Java tutorial
/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.viettel.hqmc.DAO; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.viettel.common.util.Constants; import com.viettel.common.util.LogUtil; import com.viettel.common.util.ResourceBundleUtil; import com.viettel.common.util.UploadFile; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.Announcement; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.AnnouncementReceiptPaper; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.Business; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.CaUser; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.CountNo; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.EvaluationRecords; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.Fee; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.Files; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.FilesNoClob; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.MainlyTarget; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.Procedure; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.ProcedureDepartment; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.ProductTarget; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.QualityControlPlan; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.Repositories; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.RequestComment; import com.viettel.hqmc.BO.UserAttachs; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.AnnouncementReceiptPaperDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.BusinessDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.CaUserDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.ConfirmImportSatistPaperDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.CountNoDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.EvaluationRecordsDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.FeeDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.FeePaymentInfoDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.FilesDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.FilesNoClobDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.PaymentHistoryDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.ProcedureDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.ProcedureDepartmentDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.RepositoryDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.RequestCommentDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.TechnicalStandardDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.UserAttachsDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.VLookupHomepageDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.VReportLDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.VReportLOSDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.DAOHE.VReportStaffProcessDAOHE; import com.viettel.hqmc.FORM.AnnouncementForm; import com.viettel.hqmc.FORM.AnnouncementReceiptPaperForm; import com.viettel.hqmc.FORM.ConfirmImportSatistPaperForm; import com.viettel.hqmc.FORM.DetailProductForm; import com.viettel.hqmc.FORM.FeeForm; import com.viettel.hqmc.FORM.FeePaymentFileForm; import com.viettel.hqmc.FORM.FilesForm; import com.viettel.hqmc.FORM.LoginCAForm; import com.viettel.hqmc.FORM.ReIssueFormForm; import com.viettel.hqmc.FORM.RepositoriesForm; import com.viettel.signature.pdf.PDFServerClientSignature; import com.viettel.signature.pdf.SearchTextLocations; import com.viettel.signature.plugin.SignPdfFile; import com.viettel.signature.utils.CertUtils; import com.viettel.voffice.client.form.ProcessCommentForm; import com.viettel.voffice.client.form.ProcessForm; import com.viettel.voffice.common.util.CommonUtils; import static com.viettel.voffice.common.util.CommonUtils.UpcaseFirst; import com.viettel.voffice.common.util.DateTimeUtils; import com.viettel.voffice.database.BO.Category; import com.viettel.voffice.database.BO.Process; import com.viettel.voffice.database.BO.ProcessComment; import com.viettel.voffice.database.BO.VoAttachs; import com.viettel.voffice.database.DAO.BaseDAO; import com.viettel.voffice.database.DAO.GridResult; import com.viettel.voffice.database.DAOHibernate.CategoryDAOHE; import com.viettel.voffice.database.DAOHibernate.EventLogDAOHE; import com.viettel.voffice.database.DAOHibernate.ProcessCommentDAOHE; import com.viettel.voffice.database.DAOHibernate.ProcessDAOHE; import com.viettel.voffice.database.DAOHibernate.VoAttachsDAOHE; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.Department; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.Roles; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.BO.Users; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.DAOHibernate.DepartmentDAOHE; import com.viettel.vsaadmin.database.DAOHibernate.UsersDAOHE; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo.KeyInfo; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import static org.apache.commons.codec.binary.StringUtils.newStringUtf8; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1InputStream; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERIA5String; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEROctetString; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERTaggedObject; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DLSequence; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ocsp.OCSPObjectIdentifiers; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AccessDescription; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AuthorityInformationAccess; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.GeneralName; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.X509Extension; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.X509Extensions; import org.bouncycastle.ocsp.BasicOCSPResp; import org.bouncycastle.ocsp.CertificateID; import org.bouncycastle.ocsp.CertificateStatus; import org.bouncycastle.ocsp.OCSPReq; import org.bouncycastle.ocsp.OCSPReqGenerator; import org.bouncycastle.ocsp.OCSPResp; import org.bouncycastle.ocsp.OCSPRespStatus; import org.bouncycastle.ocsp.SingleResp; import org.bouncycastle.x509.extension.X509ExtensionUtil; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import; /** * * @author gpcp_binhnt53 */ public class FilesDAO extends BaseDAO { private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(FilesDAO.class); private final String businessRegisterPage = "businessRegister.Page"; private final String businessAdditionPage = "businessAddition.Page"; private final String businessListPage = "businessList.Page"; private final String payFilePage = "payFilePage.Page"; private final String payFilePageMore = "payFilePageMore.Page"; private final String feePayManagePage = "feePayManagePage.Page"; private final String feeManagePage = "feeManagePage.Page"; private String lookupFilesByLeaderPage = "lookupFilesByLeader.Page"; private String lookupFilesByLeaderApproveSdbs = "lookupFilesByLeaderApproveSdbs.Page"; private String lookupFilesByStaffPage = "lookupFilesByStaff.Page"; private String lookupFilesByStaffDonothingPage = "lookupFilesByStaffDonothing.Page"; private final String lookupFilesByClericalPage = "lookupFilesByClerical.Page"; private final String lookupFilesByClericalForAAPage = "lookupFilesByClericalForAA.Page"; private final String lookupAfterAnnouncedPage = "lookupAfterAnnounced.Page"; private String lookupFilesByStaffOfStaffPage = "lookupFilesByLeaderOfStaff.Page"; private String toComparisonPage = "toComparison.Page"; private final String toComparisonFailPage = "toComparisonFail.Page"; private final String toComparisonAlertPage = "toComparisonAlert.Page"; private final String RECEIVED_PAGE = ""; private final String PROPOSE_EVALUATION_PAGE = ""; private final String REPORT_STAFF_PROCESS_PAGE = "reportStaffProcess.Page"; private final String RETURN_FILE_TO_ADDITION_PAGE = "returnFileToAddition.Page"; private final String REPORT_LOS_PROCESS_PAGE = "reportLOSProcess.Page";//141215u binhnt53 page thong ke lanh dao phong xu ly ho so private final String REPORT_L_PROCESS_PAGE = "reportLProcess.Page";//141215u