Example usage for java.text DateFormat FULL

List of usage examples for java.text DateFormat FULL


In this page you can find the example usage for java.text DateFormat FULL.


int FULL

To view the source code for java.text DateFormat FULL.

Click Source Link


Constant for full style pattern.


From source file:fr.hoteia.qalingo.core.service.impl.EmailServiceImpl.java

 * @see fr.hoteia.qalingo.core.service.EmailService#saveAndBuildNewsletterSubscriptionnConfirmationMail(Localization localization, Customer customer, String velocityPath, NewsletterEmailBean newsletterEmailBean)
 */// ww w.java2  s.com
public void saveAndBuildNewsletterSubscriptionnConfirmationMail(final RequestData requestData,
        final String velocityPath, final NewsletterEmailBean newsletterEmailBean) throws Exception {
    try {
        final MarketArea marketArea = requestData.getMarketArea();
        final Localization localization = requestData.getLocalization();
        final Locale locale = localization.getLocale();

        // SANITY CHECK

        Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        DateFormat dateFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, locale);
        java.sql.Timestamp currentDate = new java.sql.Timestamp((new java.util.Date()).getTime());
        model.put("currentDate", dateFormatter.format(currentDate));
        model.put("newsletterEmailBean", newsletterEmailBean);
        model.put("wording", coreMessageSource.loadWording(Email.WORDING_SCOPE_EMAIL, locale));

        Map<String, String> urlParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
                URLEncoder.encode(newsletterEmailBean.getToEmail(), Constants.ANSI));
        urlParams.put(RequestConstants.REQUEST_PARAMETER_MARKET_AREA_CODE, marketArea.getCode());
        String unsubscribeUrl = urlService.generateUrl(FoUrls.NEWSLETTER_UNREGISTER, requestData, urlParams);
        String fullUnsubscribeUrl = urlService.buildAbsoluteUrl(requestData, unsubscribeUrl);

        model.put("unsubscribeUrlOrEmail", fullUnsubscribeUrl);

        String fromEmail = newsletterEmailBean.getFromEmail();
        MimeMessagePreparatorImpl mimeMessagePreparator = getMimeMessagePreparator(requestData,
                Email.EMAIl_TYPE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION, model);
        mimeMessagePreparator.setFromName(coreMessageSource.getMessage("email.common.from_name", locale));
        Object[] parameters = {};
                .getMessage("email.newsletter_subscription.email_subject", parameters, locale));
                velocityPath + "newsletter-subscription-confirmation-html-content.vm", model));
                velocityPath + "newsletter-subscription-confirmation-text-content.vm", model));

        Email email = new Email();
        saveOrUpdateEmail(email, mimeMessagePreparator);

    } catch (MailException e) {
        LOG.error("Error, can't save the message :", e);
        throw e;
    } catch (VelocityException e) {
        LOG.error("Error, can't build the message :", e);
        throw e;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Error, can't serializable the message :", e);
        throw e;

From source file:uk.ac.cam.caret.sakai.rwiki.component.service.impl.SiteEmailNotificationRWiki.java

private MessageContent getMessageContent(Event event) {
    MessageContent messageContent = new MessageContent();
    // get the content & properties
    Reference ref = entityManager.newReference(event.getResource());
    ResourceProperties props = ref.getProperties();

    // get the function
    // String function = event.getEvent();

    // use either the configured site, or if not configured, the site
    // (context) of the resource
    String siteId = (getSite() != null) ? getSite() : getSiteId(ref.getContext());
    try {//from  ww  w .  ja v a 2  s.com
        Site site = siteService.getSite(siteId);
        messageContent.title = site.getTitle();
    } catch (IdUnusedException e) {
        messageContent.title = siteId;

    // get the URL and resource name.
    // StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    messageContent.url = ref.getUrl() + "html"; //$NON-NLS-1$

