Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Krawler Information Systems Pvt Ltd * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package com.krawler.spring.importFunctionality; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDateUtil; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFormulaEvaluator; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.CellReference; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionDefinition; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus; import; import com.krawler.common.admin.ColumnHeader; import com.krawler.common.admin.DefaultHeader; import com.krawler.common.admin.FieldParams; import com.krawler.common.admin.ImportLog; import com.krawler.common.admin.KWLDateFormat; import com.krawler.common.admin.Modules; import com.krawler.common.service.ServiceException; import com.krawler.common.session.SessionExpiredException; import com.krawler.common.util.Constants; import com.krawler.common.util.CsvReader; import com.krawler.common.util.DataInvalidateException; import com.krawler.common.util.KrawlerLog; import com.krawler.common.util.StringUtil; import com.krawler.customFieldMaster.fieldManagerDAO; import com.krawler.common.comet.ServerEventManager; import com.krawler.customFieldMaster.fieldDataManager; import com.krawler.spring.common.KwlReturnObject; import com.krawler.spring.common.kwlCommonTablesDAO; import com.krawler.spring.sessionHandler.sessionHandlerImpl; import com.krawler.spring.storageHandler.storageHandlerImpl; import com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONArray; import com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONException; import com.krawler.utils.json.base.JSONObject; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; public class ImportUtil { private static final DecimalFormat dfmt = new DecimalFormat("#.#####"); private static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ImportUtil.class); private static final int IMPORT_LIMIT = 1500; private static final String df = "yyyy-MM-dd"; private static final String df_full = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"; private static final String df_customfield = "MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss aaa"; private static final String EmailRegEx = "^[\\w-]+([\\w!#$%&'*+/=?^`{|}~-]+)*(\\.[\\w!#$%&'*+/=?^`{|}~-]+)*@[\\w-]+(\\.[\\w-]+)*(\\.[\\w-]+)$"; private static Object[] tempFileData = null; /** * @param moduleId * @param companyid * @param importDao * @return * @throws ServiceException */ public static JSONArray getModuleColumnConfig(String moduleId, String companyid, fieldManagerDAO fieldManagerDAOobj) throws ServiceException { JSONArray jArr = new JSONArray(); HashMap<String, Object> requestParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); requestParams.put("filter_names", Arrays.asList("", "dh.allowImport")); requestParams.put("filter_values", Arrays.asList(moduleId, true)); KwlReturnObject kmsg = fieldManagerDAOobj.getDefaultHeader(requestParams); try { Iterator itr = kmsg.getEntityList().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DefaultHeader obj = (DefaultHeader); requestParams.clear(); requestParams.put("filter_names", Arrays.asList("", "")); requestParams.put("filter_param", Arrays.asList(obj.getId(), companyid)); kmsg = fieldManagerDAOobj.getColumnHeader(requestParams); Iterator ite1 = kmsg.getEntityList().iterator(); if (ite1.hasNext()) { ColumnHeader obj1 = (ColumnHeader); JSONObject jtemp = getObject(obj); jtemp.put("columnName", StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(obj1.getNewHeader()) ? obj1.getDefaultheader().getDefaultHeader() : obj1.getNewHeader()); jtemp.put("isMandatory", obj1.isMandotory()); jArr.put(jtemp); } else if (!obj.isCustomflag()) { JSONObject jtemp = getObject(obj); jArr.put(jtemp); } } } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ImportHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return jArr; } public static JSONArray getModuleColumnConfig1(String moduleId, String companyid, fieldManagerDAO fieldManagerDAOobj, String modulName, boolean allowAutoNoField) throws ServiceException { // THIS is creating issue JSONArray jArr = new JSONArray(); HashMap<String, Object> requestParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ArrayList filter_params = new ArrayList(); ArrayList filter_names = new ArrayList(); filter_names.add("dh.moduleName"); filter_params.add(modulName); filter_names.add("!dh.configid"); filter_params.add("1"); filter_names.add("dh.allowImport"); filter_params.add(true); filter_names.add("dh.customflag"); filter_params.add(false); requestParams.put("filter_names", filter_names); requestParams.put("filter_values", filter_params); requestParams.put("companyid", companyid); requestParams.put("moduleName", modulName); requestParams.put("fetchautonofield", allowAutoNoField); KwlReturnObject kmsg = fieldManagerDAOobj.getDefaultHeader(requestParams); try { List<DefaultHeader> defaultHeaders = kmsg.getEntityList(); List<String> headerIds = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DefaultHeader obj : defaultHeaders) { headerIds.add(obj.getId()); } Map<String, Object[]> results = getColumnHeaderMap(fieldManagerDAOobj, headerIds, companyid); for (DefaultHeader obj : defaultHeaders) { if (results.containsKey(obj.getDefaultHeader())) { Object[] mapEntry = results.get(obj.getDefaultHeader()); ColumnHeader obj1 = (ColumnHeader) mapEntry[1]; DefaultHeader obj2 = (DefaultHeader) mapEntry[0]; JSONObject jtemp = getObject(obj2); jtemp.put("columnName", StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(obj1.getNewHeader()) ? obj2.getDefaultHeader() : obj1.getNewHeader()); jtemp.put("isMandatory", obj1.isMandotory()); jArr.put(jtemp); } else if (!obj.isCustomflag()) { JSONObject jtemp = getObject(obj); jArr.put(jtemp); } } } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ImportHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return jArr; } private static Map<String, Object[]> getColumnHeaderMap(fieldManagerDAO fieldManagerDAOobj, List<String> headerIds, String companyId) { Map<String, Object[]> result = new HashMap<String, Object[]>(); List<Object[]> colList = fieldManagerDAOobj.getColumnHeader(companyId, headerIds); if (colList != null) { for (Object[] col : colList) { DefaultHeader dh = (DefaultHeader) col[0]; result.put(dh.getDefaultHeader(), col); } } return result; } /** * @param dh * @return * @throws JSONException */ private static JSONObject getObject(DefaultHeader dh) throws JSONException { JSONObject jtemp = new JSONObject(); jtemp.put("id", dh.getId()); jtemp.put("columnName", dh.getDefaultHeader()); jtemp.put("pojoName", dh.getPojoMethodName()); jtemp.put("isMandatory", dh.isMandatory()); jtemp.put("isNotNull", dh.isHbmNotNull()); jtemp.put("maxLength", dh.getMaxLength()); jtemp.put("defaultValue", dh.getDefaultValue()); jtemp.put("validatetype", dh.getValidateType()); jtemp.put("refModule", dh.getRefModule_PojoClassName()); jtemp.put("refFetchColumn", dh.getRefFetchColumn_HbmName()); jtemp.put("refDataColumn", dh.getRefDataColumn_HbmName()); jtemp.put("customflag", dh.isCustomflag()); jtemp.put("pojoHeader", dh.getPojoheadername()); jtemp.put("recordname", dh.getRecordname()); jtemp.put("xtype", dh.getXtype()); jtemp.put("configid", dh.getConfigid()); jtemp.put("refcolumn_number", dh.getDbcolumnrefname()); jtemp.put("dbcolumnname", dh.getDbcolumnname()); jtemp.put("localekey", dh.getLocalekey()); return jtemp; } /** * @param requestParams * @param txnManager * @param kwlCommonTablesDAOObj * @param importDao * @return */ public static JSONObject validateFileData(HashMap<String, Object> requestParams, HibernateTransactionManager txnManager, kwlCommonTablesDAO kwlCommonTablesDAOObj, ImportDAO importDao, fieldManagerDAO fieldManagerDAOobj) { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(); String msg = ""; boolean issuccess = true; DefaultTransactionDefinition def = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(); def.setName("import_Tx"); def.setPropagationBehavior(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED); TransactionStatus status = txnManager.getTransaction(def); boolean commitedEx = false; int total = 0, failed = 0, fileSize = 0; String fileName = "", extn = ""; Modules module = null; String exceededLimit = "no", channelName = ""; try { String companyid = (String) requestParams.get("companyid"); String mode = (String) requestParams.get("modName"); fileName = (String) requestParams.get("filename"); extn = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); channelName = "/ValidateFile/" + fileName; Object extraObj = requestParams.get("extraObj"); JSONObject extraParams = (JSONObject) requestParams.get("extraParams"); String jsondata = (String) requestParams.get("resjson"); JSONObject rootcsvjobj = new JSONObject(jsondata); JSONArray mapping = rootcsvjobj.getJSONArray("root"); String dateFormat = null, dateFormatId = (String) requestParams.get("dateFormat"); if (extn.equalsIgnoreCase("csv") && !