binhnt53 page thong ke lanh dao cuc xu ly ho so private final String ASSIGN_EVALUATION_PAGE = ""; private final String ASSIGN_EVALUATION_FORRE_PAGE = ""; private final String ASSIGN_EVALUATION_AFTER_ANNOUNCED_PAGE = ""; private final String RE_ASSIGN_EVALUATION_PAGE = ""; private final String EVALUATION_PAGE = ""; private final String EVALUATION_PAGE_VIEW = ""; private final String EVALUATION_LEADER_PAGE = "";//pho phong tham dinh ho so private final String EVALUATION_LEADER_PAGE_AA = "";//ldp tham dinh hso bsung sau cong bo private final String FEEDBACK_EVALUATION_PAGE = ""; private final String COEVALUATION_PAGE = ""; private final String REVIEW_PAGE = ""; private final String ADDITION_REVIEW_PAGE = ""; private final String SIGNING_PAGE = ""; private final String SIGN_PAGE = ""; private final String APPROVE_PAGE = ""; private final String APPROVED_PAGE = ""; private final String ASSIGN_APPROVE_PAGE = ""; private final String APPROVE_BY_CT_PAGE = ""; private final String lookupRepositoriesPage = ""; private final String REPOSITORY_PAGE = ""; //hiepvv sdbs private final String businessEditAfterAnnouncedFilesPage = "businessEditAfterAnnouncedFiles.Page";//Hiepvv private final String announcementFile05 = "announcementFile05";//Hiepvv //end private final String APPROVED_CHANGEFILE_PAGE = "";//Hiepvv private final String RECEIVEDAFTERANNOUNED_PAGE = "";//Hiepvv private final String APPROVE_EDITAFTERANNOUNCED_PAGE = "";//Hiepvv private final String REVIEW_EDITAFTERANNOUNCE_PAGE = ""; //Hiepvv private final String EVALUATION_EDITAFTERANNOUNCED_PAGE = ""; //Hiepvv // private final String ASSIGN_EVALUATION_EDITAFTERANNOUNCED_PAGE = ""; //Hiepvv private FilesForm searchForm; private FilesForm createForm; private FilesForm createFormCompare; private FilesForm createFormClone; private FilesForm createFormOriginal; private FilesForm signCAForm; private FilesForm provideForm; private FilesForm signingForm; private FilesForm rejectForm; private FilesForm signedForm; private FilesForm signForm; private FilesForm flowForm; private RepositoriesForm repForm; private ProcessCommentForm commentForm; private ProcessCommentForm filesCommentForm; private List<FilesForm> lstItemOnGrid; private List<ProcessForm> lstProcessOnGrid; private List lstCategory; private List lstDeptProcessFile; private List lstLeaderOfStaff; private List lstLeader; private List lstLeaderP; private List lstStatus; private List lstOldVersion; private List lstProductType; private List lstRepositories; private List lstUnit; private List lstProvince; private RepositoriesForm repoForm; private List lstStandard; private List lstUserAttach; private FeeForm createFeeForm; private FeeForm searchFeeForm; private FeeDAOHE FeeDAOHE; private FeePaymentFileForm searchFeeFormNew; private LoginCAForm loginCAForm; private volatile Long fileSourceID; private boolean isEdit = false; private static final String separatorFile = String.valueOf(File.separatorChar); /** * * @return String */ public String toReportStaffProcesssPage() { return REPORT_STAFF_PROCESS_PAGE; } /** * * @return */ public String toReportLOSProcesssPage() {//141215u binhnt53 return REPORT_LOS_PROCESS_PAGE; } public String toReportLProcesssPage() {//141215u binhnt53 return REPORT_L_PROCESS_PAGE; } /** * add 150108 binhnt53 chuc nang quan tri quan li chuyen luong ho so sdbs * * @return */ public String toReturnFileToAdditionPage() { return RETURN_FILE_TO_ADDITION_PAGE; } /** * a150108 binhnt53 onserch chuc nang quan tri quan li chuyen luong ho so * sdbs * * @return */ public String onsearchReturnFileToAddition() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } GridResult gr = bdhe.searchLookupFiles(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), Constants.ROLES.ADMIN, start, count, sortField, ""); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * * @return */ public String onsearchReportStaffProcess() { getGridInfo(); VReportStaffProcessDAOHE bdhe = new VReportStaffProcessDAOHE(); GridResult gr = bdhe.findVReportStaffProcess(searchForm, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * thong ke lanh dao phong xu ly ho so * * @return */ public String onsearchReportLOSProcess() {//141215u binhnt53 getGridInfo(); VReportLOSDAOHE bdhe = new VReportLOSDAOHE(); GridResult gr = bdhe.findVReportLOSProcess(searchForm, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * thong ke lanh dao cuc xu ly ho so * * @return */ public String onsearchReportLProcess() {//141215u binhnt53 getGridInfo(); VReportLDAOHE bdhe = new VReportLDAOHE(); GridResult gr = bdhe.findVReportLProcess(searchForm, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } public String toSelectProcedurePage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); lstCategory = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); getRequest().setAttribute("lstCategory", lstCategory); return businessRegisterPage; } public String toLookUpHomePage() { CategoryDAOHE cdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); lstProductType = cdhe.findAllCategory("SP"); if (((Category) lstProductType.get(0)).getCategoryId() != -1L) { lstProductType.add(0, new Category(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); } getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", lstProductType); searchForm = new FilesForm(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -12); Date result1 = cal.getTime(); searchForm.setSendDateFrom(result1); return "lookupHomePage.Page"; } public String onSearchLookUpHomePage() { getGridInfo(); VLookupHomepageDAOHE fdhe = new VLookupHomepageDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.findAllForHomePage(searchForm, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * prepare phn cng thm nh * * @return */ public String assignEvaluation() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); //Hiepvv tach rieng chuc nang sua doi sau cong bo //List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure2(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } return ASSIGN_EVALUATION_PAGE; } public String toAssignEvaluationForRE() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure2(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } return ASSIGN_EVALUATION_FORRE_PAGE; } /** * prepare phn cng li 160317 * * @return */ public String reAssignEvaluation() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } return RE_ASSIGN_EVALUATION_PAGE; } /** * phan cong tham dinh ho so * * @return */ public String onAssignEvaluation() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("assignEvaluation.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("assignEvaluation.startServer").toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("assignEvaluation.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("assignEvaluation.countServer").toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = bdhe.findAllFileForAssignEvaluation(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), start, count, sortField); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("assignEvaluation.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("assignEvaluation.