Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * $URL$
 * $Id$
 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 The Sakai Foundation
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.sakaiproject.user.tool;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import net.tanesha.recaptcha.ReCaptcha;
import net.tanesha.recaptcha.ReCaptchaFactory;
import net.tanesha.recaptcha.ReCaptchaResponse;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator;
import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.AuthzGroup;
import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.AuthzGroupService;
import org.sakaiproject.authz.cover.SecurityService;
import org.sakaiproject.cheftool.Context;
import org.sakaiproject.cheftool.ControllerState;
import org.sakaiproject.cheftool.JetspeedRunData;
import org.sakaiproject.cheftool.PagedResourceActionII;
import org.sakaiproject.cheftool.PortletConfig;
import org.sakaiproject.cheftool.RunData;
import org.sakaiproject.cheftool.VelocityPortlet;
import org.sakaiproject.cheftool.api.Menu;
import org.sakaiproject.cheftool.api.MenuItem;
import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ComponentManager;
import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentResource;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.FilePickerHelper;
import org.sakaiproject.content.cover.ContentHostingService;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.Reference;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourceProperties;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourcePropertiesEdit;
import org.sakaiproject.event.api.SessionState;
import org.sakaiproject.event.cover.UsageSessionService;
import org.sakaiproject.thread_local.cover.ThreadLocalManager;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Session;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolSession;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.SessionManager;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.Authentication;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.AuthenticationException;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.Evidence;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.User;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserAlreadyDefinedException;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserEdit;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserIdInvalidException;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserLockedException;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotDefinedException;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserPermissionException;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserDirectoryService.PasswordRating;
import org.sakaiproject.user.cover.AuthenticationManager;
import org.sakaiproject.user.cover.UserDirectoryService;
import org.sakaiproject.user.tool.PasswordPolicyHelper.TempUser;
import org.sakaiproject.util.BaseResourcePropertiesEdit;
import org.sakaiproject.util.ExternalTrustedEvidence;
import org.sakaiproject.util.RequestFilter;
import org.sakaiproject.util.ResourceLoader;
import org.sakaiproject.util.StringUtil;
import org.sakaiproject.portal.util.PortalUtils;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.sakaiproject.accountvalidator.logic.ValidationLogic;
import org.sakaiproject.accountvalidator.model.ValidationAccount;
import org.sakaiproject.util.PasswordCheck;

 * <p>
 * UsersAction is the Sakai users editor.
 * </p>
public class UsersAction extends PagedResourceActionII {
    private static ResourceLoader rb = new ResourceLoader("admin");

    //private static final String XLS_MIME_TYPE="application/";
    private static final String CSV_MIME_TYPE = "text/csv";

    //the column headings in the imported file, which will be used as the primary user attributes
    private static final String IMPORT_USER_ID = "user id";
    private static final String IMPORT_FIRST_NAME = "first name";
    private static final String IMPORT_LAST_NAME = "last name";
    private static final String IMPORT_EMAIL = "email";
    private static final String IMPORT_PASSWORD = "password";
    private static final String IMPORT_TYPE = "type";

    // SAK-23568
    private static final PasswordPolicyHelper pwHelper = new PasswordPolicyHelper();
    private static final String MSG_KEY_PASSWORD_WEAK = "pw.weak";
    private static final String MSG_KEY_PW_STRENGTH_INFO = "pw.strengthInfo";

    private static final String SAK_PROP_UNENROLL_BEFORE_DELETE = "user.unenroll.before.delete";

    private static final String CONFIG_CREATE_BLURB = "create-blurb";
    private static final String CONFIG_FORCE_EID_EQUALS_EMAIL = "force-eid-equals-email";
    private static final String CONFIG_VALIDATE_THROUGH_EMAIL = "validate-through-email";
    private static final String STATE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = "successMessage";

    // SAK-29182
    private static final String SAK_PROP_INVALID_EMAIL_DOMAINS = "invalidEmailInIdAccountString";
    private static final String SAK_PROP_INVALID_EMAIL_DOMAINS_CUSTOM_MESSAGE = "";

    private static final String USER_TEMPLATE_PREFIX = "!user.template.";

    private AuthzGroupService authzGroupService;

    public UsersAction() {
        authzGroupService = ComponentManager.get(AuthzGroupService.class);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected List readResourcesPage(SessionState state, int first, int last) {
        // search?
        String search = StringUtils.trimToNull((String) state.getAttribute(STATE_SEARCH));

        if (search != null) {
            return UserDirectoryService.searchUsers(search, first, last);

        return UserDirectoryService.getUsers(first, last);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected int sizeResources(SessionState state) {
        // search?
        String search = StringUtils.trimToNull((String) state.getAttribute(STATE_SEARCH));

        if (search != null) {
            return UserDirectoryService.countSearchUsers(search);

        return UserDirectoryService.countUsers();

     * Populate the state object, if needed.
    protected void initState(SessionState state, VelocityPortlet portlet, JetspeedRunData rundata) {
        super.initState(state, portlet, rundata);

        PortletConfig config = portlet.getPortletConfig();

        if (state.getAttribute("single-user") == null) {
            state.setAttribute("single-user", new Boolean(config.getInitParameter("single-user", "false")));
                    new Boolean(config.getInitParameter("include-password", "true")));

        if (state.getAttribute("create-user") == null) {
            state.setAttribute("create-user", new Boolean(config.getInitParameter("create-user", "false")));
            state.setAttribute("create-login", new Boolean(config.getInitParameter("create-login", "false")));

        if (state.getAttribute("create-type") == null) {
            state.setAttribute("create-type", config.getInitParameter("create-type", ""));

        if (state.getAttribute(CONFIG_VALIDATE_THROUGH_EMAIL) == null) {
                    new Boolean(config.getInitParameter(CONFIG_VALIDATE_THROUGH_EMAIL, "false")));

        if (state.getAttribute(CONFIG_FORCE_EID_EQUALS_EMAIL) == null) {
                    new Boolean(config.getInitParameter(CONFIG_FORCE_EID_EQUALS_EMAIL, "false")));

        if (state.getAttribute(CONFIG_CREATE_BLURB) == null) {
            state.setAttribute(CONFIG_CREATE_BLURB, config.getInitParameter(CONFIG_CREATE_BLURB, ""));

        if (state.getAttribute("user.recaptcha-enabled") == null) {
            String publicKey = ServerConfigurationService.getString("user.recaptcha.public-key", "");
            String privateKey = ServerConfigurationService.getString("user.recaptcha.private-key", "");
            Boolean systemEnabled = ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("user.recaptcha.enabled", false);
            Boolean toolEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(config.getInitParameter("user.recaptcha-enabled", "false"));
            Boolean enabled = systemEnabled && toolEnabled;
            if (enabled) {
                if (publicKey == null || publicKey.length() == 0) {
                    Log.warn("chef", "recaptcha is enabled but no public key is found.");
                    enabled = Boolean.FALSE;
                if (privateKey == null || privateKey.length() == 0) {
                    Log.warn("chef", "recaptcha is enabled but no private key is found.");
                    enabled = Boolean.FALSE;
            state.setAttribute("user.recaptcha-public-key", publicKey);
            state.setAttribute("user.recaptcha-private-key", privateKey);
            state.setAttribute("user.recaptcha-enabled", enabled);

