Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2015, The IKANOW Open Source Project.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.data_services.IManagementDbService;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.shared_services.ICrudService;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.shared_services.IDataServiceProvider;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.shared_services.IDataWriteService;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.shared_services.IManagementCrudService;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.interfaces.shared_services.IServiceContext;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.objects.data_import.DataBucketBean;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.objects.data_import.DataBucketStatusBean;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.objects.shared.ProcessingTestSpecBean;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.CrudUtils;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.CrudUtils.BeanUpdateComponent;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.CrudUtils.QueryComponent;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.CrudUtils.SingleQueryComponent;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.CrudUtils.UpdateComponent;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.FutureUtils.ManagementFuture;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.BeanTemplateUtils;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.BucketUtils;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.ErrorUtils;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.JsonUtils;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.Lambdas;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.data_model.utils.SetOnce;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.management_db.mongodb.data_model.MongoDbManagementDbConfigBean;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.management_db.mongodb.data_model.TestQueueBean;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.management_db.mongodb.data_model.TestQueueBean.TestStatus;
import com.ikanow.aleph2.management_db.mongodb.module.MongoDbManagementDbModule.BucketTestService;

/** This service looks for changes to IKANOW test db entries and kicks off test jobs
 * @author cmb
public class IkanowV1SyncService_TestBuckets {
    private static final Logger _logger = LogManager.getLogger();
    protected static final ObjectMapper _mapper = BeanTemplateUtils.configureMapper(Optional.empty());

    protected final MongoDbManagementDbConfigBean _config;
    protected final IServiceContext _context;
    protected final Provider<IManagementDbService> _core_management_db;
    protected final Provider<IManagementDbService> _underlying_management_db;
    protected final ICoreDistributedServices _core_distributed_services;

    protected final SetOnce<MutexMonitor> _source_test_mutex_monitor = new SetOnce<MutexMonitor>();

    protected final ScheduledExecutorService _mutex_scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
    protected final ScheduledExecutorService _source_test_scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
    protected SetOnce<ScheduledFuture<?>> _source_test_monitor_handle = new SetOnce<ScheduledFuture<?>>();

    protected static int _num_leader_changes = 0; // (just for debugging/testing)

    public final static String SOURCE_TEST_MONITOR_MUTEX = "/app/aleph2/locks/v1/sources_test";

    /** guice constructor
     * @param config - the management db configuration, includes whether this service is enabled
     * @param service_context - the service context providing all the required dependencies
    public IkanowV1SyncService_TestBuckets(final MongoDbManagementDbConfigBean config,
            final IServiceContext service_context) {
        _config = config;
        _context = service_context;
        _core_management_db = _context
                .getServiceProvider(IManagementDbService.class, IManagementDbService.CORE_MANAGEMENT_DB).get();
        _underlying_management_db = _context.getServiceProvider(IManagementDbService.class, Optional.empty()).get();
        _context.getService(ICoreDistributedServices.class, Optional.empty()).get();
        _core_distributed_services = _context.getService(ICoreDistributedServices.class, Optional.empty()).get();

        if (Optional.ofNullable(_config.v1_enabled()).orElse(false)) {
            // Launch the synchronization service

            // 1) Monitor sources

            _source_test_mutex_monitor.set(new MutexMonitor(SOURCE_TEST_MONITOR_MUTEX));
            _mutex_scheduler.schedule(_source_test_mutex_monitor.get(), 250L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            _source_test_monitor_handle.set(_source_test_scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new SourceTestMonitor(),
                    10L, 2L, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
            //(give it 10 seconds before starting, let everything else settle down - eg give the bucket choose handler time to register)         

    /** Immediately start (for testing)
    public void start() {"IkanowV1SyncService_TestBuckets started, running on a schedule (typically every 1s)");
                _source_test_scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new SourceTestMonitor(), 1, 1L, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

    /** Stop threads (just for testing I think)
    public void stop() {



    public class MutexMonitor implements Runnable {
        protected final String _path;
        protected final SetOnce<CuratorFramework> _curator = new SetOnce<CuratorFramework>();
        protected final SetOnce<LeaderLatch> _leader_selector = new SetOnce<LeaderLatch>();

        public MutexMonitor(final String path) {
            _path = path;

        public void run() {
            if (!_leader_selector.isSet()) {
                try {
                    final LeaderLatch Leader_latch = new LeaderLatch(_curator.get(), _path);
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    _logger.error(ErrorUtils.getLongForm("{0}", e));
      "SourceTestMonitor: joined the leadership candidate cluster");

        public boolean isLeader() {
            return _leader_selector.isSet() ? _leader_selector.get().hasLeadership() : false;

    public class SourceTestMonitor implements Runnable {
        private final SetOnce<ICrudService<TestQueueBean>> _v1_db = new SetOnce<ICrudService<TestQueueBean>>();
        private boolean _last_state = false;

