Java tutorial
/* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the itmplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.biomart.configurator.controller; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import org.biomart.backwardCompatibility.DatasetFromUrl; import org.biomart.backwardCompatibility.MartInVirtualSchema; import org.biomart.common.exceptions.AssociationException; import org.biomart.common.exceptions.BioMartError; import org.biomart.common.exceptions.DataModelException; import org.biomart.common.exceptions.MartBuilderException; import org.biomart.common.exceptions.ValidationException; import org.biomart.common.resources.Log; import org.biomart.common.resources.Resources; import org.biomart.common.utils.PartitionUtils; import org.biomart.common.utils.XMLElements; import org.biomart.common.view.gui.dialogs.ProgressDialog; import org.biomart.common.view.gui.dialogs.StackTrace; import org.biomart.configurator.controller.MartConstructor.ConstructorRunnable; import org.biomart.configurator.controller.dialects.McSQL; import org.biomart.configurator.model.JoinTable; import org.biomart.configurator.model.SelectFromTable; import org.biomart.configurator.model.TransformationUnit; import org.biomart.configurator.model.WrappedColumn; import org.biomart.configurator.model.object.DataLinkInfo; import org.biomart.configurator.model.object.DimensionQueueObject; import org.biomart.configurator.model.object.NormalQueueObject; import org.biomart.configurator.model.object.SubclassQueueObject; import org.biomart.configurator.utils.JdbcLinkObject; import org.biomart.configurator.utils.McGuiUtils; import org.biomart.configurator.utils.McUtils; import org.biomart.configurator.utils.Validation; import org.biomart.configurator.utils.type.Cardinality; import org.biomart.configurator.utils.type.ComponentStatus; import org.biomart.configurator.utils.type.DatasetTableType; import org.biomart.configurator.utils.type.PartitionType; import org.biomart.configurator.utils.type.ValidationStatus; import org.biomart.configurator.view.gui.dialogs.MartRunnerMonitorDialog; import org.biomart.objects.objects.Attribute; import org.biomart.objects.objects.Column; import org.biomart.objects.objects.Config; import org.biomart.objects.objects.Container; import org.biomart.objects.objects.Dataset; import org.biomart.objects.objects.DatasetColumn; import org.biomart.objects.objects.DatasetTable; import org.biomart.objects.objects.Filter; import org.biomart.objects.objects.ForeignKey; import org.biomart.objects.objects.Key; import org.biomart.objects.objects.Link; import org.biomart.objects.objects.Mart; import org.biomart.objects.objects.MartConfiguratorObject; import org.biomart.objects.objects.MartRegistry; import org.biomart.objects.objects.Options; import org.biomart.objects.objects.PartitionTable; import org.biomart.objects.objects.PrimaryKey; import org.biomart.objects.objects.Relation; import org.biomart.objects.objects.RelationSource; import org.biomart.objects.objects.RelationTarget; import org.biomart.objects.objects.SourceColumn; import org.biomart.objects.objects.SourceContainers; import org.biomart.objects.objects.SourceSchema; import org.biomart.objects.objects.SourceTable; import org.biomart.objects.objects.Table; import org.biomart.objects.portal.Portal; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; public class MartController { private static MartController instance; private boolean changed = false; public static MartController getInstance() { if (instance == null) instance = new MartController(); return instance; } private MartController() { } private void processParentDatasetTable(TransformationUnit parentTU, DatasetTable parentDsTable, DatasetTable dsTable, DatasetTableType type, List<DatasetColumn> sourceDSCols, Set<DatasetColumn> unusedCols, Collection<ForeignKey> unusedFKs, Map<String, Integer> uniqueBases) { parentTU = new SelectFromTable(parentDsTable); dsTable.addTransformationUnit(parentTU); // Make a list to hold the child table's FK cols. final List<Column> dsTableFKCols = new ArrayList<Column>(); // Get the primary key of the parent DS table. final PrimaryKey parentDSTablePK = parentDsTable.getPrimaryKey(); // Loop over each column in the parent table. If this is // a subclass table, add it. If it is a dimension table, // only add it if it is in the PK or is in the first underlying // key. In either case, if it is in the PK, add it both to the // child PK and the child FK. Also inherit if it is involved // in a restriction on the very first join. for (final Iterator<Column> i = parentDsTable.getColumnList().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final DatasetColumn parentDSCol = (DatasetColumn); boolean inRelationRestriction = false; // If this is not a subclass table, we need to filter columns. if (!type.equals(DatasetTableType.MAIN_SUBCLASS)) { // Skip columns that are not in the primary key. final boolean inPK = parentDSTablePK.getColumns().contains(parentDSCol); final boolean inSourceKey = sourceDSCols.contains(parentDSCol); // If the column is in a restricted relation // on the source relation, we need to inherit it. // Inherit it? if (!inPK && !inSourceKey && !inRelationRestriction) continue; } // Only unfiltered columns reach this point. Create a copy of // the column. final InheritedColum dsCol; if (!dsTable.getColumnNames().contains(parentDSCol.getName())) { WrappedColumn tmpDsc = (WrappedColumn) parentDsTable.getColumnByName(parentDSCol.getName()); // WrappedColumn tmpDsc = new // WrappedColumn(parentDSCol.getSourceColumn(),parentDSCol.getName(),dsTable); dsCol = new InheritedColum(dsTable, tmpDsc); dsTable.addColumn(dsCol); // If any other col has modified name same as // inherited col's modified name, then rename the // other column to avoid clash. for (final Iterator<Column> j = dsTable.getColumnList().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { final DatasetColumn cand = (DatasetColumn); if (!(cand instanceof InheritedColum) && cand.getName().equals(dsCol.getName())) { final DatasetColumn renameCol = inRelationRestriction ? cand : (DatasetColumn) dsCol; if (renameCol.getName().endsWith(Resources.get("keySuffix"))) { renameCol.setName(renameCol.getName().substring(0, renameCol.getName().indexOf(Resources.get("keySuffix"))) + "_clash" + Resources.get("keySuffix")); renameCol.setInternalName(renameCol.getInternalName().substring(0, renameCol.getInternalName().indexOf(Resources.get("keySuffix"))) + "_clash" + Resources.get("keySuffix")); } else { renameCol.setName(renameCol.getName() + "_clash"); renameCol.setInternalName(renameCol.getInternalName() + "_clash"); } } } } else dsCol = (InheritedColum) dsTable.getColumnByName(parentDSCol.getName()); unusedCols.remove(dsCol); parentTU.getNewColumnNameMap().put(parentDSCol, (DatasetColumn) dsCol); dsCol.setTransformationUnit(parentTU); uniqueBases.put(parentDSCol.getName(), new Integer(0)); // Add the column to the child's FK, but only if it was in // the parent PK. if (parentDSTablePK.getColumns().contains(parentDSCol)) dsTableFKCols.add(dsCol); } try { // Create the child FK. List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (Column cc : dsTableFKCols) { columns.add(cc); } ForeignKey fkObject = new ForeignKey(columns); // KeyController dsTableFK = new KeyController(fkObject); // Create only if not already exists. for (final Iterator<ForeignKey> i = dsTable.getForeignKeys().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final ForeignKey cand =; if (cand.equals(fkObject)) fkObject = cand; } if (!dsTable.getForeignKeys().contains(fkObject)) { dsTable.getForeignKeys().add(fkObject); // dsTable.getForeignKeys().add(dsTableFK); // Link the child FK to the parent PK. new RelationTarget(parentDSTablePK, fkObject, Cardinality.MANY_A); // parentDSTablePK.getObject().addRelation(relation); // dsTableFK.getObject().addRelation(relation); } unusedFKs.remove(fkObject); } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new BioMartError(t); } // Copy all parent FKs and add to child, but WITHOUT // relations. Subclasses only! if (type.equals(DatasetTableType.MAIN_SUBCLASS)) for (final Iterator<ForeignKey> i = parentDsTable.getForeignKeys().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final ForeignKey parentFK =; final List<Column> childFKCols = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (int j = 0; j < parentFK.getColumns().size(); j++) childFKCols.add(parentTU.getNewColumnNameMap().get(parentFK.getColumns().get(j))); try { // Create the child FK. List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (Column cc : childFKCols) { columns.add(cc); } ForeignKey fkObject = new ForeignKey(columns); // KeyController dsTableFK = (KeyController)(fkObject.getWrapper()); // Create only if not already exists. for (final Iterator<ForeignKey> j = dsTable.getForeignKeys().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { final ForeignKey cand =; if (cand.equals(fkObject)) fkObject = cand; } if (dsTable.getForeignKeys().contains(fkObject)) dsTable.getForeignKeys().add(fkObject); // dsTable.getForeignKeys().add(dsTableFK); unusedFKs.remove(fkObject); } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new BioMartError(t); } } } /** * This internal method builds a dataset table based around a real table. It works out what dimensions and * subclasses are required then recurses to create those too. * * @param type * the type of table to build. * @param parentDSTable * the table which this dataset table creates a foreign key to. If this is to be a subclass table, it * will inherit all columns from this parent table. * @param realSourceTable * the real table in a schema from where the transformation to create this dataset table will begin. * @param skippedMainSourceTables * the main tables to skip when building subclasses and dimensions. * @param sourceRelation * the real relation in a schema which was followed in order to discover that this dataset table should * be created. For instance, it could be the 1:M relation between the realTable parameter of this call, * and the realTable parameter of the main table call to this method. */ private void generateDatasetTable(final Mart mart, final DatasetTableType type, final DatasetTable parentDsTable, final SourceTable realSourceTable, final List<SourceTable> skippedMainSourceTables, final List<DatasetColumn> sourceDSCols, Relation sourceRelation, final Set<DatasetTable> unusedDsTables) { Log.debug("Creating dataset table for " + realSourceTable + " with parent relation " + sourceRelation + " as a " + type); // Create the empty dataset table. Use a unique prefix // to prevent naming clashes. String prefix = ""; if (parentDsTable != null) { final String parts[] = parentDsTable.getName().split(Resources.get("tablenameSep")); // __ prefix = parts[parts.length - 1] + Resources.get("tablenameSep"); } String fullName = prefix + realSourceTable.getName(); // Loop over all tables with similar names to check for reuse. DatasetTable dsTable = null; for (DatasetTable entry : mart.getDatasetTables()) { final String testName = entry.getName(); // If find table starting with same letters, check to see // if can reuse, and update fullName to match it. if (testName.equals(fullName) || testName.startsWith(fullName)) if (entry.getFocusRelation() == null || (entry.getFocusRelation().equals(sourceRelation))) { fullName = testName; dsTable = entry; dsTable.setType(type); // Just to make sure. unusedDsTables.remove(dsTable); dsTable.getTransformationUnits().clear(); break; } } // If still not found anything after all tables checked, // create new table. if (dsTable == null) { dsTable = new DatasetTable(mart, fullName, type); dsTable.setFocusRelation((RelationSource) sourceRelation); mart.addTable(dsTable); } // Create the three relation-table pair queues we will work with. The // normal queue holds pairs of relations and tables. The other two hold // a list of relations only, the tables being the FK ends of each // relation. The normal queue has a third object associated with each // entry, which specifies whether to treat the 1:M relations from // the merged table as dimensions or not. final List<NormalQueueObject> normalQ = new ArrayList<NormalQueueObject>(); final List<SubclassQueueObject> subclassQ = new ArrayList<SubclassQueueObject>(); final List<DimensionQueueObject> dimensionQ = new ArrayList<DimensionQueueObject>(); // Set up a list to hold columns for this table's primary key. final List<Column> dsTablePKCols = new ArrayList<Column>(); // Make a list of existing columns and foreign keys. final Set<DatasetColumn> unusedDsCols = new HashSet<DatasetColumn>(); for (Column column : dsTable.getColumnList()) { unusedDsCols.add((DatasetColumn) column); } final Collection<ForeignKey> unusedDsFKs = new HashSet<ForeignKey>(dsTable.getForeignKeys()); // Make a map for unique column base names. final Map<String, Integer> uniqueBases = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // If the parent dataset table is not null, add columns from it // as appropriate. Dimension tables get just the PK, and an // FK linking them back. Subclass tables get all columns, plus // the PK with FK link, plus all the relations we followed to // get these columns. TransformationUnit parentTU = null; if (parentDsTable != null) { this.processParentDatasetTable(parentTU, parentDsTable, dsTable, type, sourceDSCols, unusedDsCols, unusedDsFKs, uniqueBases); } final Map<SourceTable, Integer> tableTracker = new HashMap<SourceTable, Integer>(); // Process the table. This operation will populate the initial // values in the normal, subclass and dimension queues. We only // want dimensions constructed if we are not already constructing // a dimension ourselves. this.processTable(mart, parentTU, dsTable, dsTablePKCols, realSourceTable, normalQ, subclassQ, dimensionQ, sourceDSCols, sourceRelation, !type.equals(DatasetTableType.DIMENSION), new ArrayList<String>(), new ArrayList<String>(), 0, unusedDsCols, uniqueBases, skippedMainSourceTables, tableTracker); // Process the normal queue. This merges tables into the dataset // table using the relation specified in each pair in the queue. // The third value is the dataset parent table columns to link from. // The fourth value of each entry in the queue determines whether or // not to continue making dimensions off each table in the queue. // The fifth value is the counter of how many times this relation has // been seen before. // The sixth value is a map of relation counts used to reach this point. for (int i = 0; i < normalQ.size(); i++) { NormalQueueObject nqObject = normalQ.get(i); final Relation mergeSourceRelation = nqObject.getRelation(); final List<DatasetColumn> newSourceDSCols = nqObject.getColumnList(); final Table mergeTable = nqObject.getTable(); final TransformationUnit previousUnit = nqObject.getTransformationUnit(); final boolean makeDimensions = nqObject.isMakeDimension(); final List<String> nameCols = nqObject.getNextNameColumns(); final List<String> nameColSuffixes = nqObject.getNextNameColSuffixes(); this.processTable(mart, previousUnit, dsTable, dsTablePKCols, (SourceTable) mergeTable, normalQ, subclassQ, dimensionQ, newSourceDSCols, mergeSourceRelation == null ? null : mergeSourceRelation, makeDimensions, nameCols, nameColSuffixes, i + 1, unusedDsCols, uniqueBases, skippedMainSourceTables, tableTracker); } // Create the primary key on this table, but only if it has one. // Don't bother for dimensions. if (!dsTablePKCols.isEmpty() && !dsTable.getType().equals(DatasetTableType.DIMENSION)) { // Create the key. List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (Column cc : dsTablePKCols) { columns.add(cc); } PrimaryKey pkObject = new PrimaryKey(columns); // KeyController pkc = new KeyController(pkObject); dsTable.setPrimaryKey(pkObject); } else dsTable.setPrimaryKey(null); // Drop unused columns and foreign keys. for (final Iterator<ForeignKey> i = unusedDsFKs.