    } // initState

     * build the context
    public String buildMainPanelContext(VelocityPortlet portlet, Context context, RunData rundata,
            SessionState state) {
        context.put("tlang", rb);
        context.put("includeLatestJQuery", PortalUtils.includeLatestJQuery("UsersAction"));
        boolean singleUser = ((Boolean) state.getAttribute("single-user")).booleanValue();
        boolean createUser = ((Boolean) state.getAttribute("create-user")).booleanValue();

        UsersActionState sstate = (UsersActionState) getState(context, rundata, UsersActionState.class);
        String status = sstate.getStatus();

        String[] userTypes = ServerConfigurationService.getStrings("user.type.selector");
        if (userTypes != null && userTypes.length > 0) {
            context.put("userTypes", userTypes);
        } else {
            context.put("userTypes", getUserTypes());

        // if not logged in as the super user, we won't do anything
        if ((!singleUser) && (!createUser) && (!SecurityService.isSuperUser())) {
            context.put("tlang", rb);
            return (String) getContext(rundata).get("template") + "_noaccess";

        String template = null;

        // for the create-user create-login case, we set this in the do so we can process the redirect here
        if (state.getAttribute("redirect") != null) {
            Session s = SessionManager.getCurrentSession();
            // TODO: Decide if this should be in "getPortalUrl"
            // I don't think so but could be convinced - /chuck
            String controllingPortal = (String) s.getAttribute("sakai-controlling-portal");
            String portalUrl = ServerConfigurationService.getPortalUrl();
            if (controllingPortal != null) {
                portalUrl = portalUrl + "/" + controllingPortal;

            sendParentRedirect((HttpServletResponse) ThreadLocalManager.get(RequestFilter.CURRENT_HTTP_RESPONSE),
            return template;

        // put $action into context for menus, forms and links
        context.put(Menu.CONTEXT_ACTION, state.getAttribute(STATE_ACTION));

        //put successMessage into context and remove from state
        context.put("successMessage", state.getAttribute(STATE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE));

        // SAK-23568

        // check mode and dispatch
        String mode = (String) state.getAttribute("mode");

        if ((singleUser) && (mode != null) && (mode.equals("edit"))) {
            template = buildEditContext(state, context);
        } else if (singleUser) {
            String id = SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId();
            state.setAttribute("user-id", id);
            template = buildViewContext(state, context);
        } else if (createUser) {
            template = buildCreateContext(state, context);
        } else if (mode == null) {
            template = buildListContext(state, context);
        } else if (mode.equals("new")) {
            template = buildNewContext(state, context);
        } else if (mode.equals("edit")) {
            template = buildEditContext(state, context);
        } else if (mode.equals("confirm")) {
            template = buildConfirmRemoveContext(state, context);
        } else if (mode.equals("import")) {
            template = buildImportContext(state, context);
        } else if (mode.equals("mode_helper") && StringUtils.equals(status, "processImport")) {
            //returning from helper after uploading file
            template = buildProcessImportContext(state, rundata, context);
        } else {
            Log.warn("chef", "UsersAction: mode: " + mode);
            template = buildListContext(state, context);

        String prefix = (String) getContext(rundata).get("template");
        return prefix + template;

    } // buildNormalContext

     * Build the context for the main list mode.
    private String buildListContext(SessionState state, Context context) {
        // put the service in the context
        context.put("service", UserDirectoryService.getInstance());

        // put all (internal) users into the context
        context.put("users", prepPage(state));

        // build the menu
        Menu bar = new MenuImpl();
        if (UserDirectoryService.allowAddUser()) {
            bar.add(new MenuEntry(rb.getString("useact.newuse"), null, true, MenuItem.CHECKED_NA, "doNew"));
            bar.add(new MenuEntry(rb.getString("import.user.file"), null, true, MenuItem.CHECKED_NA, "doImport"));

        // add the paging commands
        //addListPagingMenus(bar, state);
        int pageSize = Integer.valueOf(state.getAttribute(STATE_PAGESIZE).toString()).intValue();
        int currentPageNubmer = Integer.valueOf(state.getAttribute(STATE_CURRENT_PAGE).toString()).intValue();
        int startNumber = pageSize * (currentPageNubmer - 1) + 1;
        int endNumber = pageSize * currentPageNubmer;

        int totalNumber = 0;
        Object[] params;
        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        list.add(new Integer[] { Integer.valueOf(5) });
        list.add(new Integer[] { Integer.valueOf(10) });
        list.add(new Integer[] { Integer.valueOf(20) });
        list.add(new Integer[] { Integer.valueOf(50) });
        list.add(new Integer[] { Integer.valueOf(100) });
        list.add(new Integer[] { Integer.valueOf(200) });

        try {
            totalNumber = Integer.valueOf(state.getAttribute(STATE_NUM_MESSAGES).toString()).intValue();
        } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException ignore) {
        } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException ignore) {

        if (totalNumber < endNumber)
            endNumber = totalNumber;

        params = new Object[] { startNumber, endNumber, totalNumber };

        context.put("startNumber", Integer.valueOf(startNumber));
        context.put("endNumber", Integer.valueOf(endNumber));
        context.put("totalNumber", Integer.valueOf(totalNumber));
        context.put("params", params);
        context.put("list", list);
        pagingInfoToContext(state, context);

        // add the search commands
        addSearchMenus(bar, state, rb.getString(""));

        // add the refresh commands
        addRefreshMenus(bar, state);

        if (bar.size() > 0) {
            context.put(Menu.CONTEXT_MENU, bar);

        return "_list";

    } // buildListContext

     * @author bjones86 - SAK-29182
     * @return a list of strings contained in the invalidEmailInIdAccountString, or an empty list if not set
    private List<String> getInvalidEmailDomains() {
        return Arrays.asList(

     * Build the context for the new user mode.
    private String buildNewContext(SessionState state, Context context) {
        // put the service in the context
        context.put("service", UserDirectoryService.getInstance());

        // name the html form for user edit fields
        context.put("form-name", "user-form");

