Example usage for java.security.cert X509Certificate getPublicKey

List of usage examples for java.security.cert X509Certificate getPublicKey


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security.cert X509Certificate getPublicKey.


public abstract PublicKey getPublicKey();

Source Link


Gets the public key from this certificate.


From source file:eu.europa.ec.markt.dss.validation102853.tsl.TrustedListsCertificateSource.java

 * Load a trusted list for the specified URL
 * @param url//from  w  ww.java  2s  .  c  o m
 * @param signerCert
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
private TrustStatusList getTrustStatusList(String url, X509Certificate signerCert) {

    InputStream input = null;
    try {

        input = dataLoader.get(url);
        if (input == null) {

            throw new DSSNullReturnedException("The loader returned a null InputStream for: " + url);
        if (url.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) {

            input = getZippedData(input);

        Document doc = DSSXMLUtils.buildDOM(input);

        boolean coreValidity = true;
        if (checkSignature) {

            coreValidity = false;
            if (signerCert != null) {

                final NodeList signatureNodeList = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLSignature.XMLNS, "Signature");
                if (signatureNodeList.getLength() == 0) {

                    throw new DSSException("Not ETSI compliant signature. The Xml is not signed.");
                if (signatureNodeList.getLength() > 1) {

                    throw new DSSException("Not ETSI compliant signature. There is more than one signature.");
                final Element signatureEl = (Element) signatureNodeList.item(0);

                final KeySelector keySelector = KeySelector.singletonKeySelector(signerCert.getPublicKey());
                final DOMValidateContext valContext = new DOMValidateContext(keySelector, signatureEl);
                final TSLURIDereferencer tsluriDereferencer = new TSLURIDereferencer(signatureEl);
                final XMLSignatureFactory factory = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM");
                final XMLSignature signature = factory.unmarshalXMLSignature(valContext);
                coreValidity = signature.validate(valContext);
                LOG.info("The TSL signature validity: " + coreValidity);
        final TrustStatusList tsl = TrustServiceListFactory.newInstance(doc);
        return tsl;
    } catch (DSSException e) {

        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {

        throw new DSSException(e);
    } finally {


From source file:net.maritimecloud.identityregistry.utils.CertificateUtil.java

 * Generates a signed certificate for an entity.
 * //from   w  ww  .  j a v a  2  s  .  co  m
 * @param country The country of org/entity
 * @param orgName The name of the organization the entity belongs to
 * @param type The type of the  entity
 * @param callName The name of the entity
 * @param email The email of the entity
 * @param publickey The public key of the entity
 * @return Returns a signed X509Certificate
public X509Certificate generateCertForEntity(BigInteger serialNumber, String country, String orgName,
        String type, String callName, String email, String uid, PublicKey publickey,
        Map<String, String> customAttr) {
    PrivateKeyEntry signingCertEntry = getSigningCertEntry();
    java.security.cert.Certificate signingCert = signingCertEntry.getCertificate();
    X509Certificate signingX509Cert = (X509Certificate) signingCert;
    // Try to find the correct country code, else we just use the country name as code
    String orgCountryCode = country;
    String[] locales = Locale.getISOCountries();
    for (String countryCode : locales) {
        Locale loc = new Locale("", countryCode);
        if (loc.getDisplayCountry(Locale.ENGLISH).equals(orgCountryCode)) {
            orgCountryCode = loc.getCountry();
    String orgSubjectDn = "C=" + orgCountryCode + ", " + "O=" + orgName + ", " + "OU=" + type + ", " + "CN="
            + callName + ", " + "UID=" + uid;
    if (email != null && !email.isEmpty()) {
        orgSubjectDn += ", " + "E=" + email;
    X509Certificate orgCert = null;
    try {
        orgCert = buildAndSignCert(serialNumber, signingCertEntry.getPrivateKey(),
                signingX509Cert.getPublicKey(), publickey,
                new JcaX509CertificateHolder(signingX509Cert).getSubject(), new X500Name(orgSubjectDn),
                customAttr, "ENTITY");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    return orgCert;

From source file:be.fedict.eid.tsl.Tsl2PdfExporter.java

 * Produce a human readable export of the given tsl to the given file.
 * /*from   ww  w .  j av a  2 s  . c o  m*/
 * @param tsl
 *            the TrustServiceList to export
 * @param pdfFile
 *            the file to generate
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
public void humanReadableExport(final TrustServiceList tsl, final File pdfFile) {
    Document document = new Document();
    OutputStream outputStream;
    try {
        outputStream = new FileOutputStream(pdfFile);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("file not found: " + pdfFile.getAbsolutePath(), e);
    try {
        final PdfWriter pdfWriter = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, outputStream);