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final ForeignKey fk =; for (final Iterator<Relation> j = fk.getRelations().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { final Relation rel =; rel.getFirstKey().removeRelation(rel); rel.getSecondKey().removeRelation(rel); } dsTable.getForeignKeys().remove(fk); } for (final Iterator<DatasetColumn> i = unusedDsCols.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final DatasetColumn deadCol =; dsTable.removeColumn(deadCol); } // Rename columns in keys to have _key suffixes, and // remove that suffix from all others. // TODO is _key done in processTable? /* * for (final Iterator<Column> i = dsTable.getColumnList().iterator(); i .hasNext();) { final DatasetColumn * dsCol = (DatasetColumn); if (((DatasetColumn)dsCol).isKeyColumn() && !dsCol.getName().endsWith( * Resources.get("keySuffix"))) { dsCol.setName(dsCol.getName() + Resources.get("keySuffix")); * dsCol.setInternalName(dsCol.getInternalName() + Resources.get("keySuffix")); } else if * (!((DatasetColumn)dsCol).isKeyColumn() && dsCol.getName().endsWith( Resources.get("keySuffix"))) { * dsCol.setName(dsCol.getName().substring(0,dsCol.getName().indexOf(Resources.get("keySuffix")))); * dsCol.setInternalName * (dsCol.getInternalName().substring(0,dsCol.getInternalName().indexOf(Resources.get("keySuffix")))); } } */ // Only dataset tables with primary keys can have subclasses // or dimensions. if (dsTable.getPrimaryKey() != null) { // Process the subclass relations of this table. for (SubclassQueueObject scqObject : subclassQ) { final List<DatasetColumn> newSourceDSCols = scqObject.getColumnList(); final Relation subclassRelation = scqObject.getRelation(); this.generateDatasetTable(mart, DatasetTableType.MAIN_SUBCLASS, dsTable, (SourceTable) subclassRelation.getManyKey().getTable(), skippedMainSourceTables, newSourceDSCols, subclassRelation, unusedDsTables); } // Process the dimension relations of this table. For 1:M it's easy. // For M:M, we have to work out which end is connected to the real // table, then process the table at the other end of the relation. // TODO do we have M:M for (DimensionQueueObject dqObject : dimensionQ) { final List<DatasetColumn> newSourceDSCols = dqObject.getDatasetColumnlist(); final Relation dimensionRelation = dqObject.getRelation(); if (dimensionRelation.isOneToMany()) this.generateDatasetTable(mart, DatasetTableType.DIMENSION, dsTable, (SourceTable) dimensionRelation.getManyKey().getTable(), skippedMainSourceTables, newSourceDSCols, dimensionRelation, unusedDsTables); else System.err.println("check relation !!!"); } } } /** * This method takes a real table and merges it into a dataset table. It does this by creating {@link WrappedColumn} * instances for each new column it finds in the table. * <p> * If a source relation was specified, columns in the key in the table that is part of that source relation are * ignored, else they'll get duplicated. * * @param dsTable * the dataset table we are constructing and should merge the columns into. * @param dsTablePKCols * the primary key columns of that table. If we find we need to add to these, we should add to this list * directly. * @param mergeTable * the real table we are about to merge columns from. * @param normalQ * the queue to add further real tables into that we find need merging into this same dataset table. * @param subclassQ * the queue to add starting points for subclass tables that we find. * @param dimensionQ * the queue to add starting points for dimension tables we find. * @param sourceRelation * the real relation we followed to reach this table. * @param relationCount * how many times we have left to follow each relation, so that we don't follow them too often. * @param makeDimensions * <tt>true</tt> if we should add potential dimension tables to the dimension queue, <tt>false</tt> if we * should just ignore them. This is useful for preventing dimensions from gaining dimensions of their * own. * @param nameCols * the list of partition columns to prefix the new dataset columns with. * @param queuePos * this position in the queue to insert the next steps at. * @param skippedMainTables * the main tables to skip when processing subclasses and dimensions. * @param mergeTheseRelationsInstead * ignore all other rules and merge these ones, and don't fire dimensions on any of these either. */ private void processTable(final Mart mart, final TransformationUnit previousUnit, final DatasetTable dsTable, final List<Column> dsTablePKCols, final SourceTable mergeTable, final List<NormalQueueObject> normalQ, final List<SubclassQueueObject> subclassQ, final List<DimensionQueueObject> dimensionQ, final List<DatasetColumn> sourceDsCols, final Relation sourceRelation, final boolean makeDimensions, final List<String> nameCols, final List<String> nameColSuffixes, int queuePos, final Set<DatasetColumn> unusedCols, final Map<String, Integer> uniqueBases, final List<SourceTable> skippedMainTables, Map<SourceTable, Integer> tableTracker) { Log.debug("Processing table " + mergeTable); // Remember the schema. mart.addSourceSchema(mergeTable.getSchema()); // Don't ignore any keys by default. final Set<Column> ignoreCols = new HashSet<Column>(); final TransformationUnit tu; int tableTrackerCount = 0; // Count the table. if (tableTracker.containsKey(mergeTable)) tableTrackerCount = ((Integer) tableTracker.get(mergeTable)).intValue() + 1; tableTracker.put(mergeTable, new Integer(tableTrackerCount)); // Did we get here via somewhere else? if (sourceRelation != null) { // Work out what key to ignore by working out at which end // of the relation we are. final Key ignoreKey = sourceRelation.getKeyForTable(mergeTable); ignoreCols.addAll(ignoreKey.getColumns()); final Key mergeKey = sourceRelation.getOtherKey(ignoreKey); // Add the relation and key to the list that the table depends on. // This list is what defines the path required to construct // the DDL for this table. tu = new JoinTable(previousUnit, mergeTable, sourceRelation, sourceDsCols, mergeKey); } else tu = new SelectFromTable(mergeTable); // this.includedTables.add(mergeTable); // this.mart.getTableList().add((DatasetTable)mergeTable.getObject()); // dsTable.includedTables.add(mergeTable); // dsTable.includedSchemas.add(((SourceTableController)mergeTable).getSchema()); dsTable.addTransformationUnit(tu); // Work out the merge table's PK. final PrimaryKey mergeTablePK = mergeTable.getPrimaryKey(); // We must merge only the first PK we come across, if this is // a main table, or the first PK we come across after the // inherited PK, if this is a subclass. Dimensions dont get // merged at all. boolean includeMergeTablePK = mergeTablePK != null && !mergeTablePK.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.INFERRED_INCORRECT) && !dsTable.getType().equals(DatasetTableType.DIMENSION); if (includeMergeTablePK && sourceRelation != null) // Only add further PK columns if the relation did NOT // involve our PK and was NOT 1:1. includeMergeTablePK = dsTablePKCols.isEmpty() && !sourceRelation.isOneToOne() && !sourceRelation.getFirstKey().equals(mergeTablePK) && !sourceRelation.getSecondKey().equals(mergeTablePK); // Make a list of all columns involved in keys on the merge table. // final Set<ColumnController> colsUsedInKeys = new HashSet<ColumnController>(); // for (final Iterator<KeyController> i = mergeTable.getKeys().iterator(); i.hasNext();) // colsUsedInKeys.addAll(Arrays.asList(; // Add all columns from merge table to dataset table, except those in // the ignore key. for (final Iterator<Column> i = mergeTable.getColumnList().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final SourceColumn c = (SourceColumn); // Ignore those in the key used to get here. if (ignoreCols.contains(c)) continue; if (c.isHidden()) continue; // Create a name for this column. String internalColName = c.getName(); internalColName = internalColName + "_"// + ((Mart)mergeTable.getSchema().getParent()).getUniqueId() + mergeTable.getSchema().getUniqueId() + tableTrackerCount + mergeTable.getUniqueId(); // Add the unique suffix to the visible col name. // Expand to full-length by prefixing relation // info, and relation tracker info. Note we use // the tracker not the iteration as this gives us // a unique repetition number. // Add partitioning prefixes. for (int k = 0; k < nameCols.size(); k++) { final String pcolName = (String) nameCols.get(k); final String suffix = "#" + (String) nameColSuffixes.get(k); internalColName = pcolName + suffix + Resources.get("columnnameSep") + internalColName; } // Rename all PK columns to have the '_key' suffix. // otherwise, column will be added but not as _key // Reuse or create new wrapped column? WrappedColumn wc = null; boolean reusedColumn = false; // Don't reuse cols that will be part of the PK. if (dsTable.getColumnNames().contains(internalColName)) { final DatasetColumn candDSCol = dsTable.getColumnByName(internalColName); if (candDSCol instanceof WrappedColumn && !(candDSCol instanceof InheritedColum)) { wc = (WrappedColumn) dsTable.getColumnByName(internalColName); reusedColumn = true; } } if (!reusedColumn) { // Create new column using unique name. wc = new WrappedColumn((SourceColumn) c, internalColName, dsTable); // Insert column rename using origColName, but // only if one not already specified (e.g. from // XML file). if (wc.isColumnRenamed() == false) { try { wc.setColumnRename(internalColName, false); } catch (ValidationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } dsTable.addColumn(wc); // Listen to this column to modify ourselves. // if (!dsTable.getType().equals(DatasetTableType.DIMENSION)) // wc.getDatasetColumn().addPropertyChangeListener("columnRename", // this.rebuildListener); } unusedCols.remove(wc); tu.getNewColumnNameMap().put(c, (DatasetColumn) wc); wc.setTransformationUnit(tu); // If the column is in any key on this table then it is a // dependency for possible future linking, which must be // flagged. // wc.setKeyDependency(colsUsedInKeys.contains(c)); // If the column was in the merge table's PK, and we are // expecting to add the PK to the generated table's PK, then // add it to the generated table's PK. if (includeMergeTablePK && mergeTablePK.getColumns().contains(c)) dsTablePKCols.add(wc); } // Update the three queues with relations that lead away from this // table. final List<Relation> mergeRelations = new ArrayList<Relation>(mergeTable.getRelations()); Collections.sort(mergeRelations); for (int i = 0; i < mergeRelations.size(); i++) { final Relation r = mergeRelations.get(i); // Allow to go back up sourceRelation if it is a loopback // 1:M relation and we have just merged the 1 end. // Don't go back up same relation unless we are doing // loopback. If we are doing loopback, do source relation last // by adding it to the end of the queue and skipping it this // time round. if (r.equals(sourceRelation)) continue; if (r.isHidden()) continue; // If just come down a 1:1, don't go back up another 1:1 // to same table. if (sourceRelation != null && sourceRelation.isOneToOne() && r.isOneToOne()) { final Set<Table> tables = new HashSet<Table>(); tables.add(r.getFirstKey().getTable()); tables.add(r.getSecondKey().getTable()); tables.remove(sourceRelation.getFirstKey().getTable()); tables.remove(sourceRelation.getSecondKey().getTable()); if (tables.isEmpty()) continue; } // Don't follow incorrect relations, or relations // between incorrect keys. if (r.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.INFERRED_INCORRECT) || r.getFirstKey().getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.INFERRED_INCORRECT) || r.getSecondKey().getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.INFERRED_INCORRECT)) continue; // Don't follow relations to ignored tables. if (r.getOtherKey(r.getKeyForTable(mergeTable)).getTable().isHidden()) continue; // Don't follow relations back to skipped mains unless // they have been forced. if (skippedMainTables.contains(r.getOtherKey(r.getKeyForTable(mergeTable)).getTable()) && !(r.isSubclassRelation(mart.getName()))) continue; // Set up a holder to indicate whether or not to follow // the relation. boolean followRelation = false; boolean forceFollowRelation = false; // Are we at the 1 end of a 1:M? // If so, we may need to make a dimension, or a subclass. if (r.isOneToMany() && r.getFirstKey().getTable().equals(mergeTable)) { // Subclass subclassed relations, if we are currently // not building a dimension table. if (r.isSubclassRelation(mart.getName()) && !dsTable.getType().equals(DatasetTableType.DIMENSION)) { final List<Column> newSourceDSCols = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (int j = 0; j < r.getFirstKey().getColumns().size(); j++) newSourceDSCols.add(tu.getDatasetColumnFor(r.getFirstKey().getColumns().get(j))); List<DatasetColumn> dsclist = new ArrayList<DatasetColumn>(); for (Column cc : newSourceDSCols) { dsclist.add((DatasetColumn) cc); } SubclassQueueObject scqObject = new SubclassQueueObject(); scqObject.setColumnList(dsclist); scqObject.setRelation(r); subclassQ.add(scqObject); } // Dimensionize dimension relations, which are all other 1:M // relations, if we are not constructing a dimension // table, and are currently intending to construct // dimensions. else if (makeDimensions && !dsTable.getType().equals(DatasetTableType.DIMENSION)) { final List<DatasetColumn> newSourceDSCols = new ArrayList<DatasetColumn>(); for (int j = 0; j < r.getFirstKey().getColumns().size(); j++) { final DatasetColumn newCol = tu.getDatasetColumnFor(r.getFirstKey().getColumns().get(j)); newSourceDSCols.add((DatasetColumn) newCol); } DimensionQueueObject dqObject = new DimensionQueueObject(); dqObject.setDatasetColumnlist(newSourceDSCols); dqObject.setRelation(r); dimensionQ.add(dqObject); } } // Follow all others. Don't follow relations that are // already in the subclass or dimension queues. else followRelation = true; // If we follow a 1:1, and we are currently // including dimensions, include them from the 1:1 as well. // Otherwise, stop including dimensions on subsequent tables. if (followRelation || forceFollowRelation) { final List<String> nextNameCols = new ArrayList<String>(nameCols); final Map<String, List<String>> nextNameColSuffixes = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); nextNameColSuffixes.put("0", new ArrayList<String>(nameColSuffixes)); final Key sourceKey = r.getKeyForTable(mergeTable); final Key targetKey = r.getOtherKey(sourceKey); final List<Column> newSourceDSCols = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (int j = 0; j < sourceKey.getColumns().size(); j++) newSourceDSCols.add(tu.getDatasetColumnFor(sourceKey.getColumns().get(j))); final List<String> nextList = new ArrayList<String>(nameColSuffixes); nextList.add("1"); nextNameColSuffixes.put("1", nextList); // Insert first one at next position in queue // after current position. This creates multiple // top-down paths, rather than sideways-spanning trees of // actions. (If this queue were a graph, doing it this way // makes it depth-first as opposed to