Example usage for java.security.cert X509Certificate getExtensionValue

List of usage examples for java.security.cert X509Certificate getExtensionValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security.cert X509Certificate getExtensionValue.


public byte[] getExtensionValue(String oid);

Source Link


Gets the DER-encoded OCTET string for the extension value (extnValue) identified by the passed-in oid String.


From source file:org.ejbca.core.protocol.ws.CommonEjbcaWS.java

protected void generateCrmf() throws Exception {

    // Edit our favorite test user
    UserDataVOWS user1 = new UserDataVOWS();
    user1.setUsername(CA1_WSTESTUSER1);/*from ww  w.j  a  v  a 2s.com*/

    final AuthenticationToken admin = new TestAlwaysAllowLocalAuthenticationToken(
            new UsernamePrincipal("SYSTEMTEST"));
    KeyPair keys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", "RSA");
    CAInfo info = caSession.getCAInfo(admin, CA1);
    CertReqMsg req = createCrmfRequest(info.getSubjectDN(), getDN(CA1_WSTESTUSER1), keys, "");
    CertReqMessages msgs = new CertReqMessages(req);
    ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    DEROutputStream out = new DEROutputStream(bao);
    byte[] ba = bao.toByteArray();
    String reqstr = new String(Base64.encode(ba));
    //CertificateResponse certenv = ejbcaraws.crmfRequest(CA1_WSTESTUSER1, PASSWORD, CRMF, null, CertificateHelper.RESPONSETYPE_CERTIFICATE);
    CertificateResponse certenv = ejbcaraws.crmfRequest(CA1_WSTESTUSER1, PASSWORD, reqstr, null,
    X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) CertificateHelper.getCertificate(certenv.getData());
    assertEquals(getDN(CA1_WSTESTUSER1), cert.getSubjectDN().toString());
    byte[] ext = cert.getExtensionValue("");
    // Certificate profile did not allow extension override
    assertNull("no extension should exist", ext);
    // Allow extension override
    CertificateProfile profile = certificateProfileSession.getCertificateProfile(WS_CERTPROF_EI);
    certificateProfileSession.changeCertificateProfile(admin, WS_CERTPROF_EI, profile);
    // Now our extension should be possible to get in there
    try {
        keys = KeyTools.genKeys("512", "RSA");
        info = caSession.getCAInfo(admin, CA1);
        req = createCrmfRequest(info.getSubjectDN(), getDN(CA1_WSTESTUSER1), keys, "");
        msgs = new CertReqMessages(req);
        bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        out = new DEROutputStream(bao);
        ba = bao.toByteArray();
        reqstr = new String(Base64.encode(ba));
        certenv = ejbcaraws.crmfRequest(CA1_WSTESTUSER1, PASSWORD, reqstr, null,
        cert = (X509Certificate) CertificateHelper.getCertificate(certenv.getData());
        assertEquals(getDN(CA1_WSTESTUSER1), cert.getSubjectDN().toString());
        ext = cert.getExtensionValue("");
        assertNotNull("there should be an extension", ext);
        ASN1InputStream asn1InputStream = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(ext));
        try {
            DEROctetString oct = (DEROctetString) (asn1InputStream.readObject());
            assertEquals("Extension did not have the correct value", "foo123",
                    (new String(oct.getOctets()).trim()));
        } finally {
    } finally {
        // restore
        certificateProfileSession.changeCertificateProfile(admin, WS_CERTPROF_EI, profile);

