Java tutorial
/* org.agiso.tempel.Tempel (14-09-2012) * * * * Copyright 2012 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.agiso.tempel; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.agiso.core.i18n.annotation.I18n; import org.agiso.core.i18n.util.I18nUtils.I18nId; import org.agiso.core.logging.I18nLogger; import org.agiso.core.logging.util.LogUtils; import org.agiso.tempel.api.internal.IExpressionEvaluator; import org.agiso.tempel.api.internal.IParamReader; import org.agiso.tempel.api.internal.ITemplateExecutor; import org.agiso.tempel.api.internal.ITemplateProvider; import org.apache.commons.lang.LocaleUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; /** * * * @author Karol Kopacz * @since 1.0 */ public class Tempel implements ITempel { private static final I18nLogger<Logs> coreLogger = LogUtils.getLogger(LOGGER_CORE); private static enum Logs implements I18nId { @I18n(def = "Property {0}: {1} <-- {2}") LOG_01, } private final Map<String, Object> systemProperties; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- private ITemplateProvider templateProvider; private ITemplateExecutor templateExecutor; @Autowired private IExpressionEvaluator expressionEvaluator; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public Tempel() { // Odczytujemy waciwoci systemowe i zapamitujemy je w mapie systemProperties: Properties properties = System.getProperties(); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(properties.size()); for (String key : properties.stringPropertyNames()) { map.put(key.replace('.', '_'), properties.getProperty(key)); } systemProperties = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Autowired public void setTemplateProvider(ITemplateProvider templateProvider) { this.templateProvider = templateProvider; } @Autowired public void setTemplateExecutor(ITemplateExecutor templateExecutor) { this.templateExecutor = templateExecutor; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void setParamReader(IParamReader paramReader) { templateExecutor.setParamReader(paramReader); } /** * */ @Override public void startTemplate(String name, Map<String, String> params, String workDir) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> properties = new TreeMap<String, Object>(); // Wypeniamy map properties dodajc do niej parametry poszczeglnych // poziomw tak, e parametry wyszego poziomu przykrywaj parametry // niszego poziomu (przedefiniowywanie parametrw): // Parametry systemowe wywoania maszyny wirtualnej Java (1): properties.putAll(systemProperties); properties.put("SYSTEM", systemProperties); // Parametry ustawie globalnych (2), uytkownika (3) i lokalnych (4): templateProvider.initialize(properties); // Parametry uruchomieniowe (5): properties.putAll(params); // W oparciu o parametry uytkownika budujemy parametry uruchomienia: properties.putAll(addRuntimeProperties(properties)); // Po zbudowaniu mapy properties przegldamy j i rozwijamy parametry: for (String key : properties.keySet()) { Object value = properties.get(key); if (value instanceof String) { String oldValue = (String) value; String newValue = expressionEvaluator.evaluate(oldValue, properties); if (!oldValue.equals(newValue)) { coreLogger.debug(Logs.LOG_01, key, oldValue, newValue); properties.put(key, newValue); } } } properties = Collections.unmodifiableMap(properties); // Po rozwiniciu parametrw inicjalizujemy provider'a szablonw: templateProvider.configure(properties); // Uruchamianie procesu generacji w oparciu o wskazany szablon: templateExecutor.executeTemplate(name, properties, workDir); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Obsuga parametrw szablonw. // RP_ - Parametry linii polece wykonania programu. W oparciu o ich wartoci // wyznaczane s parametry TP_ wykorzystywane w szablonach. // UP_ - Parametry konfiguracyjne (uytkownika). Okrelaj sposb wyznaczania // parametrw TP_ wykorzystywanych w szablonach. // TP_ - Parametry szablonw. Przeznaczone do bezporedniego uzycia w treci // szablonw. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static final String RP_DATE = "date"; public static final String RP_DATE_FORMAT = "date_format"; public static final String UP_DATE_LOCALE = "date_locale"; public static final String UP_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT = "date_format_short"; public static final String UP_DATE_FORMAT_MEDIUM = "date_format_medium"; public static final String UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG = "date_format_long"; public static final String UP_DATE_FORMAT_FULL = "date_format_full"; public static final String UP_TIME_ZONE = "time_zone"; public static final String UP_TIME_FORMAT_SHORT = "time_format_short"; public static final String UP_TIME_FORMAT_MEDIUM = "time_format_medium"; public static final String UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG = "time_format_long"; public static final String UP_TIME_FORMAT_FULL = "time_format_full"; public static final String TP_YEAR = "year"; public static final String TP_MONTH = "month"; public static final String TP_DAY = "day"; public static final String TP_DATE_SHORT = "date_short"; public static final String TP_DATE_MEDIUM = "date_medium"; public static final String TP_DATE_LONG = "date_long"; public static final String TP_DATE_FULL = "date_full"; public