Example usage for java.text AttributedCharacterIterator getBeginIndex

List of usage examples for java.text AttributedCharacterIterator getBeginIndex


In this page you can find the example usage for java.text AttributedCharacterIterator getBeginIndex.


public int getBeginIndex();

Source Link


Returns the start index of the text.


From source file:Main.java

 * Returns the {@link Dimension} for the given {@link JTextComponent}
 * subclass that will show the whole word wrapped text in the given width.
 * It won't work for styled text of varied size or style, it's assumed that
 * the whole text is rendered with the {@link JTextComponent}s font.
 * @param textComponent the {@link JTextComponent} to calculate the {@link Dimension} for
 * @param width the width of the resulting {@link Dimension}
 * @param text the {@link String} which should be word wrapped
 * @return The calculated {@link Dimension}
 *///from  w  w w  . ja  v  a2  s .co m
public static Dimension getWordWrappedTextDimension(JTextComponent textComponent, int width, String text) {
    if (textComponent == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("textComponent cannot be null");
    if (width < 1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("width must be 1 or greater");
    if (text == null) {
        text = textComponent.getText();
    if (text.isEmpty()) {
        return new Dimension(width, 0);

    FontMetrics metrics = textComponent.getFontMetrics(textComponent.getFont());
    FontRenderContext rendererContext = metrics.getFontRenderContext();
    float formatWidth = width - textComponent.getInsets().left - textComponent.getInsets().right;

    int lines = 0;
    String[] paragraphs = text.split("\n");
    for (String paragraph : paragraphs) {
        if (paragraph.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            AttributedString attributedText = new AttributedString(paragraph);
            attributedText.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, textComponent.getFont());
            AttributedCharacterIterator charIterator = attributedText.getIterator();
            LineBreakMeasurer lineMeasurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(charIterator, rendererContext);

            while (lineMeasurer.getPosition() < charIterator.getEndIndex()) {

    return new Dimension(width,
            metrics.getHeight() * lines + textComponent.getInsets().top + textComponent.getInsets().bottom);

From source file:Utils.java

 * Renders a paragraph of text (line breaks ignored) to an image (created and returned). 
 * @param font The font to use/*w  ww.j  a va2s. c  om*/
 * @param textColor The color of the text
 * @param text The message
 * @param width The width the text should be limited to
 * @return An image with the text rendered into it
public static BufferedImage renderTextToImage(Font font, Color textColor, String text, int width) {
    Hashtable map = new Hashtable();
    map.put(TextAttribute.FONT, font);
    AttributedString attributedString = new AttributedString(text, map);
    AttributedCharacterIterator paragraph = attributedString.getIterator();

    FontRenderContext frc = new FontRenderContext(null, false, false);
    int paragraphStart = paragraph.getBeginIndex();
    int paragraphEnd = paragraph.getEndIndex();
    LineBreakMeasurer lineMeasurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(paragraph, frc);

    float drawPosY = 0;

    //First time around, just determine the height
    while (lineMeasurer.getPosition() < paragraphEnd) {
        TextLayout layout = lineMeasurer.nextLayout(width);

        // Move it down
        drawPosY += layout.getAscent() + layout.getDescent() + layout.getLeading();

    BufferedImage image = createCompatibleImage(width, (int) drawPosY);
    Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D) image.getGraphics();
    graphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);

    drawPosY = 0;
    while (lineMeasurer.getPosition() < paragraphEnd) {
        TextLayout layout = lineMeasurer.nextLayout(width);

        // Move y-coordinate by the ascent of the layout.
        drawPosY += layout.getAscent();

        /* Compute pen x position.  If the paragraph is
           right-to-left, we want to align the TextLayouts
           to the right edge of the panel.
        float drawPosX;
        if (layout.isLeftToRight()) {
            drawPosX = 0;
        } else {
            drawPosX = width - layout.getAdvance();

        // Draw the TextLayout at (drawPosX, drawPosY).
        layout.draw(graphics, drawPosX, drawPosY);

        // Move y-coordinate in preparation for next layout.
        drawPosY += layout.getDescent() + layout.getLeading();

    return image;

From source file:Main.java

 * Serialises an <code>AttributedString</code> object.
 * @param as  the attributed string object (<code>null</code> permitted).
 * @param stream  the output stream (<code>null</code> not permitted).
 * @throws IOException if there is an I/O error.
 *///  ww  w .j a  v a  2 s .  c o m
public static void writeAttributedString(AttributedString as, ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {

    if (stream == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'stream' argument.");
    if (as != null) {
        AttributedCharacterIterator aci = as.getIterator();
        // build a plain string from aci
        // then write the string
        StringBuffer plainStr = new StringBuffer();
        char current = aci.first();
        while (current != CharacterIterator.DONE) {
            plainStr = plainStr.append(current);
            current = aci.next();