        // include the password fields?
        context.put("incPw", state.getAttribute("include-password"));

        context.put("incType", Boolean.valueOf(true));

        context.put("superUser", Boolean.valueOf(SecurityService.isSuperUser()));

        String value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueEid");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueEid", value);

        value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueFirstName");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueFirstName", value);

        value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueLastName");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueLastName", value);

        value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueEmail");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueEmail", value);

        value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueType");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueType", value);

        //optional attributes list
        context.put("optionalAttributes", getOptionalAttributes());

        return "_edit";

    } // buildNewContext

     * Build the context for the create user mode.
    private String buildCreateContext(SessionState state, Context context) {
        // put the service in the context
        context.put("service", UserDirectoryService.getInstance());

        String blurb = (String) state.getAttribute(CONFIG_CREATE_BLURB);
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(blurb)) {
            context.put("createBlurb", blurb);

        // is the type to be pre-set
        context.put("type", state.getAttribute("create-type"));

        boolean isValidatedWithAccountValidator = isValidatedWithAccountValidator(state);
        boolean isEidEditable = isEidEditable(state);

        // if the tool is configured to validate through email, we will use AccountValidator to set name fields, etc. So we indicate this in the context to hide fields that are redundant
        context.put("isValidatedWithAccountValidator", isValidatedWithAccountValidator);

        // If we're using account validator, an email needs to be sent
        // If the eid is not editable, the email will be used as the eid
        context.put("emailRequired", isValidatedWithAccountValidator || !isEidEditable);

        // password is required when using Gateway New Account tool
        // attribute "create-user" is true only for New Account tool
        context.put("pwRequired", state.getAttribute("create-user"));

        context.put("displayEid", isEidEditable);
        String value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueEid");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueEid", value);

        value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueFirstName");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueFirstName", value);

        value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueLastName");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueLastName", value);

        value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueEmail");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueEmail", value);

        if ((Boolean) state.getAttribute("user.recaptcha-enabled")) {
            ReCaptcha captcha = ReCaptchaFactory.newReCaptcha(
                    (String) state.getAttribute("user.recaptcha-public-key"),
                    (String) state.getAttribute("user.recaptcha-private-key"), false);
            String captchaScript = captcha.createRecaptchaHtml((String) state.getAttribute("recaptcha-error"),
            context.put("recaptchaScript", captchaScript);

        return "_create";

    } // buildCreateContext

     * Build the context for the new user mode.
    private String buildEditContext(SessionState state, Context context) {

        // put the service in the context
        context.put("service", UserDirectoryService.getInstance());

        // name the html form for user edit fields
        context.put("form-name", "user-form");

        // get the user to edit
        UserEdit user = (UserEdit) state.getAttribute("user");
        context.put("user", user);

        // is super user/admin user?
        context.put("superUser", Boolean.valueOf(SecurityService.isSuperUser()));

        // include the password fields?
        context.put("incPw", state.getAttribute("include-password"));

        // include type fields (not if single user)
        boolean singleUser = ((Boolean) state.getAttribute("single-user")).booleanValue();
        context.put("incType", Boolean.valueOf(!singleUser));

        // build the menu
        // we need the form fields for the remove...
        boolean menuPopulated = false;
        Menu bar = new MenuImpl();
        if ((!singleUser) && (UserDirectoryService.allowRemoveUser(user.getId()))) {
            bar.add(new MenuEntry(rb.getString("useact.remuse"), null, true, MenuItem.CHECKED_NA, "doRemove",
            menuPopulated = true;

        if (menuPopulated) {
            context.put(Menu.CONTEXT_MENU, bar);

        String value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueEid");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueEid", value);

        value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueFirstName");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueFirstName", value);

        value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueLastName");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueLastName", value);

        value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueEmail");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueEmail", value);

        value = (String) state.getAttribute("valueType");
        if (value != null)
            context.put("valueType", value);

        //optional attributes lists
        context.put("optionalAttributes", getOptionalAttributes());
        context.put("currentAttributes", getCurrentAttributes((UserEdit) state.getAttribute("user")));

        return "_edit";

    } // buildEditContext

     * Build the context for the view user mode.
    private String buildViewContext(SessionState state, Context context) {
        if (Log.getLogger("chef").isDebugEnabled()) {
            Log.debug("chef", this + ".buildViewContext");

        // get current user's id
        String id = (String) state.getAttribute("user-id");

        // get the user and put in state as "user"
        try {
            User user = UserDirectoryService.getUser(id);
            context.put("user", user);

            // name the html form for user edit fields
            context.put("form-name", "user-form");

            state.setAttribute("mode", "view");

            // make sure we can do an edit
            try {
                UserEdit edit = UserDirectoryService.editUser(id);
                context.put("enableEdit", "true");
            } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) {
            } catch (UserPermissionException e) {
            } catch (UserLockedException e) {

            // disable auto-updates while not in list mode
        } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) {
            Log.warn("chef", "UsersAction.doEdit: user not found: " + id);

            Object[] params = new Object[] { id };
            addAlert(state, rb.getFormattedMessage("useact.use_notfou", params));

            // make sure auto-updates are enabled

        return "_view";

    } // buildViewContext

     * @author bbailla2
     * @return the sakai property "user.unenroll.before.delete" (default is true)
    private boolean isUnenrollBeforeDeleteEnabled() {
        return ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean(SAK_PROP_UNENROLL_BEFORE_DELETE, true);

     * Build the context for the new user mode.
    private String buildConfirmRemoveContext(SessionState state, Context context) {
        // get the user to edit
        UserEdit user = (UserEdit) state.getAttribute("user");
        context.put("user", user);

        // get list of memberships; populate the UI
        // determines whether we need to unenroll the user from sites before we delete them
        boolean unenrollFirst = isUnenrollBeforeDeleteEnabled();

        String permDelWarning = "";
        if (unenrollFirst) {
            SiteService siteService = (SiteService) ComponentManager.get(SiteService.class);
            List<Site> sites = siteService.getUserSites(false, user.getId(), true);
            if (sites != null && !sites.isEmpty()) {
                // there are sites to unenroll from, present this to the user
                int siteLen = sites.size();
                String siteMsg = siteLen == 1 ? rb.getString("")
                        : rb.getFormattedMessage("useconrem.sites", Integer.valueOf(siteLen));
                permDelWarning = rb.getFormattedMessage("useconrem.unenrol", user.getEid(), siteMsg);
            } else {
                // nothing to unenroll from
                unenrollFirst = false;

        if (!unenrollFirst) {
            // we don't need to unenroll the user from anything, so just indicate that this user will be permanently deleted
            permDelWarning = rb.getFormattedMessage("useconrem.permdel", user.getEid());
        context.put("permDelWarning", permDelWarning);

        return "_confirm_remove";

