Example usage for java.text Normalizer normalize

List of usage examples for java.text Normalizer normalize


In this page you can find the example usage for java.text Normalizer normalize.


public static String normalize(CharSequence src, Form form) 

Source Link


Normalize a sequence of char values.


From source file:de.ub0r.android.websms.WebSMS.java

private String removeDiacritics(final String s) {
        return s;
    }// w  ww .j  av  a 2 s .  co m

    String text = Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
    text = text.replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "");
    return text;


From source file:org.torproject.android.service.TorService.java

public static String flattenToAscii(String string) {
    char[] out = new char[string.length()];
    string = Normalizer.normalize(string, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
    int j = 0;/*from www .  j ava  2s .c  o m*/
    for (int i = 0, n = string.length(); i < n; ++i) {
        char c = string.charAt(i);
        if (c <= '\u007F')
            out[j++] = c;
    return new String(out);

From source file:com.repeatability.pdf.PDFTextStripper.java

 * Normalize certain Unicode characters. For example, convert the single "fi" ligature to "f" and "i". Also
 * normalises Arabic and Hebrew presentation forms.
 * @param word Word to normalize//from ww w . ja va2 s.c  om
 * @return Normalized word
private String normalizeWord(String word) {
    StringBuilder builder = null;
    int p = 0;
    int q = 0;
    int strLength = word.length();
    for (; q < strLength; q++) {
        // We only normalize if the codepoint is in a given range.
        // Otherwise, NFKC converts too many things that would cause
        // confusion. For example, it converts the micro symbol in
        // extended Latin to the value in the Greek script. We normalize
        // the Unicode Alphabetic and Arabic A&B Presentation forms.
        char c = word.charAt(q);
        if (0xFB00 <= c && c <= 0xFDFF || 0xFE70 <= c && c <= 0xFEFF) {
            if (builder == null) {
                builder = new StringBuilder(strLength * 2);
            builder.append(word.substring(p, q));
            // Some fonts map U+FDF2 differently than the Unicode spec.
            // They add an extra U+0627 character to compensate.
            // This removes the extra character for those fonts.
            if (c == 0xFDF2 && q > 0 && (word.charAt(q - 1) == 0x0627 || word.charAt(q - 1) == 0xFE8D)) {
            } else {
                // Trim because some decompositions have an extra space, such as U+FC5E
                builder.append(Normalizer.normalize(word.substring(q, q + 1), Normalizer.Form.NFKC).trim());
            p = q + 1;
    if (builder == null) {
        return handleDirection(word);
    } else {
        builder.append(word.substring(p, q));
        return handleDirection(builder.toString());

From source file:ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseHapiFhirDao.java

public static String normalizeString(String theString) {
    char[] out = new char[theString.length()];

    /*/*from w ww  .  j  a  v a2  s  .co  m*/
     * The following block of code is used to strip out diacritical marks from latin script
     * and also convert to upper case. E.g. "jmes" becomes "JAMES".
     * See http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0300.pdf for the logic
     * behind stripping 0300-036F
     * See #454 for an issue where we were completely stripping non latin characters
    String string = Normalizer.normalize(theString, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
    int j = 0;
    for (int i = 0, n = string.length(); i < n; ++i) {
        char c = string.charAt(i);
        if (c >= '\u0300' && c <= '\u036F') {
        } else {
            out[j++] = c;
    return new String(out).toUpperCase();

From source file:org.disit.servicemap.api.ServiceMapApi.java

public void queryMunicipalityServices(JspWriter out, RepositoryConnection con, String selection,
        String categorie, String textToSearch, String risultatiBus, String risultatiSensori,
        String risultatiServizi) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance();
    String sparqlType = conf.get("sparqlType", "virtuoso");
    String km4cVersion = conf.get("km4cVersion", "new");
    List<String> listaCategorie = new ArrayList<>();
    if (categorie != null && !"".equals(categorie)) {
        String[] arrayCategorie = categorie.split(";");
        listaCategorie = Arrays.asList(arrayCategorie);
    }//from  w  ww.java  2s  .  co m
    String nomeComune = selection.substring(selection.indexOf("COMUNE di") + 10);
    String filtroLocalita = "";
    filtroLocalita += "{ ?ser km4c:hasAccess ?entry . ";
    filtroLocalita += "   ?entry geo:lat ?elat . ";
    filtroLocalita += "    FILTER (?elat>40) ";
    filtroLocalita += "    ?entry geo:long ?elong . ";
    filtroLocalita += "    FILTER (?elong>10) ";
    filtroLocalita += "   ?nc km4c:hasExternalAccess ?entry . ";
    filtroLocalita += "  ?nc km4c:belongToRoad ?road . ";
    filtroLocalita += "  ?road km4c:inMunicipalityOf ?mun . ";
    filtroLocalita += "?mun foaf:name \"" + nomeComune + "\"^^xsd:string . }";
    filtroLocalita += "UNION";
    filtroLocalita += "{";
    filtroLocalita += "?ser km4c:isInRoad ?road . ";
    filtroLocalita += "   ?ser geo:lat ?elat . ";
    filtroLocalita += "    FILTER (?elat>40) ";
    filtroLocalita += "    ?ser geo:long ?elong . ";
    filtroLocalita += "    FILTER (?elong>10) ";
    filtroLocalita += "?road km4c:inMunicipalityOf ?mun . ";
    filtroLocalita += "?mun foaf:name \"" + nomeComune + "\"^^xsd:string . ";
    filtroLocalita += "}";

