Java tutorial
/* * DSS - Digital Signature Services * * Copyright (C) 2011 European Commission, Directorate-General Internal Market and Services (DG MARKT), B-1049 Bruxelles/Brussel * * Developed by: 2011 ARHS Developments S.A. (rue Nicolas Bov 2B, L-1253 Luxembourg) * * This file is part of the "DSS - Digital Signature Services" project. * * "DSS - Digital Signature Services" is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * DSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with * "DSS - Digital Signature Services". If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Validation of a <code>TrustStatusListType</code>. * First all relevant jaxb-object-hierarchy segments are extracted an checked in two phases:<p> * 1. checking of mandatory values ('checkMandatory'...) * 2. checking of business rules ('checkRule'...)<p> * If there are errors in phase 1, the 2nd phase won't be started. Although the individual validation * methods here may rely on the work of <code>ObjectFiller</code>, null checks are done again extensively. * * * @version $Revision: 2840 $ - $Date: 2013-11-04 12:30:49 +0100 (lun., 04 nov. 2013) $ */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class Validation { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Validation.class.getName()); private enum TYPEFORMATS { NUMBER, TEXT, DATE, URL }; private TrustStatusListType tsl; private ValidationParameters vParams; private static final ResourceBundle uiKeys = ResourceBundle.getBundle("eu/europa/ec/markt/tlmanager/uiKeysCore", Configuration.getInstance().getLocale()); // exploded objects private TSLSchemeInformationType schemeInformation; private List<OtherTSLPointerType> pointers; private List<TSPType> tsps; private List<TSPServiceType> services; private List<ServiceHistoryInstanceType> histories; private List<ExtensionsListType> extensions; private ValidationLogger logger; private enum NODENAMES { Tsl, Pointer, Tsp, Service, History, Extension }; /** * Instantiates a new validation. * * @param tsl the tsl */ public Validation(ValidationParameters vp, TrustStatusListType tsl) { this.tsl = tsl; this.vParams = vp; explodeTSL(); logger = new ValidationLogger(); } /** * Performs the validation. */ public ValidationLogger validate() { // 1st phase callMethods("checkMandatory"); // if there are errors till now, next phase is not started if (logger.hasErrors()) {"Validation.mandatory.fieldsNOk")); } else { // 2nd phase"Validation.mandatory.fieldsOk")); callMethods("checkRule"); if (logger.hasErrors()) {"Validation.mandatory.rulesNOk")); } else {"Validation.mandatory.rulesOk")); } } return logger; } private void callMethods(String methodNamePrefix) { for (Method m : this.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.getName().startsWith(methodNamePrefix)) { try { m.invoke(this, null); } catch (Exception ex) { String name = m.getName(); LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, ">>> Cannot call the following method: " + name + " with " + ex.getMessage(), ex);"Validation.mandatory.internalError") + " " + name); } } } } // Note: tsl and schemeInformation are the only objects that do not need to be null-checked private void explodeTSL() { schemeInformation = tsl.getSchemeInformation(); if (schemeInformation.getPointersToOtherTSL() != null) { pointers = schemeInformation.getPointersToOtherTSL().getOtherTSLPointer(); } if (tsl.getTrustServiceProviderList() != null) { tsps = tsl.getTrustServiceProviderList().getTrustServiceProvider(); } if (tsps != null && !tsps.isEmpty()) { services = new ArrayList<TSPServiceType>(); histories = new ArrayList<ServiceHistoryInstanceType>(); extensions = new ArrayList<ExtensionsListType>(); for (TSPType tsp : tsps) { if (tsp.getTSPServices() != null) { services.addAll(tsp.getTSPServices().getTSPService()); } } for (TSPServiceType service : services) { if (service.getServiceHistory() != null && !service.getServiceHistory().getServiceHistoryInstance().isEmpty()) { histories.addAll(service.getServiceHistory().getServiceHistoryInstance()); } if (service.getServiceInformation() != null && service.getServiceInformation().getServiceInformationExtensions() != null) { extensions.add(service.getServiceInformation().getServiceInformationExtensions()); } } // there may be more extensions for (ServiceHistoryInstanceType history : histories) { if (history.getServiceInformationExtensions() != null) { extensions.add(history.getServiceInformationExtensions()); } } } } private void validateSimple(NODENAMES name, String field, Object type, TYPEFORMATS typeFormat, Object parent) { boolean fieldIsEmpty = false; if (type == null) { fieldIsEmpty = true; } else if (type instanceof String && StringUtils.isBlank((String) type)) { fieldIsEmpty = true; } else if (typeFormat.equals(TYPEFORMATS.TEXT)) { String str = (String) type; if (str.isEmpty() || str.equals(Util.DEFAULT_NO_SELECTION_ENTRY)) { fieldIsEmpty = true; } } else if (typeFormat.equals(TYPEFORMATS.NUMBER)) { if (type instanceof BigInteger) { BigInteger big = (BigInteger) type; if (big.toString().isEmpty()) { fieldIsEmpty = true; } } } else if (typeFormat.equals(TYPEFORMATS.URL)) { // nop } else if (typeFormat.equals(TYPEFORMATS.DATE)) { // nop } if (fieldIsEmpty) { logger.error(logger.getEmptyMessage(name.toString(), field), parent); } } private void validateList(NODENAMES name, String field, List<?> list, Object parent) { boolean isEmpty = false; String message = ""; if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { isEmpty = true; } else { for (Object item : list) { if (item instanceof MultiLangStringType) { MultiLangStringType type = (MultiLangStringType) item; if (type.getValue() == null || type.getValue().isEmpty() || type.getValue().equals(Util.DEFAULT_NO_SELECTION_ENTRY)) { isEmpty = true; } else { isEmpty = false; break; } } else if (item instanceof String) { String type = (String) item; if (type == null || type.isEmpty() || type.equals(Util.DEFAULT_NO_SELECTION_ENTRY)) { isEmpty = true; } else { isEmpty = false; break; } } else if (item instanceof MultiLangNormStringType) { MultiLangNormStringType type = (MultiLangNormStringType) item; if (type.getValue() == null || type.getValue().isEmpty()) { isEmpty = true; } else { isEmpty = false; break; } } else if (item instanceof PostalAddressType) { PostalAddressType type = (PostalAddressType) item; message = logger.getPrefix(name.toString(), field) + uiKeys.getString("Validation.mandatory.postalAddress.minimumFields"); if (type.getStreetAddress() == null || type.getStreetAddress().isEmpty()) { isEmpty = true; } else if (type.getLocality() == null || type.getLocality().isEmpty()) { isEmpty = true; } else if (type.getCountryName() == null || type.getCountryName().equals(Util.DEFAULT_NO_SELECTION_ENTRY)) { isEmpty = true; } else { isEmpty = false; break; } } else if (item instanceof NonEmptyMultiLangURIType) { NonEmptyMultiLangURIType type = (NonEmptyMultiLangURIType) item; if (type.getValue() == null || type.getValue().isEmpty()) { isEmpty = true; } else { isEmpty = false; break; } } else if (item instanceof PoliciesListType) { PoliciesListType type = (PoliciesListType) item; if (type.getPolicyIdentifier() == null || type.getPolicyIdentifier().isEmpty()) { isEmpty = true; } else { boolean foundOneId = false; for (ObjectIdentifierType id : type.getPolicyIdentifier()) { IdentifierType identifier = id.getIdentifier(); if (identifier != null && identifier.getValue() != null && !identifier.getValue().isEmpty()) { foundOneId = true; break; } } if (!foundOneId) { isEmpty = true; } } } // else { // System.out.println("please handle me: "+item.toString()); // } } } if (isEmpty) { if (message.isEmpty()) { message = logger.getEmptyMessage(name.toString(), field); } logger.error(message, parent); } } /** * Validates a ServiceDigitalIdentities by comparing its values with its certificate (if any). * Furthermore, there has to be a certificate for a service and either a certificate, ski or subject name * for a history. * * @param name the name of the governing object node * @param type the type to check * @param parent the reference object * @param certNotMandatory if true, it is not mandatory to have a certificate, but at least a subject name or ski */ private void validateSpecial(NODENAMES name, DigitalIdentityListType type, Object parent, boolean certNotMandatory) { boolean gotCert = false, gotSubName = false, gotSKI = false; String field = QNames._ServiceDigitalIdentities_QNAME.getLocalPart(); if (type == null) { logger.error(logger.getEmptyMessage(name.toString(), field), parent); return; } X500Principal certSName = null, sName = null; byte[] certSki = null, ski = null; List<DigitalIdentityType> digitalIds = type.getDigitalId(); // first check on all the