Example usage for java.text DateFormat LONG

List of usage examples for java.text DateFormat LONG


In this page you can find the example usage for java.text DateFormat LONG.


int LONG

To view the source code for java.text DateFormat LONG.

Click Source Link


Constant for long style pattern.


From source file:org.pentaho.platform.scheduler.SchedulerAdminUIComponent.java

 * This formatter works with a date/time string with this format:
 * May 21, 2008 8:29:21 PM// w  w w  .j  av a 2 s  .  co m
 * NOTE: the formatter cannot be shared across threads (since DateFormat implementations
 * are not guaranteed to be thread safe) or across sessions (since different 
 * sessions may have different locales). So create a new one an each call.
 * @return
private DateFormat getDateTimeFormatter() {
    return DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.MEDIUM, LocaleHelper.getLocale());

From source file:taximetro.main.java

private void jButtonfinActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButtonfinActionPerformed
    //Establecer de nuevo parametros de los botones de fin y comienzo carrera.
    jButtonfin.setEnabled(false);/*  w w w.j  a v a2s  . co m*/
    //Parar el contador.
    //Darle formato HH:mm:ss al resultado del contador.
    String tiempotexto = DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(cronometro.getTime(), "HH:mm:ss");
    //Guardar la hora de fin de carrera al presionar botn de fin carrera.
    Calendar tiempo = Calendar.getInstance(zona);
    //Dar formato a la hora de fin de carrera al presionar el boton de fin.
    DateFormat formatohoras = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM);
    String horafincarrera = formatohoras.format(tiempo.getTimeInMillis());
    //Dar formato a la fecha.
    DateFormat formatotiempo = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG);
    String fechatexto = formatotiempo.format(tiempo.getTime());
    //Calcular el coste del trayecto, a partir del tiempo del contador.
    float coste = (cronometro.getTime() / 1000) * (TARIFA / 60);
    float iva = coste * 0.21F;
    float costetotal = coste * 1.21F;
    //Dar formato al coste del trayecto.
    NumberFormat formatoeuro = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(zona);
    //Escribir en el area de texto todos los parmetros.
    jTextAreaticket.append("TICKET:\n \n");
    jTextAreaticket.append("Ticket N: " + textoticket + " .\n");
    jTextAreaticket.append("Fecha:\n" + fechatexto + " .\n\n");
    jTextAreaticket.append("Hora de comienzo de carrera: " + horacomienzocarrera + " .\n");
    jTextAreaticket.append("Hora de fin de carrera: " + horafincarrera + " .\n");
    jTextAreaticket.append("El tiempo del trayecto es: " + tiempotexto + " .\n\n\n");
    jTextAreaticket.append("Importe: " + formatoeuro.format(coste) + " .\n");
    jTextAreaticket.append("IVA: " + formatoeuro.format(iva) + " .\n");
    jTextAreaticket.append("Importe Total: " + formatoeuro.format(costetotal) + " .\n");

From source file:org.squale.squalecommon.enterpriselayer.facade.quality.MeasureFacade.java

 * Creation d'une mesure de type Kiviat pour un projet
 * /*w  ww .  j a v  a2  s  .  c o  m*/
 * @param pProjectId Id du projet
 * @param pAuditId Id de l'audit
 * @param pAllFactors tous les facteurs (= "true") ou seulement ceux ayant une note ?
 * @throws JrafEnterpriseException en cas de pb Hibernate
 * @return tableau d'objets : la map des donnes + le boolen pour affichage de la case  cocher tous les facteurs
public static Object[] getProjectKiviat(Long pProjectId, Long pAuditId, String pAllFactors)
        throws JrafEnterpriseException {
    Map result = new HashMap();
    JFreeChart projectKiviat = null;
    MeasureDAOImpl measureDAO = MeasureDAOImpl.getInstance();
    // Session Hibernate
    ISession session = null;
    // Boolen conditonnanant l'affichage de la case  cocher "tous les facteurs" dans la page Jsp
    boolean displayCheckBoxFactors = true;
    try {
        // rcupration d'une session
        session = PERSISTENTPROVIDER.getSession();
        // On ajoute les notes de chaque projets sur le kiviat
        ProjectBO project = (ProjectBO) ProjectDAOImpl.getInstance().load(session, pProjectId);
        SortedMap values = new TreeMap();
        // recupere les facteurs du projet
        Collection factorResults = QualityResultDAOImpl.getInstance().findWhere(session, pProjectId, pAuditId);
        // et cree le map nom => note correspondant
        Iterator it = factorResults.iterator();
        ArrayList nullValuesList = new ArrayList();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            FactorResultBO factor = (FactorResultBO) it.next();
            // le -1 est trait directement par le kiviatMaker
            Float value = new Float(factor.getMeanMark());
            // ajoute la note dans le titre
            // TODO prendre le vritable nom du facteur
            String name = factor.getRule().getName();
            if (value.floatValue() >= 0) {
                // avec 1 seul chiffre aprs la virgule
                NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
                name = name + " (" + nf.format(value) + ")";
            } else {
                // Mmorisation temporaire des facteurs pour lesquels les notes sont nulles : sera utile si l'option
                // "Tous les facteurs" est coche pour afficher uniquement les facteurs ayant une note.
            values.put(name, value);
        final int FACTORS_MIN = 3;
        if (nullValuesList.size() <= 0 || values.size() <= FACTORS_MIN) {
            displayCheckBoxFactors = false;
        // Seulement les facteurs ayant une note ? ==> suppression des facteurs ayant une note nulle.
        // Mais trois facteurs doivent au moins s'afficher (nuls ou pas !)
        values = deleteFactors(values, nullValuesList, pAllFactors, FACTORS_MIN);