    String pageName = props.getProperty(RWikiEntity.RP_NAME);
    String realm = props.getProperty(RWikiEntity.RP_REALM);
    messageContent.localName = NameHelper.localizeName(pageName, realm);
    String userId = props.getProperty(RWikiEntity.RP_USER);
    try {
        User u = userDirectoryService.getUser(userId);
        messageContent.user = u.getDisplayId();
    } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) {
        messageContent.user = userId;
    Date date = new Date(Long.parseLong(props.getProperty(RWikiEntity.RP_VERSION)));
    messageContent.moddate = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, rl.getLocale()).format(date);
    try {
        RWikiEntity rwe = (RWikiEntity) rwikiObjectService.getEntity(ref);
        RWikiObject rwikiObject = rwe.getRWikiObject();

        String pageSpace = NameHelper.localizeSpace(pageName, realm);
        ComponentPageLinkRenderImpl cplr = new ComponentPageLinkRenderImpl(pageSpace, true);
        messageContent.contentHTML = renderService.renderPage(rwikiObject, pageSpace, cplr);
        messageContent.content = DigestHtml.digest(messageContent.contentHTML);

    } catch (Exception ex) {

    return messageContent;

From source file:org.sakaiproject.assignment2.logic.impl.ScheduledNotificationImpl.java

private String htmlContent(AssignmentSubmission s) {
    String newline = "<br />\n";

    Assignment2 a = s.getAssignment();//from  w  w w. j av  a 2s . co  m
    String context = a.getContextId();
    Site site = externalLogic.getSite(context);
    if (site == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("There was a problem retrieving "
                + "the site associated with this submission. No notifications sent.");

    StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();

    // format the date display
    DateFormat df = externalLogic.getDateFormat(null, DateFormat.FULL, assignmentBundleLogic.getLocale(), true);

    // site title and id
    content.append(assignmentBundleLogic.getString("noti.site.title") + " " + site.getTitle() + newline);
    content.append(assignmentBundleLogic.getString("noti.site.id") + " " + site.getId() + newline + newline);

    // assignment title and due date
    content.append(assignmentBundleLogic.getString("noti.assignment") + " " + a.getTitle() + newline);

    String dueDateDisplay = assignmentBundleLogic.getString("noti.assignment.no_due_date");
    if (a.getDueDate() != null) {
        dueDateDisplay = df.format(a.getDueDate());
    content.append(assignmentBundleLogic.getString("noti.assignment.due_date") + " " + dueDateDisplay + newline
            + newline);

    // submitter name and id
    AssignmentSubmissionVersion curSubVers = s.getCurrentSubmissionVersion();
    String submitterId = curSubVers.getCreatedBy();
    User submitter = externalLogic.getUser(submitterId);
    String submitterDisplay = assignmentBundleLogic.getFormattedMessage("noti.submit.student_display",
            new String[] { submitter.getDisplayName(), submitter.getDisplayId() });
            assignmentBundleLogic.getString("noti.student") + " " + submitterDisplay + newline + newline);

    // submission and version ids
    content.append(assignmentBundleLogic.getString("noti.submit.id") + " " + s.getId() + newline);
    content.append(assignmentBundleLogic.getString("noti.submit.version_id") + " "
            + s.getCurrentSubmissionVersion().getId() + newline);

    // submit time
    String submitDateDisplay = "";
    if (curSubVers.getSubmittedDate() != null) {
        submitDateDisplay = df.format(curSubVers.getSubmittedDate());

            assignmentBundleLogic.getString("noti.submit.time") + " " + submitDateDisplay + newline + newline);

    // submit text
    String text = StringUtil.trimToNull(curSubVers.getSubmittedText());
    if (text != null) {
        content.append(assignmentBundleLogic.getString("noti.submit.text") + newline
                + Validator.escapeHtmlFormattedText(text) + newline + newline);

    // attachment if any
    Set<SubmissionAttachment> attachments = curSubVers.getSubmissionAttachSet();
    if (attachments != null && attachments.size() > 0) {
        content.append(assignmentBundleLogic.getString("noti.submit.attachments") + newline);
        for (SubmissionAttachment attachment : attachments) {
            String ref = attachment.getAttachmentReference();

            AttachmentInformation attach = contentLogic.getAttachmentInformation(ref);
            if (attach != null) {

                String resourceLengthDisplay = assignmentBundleLogic.getFormattedMessage(
                        "noti.submit.attach_size_display", new Object[] { attach.getContentLength() });
                content.append(attach.getDisplayName() + " " + resourceLengthDisplay + newline);


    return content.toString();

