Example usage for java.util.concurrent CompletableFuture exceptionally

List of usage examples for java.util.concurrent CompletableFuture exceptionally


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util.concurrent CompletableFuture exceptionally.


public CompletableFuture<T> exceptionally(Function<Throwable, ? extends T> fn) 

Source Link


From source file:org.kordamp.javatrove.example06.impl.GithubImplTest.java

public void failurePath() {
    // given:/*  w w w  . j  av a  2s  . com*/
    stubFor(get(urlEqualTo("/orgs/" + ORGANIZATION + "/repos"))
            .willReturn(aResponse().withStatus(500).withStatusMessage("Internal Error")));

    // when:
    CompletableFuture<Collection<Repository>> promise = github.repositories(ORGANIZATION);
    await().timeout(2, SECONDS).until(promise::isCompletedExceptionally, equalTo(true));

    // then:
    promise.exceptionally(throwable -> {
        assertThat(throwable.getMessage(), equalTo("Internal Error"));
        return null;
    verify(getRequestedFor(urlEqualTo("/orgs/" + ORGANIZATION + "/repos")));

From source file:io.pravega.test.integration.selftest.Producer.java

 * Executes one iteration of the Producer.
 * 1. Requests a new ProducerOperation from the DataSource.
 * 2. Executes it.//from   ww w .j a  v a 2s .  com
 * 3. Completes the ProducerOperation with either success or failure based on the outcome step #2.
private CompletableFuture<Void> runOneIteration() {

    val futures = new ArrayList<CompletableFuture<Void>>();
    for (int i = 0; i < this.config.getProducerParallelism(); i++) {
        ProducerOperation op = this.dataSource.nextOperation();
        if (op == null) {
            // Nothing more to do.

        CompletableFuture<Void> result;
        try {
            CompletableFuture<Void> waitOn = op.getWaitOn();
            if (waitOn != null) {
                result = waitOn.exceptionally(ex -> null).thenComposeAsync(v -> executeOperation(op),
            } else {
                result = executeOperation(op);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            // Catch and handle sync errors.
            if (handleOperationError(ex, op)) {
                // Exception handled; skip this iteration since there's nothing more we can do.
            } else {
                result = Futures.failedFuture(ex);

        futures.add(result.exceptionally(ex -> {
            // Catch and handle async errors.
            if (handleOperationError(ex, op)) {
                return null;

            throw new CompletionException(ex);

    return Futures.allOf(futures);

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.management_db.mongodb.services.IkanowV1SyncService_TestBuckets.java

 * Logic that runs when we come across a new test object.
 * Kicks off a test by calling BucketTestService.test_bucket -> this typically calls CoreManagementService.test_bucket
 * Updates the status based on if the test_bucket started successfully
 * //from www  .j a v  a2s  .  c  o  m
 * @param data_bucket
 * @param new_test_source
 * @param bucket_test_service
 * @param source_test_db
 * @return
private CompletableFuture<Boolean> handleNewTestSource(final DataBucketBean data_bucket,
        final TestQueueBean new_test_source, final BucketTestService bucket_test_service,
        final ICrudService<TestQueueBean> source_test_db) {
    //get the test params
    final ProcessingTestSpecBean test_spec = new_test_source.test_params();

    //try to test the bucket
    _logger.debug("Running bucket test");
    final ICrudService<JsonNode> v1_output_db = _underlying_management_db.get()
            .getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(ICrudService.class, Optional.of("ingest." + data_bucket._id())).get();
    final CompletableFuture<Boolean> delete_datastore = v1_output_db.deleteDatastore(); //(this is done in a few other places, so just to be on the safe side here)
    final ManagementFuture<Boolean> test_res_future = bucket_test_service.test_bucket(_core_management_db.get(),
            data_bucket, test_spec);

