Example usage for java.text DateFormat setLenient

List of usage examples for java.text DateFormat setLenient


In this page you can find the example usage for java.text DateFormat setLenient.


public void setLenient(boolean lenient) 

Source Link


Specify whether or not date/time parsing is to be lenient.


From source file:org.sakaiproject.calendar.impl.GenericCalendarImporter.java

public List doImport(String importType, InputStream importStream, Map columnMapping,
        String[] customFieldPropertyNames) throws ImportException {
    final List rowList = new ArrayList();
    final Reader scheduleImport;

    try {/*ww w . jav  a2  s . c o m*/
        scheduleImport = (Reader) ((Class) readerMap.get(importType)).newInstance();

        // Set the timeservice in the reader.

    catch (InstantiationException e1) {
        String msg = (String) rb.getFormattedMessage("err_import", new Object[] { importType });
        throw new ImportException(msg);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) {
        String msg = (String) rb.getFormattedMessage("err_import", new Object[] { importType });
        throw new ImportException(msg);

    if (scheduleImport == null) {
        throw new ImportException(rb.getString("err_import_unknown"));

    // If no column mapping has been specified, use the default.
    if (columnMapping != null) {

    columnMap = scheduleImport.getDefaultColumnMap();

    // Read in the file.
    scheduleImport.importStreamFromDelimitedFile(importStream, new Reader.ReaderImportRowHandler() {
        String frequencyColumn = columnMap.get(FREQUENCY_DEFAULT_COLUMN_HEADER);
        String startTimeColumn = columnMap.get(START_TIME_DEFAULT_COLUMN_HEADER);
        String endTimeColumn = columnMap.get(END_TIME_DEFAULT_COLUMN_HEADER);
        String durationTimeColumn = columnMap.get(DURATION_DEFAULT_COLUMN_HEADER);
        String dateColumn = columnMap.get(DATE_DEFAULT_COLUMN_HEADER);
        String endsColumn = columnMap.get(ENDS_DEFAULT_COLUMN_HEADER);
        String intervalColumn = columnMap.get(INTERVAL_DEFAULT_COLUMN_HEADER);
        String repeatColumn = columnMap.get(REPEAT_DEFAULT_COLUMN_HEADER);

        // This is the callback that is called for each row.
        public void handleRow(Iterator columnIterator) throws ImportException {
            final Map eventProperties = new HashMap();

            // Add all the properties to the map
            while (columnIterator.hasNext()) {
                Reader.ReaderImportCell column = (Reader.ReaderImportCell) columnIterator.next();

                String value = column.getCellValue().trim();
                Object mapCellValue = null;

                // First handle any empy columns.
                if (value.length() == 0) {
                    mapCellValue = null;
                } else {
                    if (frequencyColumn != null && frequencyColumn.equals(column.getColumnHeader())) {
                        mapCellValue = column.getCellValue();
                    } else if (endTimeColumn != null && endTimeColumn.equals(column.getColumnHeader())
                            || (startTimeColumn != null && startTimeColumn.equals(column.getColumnHeader()))) {
                        boolean success = false;

                        try {
                            mapCellValue = timeFormatter().parse(value);
                            success = true;

                        catch (ParseException e) {
                            // Try another format

                        if (!success) {
                            try {
                                mapCellValue = timeFormatterWithSeconds().parse(value);
                                success = true;

                            catch (ParseException e) {
                                // Try another format

                        if (!success) {
                            try {
                                mapCellValue = time24HourFormatter().parse(value);
                                success = true;

                            catch (ParseException e) {
                                // Try another format

                        if (!success) {
                            try {
                                mapCellValue = time24HourFormatterWithSeconds().parse(value);
                                success = true;

                            catch (ParseException e) {
                                // Give up, we've run out of possible formats.
                                String msg = (String) rb.getFormattedMessage("err_time", new Object[] {
                                        Integer.valueOf(column.getLineNumber()), column.getColumnHeader() });
                                throw new ImportException(msg);
                    } else if (durationTimeColumn != null
                            && durationTimeColumn.equals(column.getColumnHeader())) {
                        String timeFormatErrorString = (String) rb.getFormattedMessage("err_time",
                                new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(column.getLineNumber()),
                                        column.getColumnHeader() });

                        String parts[] = value.split(":");

                        if (parts.length == 1) {
                            // Convert to minutes to get into one property field.
                            try {
                                mapCellValue = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(parts[0]));
                            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                                throw new ImportException(timeFormatErrorString);
                        } else if (parts.length == 2) {
                            // Convert to hours:minutes to get into one property field.
                            try {
                                mapCellValue = Integer
                                        .valueOf(Integer.parseInt(parts[0]) * 60 + Integer.parseInt(parts[1]));
                            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                                throw new ImportException(timeFormatErrorString);
                        } else {
                            // Not a legal format of mm or hh:mm
                            throw new ImportException(timeFormatErrorString);
                    } else if (dateColumn != null && dateColumn.equals(column.getColumnHeader())
                            || (endsColumn != null && endsColumn.equals(column.getColumnHeader()))) {
                        DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, rb.getLocale());
                        try {
                            mapCellValue = df.parse(value);
                        } catch (ParseException e) {
                            String msg = (String) rb.getFormattedMessage("err_date", new Object[] {
                                    Integer.valueOf(column.getLineNumber()), column.getColumnHeader() });
                            throw new ImportException(msg);
                    } else if (intervalColumn != null && intervalColumn.equals(column.getColumnHeader())
                            || repeatColumn != null && repeatColumn.equals(column.getColumnHeader())) {
                        try {
                            mapCellValue = Integer.valueOf(column.getCellValue());
                        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                            String msg = (String) rb.getFormattedMessage("err_interval", new Object[] {
                                    Integer.valueOf(column.getLineNumber()), column.getColumnHeader() });
                            throw new ImportException(msg);
                    } else if (ITEM_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME.equals(column.getColumnHeader())) {
                        String cellValue = column.getCellValue();
                        if (cellValue != null) {
                            if (cellValue.equals("event.activity")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Activity";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.exam")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Exam";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.meeting")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Meeting";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.academic.calendar")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Academic Calendar";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.cancellation")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Cancellation";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.discussion")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Class section - Discussion";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.lab")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Class section - Lab";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.lecture")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Class section - Lecture";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.smallgroup")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Class section - Small Group";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.class")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Class session";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.computer")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Computer Session";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.deadline")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Deadline";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.conference")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Multidisciplinary Conference";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.quiz")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Quiz";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.special")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Special event";
                            } else if (cellValue.equals("event.assignment")) {
                                mapCellValue = "Web Assignment";
                            } else {
                                mapCellValue = cellValue;
                    } else {
                        // Just a string...
                        mapCellValue = column.getCellValue();

                // Store in the map for later reference.
                eventProperties.put(column.getColumnHeader(), mapCellValue);

            // Add the map of properties for this row to the list of rows.

    return getPrototypeEvents(scheduleImport.filterEvents(rowList, customFieldPropertyNames),

From source file:com.eleybourn.bookcatalogue.utils.Utils.java

 * Attempt to parse a date string based on a range of possible formats; allow
 * for caller to specify if the parsing should be strict or lenient.
 * /*from   w ww.  java 2  s.c o m*/
 * @param s            String to parse
 * @param lenient      True if parsing should be lenient
 * @return            Resulting date if parsed, otherwise null
private static Date parseDate(String s, boolean lenient) {
    Date d;
    for (SimpleDateFormat sdf : mParseDateFormats) {
        try {
            d = sdf.parse(s);
            return d;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Ignore 
    // All SDFs failed, try locale-specific...
    try {
        java.text.DateFormat df = java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance(java.text.DateFormat.SHORT);
        d = df.parse(s);
        return d;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Ignore 
    return null;