From source file:org.hoteia.qalingo.core.service.impl.EmailServiceImpl.java

 * @see org.hoteia.qalingo.core.service.EmailService#saveAndBuildNewsletterSubscriptionnConfirmationMail(Localization localization, Customer customer, String velocityPath, NewsletterEmailBean newsletterEmailBean)
 *//*from   w  w w . ja v  a  2  s  .com*/
public void saveAndBuildNewsletterSubscriptionnConfirmationMail(final RequestData requestData,
        final String velocityPath, final NewsletterEmailBean newsletterEmailBean) throws Exception {
    try {
        final MarketArea marketArea = requestData.getMarketArea();
        final Localization localization = requestData.getMarketAreaLocalization();
        final Locale locale = localization.getLocale();

        // SANITY CHECK

        Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        DateFormat dateFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, locale);
        java.sql.Timestamp currentDate = new java.sql.Timestamp((new java.util.Date()).getTime());
        model.put(CURRENT_DATE, dateFormatter.format(currentDate));
        model.put("newsletterEmailBean", newsletterEmailBean);
        model.put(WORDING, coreMessageSource.loadWording(Email.WORDING_SCOPE_EMAIL, locale));

        Map<String, String> urlParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
                URLEncoder.encode(newsletterEmailBean.getToEmail(), Constants.ANSI));
        urlParams.put(RequestConstants.REQUEST_PARAMETER_MARKET_AREA_CODE, marketArea.getCode());
        String unsubscribeUrl = urlService.generateUrl(FoUrls.NEWSLETTER_UNREGISTER, requestData, urlParams);
        String fullUnsubscribeUrl = urlService.buildAbsoluteUrl(requestData, unsubscribeUrl);

        model.put("unsubscribeUrlOrEmail", fullUnsubscribeUrl);

        String fromAddress = handleFromAddress(newsletterEmailBean.getFromAddress(), locale);
        String fromName = handleFromName(newsletterEmailBean.getFromName(), locale);
        String toEmail = newsletterEmailBean.getToEmail();

        MimeMessagePreparatorImpl mimeMessagePreparator = getMimeMessagePreparator(requestData,
                Email.EMAIl_TYPE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIPTION, model);
        Object[] parameters = {};
                .getMessage("email.newsletter_subscription.email_subject", parameters, locale));
                velocityPath + "newsletter-subscription-confirmation-html-content.vm", model));
                velocityPath + "newsletter-subscription-confirmation-text-content.vm", model));

        Email email = new Email();
        saveOrUpdateEmail(email, mimeMessagePreparator);

    } catch (MailException e) {
        logger.error("Error, can't save the message :", e);
        throw e;
    } catch (VelocityException e) {
        logger.error("Error, can't build the message :", e);
        throw e;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Error, can't serializable the message :", e);
        throw e;

From source file:org.lunarray.model.descriptor.util.DateFormatUtil.java

 * Resolves the time format.//from w ww .j  av  a 2s . c om
 * @param locale
 *            The (optional) locale.
 * @return The format.
private DateFormat resolveTimeFormat(final Locale locale) {
    DateFormat defaultValue;
    if (CheckUtil.isNull(locale)) {
        defaultValue = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL);
    } else {
        defaultValue = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, locale);
    return this.resolve(DateFormatUtil.DEFAULT_TIME_KEY, defaultValue, locale);

From source file:org.totschnig.myexpenses.dialog.TransactionDetailFragment.java

public void fillData(Transaction o) {
    final FragmentActivity ctx = getActivity();
    mTransaction = o;/*from  ww  w  .java2 s  .  c om*/
    if (mTransaction == null) {
        TextView error = (TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.error);
    boolean doShowPicture = false;
    if (mTransaction.getPictureUri() != null) {
        doShowPicture = true;
        if (mTransaction.getPictureUri().getScheme().equals("file")) {
            if (!new File(mTransaction.getPictureUri().getPath()).exists()) {
                Toast.makeText(getActivity(), R.string.image_deleted, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                doShowPicture = false;
    AlertDialog dlg = (AlertDialog) getDialog();
    if (dlg != null) {
        Button btn = dlg.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE);
        if (btn != null) {
            if (mTransaction.crStatus != Transaction.CrStatus.VOID) {
            } else {
        btn = dlg.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEUTRAL);
        if (btn != null) {
            btn.setVisibility(doShowPicture ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
    int title;
    boolean type = mTransaction.getAmount().getAmountMinor() > 0 ? ExpenseEdit.INCOME : ExpenseEdit.EXPENSE;

