List of usage examples for java.time LocalTime of
public static LocalTime of(int hour, int minute)
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@Override public void executeStopResourceJob(boolean isAppliedForClusters) { OffsetDateTime currentDateTime =; List<SchedulerJobData> jobsToStop = getSchedulerJobsForAction(STOPPED, currentDateTime, isAppliedForClusters);/*www. j ava2 s . c om*/ if (!jobsToStop.isEmpty()) { log.debug(isAppliedForClusters ? "Scheduler computational resource stop job is executing..." : "Scheduler exploratory stop job is executing...");, LocalTime.of(currentDateTime.toLocalTime().getHour(), currentDateTime.toLocalTime().getMinute()), currentDateTime.toLocalDate(), currentDateTime.getDayOfWeek()); ? "Quantity of clusters for stopping: {}" : "Quantity of exploratories for stopping: {}", jobsToStop.size()); jobsToStop.forEach(job -> changeResourceStatusTo(STOPPED, job, isAppliedForClusters)); } }
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@Override public void executeTerminateResourceJob(boolean isAppliedForClusters) { OffsetDateTime currentDateTime =; List<SchedulerJobData> jobsToTerminate = getSchedulerJobsForAction(UserInstanceStatus.TERMINATED, currentDateTime, isAppliedForClusters); if (!jobsToTerminate.isEmpty()) { log.debug(isAppliedForClusters ? "Scheduler computational resource terminate job is executing..." : "Scheduler exploratory terminate job is executing...");,/*from ww w .j a v a 2s .c o m*/ LocalTime.of(currentDateTime.toLocalTime().getHour(), currentDateTime.toLocalTime().getMinute()), currentDateTime.toLocalDate(), currentDateTime.getDayOfWeek()); ? "Quantity of clusters for terminating: {}" : "Quantity of exploratories for terminating: {}", jobsToTerminate.size()); jobsToTerminate.forEach( job -> changeResourceStatusTo(UserInstanceStatus.TERMINATED, job, isAppliedForClusters)); } }
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private static LocalTime randomTime() { return LocalTime.of(8 + RND.nextInt(10), 5 * RND.nextInt(12)); }
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/** * Checks if scheduler's time data satisfies existing time parameters. * * @param dto scheduler job data. * @param dateTime existing time data. * @param desiredStatus target exploratory status which has influence for time/date checking ('running' status * requires for checking start time, 'stopped' - for end time, 'terminated' - for * 'terminatedDateTime'). * @return true/false./*from w w w. ja v a 2 s .c om*/ */ private boolean isSchedulerJobDtoSatisfyCondition(SchedulerJobDTO dto, OffsetDateTime dateTime, UserInstanceStatus desiredStatus) { ZoneOffset zOffset = dto.getTimeZoneOffset(); OffsetDateTime roundedDateTime = OffsetDateTime.of(dateTime.toLocalDate(), LocalTime.of(dateTime.toLocalTime().getHour(), dateTime.toLocalTime().getMinute()), dateTime.getOffset()); LocalDateTime convertedDateTime = ZonedDateTime .ofInstant(roundedDateTime.toInstant(), ZoneId.ofOffset(TIMEZONE_PREFIX, zOffset)) .toLocalDateTime(); return desiredStatus == TERMINATED ? Objects.nonNull(dto.getTerminateDateTime()) && convertedDateTime.toLocalDate().equals(dto.getTerminateDateTime().toLocalDate()) && convertedDateTime.toLocalTime().equals(getDesiredTime(dto, desiredStatus)) : !convertedDateTime.toLocalDate().isBefore(dto.getBeginDate()) && isFinishDateMatchesCondition(dto, convertedDateTime) && getDaysRepeat(dto, desiredStatus) .contains(convertedDateTime.toLocalDate().getDayOfWeek()) && convertedDateTime.toLocalTime().equals(getDesiredTime(dto, desiredStatus)); }
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private List<String> getTimeSlotLabels() { // First time slot of the day is 10am... // initialise to one time slot (i.e. 45 minutes) earlier logger.log("About to get time slot labels"); LocalTime time = LocalTime.of(9, 15); List<String> timeSlots = new ArrayList<>(); DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("h:mm a"); for (int slots = 1; slots <= 16; slots++) { time = time.plusMinutes(45);// ww w .j a va2 s. c om timeSlots.add(time.format(formatter)); } logger.log("Got slot labels: " + timeSlots); return timeSlots; }
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/** * Return a string which is formatted by a bundle Resource Name. * * @param hour fast-clock hour/*from w ww . j a va 2 s . c om*/ * @param minute fast-clock minute * @return a formatted string containing the time */ private static String fcTimeToString(int hour, int minute) { return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_FC_TIME", LocalTime.of(hour, minute).toString()); }
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static public Series fromDailyCsv(String path, boolean header) throws Exception { return fromCsv(path, header, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd"), LocalTime.of(17, 0)); }
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/** * Calculates the next time when a given hour and minute occur, based from the given start time. * * @param after The time to start searching from. * @param hour The hour to search for.//from w w w .ja v a 2 s. com * @param minute The minute to search for. * @return A {@code DateTime} corresponding to the hour and minute declared which is explicitly after * the start time. */ public static LocalDateTime nextTime(final LocalDateTime after, final int hour, final int minute) { LocalTime time = LocalTime.of(hour, minute); LocalDate afterDate = after.toLocalDate(); if (!time.isAfter(after.toLocalTime())) afterDate =, ChronoUnit.DAYS); return time.atDate(afterDate); }
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public LicenceBuilder withStartOfValid(LocalDate fromDateTime) { if (Optional.ofNullable(fromDateTime).isPresent() && !StringUtils.isEmpty(fromDateTime.toString())) { product.setValidFrom(LocalDateTime.of(fromDateTime, LocalTime.of(0, 0))); }//from w ww .j av a2 s. c om return this; }
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public LicenceBuilder withEndOfValid(LocalDate toDateTime) { if (Optional.ofNullable(toDateTime).isPresent() && !StringUtils.isEmpty(toDateTime.toString())) { product.setValidTo(LocalDateTime.of(toDateTime, LocalTime.of(0, 0))); }//from w ww .j a v a 2 s. com return this; }