    } // buildConfirmRemoveContext

     * Build the context for the import mode.
    private String buildImportContext(SessionState state, Context context) {

        //render the template      
        return "_import";

    } // buildImportContext

     * Build the context for processing the files
    private String buildProcessImportContext(SessionState state, RunData data, Context context) {

        //process the attachments (there will be only one)
        UsersActionState sstate = (UsersActionState) getState(context, data, UsersActionState.class);

        try {
            Reference attachment = (Reference) sstate.getAttachments().get(0);
            processImportedUserFile(state, context, attachment);
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            //no attachment, carry on, will render correctly

        //render the template      
        return "_import";

    } // buildProcessImportContext

     * doNew called when "eventSubmit_doNew" is in the request parameters to add a new user
    public void doNew(RunData data, Context context) {
        SessionState state = ((JetspeedRunData) data).getPortletSessionState(((JetspeedRunData) data).getJs_peid());
        state.setAttribute("mode", "new");

        // mark the user as new, so on cancel it can be deleted
        state.setAttribute("new", "true");

        // disable auto-updates while not in list mode

    } // doNew

     * doImport called when "eventSubmit_doImport" is clicked. This actuall imports the users that were uploaded.
    public void doImport(RunData data, Context context) {
        SessionState state = ((JetspeedRunData) data).getPortletSessionState(((JetspeedRunData) data).getJs_peid());
        UsersActionState sstate = (UsersActionState) getState(context, data, UsersActionState.class);

        state.setAttribute("mode", "import");

        Log.debug("chef", "doImport");

        List<ImportedUser> users = (List<ImportedUser>) state.getAttribute("importedUsers");
        if (users != null && users.size() > 0) {
            //Check if the email is duplicated
            boolean allowEmailDuplicates = ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("",

            for (ImportedUser user : users) {
                try {

                    TempUser tempUser = new TempUser(user.getEid(), user.getEmail(), null, null, user.getEid(),
                            user.getPassword(), null);

                    if (!allowEmailDuplicates && UserDirectoryService.checkDuplicatedEmail(tempUser)) {
                        addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.theuseemail1") + ":" + tempUser.getEmail());

                        //Try to import the rest

                    User newUser = UserDirectoryService.addUser(null, user.getEid(), user.getFirstName(),
                            user.getLastName(), user.getEmail(), user.getPassword(), user.getType(),

                } catch (UserAlreadyDefinedException e) {
                    //ok, just skip
                } catch (UserIdInvalidException e) {
                    addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.theuseid2") + ": " + user.getEid());
                    Log.error("chef", "Import user error: " + e.getClass() + ":" + e.getMessage());
                    //try to import the rest
                } catch (UserPermissionException e) {
                    addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.youdonot3"));
                    Log.error("chef", "Import user error: " + e.getClass() + ":" + e.getMessage());
                    //this is bad so return

            //set a message to show it was successful
            state.setAttribute(STATE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE, rb.getString("import.success"));


            // make sure auto-updates are enabled

    } // doImport

     * doEdit called when "eventSubmit_doEdit" is in the request parameters to edit a user
    public void doEdit(RunData data, Context context) {
        SessionState state = ((JetspeedRunData) data).getPortletSessionState(((JetspeedRunData) data).getJs_peid());
        String id = data.getParameters().getString("id");

        // get the user
        try {
            UserEdit user = UserDirectoryService.editUser(id);
            state.setAttribute("user", user);
            state.setAttribute("mode", "edit");

            // disable auto-updates while not in list mode
        } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) {
            Log.warn("chef", "UsersAction.doEdit: user not found: " + id);

            Object[] params = new Object[] { id };
            addAlert(state, rb.getFormattedMessage("useact.use_notfou", params));

            // make sure auto-updates are enabled
        } catch (UserPermissionException e) {
            addAlert(state, rb.getFormattedMessage("useact.youdonot1", new Object[] { id }));

            // make sure auto-updates are enabled
        } catch (UserLockedException e) {
            addAlert(state, rb.getFormattedMessage("useact.somels", new Object[] { id }));

            // make sure auto-updates are enabled

    } // doEdit

     * doModify called when "eventSubmit_doModify" is in the request parameters to edit a user
    public void doModify(RunData data, Context context) {
        if (Log.getLogger("chef").isDebugEnabled()) {
            Log.debug("chef", this + ".doModify");

        SessionState state = ((JetspeedRunData) data).getPortletSessionState(((JetspeedRunData) data).getJs_peid());
        String id = data.getParameters().getString("id");

        // get the user
        try {
            UserEdit user = UserDirectoryService.editUser(id);
            state.setAttribute("user", user);
            state.setAttribute("mode", "edit");

            // disable auto-updates while not in list mode
        } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) {
            Log.warn("chef", "UsersAction.doEdit: user not found: " + id);

            Object[] params = new Object[] { id };
            addAlert(state, rb.getFormattedMessage("useact.use_notfou", params));

            // make sure auto-updates are enabled
        } catch (UserPermissionException e) {
            addAlert(state, rb.getFormattedMessage("useact.youdonot1", new Object[] { id }));

            // make sure auto-updates are enabled
        } catch (UserLockedException e) {
            addAlert(state, rb.getFormattedMessage("useact.somels", new Object[] { id }));

            // make sure auto-updates are enabled

    } // doModify

     * doSave called when "eventSubmit_doSave" is in the request parameters to save user edits
    public void doSave(RunData data, Context context) {
        SessionState state = ((JetspeedRunData) data).getPortletSessionState(((JetspeedRunData) data).getJs_peid());

        if (!"POST".equals(data.getRequest().getMethod())) {

        // read the form - if rejected, leave things as they are
        if (!readUserForm(data, state))

        // commit the change
        UserEdit edit = (UserEdit) state.getAttribute("user");
        if (edit != null) {

            //Check if the email is duplicated
            boolean allowEmailDuplicates = ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("",

            if (!allowEmailDuplicates && UserDirectoryService.checkDuplicatedEmail(edit)) {
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.theuseemail1"));

            try {
            } catch (UserAlreadyDefinedException e) {
                // TODO: this means the EID value is not unique... when we implement EID fully, we need to check this and send it back to the user
                Log.warn("chef", "UsersAction.doSave()" + e);
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.theuseid1"));

        User user = edit;
        if (user == null) {
            user = (User) state.getAttribute("newuser");