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(dateFormatId)) { KWLDateFormat kdf = (KWLDateFormat) kwlCommonTablesDAOObj .getClassObject(KWLDateFormat.class.getName(), dateFormatId); dateFormat = kdf != null ? kdf.getJavaForm() : null; } String classPath = "", primaryKey = "", uniqueKeyMethodName = "", uniqueKeyHbmName = ""; try { List list = importDao.getModuleObject(mode); module = (Modules) list.get(0); //Will throw null pointer if no module entry found } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException("Column config not available for module " + mode); } try { classPath = module.getPojoClassPathFull().toString(); primaryKey = module.getPrimaryKey_MethodName().toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException("Please set proper properties for module " + mode); } uniqueKeyMethodName = module.getUniqueKey_MethodName(); uniqueKeyHbmName = module.getUniqueKey_HbmName(); JSONArray columnConfig = getModuleColumnConfig1(module.getId(), companyid, fieldManagerDAOobj, module.getModuleName(), false); String tableName = importDao.getTableName(fileName); KwlReturnObject kresult = importDao.getFileData(tableName, new HashMap<String, Object>()); List fileDataList = kresult.getEntityList(); Iterator itr = fileDataList.iterator(); importDao.markRecordValidation(tableName, -1, 1, "", ""); //reset all invalidation JSONArray recordJArr = new JSONArray(), columnsJArr = new JSONArray(), DataJArr = new JSONArray(); if (itr.hasNext()) { // Object[] fileData = (Object[]); JSONObject jtemp = new JSONObject(); jtemp.put("header", "Row No."); jtemp.put("dataIndex", "col0"); jtemp.put("width", 50); columnsJArr.put(jtemp); for (int i = 1; i < fileData.length - 3; i++) { //Discard columns, id at index 0 and isvalid,validationlog at last 2. jtemp = new JSONObject(); jtemp.put("header", fileData[i] == null ? "" : fileData[i].toString()); jtemp.put("dataIndex", "col" + i); columnsJArr.put(jtemp); } jtemp = new JSONObject(); jtemp.put("header", "Validation Log"); // jtemp.put("hidden", true); jtemp.put("dataIndex", "validateLog"); columnsJArr.put(jtemp); //Create record Obj for grid's store for (int i = 0; i < fileData.length - 1; i++) { jtemp = new JSONObject(); jtemp.put("name", "col" + i); recordJArr.put(jtemp); } jtemp = new JSONObject(); jtemp.put("name", "validateLog"); recordJArr.put(jtemp); } try { jobj.put("record", recordJArr); jobj.put("columns", columnsJArr); jobj.put("data", DataJArr); jobj.put("count", failed); jobj.put("valid", 0); jobj.put("totalrecords", total); jobj.put("isHeader", true); jobj.put("finishedValidation", false); ServerEventManager.publish(channelName, jobj.toString(), (ServletContext) requestParams.get("servletContext")); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } fileSize = fileDataList.size() - 1; fileSize = fileSize >= IMPORT_LIMIT ? IMPORT_LIMIT : fileSize; // fileSize used for showing progress bar[Client Side] jobj.put("isHeader", false); int recIndex = 0; Session session = txnManager.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); int batchCounter = 0; while (itr.hasNext()) { Object[] fileData = (Object[]); tempFileData = null; tempFileData = fileData; recIndex = (Integer) fileData[0]; HashMap<String, Object> dataMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); HashMap<String, Object> columnHeaderMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); HashMap<String, Object> columnCSVindexMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); JSONArray customfield = new JSONArray(); for (int k = 0; k < mapping.length(); k++) { JSONObject mappingJson = mapping.getJSONObject(k); String datakey = mappingJson.getString("columnname"); Object dataValue = cleanHTML((String) fileData[mappingJson.getInt("csvindex") + 1]); //+1 for id column at index-0 dataMap.put(datakey, dataValue); columnHeaderMap.put(datakey, mappingJson.getString("csvheader")); columnCSVindexMap.put(datakey, mappingJson.getInt("csvindex") + 1); } for (int j = 0; j < extraParams.length(); j++) { String datakey = (String) extraParams.names().get(j); Object dataValue = extraParams.get(datakey); dataMap.put(datakey, dataValue); } try { if (total >= IMPORT_LIMIT) { exceededLimit = "yes"; break; } //Update processing status at client side if (total > 0 && total % 10 == 0) { try { ServerEventManager.publish(channelName, "{parsedCount:" + total + ",invalidCount:" + failed + ", fileSize:" + fileSize + ", finishedValidation:false}", (ServletContext) requestParams.get("servletContext")); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } // CheckUniqueRecord(requestParams, dataMap, classPath, uniqueKeyMethodName, uniqueKeyHbmName); validateDataMAP2(requestParams, dataMap, columnConfig, customfield, columnHeaderMap, columnCSVindexMap, dateFormat, importDao, new HashMap<String, String>()); } catch (Exception ex) { failed++; String errorMsg = ex.getMessage(), invalidColumns = ""; try { JSONObject errorLog = new JSONObject(errorMsg); errorMsg = errorLog.getString("errorMsg"); invalidColumns = errorLog.getString("invalidColumns"); } catch (JSONException jex) { } importDao.markRecordValidation(tableName, recIndex, 0, errorMsg, invalidColumns); if (batchCounter % 30 == 0) { session.flush(); session.clear(); } batchCounter++; JSONObject jtemp = new JSONObject(); if (tempFileData != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tempFileData.length - 2; i++) { jtemp.put("col" + i, tempFileData[i] == null ? "" : tempFileData[i].toString()); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < fileData.length - 2; i++) { jtemp.put("col" + i, fileData[i] == null ? "" : fileData[i].toString()); } } jtemp.put("invalidcolumns", invalidColumns); jtemp.put("validateLog", errorMsg); DataJArr.put(jtemp); // try { // jtemp.put("count", failed); // jtemp.put("totalrecords", total+1); // jtemp.put("fileSize", fileSize); // jtemp.put("finishedValidation", false); // ServerEventManager.publish(channelName, jtemp.toString(), (ServletContext) requestParams.get("servletContext")); // } catch(Exception dex) { // throw dex; // } } total++; } int success = total - failed; if (total == 0) { msg = "Empty file."; } else if (success == 0) { msg = "All the records are invalid."; } else if (success == total) { msg = "All the records are valid."; } else { msg = "" + success + " valid record" + (success > 1 ? "s" : "") + ""; msg += (failed == 0 ? "." : " and " + failed + " invalid record" + (failed > 1 ? "s" : "") + "."); } jobj.put("record", recordJArr); jobj.put("columns", columnsJArr); jobj.put("data", DataJArr); jobj.put("count", failed); jobj.put("valid", success); jobj.put("totalrecords", total); try { ServerEventManager.publish(channelName, "{parsedCount:" + total + ",invalidCount:" + failed + ", fileSize:" + fileSize + ", finishedValidation:true}", (ServletContext) requestParams.get("servletContext")); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } try { txnManager.commit(status); } catch (Exception ex) { commitedEx = true; throw ex; } } catch (Exception e) { if (!commitedEx) { //if exception occurs during commit then dont call rollback txnManager.rollback(status); } issuccess = false; msg = "" + e.getMessage(); Logger.getLogger(ImportHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); } finally { try { jobj.put("success", issuccess); jobj.put("msg", msg); jobj.put("exceededLimit", exceededLimit); } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ImportHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return jobj; } /** * @param strText * @return * @throws IOException */ private static String cleanHTML(String strText) throws IOException { return strText != null ? StringUtil.serverHTMLStripper(strText) : null; } /** * @param requestParams * @param dataMap * @param columnConfigArray * @param customfield * @param columnHeaderMap * @param columnCSVindexMap * @param dateFormat * @param importDao * @throws DataInvalidateException */ private static void validateDataMAP2(HashMap<String, Object> requestParams, HashMap<String, Object> dataMap, JSONArray columnConfigArray, JSONArray customfield, HashMap<String, Object> columnHeaderMap, HashMap<String, Object> columnCSVindexMap, String dateFormat, ImportDAO importDao, HashMap<String, String> autoNoMap) throws DataInvalidateException { String errorMsg = "", invalidColumns = ""; Integer csvIndex = null; for (int k = 0; k < columnConfigArray.length(); k++) { JSONObject columnConfig = null; String column = ""; try { columnConfig = columnConfigArray.getJSONObject(k); column = columnConfig.getString("pojoName"); csvIndex = (Integer) columnCSVindexMap.get(column); if (dataMap.containsKey(column)) { validateColumnData(requestParams, dataMap, columnConfig, column, customfield, columnHeaderMap, dateFormat, importDao, csvIndex, autoNoMap); } else { if (columnConfig.has("xtype") && columnConfig.getString("xtype") .equals(String.valueOf(Constants.CUSTOM_FIELD_AUTONUMBER))) { if (autoNoMap.containsKey(column)) { int nextAutoNo = Integer.parseInt(autoNoMap.get(column)); Object vDataValue = fieldDataManager.getNextAutoNo( autoNoMap.get(column + "_" + Constants.CUSTOM_FIELD_PREFIX), nextAutoNo, autoNoMap.get(column + "_" + Constants.CUSTOM_FIELD_SUFFIX)); autoNoMap.put(column, String.valueOf(nextAutoNo + 1)); JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(); createCustomColumnJSON(jobj, columnConfig, vDataValue); customfield.put(jobj); } } else