List of usage examples for java.text DateFormat getDateTimeInstance
public static final DateFormat getDateTimeInstance()
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public static String toPrettyDateTime(Date d) { return DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(d); }
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@Override public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { FeedItem item = mFeedItems.get(position); Bundle args = new Bundle(); if (mFeedType == ARTICLE_TYPE_FAVORITES && item.getType() == TYPE_VIDEO) { args.putString(VideoPlayerActivity.ARG_ITEM_JSON, GsonUtils.toJson(item)); args.putString(VideoPlayerActivity.ARG_UP_TITLE, getString(R.string.favorites)); final Intent nextIntent = new Intent(getSherlockActivity(), VideoPlayerActivity.class); nextIntent.putExtras(args);//w w w .j a v a 2 s. co m startActivity(nextIntent); return; } else { args.putInt(ARG_FEED_TYPE, mFeedType); args.putString(ARG_UP_TITLE, mFeedTitle); args.putString(ARG_ITEM_JSON, GsonUtils.toJson(item)); args.putString("title", item.getTitle()); DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); args.putString("date", formatter.format(item.getPubDate())); args.putString("creator", item.getCreator()); args.putString("description", item.getDescription()); args.putString("url", item.getLink().toString()); } final BaseActivity activity = (BaseActivity) getSherlockActivity(); if (activity.isMultipaned()) { // track multi-pane article views here GATrackingManager.getInstance().track(activity.getTrackingPathComponent(), item.getTitle()); ArticleViewerFragment detailsFragment = new ArticleViewerFragment(); detailsFragment.setArguments(args); activity.getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, detailsFragment) .commit(); } else { final Intent nextIntent = new Intent(getSherlockActivity(), ArticleViewerActivity.class); nextIntent.putExtras(args); startActivity(nextIntent); } }
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@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_taxiarrived); taxiArrived_AcitivityInstance = this; Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; toolbar.setTitleTextColor(Color.BLACK); setSupportActionBar(toolbar);/*from ww w .j av a 2s. co m*/ // getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); String title = getString(R.string.title_activity_taxidetail); getSupportActionBar().setTitle(title); txt_header = (TextView) findViewById(; fab_menu = (FloatingActionsMenu) findViewById(; fab_msg = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById(; fab_boarded = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById(; fab_cancel = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById(; textname = (TextView) findViewById(; textmobilenumber = (TextView) findViewById(; textcompanyname = (TextView) findViewById(; texttaxinumber = (TextView) findViewById(; mtextnamehead = (TextView) findViewById(; mtextcompanyhead = (TextView) findViewById(; mtextmobilehead = (TextView) findViewById(; mtexttexinumhead = (TextView) findViewById(; taxinamehead = (TextView) findViewById(; taxiname = (TextView) findViewById(; mdriverimage = (ImageView) findViewById(; mdriverlicense = (TextView) findViewById(; medriverinsurance = (TextView) findViewById(; map = ((MapFragment) getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(; map.setMapType(GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL); getLocation(); Typeface tf = Typeface.createFromAsset(this.getAssets(), "Montserrat-Regular.ttf"); txt_header.setTypeface(tf); mtextnamehead.setTypeface(tf); mtextcompanyhead.setTypeface(tf); mtextmobilehead.setTypeface(tf); mtexttexinumhead.setTypeface(tf); taxinamehead.setTypeface(tf); taxiname.setTypeface(tf); textname.setTypeface(tf); textmobilenumber.setTypeface(tf); textcompanyname.setTypeface(tf); texttaxinumber.setTypeface(tf); mdriverlicense.setTypeface(tf); medriverinsurance.setTypeface(tf); /////back arrow //////////// // final Drawable upArrow = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.abc_ic_ab_back_mtrl_am_alpha); // upArrow.setColorFilter(getResources().getColor(R.color.colorbutton), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP); // getSupportActionBar().setHomeAsUpIndicator(upArrow); ////////current date time////////////////// currentDateTimeString = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date()); Log.d("currentdatetime", currentDateTimeString); //caceldialog(); /////////////notification data/////////////// Intent intent = getIntent(); String data = intent.getStringExtra("data"); Log.d("data value", data + ""); try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(data); drivermobile = jsonObject.getString("mobile"); drivername = jsonObject.getString("username"); drivercompanyname = jsonObject.getString("taxicompany"); drivertaxiname = jsonObject.getString("vehicalname"); drivertexinumber = jsonObject.getString("vehicle_number"); // driverlatitude = jsonObject.getDouble("latitude"); //driverlongitude = jsonObject.getDouble("longitude"); driverimage = jsonObject.getString("driverImage"); tripamount = jsonObject.getString("amount"); Log.d("amooo", tripamount); tripdestination = jsonObject.getString("destination"); corporateusercompany = jsonObject.getString("corporatecompany"); SourceAddress = jsonObject.getString("source_address"); sourcelatitude = jsonObject.getDouble("source_latitude"); sourcelongitude = jsonObject.getDouble("source_longitude"); driverlicense = jsonObject.getString("driverlicense"); driverinsurance = jsonObject.getString("driverinsurance"); final LatLng loc = new LatLng(new Double(sourcelatitude), new Double(sourcelongitude)); map.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(loc, 15)); MarkerOptions marker = new MarkerOptions().position(loc).title(SourceAddress); marker.icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.pin_three)); map.addMarker(marker); Log.d("driveriamge", driverimage); Log.d("longitudeeeee:------", String.valueOf(jsonObject.getDouble("longitude"))); textname.setText(drivername); textmobilenumber.setText(drivermobile); textcompanyname.setText(drivercompanyname); texttaxinumber.setText(drivertexinumber); taxiname.setText(drivertaxiname); mdriverlicense.setText(driverlicense); medriverinsurance.setText(driverinsurance); if (mdriverlicense.length() == 0) { mdriverlicense.setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (medriverinsurance.length() == 0) { medriverinsurance.setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (driverimage.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { mdriverimage.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_action_user); } else { Picasso.with(getApplicationContext()).load(driverimage).error(R.drawable.ic_action_user) .resize(200, 200).into(mdriverimage); } Timer timer; TimerTask task; int delay = 10000; int period = 10000; timer = new Timer(); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task = new TimerTask() { public void run() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { /*loc2 = new LatLng(new Double(AppPreferences.getCurrentlat(TaxiArrived_Acitivity.this)), new Double(AppPreferences.getCurrentlong(TaxiArrived_Acitivity.this))); MarkerOptions marker2 = new MarkerOptions().position(loc2); map.clear(); marker2.icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.drivertaxi)); map.addMarker(marker2.title(drivername));*/ loc2 = new LatLng(new Double(AppPreferences.getCurrentlat(TaxiArrived_Acitivity.this)), new Double(AppPreferences.getCurrentlong(TaxiArrived_Acitivity.this))); if (marker1 == null) { marker1 = map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(loc2).title(drivername) .icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.drivertaxi))); } animateMarker(marker1, loc2, false); } }); } }, delay, period); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ////////////notification dataend/////////////// fab_cancel.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { initiatePopupWindowcanceltaxi(); } }); fab_boarded.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent1 = new Intent(TaxiArrived_Acitivity.this, Payment_Activity.class); intent1.putExtra("driver_companyname", drivercompanyname); intent1.putExtra("trip_amount", tripamount); intent1.putExtra("trip_destination", tripdestination); intent1.putExtra("user_company", corporateusercompany); intent1.putExtra("driver_image", driverimage); intent1.putExtra("drver_name", drivername); intent1.putExtra("driver_mobile", drivermobile); intent1.putExtra("driver_taxinumber", drivertexinumber); intent1.putExtra("driver_taxiname", drivertaxiname); startActivity(intent1); new BoardeTripAsynch().execute(); } }); fab_msg.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { initiatePopupWindowsendmesage(); } }); }
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@Override public void onPositiveButtonClicked(int resultCode, Date date) { String text = ""; if (resultCode == 12) { text = "Date "; } else if (resultCode == 13) { text = "Time "; }/*from w w w. j a v a2s . c om*/ DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); Toast.makeText(this, text + "Success! " + dateFormat.format(date), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }
