List of usage examples for java.text DecimalFormatSymbols DecimalFormatSymbols
public DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale locale)
From source
public DecimalFormatSymbols getDecimalSymbols() { if (decimalSymbols == null) { decimalSymbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(numberLocale.getLocale()); }/*from w w w.j a v a2 s. c o m*/ return decimalSymbols; }
From source
/** @param pattern either a string (see {@link DecimalFormat}) or null for a default formatter. */ public DecimalFormat getDecimalFormat(final String pattern) { DecimalFormat format = numberFormatCache.get(pattern); if (format == null) { format = (DecimalFormat) ((pattern == null) ? getDefaultNumberFormat() : new DecimalFormat(pattern, new DecimalFormatSymbols(FormatUtils.getFormatLocaleFromResources()))); numberFormatCache.put(pattern, format); }//from ww w .ja va2s .co m return format; }
From source
public get_geocaches_ret get_geocaches_v2(Coordinate[] location, int count_p, int max_p, int rec_depth, Handler h, int zoom_level) { this.main_aagtl.set_bar_slow(h, "get geocaches", "downloading ...", count_p, max_p, true); if (zoom_level > 16) { zoom_level = 16;//from ww w . j a v a 2 s. com } else if (zoom_level < 6) { zoom_level = 6; } get_geocaches_ret rr2 = new get_geocaches_ret(); Coordinate c1 = location[0]; Coordinate c2 = location[1]; String zoomlevel_ = "" + zoom_level; // use "." as comma seperator!! DecimalFormatSymbols otherSymbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US); otherSymbols.setDecimalSeparator('.'); otherSymbols.setGroupingSeparator(','); DecimalFormat format_lat_lon = new DecimalFormat("#.#####", otherSymbols); // use "." as comma seperator!! //,16.36997 // GET,16.36997 HTTP/1.1 String lat_str = format_lat_lon.format(( + / 2); String lon_str = format_lat_lon.format((c1.lon + c2.lon) / 2); //String url = "" + lat_str + "," + lon_str + "&z=" + zoomlevel_; String url = "" + lat_str + "," + lon_str; System.out.println("url=" + url); List<NameValuePair> values_list = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); //*values_list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0)")); //*values_list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("Pragma", "no-cache")); // values_list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("Referer","")); //ByteArrayOutputStream bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); String the_page = get_reader_stream(url, values_list, null, true); //String the_page = getUrlData(url); //System.out.println(the_page); // get values -------------------------- // get values -------------------------- // Groundspeak.Map.UserSession('xxxx', Pattern p = Pattern.compile("Groundspeak\\.Map\\.UserSession.'([^']*)'"); Matcher m = p.matcher(the_page); Boolean has_found = true; String kk_ = ""; try { has_found = m.find(); kk_ =; } catch (Exception e3) { e3.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("kk=" + kk_); // sessionToken:' p = Pattern.compile("sessionToken:'([^']*)'"); m = p.matcher(the_page); has_found = m.find(); String sess_token_ =; System.out.println("sess_token=" + sess_token_); // get values -------------------------- // get values -------------------------- java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); System.out.println("ts=" + date.getTime()); String timestamp_ = "" + date.getTime(); // ..seconds.. // lat, lon -> tile Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(( + / 2, (c1.lon + c2.lon) / 2); double[] tile = main_aagtl.rose.deg2num_give_zoom(coord, zoom_level); String xtile_num = "" + ((int) tile[0]); String ytile_num = "" + ((int) tile[1]); // lat, lon -> tile // X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest //Referer:,16.36997 values_list = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); //values_list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0)")); //values_list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("Pragma", "no-cache")); //values_list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")); //values_list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("Referer", "" + lat_str + "," + lon_str)); String url2 = "" + xtile_num + "&y=" + ytile_num + "&z=" + zoomlevel_ + "&k=" + kk_ + "&st=" + sess_token_ + "&ep=1&_=" + timestamp_; System.out.println("url2=" + url2); the_page = get_reader_stream(url2, values_list, null, true); // the_page = getUrlData(url2); try { System.out.println(the_page); } catch (Exception e3) { } // we need to add one, in any case! count_p = count_p + 1; get_geocaches_ret r = new get_geocaches_ret(); r.count_p = count_p; r.points = null; return r; }
From source