    return delete_datastore.exceptionally(ex -> {
        _logger.error("Error trying to clear v1 output db before test run: ingest." + data_bucket._id(), ex);
        return false;
    }).thenCompose(y -> test_res_future.thenCompose(res -> {
        return test_res_future.getManagementResults().<Boolean>thenCompose(man_res -> {
            //return updateTestSourceStatus(new_test_source._id(), (res ? "in_progress" : "error"), source_test_db, Optional.of(new Date()), Optional.empty(), Optional.of(man_res.stream().map(
            return updateTestSourceStatus(new_test_source._id(),
                    (res ? TestStatus.in_progress : TestStatus.error), source_test_db, Optional.of(new Date()),
                    Optional.empty(), Optional.of(man_res.stream().map(msg -> {
                        return "[" + msg.date() + "] " + msg.source() + " (" + msg.command() + "): "
                                + (msg.success() ? "INFO" : "ERROR") + ": " + msg.message();
    }).exceptionally(t -> {
        updateTestSourceStatus(new_test_source._id(), TestStatus.error, source_test_db, Optional.of(new Date()),
                Optional.empty(), Optional.of(ErrorUtils.getLongForm("Error during test_bucket: {0}", t)))
                        .thenCompose(x -> {
                            if (!x)
                                        "Had an error trying to update status of test object after having an error during test bucket, somethings gone horribly wrong");
                            return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(x); //this return doesn't matter
        return false;

From source file:com.microsoft.azure.servicebus.samples.receiveloop.ReceiveLoop.java

public void run(String connectionString) throws Exception {

    QueueClient sendClient;/*from  w w w  . j av  a 2 s .c o m*/
    IMessageReceiver receiver;
    CompletableFuture receiveTask;

    // Create a QueueClient instance using the connection string builder
    // We set the receive mode to "PeekLock", meaning the message is delivered
    // under a lock and must be acknowledged ("completed") to be removed from the queue

    sendClient = new QueueClient(new ConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString, "BasicQueue"),
    this.sendMessagesAsync(sendClient).thenRunAsync(() -> sendClient.closeAsync());

    receiver = ClientFactory.createMessageReceiverFromConnectionStringBuilder(
            new ConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString, "BasicQueue"), ReceiveMode.PEEKLOCK);
    receiveTask = this.receiveMessagesAsync(receiver);



    CompletableFuture.allOf(receiveTask.exceptionally(t -> {
        if (t instanceof CancellationException) {
            return null;
        throw new RuntimeException((Throwable) t);


From source file:com.microsoft.azure.servicebus.samples.messagebrowse.MessageBrowse.java

public void run(String connectionString) throws Exception {

    QueueClient sendClient;//from  ww  w.  java2  s .com
    IMessageReceiver receiver;
    CompletableFuture receiveTask;

    // Create a QueueClient instance using the connection string builder
    // We set the receive mode to "PeekLock", meaning the message is delivered
    // under a lock and must be acknowledged ("completed") to be removed from the queue

    sendClient = new QueueClient(new ConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString, "BasicQueue"),
    this.sendMessagesAsync(sendClient).thenRunAsync(() -> sendClient.closeAsync());

    receiver = ClientFactory.createMessageReceiverFromConnectionStringBuilder(
            new ConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString, "BasicQueue"), ReceiveMode.PEEKLOCK);
    receiveTask = this.peekMessagesAsync(receiver);

    // wait for ENTER or 10 seconds elapsing


    CompletableFuture.allOf(receiveTask.exceptionally(t -> {
        if (t instanceof CancellationException) {
            return null;
        throw new RuntimeException((Throwable) t);
    }), receiver.closeAsync()).join();

From source file:com.microsoft.azure.servicebus.samples.timetolive.TimeToLive.java

public void run(String connectionString) throws Exception {

    IMessageSender sendClient;/*  w w  w  .  j  a va  2  s  .  co  m*/
    CompletableFuture<Void> receiveTask;
    CompletableFuture<Void> fixUpTask;

    // send messages
    sendClient = ClientFactory.createMessageSenderFromConnectionStringBuilder(
            new ConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString, "BasicQueue"));

    // wait for all messages to expire
    Thread.sleep(15 * 1000);

    ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
    // start the receiver tasks and the fixup tasks
    receiveTask = this.receiveMessagesAsync(connectionString, "BasicQueue", executorService);
    fixUpTask = this.pickUpAndFixDeadLetters(connectionString, "BasicQueue", sendClient, executorService);

    // wait for ENTER or 10 seconds elapsing

    // cancel the running tasks

    // wait for the tasks to complete
    CompletableFuture.allOf(sendClient.closeAsync(), receiveTask.exceptionally(t -> {
        if (t instanceof CancellationException) {
            return null;
        throw new RuntimeException(t);
    }), fixUpTask.exceptionally(t -> {
        if (t instanceof CancellationException) {
            return null;
        throw new RuntimeException(t);