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/** * OID?/* w w w.j a v a 2s .co m*/ * * @param facilityId ID * @return ???????true * @throws HinemosUnknown */ @Override public boolean collect(String facilityId) throws HinemosUnknown { if (m_now != null) { m_nodeDate = m_now.getTime(); } m_value = 0; // m_message = ""; m_messageOrg = MessageConstant.OID.getMessage() + " : " + m_snmpOid; NodeInfo info = null; try { // ?? info = new RepositoryControllerBean().getNode(facilityId); } catch (FacilityNotFound e) { m_message = MessageConstant.MESSAGE_COULD_NOT_GET_NODE_ATTRIBUTES.getMessage(); m_messageOrg = m_messageOrg + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")"; resetCache(m_monitorId, facilityId); return false; } // SNMP? RequestSnmp4j m_request = new RequestSnmp4j(); m_log.debug("version=" + info.getSnmpVersion()); boolean result = false; try { result = m_request.polling(info.getAvailableIpAddress(), info.getSnmpCommunity(), info.getSnmpPort(), m_snmpOid, info.getSnmpVersion(), info.getSnmpTimeout(), info.getSnmpRetryCount(), info.getSnmpSecurityLevel(), info.getSnmpUser(), info.getSnmpAuthPassword(), info.getSnmpPrivPassword(), info.getSnmpAuthProtocol(), info.getSnmpPrivProtocol()); } catch (Exception e) { m_message = MessageConstant.MESSAGE_COULD_NOT_GET_NODE_ATTRIBUTES.getMessage(); m_messageOrg = m_message + ", " + e.getMessage() + " (" + e.getClass().getName() + ")"; if (e instanceof NumberFormatException) { m_log.warn(m_messageOrg); } else { m_log.warn(m_messageOrg, e); } resetCache(m_monitorId, facilityId); return false; } if (result) { // ?? double value = -1; try { if (m_request.getValue() == null) { m_log.debug("collect() : m_request.getValue() is null"); return false; } value = Double.parseDouble(m_request.getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) {"collect() : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + e.getMessage()); String[] args = { m_request.getValue() }; m_message = MessageConstant.MESSAGE_COULD_NOT_GET_NUMERIC_VALUE.getMessage(args); resetCache(m_monitorId, facilityId); return false; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.warn("collect() : " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + e.getMessage(), e); String[] args = { m_request.getValue() }; m_message = MessageConstant.MESSAGE_COULD_NOT_GET_NUMERIC_VALUE.getMessage(args); resetCache(m_monitorId, facilityId); return false; } long date = m_request.getDate(); // ???? if (m_convertFlg == ConvertValueConstant.TYPE_NO) { m_value = value; m_nodeDate = date; } // ?? else if (m_convertFlg == ConvertValueConstant.TYPE_DELTA) { // ?? MonitorSnmpValue valueEntity = null; Double prevValue = 0d; Long prevDate = 0l; if (!m_isMonitorJob) { // ?? // cache?? valueEntity = MonitorSnmpCache.getMonitorSnmpValue(m_monitorId, facilityId); // ??? prevValue = valueEntity.getValue(); if (valueEntity.getGetDate() != null) { prevDate = valueEntity.getGetDate(); } } else { // ?? valueEntity = new MonitorSnmpValue(new MonitorSnmpValuePK(m_monitorId, facilityId)); if (m_prvData instanceof MonitorSnmpValue) { // ???? prevValue = ((MonitorSnmpValue) m_prvData).getValue(); prevDate = ((MonitorSnmpValue) m_prvData).getGetDate(); } } if (prevValue != null) { if (prevValue > value) { if (m_request.getType() == SMIConstants.SYNTAX_COUNTER32) { value += ((double) Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1) * 2; } else if (m_request.getType() == SMIConstants.SYNTAX_COUNTER64) { value += ((double) Long.MAX_VALUE + 1) * 2; } } } // SNMP???? valueEntity.setValue(Double.valueOf(value)); valueEntity.setGetDate(date); if (!m_isMonitorJob) { // ???ID????? if (m_monitor.getMonitorFlg()) MonitorSnmpCache.update(m_monitorId, facilityId, valueEntity); // ???SNMP???????? int tolerance = (m_runInterval + SnmpProperties.getProperties().getValidSecond()) * 1000; if (prevDate > date - tolerance) { // ??null??? if (prevValue == null) { m_log.debug("collect() : prevValue is null"); return false; } m_value = value - prevValue; m_nodeDate = m_request.getDate(); } else { if (prevDate != 0l) { DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); df.setTimeZone(HinemosTime.getTimeZone()); String[] args = { df.format(new Date(prevDate)) }; m_message = MessageConstant.MESSAGE_TOO_OLD_TO_CALCULATE.getMessage(args); return false; } else { // ???0?? m_nodeDate = 0l; } } } else { m_value = value - prevValue; m_nodeDate = m_request.getDate(); m_curData = valueEntity; } } m_message = MessageConstant.SELECT_VALUE.getMessage() + " : " + m_value; } else { m_message = m_request.getMessage(); resetCache(m_monitorId, facilityId); } return result; }