breadth-first). // The queue position is incremented so that they remain // in order - else they'd end up reversed. // if should be a sourceTable NormalQueueObject nqObject = new NormalQueueObject(); nqObject.setRelation(r); List<DatasetColumn> dsclist = new ArrayList<DatasetColumn>(); for (Column cc : newSourceDSCols) { dsclist.add((DatasetColumn) cc); } nqObject.setColumnList(dsclist); nqObject.setTable(targetKey.getTable()); nqObject.setTransformationUnit(tu); nqObject.setMakeDimension(makeDimensions && r.isOneToOne() || forceFollowRelation); nqObject.setNextNameColumns(nextNameCols); nqObject.setNextNameColSuffixes(nextNameColSuffixes.get("0")); normalQ.add(queuePos++, nqObject); } } } /** * Synchronise this mart with the schema that is providing its tables. Synchronisation means checking the columns * and relations and removing any that have disappeared. The mart is then regenerated. * * @throws SQLException * never thrown - this is inherited from {@link SchemaController} but does not apply here because we are * not doing any database communications. * @throws DataModelException * never thrown - this is inherited from {@link SchemaController} but does not apply here because we are * not attempting any new logic with the schema. */ public void synchronise(Mart mart) throws DataModelException { Log.debug("Regenerating mart " + mart.getName()); // don't sync for now if the type is not from source // if(!this.mart.getDataLinkType().equals(DataLinkType.SOURCE)) // return; // this.setFullSyncValue(false); // Empty out used rels and schs. // this.includedRelations.clear(); // this.includedTables.clear(); // Get the real main table. final SourceTable realCentralSourceTable = (SourceTable) mart.getRealCentralTable(); // Work out the main tables to skip while transforming. main - submain ... final List<SourceTable> skippedTables = new ArrayList<SourceTable>(); skippedTables.add(realCentralSourceTable); // the size may increase for (int i = 0; i < skippedTables.size(); i++) { final SourceTable cand = skippedTables.get(i); if (cand.getPrimaryKey() != null) for (final Relation rel : cand.getPrimaryKey().getRelations()) { if (!rel.isHidden() && rel.isSubclassRelation(mart.getName())) skippedTables.add((SourceTable) rel.getManyKey().getTable()); } } // Make a list of all tables. final Set<DatasetTable> unusedDsTables = new HashSet<DatasetTable>(mart.getDatasetTables()); try { // Generate the main table. It will recursively generate all the // others. this.generateDatasetTable(mart, DatasetTableType.MAIN, null, realCentralSourceTable, skippedTables, new ArrayList<DatasetColumn>(), null, unusedDsTables); } catch (final Exception pe) { throw new DataModelException(pe); } // Drop any rels from tables still in list, then drop tables too. for (final Iterator<DatasetTable> i = unusedDsTables.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final DatasetTable deadTbl = (DatasetTable); for (final Iterator<Key> j = deadTbl.getKeys().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { final Key key =; for (final Iterator<Relation> r = key.getRelations().iterator(); r.hasNext();) { final Relation rel =; Key otherKey = rel.getOtherKey(key); otherKey.removeRelation(rel); r.remove(); } } deadTbl.setPrimaryKey(null); deadTbl.getForeignKeys().clear(); mart.removeDatasetTable(deadTbl); }"done synchronize"); } public Collection<Mart> requestCreateMartsFromTarget(MartRegistry registry, DataLinkInfo dlinkInfo) throws MartBuilderException { List<Mart> result = new ArrayList<Mart>(); for (Map.Entry<MartInVirtualSchema, List<DatasetFromUrl>> entry : dlinkInfo.getJdbcLinkObject() .getDsInfoMap().entrySet()) { String tbName = entry.getValue().get(0).getName(); int index = tbName.indexOf(Resources.get("tablenameSep")); String dsName = tbName.substring(0, index); Mart mc = null; if (!dlinkInfo.isBCPartitioned()) mc = this.requestCreateDataSetFromTarget(registry, dsName, dlinkInfo); else mc = this.requestCreateDataSetFromTargetPartitioned(registry, entry.getKey(), dlinkInfo); if (mc != null) result.add(mc); // only one for now break; } return result; } private Mart requestCreateDataSetFromTarget(MartRegistry registry, String dsName, DataLinkInfo dlinkInfo) throws MartBuilderException { // create dataset // MartController dataset = null; Mart mart = new Mart(registry, dsName, null); // dataset = (MartController)mart.getWrapper(); // add datasettable McSQL mcSql = new McSQL(); JdbcLinkObject dbconObj = dlinkInfo.getJdbcLinkObject().getDsInfoMap().keySet().iterator().next() .getJdbcLinkObject(); // dataset.setConnectionObject(dbconObj); // dataset name is the martName + "_" + last part of the database name String databaseName = dbconObj.getSchemaName(); String[] _names = databaseName.split(Resources.get("tablenameSubSep"), 2); String datasetName; if (_names.length == 1) datasetName = dsName + "_" + _names[0]; else datasetName = dsName + "_" + _names[1]; String sqlDsName = dsName; if (dlinkInfo.isTargetTableNamePartitioned()) { int index = dsName.lastIndexOf(Resources.get("tablenameSubSep")); if (index >= 0) { sqlDsName = dsName.substring(0, index); } } Set<String> subPartitionTables = mcSql.getPartitionedTables(dbconObj, sqlDsName); Map<String, List<String>> tblColMap = mcSql.getMartTablesInfo(dbconObj, dsName); if (tblColMap.isEmpty()) return null; // get all main tables and keys TODO improve Map<String, List<String>> mainKeyMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); List<String> orderedMainTableList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> mainTableList = new ArrayList<String>(); // get all mainTable for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : tblColMap.entrySet()) { if (!isMainTable(entry.getKey())) continue; mainTableList.add(entry.getKey()); } // build the mainKeyMap and order the mainTable String[] mainArray = new String[mainTableList.size()]; for (String tblName : mainTableList) { if (!isMainTable(tblName)) continue; List<String> keyList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String colStr : tblColMap.get(tblName)) { if (colStr.endsWith(Resources.get("keySuffix"))) // if(colStr.indexOf(Resources.get("keySuffix"))>=0) keyList.add(colStr); } mainKeyMap.put(tblName, keyList); if (keyList.size() < 1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "no key column in " + tblName); return null; } mainArray[keyList.size() - 1] = tblName; } orderedMainTableList = Arrays.asList(mainArray); if (orderedMainTableList.isEmpty()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "check " + dbconObj.getDatabaseName()); return null; } for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : tblColMap.entrySet()) { String tblName = entry.getKey(); DatasetTable dstable = (DatasetTable) mart.getTableByName(tblName); // create datasettable when it is null if (dstable == null) { // get table type DatasetTableType dstType; if (isMainTable(tblName)) { if (orderedMainTableList.indexOf(tblName) > 0) dstType = DatasetTableType.MAIN_SUBCLASS; else dstType = DatasetTableType.MAIN; } else dstType = DatasetTableType.DIMENSION; dstable = new DatasetTable(mart, tblName, dstType); dstable.addInPartitions(datasetName); mart.addTable(dstable); // columns for (String colStr : entry.getValue()) { // all are fake wrapped column DatasetColumn column = dstable.getColumnByName(colStr); if (column == null) { column = new DatasetColumn(dstable, colStr); column.addInPartitions(datasetName); dstable.addColumn(column); } // set pk or fk if colStr is a key if (colStr.indexOf(Resources.get("keySuffix")) >= 0) { if (dstType.equals(DatasetTableType.DIMENSION)) { ForeignKey fkObject = new ForeignKey(column); // KeyController fk = new KeyController(fkObject); fkObject.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); if (!dstable.getForeignKeys().contains(fkObject)) { dstable.getForeignKeys().add(fkObject); // dstable.getForeignKeys().add(fk); } } else if (dstType.equals(DatasetTableType.MAIN)) { PrimaryKey pkObject = new PrimaryKey(column); // KeyController pk = new KeyController(pkObject); pkObject.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); dstable.setPrimaryKey(pkObject); } else { if (isColPkinTable(colStr, tblName, mainKeyMap, orderedMainTableList)) { PrimaryKey pkObject = new PrimaryKey(column); // KeyController pk = new KeyController(pkObject); pkObject.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); dstable.setPrimaryKey(pkObject); } else { ForeignKey fkObject = new ForeignKey(column); // KeyController fk = new KeyController(fkObject); fkObject.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); if (!dstable.getForeignKeys().contains(fkObject)) { dstable.getForeignKeys().add(fkObject); // dstable.getForeignKeys().add(fk); } } } } } // end of columns } // end of if if (dlinkInfo.isTargetTableNamePartitioned()) { for (String value : subPartitionTables) dstable.addSubPartition(value); } } // relations main -- dimension first for (String mainTStr : orderedMainTableList) { DatasetTable mainTable = mart.getTableByName(mainTStr); for (DatasetTable table : mart.getDatasetTables()) { if (!table.getType().equals(DatasetTableType.DIMENSION)) continue; PrimaryKey pk = mainTable.getPrimaryKey(); // if pk and fk have the same columns (same name for now), matched List<String> pkColList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Column tmpCol1 : pk.getColumns()) pkColList.add(tmpCol1.getName()); for (ForeignKey fk : table.getForeignKeys()) { List<String> fkColList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Column tmpCol2 : fk.getColumns()) fkColList.add(tmpCol2.getName()); if (pkColList.size() == fkColList.size() && pkColList.containsAll(fkColList)) { if (!Relation.isRelationExist(pk, fk)) try { Relation rel = new RelationTarget(pk, fk, Cardinality.MANY_A); // pk.getObject().addRelation(rel); // fk.getObject().addRelation(rel); rel.setOriginalCardinality(Cardinality.MANY_A); rel.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); } catch (AssociationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } // end of main -- dimension relation // sub main relation for (int i = 0; i < orderedMainTableList.size() - 1; i++) { DatasetTable firstDst = mart.getTableByName(orderedMainTableList.get(i)); DatasetTable secondDst = mart.getTableByName(orderedMainTableList.get(i + 1)); PrimaryKey pk = firstDst.getPrimaryKey(); // if pk and fk have the same columns (same name for now), matched List<String> pkColList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Column tmpCol1 : pk.getColumns()) pkColList.add(tmpCol1.getName()); for (ForeignKey fk : secondDst.getForeignKeys()) { List<String> fkColList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Column tmpCol2 : fk.getColumns()) fkColList.add(tmpCol2.getName()); if (pkColList.size() == fkColList.size() && pkColList.containsAll(fkColList)) { if (!Relation.isRelationExist(pk, fk)) try { Relation rel = new RelationTarget(pk, fk, Cardinality.MANY_A); // pk.getObject().addRelation(rel); // fk.getObject().addRelation(rel); rel.setOriginalCardinality(Cardinality.MANY_A); rel.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); rel.setSubclassRelation(true, Relation.DATASET_WIDE); } catch (AssociationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ValidationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } mart.setCentralTable(mart.getTableByName(orderedMainTableList.get(0))); // create a default partitiontable PartitionTable pt = new PartitionTable(mart, PartitionType.SCHEMA); // new PartitionTableController(pt); List<String> rowItem = new ArrayList<String>(); rowItem.add(dbconObj.getConnectionBase()); rowItem.add(dbconObj.getDatabaseName()); rowItem.add(dbconObj.getSchemaName()); rowItem.add(dbconObj.getUserName()); rowItem.add(dbconObj.getPassword()); rowItem.add(datasetName); rowItem.add(XMLElements.FALSE_VALUE.toString()); rowItem.add(datasetName); rowItem.add(Resources.BIOMART_VERSION); // add empty string till col 14 rowItem.add(""); rowItem.add(""); rowItem.add(""); rowItem.add(""); rowItem.add(""); rowItem.add(""); pt.addNewRow(rowItem); mart.addPartitionTable(pt); return mart; } private Mart requestCreateDataSetFromTargetPartitioned(MartRegistry registry, MartInVirtualSchema martInVS, DataLinkInfo dlinkInfo) throws MartBuilderException { // mart name is the database name; JdbcLinkObject dbconObj = dlinkInfo.getJdbcLinkObject().getDsInfoMap().keySet().iterator().next() .getJdbcLinkObject(); String databaseName = dbconObj.getSchemaName(); Mart mart = new Mart(registry, martInVS.getName(), null); // create a default partitiontable PartitionTable pt = new PartitionTable(mart, PartitionType.SCHEMA); mart.addPartitionTable(pt); McSQL mcSql = new McSQL(); // load tables for all datasets for (DatasetFromUrl dsurl : dlinkInfo.getJdbcLinkObject().getDsInfoMap().get(martInVS)) { // assume that they all follow the name convention String tablename = dsurl.getName(); int index = tablename.indexOf(Resources.get("tablenameSep")); String dsName = tablename.substring(0, index); Map<String, List<String>> tblColMap = mcSql.getMartTablesInfo(dbconObj, dsName); if (tblColMap.isEmpty()) return null; // get all main tables and keys TODO improve Map<String, List<String>> mainKeyMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); List<String> orderedMainTableList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> mainTableList = new ArrayList<String>(); // get all mainTable for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : tblColMap.entrySet()) { if (!isMainTable(entry.getKey())) continue; mainTableList.add(entry.getKey()); } // build the mainKeyMap and order the mainTable String[] mainArray = new String[mainTableList.size()]; for (String tblName : mainTableList) { if (!isMainTable(tblName)) continue; List<String> keyList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String colStr : tblColMap.get(tblName)) { if (colStr.endsWith(Resources.get("keySuffix"))) // if(colStr.indexOf(Resources.get("keySuffix"))>=0) keyList.add(colStr); } mainKeyMap.put(tblName, keyList); if (keyList.size() < 1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "no key column in " + tblName); return null; } mainArray[keyList.size() - 1] = tblName; } orderedMainTableList = Arrays.asList(mainArray); if (orderedMainTableList.isEmpty()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "check " + dbconObj.getDatabaseName()); return null; } for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : tblColMap.entrySet()) { String tblName = entry.getKey(); // put it in partition format index = tblName.indexOf(Resources.get("tablenameSep")); String _tblName = tblName.substring(index + 2); String tblNamePartitioned = "(p0c" + PartitionUtils.DATASETNAME + ")" + "__" + _tblName; DatasetTable dstable = (DatasetTable) mart.getTableByName(tblNamePartitioned); // create datasettable when it is null if (dstable == null) { // get table type DatasetTableType dstType; if (isMainTable(tblNamePartitioned)) { if (orderedMainTableList.indexOf(tblNamePartitioned) > 0) dstType = DatasetTableType.MAIN_SUBCLASS; else dstType = DatasetTableType.MAIN; } else dstType = DatasetTableType.DIMENSION; dstable = new DatasetTable(mart, tblNamePartitioned, dstType); dstable.addInPartitions(dsName); mart.addTable(dstable); } // end of if else { dstable.addInPartitions(dsName); } DatasetTableType dstType = dstable.getType(); // columns for (String colStr : entry.getValue()) { // all are fake wrapped column DatasetColumn column = dstable.getColumnByName(colStr); if (column == null) { column = new DatasetColumn(dstable, colStr); column.addInPartitions(dsName); dstable.addColumn(column); } else { column.addInPartitions(dsName); } // set pk or fk if colStr is a key if (colStr.indexOf(Resources.get("keySuffix")) >= 0) { if (dstType.equals(DatasetTableType.DIMENSION)) { ForeignKey fkObject = new ForeignKey(column); // KeyController fk = new KeyController(fkObject); fkObject.