From source file:com.cloud.api.dispatch.ParamProcessWorker.java

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private void setFieldValue(final Field field, final BaseCmd cmdObj, final Object paramObj,
        final Parameter annotation) throws IllegalArgumentException, ParseException {
    try {/* www . ja v a 2 s . c om*/
        final CommandType fieldType = annotation.type();
        switch (fieldType) {
        case BOOLEAN:
            field.set(cmdObj, Boolean.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
        case DATE:
            // This piece of code is for maintaining backward compatibility
            // and support both the date formats(Bug 9724)
            if (cmdObj instanceof ListEventsCmd || cmdObj instanceof DeleteEventsCmd
                    || cmdObj instanceof ArchiveEventsCmd || cmdObj instanceof ArchiveAlertsCmd
                    || cmdObj instanceof DeleteAlertsCmd || cmdObj instanceof GetUsageRecordsCmd) {
                final boolean isObjInNewDateFormat = isObjInNewDateFormat(paramObj.toString());
                if (isObjInNewDateFormat) {
                    final DateFormat newFormat = newInputFormat;
                    synchronized (newFormat) {
                        field.set(cmdObj, newFormat.parse(paramObj.toString()));
                } else {
                    final DateFormat format = inputFormat;
                    synchronized (format) {
                        Date date = format.parse(paramObj.toString());
                        if (field.getName().equals("startDate")) {
                            date = messageDate(date, 0, 0, 0);
                        } else if (field.getName().equals("endDate")) {
                            date = messageDate(date, 23, 59, 59);
                        field.set(cmdObj, date);
            } else {
                final DateFormat format = inputFormat;
                synchronized (format) {
                    field.set(cmdObj, format.parse(paramObj.toString()));
        case FLOAT:
            // Assuming that the parameters have been checked for required before now,
            // we ignore blank or null values and defer to the command to set a default
            // value for optional parameters ...
            if (paramObj != null && isNotBlank(paramObj.toString())) {
                field.set(cmdObj, Float.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
        case DOUBLE:
            // Assuming that the parameters have been checked for required before now,
            // we ignore blank or null values and defer to the command to set a default
            // value for optional parameters ...
            if (paramObj != null && isNotBlank(paramObj.toString())) {
                field.set(cmdObj, Double.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
        case INTEGER:
            // Assuming that the parameters have been checked for required before now,
            // we ignore blank or null values and defer to the command to set a default
            // value for optional parameters ...
            if (paramObj != null && isNotBlank(paramObj.toString())) {
                field.set(cmdObj, Integer.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
        case LIST:
            final List listParam = new ArrayList();
            final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(paramObj.toString(), ",");
            while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                final String token = st.nextToken();
                final CommandType listType = annotation.collectionType();
                switch (listType) {
                case INTEGER:
                case UUID:
                    if (token.isEmpty())
                    final Long internalId = translateUuidToInternalId(token, annotation);
                case LONG: {
                case SHORT:
                case STRING:
            field.set(cmdObj, listParam);
        case UUID:
            final Long internalId = translateUuidToInternalId(paramObj.toString(), annotation);
            field.set(cmdObj, internalId);
        case LONG:
            field.set(cmdObj, Long.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
        case SHORT:
            field.set(cmdObj, Short.valueOf(paramObj.toString()));
        case STRING:
            if ((paramObj != null)) {
                if (paramObj.toString().length() > annotation.length()) {
                    s_logger.error("Value greater than max allowed length " + annotation.length()
                            + " for param: " + field.getName());
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Value greater than max allowed length "
                            + annotation.length() + " for param: " + field.getName());
                } else {
                    field.set(cmdObj, paramObj.toString());
        case TZDATE:
            field.set(cmdObj, DateUtil.parseTZDateString(paramObj.toString()));
        case MAP:
            field.set(cmdObj, paramObj);
    } catch (final IllegalAccessException ex) {
        s_logger.error("Error initializing command " + cmdObj.getCommandName() + ", field " + field.getName()
                + " is not accessible.");
        throw new CloudRuntimeException("Internal error initializing parameters for command "
                + cmdObj.getCommandName() + " [field " + field.getName() + " is not accessible]");

From source file:com.krawler.spring.importFunctionality.ImportUtil.java

 * @param requestParams//  w  w w  . ja  va  2 s.co m
 * @param dataMap
 * @param columnConfig
 * @param column
 * @param customfield
 * @param columnHeaderMap
 * @param dateFormat
 * @param importDao
 * @throws JSONException
 * @throws DataInvalidateException
 * @throws ParseException
private static void validateColumnData(HashMap<String, Object> requestParams, HashMap<String, Object> dataMap,
        JSONObject columnConfig, String column, JSONArray customfield, HashMap<String, Object> columnHeaderMap,
        String dateFormat, ImportDAO importDao, Integer colCsvIndex, HashMap<String, String> autoNoMap)
        throws JSONException, DataInvalidateException, ParseException {
    int maxLength = columnConfig.getInt("maxLength");
    String csvHeader = (String) columnHeaderMap.get(column);
    csvHeader = (csvHeader == null ? csvHeader : csvHeader.replaceAll("\\.", " "));//remove '.' from csv Header
    String columnHeader = columnConfig.getString("columnName");
    String data = dataMap.get(column) == null ? null : String.valueOf(dataMap.get(column));
    Object vDataValue = data;

    if (columnConfig.has("validatetype")) {
        String validatetype = columnConfig.getString("validatetype");
        boolean customflag = false;
        if (columnConfig.has("customflag")) {
            customflag = columnConfig.getBoolean("customflag");
        if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("integer")) {
            try {
                if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) { // Remove ","(comma) from number
                    data = data.replaceAll(",", "");
                if (maxLength > 0 && data != null && data.length() > maxLength) { // Added null value check for data[Sandeep k]
                    throw new DataInvalidateException(
                            "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + ".");
                vDataValue = StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data) ? "" : Integer.parseInt(data);
            } catch (DataInvalidateException dex) {
                throw dex;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new DataInvalidateException(
                        "Incorrect numeric value for " + csvHeader + ", Please ensure that value type of "
                                + csvHeader + " matches with the " + columnHeader + ".");
        } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("double")) {
            try {
                if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) { // Remove ","(comma) from number
                    data = data.replaceAll(",", "");
                if (maxLength > 0 && data != null && data.length() > maxLength) {
                    throw new DataInvalidateException(
                            "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + ".");
                vDataValue = StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data) ? "" : Double.parseDouble(data);
            } catch (DataInvalidateException dex) {
                throw dex;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new DataInvalidateException(
                        "Incorrect numeric value for " + csvHeader + ", Please ensure that value type of "
                                + csvHeader + " matches with the " + columnHeader + ".");
        } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("date")) {
            if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) {
                String ldf = dateFormat != null ? dateFormat : (data.length() > 10 ? df_full : df);
                try {
                    if (maxLength > 0 && data == null) {
                        throw new DataInvalidateException(
                                "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + ".");
                    DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ldf);
                    sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + requestParams.get("tzdiff")));
                    vDataValue = StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data) ? null : sdf.parse(data);
                    if (customflag && vDataValue != null) {
                        vDataValue = ((Date) vDataValue).getTime();
                        tempFileData[colCsvIndex] = vDataValue;
                        if (tempFileData != null) {//In case of invalid records date field is showing number(Long value) so replacing by proper format in tempFileData
                            tempFileData[colCsvIndex.intValue()] = new Date((Long) vDataValue);
                } catch (DataInvalidateException dex) {
                    throw dex;
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    try {
                        vDataValue = Long.parseLong(data);
                        if (!customflag && vDataValue != null) {
                            vDataValue = new Date((Long) vDataValue);