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * lu lung x l * * @return */ public String onSaveProcess() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String sid = ""; Long staffProcess = 0l; String nameStaffProcess = ""; Long leaderAssignId = 0L; String leaderAssignName = ""; String type = getRequest().getParameter("type"); String lstObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("lstObjectId"); try { ProcessDAOHE pDaoHe = new ProcessDAOHE(); Long fileId; if (lstProcessOnGrid != null && lstProcessOnGrid.size() > 0) { fileId = lstProcessOnGrid.get(0).getObjectId(); Process p; Integer countObj = 1; String[] lstObjectIdSplit = null; if ("2".equals(type)) { lstObjectIdSplit = lstObjectId.split(","); countObj = lstObjectIdSplit.length; } Process processMain; List<Process> processSlave; for (int obj = 0; obj < countObj; obj++) { if ("2".equals(type)) { fileId = Long.parseLong(lstObjectIdSplit[obj]); } processMain = pDaoHe.getProcessMain(getUserId(), getDepartmentId(), fileId, Constants.OBJECT_TYPE.FILES, Constants.PROCESS_TYPE.MAIN); processSlave = pDaoHe.getProcessSalve(getUserId(), getDepartmentId(), fileId, Constants.OBJECT_TYPE.FILES, Constants.PROCESS_TYPE.COOPERATE); for (int i = 0; i < lstProcessOnGrid.size(); i++) { ProcessForm form = lstProcessOnGrid.get(i); if (form.getProcessId() != null) { p = pDaoHe.findById(form.getProcessId()); /* if (Constants.PROCESS_TYPE.PROPOSE.equals(form.getProcessType())) { form.setProcessType(Constants.PROCESS_TYPE.MAIN); } */ p.setProcessType(form.getProcessType()); p.setProcessStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.ASSIGNED); p.setSendUser(getUserName()); p.setSendUserId(getUserId()); p.setSendGroup(getDepartmentName()); p.setSendGroupId(getDepartmentId()); p.setStatus(0l); p.setIsActive(1L); getSession().update(p); } else { // Check PROCESS_TYPE.MAIN if (form.getProcessType() == Constants.PROCESS_TYPE.COOPERATE && processMain != null && processMain.getReceiveUserId().equals(form.getReceiveUserId())) { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add( "Thc hin phn cng x l khng thnh cng: Khng th phn cng X l chnh lm X l phi hp"); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } // Check PROCESS_TYPE.MAIN if (form.getProcessType() == Constants.PROCESS_TYPE.MAIN && processSlave != null && processSlave.size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < processSlave.size(); j++) { if (processSlave.get(j).getSendUserId().equals(form.getReceiveUserId())) { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add( "Thc hin phn cng x l chnh khng thnh cng: Bn cn xa vai tr x l phi hp trc khi phn x l chnh cho Cn b"); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } } } ProcessDAOHE psdhe = new ProcessDAOHE(); p = psdhe.getProcessByAction(fileId, Constants.Status.ACTIVE, Constants.OBJECT_TYPE.FILES, Constants.FILE_STATUS.ASSIGNED, Constants.FILE_STATUS.NEW_CREATE); if (p != null) { p.setSendUser(getUserName()); leaderAssignName = getUserName(); p.setSendUserId(getUserId()); leaderAssignId = getUserId(); p.setSendGroup(getDepartmentName()); p.setSendGroupId(getDepartmentId()); p.setObjectType(Constants.OBJECT_TYPE.FILES); p.setProcessType(form.getProcessType()); p.setReceiveDate(getSysdate()); p.setReceiveUser(form.getReceiveUser()); nameStaffProcess = form.getReceiveUser(); p.setReceiveUserId(form.getReceiveUserId()); staffProcess = form.getReceiveUserId(); p.setReceiveGroup(form.getReceiveGroup()); p.setReceiveGroupId(form.getReceiveGroupId()); p.setObjectId(fileId); p.setProcessStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.ASSIGNED); p.setStatus(0l); p.setIsActive(1L); getSession().update(p); } else { p = new Process(); p.setSendUser(getUserName()); leaderAssignName = getUserName(); p.setSendUserId(getUserId()); leaderAssignId = getUserId(); p.setSendGroup(getDepartmentName()); p.setSendGroupId(getDepartmentId()); p.setObjectType(Constants.OBJECT_TYPE.FILES); p.setProcessType(form.getProcessType()); p.setReceiveDate(getSysdate()); p.setReceiveUser(form.getReceiveUser()); nameStaffProcess = form.getReceiveUser(); p.setReceiveUserId(form.getReceiveUserId()); staffProcess = form.getReceiveUserId(); p.setReceiveGroup(form.getReceiveGroup()); p.setReceiveGroupId(form.getReceiveGroupId()); p.setObjectId(fileId); p.setProcessStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.ASSIGNED); p.setStatus(0l); p.setIsActive(1L); getSession().save(p); } } if ("".equals(sid)) { sid = p.getProcessId().toString(); } else { sid = sid + "," + p.getProcessId().toString(); } boolean bReturn = pDaoHe.deleteProcessNotIn(getUserId(), getDepartmentId(), fileId, Constants.OBJECT_TYPE.FILES, sid); if (!bReturn) { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Thc hin phn cng x l khng thnh cng"); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } Process pWorking = pDaoHe.getWorkingProcess(fileId, Constants.OBJECT_TYPE.FILES, getDepartmentId()); if (pWorking != null) { pWorking.setStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.ASSIGNED); getSession().update(pWorking); } else { ProcessDAOHE psdhe = new ProcessDAOHE(); Process pold = psdhe.getProcessByAction(fileId, Constants.Status.ACTIVE, Constants.OBJECT_TYPE.FILES, Constants.FILE_STATUS.RECEIVED, Constants.FILE_STATUS.NEW_CREATE); if (pold != null) { pold.setStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.ASSIGNED); getSession().update(pold); } } if (fileId != null && fileId.longValue() > -1) { FilesDAOHE fDAOHE = new FilesDAOHE(); Files f = fDAOHE.findById(fileId); if (lstProcessOnGrid.size() > 0) { f.setStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.ASSIGNED); if (((f.getStaffProcess() != null && f.getStaffProcess().equals(getUserId()) == false) || f.getStaffProcess() == null) && !staffProcess.equals(0L)) { f.setStaffProcess(staffProcess); f.setNameStaffProcess(nameStaffProcess); } //add lanh dao phan cong vao ho so - 140915 binhnt53 if (f.getLeaderAssignId() == null) { f.setLeaderAssignId(leaderAssignId); f.setLeaderAssignName(leaderAssignName); } } else { f.setStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.NEW); } f.setDisplayStatus(FilesDAOHE.getFileStatusName(f.getStatus())); getSession().update(f); fDAOHE.saveStatusFiles(f, "Trng thi hin ti ca h s: ? thc hin phn cng h s m: " + f.getFileCode()); } } } } resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Thc hin phn cng x l thnh cng"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Thc hin phn cng x l khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } /** * get luong xu ly cua ho so * * @return * @throws Exception */ public String getProcessOfFile() throws Exception { getGridInfo(); Long fileId = com.viettel.vsaadmin.common.util.StringUtils .convertFromStringToLong(getRequest().getParameter("fileId")); FilesDAOHE bdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); GridResult gr = bdhe.findAllProcessByFileId(fileId, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * lu lung phi hp x l * * @return * @throws Exception */ public String getCoProcessOfFile() throws Exception { getGridInfo(); Long fileId = com.viettel.vsaadmin.common.util.StringUtils .convertFromStringToLong(getRequest().getParameter("fileId")); FilesDAOHE bdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); GridResult gr = bdhe.findAllCoProcessByFileId(fileId, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * ? xut thm nh * * @return */ public String proposeEvaluation() { ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = pdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return PROPOSE_EVALUATION_PAGE; } /** * Phi hp x l * * @return */ public String onProposeEvaluation() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); UsersDAOHE udhe = new UsersDAOHE(); Long deptId = udhe.getAgencyOfStaff(getUserId()); GridResult gr = bdhe.findAllFileForProposeEvaluation(searchForm, deptId, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * ? xut thm nh * * @return */ public String onPropose() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); HttpSession session = req.getSession(); viettel.passport.client.UserToken userToken = (viettel.passport.client.UserToken) session .getAttribute("userToken"); try { FilesDAOHE bdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Long userId = userToken.getUserID(); String userName = userToken.getFullName(); for (int i = 0; i < lstItemOnGrid.size(); i++) { FilesForm form = lstItemOnGrid.get(i); if (form != null) { Files bo = bdhe.getById("fileId", form.getFileId()); if (bo != null && !Constants.FILE_STATUS.PROPOSED.equals(bo.getStatus())) { bo.setStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.PROPOSED); bo.setDisplayStatus(FilesDAOHE.getFileStatusName(Constants.FILE_STATUS.PROPOSED)); getSession().update(bo); } String hql = " select count(p)" + " from Process p" + " where p.isActive = 1" + " and p.objectType = ?" + " and p.objectId = ?" + " and p.receiveUserId =?"; Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter(0, Constants.OBJECT_TYPE.FILES); query.setParameter(1, form.getFileId()); query.setParameter(2, userId); Long