/** Print ground track grid point * @param out output stream// w w w . j av a 2s .c o m * @param latitude point latitude * @param ascending indicator for latitude crossing direction * @param orbit phased orbit * @param propagator propagator for orbit * @param nbOrbits number of orbits in the cycle * @exception OrekitException if orbit cannot be propagated */ private void printGridPoints(final PrintStream out, final double latitude, final boolean ascending, final Orbit orbit, final Propagator propagator, int nbOrbits) throws OrekitException { propagator.resetInitialState(new SpacecraftState(orbit)); AbsoluteDate start = orbit.getDate(); // find the first latitude crossing double period = orbit.getKeplerianPeriod(); double stepSize = period / 100; SpacecraftState crossing = findFirstCrossing(latitude, ascending, start, start.shiftedBy(2 * period), stepSize, propagator); // find all other latitude crossings from regular schedule DecimalFormat fTime = new DecimalFormat("0000000.000", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)); DecimalFormat fAngle = new DecimalFormat("000.00000", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)); while (nbOrbits-- > 0) { GeodeticPoint gp = earth.transform(crossing.getPVCoordinates().getPosition(), crossing.getFrame(), crossing.getDate()); out.println(fTime.format(crossing.getDate().durationFrom(start)) + " " + fAngle.format(FastMath.toDegrees(gp.getLatitude())) + " " + fAngle.format(FastMath.toDegrees(gp.getLongitude())) + " " + ascending); final AbsoluteDate previousDate = crossing.getDate(); crossing = findLatitudeCrossing(latitude, previousDate.shiftedBy(period), previousDate.shiftedBy(2 * period), stepSize, period / 8, propagator); period = crossing.getDate().durationFrom(previousDate); } }
From source
/** * Get cell value as a Number. Parses the cell value string * using the locale set in this.locale./* w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param cell * @return value as Number (can be null) */ private Number getNumberValue(Cell cell) { //**** HACK AR 2004.01.10 //String value = cell.getFormattedValue(); Object value = cell.getValue(); DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(locale); DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat(); formatter.setDecimalFormatSymbols(dfs); Number number = null; try { number = (Number) value; //number = formatter.parse(value, new ParsePosition(0)); } catch (Exception e) { number = null; } return number; }
From source
/** * Print the matrix to the output stream. Line the elements up in columns * with a Fortran-like 'Fw.d' style format. * /*from w ww.j a v a2 s. c om*/ * @param output * Output stream. * @param w * Column width. * @param d * Number of digits after the decimal. */ public void print(PrintWriter output, int w, int d) { DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat(); format.setDecimalFormatSymbols(new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)); format.setMinimumIntegerDigits(1); format.setMaximumFractionDigits(d); format.setMinimumFractionDigits(d); format.setGroupingUsed(false); print(output, format, w + 2); }
From source
/** * Format the number with specified template, pattern, language and locale * @param number/*from ww w .j a va2s . c om*/ * @param pattern * @param locale * @return the formatted String * @see DecimalFormatSymbols */ public static String format(ITemplate template, Number number, String pattern, Locale locale) { if (null == number) number = 0; if (null == locale) { locale = I18N.locale(template); } NumberFormat nf; if (null == pattern) nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale); else { DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(locale); nf = new DecimalFormat(pattern, symbols); } return nf.format(number); }
From source
@Override @GET/*from w w w . ja v a 2s .co m*/ @GZIP @Path("stathistory") @Produces("application/json") public String getStatHistory(@HeaderParam("sessionid") String sessionId, @QueryParam("range") String range) throws InstanceNotFoundException, IntrospectionException, ReflectionException, IOException, MalformedObjectNameException, NullPointerException, InterruptedException, NotConnectedException { RMProxyUserInterface rm = checkAccess(sessionId); // if range String is too large, shorten it // to make it recognizable by StatHistoryCaching if (range.length() > dataSources.length) { range = range.substring(0, dataSources.length); } // complete range if too short while (range.length() < dataSources.length) { range += 'a'; } StatHistoryCacheEntry cache = StatHistoryCaching.getInstance().getEntry(range); // found unexpired cache entry matching the parameters: return it immediately if (cache != null) { return