List of usage examples for java.text SimpleDateFormat SimpleDateFormat
public SimpleDateFormat(String pattern)
using the given pattern and the default date format symbols for the default java.util.Locale.Category#FORMAT FORMAT locale. From source
/** * @param args/*from ww w . j a va 2s.c o m*/ */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub PrintWriter logger = new PrintWriter(".//results//UserBasedCF"); PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration(); config.setFile(new File(".//conf//")); try { config.load(); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Read rating data..."); DataLoaderFile loader = new DataLoaderFile(".//data//MoveLens100k.txt"); loader.readSimple(); DataSetNumeric dataset = loader.getDataset(); System.out.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + " Number of users: " + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + " Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size()); logger.println("Number of ratings: " + dataset.getRatings().size() + ", Number of users: " + dataset.getUserIDs().size() + ", Number of items: " + dataset.getItemIDs().size()); logger.flush(); double totalMAE = 0; double totalRMSE = 0; double totalPrecision = 0; double totalRecall = 0; double totalMAP = 0; double totalNDCG = 0; double totalMRR = 0; double totalAUC = 0; int F = 5; logger.println(F + "- folder cross validation."); ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>> folders = new ArrayList<ArrayList<NumericRating>>(); for (int i = 0; i < F; i++) { folders.add(new ArrayList<NumericRating>()); } while (dataset.getRatings().size() > 0) { int index = new Random().nextInt(dataset.getRatings().size()); int r = new Random().nextInt(F); folders.get(r).add(dataset.getRatings().get(index)); dataset.getRatings().remove(index); } for (int folder = 1; folder <= F; folder++) { logger.println("Folder: " + folder); System.out.println("Folder: " + folder); ArrayList<NumericRating> trainRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>(); ArrayList<NumericRating> testRatings = new ArrayList<NumericRating>(); for (int i = 0; i < folders.size(); i++) { if (i == folder - 1)//test data { testRatings.addAll(folders.get(i)); } else {//training data trainRatings.addAll(folders.get(i)); } } //create rating matrix HashMap<String, Integer> userIDIndexMapping = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); HashMap<String, Integer> itemIDIndexMapping = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getUserIDs().size(); i++) { userIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getUserIDs().get(i), i); } for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getItemIDs().size(); i++) { itemIDIndexMapping.put(dataset.getItemIDs().get(i), i); } RatingMatrix trainRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(), dataset.getItemIDs().size()); for (int i = 0; i < trainRatings.size(); i++) { trainRatingMatrix.set(userIDIndexMapping.get(trainRatings.get(i).getUserID()), itemIDIndexMapping.get(trainRatings.get(i).getItemID()), trainRatings.get(i).getValue()); } trainRatingMatrix.calculateGlobalAverage(); trainRatingMatrix.calculateUsersMean(); RatingMatrix testRatingMatrix = new RatingMatrix(dataset.getUserIDs().size(), dataset.getItemIDs().size()); for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) { // if( testRatings.get(i).getValue() < 5 ) // continue; testRatingMatrix.set(userIDIndexMapping.get(testRatings.get(i).getUserID()), itemIDIndexMapping.get(testRatings.get(i).getItemID()), testRatings.get(i).getValue()); } logger.println("Initialize a user based collaborative filtering recommendation model."); UserBasedCF algo = new UserBasedCF(trainRatingMatrix, false, ".//localModels//" + config.getString("NAME")); algo.setLogger(logger);;//if read local model, no need to build the model algo.saveModel(".