        // recupre le nom de l'audit
        String name = null;
        AuditBO audit = (AuditBO) AuditDAOImpl.getInstance().load(session, pAuditId);
        if (audit.getType().compareTo(AuditBO.MILESTONE) == 0) {
            name = audit.getName();
        if (null == name) {
            DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG);
            name = df.format(audit.getDate());
        result.put(name, values);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        FacadeHelper.convertException(e, MeasureFacade.class.getName() + ".getMeasures");
    } finally {
        FacadeHelper.closeSession(session, MeasureFacade.class.getName() + ".getMeasures");
    Object[] kiviatObject = { result, new Boolean(displayCheckBoxFactors) };
    return kiviatObject;

From source file:net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.DefaultChartTheme.java

 * Sets all the axis formatting options.  This includes the colors and fonts to use on
 * the axis as well as the color to use when drawing the axis line.
 * @param axis the axis to format/*from   ww w.ja  va 2  s  .c  o  m*/
 * @param labelFont the font to use for the axis label
 * @param labelColor the color of the axis label
 * @param tickLabelFont the font to use for each tick mark value label
 * @param tickLabelColor the color of each tick mark value label
 * @param tickLabelMask formatting mask for the label.  If the axis is a NumberAxis then
 *                    the mask should be <code>java.text.DecimalFormat</code> mask, and
 *                   if it is a DateAxis then the mask should be a
 *                   <code>java.text.SimpleDateFormat</code> mask.
 * @param verticalTickLabels flag to draw tick labels at 90 degrees
 * @param lineColor color to use when drawing the axis line and any tick marks
protected void configureAxis(Axis axis, JRFont labelFont, Color labelColor, JRFont tickLabelFont,
        Color tickLabelColor, String tickLabelMask, Boolean verticalTickLabels, Color lineColor,
        boolean isRangeAxis, Comparable<?> axisMinValue, Comparable<?> axisMaxValue) {
    axis.setLabelFont(fontUtil.getAwtFont(getFont(labelFont), getLocale()));
    axis.setTickLabelFont(fontUtil.getAwtFont(getFont(tickLabelFont), getLocale()));
    if (labelColor != null) {

    if (tickLabelColor != null) {

    if (lineColor != null) {

    TimeZone timeZone = chartContext.getTimeZone();
    if (axis instanceof DateAxis && timeZone != null) {
        // used when no mask is set
        ((DateAxis) axis).setTimeZone(timeZone);

    // FIXME use locale for formats
    if (tickLabelMask != null) {
        if (axis instanceof NumberAxis) {
            NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(getLocale());
            if (fmt instanceof DecimalFormat) {
                ((DecimalFormat) fmt).applyPattern(tickLabelMask);
            ((NumberAxis) axis).setNumberFormatOverride(fmt);
        } else if (axis instanceof DateAxis) {
            DateFormat fmt;
            if (tickLabelMask.equals("SHORT") || tickLabelMask.equals("DateFormat.SHORT")) {
                fmt = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, getLocale());
            } else if (tickLabelMask.equals("MEDIUM") || tickLabelMask.equals("DateFormat.MEDIUM")) {
                fmt = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, getLocale());
            } else if (tickLabelMask.equals("LONG") || tickLabelMask.equals("DateFormat.LONG")) {
                fmt = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, getLocale());
            } else if (tickLabelMask.equals("FULL") || tickLabelMask.equals("DateFormat.FULL")) {
                fmt = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, getLocale());
            } else {
                fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(tickLabelMask, getLocale());

            if (timeZone != null) {

            ((DateAxis) axis).setDateFormatOverride(fmt);
        // ignore mask for other axis types.

    if (verticalTickLabels != null && axis instanceof ValueAxis) {
        ((ValueAxis) axis).setVerticalTickLabels(verticalTickLabels);

    setAxisBounds(axis, isRangeAxis, axisMinValue, axisMaxValue);

From source file:org.wise.portal.domain.admin.DailyAdminJob.java

public String getSummaryMessage() {
    // do the actual work
    String messageBody = "";
    DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG);

    List<Run> runsCreatedSinceYesterday = findRunsCreatedSinceYesterday();
    messageBody += "Number of Runs started between " + df.format(yesterday) + " and " + df.format(today) + ": "
            + runsCreatedSinceYesterday.size() + "\n";

    // show info about the run
    for (Run run : runsCreatedSinceYesterday) {
        messageBody += "\tProject:" + run.getProject().getName();
        Set<User> owners = run.getOwners();
        User owner = owners.iterator().next();
        TeacherUserDetails teacherUserDetails = (TeacherUserDetails) owner.getUserDetails();
        String schoolName = teacherUserDetails.getSchoolname();
        String schoolCity = teacherUserDetails.getCity();
        String schoolState = teacherUserDetails.getState();

        messageBody += "\n\tTeacher Username:" + teacherUserDetails.getUsername();
        messageBody += "\n\tTeacher School Info: " + schoolName + ", " + schoolCity + ", " + schoolState;
        messageBody += "\n\n";
    }/*  w  w  w  . j a va2  s .co  m*/

    List<User> teachersJoinedSinceYesterday = findUsersJoinedSinceYesterday("teacherUserDetails");
    messageBody += "\n\n";
    messageBody += "Number of Teachers joined between " + df.format(yesterday) + " and " + df.format(today)
            + ": " + teachersJoinedSinceYesterday.size();

    List<User> studentsJoinedSinceYesterday = findUsersJoinedSinceYesterday("studentUserDetails");
    messageBody += "\n\n";
    messageBody += "Number of Students joined between " + df.format(yesterday) + " and " + df.format(today)
            + ": " + studentsJoinedSinceYesterday.size();

    // Number of Users that logged in at least once in the last day
    List<User> studentsWhoLoggedInSinceYesterday = findUsersWhoLoggedInSinceYesterday("studentUserDetails");
    List<User> teachersWhoLoggedInSinceYesterday = findUsersWhoLoggedInSinceYesterday("teacherUserDetails");
    int totalNumUsersLoggedInSinceYesterday = studentsWhoLoggedInSinceYesterday.size()
            + teachersWhoLoggedInSinceYesterday.size();
    messageBody += "\n\n";
    messageBody += "Number of users who logged in at least once between " + df.format(yesterday) + " and "
            + df.format(today) + ": " + totalNumUsersLoggedInSinceYesterday;
    return messageBody;

From source file:com.concursive.connect.web.modules.calendar.workflow.SendEventMeetingInvitation.java

private String formatUserTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp, User user) {
    // Use the user's locale
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = (SimpleDateFormat) SimpleDateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG,
            DateFormat.SHORT, user.getLocale());
    // Adjust the date/time based on any timezone
    if (user.getTimeZone() != null) {
        TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(user.getTimeZone());
        formatter.setTimeZone(tz);//from w ww . j ava2  s .  com
    return formatter.format(timestamp);

From source file:ubic.gemma.web.controller.expression.experiment.ExpressionExperimentController.java

 * AJAX method to get data for database summary table, returned as a JSON object the slow part here is loading each
 * new or updated object in whatsNewService.retrieveReport() -&gt; fetch()
 * @return json//ww w  . java 2  s.  co  m
public JSONObject loadCountsForDataSummaryTable() {

    JSONObject summary = new JSONObject();
    net.sf.json.JSONArray taxonEntries = new net.sf.json.JSONArray();

    long bioMaterialCount = bioMaterialService.countAll();
    long arrayDesignCount = arrayDesignService.countAll();
    Map<Taxon, Long> unsortedEEsPerTaxon = expressionExperimentService.getPerTaxonCount();

     * Sort taxa by name.
    TreeMap<Taxon, Long> eesPerTaxon = new TreeMap<>(new Comparator<Taxon>() {
        public int compare(Taxon o1, Taxon o2) {
            return o1.getScientificName().compareTo(o2.getScientificName());

    long expressionExperimentCount = 0; // expressionExperimentService.countAll();
    for (Taxon t : unsortedEEsPerTaxon.keySet()) {
        Long c = unsortedEEsPerTaxon.get(t);

        eesPerTaxon.put(t, c);
        expressionExperimentCount += c;

    // this is the slow part
    WhatsNew wn = whatsNewService.retrieveReport();

    if (wn == null) {
        wn = whatsNewService.getReport();
    if (wn != null) {
        // Get count for new assays
        int newBioMaterialCount = wn.getNewBioMaterialCount();

        Collection<ExpressionExperiment> newExpressionExperiments = wn.getNewExpressionExperiments();
        Collection<Long> newExpressionExperimentIds = (newExpressionExperiments != null)
                ? EntityUtils.getIds(newExpressionExperiments)
                : new ArrayList<Long>();
        Collection<ExpressionExperiment> updatedExpressionExperiments = wn.getUpdatedExpressionExperiments();
        Collection<Long> updatedExpressionExperimentIds = (updatedExpressionExperiments != null)
                ? EntityUtils.getIds(updatedExpressionExperiments)
                : new ArrayList<Long>();

        int newExpressionExperimentCount = (newExpressionExperiments != null) ? newExpressionExperiments.size()
                : 0;
        int updatedExpressionExperimentCount = (updatedExpressionExperiments != null)
                ? updatedExpressionExperiments.size()
                : 0;

        /* Store counts for new and updated experiments by taxonId */
        Map<Taxon, Collection<Long>> newEEsPerTaxon = wn.getNewEEIdsPerTaxon();
        Map<Taxon, Collection<Long>> updatedEEsPerTaxon = wn.getUpdatedEEIdsPerTaxon();

        for (Taxon t : unsortedEEsPerTaxon.keySet()) {
            JSONObject taxLine = new JSONObject();
            taxLine.put("taxonId", t.getId());
            taxLine.put("taxonName", t.getScientificName());
            taxLine.put("totalCount", eesPerTaxon.get(t));
            if (newEEsPerTaxon.containsKey(t)) {
                taxLine.put("newCount", newEEsPerTaxon.get(t).size());
                taxLine.put("newIds", newEEsPerTaxon.get(t));
            if (updatedEEsPerTaxon.containsKey(t)) {
                taxLine.put("updatedCount", updatedEEsPerTaxon.get(t).size());
                taxLine.put("updatedIds", updatedEEsPerTaxon.get(t));

        summary.element("sortedCountsPerTaxon", taxonEntries);

        // Get count for new and updated array designs
        Collection<ArrayDesign> newArrayDesigns = wn.getNewArrayDesigns();
        int newArrayCount = (newArrayDesigns != null) ? newArrayDesigns.size() : 0;
        Collection<ArrayDesign> updatedArrayDesigns = wn.getUpdatedArrayDesigns();
        int updatedArrayCount = (updatedArrayDesigns != null) ? updatedArrayDesigns.size() : 0;

        boolean drawNewColumn = (newExpressionExperimentCount > 0 || newArrayCount > 0
                || newBioMaterialCount > 0);
        boolean drawUpdatedColumn = (updatedExpressionExperimentCount > 0 || updatedArrayCount > 0);
        String date = (wn.getDate() != null) ? DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG).format(wn.getDate())
                : "";
        date = date.replace('-', ' ');

        summary.element("updateDate", date);
        summary.element("drawNewColumn", drawNewColumn);
        summary.element("drawUpdatedColumn", drawUpdatedColumn);
        if (newBioMaterialCount != 0)
            summary.element("newBioMaterialCount", new Long(newBioMaterialCount));
        if (newArrayCount != 0)
            summary.element("newArrayDesignCount", new Long(newArrayCount));
        if (updatedArrayCount != 0)
            summary.element("updatedArrayDesignCount", new Long(updatedArrayCount));
        if (newExpressionExperimentCount != 0)
            summary.element("newExpressionExperimentCount", newExpressionExperimentCount);
        if (updatedExpressionExperimentCount != 0)
            summary.element("updatedExpressionExperimentCount", updatedExpressionExperimentCount);
        if (newExpressionExperimentCount != 0)
            summary.element("newExpressionExperimentIds", newExpressionExperimentIds);
        if (updatedExpressionExperimentCount != 0)
            summary.element("updatedExpressionExperimentIds", updatedExpressionExperimentIds);


    summary.element("bioMaterialCount", bioMaterialCount);
    summary.element("arrayDesignCount", arrayDesignCount);

    summary.element("expressionExperimentCount", expressionExperimentCount);

    return summary;

From source file:com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.AnnotationValidationConfigurationBuilder.java

private Date parseDateString(String value, String format) {

    SimpleDateFormat d0 = null;//w w  w  .  j  a  v  a2  s . c o  m
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(format)) {
        d0 = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
    SimpleDateFormat d1 = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.LONG,
    SimpleDateFormat d2 = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.MEDIUM,
    SimpleDateFormat d3 = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT,
    SimpleDateFormat[] dfs = (d0 != null ? new SimpleDateFormat[] { d0, d1, d2, d3 }
            : new SimpleDateFormat[] { d1, d2, d3 });
    for (SimpleDateFormat df : dfs)
        try {
            Date check = df.parse(value);
            if (check != null) {
                return check;
        } catch (ParseException ignore) {
    return null;

From source file:DDTDate.java

 * Creates the output the user indicated in the input (outputType component) subject to the requested style (outputStyle) component
 * @return//from ww  w .  j a va2s  .  co  m
private String createOutput() {
    String result = "";
    try {
        // If needed, adjust the reference date by the number and type of units specified  - as per the time zone
        if (getUnits() != 0) {
            getReferenceDate().add(getDurationType(), getUnits());

        // Create date formatters to be used for all varieties - the corresponding date variables are always set for convenience purposes
        DateFormat shortFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
        DateFormat mediumFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM);
        DateFormat longFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG);
        DateFormat fullFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL);

        // Build the specific formatter specified
        DateFormat formatter = null;
        switch (getOutputStyle().toLowerCase()) {
        case "medium": {
            formatter = mediumFormatter;
        case "long": {
            formatter = longFormatter;
        case "full": {
            formatter = fullFormatter;
            formatter = shortFormatter;
        } // output style switch

        // construct the specified result - one at a time
        MutableDateTime theReferenceDate = getReferenceDate(); //getReferenceDateAdjustedForTimeZone();
        switch (getOutputType().toLowerCase()) {
        case "date": {
            result = formatter.format(theReferenceDate.toDate());

        case "time": {
            switch (getOutputStyle().toLowerCase()) {
            case "short": {
                result = theReferenceDate.toString("hh:mm:ss");
                result = theReferenceDate.toString("hh:mm:ss.SSS");
        // separate time components
        case "hour":
        case "minute":
        case "second":
        case "hour24": {
            String tmp = theReferenceDate.toString("hh:mm:ss");
            if (tmp.toString().contains(":")) {
                String[] hms = split(tmp.toString(), ":");
                if (hms.length > 2) {
                    switch (getOutputType().toLowerCase()) {
                    case "hour": {
                        // Hour - '12'
                        result = hms[0];
                    case "minute": {
                        // Minutes - '34'
                        result = hms[1];
                    case "second": {
                        // Second - '56'
                        result = hms[2];
                    case "hour24": {
                        // Hour - '23'
                        result = theReferenceDate.toString("HH");
                        result = hms[0];
                    } // switch for individual time component
                } // three parts of time components
            } // timestamp contains separator ":"
        } // Hours, Minutes, Seconds

        case "year": {
            switch (getOutputStyle().toLowerCase()) {
            case "short": {
                result = theReferenceDate.toString("yy");
                result = theReferenceDate.toString("yyyy");

        case "month": {
            switch (getOutputStyle().toLowerCase()) {
            case "short": {
                result = theReferenceDate.toString("M");
            case "medium": {
                // padded with 0
                result = theReferenceDate.toString("MM");
            case "long": {
                // short name 'Feb'
                result = theReferenceDate.toString("MMM");
                // Full name 'September'
                result = theReferenceDate.toString("MMMM");

        case "day": {
            switch (getOutputStyle().toLowerCase()) {
            case "short": {
                result = theReferenceDate.toString("d");
            case "medium": {
                result = theReferenceDate.toString("dd");
                result = theReferenceDate.toString("dd");

        case "doy": {
            result = theReferenceDate.toString("D");

        case "dow": {
            switch (getOutputStyle().toLowerCase()) {
            case "short": {
                result = theReferenceDate.toString("E");
            case "medium": {
                DateTime dt = new DateTime(theReferenceDate.toDate());
                DateTime.Property dowDTP = dt.dayOfWeek();
                result = dowDTP.getAsText();
                result = theReferenceDate.toString("E");
        } // day of week

        case "zone": {
            result = theReferenceDate.toString("zzz");

        case "era": {
            result = theReferenceDate.toString("G");

        case "ampm": {
            result = theReferenceDate.toString("a");

        default: {
            setException("Invalid Output Unit - cannot set output");

        // Create full date variables for the short, medium, long, full styles

        } // output type switch
    } // try constructing result
    catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
        return result;

From source file:gov.opm.scrd.batchprocessing.jobs.BatchProcessingJob.java

 * Import lock box files./*w  w  w . j  a va 2 s .c o m*/
 * @param now The current date.
 * @param isNowHoliday Indicate whether current is holiday
 * @return true if execution is successful; false to retry.
 * @throws BatchProcessingException If major error occurred.
private boolean importFiles(Date now, boolean isNowHoliday) throws BatchProcessingException {
    StringBuilder procMessage = new StringBuilder();
    procMessage.append("Service Credit Batch started at ");
    procMessage.append(DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, Locale.US).format(now));
    procMessage.append(" on ");
    procMessage.append(DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, Locale.US).format(now));
    procMessage.append(". Batch done at @#$%EndingTime%$#@.");

    File inputDirectory = new File(inputDirectoryPath);
    if (!inputDirectory.exists() || !inputDirectory.isDirectory() || !inputDirectory.canRead()) {
        logger.error("Can not read folder: " + inputDirectory);

        procMessage.append("THE NETWORK IS DOWN! ");
        procMessage.append("Network Services not Available for Service Credit. Cannot access the ");
        procMessage.append(" network folder. Please ask the Help Desk to investigate. ");
        notifyByEmail(procMessage.toString(), "SERVICE CREDIT BATCH CANNOT ACCESS NETWORK", "Testing Network");
        auditError("SERVICE CREDIT BATCH CANNOT ACCESS NETWORK", procMessage.toString());
        return false;

    // Filter the input lockbox files
    final String regex = wildCardInput.replace("?", ".?").replace("*", ".*?");
    File[] inputFiles = inputDirectory.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
        public boolean accept(File inputFile) {
            if (inputFile.getName().matches(regex)) {
                if (inputFile.isFile() && inputFile.canRead() && inputFile.canWrite()) {
                    return true;
                logger.warn("Does not have read/write permission to file: " + inputFile);
            return false;

    if (inputFiles.length == 0) {
        if (!isNowHoliday && Boolean.TRUE != todayAuditBatch.getFileReceived()) {
            logger.error("No files arrived today in: " + inputDirectory);

            procMessage.append("Today's Lockbox Bank File has not arrived. Please notify Production Control"
                    + " and BSG that the data file is not in the ");
            procMessage.append(" network share. The nightly batch process is scheduled to run at ");
            procMessage.append(DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, Locale.US).format(now));
            procMessage.append(" and today's import should run before that time. ");
            notifyByEmail(procMessage.toString(), "SERVICE CREDIT LOCKBOX FILE IS LATE!", "ERROR");
            auditError("SERVICE CREDIT LOCKBOX FILE IS LATE!", procMessage.toString());
            return false;
        return true;

    // Mark file arrived
    if (Boolean.TRUE != todayAuditBatch.getFileReceived()) {
        try {
            todayAuditBatch = mergeEntity(todayAuditBatch);
        } catch (PersistenceException pe) {
            throw new BatchProcessingException(
                    "Database error while updating audit batch log when importing files", pe);

    // Import files
    logger.info("Start importing files in: " + inputDirectory);
    for (File inputFile : inputFiles) {
        if (!inputFile.exists() || !inputFile.isFile() || !inputFile.canRead()) {
            // Just make sure
            logger.warn("Lockbox file is not a readable file: " + inputFile);

        importFile(procMessage, inputFile);
    logger.info("End importing files in: " + inputDirectory);

    return true;