Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Krawler Information Systems Pvt Ltd * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package com.krawler.common.timezone; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.SimpleTimeZone; import java.util.TimeZone; import com.krawler.common.service.ServiceException; import com.krawler.common.util.SchedulingUtilities; import com.krawler.common.util.StringUtil; import com.krawler.database.DbPool; import com.krawler.database.DbResults; import com.krawler.database.DbUtil; import com.krawler.database.DbPool.Connection; import com.krawler.esp.handlers.dateFormatHandlers; import com.krawler.utils.json.KWLJsonConverter; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; public class Timezone extends KWLJsonConverter { /** Creates a new instance of Timezone */ public Timezone() { } public static void main(String[] args) { Connection conn = null; try { java.util.Date post_time = Timezone.getGmtDate(); java.sql.Timestamp sqlPostDate = new java.sql.Timestamp(post_time.getTime()); conn = DbPool.getConnection(); String c = "examdate"; String t = "lexamschedule"; String tZ = "+08:00"; Date gmtDate = getGmtDate(); String date = "2008-05-21"; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-dd-MM"); // sdf.parse(date); Date newGmtDate = getGmtDate(sdf.parse(date)); //String date = "2008-05-21 15:30:00"; String uid = "08b18f8b-86ca-4d5b-a7a0-f576d50e7cb0"; //timezone == 2 System.out.println(getGmtDate(conn, date, uid)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("You have an error: " + e); } finally { DbPool.quietClose(conn); } } public static String toTimezone(Connection conn, String column, String table, String key, String value, String timeZone) throws ServiceException { String result = ""; String query = "select DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(" + column + ", '+00:00' , '" + timeZone + "'),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S') " + "as time_convt from " + table + " where " + key + " = '" + value + "';"; DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, query); while ( { result = rs.getString("time_convt"); } return result; } public static String toTimezone(Connection conn, String column, String table, String key, int value, String timeZone) throws ServiceException { String result = ""; String query = "select DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(" + column + ", '+00:00' , '" + timeZone + "'),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S') " + "as time_convt from " + table + " where " + key + " = " + value + ";"; DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, query); while ( { result = rs.getString("time_convt"); } return result; } public static String toUserTimezone(Connection conn, String date, String userid) throws ServiceException { // String result = ""; //// String query = "select DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ('"+ date +"', '"+getSystemTimezone(conn)+"' , '"+ Timezone.getUserCompanyTimeZoneDifference(conn, userid) +"'),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S') as time_convt; "; // String query = "select DATE_FORMAT('"+ date +"','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S') as time_convt; "; // DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, query); // while( { // result = rs.getString("time_convt"); // } // return result; return SchedulingUtilities.getFormattedDateString(date, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } public static String toUserDefTimezone(Connection conn, String date, String tz) throws ServiceException { if (tz.compareTo("") == 0) tz = Timezone.getSystemTimezone(conn); String result = ""; String query = "select DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ('" + date + "', '+00:00' , '" + tz + "'),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S') " + "as time_convt; "; DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, query); while ( { result = rs.getString("time_convt"); } return result; } public static String getSystemTimezoneId(Connection conn) throws ServiceException { DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "select id from systemtimezone"); String diff = null; if ( { diff = rs.getString("id"); } return diff; } public static String getSystemTimezoneName(Connection conn) throws ServiceException { DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "select name from systemtimezone"); String diff = null; if ( { diff = rs.getString("name"); } return diff; } public static String toSystemTimezone(Connection conn, String date, String userid) throws ServiceException { String result = ""; String query = "select DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ('" + date + "', '+00:00' , '" + Timezone.getSystemTimezone(conn) + "'),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S') " + "as time_convt; "; DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, query); while ( { result = rs.getString("time_convt"); } return result; } public static Date getGmtDate() throws ServiceException { Date cmpdate = new Date(); try { Calendar calInstance = Calendar.getInstance(); int gmtoffset = calInstance.