Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 the original author or authors. * * This file is part of jGrades Application Project. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * You may obtain a copy of the License at * */ package; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jgrades.lic.api.model.*; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.LocalTime; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; public class LicenceBuilder { private final PropertiesTextAreaParser propertiesParser = new PropertiesTextAreaParser(); private final LicenceDateTimeAdapter dateTimeAdapter = new LicenceDateTimeAdapter(); private Licence licence; private Customer customer; private Product product; private List<LicenceProperty> properties; public LicenceBuilder() { initBuildingNewLicence(); } public LicenceBuilder withLicenceUID(String uid) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(uid)) { licence.setUid(Long.parseLong(uid)); } return this; } public LicenceBuilder withCustomerID(String id) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(id)) { customer.setId(Long.parseLong(id)); } return this; } public LicenceBuilder withCustomerName(String name) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { customer.setName(name); } return this; } public LicenceBuilder withCustomerAddress(String address) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(address)) { customer.setAddress(address); } return this; } public LicenceBuilder withCustomerPhone(String phone) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(phone)) { customer.setPhone(phone); } return this; } public LicenceBuilder withProductName(String name) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { product.setName(name); } return this; } public LicenceBuilder withProductVersion(String version) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(version)) { product.setVersion(version); } return this; } public LicenceBuilder withStartOfValid(LocalDate fromDateTime) { if (Optional.ofNullable(fromDateTime).isPresent() && !StringUtils.isEmpty(fromDateTime.toString())) { product.setValidFrom(LocalDateTime.of(fromDateTime, LocalTime.of(0, 0))); } return this; } public LicenceBuilder withStartOfValid(String validFrom) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(validFrom)) { product.setValidFrom(dateTimeAdapter.unmarshal(validFrom)); } return this; } public LicenceBuilder withEndOfValid(LocalDate toDateTime) { if (Optional.ofNullable(toDateTime).isPresent() && !StringUtils.isEmpty(toDateTime.toString())) { product.setValidTo(LocalDateTime.of(toDateTime, LocalTime.of(0, 0))); } return this; } public LicenceBuilder withEndOfValid(String validTo) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(validTo)) { product.setValidTo(dateTimeAdapter.unmarshal(validTo)); } return this; } public LicenceBuilder withProperties(String propertiesText) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(propertiesText)) { properties.addAll(propertiesParser.getProperties(propertiesText)); } return this; } private void initBuildingNewLicence() { licence = new Licence(); customer = new Customer(); product = new Product(); properties = Lists.newArrayList(); licence.setCustomer(customer); licence.setProduct(product); licence.setProperties(properties); } public Licence build() { try { return licence; } finally { initBuildingNewLicence(); } } }