cache.getValue(); } long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); ObjectName on = new ObjectName(RMJMXBeans.RUNTIMEDATA_MBEAN_NAME); AttributeList attrs = rm.getMBeanAttributes(on, new String[] { "StatisticHistory" }); Attribute attr = (Attribute) attrs.get(0); // content of the RRD4J database backing file byte[] rrd4j = (byte[]) attr.getValue(); File rrd4jDb = File.createTempFile("database", "rr4dj"); rrd4jDb.deleteOnExit(); try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(rrd4jDb)) { out.write(rrd4j); } // create RRD4J DB, should be identical to the one held by the RM RrdDb db = new RrdDb(rrd4jDb.getAbsolutePath(), true); long timeEnd = db.getLastUpdateTime(); // force float separator for JSON parsing DecimalFormatSymbols otherSymbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US); otherSymbols.setDecimalSeparator('.'); // formatting will greatly reduce response size DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("###.###", otherSymbols); // construct the JSON response directly in a String StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("{"); for (int i = 0; i < dataSources.length; i++) { String dataSource = dataSources[i]; char zone = range.charAt(i); long timeStart; switch (zone) { default: case 'a': // 1 minute timeStart = timeEnd - 60; break; case 'm': // 10 minute timeStart = timeEnd - 60 * 10; break; case 'h': // 1 hours timeStart = timeEnd - 60 * 60; break; case 'H': // 8 hours timeStart = timeEnd - 60 * 60 * 8; break; case 'd': // 1 day timeStart = timeEnd - 60 * 60 * 24; break; case 'w': // 1 week timeStart = timeEnd - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; break; case 'M': // 1 month timeStart = timeEnd - 60 * 60 * 24 * 28; break; case 'y': // 1 year timeStart = timeEnd - 60 * 60 * 24 * 365; break; } FetchRequest req = db.createFetchRequest(ConsolFun.AVERAGE, timeStart, timeEnd); req.setFilter(dataSource); FetchData fetchData = req.fetchData(); result.append("\"").append(dataSource).append("\":["); double[] values = fetchData.getValues(dataSource); for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { if (, values[j]) == 0) { result.append("null"); } else { result.append(formatter.format(values[j])); } if (j < values.length - 1) result.append(','); } result.append(']'); if (i < dataSources.length - 1) result.append(','); } result.append("}"); db.close(); rrd4jDb.delete(); String ret = result.toString(); StatHistoryCaching.getInstance().addEntry(range, l1, ret); return ret; }
From source
private void writeBuffer(String outdir, int permutation) throws IOException { // sort the finalbuffer for a last time if (locationToStoreResult != 0) { Arrays.parallelSort(finalEQTLs, 0, locationToStoreResult); }// w w w .ja va 2 s. co m String outfilename = outdir + "eQTLs.txt.gz"; FileFormat outformat = FileFormat.LARGE; if (permutation > 0) { outfilename = outdir + "PermutedEQTLsPermutationRound" + permutation + ".txt.gz"; if (!fullpermutationoutput) { outformat = FileFormat.REDUCED; } } String tab = "\t"; String newline = "\n"; TextFile output = new TextFile(outfilename, TextFile.W, 10 * 1048576); String header = "PValue\t" + "SNPName\t" + "SNPChr\t" + "SNPChrPos\t" + "ProbeName\t" + "ProbeChr\t" + "ProbeCenterChrPos\t" + "CisTrans\t" + "SNPType\t" + "AlleleAssessed\t" + "OverallZScore\t" + "DatasetsWhereSNPProbePairIsAvailableAndPassesQC\t" + "DatasetsZScores\t" + "DatasetsNrSamples\t" + "IncludedDatasetsMeanProbeExpression\t" + "IncludedDatasetsProbeExpressionVariance\t" + "HGNCName\t" + "IncludedDatasetsCorrelationCoefficient\t" + "Meta-Beta (SE)\t" + "Beta (SE)\t" + "FoldChange"; if (outformat.equals(FileFormat.REDUCED)) { header = "PValue\tSNP\tProbe\tGene\tAlleles\tAlleleAssessed\tZScore"; } output.writeln(header); // PValue SNPName SNPChr SNPChrPos ProbeName ProbeChr ProbeCenterChrPos CisTrans SNPType AlleleAssessed OverallZScore DatasetsWhereSNPProbePairIsAvailableAndPassesQC DatasetsZScores DatasetsNrSamples IncludedDatasetsMeanProbeExpression IncludedDatasetsProbeExpressionVariance HGNCName IncludedDatasetsCorrelationCoefficient Meta-Beta (SE) Beta (SE) FoldChange FDR DecimalFormat dformat = new DecimalFormat("###.####", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)); DecimalFormat pformat = new DecimalFormat("###.########", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)); DecimalFormat smallpFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.