        // then write the attributes and limits for each run
        current = aci.first();
        int begin = aci.getBeginIndex();
        while (current != CharacterIterator.DONE) {
            // write the current character - when the reader sees that this
            // is not CharacterIterator.DONE, it will know to read the
            // run limits and attributes

            // now write the limit, adjusted as if beginIndex is zero
            int limit = aci.getRunLimit();
            stream.writeInt(limit - begin);

            // now write the attribute set
            Map atts = new HashMap(aci.getAttributes());
            current = aci.setIndex(limit);
        // write a character that signals to the reader that all runs
        // are done...
    } else {
        // write a flag that indicates a null


From source file:LineBreakSample.java

public LineBreakSample() {
    AttributedCharacterIterator paragraph = vanGogh.getIterator();
    paragraphStart = paragraph.getBeginIndex();
    paragraphEnd = paragraph.getEndIndex();

    // Create a new LineBreakMeasurer from the paragraph.
    lineMeasurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(paragraph, new FontRenderContext(null, false, false));

From source file:MainClass.java

public void paint(Graphics g) {
    Dimension size = getSize();//w ww . j  av a2 s .  c o  m

    String s = "To java2s.com or not to java2s.com, that is a question";

    Hashtable map = new Hashtable();
    map.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, new Float(32.0f));

    AttributedString as = new AttributedString(s, map);

    map = new Hashtable();
    map.put(TextAttribute.POSTURE, TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE);

    as.addAttributes(map, 33, 52);

    AttributedCharacterIterator aci = as.getIterator();

    int startIndex = aci.getBeginIndex();
    int endIndex = aci.getEndIndex();

    LineBreakMeasurer measurer;
    measurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(aci, new FontRenderContext(null, false, false));

    float wrappingWidth = (float) size.width;

    float Y = 0.0f;

    while (measurer.getPosition() < endIndex) {
        TextLayout layout = measurer.nextLayout(wrappingWidth);

        Y += layout.getAscent();

        float X = 0.0f;

        switch (justify) {
        case LEFT:
            if (layout.isLeftToRight())
                X = 0.0f;
                X = wrappingWidth - layout.getAdvance();

        case RIGHT:
            if (layout.isLeftToRight())
                X = wrappingWidth - layout.getVisibleAdvance();
                X = wrappingWidth;

        case CENTER:
            if (layout.isLeftToRight())
                X = (wrappingWidth - layout.getVisibleAdvance()) / 2;
                X = (wrappingWidth + layout.getAdvance()) / 2 - layout.getAdvance();

        case EQUALITY:
            layout = layout.getJustifiedLayout(wrappingWidth);

        layout.draw((Graphics2D) g, X, Y);

        Y += layout.getDescent() + layout.getLeading();

From source file:com.sander.verhagen.frame.LineWrapCellRenderer.java

private int getLineCount(JTextArea textArea) {
    AttributedString string = new AttributedString(textArea.getText());
    FontRenderContext fontRenderContext = textArea.getFontMetrics(textArea.getFont()).getFontRenderContext();
    AttributedCharacterIterator characterIterator = string.getIterator();
    LineBreakMeasurer lineBreakMeasurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(characterIterator, fontRenderContext);

    int lineCount = 0;
    while (lineBreakMeasurer.getPosition() < characterIterator.getEndIndex()) {
        lineCount++;//from  w ww  .  jav a  2  s  .c o  m
    return lineCount;

From source file:com.pronoiahealth.olhie.server.services.BookCoverImageService.java

 * Create an image that contains text//w  ww. j  a  va  2  s  .c  o m
 * @param height
 * @param width
 * @param text
 * @param textColor
 * @param center
 * @param fontMap
 * @param type
 * @return
private BufferedImage createText(int height, int width, String text, String textColor, boolean center,
        Map<TextAttribute, Object> fontMap, int type) {
    BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(width, height, type);
    Graphics2D g2d = null;
    try {
        g2d = (Graphics2D) img.getGraphics();

        // Create attributed text
        AttributedString txt = new AttributedString(text, fontMap);

        // Set graphics color

        // Create a new LineBreakMeasurer from the paragraph.
        // It will be cached and re-used.
        AttributedCharacterIterator paragraph = txt.getIterator();
        int paragraphStart = paragraph.getBeginIndex();
        int paragraphEnd = paragraph.getEndIndex();
        FontRenderContext frc = g2d.getFontRenderContext();
        LineBreakMeasurer lineMeasurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(paragraph, frc);

        // Set break width to width of Component.
        float breakWidth = (float) width;
        float drawPosY = 0;
        // Set position to the index of the first character in the
        // paragraph.