data that is available for (DigitalIdentityType ids : digitalIds) { if (ids.getX509Certificate() != null) { try { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(ids.getX509Certificate()); X509Certificate certificate = DSSUtils.loadCertificate(bais); gotCert = true; certSName = certificate.getSubjectX500Principal(); certSki = DSSUtils.getSki(certificate); } catch (DSSException ce) { String message = uiKeys .getString("Validation.mandatory.certificate.invalid" + " - " + ce.getMessage()); LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, message); logger.error(message, parent); } } else if (ids.getX509SubjectName() != null) { gotSubName = true; sName = new X500Principal(ids.getX509SubjectName()); } else if (ids.getX509SKI() != null) { gotSKI = true; ski = ids.getX509SKI(); } } // check 'internal' inconsistencies if (sName != null && certSName != null && !sName.equals(certSName)) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.mandatory.certificate.mismatch.subjectname"), parent); } if (ski != null && certSki != null) { byte[] shorterSki = ski; byte[] longerSki = certSki; if (ski.length != certSki.length) { if (ski.length > certSki.length) { shorterSki = certSki; longerSki = ski; } longerSki = Arrays.copyOfRange(longerSki, longerSki.length - shorterSki.length, longerSki.length); } if (!Arrays.equals(shorterSki, longerSki)) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString(""), parent); } } if (certNotMandatory) { // history if (!gotSubName && !gotSKI && !gotCert) { logger.error(logger.getEmptyMessage(name.toString(), field), parent); } else if (!gotSubName) { // subjectname is recommended logger.warn(logger.getPrefix(name.toString(), field) + uiKeys.getString("Validation.mandatory.certificate.noSubjectName"), parent); } } else { // service if (!gotCert) { logger.error(logger.getEmptyMessage(name.toString(), field), parent); } } } private void validateSpecial(NODENAMES name, TakenOverByType type, Object parent) { String field = QNames._TakenOverBy_QNAME.getLocalPart(); boolean uri = false, tspName = false, operName = false, territory = false, oneIsSet = false; if (type.getURI() != null && type.getURI().getValue() != null && !type.getURI().getValue().isEmpty()) { uri = true; oneIsSet = true; } if (type.getTSPName() != null && !type.getTSPName().getName().isEmpty()) { tspName = true; oneIsSet = true; } if (type.getSchemeOperatorName() != null && !type.getSchemeOperatorName().getName().isEmpty()) { operName = true; oneIsSet = true; } if (type.getSchemeTerritory() != null && !type.getSchemeTerritory().isEmpty() && !type.getSchemeTerritory().equals(Util.DEFAULT_NO_SELECTION_ENTRY)) { territory = true; oneIsSet = true; } // as soon as one value is set, the rest has to be present also if (oneIsSet && (!uri || !tspName || !operName || !territory)) { logger.error(logger.getPrefix(name.toString(), field) + uiKeys.getString("Validation.mandatory.takenOverBy.minimumFields"), parent); } } private void validateSpecial(NODENAMES name, AdditionalServiceInformationType type, Object parent) { String field = QNames._AdditionalServiceInformation_QNAME.getLocalPart(); boolean info = false; if (type.getInformationValue() != null && !type.getInformationValue().isEmpty()) { info = true; } if (type.getURI() == null || type.getURI().getValue().isEmpty() || type.getURI().getValue().equals(Util.DEFAULT_NO_SELECTION_ENTRY)) { if (info) { // uri is the only mandatory field; if there is no info, the whole thing is empty logger.error( logger.getPrefix(name.toString(), field) + uiKeys .getString("Validation.mandatory.additionalServiceInformation.minimumFields"), parent); } } } private void validateSpecial(NODENAMES name, QualificationsType type) { String field = QNames._Qualifications_QNAME.getLocalPart(); if (type != null) { for (QualificationElementType element : type.getQualificationElement()) { // ecc:Qualifiers - 2 ecc:Qualifier boolean isEmpty = false; if (element.getQualifiers() == null || element.getQualifiers().getQualifier().isEmpty()) { isEmpty = true; } else { List<QualifierType> qualifiers = element.getQualifiers().getQualifier(); // if (qualifiers.size() >= 1) { String uri1 = qualifiers.get(0).getUri(); if (uri1 == null || uri1.isEmpty() || uri1.equals(Util.DEFAULT_NO_SELECTION_ENTRY)) { isEmpty = true; } // } else { // logger.error(logger.getPrefix(name.toString(), field)+ // "cannot be validated due to wrong number of Qualifiers!", element); // LOG.log(Level.WARNING, // "Validation.validateSpecial(QualificationsType): wrong number of Qualifiers!"); // } } if (isEmpty) { logger.error(logger.getEmptyMessage(name.toString(), QNames._QualificationsQualifiers), element); } CriteriaListType criteriaList = element.getCriteriaList(); // cannot be null - created in ObjectFiller // ecc:CriteriaList assert validateSimple(name, QNames._QualificationsAssert, criteriaList.getAssert(), TYPEFORMATS.TEXT, element); // ecc:KeyUsage boolean foundContent = false; List<KeyUsageType> keyUsage = criteriaList.getKeyUsage(); if (!keyUsage.isEmpty()) { List<KeyUsageBitType> keyUsageBit = keyUsage.get(0).getKeyUsageBit(); for (KeyUsageBitType kubit : keyUsageBit) { foundContent = kubit.isValue(); if (foundContent) { break; } } } if (!foundContent) { // ecc:PolicyIdentifier List<PoliciesListType> policySet = criteriaList.getPolicySet(); if (!policySet.isEmpty()) { for (PoliciesListType policy : policySet) { List<ObjectIdentifierType> policyIdentifier = policy.getPolicyIdentifier(); for (ObjectIdentifierType polId : policyIdentifier) { IdentifierType identifier = polId.getIdentifier(); if (identifier != null && identifier.getValue() != null && !identifier.getValue().isEmpty()) { foundContent = true; break; } } if (foundContent) { break; } } } // tslx:ExtendedKeyUsageType & tslx:CertSubjectDNAttributeType otherCriteriaList = criteriaList .getOtherCriteriaList(); List<Object> content = otherCriteriaList.getContent(); for (Object obj : content) { if (obj instanceof JAXBElement<?>) { JAXBElement<?> jex = (JAXBElement<?>) obj; if (jex.getName().equals(QNames._ExtendedKeyUsage_QNAME)) { ExtendedKeyUsageType ekut = (ExtendedKeyUsageType) jex.getValue(); if (!ekut.getKeyPurposeId().isEmpty()) { for (ObjectIdentifierType oid : ekut.getKeyPurposeId()) { if (oid.getIdentifier() != null && !oid.getIdentifier().getValue().isEmpty()) { foundContent = true; break; } } if (foundContent) { break; } } } else if (jex.getName().equals(QNames._CertSubjectDNAttribute_QNAME)) { CertSubjectDNAttributeType csdat = (CertSubjectDNAttributeType) jex.getValue(); if (!csdat.getAttributeOID().isEmpty()) { for (ObjectIdentifierType oid : csdat.getAttributeOID()) { if (oid.getIdentifier() != null && !oid.getIdentifier().getValue().isEmpty()) { foundContent = true; break; } } if (foundContent) { break; } } } } } } if (!foundContent) { logger.error( logger.getPrefix(name.toString(), field) + uiKeys.getString("Validation.mandatory.qualification.minimumFields"), element); } } } } // ############################### MANDATORY ############################### private void checkMandatoryTSL() { if (tsl == null) { return; } try { NODENAMES name = NODENAMES.Tsl; // tsl:TSLSequenceNumber validateSimple(name, QNames._TSLSequenceNumber, schemeInformation.getTSLSequenceNumber(), TYPEFORMATS.NUMBER, tsl); // tsl:TSLSequenceNumber validateSimple(name, QNames._TSLType_QNAME.getLocalPart(), schemeInformation.getTSLType(), TYPEFORMATS.URL, tsl); // tsl:SchemeOperatorName validateList(name, QNames._SchemeOperatorName_QNAME.getLocalPart(), schemeInformation.getSchemeOperatorName().getName(), tsl); // tsl:SchemeOperatorAddress - tsl:PostalAddresses - tsl:PostalAddress validateList(name, QNames._PostalAddress_QNAME.getLocalPart(), schemeInformation.getSchemeOperatorAddress().getPostalAddresses().getPostalAddress(), tsl); // tsl:SchemeOperatorAddress - tsl:PostalAddresses - tsl:ElectronicAddress validateList(name, QNames._ElectronicAddress_QNAME.getLocalPart(), schemeInformation.getSchemeOperatorAddress().getElectronicAddress().getURI(), tsl); // tsl:SchemeName validateList(name, QNames._SchemeName_QNAME.getLocalPart(), schemeInformation.getSchemeName().getName(), tsl); // tsl:StatusDeterminationApproach validateSimple(name, QNames._StatusDeterminationApproach_QNAME.getLocalPart(), schemeInformation.getStatusDeterminationApproach(), TYPEFORMATS.URL, tsl); // tsl:SchemeInformationURI validateList(name, QNames._SchemeInformationURI_QNAME.getLocalPart(), schemeInformation.getSchemeInformationURI().getURI(), tsl); // tsl:SchemeTypeCommunityRules validateList(name, QNames._SchemeTypeCommunityRules_QNAME.getLocalPart(), schemeInformation.getSchemeTypeCommunityRules().getURI(), tsl); // tsl:SchemeTerritory