableCapacities = new UnalterableConstraintsPropagator(internalAvailableCaps);
    internalReallyFreeCaps = new AlterableResourceConstraints(totalCapacities);
    freeCapacities = new UnalterableConstraintsPropagator(internalReallyFreeCaps);
    localDisk = disk;

    hostPowerBehavior = powerTransitions.get(PowerStateKind.host);
    storagePowerBehavior = powerTransitions.get(PowerStateKind.storage);
    networkPowerBehavior = powerTransitions.get(PowerStateKind.network);
    onTransition = new double[turnonOperations.length];
    onDelayEstimate = prepareTransitionalTasks(true, turnonOperations);
    offTransition = new double[switchoffOperations.length];
    offDelayEstimate = prepareTransitionalTasks(false, switchoffOperations);

    if (hostPowerBehavior == null || storagePowerBehavior == null || networkPowerBehavior == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Cannot initialize physical machine without a complete power behavior set");

    directConsumer = new MaxMinConsumer(getPerTickProcessingPower());