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) + calInstance.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET); long date = System.currentTimeMillis(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy HH:mm a"); String cmp = sdf.format(new java.util.Date(date)); cmpdate = new Date(sdf.parse(cmp).getTime() - gmtoffset); } catch (ParseException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Timezone.getGmtDate", e); } return cmpdate; } public static java.sql.Timestamp getGmtTimestamp() throws ServiceException { java.util.Date post_time = getGmtDate(); java.sql.Timestamp sqlPostDate = new java.sql.Timestamp(post_time.getTime()); return sqlPostDate; } public static Date getGmtDate(Date userDate) throws ServiceException { Date cmpdate = new Date(); //try{ Calendar calInstance = Calendar.getInstance(); int gmtoffset = calInstance.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) + calInstance.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET); //SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy HH:mm a"); //String cmp = sdf.format(userDate); cmpdate = new Date(userDate.getTime() - gmtoffset); /*} catch(ParseException e){ throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Timezone.getGmtDate", e); }*/ return cmpdate; } public static String getTimeZone(Connection conn, String uid) throws ServiceException { String tzDiffQuery = " SELECT tzid FROM timezone WHERE id = ? "; String id = ""; String tzIdQuery = "select timezone from users where userid = ?"; DbResults trs1 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, tzIdQuery, new Object[] { uid }); if (! || StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(trs1.getString("timezone"))) { trs1 = null; tzIdQuery = "select timezone from company where companyid = (select companyid from users where userid=?)"; trs1 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, tzIdQuery, new Object[] { uid }); if (! || StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(trs1.getString("timezone"))) { trs1 = null; tzIdQuery = "select id as timezone from systemtimezone"; trs1 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, tzIdQuery); } } id = trs1.getString("timezone"); DbResults trs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, tzDiffQuery, new Object[] { id }); String tzid = (trs.getString("tzid")); return getDSTSpecificTz(tzid); } public static String getUserCompanyTimeZoneDifference(Connection conn, String userid) throws ServiceException { String result = ""; String tzDiffQuery = " SELECT tzid FROM timezone WHERE id = ? "; String tzIdQuery = "select timezone from users where userid = ?"; DbResults trs1 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, tzIdQuery, new Object[] { userid }); if (! || StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(trs1.getString("timezone"))) { trs1 = null; tzIdQuery = "select timezone from company where companyid = (select companyid from users where userid=?)"; trs1 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, tzIdQuery, new Object[] { userid }); if (! || StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(trs1.getString("timezone"))) { trs1 = null; tzIdQuery = "select timezone from company where companyid = ?"; trs1 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, tzIdQuery, new Object[] { userid }); if (! || StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(trs1.getString("timezone"))) { trs1 = null; tzIdQuery = "select id as timezone from systemtimezone"; trs1 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, tzIdQuery); } } } String id = trs1.getString("timezone"); DbResults trs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, tzDiffQuery, new Object[] { id }); if ( { result = trs.getString("tzid"); } return getDSTSpecificTz(result); } private static String getDSTSpecificTz(String tzid) { Calendar calTZ = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzid)); TimeZone tz = calTZ.getTimeZone(); int miliseconds = tz.getOffset(calTZ.getTimeInMillis()); String time = ""; String signNum = "+"; if (miliseconds < 0) { miliseconds = miliseconds * (-1); signNum = "-"; } int seconds = miliseconds / 1000; String min = ""; // Calculating minutes if (seconds > 60) { min = String.valueOf(seconds / 60 % 60); if ((seconds / 60 % 60) < 10) { min = "0" + String.valueOf(seconds / 60 % 60); } if (min.compareTo("0") != 0 && min.compareTo("30") != 0) { // Checking whether the minimum unit of minutes is 30 mins. if (min.compareTo("45") == 0) { min = "30"; } else { min = "00"; } } } else { min = "00"; } String hours = ""; // Calculating hours if (seconds / 60 > 60) { hours = String.valueOf(seconds / 60 / 60); if ((seconds / 60 / 60) < 10) { hours = "0" + String.valueOf(seconds / 60 / 60); } } else { hours = "00"; } time = signNum + hours + ":" + min; return time; } public static String getSystemTimezone(Connection conn) throws