static final String TP_TIME_SHORT = "time_short"; public static final String TP_TIME_MEDIUM = "time_medium"; public static final String TP_TIME_LONG = "time_long"; public static final String TP_TIME_FULL = "time_full"; /** * * * @param properties * @throws Exception */ private Map<String, Object> addRuntimeProperties(Map<String, Object> properties) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // Okrelanie lokalizacji daty/czasu uywanej do wypenienia paramtrw szablonw // zawierajcych dat/czas w formatach DateFormat.SHORT, .MEDIUM, .LONG i .FULL: Locale date_locale; if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_LOCALE)) { date_locale = LocaleUtils.toLocale((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_LOCALE)); Locale.setDefault(date_locale); } else { date_locale = Locale.getDefault(); } TimeZone time_zone; if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_ZONE)) { time_zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_LOCALE)); TimeZone.setDefault(time_zone); } else { time_zone = TimeZone.getDefault(); } // Wyznaczanie daty, na podstawie ktrej zostan wypenione parametry szablonw // przechowujce dat/czas w formatach DateFormat.SHORT, .MEDIUM, .LONG i .FULL. // Odbywa si w oparciu o wartoci parametrw 'date_format' i 'date'. Parametr // 'date_format' definiuje format uywany do parsowania acucha reprezentujcego // dat okrelon parametrem 'date'. Parametr 'date_format' moe nie by okrelony. // W takiej sytuacji uyty jest format DateFormat.LONG aktywnej lokalizacji (tj. // systemowej, ktra moe by przedefiniowana przez parametr 'date_locale'), ktry // moe by przedefiniowany przez parametry 'date_format_long' i 'time_format_long': Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(date_locale); if (properties.containsKey(RP_DATE)) { String date_string = (String) properties.get(RP_DATE); if (properties.containsKey(RP_DATE_FORMAT)) { String date_format = (String) properties.get(RP_DATE_FORMAT); DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(date_format); formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); calendar.setTime(formatter.parse(date_string)); } else if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG) && properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG)) { // TODO: Zaoenie, e format data-czas jest zoony z acucha daty i czasu rozdzelonych spacj: // 'UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG' DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG) + " " + (String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG), date_locale); formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); calendar.setTime(formatter.parse(date_string)); } else { DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.LONG, date_locale); formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); calendar.setTime(formatter.parse(date_string)); } } // Jeli nie okrelono, wypenianie parametrw przechowujcych poszczeglne // skadniki daty, tj. rok, miesic i dzie: if (!properties.containsKey(TP_YEAR)) { props.put(TP_YEAR, calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_MONTH)) { props.put(TP_MONTH, calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DAY)) { props.put(TP_DAY, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); } // Jeli nie okrelono, wypenianie parametrw przechowujcych dat i czas w // formatach SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG i FULL (na podstawie wyznaczonej lokalizacji): Date date = calendar.getTime(); if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DATE_SHORT)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_DATE_SHORT, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DATE_MEDIUM)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_MEDIUM)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_MEDIUM), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_DATE_MEDIUM, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DATE_LONG)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_DATE_LONG, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DATE_FULL)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_FULL)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_FULL), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_DATE_FULL, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_TIME_SHORT)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_SHORT)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_SHORT), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_TIME_SHORT, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_TIME_MEDIUM)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_MEDIUM)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_MEDIUM), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_TIME_MEDIUM, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_TIME_LONG)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_TIME_LONG, formatter.format(date)); } if (!properties.containsKey(TP_TIME_FULL)) { DateFormat formatter; if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_FULL)) { formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_FULL), date_locale); } else { formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, date_locale); } formatter.setTimeZone(time_zone); props.put(TP_TIME_FULL, formatter.format(date)); } return props; } }