From source file:be.fedict.trust.linker.PublicKeyTrustLinker.java

public TrustLinkerResult hasTrustLink(X509Certificate childCertificate, X509Certificate certificate,
        Date validationDate, RevocationData revocationData, AlgorithmPolicy algorithmPolicy)
        throws TrustLinkerResultException, Exception {
    if (false == childCertificate.getIssuerX500Principal().equals(certificate.getSubjectX500Principal())) {
        LOG.debug("child certificate issuer not the same as the issuer certificate subject");
        LOG.debug("child certificate: " + childCertificate.getSubjectX500Principal());
        LOG.debug("certificate: " + certificate.getSubjectX500Principal());
        LOG.debug("child certificate issuer: " + childCertificate.getIssuerX500Principal());
        throw new TrustLinkerResultException(TrustLinkerResultReason.NO_TRUST,
                "child certificate issuer not the same as the issuer certificate subject");
    }//from   w  w w. j  a v  a  2s .  c o  m
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.debug("verification error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        throw new TrustLinkerResultException(TrustLinkerResultReason.INVALID_SIGNATURE,
                "verification error: " + e.getMessage());

    algorithmPolicy.checkSignatureAlgorithm(childCertificate.getSigAlgOID(), validationDate);

    if (true == childCertificate.getNotAfter().after(certificate.getNotAfter())) {
        LOG.warn("child certificate validity end is after certificate validity end");
        LOG.warn("child certificate validity end: " + childCertificate.getNotAfter());
        LOG.warn("certificate validity end: " + certificate.getNotAfter());
    if (true == childCertificate.getNotBefore().before(certificate.getNotBefore())) {
        LOG.warn("child certificate validity begin before certificate validity begin");
        LOG.warn("child certificate validity begin: " + childCertificate.getNotBefore());
        LOG.warn("certificate validity begin: " + certificate.getNotBefore());
    if (true == validationDate.before(childCertificate.getNotBefore())) {
        LOG.debug("certificate is not yet valid");
        throw new TrustLinkerResultException(TrustLinkerResultReason.INVALID_VALIDITY_INTERVAL,
                "certificate is not yet valid");
    if (true == validationDate.after(childCertificate.getNotAfter())) {
        LOG.debug("certificate already expired");
        throw new TrustLinkerResultException(TrustLinkerResultReason.INVALID_VALIDITY_INTERVAL,
                "certificate already expired");
    if (-1 == certificate.getBasicConstraints()) {
        LOG.debug("certificate not a CA: " + certificate.getSubjectX500Principal());
         * http://www.valicert.com/ Root CA has no CA flag set. Actually
         * this is in violation with Basic Constraints of RFC2459.
        try {
            LOG.warn("allowing self-signed Root CA without CA flag set");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new TrustLinkerResultException(TrustLinkerResultReason.NO_TRUST, "certificate not a CA");
    if (0 == certificate.getBasicConstraints() && -1 != childCertificate.getBasicConstraints()) {
        LOG.debug("child should not be a CA");
        throw new TrustLinkerResultException(TrustLinkerResultReason.NO_TRUST, "child should not be a CA");

     * SKID/AKID sanity check
    boolean isCa = isCa(certificate);
    boolean isChildCa = isCa(childCertificate);

    byte[] subjectKeyIdentifierData = certificate.getExtensionValue(Extension.subjectKeyIdentifier.getId());
    byte[] authorityKeyIdentifierData = childCertificate

    if (isCa && null == subjectKeyIdentifierData) {
        LOG.debug("certificate is CA and MUST contain a Subject Key Identifier");
        throw new TrustLinkerResultException(TrustLinkerResultReason.NO_TRUST,
                "certificate is CA and  MUST contain a Subject Key Identifier");

    if (isChildCa && null == authorityKeyIdentifierData && null != subjectKeyIdentifierData) {
        LOG.error("child certificate is CA and MUST contain an Authority Key Identifier");
        // return new TrustLinkerResult(false,
        // TrustLinkerResultReason.INVALID_TRUST,
        // "child certificate is CA and MUST contain an Authority Key Identifier");

    if (null != subjectKeyIdentifierData && null != authorityKeyIdentifierData) {
        AuthorityKeyIdentifier authorityKeyIdentifier = AuthorityKeyIdentifier
        SubjectKeyIdentifier subjectKeyIdentifier = SubjectKeyIdentifier
        if (!Arrays.equals(authorityKeyIdentifier.getKeyIdentifier(),
                subjectKeyIdentifier.getKeyIdentifier())) {
                    "certificate's subject key identifier does not match child certificate's authority key identifier");
            throw new TrustLinkerResultException(TrustLinkerResultReason.NO_TRUST,
                    "certificate's subject key identifier does not match child certificate's authority key identifier");