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); if (!dstable.getForeignKeys().contains(fkObject)) { dstable.getForeignKeys().add(fkObject); // dstable.getForeignKeys().add(fk); } } else if (dstType.equals(DatasetTableType.MAIN)) { PrimaryKey pkObject = new PrimaryKey(column); // KeyController pk = new KeyController(pkObject); pkObject.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); dstable.setPrimaryKey(pkObject); } else { if (isColPkinTable(colStr, tblName, mainKeyMap, orderedMainTableList)) { PrimaryKey pkObject = new PrimaryKey(column); // KeyController pk = new KeyController(pkObject); pkObject.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); dstable.setPrimaryKey(pkObject); } else { ForeignKey fkObject = new ForeignKey(column); // KeyController fk = new KeyController(fkObject); fkObject.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); if (!dstable.getForeignKeys().contains(fkObject)) { dstable.getForeignKeys().add(fkObject); // dstable.getForeignKeys().add(fk); } } } } } // end of columns } // relations main -- dimension first for (String mainTStr : orderedMainTableList) { DatasetTable mainTable = mart.getTableByName(mainTStr); for (DatasetTable table : mart.getDatasetTables()) { if (!table.getType().equals(DatasetTableType.DIMENSION)) continue; PrimaryKey pk = mainTable.getPrimaryKey(); // if pk and fk have the same columns (same name for now), matched List<String> pkColList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Column tmpCol1 : pk.getColumns()) pkColList.add(tmpCol1.getName()); for (ForeignKey fk : table.getForeignKeys()) { List<String> fkColList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Column tmpCol2 : fk.getColumns()) fkColList.add(tmpCol2.getName()); if (pkColList.size() == fkColList.size() && pkColList.containsAll(fkColList)) { if (!Relation.isRelationExist(pk, fk)) try { Relation rel = new RelationTarget(pk, fk, Cardinality.MANY_A); // pk.getObject().addRelation(rel); // fk.getObject().addRelation(rel); rel.setOriginalCardinality(Cardinality.MANY_A); rel.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); } catch (AssociationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } // end of main -- dimension relation // sub main relation for (int i = 0; i < orderedMainTableList.size() - 1; i++) { DatasetTable firstDst = mart.getTableByName(orderedMainTableList.get(i)); DatasetTable secondDst = mart.getTableByName(orderedMainTableList.get(i + 1)); PrimaryKey pk = firstDst.getPrimaryKey(); // if pk and fk have the same columns (same name for now), matched List<String> pkColList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Column tmpCol1 : pk.getColumns()) pkColList.add(tmpCol1.getName()); for (ForeignKey fk : secondDst.getForeignKeys()) { List<String> fkColList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Column tmpCol2 : fk.getColumns()) fkColList.add(tmpCol2.getName()); if (pkColList.size() == fkColList.size() && pkColList.containsAll(fkColList)) { if (!Relation.isRelationExist(pk, fk)) try { Relation rel = new RelationTarget(pk, fk, Cardinality.MANY_A); // pk.getObject().addRelation(rel); // fk.getObject().addRelation(rel); rel.setOriginalCardinality(Cardinality.MANY_A); rel.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); rel.setSubclassRelation(true, Relation.DATASET_WIDE); } catch (AssociationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ValidationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } List<String> rowItem = new ArrayList<String>(); rowItem.add(dbconObj.getConnectionBase()); rowItem.add(dbconObj.getDatabaseName()); rowItem.add(dbconObj.getSchemaName()); rowItem.add(dbconObj.getUserName()); rowItem.add(dbconObj.getPassword()); rowItem.add(dsName); rowItem.add(XMLElements.FALSE_VALUE.toString()); rowItem.add(dsName); rowItem.add(Resources.BIOMART_VERSION); // add empty string till col 14 rowItem.add(""); rowItem.add(""); rowItem.add(""); rowItem.add(""); rowItem.add(""); rowItem.add(""); pt.addNewRow(rowItem); } mart.setCentralTable(mart.getOrderedMainTableList().get(0)); return mart; } private boolean isMainTable(String tableName) { return tableName.indexOf(Resources.get("tablenameSep") + Resources.get("mainSuffix")) >= 0; } /** * the table is submain table * * @param colName * @param tableName * @return */ private boolean isColPkinTable(String colName, String tableName, Map<String, List<String>> tableKeyMap, List<String> tableList) { int index = tableList.indexOf(tableName); String preTableName = tableList.get(index - 1); return !(tableKeyMap.get(preTableName).contains(colName)); } /** * scan the whole registry to fix attribute/filter pointer fix link pointer create links from exportable/importable * TODO will remove exportable/importable later */ public void fixObjects(MartRegistry registry) { // fix attribute/filter pointer for (Mart mart : registry.getMartList()) { for (Config config : mart.getConfigList()) { // for all datasets List<Attribute> attList = config.getAttributes(new ArrayList<String>(), true, true); for (Attribute attribute : attList) { if (attribute.isPointer() && attribute.getObjectStatus() != ValidationStatus.VALID) { // fix the pointer attribute String pointedAttName = attribute.getPointedAttributeName(); String pointedMartName = attribute.getPointedMartName(); String pointedDatasetName = attribute.getPointedDatasetName(); String pointedConfigName = attribute.getPointedConfigName(); Dataset dataset = null; Mart pointedMart = null; // find mart, if martname is empty, try dataset if (pointedMartName != null && !(pointedMartName.trim().equals(""))) { pointedMart = registry.getMartByName(pointedMartName); if (pointedMart == null) continue; dataset = pointedMart.getDatasetByName(pointedDatasetName); if (dataset == null) continue; } else { dataset = registry.getDatasetByName(pointedDatasetName, config.getName()); if (dataset == null) continue; pointedMart = dataset.getParentMart(); } Config pConfig = pointedMart.getConfigByName(pointedConfigName); if (pConfig == null) { pConfig = pointedMart.getDefaultConfig(); } Attribute pointedAttribute = pConfig.getAttributeByName(null, pointedAttName, true); if (pointedAttribute == null) continue; attribute.addPointedDataset(dataset); pointedAttribute.setConfig(pConfig); attribute.setPointedElement(pointedAttribute); attribute.setObjectStatus(ValidationStatus.VALID); } } // filters List<Filter> filterList = config.getFilters(new ArrayList<String>(), true, true); for (Filter filter : filterList) { if (filter.isPointer() && filter.getObjectStatus() != ValidationStatus.VALID) { // fix the pointer attribute String pointedFilterName = filter.getPointedFilterName(); String pointedMartName = filter.getPointedMartName(); String pointedDatasetName = filter.getPointedDatasetName(); String pointedConfigName = filter.getPointedConfigName(); Dataset dataset = null; Mart pointedMart = null; // find mart if (pointedMartName != null && !(pointedMartName.trim().equals(""))) { pointedMart = registry.getMartByName(pointedMartName); if (pointedMart == null) continue; dataset = pointedMart.getDatasetByName(pointedDatasetName); if (dataset == null) continue; } else { dataset = registry.getDatasetByName(pointedDatasetName, config.getName()); if (dataset == null) continue; pointedMart = dataset.getParentMart(); } Config pConfig = pointedMart.getConfigByName(pointedConfigName); if (pConfig == null) { pConfig = pointedMart.getDefaultConfig(); if (pConfig == null) { Log.debug("config is null " + pointedConfigName + " in pointed mart " + pointedMart.getName() + " in filter pointer " + filter.getName()); continue; } } Filter pointedFilter = pConfig.getFilterByName(null, pointedFilterName, true); if (pointedFilter == null) continue; filter.addPointedDataset(dataset); pointedFilter.setConfig(pConfig); filter.setPointedElement(pointedFilter); filter.setObjectStatus(ValidationStatus.VALID); } } } } // fix link pointer for (Mart mart : registry.getMartList()) { for (Config config : mart.getConfigList()) { List<Link> linkList = config.getLinkList(); for (Link link : linkList) { link.synchronizedFromXML(); } } } } /** * Given a set of tables, produce the minimal set of datasets which include all the specified tables. Tables can be * included in the same dataset if they are linked by 1:M relations (1:M, 1:M in a chain), or if the table is the * last in the chain and is linked to the previous table by a pair of 1:M and M:1 relations via a third table, * simulating a M:M relation. * <p> * If the chains of tables fork, then one dataset is generated for each branch of the fork. * <p> * Every suggested dataset is synchronised before being returned. * <p> * Datasets will be named after their central tables. If a dataset with that name already exists, a '_' and sequence * number will be appended to make the new dataset name unique. * <p> * * @param includeTables * the tables that must appear in the final set of datasets. * @return the collection of datasets generated. * @throws SQLException * if there is any problem talking to the source database whilst generating the dataset. * @throws DataModelException * if synchronisation fails. */ private Collection<Mart> suggestMarts(final MartRegistry registry, final TargetSchema schema, final Collection<SourceTable> includeTables) throws SQLException, DataModelException { Log.debug("Suggesting datasets for " + includeTables); // The root tables are all those which do not have a M:1 relation // to another one of the initial set of tables. This means that // extra datasets will be created for each table at the end of // 1:M:1 relation, so that any further tables past it will still // be included. Log.debug("Finding root tables"); final Collection<SourceTable> rootTables = new HashSet<SourceTable>(includeTables); for (final Iterator<SourceTable> i = includeTables.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final SourceTable candidate =; for (final Iterator<Relation> j = candidate.getRelations().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { final Relation rel =; if (rel.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.INFERRED_INCORRECT)) continue; if (!rel.isOneToMany()) continue; if (!rel.getManyKey().getTable().equals(candidate)) continue; if (includeTables.contains(rel.getFirstKey().getTable())) rootTables.remove(candidate); } } // We construct one dataset per root table. final List<Mart> suggestedMarts = new ArrayList<Mart>(); for (final Iterator<SourceTable> i = rootTables.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final SourceTable rootTable =; Log.debug("Constructing dataset for root table " + rootTable); Mart tmpMart = null; /* * if(reuseMart) { tmpMart = registry.getMartByName(rootTable.getName()); } else */ tmpMart = new Mart(registry, rootTable.getName(), rootTable); tmpMart.setHasSource(true); tmpMart.setTargetSchema(schema); // Process it. final Collection<SourceTable> tablesIncluded = new HashSet<SourceTable>(); tablesIncluded.add(rootTable); Log.debug("Attempting to find subclass marts"); suggestedMarts .addAll(this.continueSubclassing(registry, includeTables, tablesIncluded, tmpMart, rootTable)); } // Synchronise them all. Log.debug("Synchronising constructed marts"); for (Mart ds : suggestedMarts) { ds.setTargetSchema(schema); this.synchronise(ds); } // Do any of the resulting datasets contain all the tables // exactly with subclass relations between each? // If so, just use that one dataset and forget the rest. Log.debug("Finding perfect candidate"); Mart perfectDS = null; for (final Iterator<Mart> i = suggestedMarts.iterator(); i.hasNext() && perfectDS == null;) { final Mart candidate =; // A candidate is a perfect match if the set of tables // covered by the subclass relations is the same as the // original set of tables requested. final Collection<Table> scTables = new HashSet<Table>(); for (final Iterator<Relation> j = candidate.getRelations().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { final Relation r =; if (!r.isSubclassRelation(candidate.getName())) continue; scTables.add(r.getFirstKey().getTable()); scTables.add(r.getSecondKey().getTable()); } // Finally perform the check to see if we have them all. if (scTables.containsAll(includeTables)) perfectDS = candidate; } if (perfectDS != null) { Log.debug("Perfect candidate found - dropping others"); // Drop the others. for (final Iterator<Mart> i = suggestedMarts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Mart candidate =; if (!candidate.equals(perfectDS)) { registry.removeMart(candidate); i.remove(); } } // Rename it to lose any extension it may have gained. String newName = perfectDS.getCentralTable().getName(); String uniqueName = registry.getNextMartName(newName); perfectDS.setName(uniqueName); } else Log.debug("No perfect candidate found - retaining all"); // Return the final set of suggested datasets. return suggestedMarts; } /** * This internal method takes a bunch of tables that the user would like to see as subclass or main tables in a * single dataset, and attempts to find a subclass path between them. For each subclass path it can build, it * produces one dataset based on that path. Each path contains as many tables as possible. The paths do not overlap. * If there is a choice, the one chosen is arbitrary. * * @param includeTables * the tables we want to include as main or subclass tables. * @param tablesIncluded * the tables we have managed to include in a path so far. * @param mart * the dataset we started out from which contains just the main table on its own with no subclassing. * @param table * the real table we are looking at to see if there is a subclass path between any of the include tables * and any of the existing subclassed or main tables via this real table. * @return the datasets we have created - one per subclass path, or if there were none, then a singleton collection * containing the dataset originally passed in. */ // TODO check algorithm private Collection<Mart> continueSubclassing(final MartRegistry registry, final Collection<SourceTable> includeTables, final Collection<SourceTable> tablesIncluded, final Mart mart, final SourceTable table) { // Check table has a primary key. final PrimaryKey pk = table.getPrimaryKey(); // Make a unique set to hold all the resulting datasets. It // is initially empty. final Set<Mart> suggestedDataSets = new HashSet<Mart>(); // Make a set to contain relations to subclass. final Set<Relation> subclassedRelations = new HashSet<Relation>(); // Make a map to hold tables included for each relation. final Map<Relation, Set<SourceTable>> relationTablesIncluded = new HashMap<Relation, Set<SourceTable>>(); // Make a list to hold all tables included at this level. final Set<Table> localTablesIncluded = new HashSet<Table>(tablesIncluded); // Find all 1:M relations starting from the given table that point // to another interesting table (includeTables). if (pk != null) for (final Iterator<Relation> i = pk.getRelations().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Relation r =; if (!r.isOneToMany()) continue; else if (r.