validateSimple(name, QNames._SchemeTerritory_QNAME.getLocalPart(), schemeInformation.getSchemeTerritory(), TYPEFORMATS.TEXT, tsl); // tsl:PolicyOrLegalNotice validateList(name, QNames._PolicyOrLegalNotice_QNAME.getLocalPart(), schemeInformation.getPolicyOrLegalNotice().getTSLLegalNotice(), tsl); // tsl:HistoricalInformationPeriod validateSimple(name, QNames._HistoricalInformationPeriod, schemeInformation.getHistoricalInformationPeriod(), TYPEFORMATS.NUMBER, tsl); // tsl:ListIssueDateTime validateSimple(name, QNames._ListIssueDateTime, schemeInformation.getListIssueDateTime(), TYPEFORMATS.DATE, tsl); // tsl:NextUpdate if (!vParams.isListIsClosed()) { validateSimple(name, QNames._NextUpdate_QNAME.getLocalPart(), schemeInformation.getNextUpdate().getDateTime(), TYPEFORMATS.DATE, tsl); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Null Pointer Exception in checkMandatoryTSL() - " + ex.getMessage()); } } private void checkMandatoryPointer() { if (pointers == null) { return; } try { NODENAMES name = NODENAMES.Pointer; for (OtherTSLPointerType pointer : pointers) { // tsl:ServiceDigitalIdentities // Note: at this point, the actual content of the certificate cannot be verified -> // just check if there is 'something'... validateSpecial(name, pointer.getServiceDigitalIdentities().getServiceDigitalIdentity().get(0), pointer, false); // tsl:TSLLocation validateSimple(name, QNames._TSLLocation, pointer.getTSLLocation(), TYPEFORMATS.TEXT, pointer); // go into <tsl:AdditionalInformation> and find all <tsl:OtherInformation> for (Serializable other : pointer.getAdditionalInformation() .getTextualInformationOrOtherInformation()) { if (other instanceof AnyType) { AnyType anyType = (AnyType) other; Object object = anyType.getContent().get(0); if (object instanceof JAXBElement) { JAXBElement<?> element = (JAXBElement<?>) object; if (element.getName().equals(QNames._SchemeOperatorName_QNAME)) { InternationalNamesType list = (InternationalNamesType) element.getValue(); validateList(name, QNames._SchemeOperatorName_QNAME.getLocalPart(), list.getName(), pointer); } else if (element.getName().equals(QNames._SchemeTypeCommunityRules_QNAME)) { if (!Configuration.getInstance().isTlMode()) { NonEmptyURIListType list = (NonEmptyURIListType) element.getValue(); validateList(name, QNames._SchemeTypeCommunityRules_QNAME.getLocalPart(), list.getURI(), pointer); } } else if (element.getName().equals(QNames._SchemeTerritory_QNAME)) { validateSimple(name, QNames._SchemeTerritory_QNAME.getLocalPart(), element.getValue(), TYPEFORMATS.TEXT, pointer); } else if (element.getName().equals(QNames._MimeType_QNAME)) { validateSimple(name, QNames._MimeType_QNAME.getLocalPart(), element.getValue(), TYPEFORMATS.TEXT, pointer); } else if (element.getName().equals(QNames._TSLType_QNAME)) { validateSimple(name, QNames._TSLType_QNAME.getLocalPart(), element.getValue(), TYPEFORMATS.URL, pointer); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Null Pointer Exception in checkMandatoryPointer() - " + ex.getMessage()); } } private void checkMandatoryTSP() { if (tsps == null) { return; } try { NODENAMES name = NODENAMES.Tsp; for (TSPType tsp : tsps) { TSPInformationType tspInformation = tsp.getTSPInformation(); // tsl:TSPName validateList(name, QNames._TSPName, tspInformation.getTSPName().getName(), tsp); // tsl:PostalAddress validateList(name, QNames._PostalAddress_QNAME.getLocalPart(), tspInformation.getTSPAddress().getPostalAddresses().getPostalAddress(), tsp); // tsl:ElectronicAddress validateList(name, QNames._ElectronicAddress_QNAME.getLocalPart(), tspInformation.getTSPAddress().getElectronicAddress().getURI(), tsp); // tsl:TSPInformationURI validateList(name, QNames._TSPInformationURI, tspInformation.getTSPInformationURI().getURI(), tsp); // check whether there is at least one associated service TSPServicesListType tspServices = tsp.getTSPServices(); if (tspServices != null) { if (tspServices.getTSPService().isEmpty()) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.mandatory.atLeastOneService"), tsp); } } else { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.mandatory.atLeastOneService"), tsp); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Null Pointer Exception in checkMandatoryTSP() - " + ex.getMessage()); } } private void checkMandatoryService() { if (services == null) { return; } try { NODENAMES name = NODENAMES.Service; for (TSPServiceType service : services) { TSPServiceInformationType serviceInformation = service.getServiceInformation(); // tsl:ServiceTypeIdentifier validateSimple(name, QNames._ServiceTypeIdentifier_QNAME.getLocalPart(), serviceInformation.getServiceTypeIdentifier(), TYPEFORMATS.TEXT, service); // tsl:ServiceName validateList(name, QNames._ServiceName, serviceInformation.getServiceName().getName(), service); // tsl:ServiceDigitalIdentity validateSpecial(name, serviceInformation.getServiceDigitalIdentity(), service, false); // tsl:ServiceStatus validateSimple(name, QNames._ServiceStatus_QNAME.getLocalPart(), serviceInformation.getServiceStatus(), TYPEFORMATS.TEXT, service); // tsl:StatusStartingTime validateSimple(name, QNames._StatusStartingTime, serviceInformation.getStatusStartingTime(), TYPEFORMATS.DATE, service); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Null Pointer Exception in checkMandatoryService() - " + ex.getMessage()); } } private void checkMandatoryHistory() { if (histories == null) { return; } try { NODENAMES name = NODENAMES.History; for (ServiceHistoryInstanceType history : histories) { // tsl:ServiceTypeIdentifier validateSimple(name, QNames._ServiceTypeIdentifier_QNAME.getLocalPart(), history.getServiceTypeIdentifier(), TYPEFORMATS.TEXT, history); // tsl:ServiceName validateList(name, QNames._ServiceName, history.getServiceName().getName(), history); // tsl:ServiceDigitalIdentity validateSpecial(name, history.getServiceDigitalIdentity(), history, true); // tsl:ServiceStatus validateSimple(name, QNames._ServiceStatus_QNAME.getLocalPart(), history.getServiceStatus(), TYPEFORMATS.TEXT, history); // tsl:StatusStartingTime validateSimple(name, QNames._StatusStartingTime, history.getStatusStartingTime(), TYPEFORMATS.DATE, history); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Null Pointer Exception in checkMandatoryHistory() - " + ex.getMessage()); } } private void checkMandatoryExtension() { if (extensions == null) { return; } try { NODENAMES name = NODENAMES.Extension; for (ExtensionsListType extensionsList : extensions) { for (ExtensionType extension : extensionsList.getExtension()) { if (!extension.getContent().isEmpty()) { Object content = extension.getContent().get(0); if (content instanceof JAXBElement) { JAXBElement<?> element = (JAXBElement<?>) content; if (element.getName().equals(QNames._TakenOverBy_QNAME)) { TakenOverByType tob = (TakenOverByType) element.getValue(); validateSpecial(name, tob, extensionsList); } else if (element.getName().equals(QNames._ExpiredCertsRevocationInfo_QNAME)) { // Note: no need to validate anything here; either the date is specified or not } else if (element.getName().equals(QNames._AdditionalServiceInformation_QNAME)) { AdditionalServiceInformationType asi = (AdditionalServiceInformationType) element .getValue(); validateSpecial(name, asi, extensionsList); } else if (element.getName().equals(QNames._Qualifications_QNAME)) { QualificationsType qual = (QualificationsType) element.getValue(); validateSpecial(name, qual); } else { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Validation.checkMandatoryExtension(): " + "There is an unexpected object: " + element.getName()); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Null Pointer Exception in checkMandatoryExtension() - " + ex.getMessage()); } } // ############################### RULES ############################### // Note: all mandatory fields have been checked before -> several null checks are omitted /** * IssueDate must not be ulterior to the current time. */ private void checkRuleIssueDate() { GregorianCalendar listIssueTime = schemeInformation.getListIssueDateTime().toGregorianCalendar(); GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(); int result = listIssueTime.compareTo(gc); if (result == 1) { logger.warn(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.issueDate"), tsl); } } /** * If Nextupdate is not empty, the difference between IssuedDate and NextUpdate cannot exceed 6 months. */ private void checkRuleNextUpdate() { NextUpdateType nextUpdate = schemeInformation.getNextUpdate(); String nuName = QNames._NextUpdate_QNAME.getLocalPart(), liName = QNames._ListIssueDateTime; if (nextUpdate != null && nextUpdate.getDateTime() != null) { GregorianCalendar nextUpdateTime = nextUpdate.getDateTime().toGregorianCalendar(); GregorianCalendar listIssueTime = schemeInformation.getListIssueDateTime().toGregorianCalendar(); if (nextUpdateTime.before(listIssueTime)) { logger.error(nuName + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.nextUpdate.mustBeLater") + liName + "!", tsl); } else { GregorianCalendar gc = (GregorianCalendar) listIssueTime.clone(); gc.add(Calendar.MONTH, 6); if (gc.before(nextUpdateTime)) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.nextUpdate.dontExceed6Months") + liName + " - " + nuName + "!", tsl); } } } } /** * The SequenceNumber must be an integer and equal or greater than 1. */ private void checkRuleSequenceNumberFormat() { BigInteger tslSequenceNumber = schemeInformation.getTSLSequenceNumber(); if (tslSequenceNumber.intValue() < 1) { logger.error(QNames._TSLSequenceNumber + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.sequenceNumberFormat"), tsl); } } /** * The scheme name must be a string structured as follows: CC:name_value Where CC = the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Country * Code used in the field "Territory"; Name_value = the text filled by the user and describing the name of the * scheme. */ private void checkRuleSchemeName() { InternationalNamesType schemeName = schemeInformation.getSchemeName(); boolean error = false; for (MultiLangNormStringType names : schemeName.getName()) { String value = names.getValue(); String[] split = value.split(":"); if (split.length < 2) { error = true; break; } CountryCodes countryCodes = Configuration.getInstance().getCountryCodes(); if (!countryCodes.getCodesList().contains(split[0])) { error = true; break; } } if (error) { logger.error( uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.schemeName.part1") + QNames._SchemeName_QNAME.getLocalPart() + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.schemeName.part2"), tsl); } } /** * The field HistoricalPeriod must be equal to 65535 */ private void checkRuleHistoricalPeriod() { BigInteger historicalInformationPeriod = schemeInformation.getHistoricalInformationPeriod(); String name = QNames._HistoricalInformationPeriod; BigInteger fixedValue = Configuration.getInstance().getHistoricalInformationPeriod(); if (historicalInformationPeriod.intValue() != fixedValue.intValue()) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.historicalPeriod") + " " + fixedValue + "!", tsl); } } /** * If the type of the TSL is 'generic', the number of pointer to other TSL must be equal to 2. */ private void checkRulePointerToOtherTSL() { if (Configuration.getInstance().isTlMode()) { if (pointers == null || pointers.size() != 2) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("")); } } } /** * If Type = "generic", there must be at least 2 URIs in TypeCommunityRule. If Type = "schemes", there must be only * 1 URI in TypeCommunityRule. Note: This check is done with values from the TSL page * * Note: this check is done reading the starting mode of the application (not with tsl.schemeInformation.tslType) */ private void checkRuleTypeCommunityRule() { String name = QNames._SchemeTypeCommunityRules_QNAME.getLocalPart(); NonEmptyMultiLangURIListType schemeTypeCommunityRules = schemeInformation.getSchemeTypeCommunityRules(); List<NonEmptyMultiLangURIType> uris = schemeTypeCommunityRules.getURI(); if (Configuration.getInstance().isTlMode()) { if (uris.size() < 2) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString(""), tsl); } } else if (uris.size() != 1) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.typeCommunityRule.lotl"), tsl); } } /** * Verify that tsl.schemeInformation.tslType is inline with the mode of the application and the country selected */ void checkRuleSchemaInformationTSLType() { String name = QNames._TSLType_QNAME.getLocalPart(); final String tslType = tsl.getSchemeInformation().getTSLType(); final String schemeTerritory = tsl.getSchemeInformation().getSchemeTerritory(); if (Configuration.getInstance().getCountryCodes().isCodeInList(schemeTerritory)) { // eu country, TSL Type value is fixed if (!tslType.equals(Configuration.getInstance().getTSL().getTslType())) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.tslType.inverse"), tsl); } } } /** * Verify that if tsl.schemeInformation.tslType is * "" or "" * the "CC" value is equals to tsl.schemeInformation.schemeTerritory */ void checkRuleSchemeTerritoryInUpperCase() { String nameTerritory = QNames._SchemeTerritory_QNAME.getLocalPart(); final String territory = tsl.getSchemeInformation().getSchemeTerritory(); if (!territory.toUpperCase().equals(territory)) { logger.error(nameTerritory + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.schemeTerritory.uppercase"), tsl); } } /** * Verify that if tsl.schemeInformation.tslType is * "" or "" * the "CC" value is equals to tsl.schemeInformation.schemeTerritory */ void checkRuleSchemaInformationTSLTypeInlineWithSchemeTerritory() { String name = QNames._TSLType_QNAME.getLocalPart(); final String tslType = tsl.getSchemeInformation().getTSLType(); final String schemeTerritory = tsl.getSchemeInformation().getSchemeTerritory(); if (!Configuration.getInstance().getCountryCodes().isCodeInList(schemeTerritory)) { final String tslTypeNonEu = Configuration.getInstance().getTSL().getTslType(); String regExp = tslTypeNonEu.replaceAll("(#CC#)", "(.+)"); final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regExp); final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(tslType); if (matcher.matches()) { final String countryInTslType =; if (!countryInTslType.equals(schemeTerritory)) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString(""), tsl); } } } else { // checked in checkRuleSchemaInformationTSLType } } /** * If the scheme type is "generic/list", the TSLType of the pointer to other TSL must be "listofthelists". And vice * et versa. */ void checkRuleTSLType() { String name = QNames._TSLType_QNAME.getLocalPart(); final String schemeTerritory = tsl.getSchemeInformation().getSchemeTerritory(); if (Configuration.getInstance().getCountryCodes().isCodeInList(schemeTerritory)) { String tslTypeInverseEu = Configuration.getInstance().getTSL().getTslTypeInverse(); if (pointers != null) { for (OtherTSLPointerType pointer : pointers) { List<Serializable> othInfo = pointer.getAdditionalInformation() .getTextualInformationOrOtherInformation(); String tslType = ""; for (Serializable obj : othInfo) { if (obj instanceof AnyType) { AnyType anyType = (AnyType) obj; List<Object> content = anyType.getContent(); if (!content.isEmpty() && content.get(0) instanceof JAXBElement<?>) { JAXBElement<?> element = (JAXBElement<?>) content.get(0); if (element.getName().getLocalPart().equals(name)) { tslType = (String) element.getValue(); break; } } } } if (tslType.isEmpty() || !tslType.equals(tslTypeInverseEu)) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.tslType.allPointersMustHave") + name + ": " + tslTypeInverseEu, pointer); } } } } } /** * If TSLType = "schemes" (lotl), SchemeTerritory must be "EU". */ void checkRuleSchemeTerritory() { String nameTSLType = QNames._TSLType_QNAME.getLocalPart(); String nameTerritory = QNames._SchemeTerritory_QNAME.getLocalPart(); String schemesTSLType = Configuration.getInstance().getLotlTslTypeEu(); if (pointers != null) { for (OtherTSLPointerType pointer : pointers) { List<Serializable> othInfo = pointer.getAdditionalInformation() .getTextualInformationOrOtherInformation(); String tslType = ""; String territory = ""; for (Serializable obj : othInfo) { if (obj instanceof AnyType) { AnyType anyType = (AnyType) obj; List<Object> content = anyType.getContent(); if (!content.isEmpty() && content.get(0) instanceof JAXBElement<?>) { JAXBElement<?> element = (JAXBElement<?>) content.get(0); if (element.getName().getLocalPart().equals(nameTSLType)) { tslType = (String) element.getValue(); } else if (element.getName().getLocalPart().equals(nameTerritory)) { territory = (String) element.getValue(); } } } } // check that the territory code is in uppercase if (!territory.toUpperCase().equals(territory)) { logger.error(nameTerritory + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.schemeTerritory.uppercase"), pointer); } // check that the EUlistofthelist is used only for territory EU if (tslType.equals(schemesTSLType)) { if (!territory.equals("EU")) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString(""), pointer); } } if (!Configuration.getInstance().getCountryCodes().isCodeInList(territory)) { final String tslTypeInverseNonEu = Configuration.getInstance().getTSL().getTslTypeInverse(); String regExp = tslTypeInverseNonEu.replaceAll("(#CC#)", "(.