        // title
        final EUCountry country = EUCountry.valueOf(tsl.getSchemeTerritory());
        final String title = country.getShortSrcLangName() + " (" + country.getShortEnglishName()
                + "): Trusted List";

        Phrase footerPhrase = new Phrase("PDF document generated on " + new Date().toString() + ", page ",
        HeaderFooter footer = new HeaderFooter(footerPhrase, true);

        Phrase headerPhrase = new Phrase(title, headerFooterFont);
        HeaderFooter header = new HeaderFooter(headerPhrase, false);

        addTitle(title, title0Font, Paragraph.ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 20, document);

        addLongItem("Scheme name", tsl.getSchemeName(), document);
        addLongItem("Legal Notice", tsl.getLegalNotice(), document);

        // information table
        PdfPTable informationTable = createInfoTable();
        addItemRow("Scheme territory", tsl.getSchemeTerritory(), informationTable);
        addItemRow("Scheme status determination approach",
                substringAfter(tsl.getStatusDeterminationApproach(), "StatusDetn/"), informationTable);
        final List<String> schemeTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (final String schemeType : tsl.getSchemeTypes()) {
        final List<String> schemeTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<NonEmptyMultiLangURIType> uris = tsl.getSchemeTypes();
        for (NonEmptyMultiLangURIType uri : uris) {
        addItemRow("Scheme type community rules", schemeTypes, informationTable);

        addItemRow("Issue date", tsl.getListIssueDateTime().toString(), informationTable);
        addItemRow("Next update", tsl.getNextUpdate().toString(), informationTable);
        addItemRow("Historical information period", tsl.getHistoricalInformationPeriod().toString() + " days",
        addItemRow("Sequence number", tsl.getSequenceNumber().toString(), informationTable);
        addItemRow("Scheme information URIs", tsl.getSchemeInformationUris(), informationTable);


        addTitle("Scheme Operator", title1Font, Paragraph.ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 10, document);

        informationTable = createInfoTable();
        addItemRow("Scheme operator name", tsl.getSchemeOperatorName(), informationTable);
        PostalAddressType schemeOperatorPostalAddress = tsl.getSchemeOperatorPostalAddress(Locale.ENGLISH);
        addItemRow("Scheme operator street address", schemeOperatorPostalAddress.getStreetAddress(),
        addItemRow("Scheme operator postal code", schemeOperatorPostalAddress.getPostalCode(),
        addItemRow("Scheme operator locality", schemeOperatorPostalAddress.getLocality(), informationTable);
        addItemRow("Scheme operator state", schemeOperatorPostalAddress.getStateOrProvince(), informationTable);
        addItemRow("Scheme operator country", schemeOperatorPostalAddress.getCountryName(), informationTable);

        List<String> schemeOperatorElectronicAddressess = tsl.getSchemeOperatorElectronicAddresses();
        addItemRow("Scheme operator contact", schemeOperatorElectronicAddressess, informationTable);

        addTitle("Trust Service Providers", title1Font, Paragraph.ALIGN_CENTER, 10, 2, document);

        List<TrustServiceProvider> trustServiceProviders = tsl.getTrustServiceProviders();
        for (TrustServiceProvider trustServiceProvider : trustServiceProviders) {
            addTitle(trustServiceProvider.getName(), title1Font, Paragraph.ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 2, document);

            PdfPTable providerTable = createInfoTable();
            addItemRow("Service provider trade name", trustServiceProvider.getTradeNames(), providerTable);
            addItemRow("Information URI", trustServiceProvider.getInformationUris(), providerTable);
            PostalAddressType postalAddress = trustServiceProvider.getPostalAddress();
            addItemRow("Service provider street address", postalAddress.getStreetAddress(), providerTable);
            addItemRow("Service provider postal code", postalAddress.getPostalCode(), providerTable);
            addItemRow("Service provider locality", postalAddress.getLocality(), providerTable);
            addItemRow("Service provider state", postalAddress.getStateOrProvince(), providerTable);
            addItemRow("Service provider country", postalAddress.getCountryName(), providerTable);