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/** * Returns the CSV export file content.<p> * /*w ww. jav a 2 s . co m*/ * @param formId the current selected web form * @param locale the current local * * @return the CSV export file content * * @throws SQLException if something goes wrong */ public String exportData(String formId, Locale locale) throws SQLException { /* * TODO: Access the CmsForm (or CmsFormHandler) and put out all * fields in the exact order - put fields that do not exist any longer * to the back (note: readAllFormFieldNames is required for the old values). */ StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); CmsModule module = OpenCms.getModuleManager().getModule(CmsForm.MODULE_NAME); // time format: DateFormat df = null; String formatString = module.getParameter(CmsForm.MODULE_PARAM_EXPORT_TIMEFORMAT); if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmpty(formatString)) { try { df = new SimpleDateFormat(formatString); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { LOG.warn(Messages.get().getBundle().key(Messages.LOG_WARN_EXPORT_DATEFORMAT_ILLEGAL_2, new Object[] { CmsForm.MODULE_PARAM_EXPORT_TIMEFORMAT, formatString })); } } // line separator: boolean isWindowsLineSeparator = false; boolean isUnixLineSeparator = false; String lineSeparatorParam = module.getParameter(CmsForm.MODULE_PARAM_EXPORTLINESEPARATOR); if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(lineSeparatorParam)) { if (lineSeparatorParam.equals(CmsForm.MODULE_PARAMVALUE_EXPORTLINESEPARATOR_WINDOWS)) { isWindowsLineSeparator = true; } else if (lineSeparatorParam.equals(CmsForm.MODULE_PARAMVALUE_EXPORTLINESEPARATOR_UNIX) || lineSeparatorParam.equals(CmsForm.MODULE_PARAMVALUE_EXPORTLINESEPARATOR_EXCEL)) { isUnixLineSeparator = true; } } // export numbers as string: String nasParam = module.getParameter(CmsForm.MODULE_PARAM_EXPORT_NUMBERASSTRING, CmsStringUtil.FALSE); boolean numberAsString = Boolean.valueOf(nasParam).booleanValue(); // csv delimiter String lineSeparator = EXCEL_DEFAULT_CSV_DELMITER; String configLineSeparator = module.getParameter(CmsForm.MODULE_PARAM_CSV_DELIMITER); if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(configLineSeparator)) { lineSeparator = configLineSeparator.trim(); } // get the column names List<String> columnNames = CmsFormDataAccess.getInstance().readFormFieldNames(formId, getStartTime().getTime(), getEndTime().getTime()); Collections.sort(columnNames, Collator.getInstance(locale)); // get the entries List<CmsFormDataBean> dataEntries = CmsFormDataAccess.getInstance().readForms(formId, getStartTime().getTime(), getEndTime().getTime()); // loop 1 - write the headers: result.append(escapeExcelCsv("Creation date", numberAsString)); result.append(lineSeparator); result.append(escapeExcelCsv("Resource path", numberAsString)); result.append(lineSeparator); result.append(escapeExcelCsv("Resource UUID", numberAsString)); result.append(lineSeparator); Iterator<String> itColumns = columnNames.iterator(); while (itColumns.hasNext()) { String columnName =; // skip empty columns (previous versions saved CmsEmptyField with empty values which will not be deleted): if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(columnName)) { columnName = escapeExcelCsv(columnName, numberAsString); result.append(columnName); if (itColumns.hasNext()) { result.append(lineSeparator); } } } result.append("\r\n"); // loop 2 - write the data: Iterator<CmsFormDataBean> itRows = dataEntries.iterator(); String path; CmsUUID uuid = null; while (itRows.hasNext()) { CmsFormDataBean row =; // create an entry for each column, even if some rows (data sets) // do not contain the field value because it was // a) not entered // b) the form was changed in structure over time // c) developer errors, hw /sw problems... Date creationDate = new Date(row.getDateCreated()); if (df == null) { result.append(creationDate); } else { result.append(df.format(creationDate)); } DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); result.append(lineSeparator); uuid = row.getResourceId(); try { path = m_cms.readResource(uuid).getRootPath(); } catch (Exception e) { path = row.getResourceId().toString(); } result.append(path); result.append(lineSeparator); result.append(String.valueOf(uuid)); result.append(lineSeparator); itColumns = columnNames.iterator(); while (itColumns.hasNext()) { String columnName =; // skip empty columns (previous versions saved CmsEmptyField with empty values which will not be deleted): if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(columnName)) { String value = row.getFieldValue(columnName); if (value != null) { if (isWindowsLineSeparator) { value = transformWindowsLineseparator(value); } else if (isUnixLineSeparator) { value = transformUnixLineseparator(value); } value = escapeExcelCsv(value, numberAsString); result.append(value); } if (itColumns.hasNext()) { result.append(lineSeparator); } } } result.append("\r\n"); } return result.toString(); }
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public String DateTime() { java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date(); //Date format DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); //Date and time String strDate = df.format(today); return strDate; }
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/** * * ?????//w ww . j a v a 2 s .c om * * @param paramId ID * @param sessionId ID * @param jobSessionEntity * @return * @throws JobInfoNotFound */ private static String getJobSessionValue(String paramId, String sessionId, JobSessionEntity jobSessionEntity) throws JobInfoNotFound { m_log.debug("getJobSessionValue() start paramId=" + paramId + ",sessionId=" + sessionId); String ret = null; if (paramId.equals(SystemParameterConstant.SESSION_ID)) { // ID ret = sessionId; } else { if (jobSessionEntity == null) { HinemosEntityManager em = new JpaTransactionManager().getEntityManager(); // ?? jobSessionEntity = em.find(JobSessionEntity.class, sessionId, ObjectPrivilegeMode.READ); if (jobSessionEntity == null) { JobInfoNotFound je = new JobInfoNotFound( "JobSessionEntity.findByPrimaryKey" + ", sessionId = " + sessionId); "getJobParameterValue() : " + je.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + je.getMessage()); je.setSessionId(sessionId); throw je; } } if (paramId.equals(SystemParameterConstant.START_DATE)) { // DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); df.setTimeZone(HinemosTime.getTimeZone()); ret = df.format(jobSessionEntity.getScheduleDate()); } else if (paramId.equals(SystemParameterConstant.TRIGGER_TYPE)) { // ? Locale locale = NotifyUtil.getNotifyLocale(); ret = Messages.getString( JobTriggerTypeConstant.typeToMessageCode(jobSessionEntity.getTriggerType()), locale); } else if (paramId.equals(SystemParameterConstant.TRIGGER_INFO)) { // ? ret = jobSessionEntity.getTriggerInfo(); } } m_log.debug("getJobSessionValue() end paramId=" + paramId + ",sessionId=" + sessionId + ",value=" + ret); return ret; }
From source
/** * Parse a string into a datetime value. Tries the common Http formats, the * iso8601 format (used by Javarosa), the default formatting from * Date.toString(), and a time-only format. * * @param value//from ww w. j a v a2 s . c om * @return */ public static final Date parseDate(String value) { if (value == null || value.length() == 0) return null; String[] iso8601Pattern = new String[] { PATTERN_ISO8601 }; String[] localizedParsePatterns = new String[] { // try the common HTTP date formats that have time zones PATTERN_RFC1123, PATTERN_RFC1036, PATTERN_DATE_TOSTRING }; String[] localizedNoTzParsePatterns = new String[] { // ones without timezones... (will assume UTC) PATTERN_ASCTIME }; String[] tzParsePatterns = new String[] { PATTERN_ISO8601, PATTERN_ISO8601_DATE, PATTERN_ISO8601_TIME }; String[] noTzParsePatterns = new String[] { // ones without timezones... (will assume UTC) PATTERN_ISO8601_WITHOUT_ZONE, PATTERN_NO_DATE_TIME_ONLY, PATTERN_YYYY_MM_DD_DATE_ONLY_NO_TIME_DASH, PATTERN_GOOGLE_DOCS }; Date d = null; // iso8601 parsing is sometimes off-by-one when JR does it... d = parseDateSubset(value, iso8601Pattern, null, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; // try to parse with the JavaRosa parsers d = DateUtils.parseDateTime(value); if (d != null) return d; d = DateUtils.parseDate(value); if (d != null) return d; d = DateUtils.parseTime(value); if (d != null) return d; // try localized and english text parsers (for Web headers and interactive // filter spec.) d = parseDateSubset(value, localizedParsePatterns, Locale.ENGLISH, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; d = parseDateSubset(value, localizedParsePatterns, null, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; d = parseDateSubset(value, localizedNoTzParsePatterns, Locale.ENGLISH, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; d = parseDateSubset(value, localizedNoTzParsePatterns, null, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; // try other common patterns that might not quite match JavaRosa parsers d = parseDateSubset(value, tzParsePatterns, null, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; d = parseDateSubset(value, noTzParsePatterns, null, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); if (d != null) return d; // try the locale- and timezone- specific parsers { DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0); d = formatter.parse(value, pos); if (d != null && pos.getIndex() == value.length()) { return d; } } { DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0); d = formatter.parse(value, pos); if (d != null && pos.getIndex() == value.length()) { return d; } } { DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(); ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0); d = formatter.parse(value, pos); if (d != null && pos.getIndex() == value.length()) { return d; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse the date: " + value); }
From source
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); //Set the orientation //setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); //Shapes and Coredx DDS Initialization // magic to enable WiFi multicast to work on some android platforms: WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); mcastLock = wifi.createMulticastLock("Tablet"); mcastLock.acquire();/*from w w w . j av a 2 s. c om*/ //Tablet variables tablet = new Vector<TabletWriter>(); // open CoreDX DDS license file: BufferedReader br = null; String license = new String("<"); try { Log.i("Debug", "...Opening License"); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(this.getAssets().open("coredx_dds.lic"))); } catch (IOException e) { Log.i("Debug", "...License did not open"); Log.e("Tablet", e.getMessage()); } if (br != null) { String ln; try { while ((ln = br.readLine()) != null) { license = new String(license + ln + "\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { // Log.e("Tablet", e.getMessage()); } } license = new String(license + ">"); Log.i("Tablet", "...License seems to be good"); //Initialize Variables XVel = 1; YVel = 2; CompassDir = 3; GPS_LN = 4; GPS_LT = 5; Log_DDS = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date()); //For the Image, use current image display and String fileName = "/storage/sdcard0/DCIM/no_video.jpg"; Bitmap bmp; bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(fileName); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 40, baos); buffer = baos.toByteArray(); data_image_DDS = buffer; Log.i("Tablet", "Creating Subscriber"); class TestDataReaderListener implements DataReaderListener { @Override public long get_nil_mask() { return 0; } @Override public void on_requested_deadline_missed(DataReader dr, RequestedDeadlineMissedStatus status) { System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ REQUESTED DEADLINE MISSED @@@@@"); System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@"); System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"); }; @Override public void on_requested_incompatible_qos(DataReader dr, RequestedIncompatibleQosStatus status) { System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ REQUESTED INCOMPAT QOS @@@@@@@@"); System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ dr = " + dr); System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@"); System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"); }; @Override public void on_sample_rejected(DataReader dr, SampleRejectedStatus status) { }; @Override public void on_liveliness_changed(DataReader dr, LivelinessChangedStatus status) { TopicDescription td = dr.get_topicdescription(); System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ LIVELINESS CHANGED " + td.get_name() + " @@@@@@@@@@"); } @Override public void on_subscription_matched(DataReader dr, SubscriptionMatchedStatus status) { TopicDescription td = dr.get_topicdescription(); System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ SUBSCRIPTION MATCHED @@@@@@@@@@"); System.out.println( " @@@@@@@@@@@ topic = " + td.get_name() + " (type: " + td.get_type_name() + ")"); System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ current = " + status.get_current_count()); System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@"); System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"); } @Override public void on_sample_lost(DataReader dr, SampleLostStatus status) { System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ SAMPLE LOST @@@@@@@@@@"); }; @Override public void on_data_available(DataReader dr) { TopicDescription td = dr.get_topicdescription(); dataDDSDataReader data_message = (dataDDSDataReader) dr; System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ DATA AVAILABLE @@@@@@@@@@"); System.out.println( " @@@@@@@@@@@ topic = " + td.get_name() + " (type: " + td.get_type_name() + ")"); samples = new dataDDSSeq(); SampleInfoSeq si = new SampleInfoSeq(); ReturnCode_t retval = data_message.take(samples, si, 100, coredxConstants.DDS_ANY_SAMPLE_STATE, coredxConstants.DDS_ANY_VIEW_STATE, coredxConstants.DDS_ANY_INSTANCE_STATE); System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ ===> " + retval); if (retval == ReturnCode_t.RETCODE_OK) { if (samples.value == null) System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ samples.value = null"); else { System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ samples.value.length= " + samples.value.length); for (int i = 0; i < samples.value.length; i++) { System.out.println(" State : " + (si.value[i].instance_state == coredxConstants.DDS_ALIVE_INSTANCE_STATE ? "ALIVE" : "NOT ALIVE")); System.out.println(" TimeStamp : " + si.value[i].source_timestamp.sec + "." + si.value[i].source_timestamp.nanosec); System.out.println(" Handle : " + si.value[i].instance_handle.value); System.out.println(" WriterHandle: " + si.value[i].publication_handle.value); System.out.println(" SampleRank : " + si.value[i].sample_rank); if (si.value[i].valid_data) System.out.println(" XVel: " + samples.value[i].XVel_DDS); System.out.println(" YVel: " + samples.value[i].YVel_DDS); System.out.println(" CompassDir: " + samples.value[i].CompassDir_DDS); System.out.println(" GPS_LT: " + samples.value[i].GPS_LT_DDS); System.out.println(" GPS_LN: " + samples.value[i].GPS_LN_DDS); System.out.println(" Log_DDS: " + samples.value[i].Log_DDS); //Capture data values for display BasicFragmentActivity.XVel = samples.value[i].XVel_DDS; BasicFragmentActivity.YVel = samples.value[i].YVel_DDS; BasicFragmentActivity.CompassDir = samples.value[i].CompassDir_DDS; BasicFragmentActivity.GPS_LT = samples.value[i].GPS_LT_DDS; BasicFragmentActivity.GPS_LN = samples.value[i].GPS_LN_DDS; BasicFragmentActivity.Log_DDS = samples.value[i].Log_DDS; BasicFragmentActivity.data_image_DDS = samples.value[i].data_image_DDS; } } data_message.return_loan(samples, si); } else { } System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@"); System.out.println(" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"); }; } ; System.out.println("STARTING -------------------------"); DomainParticipantFactory dpf = DomainParticipantFactory.get_instance(); dpf.set_license(license); dpf.get_default_participant_qos(dp_qos_tablet); DomainParticipant dp = null; System.out.println("CREATE PARTICIPANT ---------------"); dp = dpf.create_participant(0, /* domain Id */ dp_qos_tablet, //null, /* default qos */ null, /* no listener */ 0); if (dp == null) { //failed to create DomainParticipant -- bad license android.util.Log.e("CoreDX DDS", "Unable to create Tablet DomainParticipant."); } SubscriberQos sub_qos_tablet = new SubscriberQos(); Log.i("Tablet", "creating publisher/subscriber"); sub_tablet = dp.create_subscriber(sub_qos_tablet, null, 0); System.out.println("REGISTERING TYPE -----------------"); dataDDSTypeSupport ts = new dataDDSTypeSupport(); ReturnCode_t returnValue = ts.register_type(dp, null); if (returnValue != ReturnCode_t.RETCODE_OK) { System.out.println("ERROR registering type\n"); return; } System.out.println("CREATE TOPIC ---------------------"); /* create a DDS Topic with the FilterMsg data type. */ Topic topics = dp.create_topic("dataDDS", ts.get_type_name(), DDS.TOPIC_QOS_DEFAULT, null, 0); if (topics == null) { System.out.println("Error creating topic"); return; } System.out.println("CREATE SUBSCRIBER ----------------"); SubscriberQos sub_qos = null; SubscriberListener sub_listener = null; Subscriber sub = dp.create_subscriber(sub_qos, sub_listener, 0); System.out.println("READER VARIABLES ----------------"); DataReaderQos dr_qos = new DataReaderQos(); sub.get_default_datareader_qos(dr_qos); dr_qos.entity_name.value = "JAVA_DR"; dr_qos.history.depth = 10; DataReaderListener dr_listener = new