Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This code was * developed as part of the Haystack ( research * project at MIT. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without * limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, * sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /* * Created on Jun 13, 2004 * */ package; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IMenuManager; import org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager; import org.eclipse.jface.action.Separator; import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor; import org.openrdf.model.Resource; import com.architexa.diagrams.commands.AddNodeAndRelCmd; import com.architexa.diagrams.eclipse.gef.MenuButton; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.Artifact; import com.architexa.diagrams.model.ArtifactFragment; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.modelBridge.ArtifactFragmentUtil; import com.architexa.diagrams.relo.modelBridge.ReloDoc; import com.architexa.diagrams.ui.MultiAddCommandAction; import com.architexa.diagrams.ui.RSEEditor; import com.architexa.diagrams.utils.MoreButtonUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * All edit parts should inherit from here, ArtifactEditPart's are for * anonymous/derive EditParts * * @author vineet */ public abstract class MoreItemsEditPart extends ArtifactNodeEditPart { private static String MORE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_TEXT = " Add Children "; private static String MORE_BUTTON_TEXT = " Member"; // no space at end or else +plural will leave a space before the s private Predicate pred = null; private Map<String, Artifact> getLabelsMap(Set<Artifact> artSet) { Map<String, Artifact> strToCUMap = new HashMap<String, Artifact>(artSet.size()); for (Artifact art : artSet) { String lbl; try { lbl = getLabel(art, getArtifact().getArt()); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Unexpected error while getting label for: " + art); lbl = art.toString(); } if (lbl.contains("this$")) continue; strToCUMap.put(lbl, art); } return strToCUMap; } protected String getChildrenLabel() { return null; } public String getLabel(Artifact art, Artifact contextArt) { return art.toString(); } public ImageDescriptor getIconDescriptor(Artifact art, Resource resType) { return null; } protected List<?> getVisibleEditPartChildren() { // TODO: really get this from the model (is that possible with the anonymous nodes) return getChildren(); } public List<Artifact> getFakeInitializerChildren() { return new ArrayList<Artifact>(); } public IFigure getMoreBtn() { // add text Label moreLabel = new Label(); moreLabel.setLabelAlignment(PositionConstants.CENTER); int numMembers = getArtifact().getArt().queryChildrenArtifacts(getRepo()).size() - getVisibleEditPartChildren().size() - getFakeInitializerChildren().size(); int anonThisCnt = MoreButtonUtils .containsAnonThis(getArtifact().getArt().queryChildrenArtifacts(getRepo())); if (anonThisCnt > 0) numMembers -= anonThisCnt; if (numMembers < 1) return new Figure(); String plural = (numMembers != 1) ? "s " : " "; moreLabel.setText(numMembers + MORE_BUTTON_TEXT + plural); // add layout IFigure moreFig = new Figure(); ToolbarLayout tb = new ToolbarLayout(true); tb.setMinorAlignment(ToolbarLayout.ALIGN_CENTER); moreFig.setLayoutManager(tb); moreFig.add(moreLabel); //add arrow moreFig.add(MoreButtonUtils.getMoreButtonTriangle()); IFigure moreContainer = new Figure(); FlowLayout layout = new FlowLayout(true); layout.setMajorAlignment(ToolbarLayout.ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT); moreContainer.setLayoutManager(layout); moreContainer.add(moreFig); // add button MenuButton menuButton = new MenuButton(moreContainer, getViewer()) { @Override public void buildMenu(IMenuManager menu) { MenuButton button = this; buildMoreMenu(menu, button); } }; // set properties, set bounds and add Figure moreButton = MoreButtonUtils.setProperties(menuButton, getFigure().getFont(), MORE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_TEXT); MoreButtonUtils.setMoreButtonBounds(moreButton, getFigure()); return moreButton; } public void buildMoreMenu(IMenuManager menu, MenuButton button) { menu.add(new Separator("main")); buildMoreChildrenContextMenu(menu); if (menu.getItems().length <= 2) return; MoreButtonUtils.addShowAllItem(menu, getRootController()); } private Map<String, Artifact> getChildToLabelMap() { Set<Artifact> extraChildren = new HashSet<Artifact>( getArtifact().getArt().queryChildrenArtifacts(getRepo(), pred)); // remove visible items Iterator<?