     * We don't check pathLenConstraint since this one is only there to
     * protect the PKI business.
     * Keep in mind that this trust linker can never return TRUSTED.
    return TrustLinkerResult.UNDECIDED;

From source file:org.codice.ddf.security.filter.login.LoginFilter.java

private void validateHolderOfKeyConfirmation(SamlAssertionWrapper assertion, X509Certificate[] x509Certs)
        throws SecurityServiceException {
    List<String> confirmationMethods = assertion.getConfirmationMethods();
    boolean hasHokMethod = false;
    for (String method : confirmationMethods) {
        if (OpenSAMLUtil.isMethodHolderOfKey(method)) {
            hasHokMethod = true;//  w  w w .  jav  a 2 s.com

    if (hasHokMethod) {
        if (x509Certs != null && x509Certs.length > 0) {
            List<SubjectConfirmation> subjectConfirmations = assertion.getSaml2().getSubject()
            for (SubjectConfirmation subjectConfirmation : subjectConfirmations) {
                if (OpenSAMLUtil.isMethodHolderOfKey(subjectConfirmation.getMethod())) {
                    Element dom = subjectConfirmation.getSubjectConfirmationData().getDOM();
                    Node keyInfo = dom.getFirstChild();
                    Node x509Data = keyInfo.getFirstChild();
                    Node dataNode = x509Data.getFirstChild();
                    Node dataText = dataNode.getFirstChild();

                    X509Certificate tlsCertificate = x509Certs[0];
                    if (dataNode.getLocalName().equals("X509Certificate")) {
                        String textContent = dataText.getTextContent();
                        byte[] byteValue = Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode(textContent);
                        try {
                            CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
                            X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) cf
                                    .generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(byteValue));
                            //check that the certificate is still valid

                            //HoK spec section 2.5:
                            //relying party MUST ensure that the certificate bound to the assertion matches the X.509 certificate in its possession.
                            //Matching is done by comparing the base64-decoded certificates, or the hash values of the base64-decoded certificates, byte-for-byte.
                            //if the certs aren't the same, verify
                            if (!tlsCertificate.equals(cert)) {
                                //verify that the cert was signed by the same private key as the TLS cert
                        } catch (CertificateException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException
                                | SignatureException | NoSuchProviderException e) {
                            throw new SecurityServiceException(
                                    "Unable to validate Holder of Key assertion with certificate.");

                    } else if (dataNode.getLocalName().equals("X509SubjectName")) {
                        String textContent = dataText.getTextContent();
                        //HoK spec section 2.5:
                        //relying party MUST ensure that the subject distinguished name (DN) bound to the assertion matches the DN bound to the X.509 certificate.
                        //If, however, the relying party does not trust the certificate issuer to issue such a DN, the attesting entity is not confirmed and the relying party SHOULD disregard the assertion.
                        if (!tlsCertificate.getSubjectDN().getName().equals(textContent)) {
                            throw new SecurityServiceException(
                                    "Unable to validate Holder of Key assertion with subject DN.");