if (columnConfig.has("defaultValue")) { dataMap.put(column, getDefaultValue(columnConfig)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMsg += ex.getMessage(); invalidColumns += ("col" + columnCSVindexMap.get(column) + ","); } } if (errorMsg.length() > 0) { try { JSONObject errorLog = new JSONObject(); errorLog.put("errorMsg", errorMsg); errorLog.put("invalidColumns", invalidColumns); errorMsg = errorLog.toString(); } catch (JSONException ex) { } throw new DataInvalidateException(errorMsg); } } /** * @param requestParams * @param dataMap * @param columnConfig * @param column * @param customfield * @param columnHeaderMap * @param dateFormat * @param importDao * @throws JSONException * @throws DataInvalidateException * @throws ParseException */ private static void validateColumnData(HashMap<String, Object> requestParams, HashMap<String, Object> dataMap, JSONObject columnConfig, String column, JSONArray customfield, HashMap<String, Object> columnHeaderMap, String dateFormat, ImportDAO importDao, Integer colCsvIndex, HashMap<String, String> autoNoMap) throws JSONException, DataInvalidateException, ParseException { int maxLength = columnConfig.getInt("maxLength"); String csvHeader = (String) columnHeaderMap.get(column); csvHeader = (csvHeader == null ? csvHeader : csvHeader.replaceAll("\\.", " "));//remove '.' from csv Header String columnHeader = columnConfig.getString("columnName"); String data = dataMap.get(column) == null ? null : String.valueOf(dataMap.get(column)); Object vDataValue = data; if (columnConfig.has("validatetype")) { String validatetype = columnConfig.getString("validatetype"); boolean customflag = false; if (columnConfig.has("customflag")) { customflag = columnConfig.getBoolean("customflag"); } if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("integer")) { try { if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) { // Remove ","(comma) from number data = data.replaceAll(",", ""); } if (maxLength > 0 && data != null && data.length() > maxLength) { // Added null value check for data[Sandeep k] throw new DataInvalidateException( "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + "."); } vDataValue = StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data) ? "" : Integer.parseInt(data); } catch (DataInvalidateException dex) { throw dex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Incorrect numeric value for " + csvHeader + ", Please ensure that value type of " + csvHeader + " matches with the " + columnHeader + "."); } } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("double")) { try { if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) { // Remove ","(comma) from number data = data.replaceAll(",", ""); } if (maxLength > 0 && data != null && data.length() > maxLength) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + "."); } vDataValue = StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data) ? "" : Double.parseDouble(data); } catch (DataInvalidateException dex) { throw dex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Incorrect numeric value for " + csvHeader + ", Please ensure that value type of " + csvHeader + " matches with the " + columnHeader + "."); } } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("date")) { if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) { String ldf = dateFormat != null ? dateFormat : (data.length() > 10 ? df_full : df); try { if (maxLength > 0 && data == null) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + "."); } DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ldf); sdf.setLenient(false); sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + requestParams.get("tzdiff"))); vDataValue = StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data) ? null : sdf.parse(data); if (customflag && vDataValue != null) { vDataValue = ((Date) vDataValue).getTime(); tempFileData[colCsvIndex] = vDataValue; if (tempFileData != null) {//In case of invalid records date field is showing number(Long value) so replacing by proper format in tempFileData tempFileData[colCsvIndex.intValue()] = new Date((Long) vDataValue); } } } catch (DataInvalidateException dex) { throw dex; } catch (Exception ex) { try { vDataValue = Long.parseLong(data); if (!customflag && vDataValue != null) { vDataValue = new Date((Long) vDataValue); } if (tempFileData != null) {//In case of invalid records date field is showing number(Long value) so replacing by proper format in tempFileData tempFileData[colCsvIndex.intValue()] = customflag ? new Date((Long) vDataValue) : vDataValue; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DataInvalidateException("Incorrect date format for " + csvHeader + ", Please specify values in " + ldf + " format."); } } } else { vDataValue = null; } } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("time")) { if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) { //@@@ need to uncomment // Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(EmailRegEx); // if(!pattern.matcher(data).matches()){ // throw new DataInvalidateException("Incorrect time format for "+columnConfig.getString("columnName")+" use HH:MM AM or PM"); // } vDataValue = data; } else { vDataValue = null; } } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("ref")) { if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) { try { String pref = (String) requestParams.get("masterPreference"); //0:Skip Record, 1:Skip Column, 2:Add new if (columnConfig.has("refModule") && columnConfig.has("refDataColumn") && columnConfig.has("refFetchColumn") && columnConfig.has("configid")) { requestParams.put("defaultheader", columnConfig.getString("columnName")); List list = getRefData(requestParams, columnConfig.getString("refModule"), columnConfig.getString("refDataColumn"), columnConfig.getString("refFetchColumn"), columnConfig.getString("configid"), data, importDao); if (list.size() == 0) { // String configid = columnConfig.getString("configid"); // // Configid =>> 1:Owner, 2:Product, 3:Account, 4:Contact // // then we can't create new entry for such module // if(pref.equalsIgnoreCase("2") && (configid.equals("1") || configid.equals("2") || configid.equals("3") || configid.equals("4"))) { // throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader+" entry not found in master list for "+ columnHeader +" dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record. // } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { //Skip Record if (!ImportHandler.isMasterTable(columnConfig.getString("refModule"))) { // Cant't create entry for ref. module throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader + " entry not present in " + columnHeader + " list, Please create new " + columnHeader + " entry for '" + (data.replaceAll("\\.", "")) + "' as it requires some other details."); } else throw new DataInvalidateException( csvHeader + " entry not found in master list for " + columnHeader + " dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record. } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { vDataValue = null; // Put 'null' value to skip column data. } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) { if (!ImportHandler.isMasterTable(columnConfig.getString("refModule"))) { // Cant't create entry for ref. module throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader + " entry not present in " + columnHeader + " list, Please create new " + columnHeader + " entry for '" + (data.replaceAll("\\.", "")) + "' as it requires some other details."); } } } else { vDataValue = list.get(0).toString(); } } else { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Incorrect reference mapping(" + columnHeader + ") for " + csvHeader + "."); } } catch (ServiceException ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Incorrect reference mapping(" + columnHeader + ") for " + csvHeader + "."); } catch (DataInvalidateException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException( csvHeader + " entry not found in master list for " + columnHeader + " dropdown."); } } else { vDataValue = null; } } else if (!customflag && validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("multiselect")) { if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) { try { String pref = (String) requestParams.get("masterPreference"); //0:Skip Record, 1:Skip Column, 2:Add new if (columnConfig.has("refModule") && columnConfig.has("refDataColumn") && columnConfig.has("refFetchColumn") && columnConfig.has("configid")) { String[] multiData = data.toString().split(Constants.Custom_Column_Sep); String mdata = ""; Boolean isRefData = columnConfig.has("refModule") && columnConfig.has("refDataColumn") && columnConfig.has("refFetchColumn") && columnConfig.has("configid"); List list = null; for (int i = 0; isRefData && i < multiData.length; i++) { // Reference module list = getRefData(requestParams, columnConfig.getString("refModule"), columnConfig.getString("refDataColumn"), columnConfig.getString("refFetchColumn"), columnConfig.getString("configid"), multiData[i], importDao); if (list.size() == 0) { if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { //Skip Record if (!ImportHandler.isMasterTable(columnConfig.getString("refModule"))) { // Cant't create entry for ref. module throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader + " entry not present in " + columnHeader + " list, Please create new " + columnHeader + " entry for '" + (multiData[i].replaceAll("\\.", "")) + "' as it requires some other details."); } else { throw new DataInvalidateException( csvHeader + " entry not found in master list for " + columnHeader + " dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record. } } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) { if (!ImportHandler.isMasterTable(columnConfig.getString("refModule"))) { // Cant't create entry for ref. module throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader + " entry not present in " + columnHeader + " list, Please create new " + columnHeader + " entry for '" + (multiData[i].replaceAll("\\.", "")) + "' as it requires some other details."); } } } else { mdata += list.get(0).toString() + Constants.Custom_Column_Sep; } } if (mdata.length() > 0) { vDataValue = mdata.substring(0, mdata.length() - 1); } else { if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { vDataValue = null; } else vDataValue = ""; } } else { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Incorrect reference mapping(" + columnHeader + ") for " + csvHeader + "."); } } catch (ServiceException ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Incorrect reference mapping(" + columnHeader + ") for " + csvHeader + "."); } catch (DataInvalidateException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException( csvHeader + " entry not found in master list for " + columnHeader + " dropdown."); } } else { vDataValue = null; } } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("email")) { if (maxLength > 0 && data != null && data.length() > maxLength) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + "."); } if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(data)) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(EmailRegEx); if (!pattern.matcher(data).matches()) { throw new DataInvalidateException("Invalid email address for " + csvHeader + "."); } vDataValue = data; } else { vDataValue = null; } } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) { if (data.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || data.equalsIgnoreCase("1") || data.equalsIgnoreCase("T")) { vDataValue = true; } else if (data.equalsIgnoreCase("false") || data.equalsIgnoreCase("0") || data.equalsIgnoreCase("F")) { vDataValue = false; } else { throw new DataInvalidateException("Incorrect boolean value for " + csvHeader + "."); } } if (vDataValue == null && columnConfig.has("isNotNull") && columnConfig.getBoolean("isNotNull")) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Empty data found in " + csvHeader + ", Can not set empty data for " + columnHeader + "."); } else { if (customflag) { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(); if (columnConfig.getString("xtype").equals("4") || columnConfig.getString("xtype").equals("7")) {//Drop down & Multi Select Drop down try { if (vDataValue != null) { if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(vDataValue.toString())) { HashMap<String, Object> comborequestParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); comborequestParams = requestParams; String pref = (String) requestParams.get("masterPreference"); //0:Skip Record, 1:Skip Column, 2:Add new KwlReturnObject result = null; if (columnConfig.getString("xtype").equals("4")) { comborequestParams.put("filtergetColumn_names", Arrays.asList("fieldid", "value")); comborequestParams.put("filter_values", Arrays.asList( columnConfig.getString("pojoHeader"), vDataValue.toString())); List lst = getCustomComboID(requestParams, vDataValue.toString(), columnConfig.getString("pojoHeader"), "id", importDao); // List lst = result.getEntityList(); if (lst.size() == 0) { if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { //Skip Record throw new DataInvalidateException( csvHeader + " entry not found in the list for " + columnHeader + " dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record. } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { vDataValue = null; // Put 'null' value to skip column data. } } else { // FieldComboData tmpcontyp = (FieldComboData); vDataValue = lst.get(0).toString(); } } else if (columnConfig.getString("xtype").equals("7")) { String[] multiData = vDataValue.toString() .split(Constants.Custom_Column_Sep); String mdata = ""; for (int i = 0; i < multiData.length; i++) { // if for master multiselect data item and else for custom multiselect if (columnConfig.has("refModule") && columnConfig.has("refDataColumn") && columnConfig.has("refFetchColumn") && columnConfig.has("configid")) { List list = getRefData(requestParams, columnConfig.getString("refModule"), columnConfig.getString("refDataColumn"), columnConfig.getString("refFetchColumn"), columnConfig.getString("configid"), multiData[i], importDao); mdata += list.get(0).toString() + Constants.Custom_Column_Sep; } else { comborequestParams.put("filter_names", Arrays.asList("fieldid", "value")); comborequestParams.put("filter_values", Arrays.asList( columnConfig.getString("pojoHeader"), multiData[i])); List lst = getCustomComboID(requestParams, multiData[i], columnConfig.getString("pojoHeader"), "id", importDao); // List lst = result.getEntityList(); if (lst.size() == 0) { if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { //Skip Record throw new DataInvalidateException( csvHeader + " entry not found in the list for " + columnHeader + " dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record. } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { vDataValue = null; // Put 'null' value to skip column data. } } else { // FieldComboData tmpcontyp = (FieldComboData); mdata += lst.get(0).toString() + Constants.Custom_Column_Sep; } } } if (mdata.length() > 0) { vDataValue = mdata.substring(0, mdata.length() - 1); } } } } /* else { throw new DataInvalidateException("Incorrect reference mapping("+columnHeader+") for "+csvHeader+"."); }*/ } catch (DataInvalidateException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader + " entry not found in master list for " + columnHeader + " dropdown."); } } else if (columnConfig.getString("xtype").equals("8")) {//Reference Drop down try { if (vDataValue != null) { if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(vDataValue.toString())) { String pref = (String) requestParams.get("masterPreference"); //0:Skip Record, 1:Skip Column, 2:Add new if (columnConfig.has("refModule") && columnConfig.has("refDataColumn") && columnConfig.has("refFetchColumn") && columnConfig.has("configid")) { List list = getRefData(requestParams, columnConfig.getString("refModule"), columnConfig.getString("refDataColumn"), columnConfig.getString("refFetchColumn"), columnConfig.getString("configid"), vDataValue, importDao); if (list.size() == 0) { if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { //Skip Record throw new DataInvalidateException( csvHeader + " entry not found in the list for " + columnHeader + " dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record. } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { vDataValue = null; // Put 'null' value to skip column data. } else if (pref.equalsIgnoreCase("2")) { //2:Add new if (columnConfig.getString("refModule") .equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.Crm_users_pojo)) {//For users custom column. throw new DataInvalidateException( csvHeader + " entry not found in the list for " + columnHeader + " dropdown."); // Throw ex to skip record. } } } else { vDataValue = list.get(0).toString(); } } else { throw new DataInvalidateException("Incorrect reference mapping(" + columnHeader + ") for " + csvHeader + "."); } } } /* else { throw new DataInvalidateException("Incorrect reference mapping("+columnHeader+") for "+csvHeader+"."); }*/ } catch (ServiceException ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Incorrect reference mapping(" + columnHeader + ") for " + csvHeader + "."); } catch (DataInvalidateException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException(csvHeader + " entry not found in master list for " + columnHeader + " dropdown."); } } else { if (!validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("date") && maxLength > 0 && data != null && data.length() > maxLength) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + "."); } } createCustomColumnJSON(jobj, columnConfig, vDataValue); customfield.put(jobj); if (dataMap.containsKey(column)) { dataMap.remove(column); } } else { if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("string") && maxLength > 0 && data != null && data.length() > maxLength) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + "."); } dataMap.put(column, vDataValue); } } } else { // If no validation type then check allow null property[SK] if (vDataValue == null && columnConfig.has("isNotNull") && columnConfig.getBoolean("isNotNull")) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Empty data found in " + csvHeader + ". Can not set