//localModels//" + config.getString("NAME")); logger.println("Save the model."); System.out.println(trainRatings.size() + " vs. " + testRatings.size()); logger.flush(); //rating prediction accuracy double RMSE = 0; double MAE = 0; double precision = 0; double recall = 0; double map = 0; double ndcg = 0; double mrr = 0; double auc = 0; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < testRatings.size(); i++) { NumericRating rating = testRatings.get(i); double prediction = algo.predict(userIDIndexMapping.get(rating.getUserID()), itemIDIndexMapping.get(rating.getItemID()), false); if (Double.isNaN(prediction)) { System.out.println("no prediction"); continue; } if (prediction > algo.getMaxRating()) prediction = algo.getMaxRating(); if (prediction < algo.getMinRating()) prediction = algo.getMinRating(); MAE = MAE + Math.abs(rating.getValue() - prediction); RMSE = RMSE + Math.pow((rating.getValue() - prediction), 2); count++; } MAE = MAE / count; RMSE = Math.sqrt(RMSE / count); totalMAE = totalMAE + MAE; totalRMSE = totalRMSE + RMSE; System.out.println("Folder --- MAE: " + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE); logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " Folder --- MAE: " + MAE + " RMSE: " + RMSE); logger.flush(); //ranking accuracy if (algo.getTopN() > 0) { HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultUnit>> results = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<ResultUnit>>(); for (int i = 0; i < testRatingMatrix.getRow(); i++) { ArrayList<ResultUnit> rec = algo.getRecommendationList(i); if (rec == null) continue; int total = testRatingMatrix.getUserRatingNumber(i); if (total == 0)//this user is ignored continue; results.put(i, rec); // for( Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : testRatingMatrix.getRatingMatrix().get(i).entrySet() ) // { // System.out.print( entry.getKey() + "(" + entry.getValue() + ") , "); // } // System.out.println(); // for( int j = 0 ; j < rec.size() ; j++ ) // { // System.out.print(rec.get(j).getItemIndex() + "(" + rec.get(j).getPrediciton() + // ") , "); // } // System.out.println("**********"); } RankResultGenerator generator = new RankResultGenerator(results, algo.getTopN(), testRatingMatrix, trainRatingMatrix); precision = generator.getPrecisionN(); totalPrecision = totalPrecision + precision; recall = generator.getRecallN(); totalRecall = totalRecall + recall; map = generator.getMAPN(); totalMAP = totalMAP + map; ndcg = generator.getNDCGN(); totalNDCG = totalNDCG + ndcg; mrr = generator.getMRRN(); totalMRR = totalMRR + mrr; auc = generator.getAUC(); totalAUC = totalAUC + auc; System.out.println("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + recall + " map: " + map + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + mrr + " auc: " + auc); logger.println("Folder --- precision: " + precision + " recall: " + recall + " map: " + map + " ndcg: " + ndcg + " mrr: " + mrr + " auc: " + auc); } } System.out.println("MAE: " + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F); System.out.println("Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F); System.out.println("Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F); System.out.println("MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F); System.out.println("MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F); System.out.println("NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F); System.out.println("AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F); // MovieLens100k //MAE: 0.7343907480119425 RMSE: 0.9405808357192891 (MovieLens 100K, shrinkage 25, neighbor size 60, PCC) //MAE: 0.7522376630596646 RMSE: 0.9520931265724659 (MovieLens 100K, no shrinkage , neighbor size 40, COSINE) logger.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + "\n" + "MAE: " + totalMAE / F + " RMSE: " + totalRMSE / F + "\n" + "Precision@N: " + totalPrecision / F + "\n" + "Recall@N: " + totalRecall / F + "\n" + "MAP@N: " + totalMAP / F + "\n" + "MRR@N: " + totalMRR / F + "\n" + "NDCG@N: " + totalNDCG / F + "\n" + "AUC@N: " + totalAUC / F); logger.flush(); logger.close(); }
From source
public static void main(String[] a) throws Exception { FilCache.init(new File("/tmp/drradio-cache")); DRBackendTidsformater.servertidsformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); // +01:00 springes over da kolon i +01:00 er ikke-standard Java System.out.println("App.instans=" + App.instans); tjekUdelukFraHLS();//from w w w . jav a2 s . c om tjekHentAlleUdsendelser(); tjek_hent_a_til__og_radiodrama(); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:test.xml"); Map<String, Object> likeCondition = new HashMap<String, Object>(); JOYUser user = new JOYUser(); DateFormat formatWithTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); user.registerTime = formatWithTime.parse("2013-04-29 15:08:41"); JOYUserDao dao = (JOYUserDao) context.getBean("JOYUserDao"); likeCondition.putAll(user.toMap());/*from w ww . ja va2 s . co m*/ likeCondition.put("filter", user); List<Map<String, Object>> mapList = dao.getPagedRecordList(likeCondition); for (int i = 0; i < mapList.size(); i++) { JOYUser userObj = new JOYUser(); user.fromMap(mapList.get(i)); System.out.println(user); } /* JOYPayHistoryService service = (JOYPayHistoryService)context.getBean("JOYPayHistoryService"); JOYPayHistory payHistoryNew = new JOYPayHistory(); payHistoryNew.balance = 0.2; payHistoryNew.type = 2; service.deleteByProperties(payHistoryNew); /* JOYUserService service = (JOYUserService)context.getBean("JOYUserService"); JOYUser user = new JOYUser(); user.mobileNo = "18500217642"; List<Map<String,Object>> mapList = service.getExtendInfoPagedList(" select u.