                        if (tempFileData != null) {//In case of invalid records date field is showing number(Long value) so replacing by proper format in tempFileData
                            tempFileData[colCsvIndex.intValue()] = customflag ? new Date((Long) vDataValue)
                                    : vDataValue;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new DataInvalidateException("Incorrect date format for " + csvHeader
                                + ", Please specify values in " + ldf + " format.");
            } else {
                vDataValue = null;
        } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("time")) {
            if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) {
                //@@@ need to uncomment
                //                    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(EmailRegEx);
                //                    if(!pattern.matcher(data).matches()){
                //                        throw new DataInvalidateException("Incorrect time format for "+columnConfig.getString("columnName")+" use HH:MM AM or PM");
                //                    }
                vDataValue = data;
            } else {
                vDataValue = null;
        } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("ref")) {
            if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) {
                try {
                    String pref = (String) requestParams.get("masterPreference"); //0:Skip Record, 1:Skip Column, 2:Add new
                    if (columnConfig.has("refModule") && columnConfig.has("refDataColumn")
                            && columnConfig.has("refFetchColumn") && columnConfig.has("configid")) {
                        requestParams.put("defaultheader", columnConfig.getString("columnName"));
                        List list = getRefData(requestParams, columnConfig.getString("refModule"),
                                columnConfig.getString("refFetchColumn"), columnConfig.getString("configid"),
                                data, importDao);
                        if (list.size() == 0) {
                            //                                String configid = columnConfig.getString("configid");
                            //                                // Configid =>> 1:Owner, 2:Product, 3:Account, 4:Contact
                            //                                // then we can't create new entry for such module
                            //                                if(pref.equalsIgnoreCase("2") && (configid.equals("1") || configid.equals("2") || configid.equals("3") || configid.equals("4"))) {
                            //                                    throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader+" entry not found in master list for "+ columnHeader +" dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record.
                            //                                } else
                            if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { //Skip Record
                                if (!ImportHandler.isMasterTable(columnConfig.getString("refModule"))) { // Cant't create entry for ref. module
                                    throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader + " entry not present in "
                                            + columnHeader + " list, Please create new " + columnHeader
                                            + " entry for '" + (data.replaceAll("\\.", ""))
                                            + "' as it requires some other details.");
                                } else
                                    throw new DataInvalidateException(
                                            csvHeader + " entry not found in master list for " + columnHeader
                                                    + " dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record.
                            } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
                                vDataValue = null; // Put 'null' value to skip column data.
                            } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
                                if (!ImportHandler.isMasterTable(columnConfig.getString("refModule"))) { // Cant't create entry for ref. module
                                    throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader + " entry not present in "
                                            + columnHeader + " list, Please create new " + columnHeader
                                            + " entry for '" + (data.replaceAll("\\.", ""))
                                            + "' as it requires some other details.");
                        } else {
                            vDataValue = list.get(0).toString();
                    } else {
                        throw new DataInvalidateException(
                                "Incorrect reference mapping(" + columnHeader + ") for " + csvHeader + ".");
                } catch (ServiceException ex) {
                    throw new DataInvalidateException(
                            "Incorrect reference mapping(" + columnHeader + ") for " + csvHeader + ".");
                } catch (DataInvalidateException ex) {
                    throw ex;
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new DataInvalidateException(
                            csvHeader + " entry not found in master list for " + columnHeader + " dropdown.");
            } else {
                vDataValue = null;
        } else if (!customflag && validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("multiselect")) {
            if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) {
                try {
                    String pref = (String) requestParams.get("masterPreference"); //0:Skip Record, 1:Skip Column, 2:Add new

                    if (columnConfig.has("refModule") && columnConfig.has("refDataColumn")
                            && columnConfig.has("refFetchColumn") && columnConfig.has("configid")) {
                        String[] multiData = data.toString().split(Constants.Custom_Column_Sep);
                        String mdata = "";
                        Boolean isRefData = columnConfig.has("refModule") && columnConfig.has("refDataColumn")
                                && columnConfig.has("refFetchColumn") && columnConfig.has("configid");
                        List list = null;
                        for (int i = 0; isRefData && i < multiData.length; i++) { // Reference module
                            list = getRefData(requestParams, columnConfig.getString("refModule"),
                                    columnConfig.getString("configid"), multiData[i], importDao);
                            if (list.size() == 0) {
                                if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { //Skip Record
                                    if (!ImportHandler.isMasterTable(columnConfig.getString("refModule"))) { // Cant't create entry for ref. module
                                        throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader + " entry not present in "
                                                + columnHeader + " list, Please create new " + columnHeader
                                                + " entry for '" + (multiData[i].replaceAll("\\.", ""))
                                                + "' as it requires some other details.");
                                    } else {
                                        throw new DataInvalidateException(
                                                csvHeader + " entry not found in master list for "
                                                        + columnHeader + " dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record.
                                } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) {
                                    if (!ImportHandler.isMasterTable(columnConfig.getString("refModule"))) { // Cant't create entry for ref. module
                                        throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader + " entry not present in "
                                                + columnHeader + " list, Please create new " + columnHeader
                                                + " entry for '" + (multiData[i].replaceAll("\\.", ""))
                                                + "' as it requires some other details.");
                            } else {
                                mdata += list.get(0).toString() + Constants.Custom_Column_Sep;
                        if (mdata.length() > 0) {
                            vDataValue = mdata.substring(0, mdata.length() - 1);
                        } else {
                            if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
                                vDataValue = null;
                            } else
                                vDataValue = "";
                    } else {
                        throw new DataInvalidateException(
                                "Incorrect reference mapping(" + columnHeader + ") for " + csvHeader + ".");

                } catch (ServiceException ex) {
                    throw new DataInvalidateException(
                            "Incorrect reference mapping(" + columnHeader + ") for " + csvHeader + ".");
                } catch (DataInvalidateException ex) {
                    throw ex;
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new DataInvalidateException(
                            csvHeader + " entry not found in master list for " + columnHeader + " dropdown.");
            } else {
                vDataValue = null;
        } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("email")) {
            if (maxLength > 0 && data != null && data.length() > maxLength) {
                throw new DataInvalidateException(
                        "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + ".");
            if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) {
                Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(EmailRegEx);
                if (!pattern.matcher(data).matches()) {
                    throw new DataInvalidateException("Invalid email address for " + csvHeader + ".");
                vDataValue = data;
            } else {
                vDataValue = null;
        } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) {
            if (data.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || data.equalsIgnoreCase("1") || data.equalsIgnoreCase("T")) {
                vDataValue = true;
            } else if (data.equalsIgnoreCase("false") || data.equalsIgnoreCase("0")
                    || data.equalsIgnoreCase("F")) {
                vDataValue = false;
            } else {
                throw new DataInvalidateException("Incorrect boolean value for " + csvHeader + ".");

        if (vDataValue == null && columnConfig.has("isNotNull") && columnConfig.getBoolean("isNotNull")) {
            throw new DataInvalidateException(
                    "Empty data found in " + csvHeader + ", Can not set empty data for " + columnHeader + ".");
        } else {
            if (customflag) {
                JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject();
                if (columnConfig.getString("xtype").equals("4")
                        || columnConfig.getString("xtype").equals("7")) {//Drop down & Multi Select Drop down
                    try {
                        if (vDataValue != null) {
                            if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(vDataValue.toString())) {
                                HashMap<String, Object> comborequestParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                                comborequestParams = requestParams;
                                String pref = (String) requestParams.get("masterPreference"); //0:Skip Record, 1:Skip Column, 2:Add new
                                KwlReturnObject result = null;
                                if (columnConfig.getString("xtype").equals("4")) {
                                            Arrays.asList("fieldid", "value"));
                                    comborequestParams.put("filter_values", Arrays.asList(
                                            columnConfig.getString("pojoHeader"), vDataValue.toString()));

                                    List lst = getCustomComboID(requestParams, vDataValue.toString(),
                                            columnConfig.getString("pojoHeader"), "id", importDao);
                                    //                                        List lst = result.getEntityList();
                                    if (lst.size() == 0) {
                                        if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { //Skip Record
                                            throw new DataInvalidateException(
                                                    csvHeader + " entry not found in the list for "
                                                            + columnHeader + " dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record.
                                        } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
                                            vDataValue = null; // Put 'null' value to skip column data.
                                    } else {
                                        //                                                FieldComboData tmpcontyp = (FieldComboData) ite.next();
                                        vDataValue = lst.get(0).toString();
                                } else if (columnConfig.getString("xtype").equals("7")) {
                                    String[] multiData = vDataValue.toString()
                                    String mdata = "";
                                    for (int i = 0; i < multiData.length; i++) {

                                        // if for master  multiselect data item and else for custom multiselect
                                        if (columnConfig.has("refModule") && columnConfig.has("refDataColumn")
                                                && columnConfig.has("refFetchColumn")
                                                && columnConfig.has("configid")) {
                                            List list = getRefData(requestParams,
                                                    columnConfig.getString("configid"), multiData[i],
                                            mdata += list.get(0).toString() + Constants.Custom_Column_Sep;
                                        } else {
                                                    Arrays.asList("fieldid", "value"));
                                            comborequestParams.put("filter_values", Arrays.asList(
                                                    columnConfig.getString("pojoHeader"), multiData[i]));