        // Get lines until the entire paragraph has been displayed.
        while (lineMeasurer.getPosition() < paragraphEnd) {
            // Retrieve next layout. A cleverer program would also cache
            // these layouts until the component is re-sized.
            TextLayout layout = lineMeasurer.nextLayout(breakWidth);

            // Compute pen x position. If the paragraph is right-to-left we
            // will align the TextLayouts to the right edge of the panel.
            // Note: drawPosX is always where the LEFT of the text is
            // placed.
            float drawPosX = layout.isLeftToRight() ? 0 : breakWidth - layout.getAdvance();

            if (center == true) {
                double xOffSet = (width - layout.getBounds().getWidth()) / 2;
                drawPosX = drawPosX + new Float(xOffSet);

            // Move y-coordinate by the ascent of the layout.
            drawPosY += layout.getAscent();

            // Draw the TextLayout at (drawPosX, drawPosY).
            layout.draw(g2d, drawPosX, drawPosY);

            // Move y-coordinate in preparation for next layout.
            drawPosY += layout.getDescent() + layout.getLeading();
    } finally {
        if (g2d != null) {
    return img;

From source file:com.github.lucapino.sheetmaker.renderer.JavaTemplateRenderer.java

public void drawString(Graphics g, String text, RectangularShape bounds, Align align, double angle,
        boolean multiline) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
    Font font = g2.getFont();//from  ww  w .  j av  a 2 s. c  om
    if (angle != 0) {

    Rectangle2D sSize = g2.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(text, g2);
    Point2D pos = getPoint(bounds, align);
    double x = pos.getX();
    double y = pos.getY() + sSize.getHeight();

    switch (align) {
    case TopCenter:
    case BottomCenter:
    case Center:
        x -= (sSize.getWidth() / 2);
    case TopRight:
    case MiddleRight:
    case BottomRight:
        x -= (sSize.getWidth());
    case BottomLeft:
    case MiddleLeft:
    case TopLeft:
    if (multiline) {
        // Create a new LineBreakMeasurer from the paragraph.
        // It will be cached and re-used.
        //if (lineMeasurer == null) {
        AttributedCharacterIterator paragraph = new AttributedString(text).getIterator();
        paragraphStart = paragraph.getBeginIndex();
        paragraphEnd = paragraph.getEndIndex();
        FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
        lineMeasurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(paragraph, frc);

        // Set break width to width of Component.
        float breakWidth = (float) bounds.getWidth();
        float drawPosY = (float) y;
        // Set position to the index of the first character in the paragraph.

        // Get lines until the entire paragraph has been displayed.
        while (lineMeasurer.getPosition() < paragraphEnd) {

            // Retrieve next layout. A cleverer program would also cache
            // these layouts until the component is re-sized.
            TextLayout layout = lineMeasurer.nextLayout(breakWidth);

            // Compute pen x position. If the paragraph is right-to-left we
            // will align the TextLayouts to the right edge of the panel.
            // Note: this won't occur for the English text in this sample.
            // Note: drawPosX is always where the LEFT of the text is placed.
            float drawPosX = layout.isLeftToRight() ? (float) x : (float) x + breakWidth - layout.getAdvance();

            // Move y-coordinate by the ascent of the layout.
            drawPosY += layout.getAscent();

            // Draw the TextLayout at (drawPosX, drawPosY).
            layout.draw(g2, drawPosX, drawPosY);

            // Move y-coordinate in preparation for next layout.
            drawPosY += layout.getDescent() + layout.getLeading();
    } else {
        g2.drawString(text, (float) x, (float) y);

From source file:org.jfree.experimental.swt.SWTGraphics2D.java

 * Draws a string at the specified position.
 * @param iterator  the string./*from   w  w  w . ja v a  2s  . c  o  m*/
 * @param x  the x-coordinate.
 * @param y  the y-coordinate.
public void drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator iterator, int x, int y) {
    // for now we simply want to extract the chars from the iterator
    // and call an unstyled text renderer
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    int numChars = iterator.getEndIndex() - iterator.getBeginIndex();
    char c = iterator.first();
    for (int i = 0; i < numChars; i++) {
        c = iterator.next();
    drawString(new String(sb), x, y);

From source file:org.apache.fop.svg.AbstractFOPTextPainter.java

 * Extract the raw text from an ACI./*from   www.  ja  va2 s  .c o  m*/
 * @param aci ACI to inspect
 * @return the extracted text
protected String getText(AttributedCharacterIterator aci) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(aci.getEndIndex() - aci.getBeginIndex());
    for (char c = aci.first(); c != CharacterIterator.DONE; c = aci.next()) {
    return sb.toString();