    String fc = "";
    try {
        fc = ServiceMap.filterServices(listaCategorie);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    int b = 0;
    int numeroBus = 0;
    //if (listaCategorie.contains("NearBusStops")) {  OLD
    if (listaCategorie.contains("BusStop")) {
        String queryString = "PREFIX km4c:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/schema#>\n"
                + "PREFIX km4cr:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/resource#>\n"
                + "PREFIX geo:<http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>\n"
                + "PREFIX xsd:<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>\n"
                + "PREFIX rdf:<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>\n"
                + "PREFIX schema:<http://schema.org/#>\n"
                + "PREFIX omgeo:<http://www.ontotext.com/owlim/geo#>\n"
                + "PREFIX foaf:<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>\n"
                + "SELECT DISTINCT ?bs ?nomeFermata ?bslat ?bslong ?x WHERE {\n"
                + " ?bs rdf:type km4c:BusStop.\n" + " ?bs foaf:name ?nomeFermata.\n"
                + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?bs", "foaf:name", textToSearch)
                //+ " FILTER ( datatype(?nomeFermata ) = xsd:string ).\n"
                + " ?bs geo:lat ?bslat.\n"
                //+ " FILTER (?bslat>40)\n"
                //+ " FILTER ( datatype(?bslat ) = xsd:float )\n"
                + " ?bs geo:long ?bslong.\n"
                //+ " FILTER ( datatype(?bslong ) = xsd:float )\n"
                //+ " FILTER (?bslong>10)\n"
                + " ?bs km4c:isInMunicipality ?com.\n" + " ?com foaf:name \"" + nomeComune + "\"^^xsd:string.\n"
                + "}";
        if (!risultatiBus.equals("0")) {
            queryString += " LIMIT " + risultatiBus;
        TupleQuery tupleQueryBusStop = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL,
                filterQuery(queryString, km4cVersion));
        TupleQueryResult resultBS = tupleQueryBusStop.evaluate();
        ServiceMap.logQuery(queryString, "API-fermate", sparqlType, nomeComune + ";" + textToSearch, 0);

        out.println("{\"Fermate\": ");
        out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ ");
        while (resultBS.hasNext()) {
            BindingSet bindingSetBS = resultBS.next();
            String valueOfBS = bindingSetBS.getValue("bs").stringValue();
            String valueOfNomeFermata = bindingSetBS.getValue("nomeFermata").stringValue();
            String valueOfBSLat = bindingSetBS.getValue("bslat").stringValue();
            String valueOfBSLong = bindingSetBS.getValue("bslong").stringValue();

            if (b != 0) {
                out.println(", ");