####E0", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US)); int ctr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < settings.getFinalEQTLBufferMaxLength(); i++) { if (finalEQTLs[i] != null) { ctr++; } } int totalctr = 0; for (int i = 0; i < finalEQTLs.length; i++) { if (finalEQTLs[i] != null) { totalctr++; } } System.out.println("There are " + ctr + " results in the buffer to write. " + totalctr + " QTLs are in memory at the moment."); ProgressBar pb = new ProgressBar(ctr, "Writing: " + outfilename); String cistr = "Cis"; String transtr = "Trans"; String greyz = "Greyzone"; for (int i = 0; i < settings.getFinalEQTLBufferMaxLength(); i++) { QTL q = finalEQTLs[i]; if (q != null) { // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(4096); if (outformat.equals(FileFormat.LARGE)) { if (q.getPvalue() < 1E-4) { output.append(smallpFormat.format(q.getPvalue())); } else { output.append(pformat.format(q.getPvalue())); } output.append(tab); int snpId = q.getSNPId(); output.append(snpList[snpId]); output.append(tab); output.append(snpChr[snpId]); output.append(tab); output.append("" + snpPositions[snpId]); output.append(tab); MetaQTL4MetaTrait t = q.getMetaTrait(); output.append(t.getMetaTraitName()); output.append(tab); output.append(t.getChr()); output.append(tab); output.append("" + t.getChrMidpoint()); output.append(tab); int dist = Math.abs(t.getChrMidpoint() - snpPositions[snpId]); boolean sameChr = t.getChr().equals(snpChr[snpId]); if (sameChr && dist < settings.getCisdistance()) { output.append(cistr); } else if (sameChr && dist < settings.getTransdistance()) { output.append(greyz); } else { output.append(transtr); } output.append(tab); output.append(q.getAlleles()); output.append(tab); output.append(q.getAlleleAssessed()); output.append(tab); output.append(dformat.format(q.getZscore())); float[] datasetZScores = q.getDatasetZScores(); String[] dsBuilder = new String[datasets.length]; String[] dsNBuilder = new String[datasets.length]; String[] dsZBuilder = new String[datasets.length]; for (int d = 0; d < datasetZScores.length; d++) { if (!Float.isNaN(datasetZScores[d])) { String str = dformat.format(datasetZScores[d]); dsBuilder[d] = settings.getDatasetnames().get(d); dsNBuilder[d] = "" + q.getDatasetSampleSizes()[d]; dsZBuilder[d] = str; } else { dsBuilder[d] = "-"; dsNBuilder[d] = "-"; dsZBuilder[d] = "-"; } } output.append(tab); output.append(Strings.concat(dsBuilder, Strings.semicolon)); output.append(tab); output.append(Strings.concat(dsZBuilder, Strings.semicolon)); output.append(tab); output.append(Strings.concat(dsNBuilder, Strings.semicolon)); output.append("\t-\t-\t"); output.append(t.getAnnotation()); output.append("\t-\t-\t-\t-"); output.append(newline); } else { // header = "PValue\tSNP\tProbe\tGene\tAlleles\tAlleleAssessed\tZScore"; int snpId = q.getSNPId(); MetaQTL4MetaTrait t = q.getMetaTrait(); if (q.getPvalue() < 1E-4) { output.append(smallpFormat.format(q.getPvalue())); } else { output.append(pformat.format(q.getPvalue())); } output.append(tab); output.append(snpList[snpId]); output.append(tab); output.append(t.getMetaTraitName()); output.append(tab); output.append(t.getAnnotation()); output.append(tab); output.append(q.getAlleles()); output.append(tab); output.append(q.getAlleleAssessed()); output.append(tab); output.append(dformat.format(q.getZscore())); output.append(newline); } pb.iterate(); } finalEQTLs[i] = null; // trash it immediately } pb.close(); output.close(); finalEQTLs = null; // ditch the whole resultset if (usetmp) { String filename = "eQTLs.txt.gz"; if (permutation > 0) { filename = "PermutedEQTLsPermutationRound" + permutation + ".txt.gz"; } File source = new File(tempDir + filename); File dest = new File(settings.getOutput() + filename); if (dest.exists()) { System.out.println("Destination file: " + dest.getAbsolutePath() + " exists already.. Deleting!"); dest.delete(); } System.out.println("Moving file: " + tempDir + filename + " --> " + settings.getOutput() + filename); FileUtils.moveFile(source, dest); } System.out.println("Done."); }
From source
public String getFormattedDecimalValue(final String decimalValue, final Locale locale, final boolean bold) { if (decimalValue == null || locale == null) { return ""; }/*from w ww .j a v a2 s . co m*/ final DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(locale); final Character decimalSeparator = dfs.getDecimalSeparator(); final String splitDelimiter = decimalSeparator.equals(new Character('.')) ? "\\." : ","; String formattedValue = decimalValue; final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d+" + splitDelimiter + "\\d+"); // or ("[0-9]+" + splitDelimiter + "[0-9]+") ? final Matcher m = p.matcher(formattedValue); while (m.find()) { final String[] decimalNumbers =; if (decimalNumbers.length == 2) { formattedValue = formattedValue.replaceAll(, decimalNumbers[0] + splitDelimiter + createSpannedValue(decimalNumbers[1], "TextDataSmallerDecimal" + (bold ? " bold" : ""), false)); } } return formattedValue; }