*, m.driverLicenseNumber from JOY_Users u left join JOY_DriverLicense m on u.mobileNo = m.mobileNo ",user); // JOYUser user2 = new JOYUser(); Map<String,Object> t = mapList.get(0); Iterator i =t.entrySet().iterator(); JSONObject tt = new JSONObject(); while(i.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String,Object> haha = (Map.Entry<String,Object>); if(String.valueOf(haha.getValue()).equals("null")) { logger.trace(haha.getKey()+" is null"); } } /* user2.username = "?"; user.mobileNo="18500217642"; service.updateRecord(user2,user); user = service.getNeededRecord(user); logger.trace(user); /* JOYOrderService service = (JOYOrderService) context.getBean("JOYOrderService"); JOYOrder order = new JOYOrder(); order = service.getNeededRecord(order); JOYOrder order2 = new JOYOrder(); order2.startTime = order.startTime; order = new JOYOrder(); order.startTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); service.updateRecord(order,order2); /* JOYNReserveOrderService service = (JOYNReserveOrderService)context.getBean("JOYNReserveOrderService"); JOYReserveOrder order = new JOYReserveOrder(); //service.insertRecord(order); JOYReserveOrder order2 = new JOYReserveOrder(); order2.mobileNo = "18500217642"; order2.startTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); service.insertRecord(order2); order2.startTime = null; order = service.getNeededRecord(order2); order.startTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); service.updateRecord(order,order2); order2.startTime = order.startTime; order2.mobileNo = null; order = service.getNeededRecord(order2); logger.trace(order); /* order.delFlag = 1; order.startTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()+30); service.updateRecord(order,order2); order2.mobileNo = null; order2.startTime = order.startTime; order = service.getNeededRecord(order2); logger.trace(order); //service.deleteByProperties(order); /* JOYIdAuthInfoService service = (JOYIdAuthInfoService)context.getBean("JOYIdAuthInfoService"); JOYIdAuthInfo dl = new JOYIdAuthInfo(); dl.idAuthInfo = "nihao".getBytes(); dl.idAuthInfo_back = "Hello world".getBytes(); JOYIdAuthInfo dl2 = new JOYIdAuthInfo(); dl2.mobileNo = "15577586649"; service.updateRecord(dl,dl2); service.getNeededList(dl2,null,null); List<JOYIdAuthInfo> dList = service.getNeededList(dl,null,null); logger.trace(dList.get(0)); for(int i=0;i<dList.get(0).idAuthInfo.length;i++) System.out.format("%c",dList.get(0).idAuthInfo[i]); /* JOYUser user = new JOYUser(); JOYUser user1 = new JOYUser(); user.mobileNo = ("18500217642"); List<JOYUser> userList = service.getNeededList(user,0,10); logger.trace("sdfdsdsf :"+userList.size()); JOYUser u = userList.get(0); logger.trace(u); */ }
From source
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ParseException { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT); SimpleDateFormat backupDf = new SimpleDateFormat(BACKUP_DATE_FORMAT); String workDir = System.getProperty("workDir", "."); LOGGER.debug("Work dir: {}", workDir); String configDir = System.getProperty("configDir", "."); LOGGER.debug("Config dir: {}", configDir); File seedDir = new File(workDir, SEED_DIR); LOGGER.debug("Seed dir: {}", seedDir); File currentDir = new File(workDir, CURRENT_DIR); LOGGER.debug("Current dir: {}", currentDir); File backupDir = new File(workDir, BACKUP_DIR); LOGGER.debug("Backup dir: {}", backupDir); String initialMinTimeString = System.getProperty("minTime"); LOGGER.debug("Initial minimal time parameter: {}", initialMinTimeString); Date initialMinTime = initialMinTimeString == null ? new Date(0) : df.parse(initialMinTimeString); LOGGER.debug("Initial minimal time: {}", df.format(initialMinTime)); String absoluteMaxTimeString = System.getProperty("maxTime"); LOGGER.debug("Absolute maximal time parameter: {}", absoluteMaxTimeString); Date absoluteMaxTime = absoluteMaxTimeString == null ? new Date() : new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).parse(absoluteMaxTimeString); LOGGER.debug("Absolute maximal time: {}", df.format(absoluteMaxTime)); String incrementalFile = new File("file:" + configDir, INCREMENTAL_FILE).getPath(); String settingsFile = new File("file:" + configDir, HEATMAP_PROCESSOR__FILE).getPath(); LOGGER.debug("Initializing incremental control file: {}", incrementalFile); FileSystemXmlApplicationContext incrementalContext = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(incrementalFile); // get point limit int pointLimit = Integer .parseInt(incrementalContext.getBeanFactory().resolveEmbeddedValue("${point.limit}")); LOGGER.debug("Print limit: {}", pointLimit); // get backups to keep int backupsToKeep = Integer .parseInt(incrementalContext.getBeanFactory().resolveEmbeddedValue("${}")); LOGGER.debug("Backups to keep: {}", pointLimit); LOGGER.debug("Initializing process components (manager and limiter)."); IProcessManager processManager = incrementalContext.getBean(IProcessManager.class); IProcessLimiter processLimiter = incrementalContext.getBean(IProcessLimiter.class); LOGGER.debug("Starting incremental loop."); while (true) { // break as soon as no new points are available // cleanup --- just in case LOGGER.debug("Deleting \"current\" dir."); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(currentDir); // copy from seed to current LOGGER.debug("Copying seed."); seedDir.mkdirs();/* w w w . ja va 2s. c o m*/ FileUtils.copyDirectory(seedDir, currentDir); // get min time LOGGER.debug("Getting minimal time ..."); Date minTime = initialMinTime; ProcessManagerEntry entry = processManager.getEntry(); if (entry != null && entry.getMaxTime() != null) { minTime = entry.getMaxTime(); } LOGGER.debug("Minimal time: {}", new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(minTime)); // break if we processed all available points (minTime is greater than or equal to absoluteMaxTime) if (minTime.getTime() >= absoluteMaxTime.getTime()) { LOGGER.debug("Processed all points."); break; } // get the maximal time LOGGER.debug("Get maximal time."); // get the time from the newest point in our point range (pointMaxTime) ... Date pointMaxTime = processLimiter.getMaxTime(minTime, pointLimit); // ... and possibly break the loop if no new points are available if (pointMaxTime == null) break; // set the max time and make sure we are not taking to many points // (set max time to the minimum of pointMaxTime and absoluteMaxTime) Date maxTime = pointMaxTime.getTime() > absoluteMaxTime.getTime() ? absoluteMaxTime : pointMaxTime; LOGGER.debug("Maximal time: {}", new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(maxTime)); // start process processManager.start(minTime); System.setProperty("minTimestamp", new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(minTime)); System.setProperty("maxTimestamp", new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(maxTime)); FileSystemXmlApplicationContext heatmapContext = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(settingsFile); IHeatmap heatmap = heatmapContext.getBean(HEATMAP_BEAN, IHeatmap.class); ITileProcessor tileProcessor = heatmapContext.getBean(WRITER_BEAN, ITileProcessor.class); heatmap.processTiles(tileProcessor); tileProcessor.close(); heatmapContext.close(); // finish process processManager.finish(maxTime); // move old seed if (backupsToKeep > 0) { FileUtils.moveDirectory(seedDir, new File(backupDir, backupDf.format(minTime))); // minTime is the maxTime of the seed // cleanup backups String[] backups = backupDir.list(DirectoryFileFilter.DIRECTORY); File oldestBackup = null; if (backups.length > backupsToKeep) { for (String bs : backups) { File b = new File(backupDir, bs); if (oldestBackup == null || oldestBackup.lastModified() > b.lastModified()) { oldestBackup = b; } } FileUtils.deleteDirectory(oldestBackup); } } else { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(seedDir); } // move new seed FileUtils.moveDirectory(currentDir, seedDir); } incrementalContext.close(); }
From source