            out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": {  " + "     \"type\": \"Point\",  " + "    \"coordinates\": [  "
                    + "       " + valueOfBSLong + ",  " + "      " + valueOfBSLat + "  " + " ]  " + "},  "
                    + "\"type\": \"Feature\",  " + "\"properties\": {  " + "    \"nome\": \""
                    + escapeJSON(valueOfNomeFermata) + "\", " + "    \"tipo\": \"fermata\", "
                    + "    \"serviceUri\": \"" + valueOfBS + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": "
                    + Integer.toString(b + 1) + "  " + "}");
        //if (categorie.equals("NearBusStop")) {
        if (categorie.equals("BusStop")) {
    int numeroSensori = 0;
    //if (listaCategorie.contains("RoadSensor")) {
    if (listaCategorie.contains("SensorSite")) {
        String queryStringSensori = "PREFIX km4c:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/schema#> "
                + "PREFIX km4cr:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/resource#>"
                + "PREFIX geo:<http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#> "
                + "PREFIX xsd:<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> "
                + "PREFIX rdf:<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> "
                + "PREFIX schema:<http://schema.org/#>" + "PREFIX dcterms:<http://purl.org/dc/terms/>"
                + "PREFIX dct:<http://purl.org/dc/terms/#>"
                + "PREFIX omgeo:<http://www.ontotext.com/owlim/geo#> "
                + "PREFIX foaf:<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> "
                + "PREFIX skos:<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>"
                + "PREFIX rdfs:<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> "
                + "select distinct ?sensor ?idSensore  ?lat ?long ?address ?x where{"
                + "?sensor rdf:type km4c:SensorSite ."
                + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?sensor", "?p", textToSearch) + "?sensor geo:lat ?lat ."
                //+ " FILTER regex(str(?lat), \"^4\") ."
                + "?sensor geo:long ?long ." + "?sensor <http://purl.org/dc/terms/identifier> ?idSensore ."
                + "?sensor km4c:placedOnRoad ?road ." + "?road km4c:inMunicipalityOf ?mun ."
                + "?mun foaf:name \"" + nomeComune + "\"^^xsd:string ."
                + "?sensor <http://schema.org/streetAddress> ?address ." + "}";
        if (!risultatiSensori.equals("0")) {

            queryStringSensori += " LIMIT " + risultatiSensori;
        TupleQuery tupleQuerySensori = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL,
                filterQuery(queryStringSensori, km4cVersion));
        TupleQueryResult resultSensori = tupleQuerySensori.evaluate();
        ServiceMap.logQuery(queryStringSensori, "API-sensori", sparqlType, nomeComune + ";" + textToSearch, 0);
        //if (!listaCategorie.contains("NearBusStops")) {
        if (!listaCategorie.contains("BusStop")) {
            out.println("{\"Sensori\": ");
        } else {
        out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ ");
        int s = 0;
        while (resultSensori.hasNext()) {
            // out.println(result);
            BindingSet bindingSetSensori = resultSensori.next();
            String valueOfId = bindingSetSensori.getValue("idSensore").stringValue();
            String valueOfIdService = bindingSetSensori.getValue("sensor").stringValue();
            String valueOfLat = bindingSetSensori.getValue("lat").stringValue();

            String valueOfLong = bindingSetSensori.getValue("long").stringValue();
            String valueOfAddress = bindingSetSensori.getValue("address").stringValue();

            if (s != 0) {
                out.println(", ");

            out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": {  " + "     \"type\": \"Point\",  " + "    \"coordinates\": [  "
                    + "       " + valueOfLong + ",  " + "      " + valueOfLat + "  " + " ]  " + "},  "
                    + "\"type\": \"Feature\",  " + "\"properties\": {  " + "    \"nome\": \""
                    + escapeJSON(valueOfId) + "\", " + "    \"tipo\": \"sensore\", " + "    \"serviceUri\": \""
                    + valueOfIdService + "\", " + "    \"indirizzo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfAddress) + "\" "
                    + "},  " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(s + 1) + "  " + "}");


