Example usage for java.sql DatabaseMetaData getPrimaryKeys

List of usage examples for java.sql DatabaseMetaData getPrimaryKeys


In this page you can find the example usage for java.sql DatabaseMetaData getPrimaryKeys.


ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException;

Source Link


Retrieves a description of the given table's primary key columns.


From source file:org.biomart.configurator.controller.MartController.java

public void updateDatasetFromSource(Dataset ds) throws SQLException, DataModelException {
    Mart mart = ds.getParentMart();//from ww  w.j  a  v a2s.  c om
    List<SourceSchema> sss = mart.getIncludedSchemas();
    // assuming that only one for now
    if (McUtils.isCollectionEmpty(sss))
    SourceSchema ss = sss.get(0);

    final DatabaseMetaData dmd = ss.getConnection().getMetaData();
    final String catalog = ss.getConnection().getCatalog();

    // List of objects storing orphan key column and its table name
    List<ForeignKey> orphanFKList = new ArrayList<ForeignKey>();
    StringBuffer orphanSearch = new StringBuffer();
    boolean orphanBool = false;

     * try { orphanBool = findOrphanFKFromDB(orphanFKList, orphanSearch, mart); if (orphanBool) { Frame frame = new
     * Frame(); Object[] options = { "Proceed", "Abort Synchronization" }; int n = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog(
     * frame,
     * "Some columns in relations no longer exist in source DB. This may be caused by renaming/dropping tables/columns in source DB.\n"
     * +
     * "When choose 'Proceed', you will be prompted to save this information for later use. Do you want to proceed?"
     * +"\n", "Schema Update Warning", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, // do // not //
     * use a // custom // Icon options, // the titles of buttons options[1]); // default button title if (n ==
     * JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { return; } else{ new SaveOrphanKeyDialog("Orphan Relation", orphanSearch.toString());
     * } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Now that user decides to sync GUI model to DB schema,
     * remove orphan foreign key clearOrphanForeignKey(orphanFKList);
    // Create a list of existing tables. During this method, we remove
    // from this list all tables that still exist in the database. At
    // the end of the method, the list contains only those tables
    // which no longer exist, so they will be dropped.
    final Collection<Table> tablesToBeDropped = new HashSet<Table>(ss.getTables());

    // Load tables and views from database, then loop over them.
    ResultSet dbTables;
    String sName = ss.getJdbcLinkObject().getJdbcType().useSchema() ? ss.getJdbcLinkObject().getSchemaName()
            : catalog;

    dbTables = dmd.getTables(catalog, sName, "%", new String[] { "TABLE", "VIEW", "ALIAS", "SYNONYM" });

    // Do the loop.
    final Collection<Table> tablesToBeKept = new HashSet<Table>();
    while (dbTables.next()) {
        // Check schema and catalog.
        final String catalogName = dbTables.getString("TABLE_CAT");
        final String schemaName = dbTables.getString("TABLE_SCHEM");
        String schemaPrefix = schemaName;

        // What is the table called?
        final String dbTableName = dbTables.getString("TABLE_NAME");
        Log.debug("Processing table " + catalogName + "." + dbTableName);

        // Look to see if we already have a table by this name defined.
        // If we do, reuse it. If not, create a new table.
        Table dbTable = ss.getTableByName(dbTableName);
        if (dbTable == null)
            try {
                dbTable = new SourceTable(ss, dbTableName);
            } catch (final Throwable t) {
                throw new BioMartError(t);
        // Add schema prefix to list.
        if (schemaPrefix != null)

        // Table exists, so remove it from our list of tables to be
        // dropped at the end of the method.

