List of usage examples for java.text DateFormat getDateTimeInstance
public static final DateFormat getDateTimeInstance()
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/** * It transforms FileObject into JsTreeNodeData. * @param file the file whose information will be encapsulated in the node data structure. * @return The node data structure which presents the file. * @throws FileSystemException //from w w w . j a v a2 s .co m */ protected JsTreeNodeData populateTreeNodeData(FileObject file, boolean noChild, String relativePath) throws FileSystemException { JsTreeNodeData node = new JsTreeNodeData(); String baseName = file.getName().getBaseName(); FileContent content = file.getContent(); FileType type = file.getType(); node.setData(baseName); Map<String, Object> attr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); node.setAttr(attr); attr.put("id", relativePath); attr.put("rel", type.getName()); attr.put("fileType", type.getName()); if (content != null) { long fileLastModifiedTime = file.getContent().getLastModifiedTime(); attr.put("fileLastModifiedTime", fileLastModifiedTime); attr.put("fileLastModifiedTimeForDisplay", DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date(fileLastModifiedTime))); if (file.getType() != FileType.FOLDER) { attr.put("fileSize", content.getSize()); attr.put("fileSizeForDisplay", FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(content.getSize())); } } // these fields should not appear in JSON for leaf nodes if (!noChild) { node.setState(JsTreeNodeData.STATE_CLOSED); } return node; }
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public static void debugHtml(Writer writer, FacesContext faces, List exceptionList) throws IOException { init(faces);// w w w . jav a2 s .c om Date now = new Date(); for (int i = 0; i < ERROR_PARTS.length; i++) { if ("message".equals(ERROR_PARTS[i])) { for (int j = 0; j < exceptionList.size(); j++) { Exception e = (Exception) exceptionList.get(j); String msg = e.getMessage(); if (msg != null) { writer.write(msg.replaceAll("<", TS)); } else { writer.write(e.getClass().getName()); } if (!(j + 1 == exceptionList.size())) { writer.write("<br>"); } } } else if ("trace".equals(ERROR_PARTS[i])) { for (int j = 0; j < exceptionList.size(); j++) { Exception e = (Exception) exceptionList.get(j); writeException(writer, e); } } else if ("now".equals(ERROR_PARTS[i])) { writer.write(DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(now)); } else if ("tree".equals(ERROR_PARTS[i])) { if (faces.getViewRoot() != null) { List highlightId = null; for (int j = 0; j < exceptionList.size(); j++) { Exception e = (Exception) exceptionList.get(j); if (highlightId == null) { highlightId = getErrorId(e); } else { highlightId.addAll(getErrorId(e)); } } writeComponent(writer, faces.getViewRoot(), highlightId); } } else if ("vars".equals(ERROR_PARTS[i])) { writeVariables(writer, faces); } else if ("cause".equals(ERROR_PARTS[i])) { for (int j = 0; j < exceptionList.size(); j++) { Exception e = (Exception) exceptionList.get(j); writeCause(writer, e); if (!(j + 1 == exceptionList.size())) { writer.write("<br>"); } } } else { writer.write(ERROR_PARTS[i]); } } }
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private MyDownloadListener mkDownloadListener() { return new MyDownloadListener() { protected void progress(double pct, int blocksToGo, Date date, long msecsLeft) { Date cmplDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + msecsLeft);"CHAIN DOWNLOAD %d%% DONE WITH %d BLOCKS TO GO, " + "COMPLETE AT %s", (int) pct, blocksToGo, DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(cmplDate))); mBlocksToGo = blocksToGo;//from w w w . ja v a 2 s. co m mScanDate = date; mMsecsLeft = msecsLeft; if (mPercentDone != pct) { mPercentDone = pct; setState(State.SYNCING); } } }; }
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public static Long getTimeFromString(String stringVal, @Nullable Calendar cal) throws SQLException { if (stringVal == null) { return null; }/*from ww w .j ava 2s . c om*/ String val = stringVal.trim(); if (val.length() == 0) { return null; } if (val.equals("0") || val.equals("0000-00-00") || val.equals("0000-00-00 00:00:00") || val.equals("00000000000000") || val.equals("0")) { Calendar calendar = null; if (cal != null) { calendar = Calendar.getInstance(cal.getTimeZone()); } else { calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); } calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1); calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); return calendar.getTimeInMillis(); } DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); if (cal != null) { TimeZone timeZone = cal.getTimeZone(); dateFormat.setTimeZone(timeZone); } try { return dateFormat.parse(val).getTime(); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new SQLException("Parse date failure:" + val); } }