empty data for " + columnHeader + "."); } if (data != null && maxLength > 0 && data.length() > maxLength) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Data length greater than " + maxLength + " for column " + csvHeader + "."); } } } private static void createCustomColumnJSON(JSONObject jobj, JSONObject columnConfig, Object vDataValue) { try { jobj.put(columnConfig.getString("pojoName"), vDataValue == null ? "" : vDataValue); jobj.put("refcolumn_name", Constants.Custom_Column_Prefix + columnConfig.getString("refcolumn_number")); jobj.put("fieldname", columnConfig.getString("columnName")); jobj.put(columnConfig.getString("dbcolumnname"), vDataValue == null ? "" : vDataValue); jobj.put(columnConfig.getString("columnName"), columnConfig.getString("dbcolumnname")); jobj.put("filedid", columnConfig.getString("pojoHeader")); jobj.put("xtype", columnConfig.getString("xtype")); } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ImportHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * @param columnConfig * @return * @throws ParseException * @throws JSONException * @throws DataInvalidateException */ private static Object getDefaultValue(JSONObject columnConfig) throws ParseException, JSONException, DataInvalidateException { Object defaultValue = columnConfig.get("defaultValue"); if (columnConfig.has("validatetype")) { String validatetype = columnConfig.getString("validatetype"); if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("integer")) { defaultValue = StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(defaultValue.toString()) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(defaultValue.toString()); } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("double")) { defaultValue = StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(defaultValue.toString()) ? 0.0 : Double.parseDouble(defaultValue.toString()); } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("date")) { String ddateStr = defaultValue.toString(); //DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ddateStr.length()>10 ? df_full : df); boolean customflag = columnConfig.optBoolean("customflag"); if (ddateStr.equals("now")) { defaultValue = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()); } else { defaultValue = StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(ddateStr) ? null : ddateStr; } if (!customflag && defaultValue != null) { defaultValue = new Date(Long.parseLong((String) defaultValue)); } } else if (validatetype.equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) { String data = defaultValue.toString(); if (data.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || data.equalsIgnoreCase("1") || data.equalsIgnoreCase("T")) { defaultValue = true; } else if (data.equalsIgnoreCase("false") || data.equalsIgnoreCase("0") || data.equalsIgnoreCase("F")) { defaultValue = false; } else { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Incorrect default boolean value for " + columnConfig.getString("columnName") + "."); } } } if (defaultValue == null && columnConfig.has("isNotNull") && columnConfig.getBoolean("isNotNull")) { throw new DataInvalidateException( "Can not set default empty data for " + columnConfig.getString("columnName") + "."); } return defaultValue; } /** * @param requestParams * @param table * @param dataColumn * @param fetchColumn * @param comboConfigid * @param token * @param importDao * @return * @throws ServiceException * @throws DataInvalidateException */ private static List getRefData(HashMap<String, Object> requestParams, String table, String dataColumn, String fetchColumn, String comboConfigid, Object token, ImportDAO importDao) throws ServiceException, DataInvalidateException { ArrayList<String> filterNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Object> filterValues = new ArrayList<Object>(); filterNames.add(dataColumn); filterValues.add(token); filterNames.add(Constants.deleteflag); filterValues.add(0); return importDao.getRefModuleData(requestParams, table, fetchColumn, comboConfigid, filterNames, filterValues); } /** * @param requestParams * @param combovalue * @param fieldid * @param fetchColumn * @param importDao * @return * @throws ServiceException * @throws DataInvalidateException */ private static List getCustomComboID(HashMap<String, Object> requestParams, String combovalue, String fieldid, String fetchColumn, ImportDAO importDao) throws ServiceException, DataInvalidateException { ArrayList filterNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList filterValues = new ArrayList<Object>(); filterNames.add(ImportConstants.Crm_value); filterValues.add(combovalue); filterNames.add(ImportConstants.Crm_fieldid); filterValues.add(fieldid); filterNames.add(ImportConstants.Crm_deleteflag); filterValues.add(0); return importDao.getCustomComboID(requestParams, fetchColumn, filterNames, filterValues); } /** * @param request * @return * @throws SessionExpiredException */ public static HashMap<String, Object> getImportRequestParams(HttpServletRequest request) throws SessionExpiredException { HashMap<String, Object> requestParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); requestParams.put("modName", request.getParameter("modName")); requestParams.put("moduleName", request.getParameter("moduleName")); requestParams.put("delimiterType", request.getParameter("delimiterType")); requestParams.put("filename", request.getParameter("filename")); requestParams.put("resjson", request.getParameter("resjson")); requestParams.put("sheetindex", request.getParameter("sheetindex")); requestParams.put("onlyfilename", request.getParameter("onlyfilename")); requestParams.put("dateFormat", request.getParameter("dateFormat")); requestParams.put("masterPreference", request.getParameter("masterPreference")); requestParams.put("companyid", sessionHandlerImpl.getCompanyid(request)); requestParams.put("tzdiff", sessionHandlerImpl.getTimeZoneDifference(request)); requestParams.put("userid", sessionHandlerImpl.getUserid(request)); requestParams.put("doAction", request.getParameter("do")); return requestParams; } /** * @param requestParams * @param importDao * @return */ public static String addPendingImportLog(HashMap<String, Object> requestParams, ImportDAO importDao) { String logId = null; try { //Insert Integration log String fileName = (String) requestParams.get("filename"); String Module = (String) requestParams.get("modName"); try { List list = importDao.getModuleObject(Module); Modules module = (Modules) list.get(0); //Will throw null pointer if no module entry found Module = module.getId(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException("Column config not available for module " + Module); } HashMap<String, Object> logDataMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); logDataMap.put("FileName", ImportLog.getActualFileName(fileName)); logDataMap.put("StorageName", fileName); logDataMap.put("Log", "Pending"); logDataMap.put("Type", fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)); logDataMap.put("Module", Module); logDataMap.put("ImportDate", new Date()); logDataMap.put("User", (String) requestParams.get("userid")); logDataMap.put("Company", (String) requestParams.get("companyid")); ImportLog importlog = (ImportLog) importDao.saveImportLog(logDataMap); logId = importlog.getId(); } catch (Exception ex) { logId = null; } return logId; } /** * @param requestParams * @param txnManager * @param KwlCommonTablesDAOObj * @param importDao * @param fieldManagerDAOobj * @return */ public static JSONObject importFileData(HashMap<String, Object> requestParams, HibernateTransactionManager txnManager, kwlCommonTablesDAO KwlCommonTablesDAOObj, ImportDAO importDao, fieldManagerDAO fieldManagerDAOobj) { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(); String msg = ""; boolean issuccess = true; DefaultTransactionDefinition def = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(); def.setName("import_Tx"); def.setPropagationBehavior(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED); TransactionStatus status = txnManager.getTransaction(def); boolean commitedEx = false; int total = 0, failed = 0; String fileName = "", tableName = "", extn = ""; Modules module = null; try { String moduleID = ""; String mode = (String) requestParams.get("modName"); fileName = (String) requestParams.get("filename"); String companyid = (String) requestParams.get("companyid"); extn = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); StringBuilder failedRecords = new StringBuilder(); String dateFormat = null, dateFormatId = (String) requestParams.get("dateFormat"); if (extn.equalsIgnoreCase("csv") && !