ServiceException { DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "select tzid from systemtimezone"); String diff = null; if ( { diff = rs.getString("tzid"); } return getDSTSpecificTz(diff); } public static String getSystemTimezoneSName(Connection conn) throws ServiceException { DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "select sname from systemtimezone"); String diff = null; if ( { diff = rs.getString("sname"); } return diff; } public static String[] getVenueTimezone(Connection conn, String venueid) throws ServiceException { DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, "select difference,sname from timezone inner join lvenue on where lvenue.venueid = ?", venueid); String[] result = new String[2]; result[0] = ""; result[1] = ""; if ( { result[0] = rs.getString("difference"); result[1] = rs.getString("sname"); } if (result[1].compareTo("") == 0) result[1] = Timezone.getSystemTimezoneSName(conn); return result; } public static String[] getGmtDate(Connection conn, String date1, String userid) throws ServiceException, ParseException { String tzUser = getTimeZone(conn, userid); Calendar calInstance = Calendar.getInstance(); calInstance.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + tzUser)); TimeZone tz = calInstance.getTimeZone(); int temp = tz.getRawOffset(); java.text.SimpleDateFormat format0 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-d HH:mm:ss"); java.text.SimpleDateFormat format1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-d HH:mm:ss"); java.util.Calendar cal0 = Calendar.getInstance(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")); java.util.Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance(new SimpleTimeZone(temp, tzUser)); format0.setCalendar(cal0); format1.setCalendar(cal1); String dateArr[] = date1.split(" "); if (dateArr.length == 1 || dateArr[1].equals("00:00:00")) { date1 = dateArr[0] + " " + "00:00:01"; } java.util.Date date = format1.parse(date1); String result = format0.format(date); String[] results = result.split(" "); return results; } public static String[] getTzonetoGmt(String date1, String tzUser) throws ServiceException, ParseException { Calendar calInstance = Calendar.getInstance(); calInstance.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + tzUser)); TimeZone tz = calInstance.getTimeZone(); int temp = tz.getRawOffset(); java.text.SimpleDateFormat format0 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-d HH:mm:ss"); java.text.SimpleDateFormat format1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-d HH:mm:ss"); java.util.Calendar cal0 = Calendar.getInstance(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")); java.util.Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance(new SimpleTimeZone(temp, tzUser)); format0.setCalendar(cal0); format1.setCalendar(cal1); String dateArr[] = date1.split(" "); if (dateArr[1].equals("00:00:00")) { date1 = dateArr[0] + " " + "00:00:01"; } java.util.Date date = format1.parse(date1); String result = format0.format(date); String[] results = result.split(" "); if (results[1].equals("00:00:00")) { results[1] = "00:00:01"; } return results; } public static String toTimezone(Connection conn, String column, String table, String key1, String key2, String value1, String value2, String timeZone) throws ServiceException { String result = ""; String query = "select DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(" + column + ", '+00:00' , '" + timeZone + "'),'%m/%d/%Y %h:%i:%S %p') " + "as time_convt from " + table + " where " + key1 + " = '" + value1 + "' and " + key2 + "='" + value2 + "';"; DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, query); while ( { result = rs.getString("time_convt"); } return result; } public static String getUserCompanyTimeZone(Connection conn, String userid, String companyid) throws ServiceException { String result = ""; String query = "select as tmzid from timezone where = (select CASE" + "(IFNULL((select timezone from users where userid = ? ),0)) WHEN 0 THEN (select timezone from company" + " where companyid = ?) ELSE (select id from systemtimezone) END)"; DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, query, new Object[] { userid, companyid }); if ( { result = String.valueOf(rs.getInt("tmzid")); } return result; } public static String toGmtTimezone(Connection conn, String userid, String date) throws ServiceException { String userDate = ""; // String timezone = getUserCompanyTimeZoneDifference(conn, userid); // if(timezone.startsWith("-")) // timezone = "+"+timezone.substring(1); // else if(timezone.startsWith("+")) // timezone = "-"+timezone.substring(1); userDate = toUserDefTimezone(conn, date, "+00:00");//user to gmt return userDate; } public static String getUserToGmtTimezone(Connection conn, String userid, String date) throws ServiceException { // String userDate = date; // userDate = toGmtTimezone(conn, userid, date); // userDate = toUserDefTimezone(conn, userDate, "+00:00");// gmt to db // return userDate; return SchedulingUtilities.getFormattedDateString(date, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } public static Date getUserToGmtTimezoneDate(Connection conn, String userid, String date) throws ServiceException { return SchedulingUtilities.getDate(date); } public static Timestamp getUserToGmtTimezoneTimestamp(Connection conn, String userid, String date) throws ServiceException { java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date(); Timestamp t = null; try { String dt = getUserToGmtTimezone(conn, userid, date); java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); d = sdf.parse(dt); t = new Timestamp(d.getTime()); } catch (ParseException ex) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Timezone.getUserToGmtTimezone", ex); } finally { return t; } } public static String dateTimeRenderer(Connection conn, String refDate, String datestring, String userid) { String dur = ""; java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try { java.util.Date usrdt = sdf1.parse(datestring); java.util.Date curdt = sdf1.parse(refDate); long millis = curdt.getTime() - usrdt.getTime(); int duration = (int) ((curdt.getTime() - usrdt.getTime()) / 1000); int days = duration / (3600 * 24); if (days > 0) { if (days <= 7) { dur = (days == 1) ? Integer.toString(days) + " day ago" : Integer.toString(days) + " days ago"; usrdt = new java.util.Date(millis); usrdt = sdf1.parse(toCompanyTimezone(conn, sdf1.format(usrdt), userid)); dur += " (" + new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a").format(usrdt) + ") "; } else { dur = datestring; java.util.Date dt = sdf1.parse(dur); dur = sdf1.format(dt); } } else { int hours = duration / 3600; int min = (duration % 3600) / 60; if (hours > 0) dur = (hours == 1) ? Integer.toString(hours) + " hour" : Integer.toString(hours) + " hours"; dur += " " + ((min == 1) ? Integer.toString(min) + " minute ago" : Integer.toString(min) + " minutes ago"); } } catch (ParseException ex) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Timezone.dateTimeRenderer", ex); } finally { return dur; } } public static String convertToUserPref(Connection conn, String dateStr, String userid) { String ret = ""; try { java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( dateFormatHandlers.getUserDateFormat(conn, userid)); java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try { java.util.Date dt = sdf1.parse(dateStr); ret = sdf.format(dt); } catch (ParseException ex) { ret = dateStr; } } catch (ServiceException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Timezone.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { return ret; } } public static String getCompanyTimeZoneDifference(Connection conn, String companyid) throws ServiceException { String result = ""; String tzDiffQuery = " SELECT tzid FROM timezone WHERE id = ? "; DbResults trs1 = null; String tzIdQuery = "select timezone from company where companyid = ?"; trs1 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, tzIdQuery, new Object[] { companyid }); if (! || StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(trs1.getString("timezone"))) { trs1 = null; tzIdQuery = "select id as timezone from systemtimezone"; trs1 = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, tzIdQuery); } String id = trs1.getString("timezone"); DbResults trs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, tzDiffQuery, new Object[] { id }); if ( { result = trs.getString("tzid"); } return getDSTSpecificTz(result); } public static String toCompanyTimezone(Connection conn, String date, String companyid) throws ServiceException { String result = ""; String query = "select DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ('" + date + "', '" + getSystemTimezone(conn) + "' , '" + getCompanyTimeZoneDifference(conn, companyid) + "'),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S') as time_convt; "; DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, query); while ( { result = rs.getString("time_convt"); } return result; } public static String fromCompanyToSystem(Connection conn, String date, String companyid) throws ServiceException { String result = ""; String query = "select DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ('" + date + "' , '" + getCompanyTimeZoneDifference(conn, companyid) + "', '" + getSystemTimezone(conn) + "'),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S') as time_convt; "; DbResults rs = DbUtil.executeQuery(conn, query); while ( { result = rs.getString("time_convt"); } return result; } public static Timestamp fromCompanyToSystemTimestamp(Connection conn, String date, String companyid) throws ServiceException { java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date(); Timestamp t = null; try { String dt = fromCompanyToSystem(conn, date, companyid); java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); d = sdf.parse(dt); t = new Timestamp(d.getTime()); } catch (ParseException ex) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("Timezone.getUserToGmtTimezone", ex); } finally { return t; } } }