From source file:com.microsoft.azure.servicebus.samples.deadletterqueue.DeadletterQueue.java

public void run(String connectionString) throws Exception {

    CompletableFuture<Void> receiveTask;
    CompletableFuture<Void> fixUpTask;
    IMessageSender sendClient;//from  w  w  w  . j  a  v  a 2 s  . c  o  m

    sendClient = ClientFactory.createMessageSenderFromConnectionStringBuilder(
            new ConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString, "BasicQueue"));

    // max delivery-count scenario
    this.sendMessagesAsync(sendClient, 1).join();
    this.exceedMaxDelivery(connectionString, "BasicQueue").join();

    // fix-up scenario
    this.sendMessagesAsync(sendClient, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
    receiveTask = this.receiveMessagesAsync(connectionString, "BasicQueue", executorService);
    fixUpTask = this.PickUpAndFixDeadletters(connectionString, "BasicQueue", sendClient, executorService);

    // wait for ENTER or 10 seconds elapsing


    CompletableFuture.allOf(sendClient.closeAsync(), receiveTask.exceptionally(t -> {
        if (t instanceof CancellationException) {
            return null;
        throw new RuntimeException((Throwable) t);
    }), fixUpTask.exceptionally(t -> {
        if (t instanceof CancellationException) {
            return null;
        throw new RuntimeException((Throwable) t);


From source file:com.yahoo.pulsar.broker.service.BrokerService.java

private CompletableFuture<Topic> createPersistentTopic(final String topic) throws RuntimeException {
    checkTopicNsOwnership(topic);//ww  w.  j av  a2 s.c  o m

    final long topicCreateTimeMs = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime());
    DestinationName destinationName = DestinationName.get(topic);
    if (!pulsar.getNamespaceService().isServiceUnitActive(destinationName)) {
        // namespace is being unloaded
        String msg = String.format("Namespace is being unloaded, cannot add topic %s", topic);
        throw new RuntimeException(new ServiceUnitNotReadyException(msg));

    final CompletableFuture<Topic> topicFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();

    getManagedLedgerConfig(destinationName).thenAccept(config -> {
        // Once we have the configuration, we can proceed with the async open operation

        managedLedgerFactory.asyncOpen(destinationName.getPersistenceNamingEncoding(), config,
                new OpenLedgerCallback() {
                    public void openLedgerComplete(ManagedLedger ledger, Object ctx) {
                        PersistentTopic persistentTopic = new PersistentTopic(topic, ledger,

                        CompletableFuture<Void> replicationFuture = persistentTopic.checkReplication();
                        replicationFuture.thenRun(() -> {
                            log.info("Created topic {}", topic);
                            long topicLoadLatencyMs = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime())
                                    - topicCreateTimeMs;
                            pulsarStats.recordTopicLoadTimeValue(topic, topicLoadLatencyMs);
                            addTopicToStatsMaps(destinationName, persistentTopic);
                        replicationFuture.exceptionally((ex) -> {
                            log.warn("Replication check failed. Removing topic from topics list {}, {}", topic,
                            persistentTopic.stopReplProducers().whenComplete((v, exception) -> {
                                topics.remove(topic, topicFuture);

                            return null;

                    public void openLedgerFailed(ManagedLedgerException exception, Object ctx) {
                        log.warn("Failed to create topic {}", topic, exception);
                        topics.remove(topic, topicFuture);
                        topicFuture.completeExceptionally(new PersistenceException(exception));
                }, null);

    }).exceptionally((exception) -> {
        log.warn("[{}] Failed to get topic configuration: {}", topic, exception.getMessage(), exception);
        topics.remove(topic, topicFuture);
        return null;

    return topicFuture;