            List<TrustService> trustServices = trustServiceProvider.getTrustServices();
            for (TrustService trustService : trustServices) {
                addTitle(trustService.getName(), title2Font, Paragraph.ALIGN_LEFT, 10, 2, document);
                PdfPTable serviceTable = createInfoTable();
                addItemRow("Type", substringAfter(trustService.getType(), "Svctype/"), serviceTable);
                addItemRow("Status", substringAfter(trustService.getStatus(), "Svcstatus/"), serviceTable);
                addItemRow("Status starting time", trustService.getStatusStartingTime().toString(),

                addTitle("Service digital identity (X509)", title3Font, Paragraph.ALIGN_LEFT, 2, 0, document);
                final X509Certificate certificate = trustService.getServiceDigitalIdentity();
                final PdfPTable serviceIdentityTable = createInfoTable();
                addItemRow("Version", Integer.toString(certificate.getVersion()), serviceIdentityTable);
                addItemRow("Serial number", certificate.getSerialNumber().toString(), serviceIdentityTable);
                addItemRow("Signature algorithm", certificate.getSigAlgName(), serviceIdentityTable);
                addItemRow("Issuer", certificate.getIssuerX500Principal().toString(), serviceIdentityTable);
                addItemRow("Valid from", certificate.getNotBefore().toString(), serviceIdentityTable);
                addItemRow("Valid to", certificate.getNotAfter().toString(), serviceIdentityTable);
                addItemRow("Subject", certificate.getSubjectX500Principal().toString(), serviceIdentityTable);
                addItemRow("Public key", certificate.getPublicKey().toString(), serviceIdentityTable);
                // TODO certificate policies
                addItemRow("Subject key identifier", toHex(getSKId(certificate)), serviceIdentityTable);
                addItemRow("CRL distribution points", getCrlDistributionPoints(certificate),
                addItemRow("Authority key identifier", toHex(getAKId(certificate)), serviceIdentityTable);
                addItemRow("Key usage", getKeyUsage(certificate), serviceIdentityTable);
                addItemRow("Basic constraints", getBasicConstraints(certificate), serviceIdentityTable);

                byte[] encodedCertificate;
                try {
                    encodedCertificate = certificate.getEncoded();
                } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("cert: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                addItemRow("SHA1 Thumbprint", DigestUtils.shaHex(encodedCertificate), serviceIdentityTable);
                addItemRow("SHA256 Thumbprint", DigestUtils.sha256Hex(encodedCertificate),

                //add Scheme service definition 
                if (null != trustService.getSchemeServiceDefinitionURI()) {
                    addTitle("Scheme Service Definition URI", title3Font, Paragraph.ALIGN_LEFT, 2, 0, document);
                    final PdfPTable schemeServiceDefinitionURITabel = createInfoTable();
                    for (NonEmptyMultiLangURIType uri : trustService.getSchemeServiceDefinitionURI().getURI()) {
                        addItemRow(uri.getLang(), uri.getValue(), schemeServiceDefinitionURITabel);

                List<ExtensionType> extensions = trustService.getExtensions();
                for (ExtensionType extension : extensions) {
                    printExtension(extension, document);

                addLongMonoItem("The decoded certificate:", certificate.toString(), document);
                addLongMonoItem("The certificate in PEM format:", toPem(certificate), document);

                ServiceHistoryType serviceHistoryType = trustService.getServiceHistoryInstanceType();

                if (null != serviceHistoryType) {

                    for (ServiceHistoryInstanceType serviceHistoryInstanceType : serviceHistoryType
                            .getServiceHistoryInstance()) {
                        PdfPTable serviceHistoryTable = createInfoTable();

                        //Service approval history information
                        addTitle("Service approval history information", title3Font, Paragraph.ALIGN_LEFT, 10,
                                2, document);

                        // service type identifier
                        //5.6.2 Service name
                        InternationalNamesType i18nServiceName = serviceHistoryInstanceType.getServiceName();
                        String servName = TrustServiceListUtils.getValue(i18nServiceName, Locale.ENGLISH);
                        addItemRow("Name", servName, serviceHistoryTable);
                        //5.6.1 Service type identifier
                        addItemRow("Type", substringAfter(serviceHistoryInstanceType.getServiceTypeIdentifier(),
                                "Svctype/"), serviceHistoryTable);
                        addItemRow("Status", serviceHistoryInstanceType.getServiceStatus(),
                        //5.6.4 Service previous status
                        addItemRow("Previous status", serviceHistoryInstanceType.getServiceStatus(),
                        //5.6.5 Previous status starting date and time
                                "Previous starting time", new DateTime(serviceHistoryInstanceType
                        //5.6.3 Service digital identity
                        final X509Certificate previousCertificate = trustService.getServiceDigitalIdentity(