        //if (categorie.equals("RoadSensor") || categorie.equals("RoadSensor;NearBusStops")) {
        if (categorie.equals("SensorSite") || categorie.equals("SensorSite;BusStop")) {
    int numeroServizi = 0;
    //if (!categorie.equals("NearBusStops") && !categorie.equals("RoadSensor") && !categorie.equals("RoadSensor;NearBusStops") && !categorie.equals("NearBusStops;RoadSensor")) {
    if (!categorie.equals("BusStop") && !categorie.equals("SensorSite")
            && !categorie.equals("SensorSite;BusStop") && !categorie.equals("BusStop;SensorSite")) {
        String queryStringServices = "PREFIX km4c:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/schema#>\n"
                + "PREFIX km4cr:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/resource#>\n"
                + "PREFIX geo:<http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>\n"
                + "PREFIX xsd:<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>\n"
                + "PREFIX rdf:<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>\n"
                + "PREFIX schema:<http://schema.org/>\n" + "PREFIX dcterms:<http://purl.org/dc/terms/>\n"
                + "PREFIX dc:<http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>\n"
                + "PREFIX omgeo:<http://www.ontotext.com/owlim/geo#>\n"
                + "PREFIX foaf:<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>\n"
                + "PREFIX skos:<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>\n"
                + "PREFIX rdfs:<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>\n"
                + "SELECT distinct ?ser ?serAddress ?serNumber ?elat ?elong ?sName ?sType ?email ?note ?labelIta ?multimedia ?description ?identifier WHERE {\n"
                + " ?ser rdf:type km4c:Service"
                + (sparqlType.equals("virtuoso") ? " OPTION (inference \"urn:ontology\")" : "") + ".\n"
                + " OPTIONAL{?ser schema:name ?sName. }\n" + " ?ser schema:streetAddress ?serAddress.\n"
                + " OPTIONAL {?ser km4c:houseNumber ?serNumber}.\n"
                + " OPTIONAL {?ser dc:description ?description FILTER(LANG(?description) = \"it\")}\n"
                + " OPTIONAL {?ser km4c:multimediaResource ?multimedia }\n"
                + " OPTIONAL { ?ser dcterms:identifier ?identifier }\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser skos:note ?note }\n"
                + " OPTIONAL {?ser schema:email ?email }\n"
                + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?ser", "?p", textToSearch) + filtroLocalita + fc
                + " ?ser a ?sType. FILTER(?sType!=km4c:RegularService && ?sType!=km4c:Service && ?sType!=km4c:DigitalLocation && ?sType!=km4c:TransverseService)\n"
                + " ?sType rdfs:label ?labelIta. FILTER(LANG(?labelIta)=\"it\")\n" + "}";
        if (!risultatiServizi.equals("0")) {
            queryStringServices += " LIMIT " + risultatiServizi;
        TupleQuery tupleQueryServices = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL,
                filterQuery(queryStringServices, km4cVersion));
        TupleQueryResult resultServices = tupleQueryServices.evaluate();
        ServiceMap.logQuery(queryStringServices, "API-servizi", sparqlType,
                nomeComune + ";" + textToSearch + ";" + categorie, 0);

        //if (!listaCategorie.contains("NearBusStops") && !listaCategorie.contains("RoadSensor")) {
        if (!listaCategorie.contains("BusStop") && !listaCategorie.contains("SensorSite")) {
            out.println("{\"Servizi\": ");
        } else {
            out.println(", \"Servizi\": ");
        out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ ");

        int t = 0;
        while (resultServices.hasNext()) {
            BindingSet bindingSetServices = resultServices.next();
            String valueOfSer = bindingSetServices.getValue("ser").stringValue();
            String valueOfSName = "";
            if (bindingSetServices.getValue("sName") != null) {
                valueOfSName = bindingSetServices.getValue("sName").stringValue();
            String valueOfSerAddress = bindingSetServices.getValue("serAddress").stringValue();
            String valueOfSerNumber = "";
            if (bindingSetServices.getValue("serNumber") != null) {
                valueOfSerNumber = bindingSetServices.getValue("serNumber").stringValue();
            String valueOfSType = bindingSetServices.getValue("sType").stringValue();
            String valueOfSTypeIta = "";
            if (bindingSetServices.getValue("labelIta") != null) {
                valueOfSTypeIta = bindingSetServices.getValue("labelIta").stringValue();
            String valueOfELat = bindingSetServices.getValue("elat").stringValue();
            String valueOfELong = bindingSetServices.getValue("elong").stringValue();
            String valueOfNote = "";
            if (bindingSetServices.getValue("note") != null) {
                valueOfNote = bindingSetServices.getValue("note").stringValue();

            String valueOfEmail = "";
            if (bindingSetServices.getValue("email") != null) {
                valueOfEmail = bindingSetServices.getValue("email").stringValue();

            //valueOfSTypeIta = Character.toLowerCase(valueOfSTypeIta.charAt(0)) + valueOfSTypeIta.substring(1);
            valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace(" ", "_");
            valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace("'", "");

            Normalizer.normalize(valueOfNote, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "");
            valueOfNote = valueOfNote.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+", "");

            valueOfEmail = valueOfEmail.replace("\"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string>", "");
            valueOfEmail = valueOfEmail.replace("\"", "");

            if (t != 0) {
                out.println(", ");
            out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": {  " + "     \"type\": \"Point\",  " + "    \"coordinates\": [  "
                    + "       " + valueOfELong + ",  " + "      " + valueOfELat + "  " + " ]  " + "},  "
                    + "\"type\": \"Feature\",  " + "\"properties\": {  " + "    \"nome\": \""
                    + escapeJSON(valueOfSName) + "\", " + "    \"tipo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSTypeIta)
                    + "\", " + "    \"email\": \"" + valueOfEmail + "\", " + "    \"note\": \""
                    + escapeJSON(valueOfNote) + "\", " + "    \"serviceUri\": \"" + valueOfSer + "\", "
                    + "    \"indirizzo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSerAddress) + "\", \"numero\": \""
                    + escapeJSON(valueOfSerNumber) + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(t + 1) + "  "
                    + "}");