+)"); final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regExp); final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(tslType); if (matcher.matches()) { final String countryInTslType =; if (!countryInTslType.equals(territory)) { logger.error( nameTerritory + uiKeys.getString(""), pointer); } } } } } } /** * If TSLType = "generic", there must be at least 2 URIs in SchemeTypeCommunityRule. If TSLType = "schemes", there * must be only 1 URI in SchemeTypeCommunityRule. Note: This check is done on each pointer; the current tsl type is * 'generic' if its pointers have a type of 'schemes' and vice versa */ private void checkRuleSchemeTypeCommunityRule() { String name = QNames._SchemeTypeCommunityRules_QNAME.getLocalPart(); String nameTSLType = QNames._TSLType_QNAME.getLocalPart(); String nameTerritory = QNames._SchemeTerritory_QNAME.getLocalPart(); if (pointers != null) { for (OtherTSLPointerType pointer : pointers) { List<Serializable> othInfo = pointer.getAdditionalInformation() .getTextualInformationOrOtherInformation(); String tslType = ""; String territory = ""; NonEmptyMultiLangURIListType communityRules = null; for (Serializable obj : othInfo) { if (obj instanceof AnyType) { AnyType anyType = (AnyType) obj; List<Object> content = anyType.getContent(); if (!content.isEmpty() && content.get(0) instanceof JAXBElement<?>) { JAXBElement<?> element = (JAXBElement<?>) content.get(0); if (element.getName().getLocalPart().equals(nameTSLType)) { tslType = (String) element.getValue(); } else if (element.getName().getLocalPart().equals(name)) { communityRules = (NonEmptyMultiLangURIListType) element.getValue(); } else if (element.getName().getLocalPart().equals(nameTerritory)) { territory = (String) element.getValue(); } } } } if (Configuration.getInstance().getCountryCodes().isCodeInList(territory)) { // eu country boolean isLotlTslType = tslType.equals(Configuration.getInstance().getLotlTslTypeEu()); boolean isTlTslType = tslType.equals(Configuration.getInstance().getTlTslTypeEu()); if (isLotlTslType) { // schemes if (communityRules != null && communityRules.getURI().size() != 1) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.schemeTypeCommunityRule.lotl"), pointer); } } else { if (isTlTslType) { if (communityRules != null && communityRules.getURI().size() < 2) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString(""), pointer); } } } } else { // no check done if non-eu country } } } } /** * 5.5.3 Service digital identity * <p/> * The same public key (and hence the same certificate representing this public key) shall not appear * more than once in the trusted list for the same type of service. The same public key may appear * more than once in the TL only when associated to trust services having different 'Service type * identifier' ('Sti') values (e.g. public key used for verifying signatures on different types of Trust * Services Tokens) for which different supervision/ accreditation systems apply. */ private void checkRuleUniqueSDIperService() { if (services != null) { Set<String> keySet = new HashSet<String>(); for (TSPServiceType service : services) { // both values are mandatory and are supposed to be present at this point String sti = service.getServiceInformation().getServiceTypeIdentifier(); DigitalIdentityListType sdi = service.getServiceInformation().getServiceDigitalIdentity(); byte[] publicKey = null; for (DigitalIdentityType id : sdi.getDigitalId()) { // 1-2 entries if (publicKey == null) { try { byte[] x509Certificate = id.getX509Certificate(); final X509Certificate x509 = DSSUtils.loadCertificate(x509Certificate); publicKey = x509.getPublicKey().getEncoded(); continue; } catch (DSSException e) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } } else { break; } } String couple = sti + Arrays.hashCode(publicKey); if (keySet.contains(couple)) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.uniqueSDIperService"), service); } else { keySet.add(couple); } } } } /** * 5.5.3 Service digital identity * <p/> * The TLSO may list more than one certificate to represent the * public key, but only when all those certificates relate to the same public key and have identical * subject names */ void checkRuleAllSDIHaveTheSamePublicKey() { if (services != null) { for (TSPServiceType service : services) { // both values are mandatory and are supposed to be present at this point DigitalIdentityListType sdi = service.getServiceInformation().getServiceDigitalIdentity(); Set<PublicKey> publicKeySet = new HashSet<PublicKey>(); Set<X500Principal> subjectSet = new HashSet<X500Principal>(); for (DigitalIdentityType id : sdi.getDigitalId()) { // 1-2 entries byte[] x509Certificate = id.getX509Certificate(); if (x509Certificate != null) { try { final X509Certificate x509 = DSSUtils.loadCertificate(x509Certificate); publicKeySet.add(x509.getPublicKey()); subjectSet.add(x509.getSubjectX500Principal()); } catch (DSSException e) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } } else { final String x509SubjectName = id.getX509SubjectName(); if (x509SubjectName != null) { subjectSet.add(new X500Principal(x509SubjectName)); } } } if (publicKeySet.size() > 1) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.digitalIdentity.uniquePublicKeyPerService"), service); } if (subjectSet.size() > 1) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.digitalIdentity.uniqueSubjectNamePerService"), service); } } } } /** * 5.5.3 Service digital identity * <p/> * The TLSO may list more than one certificate to represent the * public key, but only when all those certificates relate to the same public key and have identical * subject names */ void checkRulePointerToOtherTSLHaveTheSamePublicKey() { if (pointers != null) { for (OtherTSLPointerType pointer : pointers) { final List<DigitalIdentityListType> serviceDigitalIdentity = pointer.getServiceDigitalIdentities() .getServiceDigitalIdentity(); for (DigitalIdentityListType digitalIdentityListType : serviceDigitalIdentity) { Set<PublicKey> publicKeySet = new HashSet<PublicKey>(); Set<X500Principal> subjectSet = new HashSet<X500Principal>(); for (DigitalIdentityType id : digitalIdentityListType.getDigitalId()) { // 1-2 entries byte[] x509Certificate = id.getX509Certificate(); if (x509Certificate != null) { try { final X509Certificate x509 = DSSUtils.loadCertificate(x509Certificate); publicKeySet.add(x509.getPublicKey()); subjectSet.add(x509.getSubjectX500Principal()); } catch (DSSException e) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e); } } } if (publicKeySet.size() > 1) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.digitalIdentity.uniquePublicKeyPerService"), pointer); } if (subjectSet.size() > 1) { logger.error( uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.digitalIdentity.uniqueSubjectNamePerService"), pointer); } } } } } /** * * A sequence of multilingual character strings (see clause 5.1.4) giving: * * e-mail address as a URI, in the form specified by RFC 3986 [9], with the URI scheme * defined in RFC 2368 [7]; and * * web-site as a URI, in the form specified by RFC 3986 [9]. * Both character strings shall be present. */ void checkRuleSchemeOperatorElectronicAddress() { final String name = QNames._ElectronicAddress_QNAME.getLocalPart(); final ElectronicAddressType electronicAddress = tsl.getSchemeInformation().getSchemeOperatorAddress() .getElectronicAddress(); boolean valid = electronicAddressHasEmailAndWeb(electronicAddress); if (!valid) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.schemeoperatoraddress"), tsl); } } private boolean electronicAddressHasEmailAndWeb(ElectronicAddressType electronicAddress) { final List<NonEmptyMultiLangURIType> uris = electronicAddress.getURI(); // list must contains both email and http boolean emailPresent = false; boolean webPresent = false; for (NonEmptyMultiLangURIType uri : uris) { if (uri.getValue().startsWith("mailto:")) { emailPresent = true; } else if (uri.getValue().startsWith("http://") || uri.getValue().startsWith("https://")) { webPresent = true; } if (emailPresent && webPresent) { break; } } return emailPresent && webPresent; } /** * 5.3.8 Status Determination Approach * * In the context of EU Member State trusted lists, the URI shall be set to "" as defined in clause D.5. TLSOs from non-EU countries and international organizations shall use either: the "" URI as defined in clause D.6 and where "CC" is replaced by the code used in the 'Scheme territory field' (clause 5.3.10); or a URI defined on purpose or registered under ETSI Identified Organization Domain as described in clause D.3 of the present document. */ void checkRuleStatusDeterminationApproach() { final String name = QNames._StatusDeterminationApproach_QNAME.getLocalPart(); final String schemeTerritory = tsl.getSchemeInformation().getSchemeTerritory(); final String statusDeterminationApproach = tsl.getSchemeInformation().getStatusDeterminationApproach(); final String tslStatusDeterminationApproach = Configuration.getInstance().getTSL() .getTslStatusDeterminationApproach(); if (Configuration.getInstance().getCountryCodes().isCodeInList(schemeTerritory)) { // EU country if (!tslStatusDeterminationApproach.equals(statusDeterminationApproach)) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.statusDeterminationApproach"), tsl); } } else { // non EU country if (tslStatusDeterminationApproach.equals(statusDeterminationApproach)) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.statusDeterminationApproach"), tsl); } else { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(tslStatusDeterminationApproach.replaceAll("#CC#", "(.