                    } else if (dataNode.getLocalName().equals("X509IssuerSerial")) {
                        //we have no way to support this confirmation type so we have to throw an error
                        throw new SecurityServiceException(
                                "Unable to validate Holder of Key assertion with issuer serial. NOT SUPPORTED");
                    } else if (dataNode.getLocalName().equals("X509SKI")) {
                        String textContent = dataText.getTextContent();
                        byte[] tlsSKI = tlsCertificate.getExtensionValue("");
                        byte[] assertionSKI = Base64.getMimeDecoder().decode(textContent);
                        if (tlsSKI != null && tlsSKI.length > 0) {
                            ASN1OctetString tlsOs = ASN1OctetString.getInstance(tlsSKI);
                            ASN1OctetString assertionOs = ASN1OctetString.getInstance(assertionSKI);
                            SubjectKeyIdentifier tlsSubjectKeyIdentifier = SubjectKeyIdentifier
                            SubjectKeyIdentifier assertSubjectKeyIdentifier = SubjectKeyIdentifier
                            //HoK spec section 2.5:
                            //relying party MUST ensure that the value bound to the assertion matches the Subject Key Identifier (SKI) extension bound to the X.509 certificate.
                            //Matching is done by comparing the base64-decoded SKI values byte-for-byte. If the X.509 certificate does not contain an SKI extension,
                            //the attesting entity is not confirmed and the relying party SHOULD disregard the assertion.
                            if (!Arrays.equals(tlsSubjectKeyIdentifier.getKeyIdentifier(),
                                    assertSubjectKeyIdentifier.getKeyIdentifier())) {
                                throw new SecurityServiceException(
                                        "Unable to validate Holder of Key assertion with subject key identifier.");
                        } else {
                            throw new SecurityServiceException(
                                    "Unable to validate Holder of Key assertion with subject key identifier.");
        } else {
            throw new SecurityServiceException("Holder of Key assertion, must be used with 2-way TLS.");

From source file:be.fedict.eid.tsl.TrustServiceList.java

public void addOtherTSLPointer(String location, String mimeType, String tslType, String schemeTerritory,
        String schemeOperatorName, String schemeTypeCommunityRuleUri, Locale schemeTypeCommunityRuleUriLocale,
        X509Certificate digitalIdentityCertificate) {
    TSLSchemeInformationType schemeInformation = getSchemeInformation();
    OtherTSLPointersType otherTSLPointers = schemeInformation.getPointersToOtherTSL();
    if (null == otherTSLPointers) {
        otherTSLPointers = this.objectFactory.createOtherTSLPointersType();
    }/*from w  w  w. j  av  a 2 s .c o m*/
    List<OtherTSLPointerType> pointerList = otherTSLPointers.getOtherTSLPointer();
    OtherTSLPointerType otherTSLPointer = this.objectFactory.createOtherTSLPointerType();

    AdditionalInformationType additionalInformation = this.objectFactory.createAdditionalInformationType();

    List<Object> objects = additionalInformation.getTextualInformationOrOtherInformation();
        JAXBElement<String> mimeTypeElement = this.tslxObjectFactory.createMimeType(mimeType);
        AnyType anyType = this.objectFactory.createAnyType();
        JAXBElement<String> tslTypeElement = this.objectFactory.createTSLType(tslType);
        AnyType anyType = this.objectFactory.createAnyType();
        JAXBElement<String> schemeTerritoryElement = this.objectFactory.createSchemeTerritory(schemeTerritory);
        AnyType anyType = this.objectFactory.createAnyType();
        InternationalNamesType i18nNames = this.objectFactory.createInternationalNamesType();
        MultiLangNormStringType i18nName = this.objectFactory.createMultiLangNormStringType();
        JAXBElement<InternationalNamesType> schemeOperatorNameElement = this.objectFactory
        AnyType anyType = this.objectFactory.createAnyType();
        NonEmptyMultiLangURIListType uriList = this.objectFactory.createNonEmptyMultiLangURIListType();
        NonEmptyMultiLangURIType uri = this.objectFactory.createNonEmptyMultiLangURIType();
        JAXBElement<NonEmptyMultiLangURIListType> schemeTypeCommunityRulesElement = this.objectFactory
        AnyType anyType = this.objectFactory.createAnyType();
    if (null != digitalIdentityCertificate) {
        ServiceDigitalIdentityListType serviceDigitalIdentityList = this.objectFactory
        DigitalIdentityListType digitalIdentityList = this.objectFactory.createDigitalIdentityListType();
        List<DigitalIdentityType> digitalIdentities = digitalIdentityList.getDigitalId();
        DigitalIdentityType digitalIdentity = this.objectFactory.createDigitalIdentityType();

        try {
        } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("X509 encoding error: " + e.getMessage(), e);

        digitalIdentity = this.objectFactory.createDigitalIdentityType();

        byte[] skiValue = digitalIdentityCertificate
        if (null != skiValue) {
            digitalIdentity = this.objectFactory.createDigitalIdentityType();
            SubjectKeyIdentifierStructure subjectKeyIdentifierStructure;
            try {
                subjectKeyIdentifierStructure = new SubjectKeyIdentifierStructure(skiValue);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("X509 SKI decoding error: " + e.getMessage(), e);