                                            List lst = getCustomComboID(requestParams, multiData[i],
                                                    columnConfig.getString("pojoHeader"), "id", importDao);
                                            //                                                List lst = result.getEntityList();
                                            if (lst.size() == 0) {
                                                if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { //Skip Record
                                                    throw new DataInvalidateException(
                                                            csvHeader + " entry not found in the list for "
                                                                    + columnHeader + " dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record.
                                                } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
                                                    vDataValue = null; // Put 'null' value to skip column data.
                                            } else {
                                                //                                                FieldComboData tmpcontyp = (FieldComboData) ite.next();
                                                mdata += lst.get(0).toString() + Constants.Custom_Column_Sep;
                                    if (mdata.length() > 0) {
                                        vDataValue = mdata.substring(0, mdata.length() - 1);
                        } /* else {
                          throw new DataInvalidateException("Incorrect reference mapping("+columnHeader+") for "+csvHeader+".");
                    } catch (DataInvalidateException ex) {
                        throw ex;
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader + " entry not found in master list for "
                                + columnHeader + " dropdown.");
                } else if (columnConfig.getString("xtype").equals("8")) {//Reference Drop down
                    try {
                        if (vDataValue != null) {
                            if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(vDataValue.toString())) {
                                String pref = (String) requestParams.get("masterPreference"); //0:Skip Record, 1:Skip Column, 2:Add new
                                if (columnConfig.has("refModule") && columnConfig.has("refDataColumn")
                                        && columnConfig.has("refFetchColumn") && columnConfig.has("configid")) {
                                    List list = getRefData(requestParams, columnConfig.getString("refModule"),
                                            columnConfig.getString("configid"), vDataValue, importDao);
                                    if (list.size() == 0) {
                                        if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { //Skip Record
                                            throw new DataInvalidateException(
                                                    csvHeader + " entry not found in the list for "
                                                            + columnHeader + " dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record.
                                        } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
                                            vDataValue = null; // Put 'null' value to skip column data.
                                        } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) { //2:Add new
                                            if (columnConfig.getString("refModule")
                                                    .equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.Crm_users_pojo)) {//For users custom column.
                                                throw new DataInvalidateException(
                                                        csvHeader + " entry not found in the list for "
                                                                + columnHeader + " dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record.
                                    } else {
                                        vDataValue = list.get(0).toString();
                                } else {
                                    throw new DataInvalidateException("Incorrect reference mapping("
                                            + columnHeader + ") for " + csvHeader + ".");
                        } /* else {
                          throw new DataInvalidateException("Incorrect reference mapping("+columnHeader+") for "+csvHeader+".");
                    } catch (ServiceException ex) {
                        throw new DataInvalidateException(
                                "Incorrect reference mapping(" + columnHeader + ") for " + csvHeader + ".");
                    } catch (DataInvalidateException ex) {
                        throw ex;
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader + " entry not found in master list for "
                                + columnHeader + " dropdown.");
                } else {
                    if (!validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("date") && maxLength > 0 && data != null
                            && data.length() > maxLength) {
                        throw new DataInvalidateException(
                                "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + ".");
                createCustomColumnJSON(jobj, columnConfig, vDataValue);

                if (dataMap.containsKey(column)) {
            } else {
                if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("string") && maxLength > 0 && data != null
                        && data.length() > maxLength) {
                    throw new DataInvalidateException(
                            "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + ".");
                dataMap.put(column, vDataValue);
    } else { // If no validation type then check allow null property[SK]
        if (vDataValue == null && columnConfig.has("isNotNull") && columnConfig.getBoolean("isNotNull")) {
            throw new DataInvalidateException(
                    "Empty data found in " + csvHeader + ". Can not set empty data for " + columnHeader + ".");
        if (data != null && maxLength > 0 && data.length() > maxLength) {
            throw new DataInvalidateException(
                    "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + ".");

From source file:org.kuali.kfs.module.cam.batch.service.impl.AssetDepreciationServiceImpl.java

private Date convertToDate(String date) throws ParseException {
    DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(CamsConstants.DateFormats.MONTH_DAY_YEAR);
    return dateFormat.parse(date);


From source file:org.kuali.kfs.fp.batch.service.impl.ProcurementCardCreateDocumentServiceImpl.java

 * Retrieve date formatter used to format batch running timestamp in report. System parameter has precedence over system default String.
 * @return/* w  w w .j  ava 2 s.c om*/
protected DateFormat getDateFormat(String namespaceCode, String componentCode, String parameterName,
        String defaultValue) {
    DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(defaultValue);
    if (getParameterService().parameterExists(namespaceCode, componentCode, parameterName)) {
        String formatParmVal = getParameterService().getParameterValueAsString(namespaceCode, componentCode,
                parameterName, defaultValue);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(formatParmVal)) {
            try {
                dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(formatParmVal);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        "Parameter PCARD_BATCH_SUMMARY_RUNNING_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT used by ProcurementCardCreateDocumentsStep does not set up properly. Use system default timestamp format instead for generating report.");
                dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(defaultValue);

    return dateFormat;

From source file:org.andromda.timetracker.web.timecardsearch.SearchTimecardsFormImpl.java

 * Default constructor//w  w w.  j a  va 2  s.c o m
public SearchTimecardsFormImpl() {
    final DateFormat timecardSummariesStartDateDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
    this.dateTimeFormatters.put("timecardSummaries.startDate", timecardSummariesStartDateDateFormatter);
    final DateFormat startDateMinimumDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
    this.dateTimeFormatters.put("startDateMinimum", startDateMinimumDateFormatter);
    final DateFormat startDateMaximumDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
    this.dateTimeFormatters.put("startDateMaximum", startDateMaximumDateFormatter);
    // - setup the default Date.toString() formatter
    final DateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd hh:mm:ss zzz yyyy");
    this.dateTimeFormatters.put(null, dateFormatter);

From source file:org.andromda.timetracker.web.timecardsearch.SearchTimecardsSearchFormImpl.java

 * Default constructor//  w ww .jav a 2 s  .  com
public SearchTimecardsSearchFormImpl() {
    final DateFormat timecardSummariesStartDateDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
    this.dateTimeFormatters.put("timecardSummaries.startDate", timecardSummariesStartDateDateFormatter);
    final DateFormat startDateMinimumDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
    this.dateTimeFormatters.put("startDateMinimum", startDateMinimumDateFormatter);
    final DateFormat startDateMaximumDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
    this.dateTimeFormatters.put("startDateMaximum", startDateMaximumDateFormatter);
    // - setup the default Date.toString() formatter
    final DateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd hh:mm:ss zzz yyyy");
    this.dateTimeFormatters.put(null, dateFormatter);

From source file:org.aksw.mex.log4mex.MEXSerializer.java

 * serializes the mex file//from   www  .jav  a 2s  .co m
 * @param filename
 * @param URIbase
 * @param mex
 * @param format
 * @throws Exception
private void writeJena(String filename, String URIbase, MyMEX mex, MEXConstant.EnumRDFFormats format)
        throws Exception {

    Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();

    try {

        setHeaders(model, URIbase);

        //common resources
        Resource provAgent = model.createResource(PROVO.NS + PROVO.ClasseTypes.AGENT);
        Resource provOrganization = model.createResource(PROVO.NS + PROVO.ClasseTypes.ORGANIZATION);