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(dateFormatId)) { KWLDateFormat kdf = (KWLDateFormat) KwlCommonTablesDAOObj .getClassObject(KWLDateFormat.class.getName(), dateFormatId); dateFormat = kdf != null ? kdf.getJavaForm() : null; } Object extraObj = requestParams.get("extraObj"); JSONObject extraParams = (JSONObject) requestParams.get("extraParams"); String jsondata = (String) requestParams.get("resjson"); JSONObject rootcsvjobj = new JSONObject(jsondata); JSONArray mapping = rootcsvjobj.getJSONArray("root"); String classPath = "", primaryKey = "", uniqueKeyMethodName = "", uniqueKeyHbmName = ""; try { List list = importDao.getModuleObject(mode); module = (Modules) list.get(0); //Will throw null pointer if no module entry found } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException("Column config not available for module " + mode); } try { classPath = module.getPojoClassPathFull().toString(); primaryKey = module.getPrimaryKey_MethodName().toString(); moduleID = module.getId(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DataInvalidateException("Please set proper properties for module " + mode); } uniqueKeyMethodName = module.getUniqueKey_MethodName(); uniqueKeyHbmName = module.getUniqueKey_HbmName(); JSONArray columnConfig = getModuleColumnConfig1(module.getId(), companyid, fieldManagerDAOobj, module.getModuleName(), true); tableName = importDao.getTableName(fileName); HashMap<String, Object> filterParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // filterParams.put("isvalid", 1); //To fetch valid records KwlReturnObject kresult = importDao.getFileData(tableName, filterParams); //Fetch all valid records List fileDataList = kresult.getEntityList(); Iterator itr = fileDataList.iterator(); if (itr.hasNext()) { Object[] fileData = (Object[]); //Skip header row failedRecords.append(createCSVrecord(fileData) + "\"Error Message\"");//failedRecords.append("\"Row No.\","+createCSVrecord(fileData)+"\"Error Message\""); } int recIndex = 0; importDao.markRecordValidation(tableName, -1, 1, "", ""); //reset all invalidation int batchCounter = 0; Session session = txnManager.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); /*-Auto no custom column changes*/ String customdataclasspath = ""; int intModuleId = 0; if (moduleID.equals(Constants.MODULEID_LEAD)) { intModuleId = Constants.Crm_lead_moduleid; customdataclasspath = Constants.Crm_lead_custom_data_classpath; } else if (moduleID.equals(Constants.MODULEID_ACCOUNT)) { intModuleId = Constants.Crm_account_moduleid; customdataclasspath = Constants.Crm_account_custom_data_classpath; } else if (moduleID.equals(Constants.MODULEID_CONTACT)) { intModuleId = Constants.Crm_contact_moduleid; customdataclasspath = Constants.Crm_contact_custom_data_classpath; } else if (moduleID.equals(Constants.MODULEID_OPPORTUNITY)) { intModuleId = Constants.Crm_opportunity_moduleid; customdataclasspath = Constants.Crm_opportunity_custom_data_classpath; } else if (moduleID.equals(Constants.MODULEID_CASE)) { intModuleId = Constants.Crm_case_moduleid; customdataclasspath = Constants.Crm_case_custom_data_classpath; } else if (moduleID.equals(Constants.MODULEID_PRODUCT)) { intModuleId = Constants.Crm_product_moduleid; customdataclasspath = Constants.Crm_product_custom_data_classpath; } List autoNoFieldName = new ArrayList(); HashMap<String, String> autoNoMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); HashMap<String, Object> fieldrequestParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); fieldrequestParams.put("isexport", true); fieldrequestParams.put("filter_names", Arrays.asList("companyid", "moduleid", "fieldtype")); fieldrequestParams.put("filter_values", Arrays.asList(companyid, intModuleId, Constants.CUSTOM_FIELD_AUTONUMBER)); KwlReturnObject AutoNoFieldMap = fieldManagerDAOobj.getFieldParams(fieldrequestParams); if (AutoNoFieldMap.getEntityList().size() != 0) { List<FieldParams> autNoList = AutoNoFieldMap.getEntityList(); for (FieldParams obj : autNoList) { String maxNo = fieldManagerDAOobj.getMaxAutoNumber( Constants.Custom_column_Prefix + obj.getColnum(), customdataclasspath, companyid, obj.getPrefix(), obj.getSuffix()); Integer maxNumber = Integer.parseInt(maxNo) + 1; autoNoMap.put(obj.getFieldname(), maxNumber.toString()); autoNoFieldName.add(obj.getFieldname()); autoNoMap.put(obj.getFieldname() + "_" + Constants.CUSTOM_FIELD_PREFIX, obj.getPrefix()); autoNoMap.put(obj.getFieldname() + "_" + Constants.CUSTOM_FIELD_SUFFIX, obj.getSuffix()); } } // End while (itr.hasNext()) { total++; Object[] fileData = (Object[]); recIndex = (Integer) fileData[0]; HashMap<String, Object> dataMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); HashMap<String, Object> columnHeaderMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); HashMap<String, Object> columnCSVindexMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); JSONArray customfield = new JSONArray(); for (int k = 0; k < mapping.length(); k++) { JSONObject mappingJson = mapping.getJSONObject(k); String datakey = mappingJson.getString("columnname"); Object dataValue = cleanHTML(fileData[mappingJson.getInt("csvindex") + 1] == null ? null : String.valueOf(fileData[mappingJson.getInt("csvindex") + 1])); //+1 for id column at index-0 dataMap.put(datakey, dataValue); columnHeaderMap.put(datakey, mappingJson.getString("csvheader")); columnCSVindexMap.put(datakey, mappingJson.getInt("csvindex") + 1); } for (int j = 0; j < extraParams.length(); j++) { String datakey = (String) extraParams.names().get(j); Object dataValue = extraParams.get(datakey); dataMap.put(datakey, dataValue); } Object object = null; try { // CheckUniqueRecord(requestParams, dataMap, classPath, uniqueKeyMethodName, uniqueKeyHbmName); validateDataMAP2(requestParams, dataMap, columnConfig, customfield, columnHeaderMap, columnCSVindexMap, dateFormat, importDao, autoNoMap); object = importDao.saveRecord(requestParams, dataMap, null, mode, classPath, primaryKey, extraObj, customfield); if (batchCounter % 100 == 0) { session.flush(); session.clear(); } batchCounter++; } catch (Exception ex) { failed++; String errorMsg = ex.getMessage(), invalidColumns = ""; try { JSONObject errorLog = new JSONObject(errorMsg); errorMsg = errorLog.getString("errorMsg"); invalidColumns = errorLog.getString("invalidColumns"); } catch (JSONException jex) { } failedRecords.append("\n" + createCSVrecord(fileData) + "\"" + errorMsg + "\"");//failedRecords.append("\n"+(total)+","+createCSVrecord(fileData)+"\""+ex.getMessage()+"\""); importDao.markRecordValidation(tableName, recIndex, 0, errorMsg, invalidColumns); } } if (failed > 0) { createFailureFiles(fileName, failedRecords, ".csv"); } int success = total - failed; if (total == 0) { msg = "Empty file."; } else if (success == 0) { msg = "Failed to import all the records."; } else if (success == total) { msg = "All records are imported successfully."; } else { msg = "Imported " + success + " record" + (success > 1 ? "s" : "") + " successfully"; msg += (failed == 0 ? "." : " and failed to import " + failed + " record" + (failed > 1 ? "s" : "") + "."); } try { txnManager.commit(status); importDao.linkCustomData(mode); } catch (Exception ex) { commitedEx = true; throw ex; } } catch (Exception e) { if (!commitedEx) { //if exception occurs during commit then dont call rollback txnManager.rollback(status); } issuccess = false; msg = "" + e.getMessage(); Logger.getLogger(ImportHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); } finally { DefaultTransactionDefinition ldef = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(); ldef.setName("import_Tx"); ldef.setPropagationBehavior(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED); TransactionStatus lstatus = txnManager.getTransaction(ldef); boolean exCommit = false; try { //Insert Integration log requestParams.put("modulename", module.getModuleName()); requestParams.put("validflag", 2); if (!module.getModuleName().equals("Target") && !module.getModuleName().equals("Calibration")) fieldManagerDAOobj.validateimportrecords(requestParams); HashMap<String, Object> logDataMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String logId = (String) requestParams.get("logId"); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(logId)) { logDataMap.put("Id", logId); } failed = issuccess ? failed : total; logDataMap.put("FileName", ImportLog.getActualFileName(fileName)); logDataMap.put("StorageName", fileName); logDataMap.put("Log", msg); logDataMap.put("Type", fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)); logDataMap.put("TotalRecs", total); logDataMap.put("Rejected", failed); logDataMap.put("Module", module.getId()); logDataMap.put("ImportDate", new Date()); logDataMap.put("User", (String) requestParams.get("userid")); logDataMap.put("Company", (String) requestParams.get("companyid")); importDao.saveImportLog(logDataMap); importDao.removeFileTable(tableName);//Remove table after importing all records try { txnManager.commit(lstatus); } catch (Exception ex) { exCommit = true; throw ex; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!exCommit) { //if exception occurs during commit then dont call rollback txnManager.rollback(lstatus); } Logger.getLogger(ImportHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } try { jobj.put("success", issuccess); jobj.put("msg", msg); jobj.put("totalrecords", total); jobj.put("successrecords", total - failed); jobj.put("failedrecords", failed); jobj.put("filename", ImportLog.getActualFileName(fileName)); } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ImportHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return jobj; } /** * @param listArray * @return */ private static String createCSVrecord(Object[] listArray) { String rec = ""; for (int i = 1; i < listArray.length - 3; i++) { //Discard columns id at index 0 and isvalid,invalidColumns, validationlog at last 3 indexes. rec += "\"" + (listArray[i] == null ? "" : listArray[i].toString()) + "\","; } return rec; } /** * @param filename * @param failedRecords * @param ext */ private static void createFailureFiles(String filename, StringBuilder failedRecords, String ext) { String destinationDirectory; try { destinationDirectory = storageHandlerImpl.GetDocStorePath() + "importplans"; if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(ext)) { ext = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf(".")); } filename = filename.substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf(".")); failurefileOut = new destinationDirectory + "/" + filename + ImportLog.failureTag + ext); failurefileOut.write(failedRecords.toString().getBytes()); failurefileOut.flush(); failurefileOut.