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.INFERRED_INCORRECT)) continue; // For each relation, if it points to another included // table via 1:M we should subclass the relation. // subclass table should have primary key final SourceTable target = (SourceTable) r.getManyKey().getTable(); if (includeTables.contains(target) && !localTablesIncluded.contains(target) && null != target.getPrimaryKey()) { subclassedRelations.add(r); final Set<SourceTable> newRelationTablesIncluded = new HashSet<SourceTable>(tablesIncluded); relationTablesIncluded.put(r, newRelationTablesIncluded); newRelationTablesIncluded.add(target); localTablesIncluded.add(target); } } // Find all 1:M:1 relations starting from the given table that point // to another interesting table. if (pk != null) for (final Iterator<Relation> i = pk.getRelations().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Relation firstRel =; if (!firstRel.isOneToMany()) continue; else if (firstRel.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.INFERRED_INCORRECT)) continue; final Table intermediate = firstRel.getManyKey().getTable(); for (final Iterator<ForeignKey> j = intermediate.getForeignKeys().iterator(); j.hasNext();) { final ForeignKey fk =; if (fk.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.INFERRED_INCORRECT)) continue; for (final Iterator<Relation> k = fk.getRelations().iterator(); k.hasNext();) { final Relation secondRel =; if (secondRel.equals(firstRel)) continue; else if (!secondRel.isOneToMany()) continue; else if (secondRel.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.INFERRED_INCORRECT)) continue; // For each relation, if it points to another included // table via M:1 we should subclass the relation, and this relation // will replace the old one if created above. // But localTablesIncluded has the old table and new one final SourceTable target = (SourceTable) secondRel.getFirstKey().getTable(); if (includeTables.contains(target) && !localTablesIncluded.contains(target)) { subclassedRelations.add(firstRel); final Set<SourceTable> newRelationTablesIncluded = new HashSet<SourceTable>( tablesIncluded); // if may replace the existing one relationTablesIncluded.put(firstRel, newRelationTablesIncluded); newRelationTablesIncluded.add(target); localTablesIncluded.add(target); } } } } // No subclassing? Return a singleton. if (subclassedRelations.isEmpty()) return Collections.singleton(mart); // Iterate through the relations we found and recurse. // If not the last one, we copy the original dataset and // work on the copy, otherwise we work on the original. // TODO check, should not use reference here, should have another copy of target schema and source schema for (final Iterator<Relation> i = subclassedRelations.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Relation r =; Mart suggestedDataSet = mart; try { if (i.hasNext()) { String martName = mart.getCentralTable().getName(); // make another copy of the schema Mart tmpDataSet = new Mart(registry, martName, mart.getCentralTable()); tmpDataSet.setHasSource(true); suggestedDataSet = tmpDataSet; // Copy subclassed relations from existing dataset. for (final Relation j : mart.getRelations()) j.setSubclassRelation(true, tmpDataSet.getName()); } r.setSubclassRelation(true, suggestedDataSet.getName()); } catch (final ValidationException e) { // Not valid? OK, ignore this one. e.printStackTrace(); continue; } suggestedDataSets.addAll(this.continueSubclassing(registry, includeTables, relationTablesIncluded.get(r), suggestedDataSet, (SourceTable) r.getManyKey().getTable())); } // Return the resulting datasets. return suggestedDataSets; } public Collection<Mart> requestCreateMartsFromSource(MartRegistry registry, DataLinkInfo dlinkInfo, List<SourceSchema> sourceSchemas) throws MartBuilderException { Collection<Mart> result = new ArrayList<Mart>(); for (Map.Entry<MartInVirtualSchema, List<DatasetFromUrl>> entry : dlinkInfo.getJdbcLinkObject() .getDsInfoMap().entrySet()) { JdbcLinkObject jdbcLinkObj = entry.getKey().getJdbcLinkObject(); SourceSchema tmpSchema = new SourceSchema(jdbcLinkObj); // add source schemas TargetSchema schema = new TargetSchema(tmpSchema, jdbcLinkObj); schema.initSourceSchema(sourceSchemas); List<DatasetFromUrl> stStrings = entry.getValue(); List<SourceTable> suggestTables = new ArrayList<SourceTable>(); for (DatasetFromUrl st : stStrings) { Table table = (Table) schema.getSourceSchema().getTableByName(st.getName()); if (table != null) suggestTables.add((SourceTable) table); } try { Collection<Mart> dss = this.suggestMarts(registry, schema, suggestTables); // create a default partition; for (Mart ds : dss) { PartitionTable pt = new PartitionTable(ds, PartitionType.SCHEMA); String datasetName = jdbcLinkObj.getSchemaName(); List<String> rowItem = new ArrayList<String>(); rowItem.add(jdbcLinkObj.getConnectionBase()); rowItem.add(jdbcLinkObj.getDatabaseName()); rowItem.add(jdbcLinkObj.getSchemaName()); rowItem.add(jdbcLinkObj.getUserName()); rowItem.add(jdbcLinkObj.getPassword()); rowItem.add(jdbcLinkObj.getSchemaName()); rowItem.add(XMLElements.FALSE_VALUE.toString()); rowItem.add(datasetName); rowItem.add(Resources.BIOMART_VERSION); rowItem.add(""); // for mysql, innodb or myisam String kg = jdbcLinkObj.isKeyGuessing() ? "1" : "0"; rowItem.add(kg); rowItem.add(jdbcLinkObj.getDatabaseName()); rowItem.add(jdbcLinkObj.getSchemaName()); rowItem.add(jdbcLinkObj.getUserName()); rowItem.add(jdbcLinkObj.getPassword()); pt.addNewRow(rowItem); ds.addPartitionTable(pt); // add inpartition in tables/columns for (DatasetTable dst : ds.getDatasetTables()) { dst.addInPartitions(datasetName); for (Column col : dst.getColumnList()) { col.addInPartitions(datasetName); } } } result.addAll(dss); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return result; } /* * entry point for both GUI and web api */ public void requestCreateRegistryFromXML(MartRegistry registry, Document document) { Element root = document.getRootElement(); McGuiUtils.INSTANCE.setRegistry(null); this.constructMartRegsitry(registry, root); this.fixObjects(registry); Validation.validate(registry, false); McGuiUtils.INSTANCE.setRegistry(registry); // load option file Element optionsElement = document.getRootElement().getChild(XMLElements.OPTIONS.toString()); if (optionsElement != null) { optionsElement.detach(); Options.getInstance().setOptions(optionsElement); } } private void constructMartRegsitry(MartRegistry registry, Element registryElement) { // marts @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Element> martElementList = registryElement.getChildren(XMLElements.MART.toString()); for (Element martElement : martElementList) { Mart mart = new Mart(martElement); registry.addMart(mart); } // sourcecontainers Element scsElement = registryElement.getChild(XMLElements.SOURCECONTAINERS.toString()); SourceContainers scontainers = null; if (scsElement == null) { scsElement = new Element(XMLElements.SOURCECONTAINERS.toString()); scsElement.setAttribute(XMLElements.NAME.toString(), "root"); scsElement.setAttribute(XMLElements.DISPLAYNAME.toString(), "root"); scsElement.setAttribute(XMLElements.INTERNALNAME.toString(), "root"); scsElement.setAttribute(XMLElements.DESCRIPTION.toString(), "root"); scsElement.setAttribute(XMLElements.HIDE.toString(), Boolean.toString(false)); scontainers = new SourceContainers(scsElement); scontainers.addSourceContainerForOldXML(registry); } else scontainers = new SourceContainers(scsElement); registry.setSourcecontainers(scontainers); Element portalElement = registryElement.getChild(XMLElements.PORTAL.toString()); Portal portal = new Portal(portalElement); registry.setPortal(portal); registry.synchronizedFromXML(); } /** * Opens the dialog box to monitor the specified remote host and port. * * @param host * the host to connect to. * @param port * the port the host is listening on. */ public void requestMonitorRemoteHost(final String host, final String port) { // Open remote host monitor dialog. MartRunnerMonitorDialog.monitor(host, port); } /** * Runs the given {@link ConstructorRunnable} and monitors it's progress. * * @param constructor * the constructor that will build a mart. */ public void requestMonitorConstructorRunnable(JDialog parent, final ConstructorRunnable constructor) { final ProgressDialog progressMonitor = ProgressDialog.getInstance(parent); final SwingWorker<Void, Void> worker = new SwingWorker<Void, Void>() { @Override protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception { try {; } catch (final Throwable t) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { StackTrace.showStackTrace(t); } }); } finally { progressMonitor.setVisible(false); } return null; } @Override protected void done() { progressMonitor.setVisible(false); } }; worker.execute(); progressMonitor.start("processing ..."); } public List<MartConfiguratorObject> getReferencesForPartition(Mart mart, String ptcol) { List<MartConfiguratorObject> result = new ArrayList<MartConfiguratorObject>(); return result; } private void setProperty(MartConfiguratorObject mcObj, String pro, String value) { XMLElements xe = XMLElements.valueFrom(pro); if (xe != null) mcObj.setProperty(xe, value); } public void setProperty(MartConfiguratorObject mcObj, String pro, String value, Dataset dataset) { if (dataset == null) { this.setProperty(mcObj, pro, value); } else { Config config = mcObj.getParentConfig(); if (config == null) { this.setProperty(mcObj, pro, value); return; } PartitionTable spt = config.getMart().getSchemaPartitionTable(); int row = spt.getRowNumberByDatasetName(dataset.getName()); String oldValue = mcObj.getPropertyValue(XMLElements.valueFrom(pro)); if (row >= 0) { // check if the original value is from partitiontable if (McUtils.hasPartitionBinding(oldValue)) { // get the column int col = McUtils.getPartitionColumnValue(oldValue); spt.setValue(row, col, value); } else { // create a new column int col = spt.addColumn(oldValue); spt.setValue(row, col, value); this.setProperty(mcObj, pro, "(p0c" + col + ")"); } } else this.setProperty(mcObj, pro, value); } } private boolean renameAttribute(Attribute attribute, String newName) { // get all references if (attribute.getName().equals(newName)) { return false; } Config config = attribute.getParentConfig(); // check name conflict if (null != attribute.getParentConfig().getAttributeByName(null, newName, true)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "name conflic"); return false; } // remember the oldname String oldName = attribute.getName(); List<MartConfiguratorObject> references = attribute.getAllReferences(); Container parentContainer = attribute.getParentContainer(); attribute.getParentConfig().removeFromAttributeMap(attribute); attribute.setProperty(XMLElements.NAME, newName); attribute.getParentConfig().addToAttributeMap(attribute); for (MartConfiguratorObject mcObj : references) { if (mcObj instanceof Attribute) { // attribute pointer or list Attribute att = (Attribute) mcObj; if (att.isPointer()) { att.setProperty(XMLElements.POINTEDATTRIBUTE, newName); } else if (att.isAttributeList()) { String alStr = att.getAttributeListString(); String[] alArrays = alStr.split(","); List<String> alList = Arrays.asList(alArrays); int index = alList.indexOf(oldName); alList.set(index, newName); att.setAttributeListString(McUtils.StrListToStr(alList, ",")); } } else if (mcObj instanceof Filter) { Filter fil = (Filter) mcObj; fil.setProperty(XMLElements.ATTRIBUTE, newName); } } ObjectController oc = new ObjectController(); oc.generateRDF(MartController.getInstance().getMainAttribute(config.getMart()), config, false); return true; } public boolean renameAttribute(Attribute attribute, String newName, Dataset ds) { if (ds == null) return this.renameAttribute(attribute, newName); String oldName = attribute.getName(); Config config = attribute.getParentConfig(); if (config == null) return false; PartitionTable schemaPT = config.getMart().getSchemaPartitionTable(); int row = schemaPT.getRowNumberByDatasetName(ds.getName()); if (McUtils.hasPartitionBinding(oldName)) { // just reset the value in partitiontable int col = McUtils.getPartitionColumnValue(oldName); schemaPT.setValue(row, col, newName); } else { // create a new partitioncolumn int col = schemaPT.addColumn(oldName); schemaPT.setValue(row, col, newName); String name = "(p0c" + col + ")"; this.renameAttribute(attribute, name); } ObjectController oc = new ObjectController(); oc.generateRDF(MartController.getInstance().getMainAttribute(config.getMart()), config, false); return true; } private boolean renameFilter(Filter filter, String newName) { // get all references if (filter.getName().equals(newName)) { return false; } Config config = filter.getParentConfig(); // check name conflict if (null != config.getFilterByName(null, newName, true)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "name conflic"); return false; } List<Filter> references = filter.getReferences(); String oldName = filter.getName(); config.removeFromFilterMap(filter); filter.setProperty(XMLElements.NAME, newName); config.addToFilterMap(filter); for (Filter fil : references) { if (fil.isPointer()) { fil.setProperty(XMLElements.POINTEDFILTER, newName); } else if (fil.isFilterList()) { String alStr = fil.getFilterListString(); String[] alArrays = alStr.split(","); List<String> alList = Arrays.asList(alArrays); int index = alList.indexOf(oldName); alList.set(index, newName); fil.setFilterListString(McUtils.StrListToStr(alList, ",")); } } ObjectController oc = new ObjectController(); oc.generateRDF(MartController.getInstance().getMainAttribute(config.getMart()), config, false); return true; } public boolean renameFilter(Filter filter, String newName, Dataset ds) { if (ds == null) this.renameFilter(filter, newName); else { String oldName = filter.getName(); Config config = filter.getParentConfig(); if (config == null) return false; PartitionTable schemaPT = config.getMart().getSchemaPartitionTable(); int row = schemaPT.getRowNumberByDatasetName(ds.getName()); if (McUtils.hasPartitionBinding(oldName)) { // just reset the value in partitiontable int col = McUtils.getPartitionColumnValue(oldName); schemaPT.setValue(row, col, newName); } else { // create a new partitioncolumn int col = schemaPT.addColumn(oldName); schemaPT.setValue(row, col, newName); String name = "(p0c" + col + ")"; this.renameFilter(filter, name); } ObjectController oc = new ObjectController(); oc.generateRDF(MartController.getInstance().getMainAttribute(config.getMart()), config, false); } return true; } public boolean renameContainer(Container container, String newName) { if (container.getName().equals(newName)) return false; // check name conflict if (null != container.getParentConfig().getContainerByName(newName)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "name conflic"); return false; } container.setName(newName); return true; } public List<Attribute> getReferencedAttributeForColumn(Config config, DatasetColumn dsc) { List<Attribute> result = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); List<Attribute> allAtts = config.getAttributes(new ArrayList<String>(), true, true); for (Attribute att : allAtts) { if (att.getDataSetColumn() != null && att.getDataSetColumn().equals(dsc)) result.add(att); } return result; } public List<Filter> getReferencedFilterForAttribute(Config config, Attribute att) { List<Filter> result = new ArrayList<Filter>(); List<Filter> allFilters = config.getFilters(new ArrayList<String>(), true, true); for (Filter filter : allFilters) { if (filter.getAttribute() != null && filter.getAttribute().equals(att)) result.add(filter); } return result; } /** * return the attribute associate with the biggest main table's (submain) primary key. assuming that there is only * one attribute, if more than one, return the first one. * * @param mart * @return */ public Attribute getMainAttribute(Mart mart) { List<DatasetTable> dts = mart.getOrderedMainTableList(); // for(int i=dts.size()-1;i>=0;i--) { for (DatasetTable dt : dts) { // DatasetTable dt = dts.get(i); PrimaryKey pk = dt.getPrimaryKey(); if (pk == null) continue; DatasetColumn dsc = (DatasetColumn) pk.getColumns().get(0); List<Attribute> attributes = dsc.getReferences(); if (McUtils.isCollectionEmpty(attributes)) continue; return attributes.get(0); } return null; } public boolean hasSubMain(DatasetTable dst) { if (dst.getType() == DatasetTableType.DIMENSION) return false; for (Relation r : dst.getRelations()) { if (r.isSubclassRelation(null) && r.getFirstKey().getTable().equals(dst)) { return true; } } return false; } // Pass in a list object to hold table and column with orphan foreign key private boolean findOrphanFKFromDB(List<ForeignKey> orphanKeyList, StringBuffer orphanSearch, Mart mart) throws Exception { List<SourceSchema> sss = mart.getIncludedSchemas(); // assuming that only one for now if (McUtils.isCollectionEmpty(sss)) return false; SourceSchema ss = sss.get(0); String catalog = ss.getConnection().getCatalog(); Map<String, Collection<Relation>> orphanFK = new HashMap<String, Collection<Relation>>(); List<String> dbcols; boolean foundOrphanFK = false; StringBuffer result = orphanSearch; // List missTableList = new ArrayList(); Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> dbTableColMap = this.getDBTableColsMap(ss.getConnection()); // ResultSet dbTableSet = getTablesFromDB(); // Map<String,Set<String>> tableColMap = getDBTableColumnCollection(dbTableSet); // dbTableSet.close(); // String missingTable = "Missing Table"; // Loop through each foreign key in the GUI model tables for (final Table t : ss.getTables()) { // Find the hashset of columns in corresponding DB table // check only the first schema for now, assume that they are all the same dbcols = dbTableColMap.get(catalog).get(t.getName()); // Tables dropped or renamed is handled inside sync process if (dbcols == null) { // missTableList.add(t.getName()); boolean foundRel = addTableKeysToOrphanList(t, orphanFK); if (foundRel) { foundOrphanFK = true; } continue; } for (final ForeignKey k : t.getForeignKeys()) { for (int kcl = 0; kcl < k.getColumns().size(); kcl++) // If there is no matching column in the DB table, the // key is orphan if (!dbcols.contains(k.getColumns().get(kcl).getName())) { foundOrphanFK = true; orphanKeyList.add(k); orphanFK.put(k.getColumns().get(kcl).getName(), k.getRelations()); Log.debug("found orphan foreign key" + k.toString() + " in table " + t.toString()); } } } result.append("Orphan Relation: "); if (foundOrphanFK) { // Output missingt table // result.append("Missing Table: " + missTableList.toString()); result.append(orphanFK.toString()); } return foundOrphanFK; } private Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> getDBTableColsMap(Connection con) throws SQLException { Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> dbTableColMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, List<String>>>(); Map<String, List<String>> tblColMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); List<String> colList = new ArrayList<String>(); final String catalog = con.getCatalog(); StringBuffer sqlSB = new StringBuffer( "select table_schema,table_name,column_name,column_key from information_schema.columns where "); sqlSB.append("table_schema='" + catalog + "' order by table_schema,table_name, ordinal_position"); try { Statement st = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sqlSB.toString()); String schemaName; String tableName; String lastTableName = null; String lastSchemaName = null; while ( { schemaName = rs.getString("table_schema"); tableName = rs.getString("table_name"); // finish all columns in one table and move to the next, if previous table doesn't have a PK, // create using keyguessing if (!tableName.equals(lastTableName)) { if (lastTableName != null) { tblColMap.put(lastTableName, colList); colList = new ArrayList<String>(); } // change schema if (lastSchemaName != null) { if (!lastSchemaName.equals(schemaName)) { dbTableColMap.put(lastSchemaName, tblColMap); tblColMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); } } // move to next table // clean flags lastTableName = tableName; lastSchemaName = schemaName; } colList.add(rs.getString("column_name")); } if (null == dbTableColMap.get(lastSchemaName)) { dbTableColMap.put(lastSchemaName, tblColMap); } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return dbTableColMap; } private boolean addTableKeysToOrphanList(Table t, Map<String, Collection<Relation>> orphanFK) { boolean foundRel = false; // Add primary key to orphan key hash set final PrimaryKey pmk = t.getPrimaryKey(); // orphanKeyList.add(k); if (pmk != null) { for (int kcl = 0; kcl < pmk.getColumns().size(); kcl++) { String colName = pmk.getColumns().get(kcl).getName(); Collection<Relation> relCollection = pmk.getRelations(); if (!McUtils.isCollectionEmpty(relCollection)) { foundRel = true; orphanFK.put(colName, relCollection); } } } // If the table has foreign key, then it must contain relations Set<ForeignKey> fkCollection = t.getForeignKeys(); if (fkCollection != null && fkCollection.size() > 0) { foundRel = true; // Add foreign keys to orphan key hash set for (final ForeignKey k : t.getForeignKeys()) { // orphanKeyList.add(k); for (int kcl = 0; kcl < k.getColumns().size(); kcl++) orphanFK.put(k.getColumns().get(kcl).getName(), k.getRelations()); } } return foundRel; } public void updateDatasetFromSource(Dataset ds) throws SQLException, DataModelException { Mart mart = ds.getParentMart(); List<SourceSchema> sss = mart.getIncludedSchemas(); // assuming that only one for now if (McUtils.isCollectionEmpty(sss)) return; SourceSchema ss = sss.get(0); final DatabaseMetaData dmd = ss.getConnection().getMetaData(); final String catalog = ss.getConnection().getCatalog(); // List of objects storing orphan key column and its table name List<ForeignKey> orphanFKList = new ArrayList<ForeignKey>(); StringBuffer orphanSearch = new StringBuffer(); boolean orphanBool = false; /* * try { orphanBool = findOrphanFKFromDB(orphanFKList, orphanSearch, mart); if (orphanBool) { Frame frame = new * Frame(); Object[] options = { "Proceed", "Abort Synchronization" }; int n = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( * frame, * "Some columns in relations no longer exist in source DB. This may be caused by renaming/dropping tables/columns in source DB.\n" * + * "When choose 'Proceed', you will be prompted to save this information for later use. Do you want to proceed?" * +"\n", "Schema Update Warning", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, // do // not // * use a // custom // Icon options, // the titles of buttons options[1]); // default button title if (n == * JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { return; } else{ new SaveOrphanKeyDialog("Orphan Relation", orphanSearch.toString()); * } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Now that user decides to sync GUI model to DB schema, * remove orphan foreign key clearOrphanForeignKey(orphanFKList); */ // Create a list of existing tables. During this method, we remove // from this list all tables that still exist in the database. At // the end of the method, the list contains only those tables // which no longer exist, so they will be dropped. final Collection<Table> tablesToBeDropped = new HashSet<Table>(ss.getTables()); // Load tables and views from database, then loop over them. ResultSet dbTables; String sName = ss.getJdbcLinkObject().getJdbcType().useSchema() ? ss.getJdbcLinkObject().getSchemaName() : catalog; dbTables = dmd.getTables(catalog, sName, "%", new String[] { "TABLE", "VIEW", "ALIAS", "SYNONYM" }); // Do the loop. final Collection<Table> tablesToBeKept = new HashSet<Table>(); while ( { // Check schema and catalog. final String catalogName = dbTables.getString("TABLE_CAT"); final String schemaName = dbTables.getString("TABLE_SCHEM"); String schemaPrefix = schemaName; // What is the table called? final String dbTableName = dbTables.getString("TABLE_NAME"); Log.debug("Processing table " + catalogName + "." + dbTableName); // Look to see if we already have a table by this name defined. // If we do, reuse it. If not, create a new table. Table dbTable = ss.getTableByName(dbTableName); if (dbTable == null) try { dbTable = new SourceTable(ss, dbTableName); dbTable.setVisibleModified(true); ss.addTable(dbTable); } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new BioMartError(t); } // Add schema prefix to list. if (schemaPrefix != null) dbTable.addInPartitions(schemaPrefix); // Table exists, so remove it from our list of tables to be // dropped at the end of the method. tablesToBeDropped.remove(dbTable); tablesToBeKept.add(dbTable); } dbTables.close(); // Loop over all columns. for (final Iterator<Table> i = tablesToBeKept.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Table dbTable = (Table); final String dbTableName = dbTable.getName(); // Make a list of all the columns in the table. Any columns // remaining in this list by the end of the loop will be // dropped. final Collection<Column> colsToBeDropped = new HashSet<Column>(dbTable.getColumnList()); // Clear out the existing schema partition info on all cols. for (final Iterator<Column> j = dbTable.getColumnList().iterator(); j.hasNext();) ((Column); // Load the table columns from the database, then loop over // them. Log.debug("Loading table column list for " + dbTableName); ResultSet dbTblCols; dbTblCols = dmd.getColumns(catalog, sName, dbTableName, "%"); // FIXME: When using Oracle, if the table is a synonym then the // above call returns no results. while ( { // Check schema and catalog. final String catalogName = dbTblCols.getString("TABLE_CAT"); final String schemaName = dbTblCols.getString("TABLE_SCHEM"); String schemaPrefix = null; // No prefix if partitions are empty; /* * if (!this.getPartitions().isEmpty()) { if ("".equals(dmd.getSchemaTerm())) // Use catalog name to get * prefix. schemaPrefix = (String) this.getPartitions().get( catalogName); else // Use schema name to * get prefix. schemaPrefix = (String) this.getPartitions().get( schemaName); // Don't want to include * if prefix is still null. if (schemaPrefix == null) continue; } */ // What is the column called, and is it nullable? final String dbTblColName = dbTblCols.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); Log.debug("Processing column " + dbTblColName); // Look to see if the column already exists on this table. // If it does, reuse it. Else, create it. Column dbTblCol = (Column) dbTable.getColumnByName(dbTblColName); if (dbTblCol == null) try { dbTblCol = new SourceColumn((SourceTable) dbTable, dbTblColName); dbTblCol.setVisibleModified(true); dbTable.addColumn(dbTblCol); } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new BioMartError(t); } // Column exists, so remove it from our list of columns to // be dropped at the end of the loop. colsToBeDropped.remove(dbTblCol); if (schemaPrefix != null) dbTblCol.addInPartitions(schemaPrefix); } dbTblCols.close(); // Drop all columns that are left in the list, as they no longer // exist in the database. for (final Iterator<Column> j = colsToBeDropped.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { final Column column = (Column); Log.debug("Dropping redundant column " + column.getName()); dbTable.getColumnList().remove(column); } } // Remove from schema all tables not found in the database, using // the list we constructed above. for (final Iterator<Table> i = tablesToBeDropped.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Table existingTable = (Table); Log.debug("Dropping redundant table " + existingTable); final String tableName = existingTable.getName(); // By clearing its keys we will also clear its relations. for (final Iterator<Key> j = existingTable.getKeys().iterator(); j.hasNext();) {; } existingTable.setPrimaryKey(null); existingTable.getForeignKeys().clear(); ss.removeTableByName(tableName); } // Get and create primary keys. // Work out a list of all foreign keys currently existing. // Any remaining in this list later will be dropped. final Collection<ForeignKey> fksToBeDropped = new HashSet<ForeignKey>(); for (final Iterator<Table> i = ss.getTables().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Table t = (Table); fksToBeDropped.addAll(t.getForeignKeys()); // Obtain the primary key from the database. Even in databases // without referential integrity, the primary key is still // defined and can be obtained from the metadata. Log.debug("Loading table primary keys"); String searchCatalog = catalog; String searchSchema = sName; /* * if (!t.getSchemaPartitions().isEmpty()) { // Locate partition with first prefix. final String prefix = * (String) t.getSchemaPartitions() .iterator().next(); String schemaName = (String) new InverseMap(this * .getPartitions()).get(prefix); if (schemaName == null) // Should never happen. throw new BioMartError(); * if ("".equals(dmd.getSchemaTerm())) searchCatalog = schemaName; searchSchema = schemaName; } */ final ResultSet dbTblPKCols = dmd.getPrimaryKeys(searchCatalog, searchSchema, t.getName()); // Load the primary key columns into a map keyed by column // position. // In other words, the first column in the key has a map key of // 1, and so on. We do this because we can't guarantee we'll // read the key columns from the database in the correct order. // We keep the map sorted, so that when we iterate over it later // we get back the columns in the correct order. final Map<Short, Column> pkCols = new TreeMap<Short, Column>(); while ( { final String pkColName = dbTblPKCols.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); final Short pkColPosition = new Short(dbTblPKCols.getShort("KEY_SEQ")); pkCols.put(pkColPosition, t.getColumnByName(pkColName)); } dbTblPKCols.close(); // Did DMD find a PK? If not, which is really unusual but // potentially may happen, attempt to find one by looking for a // single column with the same name as the table or with '_id' // appended. // Only do this if we are using key-guessing. if (pkCols.isEmpty() && ss.getJdbcLinkObject().isKeyGuessing()) { Log.debug("Found no primary key, so attempting to guess one"); // Plain version first. Column candidateCol = (Column) t.getColumnByName(t.getName()); // Try with '_id' appended if plain version turned up // nothing. if (candidateCol == null) candidateCol = (Column) t.getColumnByName(t.getName() + Resources.get("primaryKeySuffix")); // Found something? Add it to the primary key columns map, // with a dummy key of 1. (Use Short for the key because // that // is what DMD would have used had it found anything // itself). if (candidateCol != null) pkCols.put(Short.valueOf("1"), candidateCol); } // Obtain the existing primary key on the table, if the table // previously existed and even had one in the first place. final PrimaryKey existingPK = t.getPrimaryKey(); // Did we find a PK on the database copy of the table? if (!pkCols.isEmpty()) { // Yes, we found a PK on the database copy of the table. So, // create a new key based around the columns we identified. PrimaryKey candidatePK; try { candidatePK = new PrimaryKey(new ArrayList<Column>(pkCols.values())); } catch (final Throwable th) { throw new BioMartError(th); } // If the existing table has no PK, or has a PK which // matches and is not incorrect, or has a PK which does not // match // and is not handmade, replace that PK with the one we // found. // This way we preserve any existing handmade PKs, and don't // override any marked as incorrect. try { if (existingPK == null) t.setPrimaryKey(candidatePK); else if (existingPK.equals(candidatePK) && existingPK.