        Resource mexcore_APC = model.createResource(MEXCORE_10.NS + MEXCORE_10.ClasseTypes.APPLICATION_CONTEXT);
        Resource mexcore_EXP_HEADER = model.createResource(MEXCORE_10.NS + MEXCORE_10.ClasseTypes.EXPERIMENT);
        Resource mexcore_EXP_CONF = model
                .createResource(MEXCORE_10.NS + MEXCORE_10.ClasseTypes.EXPERIMENT_CONFIGURATION);
        Resource mexcore_MODEL = model.createResource(MEXCORE_10.NS + MEXCORE_10.ClasseTypes.MODEL);
        Resource mexcore_HARDWARE = model
                .createResource(MEXCORE_10.NS + MEXCORE_10.ClasseTypes.HARDWARE_CONFIGURATION);
        Resource mexcore_DATASET = model.createResource(MEXCORE_10.NS + MEXCORE_10.ClasseTypes.DATASET);
        Resource mexcore_FEATURE = model.createResource(MEXCORE_10.NS + MEXCORE_10.ClasseTypes.FEATURE);
        Resource mexcore_FEATURE_COLLECTION = model
                .createResource(MEXCORE_10.NS + MEXCORE_10.ClasseTypes.FEATURE_COLLECTION);
        Resource mexcore_EXAMPLE = model.createResource(MEXCORE_10.NS + MEXCORE_10.ClasseTypes.EXAMPLE);
        Resource mexcore_EXAMPLE_COLLECTION = model
                .createResource(MEXCORE_10.NS + MEXCORE_10.ClasseTypes.EXAMPLE_COLLECTION);

        Resource mexalgo_ALGO = model.createResource(MEXALGO_10.NS + MEXALGO_10.ClasseTypes.ALGORITHM);
        Resource mexalgo_HYPER_PARAM = model
                .createResource(MEXALGO_10.NS + MEXALGO_10.ClasseTypes.HYPER_PARAMETER);
        Resource mexalgo_HYPER_PARAM_COLLECTION = model
                .createResource(MEXALGO_10.NS + MEXALGO_10.ClasseTypes.HYPER_PARAMETER_COLLECTION);

        Resource mexalgo_TOOL_PARAM = model
                .createResource(MEXALGO_10.NS + MEXALGO_10.ClasseTypes.TOOL_PARAMETER);
        Resource mexalgo_TOOL_PARAM_COLLECTION = model
                .createResource(MEXALGO_10.NS + MEXALGO_10.ClasseTypes.TOOL_PARAMETER_COLLECTION);

        Resource mexperf_EXAMPLE_PERFORMANCE_COLLECTION = model
                .createResource(MEXPERF_10.NS + MEXPERF_10.ClasseTypes.EXAMPLE_PERFORMANCE_COLLECTION);
        Resource mexperf_EXAMPLE_PERFORMANCE_MEASURE = model
                .createResource(MEXPERF_10.NS + MEXPERF_10.ClasseTypes.EXAMPLE_PERFORMANCE_MEASURE);

        Resource mexperf_USER_DEFINED_PERFORMANCE_COLLECTION = model
                .createResource(MEXPERF_10.NS + MEXPERF_10.ClasseTypes.USER_DEFINED_MEASURE_COLLECTION);
        Resource mexperf_USER_DEFINED_PERFORMANCE_MEASURE = model
                .createResource(MEXPERF_10.NS + MEXPERF_10.ClasseTypes.USER_DEFINED_MEASURE);

        Resource _application = null;
        Resource _context;
        Resource _version;
        Resource _organization;
        Resource _expHeader = null;

        if (mex.getApplicationContext() != null) {
            _application = model.createResource(mex.getApplicationContext().getIndividualName())
                    .addProperty(RDFS.label, "Basic Experiment Infomation").addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_APC)
                    .addProperty(DCTerms.dateCopyrighted, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss z")

            if (mex.getApplicationContext().get_givenName() != null) {
                _application.addProperty(FOAF.givenName, mex.getApplicationContext().get_givenName());
            if (mex.getApplicationContext().get_mbox() != null) {
                _application.addProperty(FOAF.mbox, mex.getApplicationContext().get_mbox());

            if (mex.getApplicationContext().get_homepage() != null) {
                _application.addProperty(DOAP.homepage, mex.getApplicationContext().get_givenName());
            if (mex.getApplicationContext().get_description() != null) {
                _application.addProperty(DOAP.description, mex.getApplicationContext().get_mbox());
            if (mex.getApplicationContext().get_category() != null) {
                _application.addProperty(DOAP.category, mex.getApplicationContext().get_givenName());
            if (mex.getApplicationContext().get_location() != null) {
                _application.addProperty(DOAP.location, mex.getApplicationContext().get_mbox());

            if (mex.getApplicationContext().get_trustyURI() != null) {
                _application.addProperty(MEXCORE_10.trustyURI, mex.getApplicationContext().get_trustyURI());

            if (mex.getApplicationContext().get_organization() != null) {
                //Resource mexcore_ORG = model.createResource(MEXCORE_10.NS + mex.getApplicationContext().get_organization());
                _organization = model.createResource(URIbase + "org_" + mex.getUserHash())
                        .addProperty(RDF.type, provOrganization)
                        .addProperty(FOAF.givenName, mex.getApplicationContext().get_organization());
                _application.addProperty(PROVO.actedOnBehalfOf, _organization);

            if (mex.getApplicationContext().getContext() != null && mex.getApplicationContext().getContext()
                    .get_context() != MEXEnum.EnumContexts.NOT_INFORMED) {

                Resource mexcore_CON = model.createResource(
                        MEXCORE_10.NS + mex.getApplicationContext().getContext().get_context().toString());
                _context = model.createResource(mex.getApplicationContext().getContext().getIndividualName())
                        .addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_CON)
                        .addProperty(RDFS.label, mex.getApplicationContext().getContext().getLabel())
                        .addProperty(PROVO.wasAttributedTo, _application);

            _version = model.createResource(URIbase + "version").addProperty(DCTerms.hasVersion,


        if (mex.getExperiment() != null) {
            _expHeader = model.createResource(mex.getExperiment().getIndividualName())
                    .addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_EXP_HEADER)
                    .addProperty(MEXCORE_10.experimentHash, mex.getUserHash());
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mex.getExperiment().getId())
                    && StringUtils.isNotBlank(mex.getExperiment().getId())) {
                _expHeader.addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, mex.getExperiment().getId());
                _expHeader.addProperty(RDFS.label, "Experiment: " + mex.getExperiment().getId());
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mex.getExperiment().getTitle())
                    && StringUtils.isNotBlank(mex.getExperiment().getTitle())) {
                _expHeader.addProperty(DCTerms.title, mex.getExperiment().getTitle());
            if (mex.getExperiment().getDate() != null) {
                DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss z");
                try {
                    _expHeader.addProperty(DCTerms.date, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss z")
                } catch (ParseException e) {
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mex.getExperiment().getAttributeSelectionDescription())
                    && StringUtils.isNotBlank(mex.getExperiment().getAttributeSelectionDescription())) {
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mex.getExperiment().getDataNormalizedDescription())
                    && StringUtils.isNotBlank(mex.getExperiment().getDataNormalizedDescription())) {
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mex.getExperiment().getNoiseRemovedDescription())
                    && StringUtils.isNotBlank(mex.getExperiment().getNoiseRemovedDescription())) {
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mex.getExperiment().getOutliersRemovedDescription())
                    && StringUtils.isNotBlank(mex.getExperiment().getOutliersRemovedDescription())) {
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(mex.getExperiment().getDescription())
                    && StringUtils.isNotBlank(mex.getExperiment().getDescription())) {
                _expHeader.addProperty(DCTerms.description, mex.getExperiment().getDescription());

            if (mex.getApplicationContext() != null) {
                _expHeader.addProperty(PROVO.wasAttributedTo, _application);


        if (mex.getExperimentConfigurations() != null) {
            int auxExpConf = 0;
            for (Iterator<ExperimentConfigurationVO> i = mex.getExperimentConfigurations().iterator(); i
                    .hasNext();) {
                ExperimentConfigurationVO item = i.next();

                Resource _expConfiguration = model.createResource(item.getIndividualName())
                        .addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_EXP_CONF).addProperty(PROVO.wasStartedBy, _expHeader)
                        .addProperty(RDFS.label, item.getLabel());
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.getId()) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.getId())) {
                    _expConfiguration.addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, item.getId());
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.getDescription())
                        && StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.getDescription())) {
                    _expConfiguration.addProperty(DCTerms.description, item.getDescription());

                if (item.Model() != null && item.Model().hasValue()) {

                    String auxIN = objectCreatedBefore(item.Model(), auxExpConf,
                    Resource _model;

                    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(auxIN)) {

                        _model = model.createResource(item.Model().getIndividualName()).addProperty(RDF.type,