count = (Long) query.uniqueResult(); if (count > 0l) { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Bn thc hin ? xut"); } else { Process p = new Process(); p.setIsActive(1L); p.setProcessType(Constants.PROCESS_TYPE.PROPOSE); p.setObjectId(bo.getFileId()); p.setReceiveUserId(userId); p.setReceiveUser(userName); p.setReceiveGroupId(getDepartmentId()); p.setReceiveGroup(getDepartment().getDeptName()); p.setObjectType(Constants.OBJECT_TYPE.FILES); p.setReceiveDate(DateTimeUtils.getDate()); getSession().save(p); } } } resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Thc hin ? xut thnh cng"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Thc hin ? xut khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } /** * phi hp thm nh * * @return */ public String toCoEvaluate() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return COEVALUATION_PAGE; } /** * Vao trang tham dinh * * @return */ public String toEvaluatePage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); //Hiepvv tach rieng tham dinh ho so SDBS sau cong bo Long isChangeAfteAnnounce = getRequest().getParameter("IsChange") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("IsChange")); if (isChangeAfteAnnounce > 0) { isEdit = true; Procedure p = new Procedure(); try { p = cdhe.getProcedureByDescription(announcementFile05); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 p = null; } lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.add(p); lstCategory.add(1, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List<String> lstStaff = new ArrayList<String>(); lstStaff.add(Constants.POSITION.VFA_CV); lstStaff.add(Constants.POSITION.NV); if (udaohe.checkUserByLstPosition(getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), lstStaff)) {//la chuyen vien List lstLDP = udaohe.getAllLeaderOfStaffInOffice(getDepartmentId()); if (lstLDP != null) { List lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid = new ArrayList(); lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDP); lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderOfStaff", lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid); } } else {//la pho phong - lay danh sach ldc va truong phong List lstLDC = udaohe.getLeaderByUser(getDepartmentId()); List lstLDP = udaohe.getTruongPhong(getDepartmentId()); List lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid = new ArrayList(); if (lstLDC != null) { lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDC); } if (lstLDP != null) { lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDP); } lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderOfStaff", lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid); } return EVALUATION_EDITAFTERANNOUNCED_PAGE; } else { isEdit = false; // List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); // Hiepvv Loc rieng SDBS sau cong bo List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure2(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List<String> lstStaff = new ArrayList<String>(); lstStaff.add(Constants.POSITION.VFA_CV); lstStaff.add(Constants.POSITION.NV); if (udaohe.checkUserByLstPosition(getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), lstStaff)) {//la chuyen vien List lstLDP = udaohe.getAllLeaderOfStaffInOffice(getDepartmentId()); if (lstLDP != null) { List lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid = new ArrayList(); lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDP); lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderOfStaff", lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid); } } else {//la pho phong - lay danh sach ldc va truong phong List lstLDC = udaohe.getLeaderByUser(getDepartmentId()); List lstLDP = udaohe.getTruongPhong(getDepartmentId()); List lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid = new ArrayList(); if (lstLDC != null) { lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDC); } if (lstLDP != null) { lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDP); } lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderOfStaff", lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid); } return EVALUATION_PAGE; } } /** * Xem chi tiet ho so tren Dialog * * @return */ public String toFileDlgView() { String fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId"); String viewType = getRequest().getParameter("viewType"); String backPage = getRequest().getParameter("backPage"); getRequest().setAttribute("fileId", fileId); getRequest().setAttribute("viewType", viewType); getRequest().setAttribute("backPage", backPage); return EVALUATION_PAGE_VIEW; } /** * Vao trang pho phong tham dinh * * @return */ public String toEvaluateLeaderPage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); // Get Role List<Roles> roles = getListRolesByUser(); String lstRole = ""; if (roles != null && roles.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < roles.size(); i++) { lstRole += roles.get(i).getRoleCode() + ";"; } } getRequest().setAttribute("lstRole", lstRole); UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List<String> lstStaff = new ArrayList<String>(); lstStaff.add(Constants.POSITION.VFA_CV); lstStaff.add(Constants.POSITION.NV); if (udaohe.checkUserByLstPosition(getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), lstStaff)) {//la chuyen vien List lstLDP = udaohe.getAllLeaderOfStaffInOffice(getDepartmentId()); if (lstLDP != null) { List lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid = new ArrayList(); lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDP); lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderOfStaff", lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid); } } else {//la pho phong - lay danh sach ldc va truong phong List lstLDC = udaohe.getLeaderByUser(getDepartmentId()); List lstLDP = udaohe.getTruongPhong(getDepartmentId()); List lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid = new ArrayList(); if (lstLDC != null) { lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDC); } if (lstLDP != null) { lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDP); } lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderOfStaff", lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid); } return EVALUATION_LEADER_PAGE; } /** * thng bo thm nh * * @return */ public String toFeedbackEvaluatePage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return FEEDBACK_EVALUATION_PAGE; } /** * tm kim xem xt h s * * @return */ public String toReviewPage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); //Hiepvv tach rieng tham dinh ho so SDBS sau cong bo Long isChangeAfteAnnounce = getRequest().getParameter("IsChange") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("IsChange")); if (isChangeAfteAnnounce > 0) { isEdit = true; Procedure p = new Procedure(); try { p = cdhe.getProcedureByDescription(announcementFile05); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 p = null; } lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.add(p); lstCategory.add(1, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List lstLDC = udaohe.getLeaderByUser(getDepartmentId()); lstLeader = new ArrayList(); if (lstLDC != null) { lstLeader.addAll(lstLDC); } lstLeader.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeader", lstLeader); return REVIEW_EDITAFTERANNOUNCE_PAGE; } else { isEdit = false; List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure2(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List lstLDC = udaohe.getLeaderByUser(getDepartmentId()); lstLeader = new ArrayList(); if (lstLDC != null) { lstLeader.addAll(lstLDC); } lstLeader.