    // Loop over all columns.
    for (final Iterator<Table> i = tablesToBeKept.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        final Table dbTable = (Table) i.next();
        final String dbTableName = dbTable.getName();
        // Make a list of all the columns in the table. Any columns
        // remaining in this list by the end of the loop will be
        // dropped.
        final Collection<Column> colsToBeDropped = new HashSet<Column>(dbTable.getColumnList());

        // Clear out the existing schema partition info on all cols.
        for (final Iterator<Column> j = dbTable.getColumnList().iterator(); j.hasNext();)
            ((Column) j.next()).cleanInPartitions();

        // Load the table columns from the database, then loop over
        // them.
        Log.debug("Loading table column list for " + dbTableName);
        ResultSet dbTblCols;

        dbTblCols = dmd.getColumns(catalog, sName, dbTableName, "%");

        // FIXME: When using Oracle, if the table is a synonym then the
        // above call returns no results.
        while (dbTblCols.next()) {
            // Check schema and catalog.
            final String catalogName = dbTblCols.getString("TABLE_CAT");
            final String schemaName = dbTblCols.getString("TABLE_SCHEM");
            String schemaPrefix = null;
            // No prefix if partitions are empty;
             * if (!this.getPartitions().isEmpty()) { if ("".equals(dmd.getSchemaTerm())) // Use catalog name to get
             * prefix. schemaPrefix = (String) this.getPartitions().get( catalogName); else // Use schema name to
             * get prefix. schemaPrefix = (String) this.getPartitions().get( schemaName); // Don't want to include
             * if prefix is still null. if (schemaPrefix == null) continue; }

            // What is the column called, and is it nullable?
            final String dbTblColName = dbTblCols.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
            Log.debug("Processing column " + dbTblColName);

            // Look to see if the column already exists on this table.
            // If it does, reuse it. Else, create it.
            Column dbTblCol = (Column) dbTable.getColumnByName(dbTblColName);
            if (dbTblCol == null)
                try {
                    dbTblCol = new SourceColumn((SourceTable) dbTable, dbTblColName);
                } catch (final Throwable t) {
                    throw new BioMartError(t);

            // Column exists, so remove it from our list of columns to
            // be dropped at the end of the loop.
            if (schemaPrefix != null)

        // Drop all columns that are left in the list, as they no longer
        // exist in the database.
        for (final Iterator<Column> j = colsToBeDropped.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
            final Column column = (Column) j.next();
            Log.debug("Dropping redundant column " + column.getName());


    // Remove from schema all tables not found in the database, using
    // the list we constructed above.
    for (final Iterator<Table> i = tablesToBeDropped.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        final Table existingTable = (Table) i.next();
        Log.debug("Dropping redundant table " + existingTable);
        final String tableName = existingTable.getName();
        // By clearing its keys we will also clear its relations.
        for (final Iterator<Key> j = existingTable.getKeys().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {

    // Get and create primary keys.
    // Work out a list of all foreign keys currently existing.
    // Any remaining in this list later will be dropped.
    final Collection<ForeignKey> fksToBeDropped = new HashSet<ForeignKey>();
    for (final Iterator<Table> i = ss.getTables().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        final Table t = (Table) i.next();

        // Obtain the primary key from the database. Even in databases
        // without referential integrity, the primary key is still
        // defined and can be obtained from the metadata.
        Log.debug("Loading table primary keys");
        String searchCatalog = catalog;
        String searchSchema = sName;
         * if (!t.getSchemaPartitions().isEmpty()) { // Locate partition with first prefix. final String prefix =
         * (String) t.getSchemaPartitions() .iterator().next(); String schemaName = (String) new InverseMap(this
         * .getPartitions()).get(prefix); if (schemaName == null) // Should never happen. throw new BioMartError();
         * if ("".equals(dmd.getSchemaTerm())) searchCatalog = schemaName; searchSchema = schemaName; }
        final ResultSet dbTblPKCols = dmd.getPrimaryKeys(searchCatalog, searchSchema, t.getName());