        // cleanup

        // return to main mode

        // make sure auto-updates are enabled

        if ((user != null) && ((Boolean) state.getAttribute("create-login")).booleanValue()) {
            if (isValidatedWithAccountValidator(state)) {
                // Don't log the user in, their account is not activated yet.
                // inform them that an email has been sent
                        rb.getFormattedMessage("email.validation.success", user.getEmail()));
            } else {
                try {
                    // login - use the fact that we just created the account as external evidence
                    Evidence e = new ExternalTrustedEvidence(user.getEid());
                    Authentication a = AuthenticationManager.authenticate(e);
                    if (!UsageSessionService.login(a,
                            (HttpServletRequest) ThreadLocalManager.get(RequestFilter.CURRENT_HTTP_REQUEST))) {
                        addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.tryloginagain"));
                } catch (AuthenticationException ex) {
                    Log.warn("chef", "UsersAction.doSave: authentication failure: " + ex);

                // redirect to home (on next build)
                state.setAttribute("redirect", "");

    } // doSave

     * doCancel called when "eventSubmit_doCancel" is in the request parameters to cancel user edits
    public void doCancel(RunData data, Context context) {
        SessionState state = ((JetspeedRunData) data).getPortletSessionState(((JetspeedRunData) data).getJs_peid());

        if (!"POST".equals(data.getRequest().getMethod())) {

        // get the user
        UserEdit user = (UserEdit) state.getAttribute("user");
        if (user != null) {
            // if this was a new, delete the user
            if ("true".equals(state.getAttribute("new"))) {
                // remove
                try {
                } catch (UserPermissionException e) {
                    addAlert(state, rb.getFormattedMessage("useact.youdonot2", new Object[] { user.getId() }));
            } else {

        // cleanup

        // return to main mode

        // make sure auto-updates are enabled

    } // doCancel

     * doCancelImport called when "eventSubmit_doCancelImport" is in the request parameters to cancel user imports
    public void doCancelImport(RunData data, Context context) {
        SessionState state = ((JetspeedRunData) data).getPortletSessionState(((JetspeedRunData) data).getJs_peid());

        if (!"POST".equals(data.getRequest().getMethod())) {

        //cleanup session

        //also cleanup our state handler (I think this should be combined into SessionState)
        UsersActionState sstate = (UsersActionState) getState(context, data, UsersActionState.class);
        sstate.setAttachments(new ArrayList());

        // return to main mode

        // make sure auto-updates are enabled

    } // doCancelImport

     * doRemove called when "eventSubmit_doRemove" is in the request par ameters to confirm removal of the user
    public void doRemove(RunData data, Context context) {
        SessionState state = ((JetspeedRunData) data).getPortletSessionState(((JetspeedRunData) data).getJs_peid());

        // set mode so we can skip some checks in readUserForm
        state.setAttribute("mode", "remove");

        // read the form - if rejected, leave things as they are
        if (!readUserForm(data, state))

        // go to remove confirm mode
        state.setAttribute("mode", "confirm");

    } // doRemove

     * doRemove_confirmed called when "eventSubmit_doRemove_confirmed" is in the request parameters to remove the user
    public void doRemove_confirmed(RunData data, Context context) {
        SessionState state = ((JetspeedRunData) data).getPortletSessionState(((JetspeedRunData) data).getJs_peid());

        if (!"POST".equals(data.getRequest().getMethod())) {

        // get the user
        UserEdit user = (UserEdit) state.getAttribute("user");

        // unenroll the user from all AuthzGroups (if enabled)
        String userId = user.getId();
        String userEid = user.getEid();
        if (isUnenrollBeforeDeleteEnabled()) {
            Map<String, String> userRoles = authzGroupService.getUserRoles(userId, null);
            for (String realm : userRoles.keySet()) {
                try {
                    AuthzGroup realmEdit = authzGroupService.getAuthzGroup(realm);
          "chef", "User " + userEid + " removed from realm " + realm);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.error("chef", "Could not remove user " + user.getEid() + " from realm " + realm);
                    addAlert(state, rb.getFormattedMessage("useact.couldnot", user.getEid(), realm));

        // remove the user
        try {

            // tracking information
  "chef", "User " + userEid + " has been deleted by "
                    + UserDirectoryService.getCurrentUser().getEid() + ". The internal ID was " + userId);
        } catch (UserPermissionException e) {
            addAlert(state, rb.getFormattedMessage("useact.youdonot2", new Object[] { user.getId() }));

        // cleanup

        // go to main mode

        // make sure auto-updates are enabled

    } // doRemove_confirmed

     * doCancel_remove called when "eventSubmit_doCancel_remove" is in the request parameters to cancel user removal
    public void doCancel_remove(RunData data, Context context) {
        SessionState state = ((JetspeedRunData) data).getPortletSessionState(((JetspeedRunData) data).getJs_peid());

        if (!"POST".equals(data.getRequest().getMethod())) {

        // return to edit mode
        state.setAttribute("mode", "edit");

    } // doCancel_remove

     * Check to see if password meets requirements set in password policy.
     * If current user is admin, ignores password policy.
     * @author plukasew, bjones86 - SAK-23568
     * @param pw the password
     * @param user the user
     * @param state the session state
     * @return true if password is valid or if current user is admin
    private boolean validatePassword(String pw, User user, SessionState state) {
        if (pw != null && !SecurityService.isSuperUser()
                && pwHelper.validatePassword(pw, user) == PasswordRating.FAILED) {
            addAlert(state, rb.getString(MSG_KEY_PASSWORD_WEAK) + " " + rb.getString(MSG_KEY_PW_STRENGTH_INFO));
            return false;
        return true;

     * Read the user form and update the user in state.
     * @return true if the form is accepted, false if there's a validation error (an alertMessage will be set)
    private boolean readUserForm(RunData data, SessionState state) {
        // boolean parameters and values
        // --------------Mode----singleUser-createUser-typeEnable
        // Admin New-----new-----false------false------true
        // Admin Update--edit----false------false------true
        // Admin Delete--remove--false------false------false
        // Gateway New---null----false------true-------false
        // Account Edit--edit----true-------false------false

        // read the form
        String id = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("id"));
        String eid = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("eid"));
        state.setAttribute("valueEid", eid);
        String firstName = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("first-name"));
        state.setAttribute("valueFirstName", firstName);
        String lastName = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("last-name"));
        state.setAttribute("valueLastName", lastName);
        String email = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("email"));
        state.setAttribute("valueEmail", email);
        String pw = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("pw"));
        String pwConfirm = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("pw0"));

        String pwcur = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("pwcur"));

        Integer disabled = Integer
                .valueOf(StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("disabled")) != null ? "1" : "0");

        String mode = (String) state.getAttribute("mode");
        boolean singleUser = ((Boolean) state.getAttribute("single-user")).booleanValue();
        boolean createUser = ((Boolean) state.getAttribute("create-user")).booleanValue();