From source file:org.disit.servicemap.api.ServiceMapApi.java

public void queryLatLngServices(JspWriter out, RepositoryConnection con, String[] coords, String categorie,
        String textToSearch, String raggioBus, String raggioSensori, String raggioServizi, String risultatiBus,
        String risultatiSensori, String risultatiServizi) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = Configuration.getInstance();
    String sparqlType = conf.get("sparqlType", "virtuoso");
    String km4cVersion = conf.get("km4cVersion", "new");

    List<String> listaCategorieServizi = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (categorie != null) {
        String[] arrayCategorie = categorie.split(";");
        listaCategorieServizi = Arrays.asList(arrayCategorie);

    }//  w  w  w . ja v  a 2  s  .co m
    String fc = "";
    try {
        fc = ServiceMap.filterServices(listaCategorieServizi);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    int i = 0;
    int numeroBus = 0;
    //if (listaCategorieServizi.contains("NearBusStops")) {
    if (listaCategorieServizi.contains("BusStop")) {
        String queryStringNearBusStop = "PREFIX km4c:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/schema#>\n"
                + "PREFIX km4cr:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/resource#>\n"
                + "PREFIX schema:<http://schema.org/#>\n"
                + "PREFIX geo:<http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>\n"
                + "PREFIX xsd:<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>\n"
                + "PREFIX rdf:<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>\n"
                + "PREFIX omgeo:<http://www.ontotext.com/owlim/geo#>\n"
                + "PREFIX foaf:<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>\n"
                + "PREFIX skos:<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>\n"
                + "PREFIX rdfs:<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>\n"
                + "SELECT DISTINCT ?bs (STR(?nome) AS ?nomeFermata) ?bslat ?bslong ?x WHERE {\n"
                + " ?bs geo:lat ?bslat.\n" + " ?bs geo:long ?bslong.\n"
                + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?bs", coords, raggioBus) + " ?bs rdf:type km4c:BusStop.\n"
                + " ?bs foaf:name ?nome.\n"
                + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?bs", "foaf:name", textToSearch)
                + (km4cVersion.equals("old")
                        ? " FILTER ( datatype(?bslat ) = xsd:float )\n"
                                + " FILTER ( datatype(?bslong ) = xsd:float )\n"
                        : "")
                + "} ORDER BY ?dist";
        if (!risultatiBus.equals("0")) {
            queryStringNearBusStop += " LIMIT " + risultatiBus;

        TupleQuery tupleQueryNearBusStop = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryStringNearBusStop);
        TupleQueryResult resultNearBS = tupleQueryNearBusStop.evaluate();
        out.println("{\"Fermate\": ");
        out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ ");
        int s = 0;
        while (resultNearBS.hasNext()) {
            BindingSet bindingSetNearBS = resultNearBS.next();
            String valueOfBS = bindingSetNearBS.getValue("bs").stringValue();
            String valueOfNomeFermata = bindingSetNearBS.getValue("nomeFermata").stringValue();
            String valueOfBSLat = bindingSetNearBS.getValue("bslat").stringValue();
            String valueOfBSLong = bindingSetNearBS.getValue("bslong").stringValue();

            /*String queryForLinee = "PREFIX km4c:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/schema#>"
            + "PREFIX km4cr:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/resource/>"
            + "PREFIX schema:<http://schema.org/>"
            + "PREFIX xsd:<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>"
            + "PREFIX geo:<http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>"
            + "PREFIX rdf:<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>"
            + "PREFIX vcard:<http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#>"
            + "PREFIX foaf:<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>"
            + "PREFIX dcterms:<http://purl.org/dc/terms/>"
            + "SELECT DISTINCT ?id WHERE {"
            + " ?tpll rdf:type km4c:PublicTransportLine."
            + " ?tpll dcterms:identifier ?id."
            + " ?tpll km4c:hasRoute ?route."
            + " ?route km4c:hasSection ?rs."
            + " ?rs km4c:endsAtStop ?bs1."
            + " ?rs km4c:startsAtStop ?bs2."
            + " { ?bs1 foaf:name \"" + valueOfNomeFermata + "\"."
            + " }UNION "
            + " {?bs2 foaf:name \"" + valueOfNomeFermata + "\" . "
            + " } "
            + "} ORDER BY ?id ";
            TupleQuery tupleQueryForLinee = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryForLinee);*/
            TupleQueryResult resultLinee = queryBusLines(valueOfNomeFermata, con);
            String valueOfLinee = "";
            if (resultLinee != null) {
                while (resultLinee.hasNext()) {
                    BindingSet bindingSetLinee = resultLinee.next();
                    String idLinee = bindingSetLinee.getValue("id").stringValue();
                    valueOfLinee = valueOfLinee + " - " + idLinee;