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("a", "action", true, "Action"); options.addOption("i", "input", true, "input"); options.addOption("o", "output", true, "output"); options.addOption("c", "compressed", false, "is lzo zipped"); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); Job job = Job.getInstance(conf);/*from w w w . j av a 2 s . com*/ if (cmd.hasOption("compressed")) { job.setInputFormatClass(SequenceFileAsTextInputFormat.class); } job.setJarByClass(Main.class); //job.setInputFormatClass(SequenceFileAsTextInputFormat.class); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); switch (cmd.getOptionValue("action")) { case "list": job.setMapperClass(ListMapper.class); //job.setNumReduceTasks(0); job.setReducerClass(ListReducer.class); break; case "remove": job.setMapperClass(RemoveMapper.class); job.setReducerClass(RemoveReducer.class); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing action"); } String timestamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss").format(new Date()); FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, new Path(cmd.getOptionValue("input"))); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(cmd.getOptionValue("output") + "/" + timestamp)); System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, ParseException { ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("META-INF/spring/application-context.xml"); StandaloneLoyaltyClient loyaltyClient = context.getBean(StandaloneLoyaltyClient.class); Ticket ticket = new Ticket(); ticket.setAmount(1000.0f);// w w w.j a v a 2 s . c om SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); ticket.setDateTicket(sdf.parse("01/01/2012")); ticket.setId("1"); Card loyaltyCard = new Card(); loyaltyCard.setCartType("Gold"); loyaltyCard.setName("VISA"); loyaltyCard.setName("4859569558"); Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.setCustomerID("12"); customer.setBirthDate(sdf.parse("23/08/1968")); customer.setName("Heron"); customer.setSurName("Nicolas"); customer.setGender(Gender.Mr); loyaltyCard.setCustomer(customer); ticket.setLoyaltyCard(loyaltyCard); Provider provider = new Provider(); provider.setName("Pymma Software"); provider.setCountry("fr"); Price price = new Price(); price.setCurrency(Currency.Euro); price.setPrice(new Float("100.0")); Product product = new Product(); product.setPrice(price); product.setProvider(provider); product.setId("100-100"); product.setName("Pampers"); ticket.AddLine(product, new Float("100.0"), 10); while (true) { ticket = loyaltyClient.fireAllRules(ticket);"Ticket processed : {}", ticket); sleep(30000); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { Connection conn = null;// w w w . ja v a2 s. co m try { java.util.Date post_time = Timezone.getGmtDate(); java.sql.Timestamp sqlPostDate = new java.sql.Timestamp(post_time.getTime()); conn = DbPool.getConnection(); String c = "examdate"; String t = "lexamschedule"; String tZ = "+08:00"; Date gmtDate = getGmtDate(); String date = "2008-05-21"; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-dd-MM"); // sdf.parse(date); Date newGmtDate = getGmtDate(sdf.parse(date)); //String date = "2008-05-21 15:30:00"; String uid = "08b18f8b-86ca-4d5b-a7a0-f576d50e7cb0"; //timezone == 2 System.out.println(getGmtDate(conn, date, uid)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("You have an error: " + e); } finally { DbPool.quietClose(conn); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); System.out.println(duration(sdf.parse("20070630"), sdf.parse("20070101"), true)); System.out.println(duration(sdf.parse("20071231"), sdf.parse("20070701"), true)); System.out.println(duration(sdf.parse("20071231"), sdf.parse("20070101"), true)); System.out.println(duration(sdf.parse("20080630"), sdf.parse("20080101"), true)); System.out.println(duration(sdf.parse("20081231"), sdf.parse("20080701"), true)); System.out.println(duration(sdf.parse("20081231"), sdf.parse("20080101"), true)); System.out.println(duration(sdf.parse("20090630"), sdf.parse("20090101"), true)); System.out.println(duration(sdf.parse("20091231"), sdf.parse("20090701"), true)); System.out.println(duration(sdf.parse("20091231"), sdf.parse("20090101"), true)); }
From source
public static void main(String... args) { GenericXmlApplicationContext ctx = new GenericXmlApplicationContext(); ctx.load("file:src/main/resources/spring/datasource.xml"); ctx.refresh();/* w w w .j a v a 2 s . com*/ GenericXmlApplicationContext ctx2 = new GenericXmlApplicationContext(); ctx2.load("file:src/main/resources/spring/datasource2.xml"); ctx2.refresh(); ArchiveDao archiveDao = ctx.getBean("archiveDao", ArchiveDao.class); List<Archive> archives = archiveDao.findAll(); UserDao userDao = ctx2.getBean("userDao", UserDao.class); TagDao tagDao = ctx2.getBean("tagDao", TagDao.class); PhotoDao photoDao = ctx2.getBean("photoDao", PhotoDao.class); List<Tag> tagz = tagDao.findAll(); Map<String, Long> hashTags = new HashMap<String, Long>(); for (Tag tag : tagz) hashTags.put(tag.getName(), tag.getId()); MongoCache cache = new MongoCache(); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); Map<String, String> associates = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Archive archive : archives) { AppUser appUser = new AppUser(); appUser.setName(archive.getName()); appUser.setEmail(archive.getUid() + ""); appUser.setPassword("123456"); Role role = new Role(); role.setRoleId("ROLE_USER"); appUser.setRole(role);; System.out.println("\tCreate user " + appUser); for (Photo photo : archive.getPhotos()) { // ? ??? if (cache.contains(photo.getUid())) continue; System.out.println("\tNew photo"); org.ptm.translater.ch2.domain.Photo photo2 = new org.ptm.translater.ch2.domain.Photo(); photo2.setAppUser(appUser); photo2.setName(photo.getTitle()); photo2.setLicense((byte) 7); photo2.setDescription(photo.getDescription()); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try { calendar.setTime(sdf.parse(photo.getTaken())); if (calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) != 0 && calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) > 1998) continue; photo2.setYear(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)); photo2.setMonth(calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); photo2.setDay(calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (photo.getLongitude() != null && photo.getLongitude().length() > 0) { // String key = photo.getLongitude()+"#"+photo.getLatitude(); photo2.setLatitude(photo.getLatitude()); photo2.setLongitude(photo.getLongitude()); // if (associates.containsKey(key)) { // photo2.setAddress(associates.get(key)); // } else { // Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(); // GeocoderRequestBuilder geocoderRequest = new GeocoderRequestBuilder(); // GeocoderRequest request = // geocoderRequest.setLocation(new LatLng(photo.getLongitude(), photo.getLatitude())).getGeocoderRequest(); // // GeocodeResponse response = geocoder.geocode(request); // if (response.getResults().size() > 0) { // photo2.setAddress(response.getResults().get(0).getFormattedAddress()); // } // try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // } } System.out.println("\tFind tags"); Set<Tag> tags = new HashSet<Tag>(); for (org.ptm.translater.ch1.domain.Tag tag : photo.getTags()) { Tag item = new Tag(); item.setName(tag.getName()); if (hashTags.containsKey(tag.getName())) { item.setId(hashTags.get(tag.getName())); } else {; hashTags.put(item.getName(), item.getId()); } System.out.println("\t\tinit tag " + tag.getName()); tags.add(item); } photo2.setTags(tags); System.out.println("\tFind " + tags.size() + " tags");; System.out.println("\tSave photo"); Imaginator img = new Imaginator(); img.setFolder(photo2.getId().toString()); img.setPath(); for (PhotoSize ps : photo.getSizes()) { if (ps.getLabel().equals("Original")) { img.setImage(ps.getSource()); break; } } img.generate(); System.out.println("\tGenerate image of photo"); img = null; cache.create(photo.getUid()); cache.create(photo2); System.out.println("Generate: " + photo2); } } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { String format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"; if (args.length > 0) format = args[0];/*from w ww . j av a2s .c o m*/ SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format); FastDateFormat fdf = new FastDateFormat(sdf); Date d = new Date(); d.setTime(1); System.out.println(fdf.format(d) + "\t" + sdf.format(d)); d.setTime(20); System.out.println(fdf.format(d) + "\t" + sdf.format(d)); d.setTime(500); System.out.println(fdf.format(d) + "\t" + sdf.format(d)); d.setTime(543); System.out.println(fdf.format(d) + "\t" + sdf.format(d)); d.setTime(999); System.out.println(fdf.format(d) + "\t" + sdf.format(d)); d.setTime(1050); System.out.println(fdf.format(d) + "\t" + sdf.format(d)); d.setTime(2543); System.out.println(fdf.format(d) + "\t" + sdf.format(d)); d.setTime(12345); System.out.println(fdf.format(d) + "\t" + sdf.format(d)); d.setTime(12340); System.out.println(fdf.format(d) + "\t" + sdf.format(d)); final int reps = 100000; { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) { d.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); fdf.format(d); } long elap = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println("fast: " + elap + " elapsed"); System.out.println(fdf.format(d)); } { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) { d.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); sdf.format(d); } long elap = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println("slow: " + elap + " elapsed"); System.out.println(sdf.format(d)); } }