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeader", lstLeader); return REVIEW_PAGE; } } /** * tm kim ph duyt h s * * @return */ public String toApprovePage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE();//Hiepvv tach rieng tham dinh ho so SDBS sau cong bo isEdit = false; List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure2(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return APPROVE_PAGE; } public String toApprovePageAA() {//b sung sau cng b ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE();//Hiepvv tach rieng tham dinh ho so SDBS sau cong bo isEdit = true; Procedure p = new Procedure(); try { p = cdhe.getProcedureByDescription(announcementFile05); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 p = null; } lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.add(p); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return APPROVE_EDITAFTERANNOUNCED_PAGE; } /** * tim ho so de phan cong phe duyet * * @return */ public String toAssignApprovePage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List lstLDC = udaohe.getLeaderP(getDepartmentId()); if (lstLDC != null) { lstLeaderP = new ArrayList(); lstLeaderP.addAll(lstLDC); lstLeaderP.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderP", lstLeaderP); } return ASSIGN_APPROVE_PAGE; } public String toApproveByCTPage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List lstLDC = udaohe.getLeaderP(getDepartmentId()); if (lstLDC != null) { lstLeaderP = new ArrayList(); lstLeaderP.addAll(lstLDC); lstLeaderP.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderP", lstLeaderP); } return APPROVE_BY_CT_PAGE; } /** * h s ph duyt * * @return */ // public String toApprovedPage() { // ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE();//Hiepvv tach rieng tham dinh ho so SDBS sau cong bo // // List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure2(); // lstCategory = new ArrayList(); // lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); // lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); // getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); // return APPROVED_PAGE; // // } public String toApprovedPage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE();//Hiepvv tach rieng tham dinh ho so SDBS sau cong bo Long isChangeAfteAnnounce = getRequest().getParameter("IsChange") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("IsChange")); if (isChangeAfteAnnounce > 0) { Procedure p = new Procedure(); try { p = cdhe.getProcedureByDescription(announcementFile05); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 p = null; } lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.add(p); lstCategory.add(1, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return APPROVED_CHANGEFILE_PAGE; } else { List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure2(); //Hiepvv tach rieng man hinh sdbs sau cong bo // List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return APPROVED_PAGE; } } /** * Tim kiem ho so de tham dinh * * @return */ public String onSearchFileToEvaluate() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("evaluatePage.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("evaluatePage.startServer").toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("evaluatePage.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("evaluatePage.countServer").toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } } //Hiepvv tch ring SDBS sau cng b if (isEdit) { ProcedureDAOHE pHE = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure p = new Procedure(); try { p = pHE.getProcedureByDescription(announcementFile05); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } if (p != null) { searchForm.setFileType(p.getProcedureId()); searchForm.setNoteEdit(announcementFile05); } } FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), 1L, start, count, sortField); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("evaluatePage.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("evaluatePage.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } public String onSearchFileToEvaluate4AA() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("evaluatePage.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("evaluatePage.startServer").toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("evaluatePage.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("evaluatePage.countServer").toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } } ProcedureDAOHE pHE = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure p = new Procedure(); try { p = pHE.getProcedureByDescription(announcementFile05); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } if (p != null) { searchForm.setFileType(p.getProcedureId()); searchForm.setNoteEdit(announcementFile05); } FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), 1L, start, count, sortField); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("evaluatePage.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("evaluatePage.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Tim kiem ho so de pho phong tham dinh * * @return */ public String onSearchFileToEvaluateLeader() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), 9L, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /* * Tim kiem ho so de tham dinh * * @return */ public String onSearchFileToFeedbackEvaluate() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), 7l, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * tm kim h s phi hp thm nh * * @return */ public String onSearchFileToCoEvaluate() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), 6l, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Tim kiem h so de xem xet - lanh dao cuc * * @return */ public String onSearchFileToReview() { getGridInfo(); //Hiepvv tch ring SDBS sau cng b if (isEdit) { ProcedureDAOHE pHE = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure p = new Procedure(); try { p = pHE.getProcedureByDescription(announcementFile05); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } if (p != null) { searchForm.setFileType(p.getProcedureId()); searchForm.setNoteEdit(announcementFile05); } } FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), 2l, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } public String onSearchFileToReview4AA() { getGridInfo(); ProcedureDAOHE pHE = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure p = new Procedure(); try { p = pHE.getProcedureByDescription(announcementFile05); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } if (p != null) { searchForm.setFileType(p.getProcedureId()); searchForm.setNoteEdit(announcementFile05); } FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), 2l, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Tim kiem h so ph duyt * * @return */ public String onSearchFileToApprove() {// getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("feeSearch.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("feeSearch.startServer").toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("feeSearch.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("feeSearch.countServer").toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), 3L, start, count, sortField); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("feeSearch.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("feeSearch.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } public String onSearchFileToApproveAA() {// getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("feeSearch.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("feeSearch.startServer").toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("feeSearch.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("feeSearch.countServer").toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } ProcedureDAOHE pHE = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure p = new Procedure(); try { p = pHE.getProcedureByDescription(announcementFile05); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } if (p != null) { searchForm.setFileType(p.getProcedureId()); searchForm.setNoteEdit(announcementFile05); } FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), 3L, start, count, sortField); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("feeSearch.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("feeSearch.