    if (mTransaction instanceof SplitTransaction) {
        //TODO: refactor duplicated code with SplitPartList
        title = R.string.split_transaction;
        View emptyView = mLayout.findViewById(R.id.empty);

        ListView lv = (ListView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.list);
        // Create an array to specify the fields we want to display in the list
        String[] from = new String[] { KEY_LABEL_MAIN, KEY_AMOUNT };

        // and an array of the fields we want to bind those fields to 
        int[] to = new int[] { R.id.category, R.id.amount };

        // Now create a simple cursor adapter and set it to display
        mAdapter = new SplitPartAdapter(ctx, R.layout.split_part_row, null, from, to, 0,

        LoaderManager manager = getLoaderManager();
        if (manager.getLoader(SPLIT_PART_CURSOR) != null && !manager.getLoader(SPLIT_PART_CURSOR).isReset()) {
            manager.restartLoader(SPLIT_PART_CURSOR, null, this);
        } else {
            manager.initLoader(SPLIT_PART_CURSOR, null, this);

    } else {
        if (mTransaction instanceof Transfer) {
            title = R.string.transfer;
            ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.AccountLabel)).setText(R.string.transfer_from_account);
            ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.CategoryLabel)).setText(R.string.transfer_to_account);
        } else {
            title = type ? R.string.income : R.string.expense;

    String amountText;
    String accountLabel = Account.getInstanceFromDb(mTransaction.accountId).label;
    if (mTransaction instanceof Transfer) {
        ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.Account)).setText(type ? mTransaction.label : accountLabel);
        ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.Category)).setText(type ? accountLabel : mTransaction.label);
        if (((Transfer) mTransaction).isSameCurrency()) {
            amountText = formatCurrencyAbs(mTransaction.getAmount());
        } else {
            String self = formatCurrencyAbs(mTransaction.getAmount());
            String other = formatCurrencyAbs(mTransaction.getTransferAmount());
            amountText = type == ExpenseEdit.EXPENSE ? (self + " => " + other) : (other + " => " + self);
    } else {
        ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.Account)).setText(accountLabel);
        if ((mTransaction.getCatId() != null && mTransaction.getCatId() > 0)) {
            ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.Category)).setText(mTransaction.label);
        } else {
        amountText = formatCurrencyAbs(mTransaction.getAmount());

    //noinspection SetTextI18n
    ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.Date))
            .setText(DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL).format(mTransaction.getDate()) + " "
                    + DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(mTransaction.getDate()));

    ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.Amount)).setText(amountText);

    if (!mTransaction.comment.equals("")) {
        ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.Comment)).setText(mTransaction.comment);
    } else {

    if (!mTransaction.referenceNumber.equals("")) {
        ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.Number)).setText(mTransaction.referenceNumber);
    } else {

    if (!mTransaction.payee.equals("")) {
        ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.Payee)).setText(mTransaction.payee);
        ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.PayeeLabel)).setText(type ? R.string.payer : R.string.payee);
    } else {

    if (mTransaction.methodId != null) {
        ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.Method))
    } else {

    if (Account.getInstanceFromDb(mTransaction.accountId).type.equals(AccountType.CASH)) {
    } else {
        TextView tv = (TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.Status);

    if (mTransaction.originTemplate == null) {
    } else {
        ((TextView) mLayout.findViewById(R.id.Plan))
                .setText(mTransaction.originTemplate.getPlan() == null ? getString(R.string.plan_event_deleted)
                        : Plan.prettyTimeInfo(getActivity(), mTransaction.originTemplate.getPlan().rrule,

    if (doShowPicture) {
        ImageView image = ((ImageView) dlg.getWindow().findViewById(android.R.id.icon));