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE)) existingPK.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); else if (!existingPK.equals(candidatePK) && !existingPK.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE)) t.setPrimaryKey(candidatePK); } catch (final Throwable th) { throw new BioMartError(th); } } else // No, we did not find a PK on the database copy of the // table, so that table should not have a PK at all. So if the // existing table has a PK which is not handmade, remove it. if (existingPK != null && !existingPK.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE)) try { t.setPrimaryKey(null); } catch (final Throwable th) { throw new BioMartError(th); } } // Are we key-guessing? Key guess the foreign keys, passing in a // reference to the list of existing foreign keys. After this call // has completed, the list will contain all those foreign keys which // no longer exist, and can safely be dropped. if (ss.getJdbcLinkObject().isKeyGuessing()) this.synchroniseKeysUsingKeyGuessing(ss, fksToBeDropped); // Otherwise, use DMD to do the same, also passing in the list of // existing foreign keys to be updated as the call progresses. Also // pass in the DMD details so it doesn't have to work them out for // itself. else this.synchroniseKeysUsingDMD(ss, fksToBeDropped, dmd, sName, catalog); // Drop any foreign keys that are left over (but not handmade ones). for (final Iterator<ForeignKey> i = fksToBeDropped.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { final Key k = (Key); if (k.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE)) continue; Log.debug("Dropping redundant foreign key " + k); for (final Iterator<Relation> r = k.getRelations().iterator(); r.hasNext();) { final Relation rel = (Relation); rel.getFirstKey().getRelations().remove(rel); rel.getSecondKey().getRelations().remove(rel); } k.getTable().getForeignKeys().remove(k); } // rebuild mart this.rebuildMartFromSource(mart); } private void clearOrphanForeignKey(List<ForeignKey> orphanFKList) { for (ForeignKey fk : orphanFKList) { // Remove the relations for this foreign key for (final Relation rel : fk.getRelations()) { rel.getFirstKey().getRelations().remove(rel); rel.getSecondKey().getRelations().remove(rel); } // Remove the key from the table fk.getTable().getForeignKeys().remove(fk); } } /** * Establish foreign keys based purely on database metadata. * * @param fksToBeDropped * the list of foreign keys to update as we go along. By the end of the method, the only keys left in * this list should be ones that no longer exist in the database and may be dropped. * @param dmd * the database metadata to obtain the foreign keys from. * @param schema * the database schema to read metadata from. * @param catalog * the database catalog to read metadata from. * @param stepSize * the progress step size to increment by. * @throws SQLException * if there was a problem talking to the database. * @throws DataModelException * if there was a logical problem during construction of the set of foreign keys. */ /** * @param fksToBeDropped * @param dmd * @param schema * @param catalog * @param stepSize * @throws SQLException * @throws DataModelException */ public void synchroniseKeysUsingDMD(final SourceSchema ss, final Collection<ForeignKey> fksToBeDropped, final DatabaseMetaData dmd, final String schema, final String catalog) throws SQLException, DataModelException { Log.debug("Running DMD key synchronisation"); // Loop through all the tables in the database, which is the same // as looping through all the primary keys. Log.debug("Finding tables"); for (final Iterator<Table> i = ss.getTables().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { // Obtain the table and its primary key. final SourceTable pkTable = (SourceTable); final PrimaryKey pk = pkTable.getPrimaryKey(); // Skip all tables which have no primary key. if (pk == null) continue; Log.debug("Processing primary key " + pk); // Make a list of relations that already exist in this schema, // from some previous run. Any relations that are left in this // list by the end of the loop for this table no longer exist in // the database, and will be dropped. final Collection<Relation> relationsToBeDropped = new TreeSet<Relation>(pk.getRelations()); // Tree for // order // Identify all foreign keys in the database metadata that refer // to the current primary key. Log.debug("Finding referring foreign keys"); String searchCatalog = catalog; String searchSchema = schema; final ResultSet dbTblFKCols = dmd.getExportedKeys(searchCatalog, searchSchema, pkTable.getName()); // Loop through the results. There will be one result row per // column per key, so we need to build up a set of key columns // in a map. // The map keys represent the column position within a key. Each // map value is a list of columns. In essence the map is a 2-D // representation of the foreign keys which refer to this PK, // with the keys of the map (Y-axis) representing the column // position in the FK, and the values of the map (X-axis) // representing each individual FK. In all cases, FK columns are // assumed to be in the same order as the PK columns. The map is // sorted by key column position. // An assumption is made that the query will return columns from // the FK in the same order as all other FKs, ie. all column 1s // will be returned before any 2s, and then all 2s will be // returned // in the same order as the 1s they are associated with, etc. final TreeMap<Short, List<Column>> dbFKs = new TreeMap<Short, List<Column>>(); while ( { final String fkTblName = dbTblFKCols.getString("FKTABLE_NAME"); final String fkColName = dbTblFKCols.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME"); final Short fkColSeq = new Short(dbTblFKCols.getShort("KEY_SEQ")); if (fkTblName != null && fkTblName.contains("$")) { // exclude ORACLE's temporary tables (unlikely to be // found here though) continue; } // Note the column. if (!dbFKs.containsKey(fkColSeq)) dbFKs.put(fkColSeq, new ArrayList<Column>()); // In some dbs, FKs can be invalid, so we need to check // them. final Table fkTbl = ss.getTableByName(fkTblName); if (fkTbl != null) { final Column fkCol = (Column) fkTbl.getColumnByName(fkColName); if (fkCol != null) (dbFKs.get(fkColSeq)).add(fkCol); } } dbTblFKCols.close(); // Sort foreign keys by name (case insensitive) for (List<Column> columnList : dbFKs.values()) { Collections.sort(columnList); } // Only construct FKs if we actually found any. if (!dbFKs.isEmpty()) { // Identify the sequence of the first column, which may be 0 // or 1, depending on database implementation. final int firstColSeq = ((Short) dbFKs.firstKey()).intValue(); // How many columns are in the PK? final int pkColCount = pkTable.getPrimaryKey().getColumns().size(); // How many FKs do we have? final int fkCount = dbFKs.get(dbFKs.firstKey()).size(); // Loop through the FKs, and construct each one at a time. for (int j = 0; j < fkCount; j++) { // Set up an array to hold the FK columns. final List<Column> candidateFKColumns = new ArrayList<Column>(); // For each FK column name, look up the actual column in // the table. for (final Iterator<Map.Entry<Short, List<Column>>> k = dbFKs.entrySet().iterator(); k .hasNext();) { final Map.Entry<Short, List<Column>> entry =; final Short keySeq = (Short) entry.getKey(); // Convert the db-specific column index to a // 0-indexed figure for the array of fk columns. final int fkColSeq = keySeq.intValue() - firstColSeq; candidateFKColumns.add((Column) (entry.getValue()).get(j)); } // Create a template foreign key based around the set // of candidate columns we found. ForeignKey fkObject; try { List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (int k = 0; k < candidateFKColumns.size(); k++) { columns.add(candidateFKColumns.get(k)); } fkObject = new ForeignKey(columns); // new KeyController(fkObject); } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new BioMartError(t); } final Table fkTable = fkObject.getTable(); // If any FK already exists on the target table with the // same columns in the same order, then reuse it. boolean fkAlreadyExists = false; for (final Iterator<ForeignKey> f = fkTable.getForeignKeys().iterator(); f.hasNext() && !fkAlreadyExists;) { final ForeignKey candidateFK =; if (candidateFK.equals(fkObject)) { // Found one. Reuse it! fkObject = candidateFK; // Update the status to indicate that the FK is // backed by the database, if previously it was // handmade. if (fkObject.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE)) fkObject.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); // Remove the FK from the list to be dropped // later, as it definitely exists now. fksToBeDropped.remove(candidateFK); // Flag the key as existing. fkAlreadyExists = true; } } // Has the key been reused, or is it a new one? if (!fkAlreadyExists) try { fkTable.getForeignKeys().add(fkObject); // fkTable.getForeignKeys().add(fk); } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new BioMartError(t); } // Work out whether the relation from the FK to // the PK should be 1:M or 1:1. The rule is that // it will be 1:M in all cases except where the // FK table has a PK with identical columns to // the FK, in which case it is 1:1, as the FK // is unique. Cardinality card = Cardinality.MANY_A; final PrimaryKey fkPK = fkTable.getPrimaryKey(); if (fkPK != null && fkObject.getColumns().equals(fkPK.getColumns())) card = Cardinality.ONE; // Check to see if it already has a relation. boolean relationExists = false; for (final Iterator<Relation> f = fkObject.getRelations().iterator(); f.hasNext();) { // Obtain the next relation. final Relation candidateRel =; // a) a relation already exists between the FK // and the PK. if (candidateRel.getOtherKey(fkObject).equals(pk)) { // If cardinality matches, make it // inferred. If doesn't match, make it // modified and update original cardinality. try { if (card.equals(candidateRel.getCardinality())) { if (!candidateRel.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.INFERRED_INCORRECT)) candidateRel.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); } else { if (!candidateRel.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.INFERRED_INCORRECT)) candidateRel.setStatus(ComponentStatus.MODIFIED); candidateRel.setOriginalCardinality(card); } } catch (final AssociationException ae) { throw new BioMartError(ae); } // Don't drop it at the end of the loop. relationsToBeDropped.remove(candidateRel); // Say we've found it. relationExists = true; } // b) a handmade relation exists elsewhere which // should not be dropped. All other relations // elsewhere will be dropped. else if (candidateRel.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE)) // Don't drop it at the end of the loop. relationsToBeDropped.remove(candidateRel); } // If relation did not already exist, create it. if (!relationExists && !pk.equals(fkObject)) { // Establish the relation. try { new RelationSource(pk, fkObject, card); // pk.getObject().addRelation(relation); // fk.getObject().addRelation(relation); } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new BioMartError(t); } } } } // Remove any relations that we didn't find in the database (but // leave the handmade ones behind). for (final Iterator<Relation> j = relationsToBeDropped.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { final Relation r =; if (r.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE)) continue; r.getFirstKey().removeRelation(r); r.getSecondKey().removeRelation(r); } } } /** * This method implements the key-guessing algorithm for foreign keys. Basically, it iterates through all known * primary keys, and looks for sets of matching columns in other tables, either with the same names or with '_key' * appended. Any matching sets found are assumed to be foreign keys with relations to the current primary key. * <p> * Relations are 1:M, except when the table at the FK end has a PK with identical column to the FK. In this case, * the FK is forced to be unique, which implies that it can only partake in a 1:1 relation, so the relation is * marked as such. * * @param fksToBeDropped * the list of foreign keys to update as we go along. By the end of the method, the only keys left in * this list should be ones that no longer exist in the database and may be dropped. * @param stepSize * the progress step size to increment by. * @throws SQLException * if there was a problem talking to the database. * @throws DataModelException * if there was a logical problem during construction of the set of foreign keys. */ public void synchroniseKeysUsingKeyGuessing(final SourceSchema ss, final Collection<ForeignKey> fksToBeDropped) throws SQLException, DataModelException { Log.debug("Running non-DMD key synchronisation"); // Loop through all the tables in the database, which is the same // as looping through all the primary keys. Log.debug("Finding tables"); for (final Iterator<Table> i = ss.getTables().