+)")); final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(statusDeterminationApproach); if (matcher.matches()) { final String countryInStatusDeterminationApproach =; if (!countryInStatusDeterminationApproach.equals(schemeTerritory)) { logger.error(name + uiKeys .getString(""), tsl); } } } } } /** * 5.3.17 Scheme extensions Presence: This field shall not be present for EU Member States' trusted lists. It is optional for non-EU countries and international organizations. */ void checkRuleSchemeInformationSchemeExtensions() { final QName name = QNames._SchemeExtensions_QNAME; final ExtensionsListType schemeExtensions = tsl.getSchemeInformation().getSchemeExtensions(); final String schemeTerritory = tsl.getSchemeInformation().getSchemeTerritory(); if (Configuration.getInstance().getCountryCodes().isCodeInList(schemeTerritory)) { if (schemeExtensions != null && schemeExtensions.getExtension() != null && !schemeExtensions.getExtension().isEmpty()) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.schemeInformation.schemeExtensions"), tsl); } } } void checkRuleTSPElectronicAddress() { final QName name = QNames._ElectronicAddress_QNAME; final TrustServiceProviderListType trustServiceProviderList = tsl.getTrustServiceProviderList(); if (trustServiceProviderList != null) { final List<TSPType> trustServiceProviderListList = trustServiceProviderList.getTrustServiceProvider(); if (trustServiceProviderListList != null) { for (TSPType tsp : trustServiceProviderListList) { final ElectronicAddressType electronicAddress = tsp.getTSPInformation().getTSPAddress() .getElectronicAddress(); boolean valid = electronicAddressHasEmailAndWeb(electronicAddress); if (!valid) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.tsp.address"), tsp); } } } } } /* * Returns true if all the given ExtensionType have an empty asi */ private boolean isAsiEmpty(List<ExtensionType> extension) { if (!extension.isEmpty()) { for (ExtensionType exType : extension) { JAXBElement<?> asiElement = Util.extractJAXBElement(exType); Object asiValue = asiElement.getValue(); if (asiValue != null) { AdditionalServiceInformationType asi = (AdditionalServiceInformationType) asiValue; if ((asi.getInformationValue() != null && !asi.getInformationValue().isEmpty()) || (asi.getURI() != null && asi.getURI().getValue() != null && !asi.getURI().getValue().isEmpty() && !asi.getURI().getValue().equals(Util.DEFAULT_NO_SELECTION_ENTRY))) { return false; // it's enough to find just one } } } } return true; } /** * If present, the service information extensions list must contain at least one extension. * <p> * Note: As soon there is something different than having a tob and ecri extensionType, the extensionList for a * service is not considered to be empty anymore. * <p> * Note2: this checks on all available extensions at the same time (Service and History). */ private void checkRuleServiceInformationExtensions() { if (extensions != null) { for (ExtensionsListType extensionList : extensions) { List<ExtensionType> tobExtensions = Util.extractMatching(extensionList, QNames._TakenOverBy_QNAME.getLocalPart(), false); List<ExtensionType> ecriExtensions = Util.extractMatching(extensionList, QNames._ExpiredCertsRevocationInfo_QNAME.getLocalPart(), false); List<ExtensionType> asiExtensions = Util.extractMatching(extensionList, QNames._AdditionalServiceInformation_QNAME.getLocalPart(), false); List<ExtensionType> qualExtensions = Util.extractMatching(extensionList, QNames._Qualifications_QNAME.getLocalPart(), false); boolean asiEmpty = isAsiEmpty(asiExtensions); // Note: With a single qualification extension, it is considered to be content for the extension, // although it may be, that the qualification page does not contain any content too. // However, this is not taken into account for this rule! if (qualExtensions.size() == 0 && asiEmpty && tobExtensions.size() == 1 && ecriExtensions.size() == 1) { boolean tobEmpty = false, ecriEmpty = false; JAXBElement<?> tobElement = Util.extractJAXBElement(tobExtensions.get(0)); Object tobValue = tobElement.getValue(); if (tobValue != null) { TakenOverByType tob = (TakenOverByType) tobValue; if ((tob.getURI().getValue() == null || tob.getURI().getValue().isEmpty()) && tob.getTSPName().getName().isEmpty() && tob.getSchemeOperatorName().getName().isEmpty() && (tob.getSchemeTerritory().isEmpty() || tob.getSchemeTerritory().equals(Util.DEFAULT_NO_SELECTION_ENTRY))) { tobEmpty = true; // everyhing is empty/null } } JAXBElement<?> ecriElement = Util.extractJAXBElement(ecriExtensions.get(0)); Object ecriValue = ecriElement.getValue(); if (ecriValue == null) { ecriEmpty = true; } if (tobEmpty && ecriEmpty) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.ServiceInformationExtensions"), extensionList); } } } } } /** * The CurrentStatusStartingDate must be greater than the time present in the PreviousStatusStartingDate within the * most recent ServiceHistory instance if the status is different. */ private void checkRuleCurrentStatusStartingDate() { if (services != null) { for (TSPServiceType service : services) { GregorianCalendar serviceTime = service.getServiceInformation().getStatusStartingTime() .toGregorianCalendar(); // serviceTime can't be null at this point ServiceHistoryType serviceHistory = service.getServiceHistory(); if (serviceHistory != null) { List<ServiceHistoryInstanceType> serviceHistoryInstance = serviceHistory .getServiceHistoryInstance(); for (ServiceHistoryInstanceType history : serviceHistoryInstance) { GregorianCalendar historyTime = history.getStatusStartingTime().toGregorianCalendar(); if (historyTime.after(serviceTime)) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.currentStatusStartingDate"), history); } } } } } } /** * History <p> The service type identifier in the ServiceHistory entity must refer to the type identifier described in * the Service entity. */ private void checkRuleServiceTypeIdentifier() { if (services != null) { for (TSPServiceType service : services) { String serviceSTI = service.getServiceInformation().getServiceTypeIdentifier(); ServiceHistoryType serviceHistory = service.getServiceHistory(); if (serviceHistory != null) { List<ServiceHistoryInstanceType> serviceHistoryInstance = serviceHistory .getServiceHistoryInstance(); for (ServiceHistoryInstanceType history : serviceHistoryInstance) { String historySTI = history.getServiceTypeIdentifier(); if (!serviceSTI.equals(historySTI)) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.serviceTypeIdentifier"), history); } } } } } } /** * History * <p> * The service digital identifier must refer to the SDI described in the Service entity. */ private void checkRuleServiceDigitalIdentifier() { if (services != null) { for (TSPServiceType service : services) { DigitalIdentityListType sdi = service.getServiceInformation().getServiceDigitalIdentity(); byte[] certS = null, skiS = null; X500Principal subjectName = null; for (DigitalIdentityType dit : sdi.getDigitalId()) { if (dit.getX509Certificate() != null) { certS = dit.getX509Certificate(); break; // get only the certificate } } X509Certificate certificate = null; try { certificate = DSSUtils.loadCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(certS)); subjectName = certificate.getSubjectX500Principal(); skiS = DSSUtils.getSki(certificate); } catch (Exception ex) { // catch also potential npe's String message = uiKeys.getString("Validation.mandatory.certificate.invalid"); LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, message + " - " + ex.getMessage()); logger.error(message, service); } ServiceHistoryType serviceHistory = service.getServiceHistory(); if (serviceHistory != null) { List<ServiceHistoryInstanceType> serviceHistoryInstance = serviceHistory .getServiceHistoryInstance(); for (ServiceHistoryInstanceType history : serviceHistoryInstance) { sdi = history.getServiceDigitalIdentity(); byte[] certH = null, skiH = null; X500Principal nameH = null; for (DigitalIdentityType dit : sdi.getDigitalId()) { if (dit.getX509Certificate() != null) { certH = dit.getX509Certificate(); } else if (dit.getX509SubjectName() != null) { nameH = new X500Principal(dit.getX509SubjectName()); } else if (dit.getX509SKI() != null) { skiH = dit.getX509SKI(); } } if (certH != null && !Arrays.equals(certH, certS)) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.serviceDigitalIdentifier.certMismatch"), history); } if (nameH != null && !nameH.equals(subjectName)) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.serviceDigitalIdentifier.snMismatch"), history); } if (skiH != null && skiS != null) { byte[] shorterSki = skiH; byte[] longerSki = skiS; if (skiH.length != skiS.length) { if (skiH.length > skiS.length) { shorterSki = skiS; longerSki = skiH; } longerSki = Arrays.copyOfRange(longerSki, longerSki.length - shorterSki.length, longerSki.length); } if (!Arrays.equals(shorterSki, longerSki)) { logger.error( uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.serviceDigitalIdentifier.skiMismatch"), history); } } } } } } } /** * History <p> The PreviousStatusStartingDate in the ServiceHistory instance must be greater than the time within the * previous ServiceHistory instance if the status indicated in both instances are different. Note: this rule checks * that no two histories with the same date/time may have the same status. */ private void checkRulePreviousStatusStartingDate() { if (services != null) { Map<String, ServiceHistoryInstanceType> map = new HashMap<String, ServiceHistoryInstanceType>(); int i = 0; for (TSPServiceType service : services) { ServiceHistoryType serviceHistory = service.getServiceHistory(); if (serviceHistory != null) { List<ServiceHistoryInstanceType> serviceHistoryInstance = serviceHistory .getServiceHistoryInstance(); if (serviceHistoryInstance.size() > 1) { for (ServiceHistoryInstanceType history : serviceHistoryInstance) { String key = i + "-" + history.getStatusStartingTime() + history.getServiceStatus(); if (map.containsKey(key)) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.previousStatusStartingDate"), history); } else { map.put(key, history); } } } } i++; } } } private class SortableHistory implements Comparable<SortableHistory> { private ServiceHistoryInstanceType history; /** * The default constructor for SortableHistory. * * @param history */ public SortableHistory(ServiceHistoryInstanceType history) { this.history = history; } /** * @return the history */ public ServiceHistoryInstanceType getHistory() { return history; } /** * @return the service status */ public String getServiceStatus() { return history.getServiceStatus(); } /** @{inheritDoc */ @Override public int compareTo(SortableHistory o) { GregorianCalendar ownCal = history.getStatusStartingTime().toGregorianCalendar(); GregorianCalendar othCal = o.getHistory().getStatusStartingTime().toGregorianCalendar(); return ownCal.compareTo(othCal); } } /** * History <p> If service history is present, the service current status must follow the status flow described in Study * on Cross-Border Interoperability of eSignatures (CROBIES) cf. class <code>StatusInformationFlow</code> */ private void checkRuleServiceCurrentStatusWithServiceHistory() { if (services != null) { for (TSPServiceType service : services) { TSPServiceInformationType serviceInfo = service.getServiceInformation(); List<SortableHistory> sortedList = new ArrayList<SortableHistory>(); // first element is the oldest one ServiceHistoryType serviceHistory = service.getServiceHistory(); if (serviceHistory != null) { List<ServiceHistoryInstanceType> serviceHistoryInstance = serviceHistory .getServiceHistoryInstance(); for (ServiceHistoryInstanceType history : serviceHistoryInstance) { sortedList.add(new SortableHistory(history)); } Collections.sort(sortedList); StatusInformationFlow statusInformationFlow = new StatusInformationFlow(); if (statusInformationFlow.isInitError()) { logger.warn(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.serviceCurrentStatus.initError"), service); continue; } if (!sortedList.isEmpty()) { // thx to checkRuleCurrentStatusStartingDate() service has the most recent date ... // ... but still this is not guaranteed here so it must be checked again ServiceHistoryInstanceType lastHistory = sortedList.get(sortedList.size() - 1).getHistory(); boolean tru = Util.isFirstDateEarlierOrEqualThanSecond(lastHistory.getStatusStartingTime(), serviceInfo.getStatusStartingTime()); if (!tru) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.serviceCurrentStatus.needLatestTime"), service); continue; // next service } } // now check for a correct start status String startStatusToCheck = ""; Object reference = null; if (!sortedList.isEmpty()) { ServiceHistoryInstanceType serviceHistoryInstanceType = sortedList.get(0).getHistory(); // oldest // entry startStatusToCheck = serviceHistoryInstanceType.getServiceStatus(); reference = serviceHistoryInstanceType; } else { startStatusToCheck = serviceInfo.getServiceStatus(); reference = service; } Status status = statusInformationFlow.getMatchingStatus(startStatusToCheck); if (status != null && !status.isStartPoint()) { logger.error( uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.serviceCurrentStatus.missingValidStartStatus"), reference); continue; } boolean foundUnconnectedStatus = false; // status is the matching status to the first element of the list (see above) List<Status> outGoing = status.getOutGoing(); if (!sortedList.isEmpty()) { // there are histories if (sortedList.size() > 1) { // there is more than one history which need to be checked first // now iterate through the sorted list and check that all status are 'connected' properly for (int i = 1; i < sortedList.size(); i++) { // skip first element; was done already SortableHistory history = sortedList.get(i); boolean foundCorrectStatusInIteration = false; for (Status status1 : outGoing) { // check all outgoing edges of the previous entry String serviceStatus = history.getServiceStatus(); if (serviceStatus.equals(status1.getName())) { outGoing = status1.getOutGoing(); foundCorrectStatusInIteration = true; } } if (!foundCorrectStatusInIteration) { foundUnconnectedStatus = true; reference = history.getHistory(); } } } if (!foundUnconnectedStatus) { // compare the latest set of outGoing edges with the status of the service boolean foundCorrectStatusInIteration = false; for (Status status1 : outGoing) { String serviceStatus = serviceInfo.getServiceStatus(); if (serviceStatus.equals(status1.getName())) { outGoing = status1.getOutGoing(); foundCorrectStatusInIteration = true; } } if (!foundCorrectStatusInIteration) { foundUnconnectedStatus = true; reference = service; } } if (foundUnconnectedStatus) { logger.error( uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.serviceCurrentStatus.notConnectedCorrectly"), reference); } } } } } } /** * 5.5.4 Service current status Presence: This field shall be present. Description: It specifies the identifier of the current status of the service. Format: An identifier expressed as an URI. Value: In the context of EU Member States, to the exception of the "NationalRootCA-QC" service type, the identifier of the status of all the services shall be one of the following URIs as defined in clause D.5: - Under Supervision: "" - Supervision of Service in Cessation: "" - Supervision Ceased: "" - Supervision Revoked: "" - Accredited: "" - Accreditation Ceased: "" - Accreditation Revoked: "" with regards to the "NationalRootCA-QC" service type (as defined in clause 5.5.1), the identifier of the status of such services shall be one of the following URIs as defined in clause D.5: - Set by national law: "" - Deprecated by national law: "" */ void checkRuleTspServiceCurrentStatus() { final QName name = QNames._ServiceStatus_QNAME; final String schemeTerritory = tsl.getSchemeInformation().getSchemeTerritory(); if (Configuration.getInstance().getCountryCodes().isCodeInList(schemeTerritory)) { // In EU if (services != null) { final String nationalRootCaQc = ""; final String setByNationalLaw = ""; final String deprecatedByNationalLaw = ""; final List<String> allowedForNationalRootCAQC = new ArrayList<String>(); allowedForNationalRootCAQC.add(setByNationalLaw); allowedForNationalRootCAQC.add(deprecatedByNationalLaw); final List<String> tslServiceStatuses = Arrays .asList(Configuration.getInstance().getTL().getTslServiceStatus()); tslServiceStatuses.removeAll(allowedForNationalRootCAQC); for (TSPServiceType service : services) { TSPServiceInformationType serviceInfo = service.getServiceInformation(); final String serviceStatus = serviceInfo.getServiceStatus(); final String serviceTypeIdentifier = serviceInfo.getServiceTypeIdentifier(); if (!nationalRootCaQc.equals(serviceTypeIdentifier)) { if (!tslServiceStatuses.contains(serviceStatus)) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.serviceCurrentStatus.notAllowed"), service); } } else { if (!allowedForNationalRootCAQC.contains(serviceStatus)) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.serviceCurrentStatus.notAllowed"), service); } } } } } } /** * 5.5.8 TSP service definition URI * Presence: When the service type (clause 5.5.1) is "NationalRootCA-QC", this field shall be present. In other * cases, this field is optional. * Description: It specifies the URI(s) where relying parties can obtain service-specific information provided by * the TSP. * Format: A sequence of multilingual pointers (see clause 5.1.4). * Value: The referenced URI(s) shall provide a path to information describing the service as specified by * the TSP. * When the service type (clause 5.5.1) is "NationalRootCA-QC", this field shall specify the URI(s) * where relying parties can obtain service-specific information provided by the TSP including * details on the establishment and management rules of such services and relevant national * legislation where rules for national root scheme exist in legislation. */ void checkRuleTspServiceDefinitionUrl() { final String name = QNames._TSPServiceDefinitionURI; if (services != null) { final String nationalRootCaQc = ""; for (TSPServiceType service : services) { final String serviceTypeIdentifier = service.getServiceInformation().getServiceTypeIdentifier(); if (nationalRootCaQc.equals(serviceTypeIdentifier)) { final NonEmptyMultiLangURIListType schemeServiceDefinitionURI = service.getServiceInformation() .getTSPServiceDefinitionURI(); boolean fieldPresent = true; if (schemeServiceDefinitionURI == null) { fieldPresent = false; } else { final List<NonEmptyMultiLangURIType> uriList = schemeServiceDefinitionURI.getURI(); if (uriList == null || uriList.isEmpty()) { fieldPresent = false; } } if (!fieldPresent) { logger.error(name + uiKeys.getString(""), service); } } } } } private void applicabilityQualificationExtensionHelper(ExtensionsListType sie, String parent) { if (sie != null) { // all qualification extensions List<ExtensionType> qext = Util.extractMatching(sie, QNames._Qualifications_QNAME.getLocalPart(), false); for (ExtensionType extensionType : qext) { JAXBElement<?> element = Util.extractJAXBElement(extensionType); QualificationsType qt = (QualificationsType) element.getValue(); for (QualificationElementType qelement : qt.getQualificationElement()) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.qualificationExtensionApplicability.wrongType") + parent + " is 'CA/QC'!", qelement); } } } } /** * QualificationExtension <p> The QualificationExtension can be used only if the Service TypeIdentifier = CA/QC. */ private void checkRuleQualificationExtensionApplicability() { if (services != null) { String caqc = ""; for (TSPServiceType service : services) { ServiceHistoryType serviceHistory = service.getServiceHistory(); if (serviceHistory != null) { List<ServiceHistoryInstanceType> serviceHistoryInstance = serviceHistory .getServiceHistoryInstance(); for (ServiceHistoryInstanceType history : serviceHistoryInstance) { if (caqc.equals(history.getServiceTypeIdentifier())) { continue; // this is fine, there can be a qualification extension below it } applicabilityQualificationExtensionHelper(history.getServiceInformationExtensions(), uiKeys.getString( "Validation.rule.qualificationExtensionApplicability.reference.history")); } } if (caqc.equals(service.getServiceInformation().getServiceTypeIdentifier())) { continue; } applicabilityQualificationExtensionHelper( service.getServiceInformation().getServiceInformationExtensions(), uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.qualificationExtensionApplicability.reference.service")); } } } private void additionalServiceInformationExtensionHelper(ExtensionsListType sie, String sti) { // check disabled because the AdditionalServiceInformationType.uri has only one predefined value now (RootCA-QC) if (false && sie != null) { // all additional service information extensions List<ExtensionType> asiExt = Util.extractMatching(sie, QNames._AdditionalServiceInformation_QNAME.getLocalPart(), false); for (ExtensionType extensionType : asiExt) { JAXBElement<?> element = Util.extractJAXBElement(extensionType); AdditionalServiceInformationType asi = (AdditionalServiceInformationType) element.getValue(); String uri = asi.getURI().getValue(); // although everything else is parameterized, this is a 'specific' // rule to check which justifies usage of hardcoded values here boolean ok = false; boolean uriIsToBeChecked = false; if (uri != null) { if (uri.contains("OCSP-QC")) { uriIsToBeChecked = true; if (sti.contains("OCSP")) { ok = true; } } else if (uri.contains("CRL-QC")) { uriIsToBeChecked = true; if (sti.contains("CRL")) { ok = true; } } else if (uri.contains("RootCA-QC")) { uriIsToBeChecked = true; if (sti.contains("CA/QC")) { ok = true; } } else if (uri.contains("TSS-QC")) { uriIsToBeChecked = true; if (sti.contains("TSA")) { ok = true; } } } if (uriIsToBeChecked && !ok) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.additionalServiceInformationExtension"), sie); } } } } /** * AdditionalServiceInformation <p> The available URIs are described in Trusted list configuration file. In addition, * the URI must respect the following association: URI = "OCSP-QC" only if Service TypeIdentifier = OCSP; URI = * "CRL-QC" only if Service TypeIdentifier = CRL; URI = "RootCA-QC" only if Service TypeIdentifier = CA/QC; URI = * "TSS-QC" only if Service TypeIdentifier = TSA; */ private void checkRuleAdditionalServiceInformationExtension() { if (services != null) { for (TSPServiceType service : services) { ServiceHistoryType serviceHistory = service.getServiceHistory(); if (serviceHistory != null) { List<ServiceHistoryInstanceType> serviceHistoryInstance = serviceHistory .getServiceHistoryInstance(); for (ServiceHistoryInstanceType history : serviceHistoryInstance) { additionalServiceInformationExtensionHelper(history.getServiceInformationExtensions(), history.getServiceTypeIdentifier()); } } TSPServiceInformationType sinfo = service.getServiceInformation(); additionalServiceInformationExtensionHelper(sinfo.getServiceInformationExtensions(), sinfo.getServiceTypeIdentifier()); } } } /** * ExpiredCertsRevocationExtension <p> The critical attribute must be set to "False". */ private void checkRuleExpiredCertsRevocationExtensionCriticality() { if (extensions != null) { for (ExtensionsListType extension : extensions) { List<ExtensionType> ecriExt = Util.extractMatching(extension, QNames._ExpiredCertsRevocationInfo_QNAME.getLocalPart(), false); for (ExtensionType extensionType : ecriExt) { if (extensionType.isCritical()) { logger.error(uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.expiredCertsRevocationExtensionCriticality"), extension); } } } } } private void expiredCertsRevocationExtensionApplicabilityHelper(ExtensionsListType sie, String sti) { if (sie != null) { // all expired certificates revocation information extensions List<ExtensionType> ecriExt = Util.extractMatching(sie, QNames._ExpiredCertsRevocationInfo_QNAME.getLocalPart(), false); for (ExtensionType extensionType : ecriExt) { JAXBElement<?> element = Util.extractJAXBElement(extensionType); if (element.getValue() != null) { boolean ok = false; if (sti.contains("CA/PKC") || sti.contains("CA/QC") || sti.contains("OCSP") || sti.contains("CRL")) { ok = true; } if (!ok) { logger.error( uiKeys.getString("Validation.rule.ExpiredCertsRevocationExtensionApplicability"), sie); } } } } } /** * ExpiredCertsRevocationExtension <p> The "expiredCertsRevocationInfo" extension can be applied only to the following * service types: CA (PKC); CA (QC); Certificate status (OCSP); Certificate status (CRL). */ private void checkRuleExpiredCertsRevocationExtensionApplicability() { if (services != null) { for (TSPServiceType service : services) { ServiceHistoryType serviceHistory = service.getServiceHistory(); if (serviceHistory != null) { List<ServiceHistoryInstanceType> serviceHistoryInstance = serviceHistory .getServiceHistoryInstance(); for (ServiceHistoryInstanceType history : serviceHistoryInstance) { expiredCertsRevocationExtensionApplicabilityHelper( history.getServiceInformationExtensions(), history.getServiceTypeIdentifier()); } } TSPServiceInformationType sinfo = service.getServiceInformation(); expiredCertsRevocationExtensionApplicabilityHelper(sinfo.getServiceInformationExtensions(), sinfo.getServiceTypeIdentifier()); } } } /** * @return the logger */ public ValidationLogger getLogger() { return logger; } /** * for junit testing * @param services */ void setServices(List<TSPServiceType> services) { = services; } }