List of usage examples for java.text Collator getInstance
public static synchronized Collator getInstance()
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private static int sortByTitle(Assignment2 assign1, Assignment2 assign2) { String title1 = assign1.getTitle() != null ? assign1.getTitle() : ""; String title2 = assign2.getTitle() != null ? assign2.getTitle() : ""; return Collator.getInstance().compare(title1, title2); }
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public static List<Element> handlePropertyName(CatalogConfiguration catalogConfig, String[] propertyNames, ServiceContext context, boolean freq, int maxRecords, String cswServiceSpecificConstraint, LuceneConfig luceneConfig) throws Exception { List<Element> domainValuesList = new ArrayList<Element>(); if (Log.isDebugEnabled(Geonet.CSW)) Log.debug(Geonet.CSW, "Handling property names '" + Arrays.toString(propertyNames) + "' with max records of " + maxRecords); for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) { // Initialize list of values element. Element listOfValues = null; // Generate DomainValues element Element domainValues = new Element("DomainValues", Csw.NAMESPACE_CSW); // FIXME what should be the type ??? domainValues.setAttribute("type", "csw:Record"); String property = propertyNames[i].trim(); // Set propertyName in any case. Element pn = new Element("PropertyName", Csw.NAMESPACE_CSW); domainValues.addContent(pn.setText(property)); GeonetContext gc = (GeonetContext) context.getHandlerContext(Geonet.CONTEXT_NAME); SearchManager sm = gc.getBean(SearchManager.class); IndexAndTaxonomy indexAndTaxonomy = sm.getNewIndexReader(null); try {//from ww w .j a v a2s . c om GeonetworkMultiReader reader = indexAndTaxonomy.indexReader; BooleanQuery groupsQuery = (BooleanQuery) CatalogSearcher.getGroupsQuery(context); BooleanQuery query = null; // Apply CSW service specific constraint if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(cswServiceSpecificConstraint)) { Query constraintQuery = CatalogSearcher .getCswServiceSpecificConstraintQuery(cswServiceSpecificConstraint, luceneConfig); query = new BooleanQuery(); BooleanClause.Occur occur = LuceneUtils.convertRequiredAndProhibitedToOccur(true, false); query.add(groupsQuery, occur); query.add(constraintQuery, occur); } else { query = groupsQuery; } List<Pair<String, Boolean>> sortFields = Collections .singletonList(, true)); Sort sort = LuceneSearcher.makeSort(sortFields, context.getLanguage(), false); CachingWrapperFilter filter = null; Pair<TopDocs, Element> searchResults = LuceneSearcher.doSearchAndMakeSummary(maxRecords, 0, maxRecords, context.getLanguage(), null, luceneConfig, reader, query, filter, sort, null, false); TopDocs hits =; try { // Get mapped lucene field in CSW configuration String indexField = catalogConfig.getFieldMapping().get(property.toLowerCase()); if (indexField != null) property = indexField; // check if params asked is in the index using getFieldNames ? @SuppressWarnings("resource") FieldInfos fi = SlowCompositeReaderWrapper.wrap(reader).getFieldInfos(); if (fi.fieldInfo(property) == null) continue; boolean isRange = false; if (catalogConfig.getGetRecordsRangeFields().contains(property)) isRange = true; if (isRange) listOfValues = new Element("RangeOfValues", Csw.NAMESPACE_CSW); else listOfValues = new Element("ListOfValues", Csw.NAMESPACE_CSW); Set<String> fields = new HashSet<String>(); fields.add(property); fields.add("_isTemplate"); // parse each document in the index String[] fieldValues; Collator stringCollator = Collator.getInstance(); stringCollator.setStrength(Collator.PRIMARY); SortedSet<String> sortedValues = new TreeSet<String>(stringCollator); ObjectKeyIntOpenHashMap duplicateValues = new ObjectKeyIntOpenHashMap(); for (int j = 0; j < hits.scoreDocs.length; j++) { DocumentStoredFieldVisitor selector = new DocumentStoredFieldVisitor(fields); reader.document(hits.scoreDocs[j].doc, selector); Document doc = selector.getDocument(); // Skip templates and subTemplates String[] isTemplate = doc.getValues("_isTemplate"); if (isTemplate[0] != null && !isTemplate[0].equals("n")) continue; // Get doc values for specified property fieldValues = doc.getValues(property); if (fieldValues == null) continue; addtoSortedSet(sortedValues, fieldValues, duplicateValues); } SummaryComparator valuesComparator = new