        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
        public void run() {
            if (!_source_test_mutex_monitor.get().isLeader()) {
                _last_state = false;
            if (!_last_state) {
      "SourceTestMonitor: now the leader");
                _last_state = true;
            if (!_v1_db.isSet()) {
                final ICrudService<TestQueueBean> v1_config_db = _underlying_management_db.get()
                                Optional.of("ingest.v2_test_q/" + TestQueueBean.class.getName()))


            try {
                // Synchronize
                        _underlying_management_db.get().getDataBucketStatusStore(), _v1_db.get(),
                        new BucketTestService()).get();
                //(note this only waits for completions to finish, which should be super fast)

                //(note you can have multiple instances of the called code running even though the main thread pool is one,
                // because of the futures - the code handles it so that it doesn't try to start the code multiple times)
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                _logger.error(ErrorUtils.getLongForm("{0}", t));



    /** Top level logic for source synchronization
     * @param bucket_mgmt
     * @param source_db
    protected CompletableFuture<Void> synchronizeTestSources(
            final IManagementCrudService<DataBucketBean> bucket_mgmt,
            final IManagementCrudService<DataBucketStatusBean> underlying_bucket_status_mgmt,
            final ICrudService<TestQueueBean> source_test_db, final BucketTestService bucket_test_service) {
        //_logger.debug("Starting a sync test sources cycle");
        final List<CompletableFuture<?>> new_results = new ArrayList<CompletableFuture<?>>(); // (not used for synchronization - in a single)
        final List<CompletableFuture<?>> existing_results = new ArrayList<CompletableFuture<?>>();

        final CompletableFuture<List<TestQueueBean>> future_test_sources = getAllTestSources(source_test_db);

        //check for entries in test db
        return future_test_sources.thenCompose(test_sources -> {
            //_logger.debug("Got test sources successfully, looping over any results");
            test_sources.forEach(Lambdas.wrap_consumer_u(test_source -> {
                _logger.debug("Looking at test source: " + test_source._id());
                try {
                    final DataBucketBean to_test = Lambdas.wrap_u(() -> getBucketFromV1Source(test_source.source()))
                    if (test_source.status() != null && (test_source.status() == TestStatus.in_progress
                            || test_source.status() == TestStatus.completed
                            || test_source.status() == TestStatus.error)
                    //(test_source.status().equals("in_progress") || test_source.status().equals("completed") || test_source.status().equals("error"))
                    ) {
                        existing_results.add(handleExistingTestSource(to_test, test_source, source_test_db));
                    } else { // in progress...

                        _logger.debug("Found a new entry, setting up test");
                                handleNewTestSource(to_test, test_source, bucket_test_service, source_test_db));
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    final String error = ErrorUtils.getLongForm("error: {0}", ex);
                    _logger.error("Error when checking test source: " + error);
                    //turn off this test source
                    updateTestSourceStatus(test_source._id(), TestStatus.error, source_test_db, Optional.empty(),
                            Optional.empty(), Optional.of(error)).join();
            if (existing_results.isEmpty()) { // Make sure at least that we don't start a new thread until we've got all the tests from the previous sources
            //_logger.debug("done looping over test sources");
            //combine response of new and old entries, return
            List<CompletableFuture<?>> retval = Arrays.asList(existing_results).stream() // potentially block on existing results but not new tests 'cos that can take ages
                    .flatMap(l ->;
            return CompletableFuture.allOf(retval.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0]));

     * Logic that runs when we come across an old test object
     * Check if source is done:
     * A. Has timed out
     * B. Has created enough results
     * If either are true, copy over what test results there are (if any), mark as done
     * @param data_bucket
     * @param old_test_source
     * @param source_test_db
     * @return
    private CompletableFuture<Boolean> handleExistingTestSource(final DataBucketBean data_bucket,
            final TestQueueBean old_test_source, final ICrudService<TestQueueBean> source_test_db) {