        // Load the primary key columns into a map keyed by column
        // position.
        // In other words, the first column in the key has a map key of
        // 1, and so on. We do this because we can't guarantee we'll
        // read the key columns from the database in the correct order.
        // We keep the map sorted, so that when we iterate over it later
        // we get back the columns in the correct order.
        final Map<Short, Column> pkCols = new TreeMap<Short, Column>();
        while (dbTblPKCols.next()) {
            final String pkColName = dbTblPKCols.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
            final Short pkColPosition = new Short(dbTblPKCols.getShort("KEY_SEQ"));
            pkCols.put(pkColPosition, t.getColumnByName(pkColName));

        // Did DMD find a PK? If not, which is really unusual but
        // potentially may happen, attempt to find one by looking for a
        // single column with the same name as the table or with '_id'
        // appended.
        // Only do this if we are using key-guessing.
        if (pkCols.isEmpty() && ss.getJdbcLinkObject().isKeyGuessing()) {
            Log.debug("Found no primary key, so attempting to guess one");
            // Plain version first.
            Column candidateCol = (Column) t.getColumnByName(t.getName());
            // Try with '_id' appended if plain version turned up
            // nothing.
            if (candidateCol == null)
                candidateCol = (Column) t.getColumnByName(t.getName() + Resources.get("primaryKeySuffix"));
            // Found something? Add it to the primary key columns map,
            // with a dummy key of 1. (Use Short for the key because
            // that
            // is what DMD would have used had it found anything
            // itself).
            if (candidateCol != null)
                pkCols.put(Short.valueOf("1"), candidateCol);

        // Obtain the existing primary key on the table, if the table
        // previously existed and even had one in the first place.
        final PrimaryKey existingPK = t.getPrimaryKey();

        // Did we find a PK on the database copy of the table?
        if (!pkCols.isEmpty()) {

            // Yes, we found a PK on the database copy of the table. So,
            // create a new key based around the columns we identified.
            PrimaryKey candidatePK;
            try {
                candidatePK = new PrimaryKey(new ArrayList<Column>(pkCols.values()));
            } catch (final Throwable th) {
                throw new BioMartError(th);

            // If the existing table has no PK, or has a PK which
            // matches and is not incorrect, or has a PK which does not
            // match
            // and is not handmade, replace that PK with the one we
            // found.
            // This way we preserve any existing handmade PKs, and don't
            // override any marked as incorrect.
            try {
                if (existingPK == null)
                else if (existingPK.equals(candidatePK)
                        && existingPK.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE))
                else if (!existingPK.equals(candidatePK)
                        && !existingPK.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE))
            } catch (final Throwable th) {
                throw new BioMartError(th);
        } else // No, we did not find a PK on the database copy of the
        // table, so that table should not have a PK at all. So if the
        // existing table has a PK which is not handmade, remove it.
        if (existingPK != null && !existingPK.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE))
            try {
            } catch (final Throwable th) {
                throw new BioMartError(th);

    // Are we key-guessing? Key guess the foreign keys, passing in a
    // reference to the list of existing foreign keys. After this call
    // has completed, the list will contain all those foreign keys which
    // no longer exist, and can safely be dropped.
    if (ss.getJdbcLinkObject().isKeyGuessing())
        this.synchroniseKeysUsingKeyGuessing(ss, fksToBeDropped);
    // Otherwise, use DMD to do the same, also passing in the list of
    // existing foreign keys to be updated as the call progresses. Also
    // pass in the DMD details so it doesn't have to work them out for
    // itself.
        this.synchroniseKeysUsingDMD(ss, fksToBeDropped, dmd, sName, catalog);

    // Drop any foreign keys that are left over (but not handmade ones).
    for (final Iterator<ForeignKey> i = fksToBeDropped.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        final Key k = (Key) i.next();
        if (k.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE))
        Log.debug("Dropping redundant foreign key " + k);
        for (final Iterator<Relation> r = k.getRelations().iterator(); r.hasNext();) {
            final Relation rel = (Relation) r.next();

    // rebuild mart