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } public String onSearchFileToAssignApprove() {// getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), -3L, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } //cuc truong phe duyet ho so - binhnt53 public String onSearchFileToApproveByCT() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("approvePageByCT.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("approvePageByCT.startServer").toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("approvePageByCT.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("approvePageByCT.countServer").toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), 29L, start, count, sortField); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("approvePageByCT.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("approvePageByCT.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Tim kiem h so da phe duyet * * @return */ public String onSearchFileToApproved() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), 30l, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Tham dinh ho so * * @return */ public String onEvaluate() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.onEvaluate(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName());//thuc hien tham dinh ho so if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); Files file = fdhe.findById(createForm.getFileId()); fdhe.saveStatusFiles(file, "H s m: " + file.getFileCode() + " ? c thm nh"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Thm nh h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * soan thao noi dung cong van thong bao sdbs * * @return */ public String onFeedbackEvaluate() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.onEvaluate(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); // Files file = fdhe.findById(createForm.getFileId()); fdhe.saveStatusFiles(file, "H s m: " + file.getFileCode() + " ? c thm nh"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Thm nh h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * ?i chiu h s * * @return */ public String onComparison() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onComparison(createFormCompare, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); if (bReturn) { Files file = fdhe.findById(createFormCompare.getFileId()); resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); fdhe.saveStatusFiles(file, "H s m: " + file.getFileCode() + " ? c i chiu"); if (file.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.COMPARED)) { edhe.insertEventLog("?i chiu h s", "H s ID" + createFormCompare.getFileId() + " M: " + file.getFileCode() + " ? c i chiu Thnh cng", getRequest()); } else { edhe.insertEventLog( "?i chiu h s", "H s ID" + createFormCompare.getFileId() + " M: " + file.getFileCode() + " ? c i chiu C sai lch", getRequest()); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); edhe.insertEventLog("?i chiu h s", "H s ID:" + createFormCompare.getFileId() + " gp s c khi i chiu", getRequest()); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /* * lanh dao don vi xem xet ho so */ public String onReviewManyFiles() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); int nSuccess = 0; int nError = 0; String sid = ""; Long id = getRequest().getParameter("leaderId") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("leaderId")); String name = ""; try { Base64 decoder = new Base64(); name = new String(decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("leaderName").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // Logger.getLogger(FilesDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } for (int i = 0; i < lstItemOnGrid.size(); i++) { FilesForm form = lstItemOnGrid.get(i); if (form != null && form.getFileId() != null && form.getFileId() != 0L) { boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(form.getFileId(), form, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { form.setStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.REVIEWED); form.setLeaderStaffRequest("Lnh o phng xem xt h s t."); form.setLeaderApproveId(id); form.setLeaderApproveName(name); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onReviewManyFiles(form, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); sid += form.getFileId() + ","; if (bReturn) { nSuccess++; } else { nError++; } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } } } String strAlert = "Xem xt nhi?u h s thnh cng, c " + nSuccess + " h s thnh cng v " + nError + " h s xem xt khng thnh cng"; resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add(strAlert); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Thm mi h s", "Hy h s c id=" + sid, getRequest()); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /* * lanh dao don vi xem xet ho so */ public String onReview() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.onReviewEvaluate(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Xem xt h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } public String onAssignApprove() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.onAssignApprove(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Phn cng ph duyt h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } public String onAssignApproveByCT() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onAssignApproveByCT(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Phn cng ph duyt h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * xem xet du thao sdbs * * @return */ public String onFeedbackReview() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.onReviewEvaluate(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Ph duyt d tho S?BS", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } public String onFeedbackReviewSendVt() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.onApprove(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Ph duyt cng vn S?BS", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } //phe duyet du thao sdbs public String onFeedbackApprove() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.onApprove(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Ph duyt cng vn S?BS", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * xem xet du thao cong van sdbs * * @return */ public String onFeedbackGiveBack() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.onEvaluate(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Xem xt h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /* * Phe duyet ho so */ public String onApprove() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); try { boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.onApprove(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); if (createForm.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.APPROVED)) { getBarcode(createForm); } Files file = fdhe.findById(createForm.getFileId()); // Save status fdhe.saveStatusFiles(file, "H s m: " + file.getFileCode() + " ? c ph duyt"); // Save Sign date AnnouncementReceiptPaperDAOHE arpDhe = new AnnouncementReceiptPaperDAOHE(); AnnouncementReceiptPaper arp = arpDhe.findById(file.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperId()); if (arp != null) { VoAttachsDAOHE daoHe = new VoAttachsDAOHE(); arp.setSignDate(daoHe.getSysdate()); getSession().update(arp); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Ph duyt khng thnh cng"); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Ph duyt khng thnh cng"); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Ph duyt khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Ph duyt h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); //160620 binhnt add gui service den hai quan ban tin cong bo. // Helper h = new Helper(); // try { // XmlWs xmlBo = new XmlWs(); // xmlBo.setContent(h.sendARP(createForm.getFileId())); // xmlBo.setUserCreateId(getUserId()); // xmlBo.setUserCreateName(getUserName()); // getSession().save(xmlBo); // // } catch (IOException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(FilesDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } catch (Base64DecodingException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(FilesDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } getSession().getTransaction().commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Ph duyt khng thnh cng"); // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * To giy cng b * * @return */ public String onCreatePaper() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onCreatePaper(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); if (createForm.