        // if null==started_processing_on, then source is still being started in a different thread, so just ignore it:
        if (null == old_test_source.started_processing_on()) {
            return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(true);

        //ENTRY: is old      
        final ProcessingTestSpecBean test_spec = old_test_source.test_params();
        //get v1 bucket
        return getTestOutputCrudService(data_bucket).map(v2_output_db -> {
            //got the output crud, check if time is up or we have enough test results
            //1: time is up by checking started_on+test_spec vs now
            final long max_run_time_secs = Optional.ofNullable(test_spec.max_run_time_secs()).orElse(60L);
            final long time_expires_on = old_test_source.started_processing_on().getTime()
                    + (max_run_time_secs * 1000L);
            if (new Date().getTime() > time_expires_on) {
                _logger.debug("Test job: " + data_bucket.full_name() + " expired, need to retire");
                return retireTestJob(data_bucket, old_test_source, source_test_db, v2_output_db);
            //2: test results, if we've hit the requested num results
            return checkTestHitRequestedNumResults(v2_output_db, data_bucket, test_spec, old_test_source,
        }).orElseGet(() -> {
            //we couldn't get the output crud, need to exit out
            //complete exceptionally so sync will throw an error
            _logger.error("Error getting test output crud");
            CompletableFuture<Boolean> db_error_future = new CompletableFuture<Boolean>();
                    new Exception("Error retrieving output db for test job: " + data_bucket._id()));
            return db_error_future;

     * Checks if the number of objects in v2_output_db is at least
     * as many as we are looking for in test_spec.requested_num_objects
     * if so: retire job
     * else: return back CF that we haven't reached our limit yet
     * @param v2_output_db
     * @param data_bucket
     * @param test_spec
     * @param old_test_source
     * @param source_test_db
     * @return
    private CompletableFuture<Boolean> checkTestHitRequestedNumResults(final ICrudService<JsonNode> v2_output_db,
            final DataBucketBean data_bucket, final ProcessingTestSpecBean test_spec,
            final TestQueueBean old_test_source, final ICrudService<TestQueueBean> source_test_db) {
        return v2_output_db.countObjects().thenCompose(num_results -> {
            _logger.debug("Found: " + num_results + "(" + test_spec.requested_num_objects() + ") for this test.");
            if (num_results >= test_spec.requested_num_objects()) {
                        "Test job: " + data_bucket.full_name() + " reached requested num results, need to retire");
                return retireTestJob(data_bucket, old_test_source, source_test_db, v2_output_db);
            } else {
                _logger.debug("Test job: " + data_bucket.full_name()
                        + " haven't reached requested num results yet, let it continue");
                return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(true);

     * Returns an ICrudService for this buckets output.
     * Currently only returns the searchIndexService, need to add in checks for other services.
     * @param data_bucket
     * @return
    private Optional<ICrudService<JsonNode>> getTestOutputCrudService(final DataBucketBean data_bucket) {
        //first need to change bucket to test bucket, otherwise we will overwrite any actual data
        final DataBucketBean test_data_bucket = BucketUtils.convertDataBucketBeanToTest(data_bucket,
        //store it in the correct location, depending on what is spec'd in the data_bucket
        //the results are being stored where the bucket output location is
        //if (test_config.service == "search_index_schema") service_context.getSearchIndexService().get().getCrudService(test_bucket).blah()
        //if (test_config.service == "storage_service") { /* TODO read the file or something */ }
        //longer term if (test_config_service == "graph_service") service_context.getGraphService().get().getTinkerpopService().blah

        return _context.getSearchIndexService().flatMap(IDataServiceProvider::getDataService).flatMap(s -> {
            // (always read from the primary, ie won't get anything until the full job completes)
            final Optional<String> buffer_to_read_from = s.getPrimaryBufferName(test_data_bucket, Optional.empty());
            return s.getWritableDataService(JsonNode.class, test_data_bucket, Optional.empty(),