SummaryComparator(SortOption.FREQUENCY, Type.STRING, context.getLanguage(), null); TreeSet<SummaryComparator.SummaryElement> sortedValuesFrequency = new TreeSet<SummaryComparator.SummaryElement>( valuesComparator); ObjectKeyIntMapIterator entries = duplicateValues.entries(); while (entries.hasNext()) {; sortedValuesFrequency.add(new SummaryComparator.SummaryElement(entries)); } if (freq) return createValuesByFrequency(sortedValuesFrequency); else listOfValues.addContent(createValuesElement(sortedValues, isRange)); } finally { // any children means that the catalog was unable to determine // anything about the specified parameter if (listOfValues != null && listOfValues.getChildren().size() != 0) domainValues.addContent(listOfValues); // Add current DomainValues to the list domainValuesList.add(domainValues); } } finally { sm.releaseIndexReader(indexAndTaxonomy); } } return domainValuesList; }
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private void buildMoreChildrenContextMenu(IMenuManager menu) { Map<String, Artifact> strToCUMap = getChildToLabelMap(); String[] strArray = strToCUMap.keySet().toArray(new String[] {}); Arrays.sort(strArray, Collator.getInstance()); List<String> childList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(strArray)); List<String> tempList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(strArray)); boolean createMultipleMenus = childList.size() > MAX_LENGTH ? true : false; Iterator<String> itr = tempList.iterator(); final List<ArtifactFragment> allAFsAdded = new ArrayList<ArtifactFragment>(); while (!childList.isEmpty()) { String menuStrStart = childList.get(0); MenuManager subMenu;//from w ww . j a va2 s . c om if (createMultipleMenus) { subMenu = new MenuManager(menuStrStart + " - ..."); subMenu.add(new Separator("main")); menu.add(subMenu); } else subMenu = (MenuManager) menu; int i = 0; while (i < MAX_LENGTH && itr.hasNext()) { String extraActionLbl =; childList.remove(extraActionLbl); MultiAddCommandAction action = getMultiAddCommandAction(extraActionLbl, strToCUMap, allAFsAdded); subMenu.appendToGroup("main", action); i++; } } }
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public ActionForward showProfessorshipsByExecutionDegree(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws FenixActionException { DynaActionForm executionDegreeForm = (DynaActionForm) actionForm; String executionDegreeId = (String) executionDegreeForm.get("executionDegreeId"); Integer semester = (Integer) executionDegreeForm.get("semester"); Integer teacherType = (Integer) executionDegreeForm.get("teacherType"); String searchDetails = (String) executionDegreeForm.get("searchDetails"); try {/*from w w w . ja v a2 s . com*/ List detailedProfessorShipsListofLists = ReadProfessorshipsAndResponsibilitiesByExecutionDegreeAndExecutionPeriod .run(executionDegreeId, semester, teacherType); if ((detailedProfessorShipsListofLists != null) && (!detailedProfessorShipsListofLists.isEmpty())) { Collections.sort(detailedProfessorShipsListofLists, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { List list1 = (List) o1; List list2 = (List) o2; DetailedProfessorship dt1 = (DetailedProfessorship) list1.iterator().next(); DetailedProfessorship dt2 = (DetailedProfessorship) list2.iterator().next(); return Collator.getInstance().compare( dt1.getInfoProfessorship().getInfoExecutionCourse().getNome(), dt2.getInfoProfessorship().getInfoExecutionCourse().getNome()); } }); request.setAttribute("detailedProfessorShipsListofLists", detailedProfessorShipsListofLists); } InfoExecutionDegree degree =; request.setAttribute("searchType", "Consulta Por Curso"); request.setAttribute("searchTarget", degree.getInfoDegreeCurricularPlan().getInfoDegree().getDegreeType() + " em " + degree.getInfoDegreeCurricularPlan().getInfoDegree().getNome()); request.setAttribute("searchDetails", searchDetails); request.setAttribute("semester", semester); request.setAttribute("teacherType", teacherType); request.setAttribute("executionDegree", degree); } catch (FenixServiceException e) { throw new FenixActionException(e); } return mapping.findForward("showProfessorships"); }