            if (s != 0) {
                out.println(", ");

            out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": {  " + "     \"type\": \"Point\",  " + "    \"coordinates\": [  "
                    + "       " + valueOfBSLong + ",  " + "      " + valueOfBSLat + "  " + " ]  " + "},  "
                    + "\"type\": \"Feature\",  " + "\"properties\": {  " + "    \"nome\": \""
                    + escapeJSON(valueOfNomeFermata) + "\", " + "    \"tipo\": \"fermata\", "
                    // *** INSERIMENTO serviceType
                    + "    \"serviceType\": \"NearBusStop\", " + "    \"linee\": \"" + valueOfLinee.substring(3)
                    + "\", "
                    // **********************************************
                    + "    \"serviceUri\": \"" + valueOfBS + "\" " + "}, " + "\"id\": "
                    + Integer.toString(s + 1) + " " + "}");
        //if (categorie.equals("NearBusStops")) {
        if (categorie.equals("BusStop")) {

    int numeroSensori = 0;
    //if (listaCategorieServizi.contains("RoadSensor")) {
    if (listaCategorieServizi.contains("SensorSite")) {
        String queryStringNearSensori = "PREFIX km4c:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/schema#>\n"
                + "PREFIX km4cr:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/resource#>\n"
                + "PREFIX geo:<http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>\n"
                + "PREFIX xsd:<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>\n"
                + "PREFIX rdf:<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>\n"
                + "PREFIX schema:<http://schema.org/>\n" + "PREFIX dcterms:<http://purl.org/dc/terms/>\n"
                + "PREFIX dct:<http://purl.org/dc/terms/#>\n"
                + "PREFIX omgeo:<http://www.ontotext.com/owlim/geo#>\n"
                + "PREFIX foaf:<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>\n"
                + "PREFIX skos:<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>\n"
                + "PREFIX rdfs:<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>\n"
                + "SELECT DISTINCT ?sensor ?idSensore  ?lat ?long ?address ?x WHERE {\n"
                + " ?sensor rdf:type km4c:SensorSite.\n" + " ?sensor geo:lat ?lat.\n"
                + " ?sensor geo:long ?long.\n" + " ?sensor dcterms:identifier ?idSensore.\n"
                + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?sensor", "?p", textToSearch)
                + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?sensor", coords, raggioBus)
                + " ?sensor schema:streetAddress ?address.\n" + "} ORDER BY ?dist";
        if (!risultatiSensori.equals("0")) {
            queryStringNearSensori += " LIMIT " + risultatiSensori;

        TupleQuery tupleQuerySensori = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryStringNearSensori);
        TupleQueryResult resultNearSensori = tupleQuerySensori.evaluate();

        //if (!listaCategorieServizi.contains("NearBusStops")) {
        if (!listaCategorieServizi.contains("BusStop")) {
            out.println("{\"Sensori\": ");
        } else {
            out.println(", \"Sensori\": ");
        out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ ");

        while (resultNearSensori.hasNext()) {
            // out.println(result);
            BindingSet bindingSetNearSensori = resultNearSensori.next();
            String valueOfId = bindingSetNearSensori.getValue("idSensore").stringValue();
            String valueOfIdService = bindingSetNearSensori.getValue("sensor").stringValue();
            String valueOfLat = bindingSetNearSensori.getValue("lat").stringValue();

            String valueOfLong = bindingSetNearSensori.getValue("long").stringValue();
            String valueOfAddress = bindingSetNearSensori.getValue("address").stringValue();

            if (i != 0) {
                out.println(", ");
            out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": {  " + "     \"type\": \"Point\",  " + "    \"coordinates\": [  "
                    + "       " + valueOfLong + ",  " + "      " + valueOfLat + "  " + " ]  " + "},  "
                    + "\"type\": \"Feature\",  " + "\"properties\": {  " + "    \"nome\": \""
                    + escapeJSON(valueOfId) + "\", " + "    \"tipo\": \"sensore\", "
                    // *** INSERIMENTO serviceType
                    + "    \"serviceType\": \"RoadSensor\", "
                    // **********************************************
                    + "    \"serviceUri\": \"" + valueOfIdService + "\", " + "    \"indirizzo\": \""
                    + escapeJSON(valueOfAddress) + "\" " + "},  " + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(i + 1) + "  "
                    + "}");