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { // Obtain the table and its primary key. final SourceTable pkTable = (SourceTable); final PrimaryKey pk = pkTable.getPrimaryKey(); // Skip all tables which have no primary key. if (pk == null) continue; Log.debug("Processing primary key " + pk); // If an FK exists on the PK table with the same columns as the // PK, then we cannot use this PK to make relations to other // tables. // This is because the FK shows that this table is not the // original source of the data in those columns. Some other // table is the original source, so we assume that relations // will have been established from that other table instead. So, // we skip this table. boolean pkIsAlsoAnFK = false; for (final Iterator<ForeignKey> j = pkTable.getForeignKeys().iterator(); j.hasNext() && !pkIsAlsoAnFK;) { final ForeignKey fk =; if (fk.getColumns().equals(pk.getColumns())) pkIsAlsoAnFK = true; } if (pkIsAlsoAnFK) continue; // To maintain some degree of sanity here, we assume that a PK // is the original source of data (and not a copy of data // sourced from some other table) if the first column in the PK // has the same name as the table it is in, or with '_id' // appended, or is just 'id' on its own. Any PK which does not // have this property is skipped. final Column firstPKCol = pk.getColumns().get(0); String firstPKColName = firstPKCol.getName(); int idPrefixIndex = firstPKColName.indexOf(Resources.get("primaryKeySuffix")); // then try uppercase, in Oracle, names are uppercase if (idPrefixIndex < 0) idPrefixIndex = firstPKColName.toUpperCase() .indexOf(Resources.get("primaryKeySuffix").toUpperCase()); if (idPrefixIndex >= 0) firstPKColName = firstPKColName.substring(0, idPrefixIndex); if (!firstPKColName.equals(pkTable.getName()) && !firstPKColName.equals(Resources.get("idCol"))) continue; // Make a list of relations that already exist in this schema, // from some previous run. Any relations that are left in this // list by the end of the loop for this table no longer exist in // the database, and will be dropped. final Collection<Relation> relationsToBeDropped = new TreeSet<Relation>(pk.getRelations()); // Tree for // order // Now we know that we can use this PK for certain, look for all // other tables (other than the one the PK itself belongs to), // for sets of columns with identical names, or with '_key' // appended. Any set that we find is going to be an FK with a // relation back to this PK. Log.debug("Searching for possible referring foreign keys"); for (final Iterator<Table> l = ss.getTables().iterator(); l.hasNext();) { // Obtain the next table to look at. final SourceTable fkTable = (SourceTable); // Make sure the table is not the same as the PK table. if (fkTable.equals(pkTable)) continue; // Set up an empty list for the matching columns. final List<Column> candidateFKColumns = new ArrayList<Column>(); int matchingColumnCount = 0; // Iterate through the PK columns and find a column in the // target FK table with the same name, or with '_key' // appended, // or with the PK table name and an underscore prepended. // If found, add that target column to the candidate FK // column // set. for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < pk.getColumns().size(); columnIndex++) { final String pkColumnName = pk.getColumns().get(columnIndex).getName(); // Start out by assuming no match. Column candidateFKColumn = null; // Don't try to find 'id' or 'id_key' columns as that // would be silly and would probably match far too much. if (!pkColumnName.equals(Resources.get("idCol"))) { // Try equivalent name first. candidateFKColumn = fkTable.getColumnByName(pkColumnName); // Then try with '_key' appended, if not found. if (candidateFKColumn == null) candidateFKColumn = fkTable .getColumnByName(pkColumnName + Resources.get("foreignKeySuffix")); } // Then try with PK tablename+'_' prepended, if not // found. if (candidateFKColumn == null) candidateFKColumn = fkTable.getColumnByName(pkTable.getName() + "_" + pkColumnName); // Found it? Add it to the candidate list. if (candidateFKColumn != null) { candidateFKColumns.add(candidateFKColumn); matchingColumnCount++; } } // We found a matching set, so create a FK on it! if (matchingColumnCount == pk.getColumns().size()) { // Create a template foreign key based around the set // of candidate columns we found. ForeignKey fkObject; try { List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<Column>(); for (int k = 0; k < candidateFKColumns.size(); k++) { columns.add(candidateFKColumns.get(k)); } fkObject = new ForeignKey(columns); // new KeyController(fkObject); } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new BioMartError(t); } // If any FK already exists on the target table with the // same columns in the same order, then reuse it. boolean fkAlreadyExists = false; for (final Iterator<ForeignKey> f = fkTable.getForeignKeys().iterator(); f.hasNext() && !fkAlreadyExists;) { final ForeignKey candidateFK =; if (candidateFK.equals(fkObject)) { // Found one. Reuse it! fkObject = candidateFK; // Update the status to indicate that the FK is // backed by the database, if previously it was // handmade. if (fkObject.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE)) fkObject.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); // Remove the FK from the list to be dropped // later, as it definitely exists now. fksToBeDropped.remove(candidateFK); // Flag the key as existing. fkAlreadyExists = true; } } // Has the key been reused, or is it a new one? if (!fkAlreadyExists) try { // fkTable.getForeignKeys().add(fk); fkTable.getForeignKeys().add(fkObject); } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new BioMartError(t); } // Work out whether the relation from the FK to // the PK should be 1:M or 1:1. The rule is that // it will be 1:M in all cases except where the // FK table has a PK with identical columns to // the FK, in which case it is 1:1, as the FK // is unique. Cardinality card = Cardinality.MANY_A; final PrimaryKey fkPK = fkTable.getPrimaryKey(); if (fkPK != null && fkObject.getColumns().equals(fkPK.getColumns())) card = Cardinality.ONE; // Check to see if it already has a relation. boolean relationExists = false; for (final Iterator<Relation> f = fkObject.getRelations().iterator(); f.hasNext();) { // Obtain the next relation. final Relation candidateRel =; // a) a relation already exists between the FK // and the PK. if (candidateRel.getOtherKey(fkObject).equals(pk)) { // If cardinality matches, make it // inferred. If doesn't match, make it // modified and update original cardinality. try { if (card.equals(candidateRel.getCardinality())) { if (!candidateRel.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.INFERRED_INCORRECT)) candidateRel.setStatus(ComponentStatus.INFERRED); } else { if (!candidateRel.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.INFERRED_INCORRECT)) candidateRel.setStatus(ComponentStatus.MODIFIED); candidateRel.setOriginalCardinality(card); } } catch (final AssociationException ae) { throw new BioMartError(ae); } // Don't drop it at the end of the loop. relationsToBeDropped.remove(candidateRel); // Say we've found it. relationExists = true; } // b) a handmade relation exists elsewhere which // should not be dropped. All other relations // elsewhere will be dropped. else if (candidateRel.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE)) // Don't drop it at the end of the loop. relationsToBeDropped.remove(candidateRel); } // If relation did not already exist, create it. if (!relationExists) { // Establish the relation. try { RelationSource rel = new RelationSource(pk, fkObject, card); // pk.getObject().addRelation(relation); // fk.getObject().addRelation(relation); } catch (final Throwable t) { throw new BioMartError(t); } } } } // Remove any relations that we didn't find in the database (but // leave the handmade ones behind). for (final Iterator<Relation> j = relationsToBeDropped.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { final Relation r =; if (r.getStatus().equals(ComponentStatus.HANDMADE)) continue; r.getFirstKey().removeRelation(r); r.getSecondKey().removeRelation(r); } } } public void setChanged(boolean b) { this.changed = b; } public boolean isRegistryChanged() { return this.changed; } public void rebuildMartFromSource(Mart mart) { try { this.synchronise(mart); } catch (DataModelException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * when a new dataset is added in the partitiontable, some columns are set to empty, they need to be fixed by * setting a default value that is similar to other rows. For example, see pointeddataset */ public void fixPartitionTable() { MartRegistry registry = McGuiUtils.INSTANCE.getRegistryObject(); // get all pointers for (Mart mart : registry.getMartList()) { for (Config config : mart.getConfigList()) { if (config.isMasterConfig()) continue; for (Attribute att : config.getAllAttributes()) { if (att.isPointer() && McUtils.hasPartitionBinding(att.getPropertyValue(XMLElements.POINTEDDATASET))) { fixPartitionTable(mart, att.getPropertyValue(XMLElements.POINTEDDATASET)); } } for (Filter fil : config.getAllFilters()) { if (fil.isPointer() && McUtils.hasPartitionBinding(fil.getPropertyValue(XMLElements.POINTEDDATASET))) { fixPartitionTable(mart, fil.getPropertyValue(XMLElements.POINTEDDATASET)); } } } } // fix pointed dataset for all marts MartController.getInstance().fixPointedDatasetForLink(); } private void fixPartitionTable(Mart mart, String value) { // check if there is missing value in the column String pointeddataset = value; // assuming that the value is like (p?c?) int col = McUtils.getPartitionColumnValue(pointeddataset); // assuming it is in the schema partition PartitionTable pt = mart.getSchemaPartitionTable(); Set<Integer> emptyRow = new HashSet<Integer>(); Map<Integer, String> existValues = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < pt.getTotalRows(); i++) { String item = pt.getValue(i, col); if (McUtils.isStringEmpty(item)) emptyRow.add(i); else if (existValues.isEmpty()) // one is good for now existValues.put(i, item); } if (!emptyRow.isEmpty() && !existValues.isEmpty()) { Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry = existValues.entrySet().iterator().next(); String referenceName = entry.getValue(); // separate by the last "_" int index0 = referenceName.lastIndexOf("_"); if (index0 >= 0) { for (int row : emptyRow) { String mydatasetName = pt.getValue(row, PartitionUtils.DATASETNAME); int index1 = mydatasetName.lastIndexOf("_"); if (index1 >= 0) { String datasetName = referenceName.substring(0, index0) + "_" + mydatasetName.substring(index1 + 1); // if datasetname exist in other mart if (McGuiUtils.INSTANCE.getMartFromDataset(datasetName) != null) pt.setValue(row, col, datasetName); } } } } } public void createNaiveForOrphanColumn(Mart mart) { Config master = mart.getMasterConfig(); Container newAttributeContainer = master.getContainerByName(Resources.get("NEWATTRIBUTE")); Container newFilterContainer = master.getContainerByName(Resources.get("NEWFILTER")); List<DatasetTable> mainList = mart.getOrderedMainTableList(); if (mainList.isEmpty()) return; DatasetTable keptMain = mainList.get(mainList.size() - 1); for (DatasetTable dst : mart.getDatasetTables()) { // if it is main table, only create the submain if (dst.getType() != DatasetTableType.DIMENSION) { if (!dst.equals(keptMain)) continue; } for (Column col : dst.getColumnList()) { if (!((DatasetColumn) col).hasReferences()) { // create a naive attribute and filter for it String baseName = dst.getName() + Resources.get("tablenameSep") + col.getName(); String displayName = WordUtils.capitalize(col.getName()); displayName = displayName.replaceAll("_", " "); Attribute att = new Attribute((DatasetColumn) col, baseName, displayName); if (newAttributeContainer == null) { newAttributeContainer = new Container(Resources.get("NEWATTRIBUTE")); master.getRootContainer().addContainer(newAttributeContainer); } newAttributeContainer.addAttribute(att); att.setVisibleModified(true); newAttributeContainer.setVisibleModified(true); Filter filter = new Filter(att, att.getName()); if (newFilterContainer == null) { newFilterContainer = new Container(Resources.get("NEWFILTER")); master.getRootContainer().addContainer(newFilterContainer); } newFilterContainer.addFilter(filter); newFilterContainer.setVisibleModified(true); filter.setVisibleModified(true); } } } } /** * return the fist source schema's database name. if the source schema is null, (in case of relational mart), return * the mart name. * * @param mart * @return */ public String getFirstDBNameFromMart(Mart mart) { List<SourceSchema> sss = mart.getIncludedSchemas(); if (McUtils.isCollectionEmpty(sss)) { return mart.getDatasetList().get(0).getDataLinkInfo().getJdbcLinkObject().getDatabaseName(); } else { return sss.get(0).getDataLinkDatabase(); } } /** * 1. change partition table 2. all table/column inpartition 3. all links 4. all pointeddataset 5. options * * @param mart * @param oldvalue * @param newvalue */ public void renameDataset(Mart mart, String oldvalue, String newvalue) { PartitionTable pt = mart.getSchemaPartitionTable(); int row = pt.getRowNumberByDatasetName(oldvalue); // 2. all table/column inpartition for (DatasetTable dst : mart.getDatasetTables()) { if (dst.inPartition(oldvalue)) { dst.renameInPartition(oldvalue, newvalue); for (Column column : dst.getColumnList()) { if (column.inPartition(oldvalue)) { column.renameInPartition(oldvalue, newvalue); } } } } // 3. all links for (Mart m : mart.getMartRegistry().getMartList()) { for (Config config : m.getConfigList()) { for (Link link : config.getLinkList()) { String pointeddsStr = link.getPointedDataset(); if (McUtils.isStringEmpty(pointeddsStr)) continue; if (McUtils.hasPartitionBinding(pointeddsStr)) continue; if (McGuiUtils.INSTANCE.inProperty(pointeddsStr, oldvalue)) { link.setPointedDataset( McGuiUtils.INSTANCE.replaceValueInListStr(pointeddsStr, oldvalue, newvalue)); } } } } // 4. all pointeddataset for (Mart m : mart.getMartRegistry().getMartList()) { for (Config config : m.getConfigList()) { for (Attribute att : config.getAllAttributes()) { if (att.isPointer() && att.getPointedAttribute() != null) { String pointeddsStr = att.getPointedDatasetName(); if (McUtils.isStringEmpty(pointeddsStr)) continue; if (McUtils.hasPartitionBinding(pointeddsStr)) continue; if (McGuiUtils.INSTANCE.inProperty(pointeddsStr, oldvalue)) { att.setProperty(XMLElements.POINTEDDATASET, McGuiUtils.INSTANCE.replaceValueInListStr(pointeddsStr, oldvalue, newvalue)); } } } } } for (Mart m : mart.getMartRegistry().getMartList()) { for (Config config : m.getConfigList()) { for (Filter filter : config.getAllFilters()) { if (filter.isPointer() && filter.getPointedFilter() != null) { String pointeddsStr = filter.getPointedDatasetName(); if (McUtils.isStringEmpty(pointeddsStr)) continue; if (McUtils.hasPartitionBinding(pointeddsStr)) continue; if (McGuiUtils.INSTANCE.inProperty(pointeddsStr, oldvalue)) { filter.setProperty(XMLElements.POINTEDDATASET, McGuiUtils.INSTANCE.replaceValueInListStr(pointeddsStr, oldvalue, newvalue)); } } } } } // 5. options Options.getInstance().renameDataset(oldvalue, newvalue); // 1. change partition table pt.setValue(row, PartitionUtils.DATASETNAME, newvalue); } public void refreshMartForGUI(Mart mart) { for (DatasetTable dst : mart.getDatasetTables()) { for (Column column : dst.getColumnList()) { if (column.isHidden()) { DatasetColumn dsc = (DatasetColumn) column; } } } } public void requestImportRegistryFromXML(MartRegistry registry, Document document) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.fixObjects(registry); Validation.validate(registry, false); // load option file Element optionsElement = document.getRootElement().getChild(XMLElements.OPTIONS.toString()); if (optionsElement != null) { optionsElement.detach(); Options.getInstance().setOptions(optionsElement); } } /* * when a new dataset added, need to fix the column (in partitiontable) in the pointeddataset in the link */ public void fixPointedDatasetForLink() { for (Mart mart : McGuiUtils.INSTANCE.getRegistryObject().getMartList()) { List<Link> linkList = mart.getLinkList(); for (Link link : linkList) { String pointedds = link.getPointedDataset(); if (McUtils.hasPartitionBinding(pointedds)) { int col = McUtils.getPartitionColumnValue(pointedds); PartitionTable pt = mart.getSchemaPartitionTable(); String martPrefix = this.findMartInPartitionTable(pt, col); if (McUtils.isStringEmpty(martPrefix)) continue; for (int i = 0; i < pt.getTotalRows(); i++) { String item = pt.getValue(i, col); if (McUtils.isStringEmpty(item)) { String datasetName = pt.getValue(i, PartitionUtils.DATASETNAME); int index = datasetName.lastIndexOf(Resources.get("MARTDSSEPARATOR")); if (index > 0) { String suffix = datasetName.substring(index); pt.setValue(i, col, martPrefix + suffix); } } } } } } } private String findMartInPartitionTable(PartitionTable pt, int col) { for (int i = 0; i < pt.getTotalRows(); i++) { String item = pt.getValue(i, col); if (!McUtils.isStringEmpty(item)) { int index = item.lastIndexOf(Resources.get("MARTDSSEPARATOR")); if (index > 0) { String dsStr = item.substring(index + 1); String myItem = pt.getValue(i, PartitionUtils.DATASETNAME); int index2 = myItem.lastIndexOf(Resources.get("MARTDSSEPARATOR")); if (index2 > 0) { String mydsStr = myItem.substring(index2 + 1); if (dsStr.equals(mydsStr)) { return item.substring(0, index); } } } } } return null; } }