                        addTitle("Service digital identity (X509)", title4Font, Paragraph.ALIGN_LEFT, 2, 0,

                        final PdfPTable serviceIdentityTableHistory = createInfoTable();
                        addItemRow("Version", Integer.toString(previousCertificate.getVersion()),
                        addItemRow("Serial number", previousCertificate.getSerialNumber().toString(),
                        addItemRow("Signature algorithm", previousCertificate.getSigAlgName(),
                        addItemRow("Issuer", previousCertificate.getIssuerX500Principal().toString(),
                        addItemRow("Valid from", previousCertificate.getNotBefore().toString(),
                        addItemRow("Valid to", previousCertificate.getNotAfter().toString(),
                        addItemRow("Subject", previousCertificate.getSubjectX500Principal().toString(),
                        addItemRow("Public key", previousCertificate.getPublicKey().toString(),
                        // TODO certificate policies
                        addItemRow("Subject key identifier", toHex(getSKId(previousCertificate)),
                        addItemRow("CRL distribution points", getCrlDistributionPoints(previousCertificate),
                        addItemRow("Authority key identifier", toHex(getAKId(previousCertificate)),
                        addItemRow("Key usage", getKeyUsage(previousCertificate), serviceIdentityTableHistory);
                        addItemRow("Basic constraints", getBasicConstraints(previousCertificate),

                        byte[] encodedHistoryCertificate;
                        try {
                            encodedHistoryCertificate = previousCertificate.getEncoded();
                        } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("cert: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                        addItemRow("SHA1 Thumbprint", DigestUtils.shaHex(encodedHistoryCertificate),
                        addItemRow("SHA256 Thumbprint", DigestUtils.sha256Hex(encodedHistoryCertificate),

                        ExtensionsListType previousExtensions = serviceHistoryInstanceType
                        if (null != previousExtensions) {
                            for (ExtensionType extension : previousExtensions.getExtension()) {
                                printExtension(extension, document);

                        addLongMonoItem("The decoded certificate:", previousCertificate.toString(), document);
                        addLongMonoItem("The certificate in PEM format:", toPem(previousCertificate), document);

        X509Certificate signerCertificate = tsl.verifySignature();
        if (null != signerCertificate) {
            Paragraph tslSignerTitle = new Paragraph("Trusted List Signer", title1Font);

            final PdfPTable signerTable = createInfoTable();
            addItemRow("Subject", signerCertificate.getSubjectX500Principal().toString(), signerTable);
            addItemRow("Issuer", signerCertificate.getIssuerX500Principal().toString(), signerTable);
            addItemRow("Not before", signerCertificate.getNotBefore().toString(), signerTable);
            addItemRow("Not after", signerCertificate.getNotAfter().toString(), signerTable);
            addItemRow("Serial number", signerCertificate.getSerialNumber().toString(), signerTable);
            addItemRow("Version", Integer.toString(signerCertificate.getVersion()), signerTable);
            byte[] encodedPublicKey = signerCertificate.getPublicKey().getEncoded();
            addItemRow("Public key SHA1 Thumbprint", DigestUtils.shaHex(encodedPublicKey), signerTable);
            addItemRow("Public key SHA256 Thumbprint", DigestUtils.sha256Hex(encodedPublicKey), signerTable);

            addLongMonoItem("The decoded certificate:", signerCertificate.toString(), document);
            addLongMonoItem("The certificate in PEM format:", toPem(signerCertificate), document);
            addLongMonoItem("The public key in PEM format:", toPem(signerCertificate.getPublicKey()), document);

    } catch (DocumentException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("PDF document error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:com.microsoft.azure.keyvault.test.CertificateOperationsTest.java

private void validateCertificateKeyInKeyStore(KeyStore keyStore, X509Certificate x509Certificate,
        String secretPassword) throws KeyStoreException, UnrecoverableKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
        InvalidKeyException, NoSuchPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {
    String defaultAlias = Collections.list(keyStore.aliases()).get(0);
    X509Certificate secretCertificate = (X509Certificate) keyStore.getCertificate(defaultAlias);