From source file:hudson.scm.CVSSCM.java

private void configureDate(ArgumentListBuilder cmd, Date date) { // #192
    if (isTag)/*from ww  w. j  ava 2s  .c  o m*/
        return; // don't use the -D option.
    DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.FULL, Locale.US);
    df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); // #209
    cmd.add("-D", df.format(date));

From source file:DDTDate.java

 * This function will populate the varsMap with new copies of values related to display format of date & time stamps.
 * Those values are based on the class (static) date variable that is currently in use.
 * Those values can later be used in verification of UI elements that are date-originated but may change in time (say, today's date, month, year - etc.)
 * The base date that is used is Locale dependent (currently, the local is assumed to be that of the workstation running the software.)
 * When relevant, values are provided in various styles (SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG, FULL) - not all date elements have all those versions available.
 * The purpose of this 'exercise' is to set up the facility for the user to verify any component of date / time stamps independently of one another or 'traditional' formatting.
 * The variables maintained here are formatted with a prefix to distinguish them from other, user defined variables.
 * @TODO: enable Locale modifications (at present the test machine's locale is considered and within a test session only one locale can be tested)
 * @param varsMap//from   w w  w  .j  a  va 2s .c  o  m
private void maintainDateProperties(Hashtable<String, Object> varsMap) throws Exception {

    String prefix = "$";

    try {
        // Build formatting objects for each of the output styles
        DateFormat shortStyleFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
        DateFormat mediumStyleFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM);
        DateFormat longStyleFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG);
        DateFormat fullStyleFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL);

        // Use a dedicated variable to hold values of formatting results to facilitate debugging
        // @TODO (maybe) when done debugging - convert to inline calls to maintainDateProperty ...
        String formatValue;

        // Examples reflect time around midnight of February 6 2014 - actual values DO NOT include quotes (added here for readability)

        MutableDateTime theReferenceDate = getReferenceDate(); //getReferenceDateAdjustedForTimeZone();
        // Default Date using DDTSettings pattern.
        formatValue = new SimpleDateFormat(defaultDateFormat()).format(theReferenceDate.toDate());
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "defaultDate", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Short Date - '2/6/14'
        formatValue = shortStyleFormatter.format(theReferenceDate.toDate());
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "shortDate", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Medium Date - 'Feb 6, 2014'
        formatValue = mediumStyleFormatter.format(theReferenceDate.toDate());
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "mediumDate", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Long Date - 'February 6, 2014'
        formatValue = longStyleFormatter.format(theReferenceDate.toDate());
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "longDate", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Full Date 'Thursday, February 6, 2014'
        formatValue = fullStyleFormatter.format(theReferenceDate.toDate());
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "fullDate", formatValue, varsMap);

        // hours : minutes : seconds : milliseconds (broken to separate components)  -
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("hh:mm:ss:SSS");
        if (formatValue.toString().contains(":")) {
            String[] hms = split(formatValue.toString(), ":");
            if (hms.length > 3) {
                // Hours - '12'
                formatValue = hms[0];
                maintainDateProperty(prefix + "hours", formatValue, varsMap);
                // Minutes - '02'
                formatValue = hms[1];
                maintainDateProperty(prefix + "minutes", formatValue, varsMap);
                // Seconds - '08'
                formatValue = hms[2];
                maintainDateProperty(prefix + "seconds", formatValue, varsMap);
                // Milliseconds - '324'
                formatValue = hms[3];
                maintainDateProperty(prefix + "milliseconds", formatValue, varsMap);
                // Hours in 24 hours format - '23'
                formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("HH");
                maintainDateProperty(prefix + "hours24", formatValue, varsMap);
            } else
                setException("Failed to format reference date to four time units!");
        } else {
            setException("Failed to format reference date to its time units!");