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private ExtendedIterator<String> listModelNames(Model metadataModel) { Set<String> modelNameSet = new HashSet<String>(); Iterator<RDFNode> metadataNameIt = metadataModel .listObjectsOfProperty(metadataModel.getProperty(HAS_NAMED_MODEL_URI)); while (metadataNameIt.hasNext()) { RDFNode rdfNode =; if (rdfNode.isLiteral()) { modelNameSet.add(((Literal) rdfNode).getLexicalForm()); }//from www . j ava 2 s .c o m } Iterator<Node> storeNameIt = StoreUtils.storeGraphNames(getStore()); while (storeNameIt.hasNext()) { Node node =; modelNameSet.add(node.getURI()); } List<String> modelNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); modelNameList.addAll(modelNameSet); Collections.sort(modelNameList, Collator.getInstance()); return WrappedIterator.create(modelNameList.iterator()); }
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private static int sortByName(AssignmentSubmission submission1, AssignmentSubmission submission2) { String sortName1 = null;//from w ww . j a v a2 s .c o m String sortName2 = null; try { User u1 = UserDirectoryService.getUser(submission1.getUserId()); sortName1 = u1.getSortName() != null ? u1.getSortName() : ""; } catch (UserNotDefinedException unde) { log.error("user with id " + submission1.getUserId() + " not defined"); } try { User u2 = UserDirectoryService.getUser(submission2.getUserId()); sortName2 = u2.getSortName() != null ? u2.getSortName() : ""; } catch (UserNotDefinedException unde) { log.error("user with id " + submission2.getUserId() + " not defined"); } return Collator.getInstance().compare(sortName1, sortName2); }
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private String getStringToSign_v1(HttpServletRequest request) { // Request must mapped to into a canonical string format. See: // final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); Collator stringCollator = Collator.getInstance(); stringCollator.setStrength(Collator.PRIMARY); final Set<String> sortedKeys = new TreeSet<String>(stringCollator); final Enumeration paramNames = request.getParameterNames(); while (paramNames.hasMoreElements()) { String param = (String) paramNames.nextElement(); // don't include signature in canonical query string if (!param.equals(this.signatureParameter)) { sortedKeys.add(param);//from w w w . ja va2 s. c o m } } for (String key : sortedKeys) { String[] values = request.getParameterValues(key); for (String val : values) { buf.append(key).append(val); } } return buf.toString(); }
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public List<MultiAddCommandAction> getAllMemberMenuActions() { Map<String, Artifact> strToCUMap = getChildToLabelMap(); String[] strArray = strToCUMap.keySet().toArray(new String[] {}); Arrays.sort(strArray, Collator.getInstance()); final List<ArtifactFragment> allAFsAdded = new ArrayList<ArtifactFragment>(); List<MultiAddCommandAction> addActions = new ArrayList<MultiAddCommandAction>(); for (String extraActionLbl : strArray) { MultiAddCommandAction action = getMultiAddCommandAction(extraActionLbl, strToCUMap, allAFsAdded); addActions.add(action);/* w ww. ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ } EditDomain editDomain = getRoot().getViewer().getEditDomain(); // when using a view (views not supported byu exploration server) if (!(editDomain instanceof DefaultEditDomain)) return addActions; RSEEditor editor = (RSEEditor) ((DefaultEditDomain) editDomain).getEditorPart(); if (editor.rseInjectableOICMenuController.createMenu(addActions, this)) return null; return addActions; }
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@Override public List getPluginGroups() { // gather all different groups Set groups = new HashSet(); Iterator it = plugins.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { PluginIF plugin = (PluginIF); groups.addAll(plugin.getGroups()); }//from ww w. j av a 2 s .co m // sort the groups alphabetically List allGroups = new ArrayList(groups); Comparator comparator = Collator.getInstance(); Collections.sort(allGroups, comparator); return allGroups; }
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private void populateServersCombo() { final ServerList serverList = ServerListManagerFactory .getServerListProvider(DefaultPersistenceStoreProvider.INSTANCE).getServerList(); final Set<ServerListConfigurationEntry> servers = serverList.getServers(); final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(servers.size()); for (final ServerListConfigurationEntry entry : servers) { list.add(entry.getURI().toString()); }//from www. ja va 2s . c om Collections.sort(list, Collator.getInstance()); serverCombo.setItems(list.toArray(new String[list.size()])); proposalProvider.setProposals(list); }