    // Validate the key in the KeyStore
    Key secretKey = keyStore.getKey(defaultAlias, secretPassword.toCharArray());
    Assert.assertNotNull(secretKey);//from  ww w . j  av  a  2s .  c  o  m
    Assert.assertTrue(secretKey instanceof PrivateKey);
    PrivateKey secretPrivateKey = (PrivateKey) secretKey;

    // Create a KeyPair with the private key from the KeyStore and public
    // key from the certificate to verify they match
    KeyPair keyPair = new KeyPair(secretCertificate.getPublicKey(), secretPrivateKey);

From source file:eu.europa.ec.markt.tlmanager.core.validation.Validation.java

 * 5.5.3 Service digital identity/*from  ww w .  ja v  a  2s. c o m*/
 * <p/>
 * The same public key (and hence the same certificate representing this public key) shall not appear
 * more than once in the trusted list for the same type of service. The same public key may appear
 * more than once in the TL only when associated to trust services having different 'Service type
 * identifier' ('Sti') values (e.g. public key used for verifying signatures on different types of Trust
 * Services Tokens) for which different supervision/ accreditation systems apply.
private void checkRuleUniqueSDIperService() {
    if (services != null) {
        Set<String> keySet = new HashSet<String>();
        for (TSPServiceType service : services) {
            // both values are mandatory and are supposed to be present at this point
            String sti = service.getServiceInformation().getServiceTypeIdentifier();
            DigitalIdentityListType sdi = service.getServiceInformation().getServiceDigitalIdentity();
            byte[] publicKey = null;
            for (DigitalIdentityType id : sdi.getDigitalId()) { // 1-2 entries
                if (publicKey == null) {
                    try {
                        byte[] x509Certificate = id.getX509Certificate();
                        final X509Certificate x509 = DSSUtils.loadCertificate(x509Certificate);
                        publicKey = x509.getPublicKey().getEncoded();
                    } catch (DSSException e) {
                        LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
                } else {
            String couple = sti + Arrays.hashCode(publicKey);
            if (keySet.contains(couple)) {
                logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.uniqueSDIperService"), service);
            } else {

From source file:eu.europa.ec.markt.tlmanager.core.validation.Validation.java

 * 5.5.3 Service digital identity/* w  ww  .  j av a 2 s  . c om*/
 * <p/>
 * The TLSO may list more than one certificate to represent the
 * public key, but only when all those certificates relate to the same public key and have identical
 * subject names
void checkRuleAllSDIHaveTheSamePublicKey() {
    if (services != null) {
        for (TSPServiceType service : services) {
            // both values are mandatory and are supposed to be present at this point
            DigitalIdentityListType sdi = service.getServiceInformation().getServiceDigitalIdentity();
            Set<PublicKey> publicKeySet = new HashSet<PublicKey>();
            Set<X500Principal> subjectSet = new HashSet<X500Principal>();
            for (DigitalIdentityType id : sdi.getDigitalId()) { // 1-2 entries
                byte[] x509Certificate = id.getX509Certificate();
                if (x509Certificate != null) {
                    try {
                        final X509Certificate x509 = DSSUtils.loadCertificate(x509Certificate);
                    } catch (DSSException e) {
                        LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
                } else {
                    final String x509SubjectName = id.getX509SubjectName();
                    if (x509SubjectName != null) {
                        subjectSet.add(new X500Principal(x509SubjectName));

            if (publicKeySet.size() > 1) {
            if (subjectSet.size() > 1) {

From source file:eu.europa.ec.markt.tlmanager.core.validation.Validation.java

 * 5.5.3 Service digital identity/*w  w  w  .  java2 s.  co  m*/
 * <p/>
 * The TLSO may list more than one certificate to represent the
 * public key, but only when all those certificates relate to the same public key and have identical
 * subject names
void checkRulePointerToOtherTSLHaveTheSamePublicKey() {
    if (pointers != null) {
        for (OtherTSLPointerType pointer : pointers) {
            final List<DigitalIdentityListType> serviceDigitalIdentity = pointer.getServiceDigitalIdentities()
            for (DigitalIdentityListType digitalIdentityListType : serviceDigitalIdentity) {
                Set<PublicKey> publicKeySet = new HashSet<PublicKey>();
                Set<X500Principal> subjectSet = new HashSet<X500Principal>();
                for (DigitalIdentityType id : digitalIdentityListType.getDigitalId()) { // 1-2 entries
                    byte[] x509Certificate = id.getX509Certificate();
                    if (x509Certificate != null) {
                        try {
                            final X509Certificate x509 = DSSUtils.loadCertificate(x509Certificate);
                        } catch (DSSException e) {
                            LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);

                if (publicKeySet.size() > 1) {
                if (subjectSet.size() > 1) {

From source file:be.fedict.trust.ocsp.OcspTrustLinker.java

public TrustLinkerResult hasTrustLink(X509Certificate childCertificate, X509Certificate certificate,
        Date validationDate, RevocationData revocationData) {
    URI ocspUri = getOcspUri(childCertificate);
    if (null == ocspUri) {
        return null;
    }//w w w  .ja v a  2s.c o  m
    LOG.debug("OCSP URI: " + ocspUri);