        // SAK-29182 - enforce invalid domains when creating a user through Gateway -> New Account
        boolean isEidEditable = isEidEditable(state);
        if (createUser && !isEidEditable) {
            for (String domain : getInvalidEmailDomains()) {
                if (email.toLowerCase().endsWith(domain.toLowerCase())) {
                    String defaultMsg = rb.getFormattedMessage("email.invalid.domain", new Object[] { domain });
                    String customMsg = ServerConfigurationService
                            .getString(SAK_PROP_INVALID_EMAIL_DOMAINS_CUSTOM_MESSAGE, "");
                    if (!customMsg.isEmpty()) {
                        String institution = ServerConfigurationService.getString("ui.institution", "");
                        customMsg = new MessageFormat(customMsg, rb.getLocale())
                                .format(new Object[] { institution, domain }, new StringBuffer(), null).toString();

                    addAlert(state, customMsg.isEmpty() ? defaultMsg : customMsg);
                    return false;

        boolean typeEnable = false;
        String type = null;
        if ((mode != null) && (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("new"))) {
            typeEnable = true;
        } else if ((mode != null) && (mode.equalsIgnoreCase("edit")) && (!singleUser)) {
            typeEnable = true;

        if (typeEnable) {
            // for the case of Admin User tool creating new user
            type = StringUtils.trimToNull(data.getParameters().getString("type"));
            state.setAttribute("valueType", type);
        } else {
            if (createUser) {
                // for the case of Gateway Account tool creating new user
                type = (String) state.getAttribute("create-type");

        if ((Boolean) state.getAttribute("user.recaptcha-enabled")) {
            String challengeField = data.getParameters().getString("recaptcha_challenge_field");
            String responseField = data.getParameters().getString("recaptcha_response_field");
            if (challengeField == null)
                challengeField = "";
            if (responseField == null)
                responseField = "";
            ReCaptcha captcha = ReCaptchaFactory.newReCaptcha(
                    (String) state.getAttribute("user.recaptcha-public-key"),
                    (String) state.getAttribute("user.recaptcha-private-key"), false);
            ReCaptchaResponse response = captcha.checkAnswer(data.getRequest().getRemoteAddr(), challengeField,
            if (!response.isValid()) {
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.capterr"));
                state.setAttribute("recaptcha-error", response.getErrorMessage());
                return false;

        //Ensure valid email address. Empty emails are invalid iff email validation is required. For non-empty email Strings, use EmailValidator.
        boolean validateWithAccountValidator = isValidatedWithAccountValidator(state);
        boolean emailInvalid = StringUtils.isEmpty(email) ? validateWithAccountValidator
                : !EmailValidator.getInstance().isValid(email);
        if (emailInvalid) {
            addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.invemail"));
            return false;

        // get the user
        UserEdit user = (UserEdit) state.getAttribute("user");

        //process any additional attributes
        //we continue processing these until we get an empty attribute KEY
        //counter starts at 1

        //data is of the form:
        //   optionalAttr_1:att1
        //   optionalAttrValue_1:value1
        //   optionalAttr_2:att2
        //   optionalAttrValue_2:value2

        int count = 1;
        boolean continueProcessingOptionalAttributes = true;

        ResourcePropertiesEdit properties;
        if (user == null) {
            properties = new BaseResourcePropertiesEdit();
        } else {
            properties = user.getPropertiesEdit();

        //remove all properties that are in the confugred list
        //then add back in only the ones that were sent
        //this allows us to remove items via javascript and they get persisted to the db on form save
        Map<String, String> configuredProperties = getOptionalAttributes();
        for (String cp : configuredProperties.keySet()) {

        while (continueProcessingOptionalAttributes) {

            //this stores the key
            String optionalAttributeKey = data.getParameters().getString("optionalAttr_" + count);

            if (StringUtils.isBlank(optionalAttributeKey)) {
                continueProcessingOptionalAttributes = false;

            String optionalAttributeValue = data.getParameters().getString("optionalAttrValue_" + count);

            //only single values properties
            //any null ones will wipe out existing ones
            //and any duplicate ones will override previous ones (currently)
            properties.addProperty(optionalAttributeKey, optionalAttributeValue);

            //System.out.println("optionalAttributeKey: " + optionalAttributeKey + ", optionalAttributeValue: " + optionalAttributeValue);


        // add if needed
        if (user == null) {
            // make sure we have eid
            if (isEidEditable) {
                if (eid == null) {
                    addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.eidmis"));
                    return false;

            else {
                // eid is not editable, so we're using the email as the eid
                if (email == null) {
                    addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.invemail"));
                    return false;
                eid = email;

            // if we validate through email, passwords will be handled in AccountValidator
            TempUser tempUser = new TempUser(eid, null, null, null, eid, pw, null);
            if (!validateWithAccountValidator) {
                // if in create mode, make sure we have a password
                if (createUser) {
                    if (pw == null) {
                        addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.pasismis"));
                        return false;

                // make sure we have matching password fields
                if (StringUtil.different(pw, pwConfirm)) {
                    addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.pass"));
                    return false;

                // SAK-23568 - make sure password meets policy requirements
                if (!validatePassword(pw, tempUser, state)) {
                    return false;

            //Check if the email is duplicated
            boolean allowEmailDuplicates = ServerConfigurationService.getBoolean("",

            if (!allowEmailDuplicates && UserDirectoryService.checkDuplicatedEmail(tempUser)) {
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.theuseemail1"));
                return false;

            try {
                // add the user in one step so that all you need is add not update permission
                // (the added might be "anon", and anon has add but not update permission)

                //SAK-18209 only an admin user should be able to specify a ID
                if (!SecurityService.isSuperUser()) {
                    id = null;
                User newUser;
                if (validateWithAccountValidator) {
                    // the eid is their email address. The password is random
                    newUser = UserDirectoryService.addUser(id, eid, firstName, lastName, email,
                            PasswordCheck.generatePassword(), type, properties);
                    // Invoke AccountValidator to send an email to the user containing a link to a form on which they can set their name and password
                    ValidationLogic validationLogic = (ValidationLogic) ComponentManager.get(ValidationLogic.class);
                } else {
                    newUser = UserDirectoryService.addUser(id, eid, firstName, lastName, email, pw, type,

                    if (SecurityService.isSuperUser()) {
                        if (disabled == 1) {
                            try {
                                UserEdit editUser = UserDirectoryService.editUser(newUser.getId());
                                editUser.getProperties().addProperty("disabled", "true");
                                newUser = editUser;
                            } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) {
                                addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.disableFailed"));
                                return false;
                            } catch (UserLockedException e) {
                                addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.disableFailed"));
                                return false;