                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.Model().getId())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.Model().getId())) {
                            _model.addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, item.Model().getId());

                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.Model().getDescription())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.Model().getDescription())) {
                            _model.addProperty(DCTerms.description, item.Model().getDescription());

                        if (item.Model().getDate() != null) {
                            _model.addProperty(DCTerms.date, item.Model().getDate().toString());

                    } else {
                        _model = model.getResource(auxIN);

                    _expConfiguration.addProperty(PROVO.used, _model);


                Resource _imp = null;
                if (item.Tool() != null && item.Tool().hasValue()) {
                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.Tool().getName())
                            && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.Tool().getName())) {

                        String auxIN = objectCreatedBefore(item.Tool(), auxExpConf,
                        Resource _tool;

                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(auxIN)) {

                            _tool = model.createResource(MEXALGO_10.NS + item.Tool().getName());

                            _imp = model.createResource(item.Tool().getIndividualName())
                                    .addProperty(RDFS.label, setLabelSplitingTerms(item.Tool().getName()))
                                    .addProperty(RDF.type, _tool);

                        } else {
                            _imp = model.getResource(auxIN);
                        _expConfiguration.addProperty(PROVO.used, _imp);

                    //TOOL PARAMETER
                    if (item.getToolParameters() != null && item.getToolParameters().size() > 0) {

                        Resource _toolcollection = model
                                .createResource(URIbase + "exp_cf_" + (auxExpConf + 1) + "_" + mex.getUserHash()
                                        + "_tool_param_collection")
                                .addProperty(RDF.type, mexalgo_TOOL_PARAM_COLLECTION)
                                .addProperty(RDFS.label, "Tool Parameter Collection");
                        _expConfiguration.addProperty(PROVO.used, _toolcollection);

                        //TOOL PARAMETER
                        //int auxtoolp = 0;
                        for (Iterator<ToolParameterVO> iparam = item.getToolParameters().iterator(); iparam
                                .hasNext();) {
                            ToolParameterVO toolParam = iparam.next();

                            String auxIN = objectCreatedBefore(toolParam, auxExpConf,
                            Resource _toolParam;

                            if (StringUtils.isEmpty(auxIN)) {

                                _toolParam = model.createResource(toolParam.getIndividualName())
                                        .addProperty(RDF.type, mexalgo_TOOL_PARAM)
                                        .addProperty(RDFS.label, toolParam.getLabel())
                                        .addProperty(PROVO.value, toolParam.getValue())
                                        .addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, toolParam.getId());

                            } else {
                                _toolParam = model.getResource(auxIN);

                            _imp.addProperty(MEXALGO_10.hasToolParameter, _toolParam);
                            _toolcollection.addProperty(PROVO.hadMember, _toolParam);

                //SAMPLING METHOD
                if (item.SamplingMethod() != null && item.SamplingMethod().hasValue()) {

                    String auxIN = objectCreatedBefore(item.SamplingMethod(), auxExpConf,
                    Resource _sampling;

                    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(auxIN)) {

                        Resource mexcore_SAMPLING_METHOD = model
                                .createResource(MEXCORE_10.NS + item.SamplingMethod().getClassName());

                        _sampling = model.createResource(item.SamplingMethod().getIndividualName())
                                .addProperty(RDFS.label, item.SamplingMethod().getLabel())
                                .addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_SAMPLING_METHOD);

                        if (item.SamplingMethod().getFolds() != null
                                && StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.SamplingMethod().getFolds().toString())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.SamplingMethod().getFolds().toString())) {

                        if (item.SamplingMethod().getSequential() != null
                                && StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.SamplingMethod().getSequential().toString())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.SamplingMethod().getSequential().toString())) {

                        if (item.SamplingMethod().getTrainSize() != null
                                && StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.SamplingMethod().getTrainSize().toString())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.SamplingMethod().getTrainSize().toString())) {

                        if (item.SamplingMethod().getTestSize() != null
                                && StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.SamplingMethod().getTestSize().toString())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.SamplingMethod().getTestSize().toString())) {

                    } else {
                        _sampling = model.getResource(auxIN);

                    _expConfiguration.addProperty(PROVO.used, _sampling);

                if (item.HardwareConfiguration() != null && item.HardwareConfiguration().hasValue()) {

                    String auxIN = objectCreatedBefore(item.HardwareConfiguration(), auxExpConf,
                    Resource _hardware;

                    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(auxIN)) {

                        _hardware = model.createResource(item.HardwareConfiguration().getIndividualName())
                                .addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_HARDWARE);

                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.HardwareConfiguration().getOs())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.HardwareConfiguration().getOs())) {
                            _hardware.addProperty(DOAP.os, item.HardwareConfiguration().getOs());

                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.HardwareConfiguration().getCache())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.HardwareConfiguration().getCache())) {
                            _hardware.addProperty(MEXCORE_10.cache, item.HardwareConfiguration().getCache());

                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.HardwareConfiguration().getCPU())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.HardwareConfiguration().getCPU())) {
                            _hardware.addProperty(MEXCORE_10.cpu, item.HardwareConfiguration().getCPU());

                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.HardwareConfiguration().getMemory())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.HardwareConfiguration().getMemory())) {
                            _hardware.addProperty(MEXCORE_10.memory, item.HardwareConfiguration().getMemory());

                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.HardwareConfiguration().getHD())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.HardwareConfiguration().getHD())) {
                            _hardware.addProperty(MEXCORE_10.hd, item.HardwareConfiguration().getHD());

                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.HardwareConfiguration().getVideo())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.HardwareConfiguration().getVideo())) {
                            _hardware.addProperty(MEXCORE_10.video, item.HardwareConfiguration().getVideo());

                        _hardware.addProperty(RDFS.label, item.HardwareConfiguration().getLabel());

                    } else {
                        _hardware = model.getResource(auxIN);
                    _expConfiguration.addProperty(PROVO.used, _hardware);

                if (item.DataSet() != null && item.DataSet().hasValue()) {

                    String auxIN = objectCreatedBefore(item.DataSet(), auxExpConf,
                    Resource _dataset;

                    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(auxIN)) {

                        _dataset = model.createResource(item.DataSet().getIndividualName())
                                .addProperty(RDFS.label, "Dataset " + item.DataSet().getLabel())
                                .addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_DATASET);

                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.DataSet().getName())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.DataSet().getName())) {
                            _dataset.addProperty(DCTerms.title, item.DataSet().getName());

                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.DataSet().getDescription())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.DataSet().getDescription())) {
                            _dataset.addProperty(DCTerms.description, item.DataSet().getDescription());

                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(item.DataSet().getURI())
                                && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(item.DataSet().getURI())) {
                            _dataset.addProperty(DCAT.landingPage, item.DataSet().getURI());

                    } else {
                        _dataset = model.getResource(auxIN);

                    _expConfiguration.addProperty(PROVO.used, _dataset);


                //FEATURE COLLECTION
                if (item.getFeatures() != null && item.getFeatures().size() > 0) {

                    Resource _featurecollection = model
                                    URIbase + "fea_col" + "_cf_" + (auxExpConf + 1) + "_" + mex.getUserHash())
                            .addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_FEATURE_COLLECTION)
                            .addProperty(RDFS.label, "Feature Collection");

                    _expConfiguration.addProperty(PROVO.used, _featurecollection);

                    int auxf = 1;
                    for (Iterator<FeatureVO> ifeature = item.getFeatures().iterator(); ifeature.hasNext();) {
                        FeatureVO f = ifeature.next();
                        if (f != null) {
                            Resource _feature = model.createResource(f.getIndividualName())
                                    .addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_FEATURE);

                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(f.getId()) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(f.getId())) {
                                _feature.addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, f.getId());
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(f.getName()) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(f.getName())) {
                                _feature.addProperty(RDFS.label, f.getName());

                            //_expConfiguration.addProperty(PROVO.used, _feature);

                            _featurecollection.addProperty(PROVO.hadMember, _feature);


                //EXECUTIONS (e)
                if (item.getExecutions() != null && item.getExecutions().size() > 0) {
                    int auxexecutions = 1;

                    for (Iterator<Execution> iexec = item.getExecutions().iterator(); iexec.hasNext();) {
                        Execution e = iexec.next();
                        Resource _exec = null;
                        if (e != null) {

                            _exec = model.createResource(e.getIndividualName());

                            Resource mexcore_EXEC = null;

                            if (e instanceof ExecutionIndividualVO) {
                                mexcore_EXEC = model.createResource(
                                        MEXCORE_10.NS + MEXCORE_10.ClasseTypes.EXECUTION_SINGLE);
                                _exec.addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_EXEC);
                                _exec.addProperty(RDFS.label, "Single Execution: " + e.getId());
                            } else if (e instanceof ExecutionSetVO) {
                                mexcore_EXEC = model.createResource(
                                        MEXCORE_10.NS + MEXCORE_10.ClasseTypes.EXECUTION_OVERALL);
                                _exec.addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_EXEC);
                                _exec.addProperty(RDFS.label, "Overall Execution: " + e.getId());
                            } else {
                                throw new Exception("Execution type unknown!");

                            _exec.addProperty(PROVO.id, e.getId());

                            if (e.getErrorMessage() != null) {
                            if (e.getStartedAtTime() != null) {
                                _exec.addProperty(PROVO.startedAtTime, e.getStartedAtTime().toString());
                            if (e.getEndedAtTime() != null) {
                                _exec.addProperty(PROVO.endedAtTime, e.getEndedAtTime().toString());
                            if (e.getTargetClass() != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(e.getTargetClass())
                                    && StringUtils.isNotBlank(e.getTargetClass())) {
                                _exec.addProperty(MEXCORE_10.targetClass, e.getTargetClass());

                            if (e instanceof ExecutionSetVO) {
                                ExecutionSetVO temp = (ExecutionSetVO) e;
                                if (temp.getStartsAtPosition() != null) {
                                    _exec.addProperty(MEXCORE_10.startsAtPosition, temp.getStartsAtPosition());
                                if (temp.getEndsAtPosition() != null) {
                                    _exec.addProperty(MEXCORE_10.endsAtPosition, temp.getEndsAtPosition());
                                        model.createTypedLiteral("true", XSDDatatype.XSDboolean));
                            } else {
                                        model.createTypedLiteral("false", XSDDatatype.XSDboolean));

                            //PERFORMANCE MEASURE -> super class, there is no need to create it
                            Resource _execPerformance = model.createResource(URIbase + "performanceMeasures_" + auxe + "_conf_" + auxExpConf + "_"  + this.userHash)
                                //.addProperty(RDF.type, provActivity)
                                .addProperty(RDF.type, mexperf_PERFORMANCE_MEASURE)
                                .addProperty(RDFS.label, "The performance measures generated by an execution")
                                .addProperty(PROVO.wasInformedBy, _exec);

                            if (e.getPhase() != null) {
                                //is there a similar resource in the list?
                                String auxIN = objectCreatedBefore(e.getPhase(), auxExpConf,
                                Resource _phase;

                                if (StringUtils.isEmpty(auxIN)) {
                                    Resource mexcore_PHASE = model
                                            .createResource(MEXCORE_10.NS + e.getPhase().getName());
                                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(e.getPhase().getName().toString())
                                            && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(e.getPhase().getName().toString())) {
                                        //creating resource
                                        _phase = model.createResource(e.getPhase().getIndividualName())
                                                .addProperty(RDFS.label, e.getPhase().getLabel())
                                                .addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_PHASE);
                                        _exec.addProperty(PROVO.used, _phase);
                                } else {
                                    _phase = model.getResource(auxIN);
                                    _exec.addProperty(PROVO.used, _phase);


                            //} //esse aqui sai???

                            //EXAMPLE COLLECTION
                            if (e.getExamples() != null && e.getExamples().size() > 0) {

                                Resource _examplecollection = model
                                        .createResource(URIbase + "exa_col_" + "_cf_" + (auxExpConf + 1)
                                                + "_exe_" + String.valueOf(auxexecutions) + "_"
                                                + mex.getUserHash())
                                        .addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_EXAMPLE_COLLECTION)
                                        .addProperty(RDFS.label, "Example Collection");

                                _exec.addProperty(PROVO.used, _examplecollection);

                                Integer auxex = 1;
                                for (Iterator<ExampleVO> iexample = e.getExamples().iterator(); iexample
                                        .hasNext();) {
                                    ExampleVO example = iexample.next();
                                    if (example != null) {
                                        Resource _ex = model.createResource(example.getIndividualName())
                                                .addProperty(RDFS.label, "Dataset Example " + example.getId())
                                                .addProperty(RDF.type, mexcore_EXAMPLE)
                                                .addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, example.getId())
                                                .addProperty(PROVO.value, example.getValue());

                                        if (example.getDatasetColumn() != 0) {
                                        if (example.getDatasetRow() != 0) {
                                        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(example.getExampleType())) {

                                        //_exec.addProperty(PROVO.used, _ex);
                                        _examplecollection.addProperty(PROVO.hadMember, _ex);


                            if (e.getAlgorithm() != null) {

                                Resource _alg = model.createResource(e.getAlgorithm().getIndividualName())
                                        .addProperty(RDF.type, mexalgo_ALGO);

                                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(e.getAlgorithm().getClassName())
                                        && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(e.getAlgorithm().getClassName())) {

                                    Resource _algClass = model
                                            .createResource(MEXALGO_10.NS + e.getAlgorithm().getClassName());

                                    _alg.addProperty(MEXALGO_10.hasAlgorithmClass, _algClass);
                                } else {
                                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(e.getAlgorithm().getLabel())
                                            && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(e.getAlgorithm().getLabel())) {
                                        _alg.addProperty(RDFS.label, e.getAlgorithm().getLabel());

                                _exec.addProperty(PROVO.used, _alg);

                                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(e.getAlgorithm().getIdentifier())
                                        && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(e.getAlgorithm().getIdentifier())) {
                                    _alg.addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, e.getAlgorithm().getIdentifier());
                                if (e.getAlgorithm().getURI() != null
                                        && StringUtils.isNotBlank(e.getAlgorithm().getURI().toURL().toString())
                                        && StringUtils
                                                .isNotEmpty(e.getAlgorithm().getURI().toURL().toString())) {
                                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(e.getAlgorithm().getAcronym())
                                        && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(e.getAlgorithm().getAcronym())) {
                                    _alg.addProperty(MEXALGO_10.acronym, e.getAlgorithm().getAcronym());

                                _exec.addProperty(PROVO.used, _alg);

                                //HYPER PARAMETER
                                if (e.getAlgorithm().getParameters() != null
                                        && e.getAlgorithm().getParameters().size() > 0) {

                                    Resource _hypercollection = model
                                            .createResource(URIbase + "hyperp_col" + "cf" + (auxExpConf + 1)
                                                    + "_" + mex.getUserHash())
                                            .addProperty(RDF.type, mexalgo_HYPER_PARAM_COLLECTION)
                                            .addProperty(RDFS.label, "HyperParameter Collection");

                                    _exec.addProperty(PROVO.used, _hypercollection);

                                    for (Iterator<HyperParameterVO> iparam = e.getAlgorithm().getParameters()
                                            .iterator(); iparam.hasNext();) {
                                        HyperParameterVO algoParam = iparam.next();
                                        if (algoParam != null) {
                                            Resource _algoParam = null;
                                            _algoParam = model.createResource(algoParam.getIndividualName())
                                                    .addProperty(RDF.type, mexalgo_HYPER_PARAM)
                                                    .addProperty(RDFS.label, algoParam.getLabel())
                                                    .addProperty(PROVO.value, algoParam.getValue())
                                                    .addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, algoParam.getIdentifier());

                                            _alg.addProperty(MEXALGO_10.hasHyperParameter, _algoParam);
                                            _hypercollection.addProperty(PROVO.hadMember, _algoParam);


                            if (e.getPerformances() != null && e.getPerformances().size() > 0) {
                                //Integer auxmea = 1;

                                //COMMON MEASURES
                                for (Iterator<Measure> imea = e.getPerformances().iterator(); imea.hasNext();) {
                                    Measure mea = imea.next();
                                    if (mea != null) {