    OCSPResp ocspResp = this.ocspRepository.findOcspResponse(ocspUri, childCertificate, certificate);
    if (null == ocspResp) {
        LOG.debug("OCSP response not found");
        return null;

    int ocspRespStatus = ocspResp.getStatus();
    if (OCSPResponseStatus.SUCCESSFUL != ocspRespStatus) {
        LOG.debug("OCSP response status: " + ocspRespStatus);
        return null;

    Object responseObject;
    try {
        responseObject = ocspResp.getResponseObject();
    } catch (OCSPException e) {
        LOG.debug("OCSP exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;
    BasicOCSPResp basicOCSPResp = (BasicOCSPResp) responseObject;

    try {
        X509Certificate[] responseCertificates = basicOCSPResp.getCerts(BouncyCastleProvider.PROVIDER_NAME);
        for (X509Certificate responseCertificate : responseCertificates) {
            LOG.debug("OCSP response cert: " + responseCertificate.getSubjectX500Principal());
            LOG.debug("OCSP response cert issuer: " + responseCertificate.getIssuerX500Principal());
        TrustLinkerResult trustResult = TrustValidator
        if (!trustResult.isValid())
            return trustResult;

        if (0 == responseCertificates.length) {
             * This means that the OCSP response has been signed by the
             * issuing CA itself.
            boolean verificationResult = basicOCSPResp.verify(certificate.getPublicKey(),
            if (false == verificationResult) {
                LOG.debug("OCSP response signature invalid");
                return null;

        } else {
             * We're dealing with a dedicated authorized OCSP Responder
             * certificate, or of course with a CA that issues the OCSP
             * Responses itself.

            X509Certificate ocspResponderCertificate = responseCertificates[0];
            boolean verificationResult = basicOCSPResp.verify(ocspResponderCertificate.getPublicKey(),
            if (false == verificationResult) {
                LOG.debug("OCSP Responser response signature invalid");
                return null;
            if (false == Arrays.equals(certificate.getEncoded(), ocspResponderCertificate.getEncoded())) {
                // check certificate signature
                trustResult = TrustValidator.checkSignatureAlgorithm(ocspResponderCertificate.getSigAlgName());
                if (!trustResult.isValid()) {
                    return trustResult;

                X509Certificate issuingCaCertificate;
                if (responseCertificates.length < 2) {
                    LOG.debug("OCSP responder complete certificate chain missing");
                     * Here we assume that the OCSP Responder is directly
                     * signed by the CA.
                    issuingCaCertificate = certificate;
                } else {
                    issuingCaCertificate = responseCertificates[1];
                     * Is next check really required?
                    if (false == certificate.equals(issuingCaCertificate)) {
                        LOG.debug("OCSP responder certificate not issued by CA");
                        return null;
                // check certificate signature
                trustResult = TrustValidator.checkSignatureAlgorithm(issuingCaCertificate.getSigAlgName());
                if (!trustResult.isValid()) {
                    return trustResult;