                // put the user in the state
                state.setAttribute("newuser", newUser);
            } catch (UserAlreadyDefinedException e) {
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.theuseid1"));
                return false;
            } catch (UserIdInvalidException e) {
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.theuseid2"));
                return false;
            } catch (UserPermissionException e) {
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.youdonot3"));
                return false;

        // update
        else {
            if (!user.isActiveEdit()) {
                try {
                    // add the user in one step so that all you need is add not update permission
                    // (the added might be "anon", and anon has add but not update permission)
                    user = UserDirectoryService.editUser(user.getId());

                    // put the user in the state
                    state.setAttribute("user", user);
                } catch (UserLockedException e) {
                    addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.somels"));
                    return false;
                } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) {
                    Object[] params = new Object[] { id };
                    addAlert(state, rb.getFormattedMessage("useact.use_notfou", params));

                    return false;
                } catch (UserPermissionException e) {
                    addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.youdonot3"));
                    return false;

            // Still needs super user to change super user password
            // If the current user isn't a super user but is trying to change the password or email of a super user print an error
            if (!SecurityService.isSuperUser() && SecurityService.isSuperUser(user.getId())) {
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("useact.youdonot4"));
                return false;

            // eid, pw, type might not be editable
            if (eid != null)
            if (type != null)

            //add in the updated props

            if (SecurityService.isSuperUser()) {
                if (disabled == 1) {
                    user.getProperties().addProperty("disabled", "true");
                } else {

            //validate the password only for local users
            if (!isProvidedType(user.getType())) {

                // make sure the old password matches, but don't check for super users
                if (!SecurityService.isSuperUser()) {
                    if (!user.checkPassword(pwcur)) {
                        addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.curpass"));
                        return false;

                if (mode == null || !mode.equalsIgnoreCase("remove")) {
                    // make sure we have matching password fields
                    if (StringUtil.different(pw, pwConfirm)) {
                        addAlert(state, rb.getString("usecre.pass"));
                        return false;

                    // SAK-23568 - make sure password meets policy requirements
                    if (!validatePassword(pw, user, state)) {
                        return false;

                    if (pw != null)

        return true;

     * Get the Map of optional attributes from
     * First list defines the attribute , second the display value. If no display value the attribute name is used.
     * Format is:
     * user.additional.attribute.count=3
     * user.additional.attribute.1=att1
     * user.additional.attribute.2=att2
     * user.additional.attribute.3=att3
     * user.additional.attribute.display.att1=Attribute 1
     * user.additional.attribute.display.att2=Attribute 2
     * user.additional.attribute.display.att3=Attribute 3
     * @return
    private Map<String, String> getOptionalAttributes() {

        Map<String, String> atts = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

        String configs[] = ServerConfigurationService.getStrings("user.additional.attribute");
        if (configs != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) {
                String key = configs[i];
                if (!key.isEmpty()) {
                    String value = ServerConfigurationService.getString("user.additional.attribute.display." + key,
                    atts.put(key, value);

        return atts;


     * Gets the current attributes (properties) for a user. Converts the ResourceProperties into a Map
     * @param user
     * @return
    private Map<String, String> getCurrentAttributes(UserEdit user) {

        Map<String, String> atts = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

        ResourceProperties rprops = user.getProperties();

        // no props
        if (rprops == null) {
            return atts;

        Iterator<String> props = user.getProperties().getPropertyNames();

        while (props.hasNext()) {
            String prop =;
            atts.put(prop, rprops.getProperty(prop));

        return atts;

    public void doAttachments(RunData rundata, Context context) {

        // use special form of the helper for the admin workspace
        ToolSession session = SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession();
        session.setAttribute(FilePickerHelper.FILE_PICKER_ATTACH_LINKS, new Boolean(true).toString());

        // use the helper
        startHelper(rundata.getRequest(), "sakai.filepicker");

        // setup the parameters for the helper
        SessionState state = ((JetspeedRunData) rundata)
                .getPortletSessionState(((JetspeedRunData) rundata).getJs_peid());
        UsersActionState sstate = (UsersActionState) getState(context, rundata, UsersActionState.class);

        state.setAttribute(FilePickerHelper.FILE_PICKER_ATTACHMENTS, sstate.getAttachments());
        state.setAttribute(FilePickerHelper.FILE_PICKER_MAX_ATTACHMENTS, FilePickerHelper.CARDINALITY_SINGLE);

        //set return status

    // ********
    // ******** functions copied from VelocityPortletStateAction ********
    // ********
     * Get the proper state for this instance (if portlet is not known, only context).
     * @param context
     *        The Template Context (it contains a reference to the portlet).
     * @param rundata
     *        The Jetspeed (Turbine) rundata associated with the request.
     * @param stateClass
     *        The Class of the ControllerState to find / create.
     * @return The proper state object for this instance.
    protected ControllerState getState(Context context, RunData rundata, Class stateClass) {
        return getState(((JetspeedRunData) rundata).getJs_peid(), rundata, stateClass);

    } // getState

     * Get the proper state for this instance (if portlet is known).
     * @param portlet
     *        The portlet being rendered.
     * @param rundata
     *        The Jetspeed (Turbine) rundata associated with the request.
     * @param stateClass
     *        The Class of the ControllerState to find / create.
     * @return The proper state object for this instance.
    protected ControllerState getState(VelocityPortlet portlet, RunData rundata, Class stateClass) {
        if (portlet == null) {
            Log.warn("chef", ".getState(): portlet null");
            return null;

        return getState(portlet.getID(), rundata, stateClass);

    } // getState

     * Get the proper state for this instance (if portlet id is known).
     * @param peid
     *        The portlet id.
     * @param rundata
     *        The Jetspeed (Turbine) rundata associated with the request.
     * @param stateClass
     *        The Class of the ControllerState to find / create.
     * @return The proper state object for this instance.
    protected ControllerState getState(String peid, RunData rundata, Class stateClass) {
        if (peid == null) {
            Log.warn("chef", ".getState(): peid null");
            return null;

        try {
            // get the PortletSessionState
            SessionState ss = ((JetspeedRunData) rundata).getPortletSessionState(peid);

            // get the state object
            ControllerState state = (ControllerState) ss.getAttribute("state");

            if (state != null)
                return state;

            // if there's no "state" object in there, make one
            state = (ControllerState) stateClass.newInstance();

            // remember it!
            ss.setAttribute("state", state);

            return state;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.warn("chef", "getState: " + e.getClass() + ":" + e.getMessage());

        return null;

    } // getState

     * Release the proper state for this instance (if portlet is not known, only context).
     * @param context
     *        The Template Context (it contains a reference to the portlet).
     * @param rundata
     *        The Jetspeed (Turbine) rundata associated with the request.
    protected void releaseState(Context context, RunData rundata) {
        releaseState(((JetspeedRunData) rundata).getJs_peid(), rundata);

    } // releaseState

     * Release the proper state for this instance (if portlet is known).
     * @param portlet
     *        The portlet being rendered.
     * @param rundata
     *        The Jetspeed (Turbine) rundata associated with the request.
    protected void releaseState(VelocityPortlet portlet, RunData rundata) {
        releaseState(portlet.getID(), rundata);

    } // releaseState

     * Release the proper state for this instance (if portlet id is known).
     * @param peid
     *        The portlet id being rendered.
     * @param rundata
     *        The Jetspeed (Turbine) rundata associated with the request.
    protected void releaseState(String peid, RunData rundata) {
        try {
            // get the PortletSessionState
            SessionState ss = ((JetspeedRunData) rundata).getPortletSessionState(peid);

            // get the state object
            ControllerState state = (ControllerState) ss.getAttribute("state");

            // recycle the state object

            // clear out the SessionState for this Portlet


        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.warn("chef", "releaseState: " + e.getClass() + ":" + e.getMessage());

    } // releaseState

    // ******* end of copy from VelocityPortletStateAction

    private void processImportedUserFile(SessionState state, Context context, Reference file) {

        try {
            ContentResource resource = ContentHostingService.getResource(file.getId());
            String contentType = resource.getContentType();

            //check mime type
            if (!StringUtils.equals(contentType, CSV_MIME_TYPE)) {
                addAlert(state, rb.getString("import.error"));
            //SAK-21405 SAK-21884 original parse method, auto maps column headers to bean properties
            HeaderColumnNameTranslateMappingStrategy<ImportedUser> strat = new HeaderColumnNameTranslateMappingStrategy<ImportedUser>();
            //map the column headers to the field names in the ImportedUser class
            Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
            map.put("user id", "eid");
            map.put("first name", "firstName");
            map.put("last name", "lastName");
            map.put("email", "email");
            map.put("password", "password");
            map.put("type", "type");
            map.put("properties", "rawProps"); //specially formatted string, see ImportedUser class.
            CsvToBean<ImportedUser> csv = new CsvToBean<ImportedUser>();
            List<ImportedUser> list = new ArrayList<ImportedUser>();
            list = csv.parse(strat, new CSVReader(new InputStreamReader(resource.streamContent())));

            //SAK-21884 manual parse method so we can support arbitrary columns
            CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(new InputStreamReader(resource.streamContent()));
            String[] nextLine;
            int lineCount = 0;
            List<ImportedUser> list = new ArrayList<ImportedUser>();
            Map<Integer, String> mapping = null;

            while ((nextLine = reader.readNext()) != null) {

                if (lineCount == 0) {
                    //header row, capture it
                    mapping = mapHeaderRow(nextLine);
                } else {
                    //map the fields into the object
                    list.add(mapLine(nextLine, mapping));


            state.setAttribute("importedUsers", list);
            context.put("importedUsers", list);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.error("chef", "Error reading imported file: " + e.getClass() + " : " + e.getMessage());
            addAlert(state, rb.getString("import.error"));



     * Takes the header row from the CSV to determines the position of the columns so that we can 
     * correctly parse any arbitrary CSV file. This is required because when we iterate over the rest of the lines, 
     * we need to know what the column header is, so we can set the approriate ImportedUser property
     * or add into the ResourceProperties list, which ever is required.
     * @param line   the already split line
     * @return
    private Map<Integer, String> mapHeaderRow(String[] line) {

        Map<Integer, String> mapping = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>();

        for (int i = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
            mapping.put(i, line[i]);

        return mapping;


     * Takes a row of data and maps it into the appropriate ImportedUser properties
     * We have a fixed list of properties, anything else goes into ResourceProperties
     * @param line
     * @param mapping
     * @return
    private ImportedUser mapLine(String[] line, Map<Integer, String> mapping) {

        ImportedUser u = new ImportedUser();
        ResourceProperties p = new BaseResourcePropertiesEdit();

        for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : mapping.entrySet()) {
            int i = entry.getKey();
            String col = entry.getValue();

            //now check each of the main properties in turn to determine which one to set, otherwise set into props
            if (StringUtils.equals(col, IMPORT_USER_ID)) {
            } else if (StringUtils.equals(col, IMPORT_FIRST_NAME)) {
            } else if (StringUtils.equals(col, IMPORT_LAST_NAME)) {
            } else if (StringUtils.equals(col, IMPORT_EMAIL)) {
            } else if (StringUtils.equals(col, IMPORT_PASSWORD)) {
            } else if (StringUtils.equals(col, IMPORT_TYPE)) {
            } else {
                //only add if not blank
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(line[i])) {
                    p.addProperty(col, line[i]);


        return u;

     * Check to see if the type is in the list of known provided types
     * @param userType User's type
     * @return
    private boolean isProvidedType(String userType) {
        boolean provided = false;
        String[] providedTypes = ServerConfigurationService.getStrings("user.type.provided");
        if (providedTypes != null && providedTypes.length > 0) {
            List<String> typeList = Arrays.asList(providedTypes);
            if (typeList.contains(userType))
                provided = true;
        return provided;

     * Determines whether Account Validator is to be used to ensure that users don't enter bogus email addresses.
     * This is only required in the gateway's New Account tool if you're not admin.
     * If this is true, the user account will be inactive (ie. it will be assigned a random unguessable password).
     * Then, Account Validator will send an email to the user containing a link to a form where they can activate their account by setting their password.
     * @return true if the state says that this is the gateway's New Account tool, and you're not a super user, and validate-through-email is set in the tool properties
    private boolean isValidatedWithAccountValidator(SessionState state) {
        boolean isGatewayTool = (boolean) state.getAttribute("create-user");
        if (isGatewayTool && !SecurityService.isSuperUser()) {
            return (boolean) state.getAttribute(CONFIG_VALIDATE_THROUGH_EMAIL);
        return false;

    private boolean isEidEditable(SessionState state) {
        if (SecurityService.isSuperUser()) {
            return true;

        boolean isGatewayTool = (boolean) state.getAttribute("create-user");
        if (!isGatewayTool) {
            return true;

        return !(Boolean) state.getAttribute(CONFIG_FORCE_EID_EQUALS_EMAIL);

      * Determine user types by looking at realms that start with "!user.template."
      * Doesn't include sample type
      * @return list of user types in the system
    protected List getUserTypes() {
        List userTypes = new ArrayList();
        List groups = authzGroupService.getAuthzGroups(USER_TEMPLATE_PREFIX, null);
        for (Iterator i = groups.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            AuthzGroup group = (AuthzGroup);
            String type = group.getId().replaceFirst(USER_TEMPLATE_PREFIX, "");
            if (!type.equals("sample")) {
        return userTypes;