        // hours : minutes : seconds (default timestamp)  - '12:34:56'
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("hh:mm:ss");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "timeStamp", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Short Year - '14'
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("yy");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "shortYear", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Long Year - '2014'
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("yyyy");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "longYear", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Short Month - '2'
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("M");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "shortMonth", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Padded Month - '02'
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("MM");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "paddedMonth", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Short Month Name - 'Feb'
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("MMM");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "shortMonthName", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Long Month Name - 'February'
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("MMMM");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "longMonthName", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Week in Year - '2014' (the year in which this week falls)
        formatValue = String.valueOf(theReferenceDate.getWeekyear());
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "weekYear", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Short Day in date stamp - '6'
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("d");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "shortDay", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Padded Day in date stamp - possibly with leading 0 - '06'
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("dd");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "paddedDay", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Day of Year - '37'
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("D");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "yearDay", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Short Day Name - 'Thu'
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("E");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "shortDayName", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Long Day Name - 'Thursday'
        DateTime dt = new DateTime(theReferenceDate.toDate());
        DateTime.Property dowDTP = dt.dayOfWeek();
        formatValue = dowDTP.getAsText();
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "longDayName", formatValue, varsMap);

        // AM/PM - 'AM'
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("a");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "ampm", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Era - (BC/AD)
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("G");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "era", formatValue, varsMap);

        // Time Zone - 'EST'
        formatValue = theReferenceDate.toString("zzz");
        maintainDateProperty(prefix + "zone", formatValue, varsMap);

                "Date variables replenished for date: " + fullStyleFormatter.format(theReferenceDate.toDate()));
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:org.hoteia.qalingo.core.service.EmailService.java

 * @throws Exception /*w ww .j  av  a 2s.  c om*/
public Email buildAndSaveRetailerContactMail(final RequestData requestData, final Customer customer,
        final String velocityPath, final RetailerContactEmailBean retailerContactEmailBean) throws Exception {
    Email email = null;
    try {
        final String contextNameValue = requestData.getContextNameValue();
        final Localization localization = requestData.getMarketAreaLocalization();
        final Locale locale = localization.getLocale();

        // SANITY CHECK

        Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        DateFormat dateFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, locale);
        java.sql.Timestamp currentDate = new java.sql.Timestamp((new java.util.Date()).getTime());
        model.put(CURRENT_DATE, dateFormatter.format(currentDate));
        model.put(CUSTOMER, customer);
        model.put("retailerContactEmailBean", retailerContactEmailBean);
        model.put(WORDING, coreMessageSource.loadWording(Email.WORDING_SCOPE_EMAIL, locale));

        String fromAddress = handleFromAddress(retailerContactEmailBean.getFromAddress(), contextNameValue);
        String fromName = handleFromName(retailerContactEmailBean.getFromName(), locale);
        String toEmail = retailerContactEmailBean.getToEmail();

        MimeMessagePreparatorImpl mimeMessagePreparator = getMimeMessagePreparator(requestData,
                Email.EMAIl_TYPE_RETAILER_CONTACT, model);
        Object[] parameters = { retailerContactEmailBean.getLastname(),
                retailerContactEmailBean.getFirstname() };
                coreMessageSource.getMessage("email.retailer_contact.email_subject", parameters, locale));
                velocityPath + "retailer-contact-html-content.vm", model));
                getVelocityEngine(), velocityPath + "retailer-contact-text-content.vm", model));

        email = new Email();
        saveOrUpdateEmail(email, mimeMessagePreparator);

    } catch (MailException e) {
        logger.error("Error, can't save the message :", e);
        throw e;
    } catch (VelocityException e) {
        logger.error("Error, can't build the message :", e);
        throw e;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Error, can't serializable the message :", e);
        throw e;
    return email;

From source file:org.agiso.tempel.Tempel.java

 * /*w ww  .  java  2s  . c o  m*/
 * @param properties
 * @throws Exception 
private Map<String, Object> addRuntimeProperties(Map<String, Object> properties) throws Exception {
    Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>();

    // Okrelanie lokalizacji daty/czasu uywanej do wypenienia paramtrw szablonw
    // zawierajcych dat/czas w formatach DateFormat.SHORT, .MEDIUM, .LONG i .FULL:
    Locale date_locale;
    if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_LOCALE)) {
        date_locale = LocaleUtils.toLocale((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_LOCALE));
    } else {
        date_locale = Locale.getDefault();

    TimeZone time_zone;
    if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_ZONE)) {
        time_zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_LOCALE));
    } else {
        time_zone = TimeZone.getDefault();

    // Wyznaczanie daty, na podstawie ktrej zostan wypenione parametry szablonw
    // przechowujce dat/czas w formatach DateFormat.SHORT, .MEDIUM, .LONG i .FULL.
    // Odbywa si w oparciu o wartoci parametrw 'date_format' i 'date'. Parametr
    // 'date_format' definiuje format uywany do parsowania acucha reprezentujcego
    // dat okrelon parametrem 'date'. Parametr 'date_format' moe nie by okrelony.
    // W takiej sytuacji uyty jest format DateFormat.LONG aktywnej lokalizacji (tj.
    // systemowej, ktra moe by przedefiniowana przez parametr 'date_locale'), ktry
    // moe by przedefiniowany przez parametry 'date_format_long' i 'time_format_long':
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(date_locale);
    if (properties.containsKey(RP_DATE)) {
        String date_string = (String) properties.get(RP_DATE);
        if (properties.containsKey(RP_DATE_FORMAT)) {
            String date_format = (String) properties.get(RP_DATE_FORMAT);
            DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(date_format);
        } else if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG) && properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG)) {
            // TODO: Zaoenie, e format data-czas jest zoony z acucha daty i czasu rozdzelonych spacj:
            DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG) + " "
                    + (String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG), date_locale);
        } else {
            DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.LONG,

    // Jeli nie okrelono, wypenianie parametrw przechowujcych poszczeglne
    // skadniki daty, tj. rok, miesic i dzie:
    if (!properties.containsKey(TP_YEAR)) {
        props.put(TP_YEAR, calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
    if (!properties.containsKey(TP_MONTH)) {
        props.put(TP_MONTH, calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH));
    if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DAY)) {
        props.put(TP_DAY, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));

    // Jeli nie okrelono, wypenianie parametrw przechowujcych dat i czas w
    // formatach SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG i FULL (na podstawie wyznaczonej lokalizacji):
    Date date = calendar.getTime();
    if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DATE_SHORT)) {
        DateFormat formatter;
        if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT)) {
            formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT), date_locale);
        } else {
            formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, date_locale);
        props.put(TP_DATE_SHORT, formatter.format(date));
    if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DATE_MEDIUM)) {
        DateFormat formatter;
        if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_MEDIUM)) {
            formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_MEDIUM), date_locale);
        } else {
            formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, date_locale);
        props.put(TP_DATE_MEDIUM, formatter.format(date));
    if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DATE_LONG)) {
        DateFormat formatter;
        if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG)) {
            formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_LONG), date_locale);
        } else {
            formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, date_locale);
        props.put(TP_DATE_LONG, formatter.format(date));
    if (!properties.containsKey(TP_DATE_FULL)) {
        DateFormat formatter;
        if (properties.containsKey(UP_DATE_FORMAT_FULL)) {
            formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_DATE_FORMAT_FULL), date_locale);
        } else {
            formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, date_locale);
        props.put(TP_DATE_FULL, formatter.format(date));

    if (!properties.containsKey(TP_TIME_SHORT)) {
        DateFormat formatter;
        if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_SHORT)) {
            formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_SHORT), date_locale);
        } else {
            formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, date_locale);
        props.put(TP_TIME_SHORT, formatter.format(date));
    if (!properties.containsKey(TP_TIME_MEDIUM)) {
        DateFormat formatter;
        if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_MEDIUM)) {
            formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_MEDIUM), date_locale);
        } else {
            formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, date_locale);
        props.put(TP_TIME_MEDIUM, formatter.format(date));
    if (!properties.containsKey(TP_TIME_LONG)) {
        DateFormat formatter;
        if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG)) {
            formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_LONG), date_locale);
        } else {
            formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, date_locale);
        props.put(TP_TIME_LONG, formatter.format(date));
    if (!properties.containsKey(TP_TIME_FULL)) {
        DateFormat formatter;
        if (properties.containsKey(UP_TIME_FORMAT_FULL)) {
            formatter = new SimpleDateFormat((String) properties.get(UP_TIME_FORMAT_FULL), date_locale);
        } else {
            formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.FULL, date_locale);
        props.put(TP_TIME_FULL, formatter.format(date));

    return props;