TestDataReaderListener(); System.out.println("CREATE DATAREADER ----------------"); //Create DDS Data reader dataDDSDataReader dr = (dataDDSDataReader) sub.create_datareader(topics, DDS.DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT, dr_listener, DDS.DATA_AVAILABLE_STATUS); System.out.println("DATAREADER CREATED ----------------"); //Cheack to see if DDS Data Reader worked if (dr == null) { System.out.println("ERROR creating data reader\n"); //return; } // We default to building our Fragment at runtime, but you can switch the layout here // to R.layout.activity_fragment_xml in order to have the Fragment added during the // Activity's layout inflation. setContentView(R.layout.holygrail); Log.i("Tablet", "called set content view"); FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); Fragment fragment = fm.findFragmentById(; // You can find Fragments just like you would with a // View by using FragmentManager. Log.i("Tablet", "...declare fragment"); // If are using activity_fragment_xml.xml then this the fragment will not be // null, otherwise it will be. if (fragment == null) { //Image View Fragment Log.i("Debug", "...calling fragment center pane"); FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction(); ft.add(, new BasicFragment()); ft.addToBackStack(null); //Logging Fragment Log.i("Debug", "...calling fragment left pane top"); //ft.add(, new LoggingFragment()); ft.add(, new LoggingFragment()); ft.addToBackStack(null); //Connecting Fragment Log.i("Debug", "...calling fragment left pane bottom"); //ft.add(,new ControllerFragment()); ft.add(, new ConnectionFragment()); ft.addToBackStack(null); //Compass Fragment Log.i("Debug", "...calling fragment right pane top"); //ft.add(,new BasicFragment2()); ft.add(, new BasicFragment2()); ft.addToBackStack(null); //Navigation Fragment Log.i("Debug", "...calling fragment right pane bottom"); //ft.add(,new NavigationFragment()); ft.add(, new DualJoystickActivity()); ft.addToBackStack(null); //Datalog Fragment Log.i("Debug", "...calling fragment middle pane bottom"); //ft.add(,new DatalogFragment()); ft.add(, new DatalogFragment()); ft.addToBackStack(null); //Commit the fragment or it will not be added Log.i("Debug", "...comitting"); ft.commit(); } //Joystick variables txtX1 = (TextView) this.findViewById(; txtY1 = (TextView) this.findViewById(; txtX2 = (TextView) this.findViewById(; txtY2 = (TextView) this.findViewById(; joystick = (DualJoystickView) this.findViewById(; JoystickMovedListener _listenerLeft = new JoystickMovedListener() { @Override public void OnMoved(int pan, int tilt) { txtX1.setText(Integer.toString(pan)); txtY1.setText(Integer.toString(tilt)); } @Override public void OnReleased() { txtX1.setText("released"); txtY1.setText("released"); } @Override public void OnReturnedToCenter() { txtX1.setText("stopped"); txtY1.setText("stopped"); }; }; JoystickMovedListener _listenerRight = new JoystickMovedListener() { @Override public void OnMoved(int pan, int tilt) { txtX2.setText(Integer.toString(pan)); txtY2.setText(Integer.toString(tilt)); } @Override public void OnReleased() { txtX2.setText("released"); txtY2.setText("released"); } @Override public void OnReturnedToCenter() { txtX2.setText("stopped"); txtY2.setText("stopped"); }; }; joystick.setOnJostickMovedListener(_listenerLeft, _listenerRight); //Compass Activities compassView = (CompassView) this.findViewById(; sensorManager = (SensorManager) getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE); // updateOrientation(new float[] {0, 0, 0}); // updateOrientation(calculateOrientation()); // Hook up button presses to the appropriate event handler. // Quit Button -- not really necessary: The 'Back' button does // the same thing, but we create this just for fun.. ((Button) findViewById(; tv_myAddr = (TextView) findViewById(; if (tv_myAddr != null) tv_myAddr.setText("<detecting>"); mHandler.postDelayed(mUpdateMyAddress, 1000); // every 10 sec */ //Updating Datalog fragment view tv_XVel = (TextView) findViewById(; if (tv_XVel != null) tv_XVel.setText("<detecting>"); tv_YVel = (TextView) findViewById(; if (tv_YVel != null) tv_YVel.setText("<detecting>"); tv_CompassDir = (TextView) findViewById(; if (tv_CompassDir != null) tv_CompassDir.setText("<detecting>"); tv_GPSLocation = (TextView) findViewById(; if (tv_GPSLocation != null) tv_GPSLocation.setText("<detecting>"); tv_Log_DDS = (TextView) findViewById(; if (tv_Log_DDS != null) tv_Log_DDS.setText("<detecting>"); mHandler.postDelayed(mUpdateDatalog, 500); // every 1 sec */ }