                PublicKeyTrustLinker publicKeyTrustLinker = new PublicKeyTrustLinker();
                trustResult = publicKeyTrustLinker.hasTrustLink(ocspResponderCertificate, issuingCaCertificate,
                        validationDate, revocationData);
                if (null != trustResult) {
                    if (!trustResult.isValid()) {
                        LOG.debug("OCSP responder not trusted");
                        return null;
                if (null == ocspResponderCertificate
                        .getExtensionValue(OCSPObjectIdentifiers.id_pkix_ocsp_nocheck.getId())) {
                    LOG.debug("OCSP Responder certificate should have id-pkix-ocsp-nocheck");
                     * TODO: perform CRL validation on the OCSP Responder
                     * certificate. On the other hand, do we really want to
                     * check the checker?
                    return null;
                List<String> extendedKeyUsage;
                try {
                    extendedKeyUsage = ocspResponderCertificate.getExtendedKeyUsage();
                } catch (CertificateParsingException e) {
                    LOG.debug("OCSP Responder parsing error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                    return null;
                if (null == extendedKeyUsage) {
                    LOG.debug("OCSP Responder certificate has no extended key usage extension");
                    return null;
                if (false == extendedKeyUsage.contains(KeyPurposeId.id_kp_OCSPSigning.getId())) {
                    LOG.debug("OCSP Responder certificate should have a OCSPSigning extended key usage");
                    return null;
            } else {
                LOG.debug("OCSP Responder certificate equals the CA certificate");
    } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) {
        LOG.debug("JCA provider exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;
    } catch (OCSPException e) {
        LOG.debug("OCSP exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;
    } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
        LOG.debug("certificate encoding error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;

    CertificateID certificateId;
    try {
        certificateId = new CertificateID(CertificateID.HASH_SHA1, certificate,
    } catch (OCSPException e) {
        LOG.debug("OCSP exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;

    SingleResp[] singleResps = basicOCSPResp.getResponses();
    for (SingleResp singleResp : singleResps) {
        CertificateID responseCertificateId = singleResp.getCertID();
        if (false == certificateId.equals(responseCertificateId)) {
        Date thisUpdate = singleResp.getThisUpdate();
        LOG.debug("OCSP thisUpdate: " + thisUpdate);
        LOG.debug("OCSP nextUpdate: " + singleResp.getNextUpdate());
        long dt = Math.abs(thisUpdate.getTime() - validationDate.getTime());
        if (dt > this.freshnessInterval) {
            LOG.warn("freshness interval exceeded: " + dt + " milliseconds");
        if (null == singleResp.getCertStatus()) {
            LOG.debug("OCSP OK for: " + childCertificate.getSubjectX500Principal());
            addRevocationData(revocationData, ocspResp);
            return new TrustLinkerResult(true);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("OCSP certificate status: " + singleResp.getCertStatus().getClass().getName());
            if (singleResp.getCertStatus() instanceof RevokedStatus) {
                LOG.debug("OCSP status revoked");
            addRevocationData(revocationData, ocspResp);
            return new TrustLinkerResult(false, TrustLinkerResultReason.INVALID_REVOCATION_STATUS,
                    "certificate revoked by OCSP");

    LOG.debug("no matching OCSP response entry");
    return null;

From source file:it.cnr.icar.eric.server.security.authentication.AuthenticationServiceImpl.java

protected void registerUserCertificate(String userId, X509Certificate cert) throws RegistryException {
    java.io.FileOutputStream fos = null;

    try {/*from   w w w .j  a va 2 s .c o  m*/
        KeyStore keyStore = getKeyStore();

        // Make sure no other user is registered with same cert under a
        // different alias
        String alias = getKeyStore().getCertificateAlias(cert);
        if ((null != alias) && (!userId.equalsIgnoreCase(alias))) {
            throw new UserRegistrationException(ServerResourceBundle.getInstance()
                    .getString("message.error.certificateAlreadyExists", new Object[] { userId, alias }));

        // Check if already in store
        X509Certificate oldCert = null;

        try {
            oldCert = getCertificate(userId);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // System.err.println("Checking the certificates are the same...");
        if ((oldCert != null) && !certificatesAreSame(cert, oldCert)) {
            throw new UserRegistrationException(ServerResourceBundle.getInstance()
                    .getString("message.userRegistrationFailed", new Object[] { userId }));

        // Add the cert. to the keystore if the cert. does not exist yet
        if (oldCert == null) {
            if (propsReader.getProperty("eric.security.validateCertificates").trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {

            synchronized (keyStoreWriteLock) {
                keyStore.setCertificateEntry(userId, cert);

                String keystoreFile = getKeyStoreFileName();
                fos = new java.io.FileOutputStream(keystoreFile);

                String keystorePass = getKeyStorePassword();
                keyStore.store(fos, keystorePass.toCharArray());
                this.keyStore = null;

                // Update publicKeyToCertMap
                publicKeyToCertMap.put(cert.getPublicKey(), cert);
    } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
        throw new UserRegistrationException(e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new UserRegistrationException(e);
    } catch (java.security.cert.CertificateException e) {
        throw new UserRegistrationException(e);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new UserRegistrationException(e);
    } finally {
        if (fos != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {