Java tutorial
/* * [y] hybris Platform * * Copyright (c) 2000-2013 hybris AG * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of hybris * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential * Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the * license agreement you entered into with hybris. */ package; import com.hybris.oms.api.Pageable; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.TypeHint; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody; import tasly.greathealth.oms.api.inventory.ItemInfoFacade; import tasly.greathealth.oms.api.inventory.ItemInfoQueryObject; import tasly.greathealth.oms.api.inventory.dto.ItemInfo; import tasly.greathealth.oms.api.inventory.dto.ItemInfoList; import tasly.greathealth.oms.api.inventory.dto.SkuList; import tasly.greathealth.oms.inventory.domain.TaslyItemLocationData; import; import; import; import tasly.greathealth.oms.log.OmsLoggerFactory; /** * REST resource to handle request relevant to ItemInfo object. */ @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML }) @Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML }) @Path("/iteminfo") public class ItemInfoResource { private ItemInfoFacade itemInfoFacade; private ItemQuantityService itemQuantityService; private TaslyItemLocationService taslyItemLocationService; private static final Logger omsLOG = OmsLoggerFactory.getOmsinventorylog(); @Autowired @Qualifier("uriQueryObjectPopulator") private QueryObjectPopulator<UriInfo> queryObjectPopulator; /** * @param taslyItemLocationService the taslyItemLocationService to set */ public void setTaslyItemLocationService(final TaslyItemLocationService taslyItemLocationService) { this.taslyItemLocationService = taslyItemLocationService; } /** * @param itemQuantityService the itemQuantityService to set */ public void setItemQuantityService(final ItemQuantityService itemQuantityService) { this.itemQuantityService = itemQuantityService; } @Required public void setItemInfoFacade(final ItemInfoFacade facade) { this.itemInfoFacade = facade; } @POST public Response create(@RequestBody final ItemInfo itemInfo) { itemInfoFacade.create(itemInfo); return Response.status(Response.Status.CREATED).build(); } @GET @TypeHint(ItemInfo.class) public Response findItemInfoByQuery(@Context final UriInfo uriInfo) { final ItemInfoQueryObject queryObject = new ItemInfoQueryObject(); this.queryObjectPopulator.populate(uriInfo, queryObject); final Pageable<ItemInfo> pagedItemInfos = this.itemInfoFacade.findItemInfosByQuery(queryObject); final GenericEntity<List<ItemInfo>> entity = new GenericEntity<List<ItemInfo>>( pagedItemInfos.getResults()) { // }; final Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = RestUtil.createResponsePagedHeaders( pagedItemInfos.getNextPage().intValue(), pagedItemInfos.getPreviousPage().intValue(), pagedItemInfos.getTotalPages().intValue(), pagedItemInfos.getTotalRecords().longValue()); return responseBuilder.entity(entity).build(); } @GET @Path("/all") public Collection<ItemInfo> getAllItemInfos() { return itemInfoFacade.getAll(); } @SuppressWarnings("null") @GET @Path("/flag0update") public Response updateQuantity() {"Begin to update quantity where flag=0."); final Collection<ItemInfo> itemInfos = itemInfoFacade.getAll(); int flag; String sku; EnumMap<HandleReturn, Object> handleReturn = new EnumMap<HandleReturn, Object>(HandleReturn.class); boolean updateStatus = false; if (itemInfos.size() == 0 || itemInfos == null) { omsLOG.error("Get all itemInfos failed!"); } else { for (final ItemInfo itemInfo : itemInfos) { flag = itemInfo.getStockManageFlag(); sku = itemInfo.getSku(); if (flag == 0) { final List<TaslyItemLocationData> checkTaslyItemLocationDatas = taslyItemLocationService .getByItemID(sku); if (checkTaslyItemLocationDatas == null || checkTaslyItemLocationDatas.size() == 0) { omsLOG.error("sku:" + sku + ",no ItemLocation data!"); continue; } else { try { handleReturn = itemQuantityService.handleUpdateMethod(checkTaslyItemLocationDatas, sku, flag, 0); } catch (final Exception e) { omsLOG.error("handle sku:" + sku + " failed and error is " + e); handleReturn.put(HandleReturn.handleStatus, false); } if ((boolean) handleReturn.get(HandleReturn.handleStatus)) { try { updateStatus = itemQuantityService.updateMethod(sku, flag, 0); if (updateStatus) { omsLOG.debug("sku:" + sku + ",flag=0 allocated ok!"); } } catch (final Exception e) { omsLOG.error("update sku:" + sku + " failed and error is " + e); } } } } } }"Update quantity where flag=0 finished."); return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build(); } @SuppressWarnings("null") @PUT @Path("/flag0skus") public Response updateFlagSku(final SkuList skuList) throws Exception { int flag; EnumMap<HandleReturn, Object> handleReturn = new EnumMap<HandleReturn, Object>(HandleReturn.class); boolean updateStatus = false; final List<String> skus = skuList.getSkus(); if (skus.size() > 0 || skus != null) { for (final String sku : skus) { final ItemInfo itemInfo = itemInfoFacade.getBySku(sku); flag = itemInfo.getStockManageFlag(); if (flag == 0) { final List<TaslyItemLocationData> checkTaslyItemLocationDatas = taslyItemLocationService .getByItemID(sku); if (checkTaslyItemLocationDatas == null || checkTaslyItemLocationDatas.size() == 0) { omsLOG.error("sku:" + sku + ",no ItemLocation data!"); continue; } else { try { handleReturn = itemQuantityService.handleUpdateMethod(checkTaslyItemLocationDatas, sku, flag, 0); } catch (final Exception e) { omsLOG.error("handle sku:" + sku + " failed and error is " + e); handleReturn.put(HandleReturn.handleStatus, false); } if ((boolean) handleReturn.get(HandleReturn.handleStatus)) { try { updateStatus = itemQuantityService.updateMethod(sku, flag, 0); if (updateStatus) { omsLOG.debug("sku:" + sku + ",flag=0 allocated ok!"); } } catch (final Exception e) { omsLOG.error("update sku:" + sku + " failed and error is " + e); } } } } }"Update quantity where flag=0 finished."); } return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build(); } @PUT public Response batchUpdate(final ItemInfoList itemInfoList) throws Exception { final List<ItemInfo> list = itemInfoList.getItemInfos(); itemInfoFacade.batchUpdate(list); return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build(); } }