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private static synchronized void submitEvent(final Project project, final Package pkg, final EventName eventName, final Event evt) { final String projectName = project == null ? null : project.getProjectName(); final String projectPathHash = project == null ? null : CollectUtility.md5Hash(project.getProjectDir().getAbsolutePath()); final String packageName = pkg == null ? null : pkg.getQualifiedName(); // We take a copy of these internal variables, so that we don't have a race hazard // if the variable changes between now and the event being sent: final String uuidCopy = DataCollector.getUserID(); final String experimentCopy = DataCollector.getExperimentIdentifier(); final String participantCopy = DataCollector.getParticipantIdentifier(); /**//from ww w .ja v a 2s. c o m * Wrap the Event we've been given to add the other normal expected fields: */ DataSubmitter.submitEvent(new Event() { @Override public void success(Map<FileKey, List<String>> fileVersions) { evt.success(fileVersions); } @Override public MultipartEntity makeData(int sequenceNum, Map<FileKey, List<String>> fileVersions) { MultipartEntity mpe = evt.makeData(sequenceNum, fileVersions); if (mpe == null) return null; mpe.addPart("user[uuid]", CollectUtility.toBody(uuidCopy)); mpe.addPart("session[id]", CollectUtility.toBody(DataCollector.getSessionUuid())); mpe.addPart("participant[experiment]", CollectUtility.toBody(experimentCopy)); mpe.addPart("participant[participant]", CollectUtility.toBody(participantCopy)); if (projectName != null) { mpe.addPart("project[name]", CollectUtility.toBody(projectName)); mpe.addPart("project[path_hash]", CollectUtility.toBody(projectPathHash)); if (packageName != null) { mpe.addPart("package[name]", CollectUtility.toBody(packageName)); } } mpe.addPart("event[source_time]", CollectUtility.toBody(DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date()))); mpe.addPart("event[name]", CollectUtility.toBody(eventName.getName())); mpe.addPart("event[sequence_id]", CollectUtility.toBody(Integer.toString(sequenceNum))); return mpe; } }); }
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/** * Parse a string into a datetime value. Tries the common Http formats, the * iso8601 format (used by Javarosa), the default formatting from * Date.toString(), and a time-only format. * /*w w w . ja va 2s . c om*/ * @param value * @return */ public static final Date parseDate(String value) { if (value == null || value.length() == 0) return null; String[] iso8601Pattern = new String[] { PATTERN_ISO8601 }; String[] localizedParsePatterns = new String[] { // try the common HTTP date formats that have time zones PATTERN_RFC1123, PATTERN_RFC1036, PATTERN_DATE_TOSTRING }; String[] localizedNoTzParsePatterns = new String[] { // ones without timezones... (will assume UTC) PATTERN_ASCTIME }; String[] tzParsePatterns = new String[] { PATTERN_ISO8601, PATTERN_ISO8601_DATE, PATTERN_ISO8601_TIME }; String[] noTzParsePatterns = new String[] { // ones without timezones... (will assume UTC) PATTERN_ISO8601_WITHOUT_ZONE, PATTERN_NO_DATE_TIME_ONLY, PATTERN_YYYY_MM_DD_DATE_ONLY_NO_TIME_DASH }; Date d = null; // iso8601 parsing is sometimes off-by-one when JR does it... d = parseDateSubset(value, iso8601Pattern, null, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; // try to parse with the JavaRosa parsers d = DateUtils.parseDateTime(value); if (d != null) return d; d = DateUtils.parseDate(value); if (d != null) return d; d = DateUtils.parseTime(value); if (d != null) return d; // try localized and english text parsers (for Web headers and interactive filter spec.) d = parseDateSubset(value, localizedParsePatterns, Locale.ENGLISH, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; d = parseDateSubset(value, localizedParsePatterns, null, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; d = parseDateSubset(value, localizedNoTzParsePatterns, Locale.ENGLISH, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; d = parseDateSubset(value, localizedNoTzParsePatterns, null, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; // try other common patterns that might not quite match JavaRosa parsers d = parseDateSubset(value, tzParsePatterns, null, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; d = parseDateSubset(value, noTzParsePatterns, null, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; // try the locale- and timezone- specific parsers { DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0); d = formatter.parse(value, pos); if (d != null && pos.getIndex() == value.length()) { return d; } } { DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0); d = formatter.parse(value, pos); if (d != null && pos.getIndex() == value.length()) { return d; } } { DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(); ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0); d = formatter.parse(value, pos); if (d != null && pos.getIndex() == value.length()) { return d; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse the date: " + value); }