        List<DigitalIdentityListType> digitalIdentityListList = serviceDigitalIdentityList


From source file:com.viettel.hqmc.DAO.FilesDAO.java

private static String getOcspUrl(X509Certificate certificate) throws Exception {
    byte[] octetBytes = certificate.getExtensionValue(X509Extension.authorityInfoAccess.getId());
    DLSequence dlSequence = null;//from w  w  w. j ava  2s.  c o m
    ASN1Encodable asn1Encodable = null;
    try {
        ASN1Primitive fromExtensionValue = X509ExtensionUtil.fromExtensionValue(octetBytes);
        if (!(fromExtensionValue instanceof DLSequence)) {
            return null;
        dlSequence = (DLSequence) fromExtensionValue;
        for (int i = 0; i < dlSequence.size(); i++) {
            asn1Encodable = dlSequence.getObjectAt(i);
            if (!(asn1Encodable instanceof DLSequence)) {
        if (!(asn1Encodable instanceof DLSequence)) {
            return null;
        dlSequence = (DLSequence) asn1Encodable;
        for (int i = 0; i < dlSequence.size(); i++) {
            asn1Encodable = dlSequence.getObjectAt(i);
            if (asn1Encodable instanceof DERTaggedObject) {
        if (!(asn1Encodable instanceof DERTaggedObject)) {
            return null;
        DERTaggedObject derTaggedObject = (DERTaggedObject) asn1Encodable;
        byte[] encoded = derTaggedObject.getEncoded();
        if (derTaggedObject.getTagNo() == 6) {
            int len = encoded[1];
            return new String(encoded, 2, len);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901
    return null;

From source file:com.viettel.hqmc.DAO.FilesDAO.java

private static List<String> getAIALocations(X509Certificate cert) throws Exception {

    //Gets the DER-encoded OCTET string for the extension value for Authority information access Points
    byte[] aiaExtensionValue = cert.getExtensionValue(X509Extensions.AuthorityInfoAccess.getId());
    if (aiaExtensionValue == null) {
        throw new Exception("Certificate doesn't have authority " + "information access points");
    }/*  ww  w  .j a v  a 2  s  .c om*/
    //might have to pass an ByteArrayInputStream(aiaExtensionValue)
    ASN1InputStream asn1In = new ASN1InputStream(aiaExtensionValue);
    AuthorityInformationAccess authorityInformationAccess;

    try {
        DEROctetString aiaDEROctetString = (DEROctetString) (asn1In.readObject());
        ASN1InputStream asn1InOctets = new ASN1InputStream(aiaDEROctetString.getOctets());
        ASN1Sequence aiaASN1Sequence = (ASN1Sequence) asn1InOctets.readObject();
        authorityInformationAccess = AuthorityInformationAccess.getInstance(aiaASN1Sequence);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901
        throw new Exception("Cannot read certificate to get OCSP URLs", ex);

    List<String> ocspUrlList = new ArrayList<String>();
    AccessDescription[] accessDescriptions = authorityInformationAccess.getAccessDescriptions();
    for (AccessDescription accessDescription : accessDescriptions) {

        GeneralName gn = accessDescription.getAccessLocation();
        if (gn.getTagNo() == GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier) {
            DERIA5String str = DERIA5String.getInstance(gn.getName());
            String accessLocation = str.getString();
    if (ocspUrlList.isEmpty()) {
        throw new Exception("Cant get OCSP urls from certificate");

    return ocspUrlList;