> curChildrenIt = getVisibleEditPartChildren().iterator(); while (curChildrenIt.hasNext()) { ArtifactEditPart childAEP = (ArtifactEditPart); ArtifactFragmentUtil.removeByRDFResourceFromSet(extraChildren, childAEP.getArtifact().getArt()); } // remove children that are represented in the repo // like static initializers, but are actually static // fields, which are already handled separately List<Artifact> fakes = getFakeInitializerChildren(); for (Artifact fake : fakes) { ArtifactFragmentUtil.removeByRDFResourceFromSet(extraChildren, fake); } Map<String, Artifact> strToCUMap = getLabelsMap(extraChildren); return strToCUMap; } int MAX_LENGTH = 15; private void buildMoreChildrenContextMenu(IMenuManager menu) { Map<String, Artifact> strToCUMap = getChildToLabelMap(); String[] strArray = strToCUMap.keySet().toArray(new String[] {}); Arrays.sort(strArray, Collator.getInstance()); List<String> childList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(strArray)); List<String> tempList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(strArray)); boolean createMultipleMenus = childList.size() > MAX_LENGTH ? true : false; Iterator<String> itr = tempList.iterator(); final List<ArtifactFragment> allAFsAdded = new ArrayList<ArtifactFragment>(); while (!childList.isEmpty()) { String menuStrStart = childList.get(0); MenuManager subMenu; if (createMultipleMenus) { subMenu = new MenuManager(menuStrStart + " - ..."); subMenu.add(new Separator("main")); menu.add(subMenu); } else subMenu = (MenuManager) menu; int i = 0; while (i < MAX_LENGTH && itr.hasNext()) { String extraActionLbl =; childList.remove(extraActionLbl); MultiAddCommandAction action = getMultiAddCommandAction(extraActionLbl, strToCUMap, allAFsAdded); subMenu.appendToGroup("main", action); i++; } } } public List<MultiAddCommandAction> getAllMemberMenuActions() { Map<String, Artifact> strToCUMap = getChildToLabelMap(); String[] strArray = strToCUMap.keySet().toArray(new String[] {}); Arrays.sort(strArray, Collator.getInstance()); final List<ArtifactFragment> allAFsAdded = new ArrayList<ArtifactFragment>(); List<MultiAddCommandAction> addActions = new ArrayList<MultiAddCommandAction>(); for (String extraActionLbl : strArray) { MultiAddCommandAction action = getMultiAddCommandAction(extraActionLbl, strToCUMap, allAFsAdded); addActions.add(action); } EditDomain editDomain = getRoot().getViewer().getEditDomain(); // when using a view (views not supported byu exploration server) if (!(editDomain instanceof DefaultEditDomain)) return addActions; RSEEditor editor = (RSEEditor) ((DefaultEditDomain) editDomain).getEditorPart(); if (editor.rseInjectableOICMenuController.createMenu(addActions, this)) return null; return addActions; } private MultiAddCommandAction getMultiAddCommandAction(String extraActionLbl, Map<String, Artifact> strToCUMap, final List<ArtifactFragment> allAFsAdded) { Artifact extraArt = strToCUMap.get(extraActionLbl); extraActionLbl = MoreButtonUtils.fixAnonFinalVars(extraActionLbl); MultiAddCommandAction action = getAddNodeCmdAction(allAFsAdded, extraActionLbl, extraArt); return action; } private MultiAddCommandAction getAddNodeCmdAction(final List<ArtifactFragment> allAFsAdded, String extraActionLbl, final Artifact extraArt) { final ReloController rc = (ReloController) getRoot().getContents(); MultiAddCommandAction action = new MultiAddCommandAction(extraActionLbl, getRootController()) { @Override public Command getCommand(Map<Artifact, ArtifactFragment> addedArtToAFMap) { CompoundCommand tgtCmd = new CompoundCommand(); addedArtToAFMap.put(MoreItemsEditPart.this.getArtFrag().getArt(), MoreItemsEditPart.this.getArtFrag()); AddNodeAndRelCmd addCmd = new AddNodeAndRelCmd(rc, extraArt, addedArtToAFMap); allAFsAdded.add(addCmd.getNewArtFrag()); tgtCmd.add(addCmd); ((ReloDoc) rc.getRootArtifact()).showIncludedRelationships(tgtCmd, addCmd.getNewArtFrag()); return tgtCmd; } }; try { ImageDescriptor des = getIconDescriptor(extraArt, extraArt.queryType(getRepo())); if (des != null) action.setImageDescriptor(des); } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Unexpected error while getting icon for: " + extraArt); } return action; } }