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("\nError file write [success/failed] " + ex); } } /** * @param request * @return * @throws IOException */ public static JSONObject getMappingCSVHeader(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { String contentType = request.getContentType(); CsvReader csvReader = null; JSONObject jtemp1 = new JSONObject(); JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject jsnobj = new JSONObject(); String delimiterType = request.getParameter("delimiterType"); String str = ""; { FileInputStream fstream = null; try { if ((contentType != null) && (contentType.indexOf("multipart/form-data") >= 0)) { String fileid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); fileid = fileid.replaceAll("-", ""); // To append UUID without "-" [SK] // String Module = request.getParameter("type")==null?"":"_"+request.getParameter("type"); String f1 = uploadDocument(request, fileid); if (f1.length() != 0) { String destinationDirectory = storageHandlerImpl.GetDocStorePath() + "importplans"; File csv = new File(destinationDirectory + "/" + f1); fstream = new FileInputStream(csv); csvReader = new CsvReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream), delimiterType); csvReader.readHeaders(); int cols = csvReader.getHeaderCount(); for (int k = 0; k < csvReader.getHeaderCount(); k++) { jtemp1 = new JSONObject(); if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(csvReader.getHeader(k).trim())) { jtemp1.put("header", csvReader.getHeader(k)); jtemp1.put("index", k); jobj.append("Header", jtemp1); } } if (jobj.isNull("Header")) { jsnobj.put("success", "true"); str = jsnobj.toString(); } else { jobj.append("success", "true"); jobj.append("FileName", f1); jobj.put("name", f1); jobj.put("delimiterType", delimiterType); jobj.put("cols", cols); str = jobj.toString(); } } } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ImportHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ImportHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { csvReader.close(); fstream.close(); } } return jobj; } /** * @param request * @param fileid * @return * @throws ServiceException */ private static String uploadDocument(HttpServletRequest request, String fileid) throws ServiceException { String result = ""; try { String destinationDirectory = storageHandlerImpl.GetDocStorePath() + "importplans"; org.apache.commons.fileupload.DiskFileUpload fu = new org.apache.commons.fileupload.DiskFileUpload(); org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem fi = null; org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem docTmpFI = null; List fileItems = null; try { fileItems = fu.parseRequest(request); } catch (FileUploadException e) { KrawlerLog.op.warn("Problem While Uploading file :" + e.toString()); } long size = 0; String Ext = ""; String fileName = null; boolean fileupload = false; destDir = new; fu.setSizeMax(-1); fu.setSizeThreshold(4096); fu.setRepositoryPath(destinationDirectory); java.util.HashMap arrParam = new java.util.HashMap(); for (java.util.Iterator k = fileItems.iterator(); k.hasNext();) { fi = (org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem); arrParam.put(fi.getFieldName(), fi.getString("UTF-8")); if (!fi.isFormField()) { size = fi.getSize(); fileName = new String(fi.getName().getBytes(), "UTF8"); docTmpFI = fi; fileupload = true; } } if (fileupload) { if (!destDir.exists()) { destDir.mkdirs(); } if (fileName.contains(".")) { Ext = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".")); } if (size != 0) { int startIndex = fileName.contains("\\") ? (fileName.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1) : 0; fileName = fileName.substring(startIndex, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")); fileName = fileName.replaceAll(" ", ""); fileName = fileName.replaceAll("/", ""); result = fileName + "_" + fileid + Ext; File uploadFile = new File(destinationDirectory + "/" + result); docTmpFI.write(uploadFile); // fildoc(fileid, fileName, fileid + Ext, AuthHandler.getUserid(request), size); } } } // catch (ConfigurationException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(ExportImportContacts.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // throw ServiceException.FAILURE("ExportImportContacts.uploadDocument", ex); // } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ImportHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw ServiceException.FAILURE("ExportImportContacts.uploadDocument", ex); } return result; } /** * @param filename * @param delimiterType * @param startindex * @param importDao * @return * @throws ServiceException */ public static void dumpCSVFileData(String filename, String delimiterType, int startindex, ImportDAO importDao, HibernateTransactionManager txnManager) throws ServiceException { boolean commitedEx = false; DefaultTransactionDefinition def = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(); def.setName("import_Tx"); def.setPropagationBehavior(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED); TransactionStatus status = txnManager.getTransaction(def); try { CsvReader csvReader = null; FileInputStream fstream = null; String destinationDirectory = storageHandlerImpl.GetDocStorePath() + "importplans"; File csv = new File(destinationDirectory + "/" + filename); fstream = new FileInputStream(csv); csvReader = new CsvReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream), delimiterType); // csvReader.readHeaders(); String tableName = importDao.getTableName(filename); Session session = txnManager.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); int flushCounter = 0; while (csvReader.readRecord()) { ArrayList<String> dataArray = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < csvReader.getColumnCount(); i++) { dataArray.add(cleanHTML(csvReader.get(i))); } importDao.dumpFileRow(tableName, dataArray.toArray()); if (flushCounter % 30 == 0) { session.flush(); session.clear(); } flushCounter++; } try { txnManager.commit(status); } catch (Exception ex) { commitedEx = true; throw ex; } } catch (IOException ex) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("dumpCSVFileData: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!commitedEx) { //if exception occurs during commit then dont call rollback txnManager.rollback(status); } throw ServiceException.FAILURE("dumpCSVFileData: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } /** * Generate the preview of the xls grid * @param filename * @param sheetNo * @return * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ public static JSONObject parseXLS(String filename, int sheetNo) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, JSONException { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(); POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(filename)); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFFormulaEvaluator evaluator = new HSSFFormulaEvaluator(wb); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetNo); //DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(df); int startRow = 0; int maxRow = sheet.getLastRowNum(); int maxCol = 0; int maxSheetColCnt = 0; int noOfRowsDisplayforSample = 20; if (noOfRowsDisplayforSample > sheet.getLastRowNum()) { noOfRowsDisplayforSample = sheet.getLastRowNum(); } int firstValidRec = 0; JSONArray jArr = new JSONArray(); try { for (int i = 0; i <= noOfRowsDisplayforSample; i++) { HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(i); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject jtemp1 = new JSONObject(); if (row == null) { continue; } if (i != 0 && firstValidRec == 0 && !jobj.has("Header")) // get first valid row which having some columns with data as a header firstValidRec = i; // if(i==0) { maxCol = row.getLastCellNum(); if (maxSheetColCnt < maxCol) // get max column count maxSheetColCnt = maxCol; // } for (int cellcount = 0; cellcount < maxCol; cellcount++) { HSSFCell cell = row.getCell(cellcount); CellReference cref = new CellReference(i, cellcount); String colHeader = cref.getCellRefParts()[2]; String val = null; if (cell != null) { switch (cell.getCellType()) { case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: if (HSSFDateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) { val = cell.toString();//Long.toString(cell.getDateCellValue().getTime()); } else { val = dfmt.format(cell.getNumericCellValue()); } break; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: val = ImportUtil.cleanHTML(cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString()); break; } } if (i == firstValidRec) { // List of Headers (Consider first row as Headers) if (val != null) { jtemp1 = new JSONObject(); jtemp1.put("header", val == null ? "" : val); jtemp1.put("index", cellcount); jobj.append("Header", jtemp1); } } obj.put(colHeader, val); } // if(obj.length()>0){ //Don't show blank row in preview grid[SK] jArr.put(obj); // } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ImportHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } jobj.put("startrow", startRow); jobj.put("maxrow", maxRow); jobj.put("maxcol", maxSheetColCnt); jobj.put("index", sheetNo); jobj.put("data", jArr); jobj.put("filename", filename); jobj.put("msg", "XLS has been successfully uploaded"); jobj.put("lsuccess", true); jobj.put("valid", true); return jobj; } /** * @param filename * @param sheetNo * @param startindex * @param importDao * @return * @throws ServiceException */ public static void dumpXLSFileData(String filename, int sheetNo, int startindex, ImportDAO importDao, HibernateTransactionManager txnManager) throws ServiceException { boolean commitedEx = false; DefaultTransactionDefinition def = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(); def.setName("import_Tx"); def.setPropagationBehavior(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED); TransactionStatus status = txnManager.getTransaction(def); Session session = txnManager.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); try { String destinationDirectory = storageHandlerImpl.GetDocStorePath() + "xlsfiles"; POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(new FileInputStream(destinationDirectory + "/" + filename)); HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetNo); //DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(df_full); int maxRow = sheet.getLastRowNum(); int maxCol = 0; String tableName = importDao.getTableName(filename); int flushCounter = 0; for (int i = startindex; i <= maxRow; i++) { HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null) { continue; } if (i == startindex) { maxCol = row.getLastCellNum(); //Column Count } ArrayList<String> dataArray = new ArrayList<String>(); JSONObject dataObj = new JSONObject(); for (int j = 0; j < maxCol; j++) { HSSFCell cell = row.getCell(j); String val = null; if (cell == null) { dataArray.add(val); continue; } String colHeader = new CellReference(i, j).getCellRefParts()[2]; switch (cell.getCellType()) { case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: if (HSSFDateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) { val = Long.toString(cell.getDateCellValue().getTime()); } else { val = dfmt.format(cell.getNumericCellValue()); } break; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: val = ImportUtil.cleanHTML(cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString()); break; } dataObj.put(colHeader, val); dataArray.add(val); //Collect row data } //Insert Query if (dataObj.length() > 0) { // Empty row check (if lenght==0 then all columns are empty) importDao.dumpFileRow(tableName, dataArray.toArray()); if (flushCounter % 30 == 0) { session.flush(); session.clear(); } flushCounter++; } } try { txnManager.commit(status); } catch (Exception ex) { commitedEx = true; throw ex; } } catch (IOException ex) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("dumpXLSFileData: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!commitedEx) { //if exception occurs during commit then dont call rollback txnManager.rollback(status); } throw ServiceException.FAILURE("dumpXLSFileData: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } /** * Generate the preview of the xls grid * @param filename * @param sheetNo * @return * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws JSONException */ public static JSONObject parseXLSX(String filename, int sheetNo) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, JSONException { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(); FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(filename); XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(fs); XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetNo); //DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(df); int startRow = 0; int maxRow = sheet.getLastRowNum(); int maxCol = 0; int noOfRowsDisplayforSample = 20; if (noOfRowsDisplayforSample > sheet.getLastRowNum()) { noOfRowsDisplayforSample = sheet.getLastRowNum(); } JSONArray jArr = new JSONArray(); try { for (int i = 0; i <= noOfRowsDisplayforSample; i++) { XSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(i); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); JSONObject jtemp1 = new JSONObject(); if (row == null) { continue; } if (i == 0) { maxCol = row.getLastCellNum(); } for (int cellcount = 0; cellcount < maxCol; cellcount++) { XSSFCell cell = row.getCell(cellcount); CellReference cref = new CellReference(i, cellcount); String colHeader = cref.getCellRefParts()[2]; String val = null; if (cell != null) { switch (cell.getCellType()) { case XSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) { val = Long.toString(cell.getDateCellValue().getTime()); } else { val = dfmt.format(cell.getNumericCellValue()); } break; case XSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: val = ImportUtil.cleanHTML(cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString()); break; } } if (i == 0) { // List of Headers (Consider first row as Headers) if (val != null) { jtemp1 = new JSONObject(); jtemp1.put("header", val == null ? "" : val); jtemp1.put("index", cellcount); jobj.append("Header", jtemp1); } } obj.put(colHeader, val); } // if(obj.length()>0){ //Don't show blank row in preview grid[SK] jArr.put(obj); // } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ImportHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } jobj.put("startrow", startRow); jobj.put("maxrow", maxRow); jobj.put("maxcol", maxCol); jobj.put("index", sheetNo); jobj.put("data", jArr); jobj.put("filename", filename); jobj.put("msg", "XLSX has been successfully uploaded"); jobj.put("lsuccess", true); jobj.put("valid", true); return jobj; } /** * @param filename * @param sheetNo * @param startindex * @param importDao * @return * @throws ServiceException */ public static void dumpXLSXFileData(String filename, int sheetNo, int startindex, ImportDAO importDao, HibernateTransactionManager txnManager) throws ServiceException { boolean commitedEx = false; DefaultTransactionDefinition def = new DefaultTransactionDefinition(); def.setName("import_Tx"); def.setPropagationBehavior(TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED); TransactionStatus status = txnManager.getTransaction(def); Session session = txnManager.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); try { String destinationDirectory = storageHandlerImpl.GetDocStorePath() + "xlsfiles"; FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(destinationDirectory + "/" + filename); XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(fs); XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetNo); //DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(df_full); int maxRow = sheet.getLastRowNum(); int maxCol = 0; String tableName = importDao.getTableName(filename); int flushCounter = 0; for (int i = startindex; i <= maxRow; i++) { XSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row == null) { continue; } if (i == startindex) { maxCol = row.getLastCellNum(); //Column Count } ArrayList<String> dataArray = new ArrayList<String>(); JSONObject dataObj = new JSONObject(); for (int j = 0; j < maxCol; j++) { XSSFCell cell = row.getCell(j); String val = null; if (cell == null) { dataArray.add(val); continue; } String colHeader = new CellReference(i, j).getCellRefParts()[2]; switch (cell.getCellType()) { case XSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) { val = Long.toString(cell.getDateCellValue().getTime()); } else { val = dfmt.format(cell.getNumericCellValue()); } break; case XSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: val = ImportUtil.cleanHTML(cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString()); break; } dataObj.put(colHeader, val); dataArray.add(val); //Collect row data } //Insert Query if (dataObj.length() > 0) { // Empty row check (if lenght==0 then all columns are empty) importDao.dumpFileRow(tableName, dataArray.toArray()); if (flushCounter % 30 == 0) { session.flush(); session.clear(); } flushCounter++; } } try { txnManager.commit(status); } catch (Exception ex) { commitedEx = true; throw ex; } } catch (IOException ex) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("dumpXLSXFileData: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!commitedEx) { //if exception occurs during commit then dont call rollback txnManager.rollback(status); } throw ServiceException.FAILURE("dumpXLSXFileData: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } }