List of usage examples for java.text DateFormat getDateTimeInstance
public static final DateFormat getDateTimeInstance(int dateStyle, int timeStyle, Locale aLocale)
From source
private void prepareContent() { grid.getRows().getChildren().clear(); Row row = new Row(); row.setParent(grid.getRows());//from w w w .j a v a 2s. com Label label = new Label(L10N_LABEL_USER_LOCALE.toString()); label.setParent(row); label = new Label(CoreUtil.getUserLocale().toString()); label.setParent(row); if (ContextUtil.getSessionContext().getSecurityContext().isAdministrator()) { row = new Row(); row.setParent(grid.getRows()); label = new Label(L10N_LABEL_SERVER_LOCALE.toString()); label.setParent(row); label = new Label(Locale.getDefault().toString()); label.setParent(row); row = new Row(); row.setParent(grid.getRows()); label = new Label(L10N_LABEL_SERVER_CHARSET.toString()); label.setParent(row); label = new Label(Charset.defaultCharset().toString()); label.setParent(row); } row = new Row(); row.setParent(grid.getRows()); label = new Label(L10N_LABEL_REMOTE_ADDRESS.toString()); label.setParent(row); label = new Label(Executions.getCurrent().getServerName() + ":" + Executions.getCurrent().getServerPort()); label.setParent(row); row = new Row(); row.setParent(grid.getRows()); label = new Label(L10N_LABEL_LOCAL_ADDRESS.toString()); label.setParent(row); label = new Label(Executions.getCurrent().getLocalAddr() + ":" + Executions.getCurrent().getLocalPort()); label.setParent(row); row = new Row(); row.setParent(grid.getRows()); label = new Label(L10N_LABEL_CLIENT_TYPE.toString()); label.setParent(row); label = new Label(Executions.getCurrent().getUserAgent()); label.setParent(row); row = new Row(); row.setParent(grid.getRows()); label = new Label(L10N_LABEL_DEVICE_TYPE.toString()); label.setParent(row); label = new Label(Executions.getCurrent().getSession().getDeviceType()); label.setParent(row); final ClientInfoEvent info = ContextUtil.getSessionContext().getAttribute(ATTRIB_CLIENT_INFO); if (info != null) { row = new Row(); row.setParent(grid.getRows()); label = new Label(L10N_LABEL_SCREEN_RESOLUTION.toString()); label.setParent(row); label = new Label(info.getScreenWidth() + "x" + info.getScreenHeight() + " px"); label.setParent(row); row = new Row(); row.setParent(grid.getRows()); label = new Label(L10N_LABEL_COLOR_DEPTH.toString()); label.setParent(row); label = new Label(String.valueOf(info.getColorDepth()) + "-bit"); label.setParent(row); } DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL, CoreUtil.getUserLocale()); if (Executions.getCurrent().getSession().getNativeSession() instanceof HttpSession) { HttpSession session = (HttpSession) Executions.getCurrent().getSession().getNativeSession(); row = new Row(); row.setParent(grid.getRows()); label = new Label(L10N_LABEL_SESSION_TIMEOUT.toString()); label.setParent(row); label = new Label(String.valueOf(session.getMaxInactiveInterval() / 60) + "'"); label.setParent(row); row = new Row(); row.setParent(grid.getRows()); label = new Label(L10N_LABEL_SESSION_CREATE_TIME.toString()); label.setParent(row); label = new Label(formatter.format(new Date(session.getCreationTime()))); label.setParent(row); row = new Row(); row.setParent(grid.getRows()); label = new Label(L10N_LABEL_SESSION_ACCESSED_TIME.toString()); label.setParent(row); label = new Label(formatter.format(new Date(session.getLastAccessedTime()))); label.setParent(row); } }
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/** * *//*from w ww . j av a2s . c om*/ public DateFormat getFormatDate(final RequestData requestData, final int dateStyle, final int timeStyle) throws Exception { final Locale locale = requestData.getLocale(); DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle, timeStyle, locale); return formatter; }
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/** * Formats a Date object to return a date and time using the global locale. * * @param date the Date to format./*w w w .j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * @return a String representing the date and time. */ public static String formatDateTime(Date date) { if (dateTimeFormat == null) { if (properties != null) { dateTimeFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.MEDIUM, getLocale()); dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(getTimeZone()); } else { DateFormat instance = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.MEDIUM, getLocale()); instance.setTimeZone(getTimeZone()); return instance.format(date); } } return dateTimeFormat.format(date); }
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private DateFormat createDateFormat(final String parameterFormatString, final Locale locale, final TimeZone timeZone) { if (parameterFormatString != null) { try {//from w w w . j ava 2s . c om final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(parameterFormatString, locale); dateFormat.setTimeZone(timeZone); dateFormat.setLenient(false); return dateFormat; } catch (Exception e) { // boo! Not a valid pattern ... // its not a show-stopper either, as the pattern is a mere hint, not a mandatory thing logger.warn("Parameter format-string for date-parameter was not a valid date-format-string", e); // NON-NLS } } return DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.LONG, locale); }
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private String formatDate(Date created) { final long MILLIS_PER_WEEK = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(7); Locale locale = getLocale();//from w ww . ja v a 2 s. co m PrettyTime prettyTime = new PrettyTime(locale); Duration largest = Iterables.getFirst(prettyTime.calculatePreciseDuration(created), null); if (largest != null && largest.getUnit().getMillisPerUnit() < MILLIS_PER_WEEK) { return prettyTime.format(largest); } else { // fallback to an absolute date string when difference is more than a week return DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, locale).format(created); } }
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/** * Logs to the console (if quiet was not set) and to the logfile if specified * The logfile will also get timestamps for each event. * @param str String to log/*from www . j a va 2 s .c om*/ * @param verbose boolean Should this be logged only with --verbose? */ public static void log(String str, boolean verbose) { //Don't print verbose lines if not requested if (verbose && !Mediator.verbose) return; /* CONSOLE OUTPUT */ if (!Mediator.quiet) { System.out.println(str); } /* FILE LOG */ if (Mediator.log != null) { DateFormat date = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.getDefault()); try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(Mediator.log, true)))) { out.println(date.format(new Date()) + " : " + str); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Mediator.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }
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/** * //ww w .jav a2 s .c o m * * @param properties * @throws Exception */ private Map<String, Object> addRuntimeProperties(Map<String, Object> properties) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // Okrelanie lokalizacji daty/czasu uywanej do wypenienia paramtrw szablonw // zawierajcych dat/czas w formatach DateFormat.SHORT, .MEDIUM, .LONG i .FULL: Locale date_locale; if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_LOCALE)) { date_locale = LocaleUtils.toLocale((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_LOCALE)); Locale.setDefault(date_locale); } else { date_locale = Locale.getDefault(); } TimeZone time_zone; if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_ZONE)) { time_zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_LOCALE)); TimeZone.setDefault(time_zone); } else { time_zone = TimeZone.getDefault(); } // Wyznaczanie daty, na podstawie ktrej zostan wypenione parametry szablonw // przechowujce dat/czas w formatach DateFormat.SHORT, .MEDIUM, .LONG i .FULL. // Odbywa si w oparciu o wartoci parametrw 'date_format' i 'date'. Parametr // 'date_format' definiuje format uywany do parsowania acucha reprezentujcego // dat okrelon parametrem 'date'. Parametr 'date_format' moe nie by okrelony. // W takiej sytuacji uyty jest format DateFormat.LONG aktywnej lokalizacji (tj. // systemowej, ktra moe by przedefiniowana przez parametr 'date_locale'), ktry // moe by przedefiniowany przez parametry 'date_format_long' i 'time_format_long': Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(date_locale); if (properties.containsKey(RP_DATE)) { String date_string = (String) properties.get(RP_DATE); if (properties.containsKey(RP_DATE_FORMAT)) { String date_format = (String) properties.get(RP_DATE_FORMAT); DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(date_format); formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); calendar.setTime(formatter.parse(date_string)); } else if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG) && properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG)) { // TODO: Zaoenie, e format data-czas jest zoony z acucha daty i czasu rozdzelonych spacj: // 'UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG' DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG) + " " + (String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG), date_locale); formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); calendar.setTime(formatter.parse(date_string)); } else { DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.LONG, date_locale); formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); calendar.setTime(formatter.parse(date_string)); } } // Jeli nie okrelono, wypenianie parametrw przechowujcych poszczeglne // skadniki daty, tj. rok, miesic i dzie: if (!properties.containsKey(TP_YEAR)) { props.put(TP_YEAR, calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_MONTH)) { props.put(TP_MONTH, calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DAY)) { props.put(TP_DAY, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); } // Jeli nie okrelono, wypenianie parametrw przechowujcych dat i czas w // formatach SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG i FULL (na podstawie wyznaczonej lokalizacji): Date date = calendar.getTime(); if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DATE_SHORT)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_DATE_SHORT, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DATE_MEDIUM)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_MEDIUM)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_MEDIUM), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_DATE_MEDIUM, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DATE_LONG)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_DATE_LONG, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DATE_FULL)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_FULL)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_FULL), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_DATE_FULL, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_TIME_SHORT)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_SHORT)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_SHORT), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_TIME_SHORT, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_TIME_MEDIUM)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_MEDIUM)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_MEDIUM), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_TIME_MEDIUM, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_TIME_LONG)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_TIME_LONG, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_TIME_FULL)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_FULL)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_FULL), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_TIME_FULL, formatter.format(date)); } return props; }
From source
@Post("json") public String request(final String entity) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); addAllowOrigin();/* w ww . jav a 2 s.c om*/ JSONObject request = null; final ErrorList errorList = new ErrorList(); final JSONObject answer = new JSONObject(); String answerString; final String clientIpRaw = getIP(); System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(labels.getString("NEW_HISTORY"), clientIpRaw)); if (entity != null && !entity.isEmpty()) // try parse the string to a JSON object try { request = new JSONObject(entity); String lang = request.optString("language"); // Load Language Files for Client final List<String> langs = Arrays .asList(settings.getString("RMBT_SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES").split(",\\s*")); if (langs.contains(lang)) { errorList.setLanguage(lang); labels = ResourceManager.getSysMsgBundle(new Locale(lang)); } else lang = settings.getString("RMBT_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE"); // System.out.println(request.toString(4)); if (conn != null) { final Client client = new Client(conn); if (request.optString("uuid").length() > 0 && client.getClientByUuid(UUID.fromString(request.getString("uuid"))) > 0) { final Locale locale = new Locale(lang); final Format format = new SignificantFormat(2, locale); String limitRequest = ""; if (request.optInt("result_limit", 0) != 0) { final int limit = request.getInt("result_limit"); //get offset string if there is one String offsetString = ""; if ((request.optInt("result_offset", 0) != 0) && (request.getInt("result_offset") >= 0)) { offsetString = " OFFSET " + request.getInt("result_offset"); } limitRequest = " LIMIT " + limit + offsetString; } final ArrayList<String> deviceValues = new ArrayList<>(); String deviceRequest = ""; if (request.optJSONArray("devices") != null) { final JSONArray devices = request.getJSONArray("devices"); boolean checkUnknown = false; final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < devices.length(); i++) { final String device = devices.getString(i); if (device.equals("Unknown Device")) checkUnknown = true; else { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(','); deviceValues.add(device); sb.append('?'); } } if (sb.length() > 0) deviceRequest = " AND (COALESCE(adm.fullname, t.model) IN (" + sb.toString() + ")" + (checkUnknown ? " OR model IS NULL OR model = ''" : "") + ")"; // System.out.println(deviceRequest); } final ArrayList<String> filterValues = new ArrayList<>(); String networksRequest = ""; if (request.optJSONArray("networks") != null) { final JSONArray tmpArray = request.getJSONArray("networks"); final StringBuilder tmpString = new StringBuilder(); if (tmpArray.length() >= 1) { tmpString.append("AND nt.group_name IN ("); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < tmpArray.length(); i++) { if (first) first = false; else tmpString.append(','); tmpString.append('?'); filterValues.add(tmpArray.getString(i)); } tmpString.append(')'); } networksRequest = tmpString.toString(); } final JSONArray historyList = new JSONArray(); final PreparedStatement st; try { if (client.getSync_group_id() == 0) { //use faster request ignoring sync-group as user is not synced (id=0) st = conn.prepareStatement(String.format( "SELECT DISTINCT" + " t.uuid, time, timezone, speed_upload, speed_download, ping_median, network_type, nt.group_name network_type_group_name," + " COALESCE(adm.fullname, t.model) model" + " FROM test t" + " LEFT JOIN device_map adm ON adm.codename=t.model" + " LEFT JOIN network_type nt ON t.network_type=nt.uid" + " WHERE t.deleted = false AND t.implausible = false AND t.status = 'FINISHED'" + " AND client_id = ?" + " %s %s" + " ORDER BY time DESC" + " %s", deviceRequest, networksRequest, limitRequest)); } else { //use slower request including sync-group if client is synced st = conn.prepareStatement(String.format("SELECT DISTINCT" + " t.uuid, time, timezone, speed_upload, speed_download, ping_median, network_type, nt.group_name network_type_group_name," + " COALESCE(adm.fullname, t.model) model" + " FROM test t" + " LEFT JOIN device_map adm ON adm.codename=t.model" + " LEFT JOIN network_type nt ON t.network_type=nt.uid" + " WHERE t.deleted = false AND t.implausible = false AND t.status = 'FINISHED'" + " AND (t.client_id IN (SELECT ? UNION SELECT uid FROM client WHERE sync_group_id = ? ))" + " %s %s" + " ORDER BY time DESC" + " %s", deviceRequest, networksRequest, limitRequest)); } int i = 1; st.setLong(i++, client.getUid()); if (client.getSync_group_id() != 0) st.setInt(i++, client.getSync_group_id()); for (final String value : deviceValues) st.setString(i++, value); for (final String filterValue : filterValues) st.setString(i++, filterValue); //System.out.println(st.toString()); final ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { final JSONObject jsonItem = new JSONObject(); jsonItem.put("test_uuid", rs.getString("uuid")); final Date date = rs.getTimestamp("time"); final long time = date.getTime(); final String tzString = rs.getString("timezone"); final TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzString); jsonItem.put("time", time); jsonItem.put("timezone", tzString); final DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale); dateFormat.setTimeZone(tz); jsonItem.put("time_string", dateFormat.format(date)); jsonItem.put("speed_upload", format.format(rs.getInt("speed_upload") / 1000d)); jsonItem.put("speed_download", format.format(rs.getInt("speed_download") / 1000d)); final long ping = rs.getLong("ping_median"); jsonItem.put("ping", format.format(ping / 1000000d)); // backwards compatibility for old clients jsonItem.put("ping_shortest", format.format(ping / 1000000d)); jsonItem.put("model", rs.getString("model")); jsonItem.put("network_type", rs.getString("network_type_group_name")); //for appscape-iPhone-Version: also add classification to the response jsonItem.put("speed_upload_classification", Classification .classify(classification.THRESHOLD_UPLOAD, rs.getInt("speed_upload"))); jsonItem.put("speed_download_classification", Classification .classify(classification.THRESHOLD_DOWNLOAD, rs.getInt("speed_download"))); jsonItem.put("ping_classification", Classification .classify(classification.THRESHOLD_PING, rs.getLong("ping_median"))); // backwards compatibility for old clients jsonItem.put("ping_shortest_classification", Classification .classify(classification.THRESHOLD_PING, rs.getLong("ping_median"))); historyList.put(jsonItem); } if (historyList.length() == 0) errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_GET_HISTORY"); // errorList.addError(MessageFormat.format(labels.getString("ERROR_DB_GET_CLIENT"), // new Object[] {uuid})); rs.close(); st.close(); } catch (final SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_GET_HISTORY_SQL"); // errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_GET_CLIENT_SQL"); } answer.put("history", historyList); } else errorList.addError("ERROR_REQUEST_NO_UUID"); } else errorList.addError("ERROR_DB_CONNECTION"); } catch (final JSONException e) { errorList.addError("ERROR_REQUEST_JSON"); System.out.println("Error parsing JSDON Data " + e.toString()); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { errorList.addError("ERROR_REQUEST_NO_UUID"); } else errorList.addErrorString("Expected request is missing."); try { answer.putOpt("error", errorList.getList()); } catch (final JSONException e) { System.out.println("Error saving ErrorList: " + e.toString()); } answerString = answer.toString(); long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; System.out.println(MessageFormat.format(labels.getString("NEW_HISTORY_SUCCESS"), clientIpRaw, Long.toString(elapsedTime))); return answerString; }
From source
public static String dateTimeFormatForJSCalendar(Locale locale) { DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, locale); String datetime = df.format(create(1, 2, 1971, 15, 59, 0)); // d, m, y, hr, min, sec boolean always4InYear = "es".equals(locale.getLanguage()) || "pl".equals(locale.getLanguage()); String result = datetime./*from w ww.ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ // time part replaceAll("15", "%H"). // 24hr format replaceAll("03", "%I"). // 12hr format - double digit replaceAll("3", "%l"). // 12hr format - single digit replaceAll("59", "%M"). // minute replaceAll("PM", "%p"). // AM/PM - uppercase replaceAll("pm", "%P"). // am/pm - lowercase // date part replaceAll("01", "%d"). // day - double digit replaceAll("02", "%m"). // month - double digit replaceAll("1971", "%Y"). // year - 4 digit replaceAll("71", always4InYear ? "%Y" : "%y"). // year - 2 digit replaceAll("1", "%e"). // day - single digit replaceAll("2", "%m") // month - ??? seems only double digit is supported by calendar ; return result; }
From source
public void savePlayerData(OfflinePlayer player, PlayerData data) { //save that data in memory this.playerNameToPlayerDataMap.put(player.getUniqueId().toString(), data); BufferedWriter outStream = null; try {//from w ww . j a v a2 s . c om //open the player's file File playerFile = new File(playerDataFolderPath + File.separator + player.getUniqueId().toString()); playerFile.createNewFile(); outStream = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(playerFile)); //first line is home region coordinates outStream.write(data.homeRegion.toString()); outStream.newLine(); //second line is last disconnection date, //note use of the ROOT locale to avoid problems related to regional settings on the server being updated DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL, Locale.ROOT); outStream.write(dateFormat.format(data.lastDisconnect)); outStream.newLine(); //third line is login priority outStream.write(String.valueOf(data.loginPriority)); outStream.newLine(); } //if any problem, log it catch (Exception e) { PopulationDensity.AddLogEntry("PopulationDensity: Unexpected exception saving data for player \"" + player.getName() + "\": " + e.getMessage()); } try { //close the file if (outStream != null) outStream.close(); } catch (IOException exception) { } }