     * Moves up to test_spec.requested_num_objects into v2_output_db
     * Then marks the TestQueueBean as completed.
     * @param data_bucket
     * @param test_source
     * @param source_test_db
     * @param v2_output_db
     * @return
    private CompletableFuture<Boolean> retireTestJob(final DataBucketBean data_bucket,
            final TestQueueBean test_source, final ICrudService<TestQueueBean> source_test_db,
            final ICrudService<JsonNode> v2_output_db) {
        _logger.debug("retiring job");
        final long requested_num_objects = Optional.ofNullable(test_source.test_params().requested_num_objects())
        return v2_output_db.getObjectsBySpec(CrudUtils.allOf().limit(requested_num_objects))
                .thenCompose(results -> {
                    _logger.debug("returned: " + results.count()
                            + " items in output collection (with limit, there could be more)");
                    _logger.debug("moving data to mongo collection: ingest." + data_bucket._id());
                    final ICrudService<JsonNode> v1_output_db = _underlying_management_db.get()
                                    Optional.of("ingest." + data_bucket._id()))
                    List<JsonNode> objects_to_store = new ArrayList<JsonNode>();
                    return objects_to_store.isEmpty() ? CompletableFuture.completedFuture(true)
                            : v1_output_db.deleteDatastore() // (should have already been deleted at test startup _and_ on completion, so this is to be on the safe side!)
                                    .thenCompose(__ -> v1_output_db.storeObjects(objects_to_store)
                                            .thenCompose(x -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(true)));
                }).thenCompose(x -> {
                    _logger.debug("Marking job completed");
                    //do final step for exists/not exists 
                    final String output_collection = data_bucket._id();
                    //mark job as complete, point to v1 collection            
                    return updateTestSourceStatus(test_source._id(), TestStatus.completed, source_test_db,
                            Optional.empty(), Optional.ofNullable(output_collection), Optional.empty());
                }).exceptionally(t -> {
                    _logger.debug("Marking job completed with error");
                    return updateTestSourceStatus(test_source._id(), TestStatus.error, source_test_db,
                            Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(),
                            Optional.of(ErrorUtils.getLongForm("error: {0}", t))).join();

     * Logic that runs when we come across a new test object.
     * Kicks off a test by calling BucketTestService.test_bucket -> this typically calls CoreManagementService.test_bucket
     * Updates the status based on if the test_bucket started successfully
     * @param data_bucket
     * @param new_test_source
     * @param bucket_test_service
     * @param source_test_db
     * @return
    private CompletableFuture<Boolean> handleNewTestSource(final DataBucketBean data_bucket,
            final TestQueueBean new_test_source, final BucketTestService bucket_test_service,
            final ICrudService<TestQueueBean> source_test_db) {
        //get the test params
        final ProcessingTestSpecBean test_spec = new_test_source.test_params();

        //try to test the bucket
        _logger.debug("Running bucket test");
        final ICrudService<JsonNode> v1_output_db = _underlying_management_db.get()
                .getUnderlyingPlatformDriver(ICrudService.class, Optional.of("ingest." + data_bucket._id())).get();
        final CompletableFuture<Boolean> delete_datastore = v1_output_db.deleteDatastore(); //(this is done in a few other places, so just to be on the safe side here)
        final ManagementFuture<Boolean> test_res_future = bucket_test_service.test_bucket(_core_management_db.get(),
                data_bucket, test_spec);

        return delete_datastore.exceptionally(ex -> {
            _logger.error("Error trying to clear v1 output db before test run: ingest." + data_bucket._id(), ex);
            return false;
        }).thenCompose(y -> test_res_future.thenCompose(res -> {
            return test_res_future.getManagementResults().<Boolean>thenCompose(man_res -> {
                //return updateTestSourceStatus(new_test_source._id(), (res ? "in_progress" : "error"), source_test_db, Optional.of(new Date()), Optional.empty(), Optional.of(
                return updateTestSourceStatus(new_test_source._id(),
                        (res ? TestStatus.in_progress : TestStatus.error), source_test_db, Optional.of(new Date()),
                        Optional.empty(), Optional.of( -> {
                            return "[" + + "] " + msg.source() + " (" + msg.command() + "): "
                                    + (msg.success() ? "INFO" : "ERROR") + ": " + msg.message();
        }).exceptionally(t -> {
            updateTestSourceStatus(new_test_source._id(), TestStatus.error, source_test_db, Optional.of(new Date()),
                    Optional.empty(), Optional.of(ErrorUtils.getLongForm("Error during test_bucket: {0}", t)))
                            .thenCompose(x -> {
                                if (!x)
                                            "Had an error trying to update status of test object after having an error during test bucket, somethings gone horribly wrong");
                                return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(x); //this return doesn't matter
            return false;