        //if (categorie.equals("RoadSensor")) {
        if (categorie.equals("SensorSite")) {

    int numeroServizi = 0;
    //if (!categorie.equals("NearBusStops") && !categorie.equals("RoadSensor") && !categorie.equals("RoadSensor;NearBusStops") && !categorie.equals("NearBusStops;RoadSensor")) {
    if (!categorie.equals("BusStop") && !categorie.equals("SensorSite")
            && !categorie.equals("SensorSite;BusStop") && !categorie.equals("BusStop;SensorSite")) {
        String queryStringServiceNear = "PREFIX km4c:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/schema#>\n"
                + "PREFIX km4cr:<http://www.disit.org/km4city/resource#>\n"
                + "PREFIX schema:<http://schema.org/>\n"
                + "PREFIX geo:<http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>\n"
                + "PREFIX xsd:<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>\n"
                + "PREFIX rdf:<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>\n"
                + "PREFIX omgeo:<http://www.ontotext.com/owlim/geo#>\n"
                + "PREFIX foaf:<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>\n"
                + "PREFIX skos:<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>\n"
                + "PREFIX rdfs:<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>\n"
                + "PREFIX dc:<http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>\n"
                + "SELECT distinct ?ser ?serAddress ?elat ?elong ?sType ?sCategory ?sTypeIta ?sName ?email ?note ?multimedia ?description ?x WHERE {\n"
                + " ?ser rdf:type km4c:Service"
                + (sparqlType.equals("virtuoso") ? " OPTION (inference \"urn:ontology\")" : "") + ".\n"
                + " OPTIONAL {?ser <http://schema.org/name> ?sName}\n"
                + " ?ser <http://schema.org/streetAddress> ?serAddress.\n"
                + " OPTIONAL {?ser skos:note ?note}\n" + " OPTIONAL {?ser dc:description ?description"
                + " FILTER(LANG(?description) = \"it\")" + " }\n"
                + " OPTIONAL {?ser km4c:multimediaResource ?multimedia}\n"
                + "   OPTIONAL {?ser schema:email ?email }\n"
                + ServiceMap.textSearchQueryFragment("?ser", "?p", textToSearch) + " {\n"
                + "  ?ser km4c:hasAccess ?entry.\n" + "  ?entry geo:lat ?elat.\n"
                + "  ?entry geo:long ?elong.\n"
                + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?entry", coords, raggioServizi) + " } UNION {\n"
                + "  ?ser geo:lat ?elat.\n" + "  ?ser geo:long ?elong.\n"
                + ServiceMap.geoSearchQueryFragment("?ser", coords, raggioServizi) + " }\n" + fc
                + (!km4cVersion.equals("old")
                        ? " graph ?g {?ser a ?sType. FILTER(?sType!=km4c:RegularService && ?sType!=km4c:Service && ?sType!=km4c:DigitalLocation && ?sType!=km4c:TransverseService)}\n"
                                + " ?sType rdfs:subClassOf ?sCategory. FILTER(?sCategory != <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#SpatialThing>) "
                                + " ?sType rdfs:label ?sTypeIta. FILTER(LANG(?sTypeIta)=\"it\")\n"
                        : "")
                + "} ORDER BY ?dist";
        if (!risultatiServizi.equals("0")) {
            queryStringServiceNear += " LIMIT " + risultatiServizi;

        TupleQuery tupleQuery = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryStringServiceNear);
        TupleQueryResult result = tupleQuery.evaluate();