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/** * Replaces the macros in the given message.<p> * /*from w ww .j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ * @param msg the message in which the macros are replaced * @param recipient the recipient in the message * * @return the message with the macros replaced */ private String replaceMacros(String msg, I_CmsNewsletterRecipient recipient) { CmsMacroResolver resolver = CmsMacroResolver.newInstance(); resolver.addMacro(MACRO_USER_FIRSTNAME, recipient.getFirstname()); resolver.addMacro(MACRO_USER_LASTNAME, recipient.getLastname()); resolver.addMacro(MACRO_USER_FULLNAME, recipient.getFullName()); resolver.addMacro(MACRO_USER_EMAIL, recipient.getEmail()); resolver.addMacro(MACRO_SEND_DATE, DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))); return resolver.resolveMacros(msg); }
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@Override public void init(Field field, Bundle savedState, Cursor featureCursor) { if (null != field) { mFieldName = field.getName();/*w ww . j a va 2 s . c om*/ } switch (mPickerType) { case GeoConstants.FTDate: mDateFormat = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(); break; case GeoConstants.FTTime: mDateFormat = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getTimeInstance(); break; default: mPickerType = GeoConstants.FTDateTime; case GeoConstants.FTDateTime: mDateFormat = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); break; } String text = ""; if (ControlHelper.hasKey(savedState, mFieldName)) { mValue = savedState.getLong(ControlHelper.getSavedStateKey(mFieldName)); } else if (null != featureCursor) { int column = featureCursor.getColumnIndex(mFieldName); if (column >= 0) { mValue = featureCursor.getLong(column); } } if (null != mValue) { text = getText(); } setText(text); setSingleLine(true); setFocusable(false); setOnClickListener(getDateUpdateWatcher(mPickerType)); String pattern = mDateFormat.toLocalizedPattern(); setHint(pattern); }
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private void handleResult(final Message message) { Log.d(Constants.TAG, "Handle message directly in NtpSyncService..."); // we need a looper to get toasts displayed from service! Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); Runnable() { public void run() { DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); switch (message.arg1) { case NtpSyncService.RETURN_GENERIC_ERROR: Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), getString(R.string.app_name) + ": " + getString(R.string.return_generic_error), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); break; case NtpSyncService.RETURN_OKAY: Bundle returnData = message.getData(); final Date newTime = (Date) returnData.getSerializable(NtpSyncService.MESSAGE_DATA_TIME); Toast.makeText(/*from www. j a v a2 s . com*/ getApplicationContext(), getString(R.string.app_name) + ": " + getString(R.string.return_set_time) + " " + df.format(newTime), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); break; case NtpSyncService.RETURN_SERVER_TIMEOUT: Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), getString(R.string.app_name) + ": " + getString(R.string.return_timeout), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); break; case NtpSyncService.RETURN_NO_ROOT: Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), getString(R.string.app_name) + ": " + getString(R.string.return_no_root), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); break; default: break; } } }); }
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public static String getAppTimeStamp(Context context) { String timeStamp = ""; try {// ww w. ja va2s. co m ApplicationInfo appInfo = context.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0); String appFile = appInfo.sourceDir; long time = new File(appFile).lastModified(); DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); timeStamp = formatter.format(time); } catch (Exception e) { } return timeStamp; }