     * Updates a test object with the given status and updates the last_processed_on date, 
     * optionally also updates it's started_on date and/or the output_collection
     * @param id
     * @param status
     * @param source_test_db
     * @param started_on
     * @param output_collection
     * @return
    private CompletableFuture<Boolean> updateTestSourceStatus(final String id, final TestStatus status,
            final ICrudService<TestQueueBean> source_test_db, Optional<Date> started_on,
            Optional<String> output_collection, Optional<String> message) {
        _logger.debug("Setting test q: " + id + " status to: " + status + " with message: "
                + (message.isPresent() ? message.get() : "(no message)"));
        //create update with status, add started date if it was passed in
        BeanUpdateComponent<TestQueueBean> update_component = CrudUtils.update(TestQueueBean.class)
                .set(TestQueueBean::status, status).set(TestQueueBean::last_processed_on, new Date());
        if (started_on.isPresent())
            update_component.set(TestQueueBean::started_processing_on, started_on.get());
        if (output_collection.isPresent())
            update_component.set(TestQueueBean::result, output_collection.get());
        if (message.isPresent())
            update_component.set(TestQueueBean::message, message.get());

        final SingleQueryComponent<TestQueueBean> v1_query = CrudUtils.allOf(TestQueueBean.class)
                .when(JsonUtils._ID, id);
        return source_test_db.updateObjectBySpec(v1_query, Optional.empty(), update_component);

     * Returns back all test sources that aren't marked as complete or errored
     * @param source_test_db
     * @return
    protected CompletableFuture<List<TestQueueBean>> getAllTestSources(
            final ICrudService<TestQueueBean> source_test_db) {
        final QueryComponent<TestQueueBean> get_query = CrudUtils.allOf(TestQueueBean.class)
                .whenNot(TestQueueBean::status, TestStatus.completed)
                .whenNot(TestQueueBean::status, TestStatus.error); //can be complete | error | in_progress | submitted | {unset/anything else}

        final QueryComponent<TestQueueBean> update_query = CrudUtils.allOf(TestQueueBean.class)
                .whenNot(TestQueueBean::status, TestStatus.in_progress)
                .whenNot(TestQueueBean::status, TestStatus.completed)
                .whenNot(TestQueueBean::status, TestStatus.error); //can be complete | error | in_progress | submitted | {unset/anything else}

        final UpdateComponent<TestQueueBean> update_command = CrudUtils.update(TestQueueBean.class)
                .set(TestQueueBean::status, TestStatus.in_progress)
        // (don't set started_processing_on - only set that once the job has been launched)

        final CompletableFuture<List<TestQueueBean>> get_command = source_test_db.getObjectsBySpec(get_query)
                .thenApply(c ->, false).collect(Collectors.toList()));

        return get_command.thenCompose(__ -> {
            return source_test_db.updateObjectsBySpec(update_query, Optional.of(false), update_command);
        }).thenApply(__ -> get_command.join()); // (ie return the original command but only once the update has completed)


    protected static String getBucketIdFromV1SourceKey(final String key) {
        return key + ';';

    protected static String getV1SourceKeyFromBucketId(final String _id) {
        return _id.endsWith(";") ? _id.substring(0, _id.length() - 1) : _id;


    /** Builds a V2 bucket out of a V1 source
     * @param src_json
     * @return
     * @throws JsonParseException
     * @throws JsonMappingException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ParseException
    public static DataBucketBean getBucketFromV1Source(final JsonNode src_json)
            throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException, ParseException {

        final DataBucketBean not_test_version = IkanowV1SyncService_Buckets.getBucketFromV1Source(src_json);
        return BeanTemplateUtils.clone(not_test_version)
                .with(DataBucketBean::_id, not_test_version.owner_id() + not_test_version._id()).done();

    /** Gets a JSON field that may not be present (justs an empty JsonNode if no)
     * @param fieldname
     * @param src
     * @return
    protected static JsonNode safeJsonGet(String fieldname, JsonNode src) {
        final JsonNode j = Optional.ofNullable(src.get(fieldname)).orElse(JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode());
        return j;

    /** Quick utility to parse the result of Date::toString back into a date
     * @param java_date_tostring_format
     * @return
     * @throws ParseException
    protected static Date parseJavaDate(String java_date_tostring_format) throws ParseException {
        try {
            return new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy").parse(java_date_tostring_format);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            try {
                return new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d, yyyy hh:mm:ss a zzz").parse(java_date_tostring_format);
            } catch (Exception ee) {
                return new SimpleDateFormat("d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz").parse(java_date_tostring_format);