        //if (!listaCategorieServizi.contains("NearBusStops") && !listaCategorieServizi.contains("RoadSensor")) {
        if (!listaCategorieServizi.contains("BusStop") && !listaCategorieServizi.contains("SensorSite")) {
            out.println("{\"Servizi\": ");
        } else {
            out.println(", \"Servizi\": ");
        out.println("{ " + "\"type\": \"FeatureCollection\", " + "\"features\": [ ");
        int w = 0;
        while (result.hasNext()) {
            BindingSet bindingSet = result.next();
            String valueOfSer = bindingSet.getValue("ser").stringValue();
            String valueOfSerAddress = "";
            if (bindingSet.getValue("serAddress") != null) {
                valueOfSerAddress = bindingSet.getValue("serAddress").stringValue();
            String valueOfSType = "";
            if (bindingSet.getValue("sType") != null) {
                valueOfSType = bindingSet.getValue("sType").stringValue();
            String valueOfSTypeIta = "";
            if (bindingSet.getValue("sTypeIta") != null) {
                valueOfSTypeIta = bindingSet.getValue("sTypeIta").stringValue();
                //valueOfSTypeIta = Character.toLowerCase(valueOfSTypeIta.charAt(0)) + valueOfSTypeIta.substring(1);
                valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace(" ", "_");
                valueOfSTypeIta = valueOfSTypeIta.replace("'", "");
            // DICHIARAZIONE VARIABILI serviceType e serviceCategory per ICONA
            String subCategory = "";
            if (bindingSet.getValue("sType") != null) {
                subCategory = bindingSet.getValue("sType").stringValue();
                subCategory = subCategory.replace("http://www.disit.org/km4city/schema#", "");
                subCategory = Character.toLowerCase(subCategory.charAt(0)) + subCategory.substring(1);
                subCategory = subCategory.replace(" ", "_");

            String category = "";
            if (bindingSet.getValue("sCategory") != null) {
                category = bindingSet.getValue("sCategory").stringValue();
                category = category.replace("http://www.disit.org/km4city/schema#", "");
                category = Character.toLowerCase(category.charAt(0)) + category.substring(1);
                category = category.replace(" ", "_");

            String serviceType = category + "_" + subCategory;

            String valueOfSName = "";
            if (bindingSet.getValue("sName") != null) {
                valueOfSName = bindingSet.getValue("sName").stringValue();
            } else {
                valueOfSName = subCategory.replace("_", " ").toUpperCase();
            String valueOfELat = bindingSet.getValue("elat").stringValue();
            String valueOfELong = bindingSet.getValue("elong").stringValue();
            String valueOfNote = "";
            if (bindingSet.getValue("note") != null) {
                valueOfNote = bindingSet.getValue("note").stringValue();

            String valueOfEmail = "";
            if (bindingSet.getValue("email") != null) {
                valueOfEmail = bindingSet.getValue("email").stringValue();

            Normalizer.normalize(valueOfNote, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "");
            valueOfNote = valueOfNote.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+", "");

            if (w != 0) {
                out.println(", ");

            out.println("{ " + " \"geometry\": {  " + "     \"type\": \"Point\",  " + "    \"coordinates\": [  "
                    + "       " + valueOfELong + ",  " + "      " + valueOfELat + "  " + " ]  " + "},  "
                    + "\"type\": \"Feature\",  " + "\"properties\": {  " + "    \"nome\": \""
                    + escapeJSON(valueOfSName) + "\", " + "    \"tipo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSTypeIta)
                    + "\", "
                    // *** INSERIMENTO serviceType
                    + "    \"serviceType\": \"" + escapeJSON(mapServiceType(serviceType)) + "\", "
                    // **********************************************
                    + "    \"email\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfEmail) + "\", " + "    \"note\": \""
                    + escapeJSON(valueOfNote) + "\", " + "    \"serviceUri\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSer)
                    + "\", " + "    \"indirizzo\": \"" + escapeJSON(valueOfSerAddress) + "\" " + "}, "
                    + "\"id\": " + Integer.toString(w + 1) + " " + "}");
    } else {
        if (categorie.equals("SensorSite;BusStop") || categorie.equals("BusStop;SensorSite")) {

From source file:de.innovationgate.utils.WGUtils.java

 * performs a unicode normalization to NFC form (java.text.Normalizer.Form.NFC) for the given input
 * @param input The input string/*from ww  w .  j  a  v  a  2  s .  c  om*/
 * @return the normalized or original value if already NFC form
public static String normalizeUnicode(String input) {
    if (input != null && !Normalizer.isNormalized(input, Normalizer.Form.NFC)) {
        return Normalizer.normalize(input, Normalizer.Form.NFC);
    return input;

From source file:org.sakaiproject.assignment.impl.AssignmentServiceImpl.java

public String escapeInvalidCharsEntry(String accentedString) {
    String decomposed = Normalizer.normalize(accentedString, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
    return decomposed.replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", "");

From source file:com.adobe.aem.demomachine.communities.Loader.java

public static String slugify(String input) {
    return Normalizer.normalize(input, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "")
            .replaceAll("[^ \\w]", "").trim().replaceAll("\\s+", "-").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);

From source file:org.sakaiproject.assignment.impl.BaseAssignmentService.java

public String escapeInvalidCharsEntry(String accentedString) {
    String decomposed = Normalizer.normalize(accentedString, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
    String cleanString = decomposed.replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", "");
    return cleanString;