Example usage for java.text MessageFormat MessageFormat

List of usage examples for java.text MessageFormat MessageFormat


In this page you can find the example usage for java.text MessageFormat MessageFormat.


public MessageFormat(String pattern, Locale locale) 

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Constructs a MessageFormat for the specified locale and pattern.


From source file:org.sakaiproject.user.tool.UsersAction.java

 * Read the user form and update the user in state.
 * //  w w  w.  j  a v a 2 s  . c o  m
 * @return true if the form is accepted, false if there's a validation error (an alertMessage will be set)
private boolean readUserForm(RunData data, SessionState state) {
    // boolean parameters and values
    // --------------Mode----singleUser-createUser-typeEnable
    // Admin New-----new-----false------false------true
    // Admin Update--edit----false------false------true
    // Admin Delete--remove--false------false------false
    // Gateway New---null----false------true-------false
    // Account Edit--edit----true-------false------false

    // read the form
    String id = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("id"));
    String eid = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("eid"));
    state.setAttribute("valueEid", eid);
    String firstName = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("first-name"));
    state.setAttribute("valueFirstName", firstName);
    String lastName = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("last-name"));
    state.setAttribute("valueLastName", lastName);
    String email = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("email"));
    state.setAttribute("valueEmail", email);
    String pw = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("pw"));
    String pwConfirm = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("pw0"));

    String pwcur = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("pwcur"));

    Integer disabled = Integer
            .valueOf(StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("disabled")) != null ? "1" : "0");

    String mode = (String) state.getAttribute("mode");
    boolean singleUser = ((Boolean) state.getAttribute("single-user")).booleanValue();
    boolean createUser = ((Boolean) state.getAttribute("create-user")).booleanValue();

    // SAK-29182 - enforce invalid domains when creating a user through Gateway -> New Account
    boolean isEidEditable = isEidEditable(state);
    if (createUser && !isEidEditable) {
        for (String domain : getInvalidEmailDomains()) {
            if (email.toLowerCase().endsWith(domain.toLowerCase())) {
                String defaultMsg = rb.getFormattedMessage("email.invalid.domain", new Object[] { domain });
                String customMsg = ServerConfigurationService
                        .getString(SAK_PROP_INVALID_EMAIL_DOMAINS_CUSTOM_MESSAGE, "");
                if (!customMsg.isEmpty()) {
                    String institution = ServerConfigurationService.getString("ui.institution", "");
                    customMsg = new MessageFormat(customMsg, rb.getLocale())
                            .format(new Object[] { institution, domain }, new StringBuffer(), null).toString();

                addAlert(state, customMsg.isEmpty() ? defaultMsg : customMsg);
                return false;

    boolean typeEnable = false;
    String type = null;
    if ((mode != null) && (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("new"))) {
        typeEnable = true;
    } else if ((mode != null) && (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("edit")) && (!singleUser)) {
        typeEnable = true;

    if (typeEnable) {
        // for the case of Admin User tool creating new user
        type = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("type"));
        state.setAttribute("valueType", type);
    } else {
        if (createUser) {
            // for the case of Gateway Account tool creating new user
            type = (String) state.getAttribute("create-type");

    if ((Boolean) state.getAttribute("user.recaptcha-enabled")) {
        String challengeField = data.getParameters().getString("recaptcha_challenge_field");
        String responseField = data.getParameters().getString("recaptcha_response_field");
        if (challengeField == null)
            challengeField = "";
        if (responseField == null)
            responseField = "";
        ReCaptcha captcha = ReCaptchaFactory.newReCaptcha(
                (String) state.getAttribute("user.recaptcha-public-key"),
                (String) state.getAttribute("user.recaptcha-private-key"), false);
        ReCaptchaResponse response = captcha.checkAnswer(data.getRequest().getRemoteAddr(), challengeField,
        if (!response.isValid()) {
            addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.capterr"));
            state.setAttribute("recaptcha-error", response.getErrorMessage());
            return false;

    //Ensure valid email address. Empty emails are invalid iff email validation is required. For non-empty email Strings, use EmailValidator.
    boolean validateWithAccountValidator = isValidatedWithAccountValidator(state);
    boolean emailInvalid = StringUtils.isEmpty(email) ? validateWithAccountValidator
            : !EmailValidator.getInstance().isValid(email);
    if (emailInvalid) {
        addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.invemail"));
        return false;

    // get the user
    UserEdit user = (UserEdit) state.getAttribute("user");

    //process any additional attributes
    //we continue processing these until we get an empty attribute KEY
    //counter starts at 1

    //data is of the form:
    //   optionalAttr_1:att1
    //   optionalAttrValue_1:value1
    //   optionalAttr_2:att2
    //   optionalAttrValue_2:value2

    int count = 1;
    boolean continueProcessingOptionalAttributes = true;

    ResourcePropertiesEdit properties;
    if (user == null) {
        properties = new BaseResourcePropertiesEdit();
    } else {
        properties = user.getPropertiesEdit();