                                        Resource mexperf_klass = null, mexperf_cla = null, mexperf_reg = null,
                                                mexperf_clu = null, mexperf_sta = null, mexperf_custom = null,
                                                mexperf_example = null;
                                        Resource mexperf_ins = null, mexperf_cla_ins = null,
                                                mexperf_reg_ins = null, mexperf_clu_ins = null,
                                                mexperf_sta_ins = null, mexperf_custom_ins = null,
                                                mexperf_example_ins = null;

                                        if (mea instanceof ClassificationMeasureVO) {

                                            if (mexperf_cla == null) {
                                                mexperf_cla_ins = model.createResource(mea.getIndividualName());
                                                mexperf_cla = model.createResource(MEXPERF_10.NS
                                                        + MEXPERF_10.ClasseTypes.CLASSIFICATION_MEASURE);

                                            mexperf_klass = mexperf_cla;
                                            mexperf_ins = mexperf_cla_ins;

                                        } else if (mea instanceof RegressionMeasureVO) {

                                            if (mexperf_reg == null) {
                                                mexperf_reg_ins = model.createResource(mea.getIndividualName());
                                                mexperf_reg = model.createResource(MEXPERF_10.NS
                                                        + MEXPERF_10.ClasseTypes.REGRESSION_MEASURE);

                                            mexperf_klass = mexperf_reg;
                                            mexperf_ins = mexperf_reg_ins;

                                        } else if (mea instanceof ClusteringMeasureVO) {

                                            if (mexperf_clu == null) {
                                                mexperf_clu_ins = model.createResource(mea.getIndividualName());
                                                mexperf_clu = model.createResource(MEXPERF_10.NS
                                                        + MEXPERF_10.ClasseTypes.CLUSTERING_MEASURE);

                                            mexperf_klass = mexperf_clu;
                                            mexperf_ins = mexperf_clu_ins;

                                        } else if (mea instanceof StatisticalMeasureVO) {

                                            if (mexperf_sta == null) {
                                                mexperf_sta_ins = model.createResource(mea.getIndividualName());
                                                mexperf_sta = model.createResource(MEXPERF_10.NS
                                                        + MEXPERF_10.ClasseTypes.STATISTICAL_MEASURE);

                                            mexperf_klass = mexperf_sta;
                                            mexperf_ins = mexperf_sta_ins;


                                        mexperf_ins.addProperty(RDF.type, mexperf_klass);
                                        mexperf_ins.addProperty(RDFS.label, mea.getLabel());
                                                model.createProperty(MEXPERF_10.NS + mea.getName()),
                                        mexperf_ins.addProperty(PROVO.wasGeneratedBy, _exec);

                                        _exec.addProperty(PROVO.generated, mexperf_ins);


                                //OTHER MEASURES - EXAMPLE PERFORMANCE MEASURE
                                List<Measure> examplePerformanceList = e
                                if (examplePerformanceList != null && examplePerformanceList.size() > 0) {

                                    Resource _examplePerformanceCollection = model
                                            .createResource(URIbase + "exa_perf_col" + "_cf_" + (auxExpConf + 1)
                                                    + "_" + mex.getUserHash())
                                            .addProperty(RDF.type, mexperf_EXAMPLE_PERFORMANCE_COLLECTION)
                                            .addProperty(RDFS.label, "Dataset Example Performance")
                                            .addProperty(PROVO.wasGeneratedBy, _exec);
                                    _exec.addProperty(PROVO.generated, _examplePerformanceCollection);

                                    int auxep = 1;
                                    for (Iterator<Measure> iexpm = examplePerformanceList.iterator(); iexpm
                                            .hasNext();) {
                                        ExamplePerformanceMeasureVO epm = (ExamplePerformanceMeasureVO) iexpm
                                        if (epm != null) {
                                            Resource _examplePerf = model
                                                    .addProperty(RDF.type, mexperf_EXAMPLE_PERFORMANCE_MEASURE);

                                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(epm.getId())
                                                    && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(epm.getId())) {
                                                _examplePerf.addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, epm.getId());
                                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(epm.getPredictedValue())
                                                    && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(epm.getPredictedValue())) {
                                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(epm.getRealValue())
                                                    && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(epm.getRealValue())) {

                                //OTHER MEASURES - USER DEFINED MEASURE
                                List<Measure> UserDefinedList = e.getPerformances(UserDefinedMeasureVO.class);
                                if (UserDefinedList != null && UserDefinedList.size() > 0) {

                                    Resource _userDefinedCollection = model
                                            .createResource(URIbase + "userdef_perf_col" + "_cf_"
                                                    + (auxExpConf + 1) + "_" + mex.getUserHash())
                                            .addProperty(RDF.type, mexperf_USER_DEFINED_PERFORMANCE_COLLECTION)
                                            .addProperty(PROVO.wasGeneratedBy, _exec);
                                    _exec.addProperty(PROVO.generated, _userDefinedCollection);

                                    int auxudf = 1;
                                    for (Iterator<Measure> iexpm = UserDefinedList.iterator(); iexpm
                                            .hasNext();) {
                                        UserDefinedMeasureVO udm = (UserDefinedMeasureVO) iexpm.next();
                                        if (udm != null) {
                                            Resource _userdefPerf = model
                                                    .addProperty(RDFS.label, "User Defined Measure");

                                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(udm.getId())
                                                    && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(udm.getId())) {
                                                _userdefPerf.addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, udm.getId());
                                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(udm.getValue().toString())
                                                    && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(udm.getValue().toString())) {
                                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(udm.getDescription())
                                                    && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(udm.getDescription())) {
                                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(udm.getFormula())
                                                    && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(udm.getFormula())) {
                                                _userdefPerf.addProperty(MEXPERF_10.formula, udm.getFormula());
                                            _userDefinedCollection.addProperty(PROVO.hadMember, _userdefPerf);

                                } //PERFORMANCES - FOR

                            } //PERFORMANCES - NOT NULL

                        } // EXECUTION - NOT NULL

                        _exec.addProperty(PROVO.wasInformedBy, _expConfiguration);

                    } // EXECUTIONS - FOR

                } //EXECUTIONS - NOT NULL




        FileWriter out;

        out = new FileWriter(filename + "."
                + format.toString().toLowerCase().replace("/", "").replace(".", "").replace("-", ""));

        model.write(out, format.toString());


    } catch (Exception e) {


        throw (e);


From source file:com.opensymphony.xwork2.conversion.impl.XWorkBasicConverter.java

private Object doConvertToDate(Map<String, Object> context, Object value, Class toType) {
    Date result = null;/*from  w ww. ja  v a 2s .c  o  m*/

    if (value instanceof String && value != null && ((String) value).length() > 0) {
        String sa = (String) value;
        Locale locale = getLocale(context);

        DateFormat df = null;
        if (java.sql.Time.class == toType) {
            df = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale);
        } else if (java.sql.Timestamp.class == toType) {
            Date check = null;
            SimpleDateFormat dtfmt = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT,
                    DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale);
            SimpleDateFormat fullfmt = new SimpleDateFormat(dtfmt.toPattern() + MILLISECOND_FORMAT, locale);

            SimpleDateFormat dfmt = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale);

            SimpleDateFormat[] fmts = { fullfmt, dtfmt, dfmt };
            for (SimpleDateFormat fmt : fmts) {
                try {
                    check = fmt.parse(sa);
                    df = fmt;
                    if (check != null) {
                } catch (ParseException ignore) {
        } else if (java.util.Date.class == toType) {
            Date check = null;
            DateFormat[] dfs = getDateFormats(locale);
            for (DateFormat df1 : dfs) {
                try {
                    check = df1.parse(sa);
                    df = df1;
                    if (check != null) {
                } catch (ParseException ignore) {
        //final fallback for dates without time
        if (df == null) {
            df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale);
        try {
            df.setLenient(false); // let's use strict parsing (XW-341)
            result = df.parse(sa);
            if (!(Date.class == toType)) {
                try {
                    Constructor constructor = toType.getConstructor(new Class[] { long.class });
                    return constructor.newInstance(new Object[] { Long.valueOf(result.getTime()) });
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new XWorkException(
                            "Couldn't create class " + toType + " using default (long) constructor", e);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new XWorkException("Could not parse date", e);
    } else if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
        result = (Date) value;
    return result;