From source file:io.pravega.test.integration.selftest.Producer.java

 * Executes the given operation.// w  w w . j a va  2  s .  c  om
private CompletableFuture<Void> executeOperation(ProducerOperation operation) {
    CompletableFuture<Void> result;
    final AtomicLong startTime = new AtomicLong(TIME_PROVIDER.get());
    if (operation.getType() == ProducerOperationType.CREATE_TRANSACTION) {
        // Create the Transaction, then record it's name in the operation's result.
        StoreAdapter.Feature.Transaction.ensureSupported(this.store, "create transaction");
        result = this.store.createTransaction(operation.getTarget(), this.config.getTimeout())
    } else if (operation.getType() == ProducerOperationType.MERGE_TRANSACTION) {
        // Merge the Transaction.
        StoreAdapter.Feature.Transaction.ensureSupported(this.store, "merge transaction");
        result = this.store.mergeTransaction(operation.getTarget(), this.config.getTimeout());
    } else if (operation.getType() == ProducerOperationType.ABORT_TRANSACTION) {
        // Abort the Transaction.
        StoreAdapter.Feature.Transaction.ensureSupported(this.store, "abort transaction");
        result = this.store.abortTransaction(operation.getTarget(), this.config.getTimeout());
    } else if (operation.getType() == ProducerOperationType.APPEND) {
        // Generate some random data, then append it.
        StoreAdapter.Feature.Append.ensureSupported(this.store, "append");
        Event event = this.dataSource.nextEvent(operation.getTarget(), this.id);
        result = this.store.append(operation.getTarget(), event, this.config.getTimeout());
    } else if (operation.getType() == ProducerOperationType.SEAL) {
        // Seal the target.
        StoreAdapter.Feature.Seal.ensureSupported(this.store, "seal");
        result = this.store.seal(operation.getTarget(), this.config.getTimeout());
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Operation Type: " + operation.getType());

    return result.exceptionally(ex -> attemptReconcile(ex, operation)).thenRun(
            () -> operation.completed((TIME_PROVIDER.get() - startTime.get()) / AbstractTimer.NANOS_TO_MILLIS));

From source file:org.apache.pulsar.broker.service.BrokerService.java

private void createPersistentTopic(final String topic, CompletableFuture<Topic> topicFuture) {

    final long topicCreateTimeMs = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime());
    DestinationName destinationName = DestinationName.get(topic);
    if (!pulsar.getNamespaceService().isServiceUnitActive(destinationName)) {
        // namespace is being unloaded
        String msg = String.format("Namespace is being unloaded, cannot add topic %s", topic);
        log.warn(msg);/*from   w ww.ja v  a  2  s  .  com*/
        pulsar.getExecutor().submit(() -> topics.remove(topic, topicFuture));
        topicFuture.completeExceptionally(new ServiceUnitNotReadyException(msg));

    getManagedLedgerConfig(destinationName).thenAccept(config -> {
        // Once we have the configuration, we can proceed with the async open operation

        managedLedgerFactory.asyncOpen(destinationName.getPersistenceNamingEncoding(), config,
                new OpenLedgerCallback() {
                    public void openLedgerComplete(ManagedLedger ledger, Object ctx) {
                        PersistentTopic persistentTopic = new PersistentTopic(topic, ledger,

                        CompletableFuture<Void> replicationFuture = persistentTopic.checkReplication();
                        replicationFuture.thenRun(() -> {
                            log.info("Created topic {}", topic);
                            long topicLoadLatencyMs = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime())
                                    - topicCreateTimeMs;
                            pulsarStats.recordTopicLoadTimeValue(topic, topicLoadLatencyMs);
                            addTopicToStatsMaps(destinationName, persistentTopic);
                        replicationFuture.exceptionally((ex) -> {
                            log.warn("Replication check failed. Removing topic from topics list {}, {}", topic,
                            persistentTopic.stopReplProducers().whenComplete((v, exception) -> {
                                topics.remove(topic, topicFuture);

                            return null;

                    public void openLedgerFailed(ManagedLedgerException exception, Object ctx) {
                        log.warn("Failed to create topic {}", topic, exception);
                        topics.remove(topic, topicFuture);
                        topicFuture.completeExceptionally(new PersistenceException(exception));
                }, null);

    }).exceptionally((exception) -> {
        log.warn("[{}] Failed to get topic configuration: {}", topic, exception.getMessage(), exception);
        // remove topic from topics-map in different thread to avoid possible deadlock if
        // createPersistentTopic-thread only tries to handle this future-result
        pulsar.getExecutor().submit(() -> topics.remove(topic, topicFuture));
        return null;