    //remove all properties that are in the confugred list
    //then add back in only the ones that were sent
    //this allows us to remove items via javascript and they get persisted to the db on form save
    Map<String, String> configuredProperties = getOptionalAttributes();
    for (String cp : configuredProperties.keySet()) {

    while (continueProcessingOptionalAttributes) {

        //this stores the key
        String optionalAttributeKey = data.getParameters().getString("optionalAttr_" + count);

        if (StringUtils.isBlank(optionalAttributeKey)) {
            continueProcessingOptionalAttributes = false;

        String optionalAttributeValue = data.getParameters().getString("optionalAttrValue_" + count);

        //only single values properties
        //any null ones will wipe out existing ones
        //and any duplicate ones will override previous ones (currently)
        properties.addProperty(optionalAttributeKey, optionalAttributeValue);

        //System.out.println("optionalAttributeKey: " + optionalAttributeKey + ", optionalAttributeValue: " + optionalAttributeValue);


    // add if needed
    if (user == null) {
        // make sure we have eid
        if (isEidEditable) {
            if (eid == null) {
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.eidmis"));
                return false;

        else {
            // eid is not editable, so we're using the email as the eid
            if (email == null) {
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.invemail"));
                return false;
            eid = email;

        // if we validate through email, passwords will be handled in AccountValidator
        TempUser tempUser = new TempUser(eid, null, null, null, eid, pw, null);
        if (!validateWithAccountValidator) {
            // if in create mode, make sure we have a password
            if (createUser) {
                if (pw == null) {
                    addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.pasismis"));
                    return false;

            // make sure we have matching password fields
            if (StringUtil.different(pw, pwConfirm)) {
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.pass"));
                return false;

            // SAK-23568 - make sure password meets policy requirements
            if (!validatePassword(pw, tempUser, state)) {
                return false;

        //Check if the email is duplicated
        boolean allowEmailDuplicates = ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("user.email.allowduplicates",

        if (!allowEmailDuplicates && UserDirectoryService.checkDuplicatedEmail(tempUser)) {
            addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.theuseemail1"));
            return false;

        try {
            // add the user in one step so that all you need is add not update permission
            // (the added might be "anon", and anon has add but not update permission)

            //SAK-18209 only an admin user should be able to specify a ID
            if (!SecurityService.isSuperUser()) {
                id = null;
            User newUser;
            if (validateWithAccountValidator) {
                // the eid is their email address. The password is random
                newUser = UserDirectoryService.addUser(id, eid, firstName, lastName, email,
                        PasswordCheck.generatePassword(), type, properties);
                // Invoke AccountValidator to send an email to the user containing a link to a form on which they can set their name and password
                ValidationLogic validationLogic = (ValidationLogic) ComponentManager.get(ValidationLogic.class);
            } else {
                newUser = UserDirectoryService.addUser(id, eid, firstName, lastName, email, pw, type,

                if (SecurityService.isSuperUser()) {
                    if (disabled == 1) {
                        try {
                            UserEdit editUser = UserDirectoryService.editUser(newUser.getId());
                            editUser.getProperties().addProperty("disabled", "true");
                            newUser = editUser;
                        } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) {
                            addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.disableFailed"));
                            return false;
                        } catch (UserLockedException e) {
                            addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.disableFailed"));
                            return false;

            // put the user in the state
            state.setAttribute("newuser", newUser);
        } catch (UserAlreadyDefinedException e) {
            addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.theuseid1"));
            return false;
        } catch (UserIdInvalidException e) {
            addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.theuseid2"));
            return false;
        } catch (UserPermissionException e) {
            addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.youdonot3"));
            return false;

    // update
    else {
        if (!user.isActiveEdit()) {
            try {
                // add the user in one step so that all you need is add not update permission
                // (the added might be "anon", and anon has add but not update permission)
                user = UserDirectoryService.editUser(user.getId());

                // put the user in the state
                state.setAttribute("user", user);
            } catch (UserLockedException e) {
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.somels"));
                return false;
            } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) {
                Object[] params = new Object[] { id };
                addAlert(state, rb.getFormattedMessage("useact.use_notfou", params));

                return false;
            } catch (UserPermissionException e) {
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.youdonot3"));
                return false;

        // Still needs super user to change super user password
        // If the current user isn't a super user but is trying to change the password or email of a super user print an error
        if (!SecurityService.isSuperUser() && SecurityService.isSuperUser(user.getId())) {
            addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.youdonot4"));
            return false;

        // eid, pw, type might not be editable
        if (eid != null)
        if (type != null)

        //add in the updated props

        if (SecurityService.isSuperUser()) {
            if (disabled == 1) {
                user.getProperties().addProperty("disabled", "true");
            } else {

        //validate the password only for local users
        if (!isProvidedType(user.getType())) {

            // make sure the old password matches, but don't check for super users
            if (!SecurityService.isSuperUser()) {
                if (!user.checkPassword(pwcur)) {
                    addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.curpass"));
                    return false;

            if (mode == null || !mode.equalsIgnoreCase("remove")) {
                // make sure we have matching password fields
                if (StringUtil.different(pw, pwConfirm)) {
                    addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.pass"));
                    return false;

                // SAK-23568 - make sure password meets policy requirements
                if (!validatePassword(pw, user, state)) {
                    return false;

                if (pw != null)

    return true;