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.APPROVED)) { getBarcode(createForm); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * 150121 binhnt53 luu trang thai ho so * * @return */ public String onSaveEditFileStatus() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); try { Files filesBo; FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); filesBo = fdhe.findById(createForm.getFileId()); if (filesBo != null) { if (createForm.getStatus() != null) { filesBo.setStatus(createForm.getStatus()); filesBo.setDisplayStatus(FilesDAOHE.getFileStatusName(createForm.getStatus())); } if (createForm.getNameStaffProcess() != null && createForm.getStaffProcess() != null && createForm.getStaffProcess() > -1L) { filesBo.setNameStaffProcess(createForm.getNameStaffProcess()); filesBo.setStaffProcess(createForm.getStaffProcess()); } if (createForm.getLeaderApproveId() != null && createForm.getLeaderApproveName() != null && createForm.getLeaderApproveId() > -1L) { filesBo.setLeaderApproveId(createForm.getLeaderApproveId()); filesBo.setLeaderApproveName(createForm.getLeaderApproveName()); } if (createForm.getLeaderReviewId() != null && createForm.getLeaderReviewName() != null && createForm.getLeaderReviewId() > -1L) { filesBo.setLeaderReviewId(createForm.getLeaderReviewId()); filesBo.setLeaderReviewName(createForm.getLeaderReviewName()); } if (createForm.getLeaderEvaluateId() != null && createForm.getLeaderEvaluateName() != null && createForm.getLeaderEvaluateId() > -1L) { filesBo.setLeaderEvaluateId(createForm.getLeaderEvaluateId()); filesBo.setLeaderEvaluateName(createForm.getLeaderEvaluateName()); } getSession().save(filesBo); resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Cp nht trng thi h s thnh cng"); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); if (!Constants.ROLES.QT_VOFFICE.equals(getUserLogin())) { edhe.insertEventLog("Chuyn lung h s", getUserLogin() + " FileId=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Cp nht trng thi h s khng thnh cng"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Cp nht lung x l khng thnh cng"); // Logger.getLogger(FilesDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return "gridData"; } //============================================================================== /** * Tao CV SDBS * * @return */ public String onExportCvSdbsSign() { ExportFileDAO exp = new ExportFileDAO(); boolean bReturn = exp.exportDataCvSdbs("EX_SIGN"); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Xut cng vn S?BS thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Li trong qu trnh xut cng vn S?BS"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } public String onExportCvSdbsSignPlugin() { ExportFileDAO exp = new ExportFileDAO(); exp.exportDataCvSdbs("EX_SIGN"); String path = exp.exportDataCvSdbsPlugin("EX_SIGN"); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (path.trim().length() > 0 && !"false".equals(path)) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Xut cng vn S?BS thnh cng"); resultMessage.add(path); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Li trong qu trnh xut cng vn S?BS"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Vao trang khai bao ho so * * @return */ public String toCreateFilePage() { // Long fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("fileId")); Long fileType = getRequest().getParameter("fileType") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("fileType")); Long checkEdit = getRequest().getParameter("checkEdit") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("checkEdit")); Long typeFee = getRequest().getParameter("typeFee") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("typeFee")); // hiepvv check edit after announced Long isEdits = getRequest().getParameter("isEdit") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("isEdit")); if (fileType > 0L) { createForm = new FilesForm(); createForm.setFileType(fileType); } Users user; UsersDAOHE udhe = new UsersDAOHE(); user = udhe.findById(getUserId()); Business bus; BusinessDAOHE bdhe = new BusinessDAOHE(); bus = bdhe.findById(user.getBusinessId()); //San pham ho so goc String proName = ""; String manuName = ""; String manuTel = ""; String manuAdd = ""; String manuEmail = ""; String manuFax = ""; String matchingTaget = ""; String nameStaffProcess; Long staffProcessId; Date publishDate = null; String strReturn = ERROR_PERMISSION; if (createForm.getFileId() != null && createForm.getFileId() > 0l) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); createForm = fdhe.getFilesDetail(createForm.getFileId()); // //hiepvv SDBS sau cong bo if (isEdits > 0L) { String fileSourceCode = createForm.getFileCode(); Long fileSource = createForm.getFileId(); staffProcessId = createForm.getStaffProcess(); nameStaffProcess = createForm.getNameStaffProcess(); //Thong tin ho so cu proName = createForm.getAnnouncement().getProductName(); manuName = createForm.getAnnouncement().getManufactureName(); manuAdd = createForm.getAnnouncement().getManufactureAddress(); manuEmail = createForm.getAnnouncement().getManufactureName(); manuTel = createForm.getAnnouncement().getManufactureTel(); manuFax = createForm.getAnnouncement().getManufactureFax(); matchingTaget = createForm.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget(); publishDate = createForm.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm().getReceiptDate(); //end ProcedureDAOHE pdaohe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure p = new Procedure(); try { p = pdaohe.getProcedureByDescription(announcementFile05); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 p = null; // Logger.getLogger(FilesDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } createForm = new FilesForm(); if (p != null) { createForm.setFileType(p.getProcedureId()); } createForm.setFilesSourceID(fileSource); createForm.setFileSourceCode(fileSourceCode); createForm.setStaffProcess(staffProcessId);//them nguoi tham dinh ho so truoc day createForm.setNameStaffProcess(nameStaffProcess);//them nguoi tham dinh ho so truoc day } // if (!createForm.getFileType().equals(0L)) { // ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); // List lstTTHC = cdhe.getProcedureForChange(createForm.getFileType()); // lstCategory = new ArrayList(); // lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); // lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); // getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); // } } if (createForm.getFileType() != null && createForm.getFileType() > 0l) { ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); CategoryDAOHE cdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); TechnicalStandardDAOHE tdhe = new TechnicalStandardDAOHE(); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); if (!fileType.equals(0L)) { createForm.setFileType(fileType); } Procedure tthc = pdhe.findById(createForm.getFileType()); if (tthc != null) { //lstProductType = cdhe.findAllCategory("SP");//hieptq update 150415 if (checkEdit == 1) { typeFee = cdhe.findTypeFee(tthc.getProcedureId()); lstProductType = cdhe.findAllCategoryByFee("SP", typeFee); } else { lstProductType = cdhe.findAllCategoryByFee("SP", typeFee); } if (((Category) lstProductType.get(0)).getCategoryId() != -1L) { lstProductType.add(0, new Category(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); } lstUnit = cdhe.findAllCategory("DVI"); lstUnit.add(0, new Category(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); lstStandard = tdhe.findAllStandard(); String lstDepts = convertToJSONData(lstStandard, "vietnameseName", "vietnameseName"); getRequest().setAttribute("lstStandard", lstDepts); UserAttachsDAOHE uahe = new UserAttachsDAOHE(); lstUserAttach = uahe.findAllUserAttach(getUserId()); String lstUserAttachs = convertToJSONData(lstUserAttach, "attachName", "attachName"); getRequest().setAttribute("lstUserAttach", lstUserAttachs); if (lstUserAttachs.trim().length() > 0) { createForm.setCountUA(1L); } else { createForm.setCountUA(0L); } getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", lstProductType); getRequest().setAttribute("lstUnit", lstUnit); String fileLst = tthc.getFileList(); getRequest().setAttribute("fileList", com.viettel.common.util.StringUtils.removeHTML(fileLst)); getRequest().setAttribute("agencyName", getDepartmentName()); getRequest().setAttribute("fileNameFull", tthc.getName()); // check edit hide excel tab getRequest().setAttribute("checkEdit", checkEdit); strReturn = tthc.getDescription(); if (strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_FILE05) && isEdits == 1) { strReturn = Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_FILE05_PAPER; } if (createForm.getAnnouncement() != null) { if (createForm.getAnnouncement().getAnnouncementNo() != null && createForm.getAnnouncement().getAnnouncementNo().length() > 0l && isEdits != 1L) { CategoryDAOHE ctdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); Category cate = ctdhe.findCategoryByTypeAndCode("SP", "TPCN"); Category cateTL = ctdhe.findCategoryByTypeAndCode("SP", "TL"); List<Category> cate1 = ctdhe.findCategoryByTypeAndCodeNew("SP", "DBT"); String dbtId = ""; for (int i = 0; i < cate1.size(); i++) { dbtId += cate1.get(i).getCategoryId().toString() + ";"; } Long tpcnId = cate.getCategoryId(); Long tlId = cateTL.getCategoryId(); FeeDAOHE fdhe1 = new FeeDAOHE(); Fee findfee1 = fdhe1.findFeeByCode("TPDB"); Long priceTPDB = findfee1.getPrice(); Fee findfee2 = fdhe1.findFeeByCode("TPCN"); Long priceTPCN = findfee2.getPrice(); Fee findfee3 = fdhe1.findFeeByCode("TPK"); Long priceETC = findfee3.getPrice(); getRequest().setAttribute("dbtId", dbtId); getRequest().setAttribute("tpcnId", tlId); getRequest().setAttribute("tlId", tpcnId); getRequest().setAttribute("tpcnId", tpcnId); getRequest().setAttribute("priceTPCN", priceTPCN); getRequest().setAttribute("priceTPDB", priceTPDB); getRequest().setAttribute("priceETC", priceETC); return strReturn; } } if (strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_FILE01) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_FILE03) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.CONFIRM_FUNC_IMP) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.CONFIRM_FUNC_VN) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.CONFIRM_NORMAL_IMP) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.CONFIRM_NORMAL_VN) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.REC_CONFIRM_NORMAL_IMP) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.RE_ANNOUNCEMENT) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.RE_CONFIRM_FUNC_IMP) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.RE_CONFIRM_FUNC_VN) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.RE_CONFIRM_NORMAL_VN) //hiepvv SDBS sau cong bo || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_FILE05) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_FILE05_PAPER) //hiepvv KS 4S || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_4STAR)) { String announcementNoStr = fdhe.getReceiptNoNew(getUserId(), getUserLogin(), createForm.getFileType()); createForm.setAnnouncement(new AnnouncementForm()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setAnnouncementNo(announcementNoStr); // thong tin doanh nghiep createForm.getAnnouncement().setBusinessAddress(bus.getBusinessAddress()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setBusinessFax(bus.getBusinessFax()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setBusinessName(bus.getBusinessName()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setBusinessTelephone(bus.getBusinessTelephone()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setBusinessEmail(bus.getUserEmail()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setBusinessLicence(bus.getBusinessLicense()); // ho so cap lai 7-11 createForm.setReIssueForm(new ReIssueFormForm()); createForm.getReIssueForm().setBusinessName(bus.getBusinessName()); createForm.getReIssueForm().setIdentificationNumber(bus.getBusinessLicense()); createForm.getReIssueForm().setAddress(bus.getBusinessAddress()); createForm.getReIssueForm().setEmail(bus.getUserEmail()); createForm.getReIssueForm().setTelephone(bus.getBusinessTelephone()); createForm.getReIssueForm().setFax(bus.getBusinessFax()); // //San pham ho so goc if (strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_FILE05) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_FILE05_PAPER)) { createForm.getAnnouncement().setProductName(proName); createForm.getAnnouncement().setManufactureAddress(manuAdd); createForm.getAnnouncement().setManufactureName(manuName); createForm.getAnnouncement().setManufactureTel(manuTel); createForm.getAnnouncement().setManufactureEmail(manuEmail); createForm.getAnnouncement().setManufactureFax(manuFax); createForm.getAnnouncement().setMatchingTarget(matchingTaget); createForm.getAnnouncement().setPublishDate(publishDate); createForm.setIsFee(1L); } } } CategoryDAOHE ctdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); Category cate = ctdhe.findCategoryByTypeAndCode("SP", "TPCN"); Category cateTL = ctdhe.findCategoryByTypeAndCode("SP", "TL"); List<Category> cate1 = ctdhe.findCategoryByTypeAndCodeNew("SP", "DBT"); String dbtId = ""; for (int i = 0; i < cate1.size(); i++) { dbtId += cate1.get(i).getCategoryId().toString() + ";"; } // Category cate1 = ctdhe.findCategoryByTypeAndCode("SP", "DBT"); // Long dbtId = cate1.getCategoryId(); Long tpcnId = cate.getCategoryId(); Long tlId = cateTL.getCategoryId(); FeeDAOHE fdhe1 = new FeeDAOHE(); Fee findfee1 = fdhe1.findFeeByCode("TPDB"); Long priceTPDB = findfee1.getPrice(); Fee findfee2 = fdhe1.findFeeByCode("TPCN"); Long priceTPCN = findfee2.getPrice(); Fee findfee3 = fdhe1.findFeeByCode("TPK"); Long priceETC = findfee3.getPrice(); getRequest().setAttribute("dbtId", dbtId); getRequest().setAttribute("tpcnId", tpcnId); getRequest().setAttribute("tlId", tlId); getRequest().setAttribute("priceTPCN", priceTPCN); getRequest().setAttribute("priceTPDB", priceTPDB); getRequest().setAttribute("priceETC", priceETC); } return strReturn; } public String toCreateFilePage4AA() { return "announcementFile05"; } /** * Xem chi tiet ho so * * @return */ public String loadFileView() {// String strReturn = ERROR_PERMISSION; String agencyName = ""; if (createForm.getFileId() != null && createForm.getFileId() > 0l) { fileSourceID = createForm.getFileId(); Long viewType = -1L; if (createForm.getViewType() == null) { createForm.setViewType(-1L); } else { viewType = createForm.getViewType(); } FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); createForm = fdhe.getFilesDetail(createForm.getFileId()); createForm.setViewType(viewType); createFormOriginal = fdhe.getFilesDetail(createForm.getFileId()); if (createFormOriginal != null) { if (createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement() != null) { if (createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getAssessmentMethod() != null) { createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().setAssessmentMethod( createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getAssessmentMethod().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().setAssessmentMethod( createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getAssessmentMethod().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget() != null) { createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().setMatchingTarget( createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget().replace(";", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().setMatchingTarget( createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget().replace("\n", "")); createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().setMatchingTarget( createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget().replace("\r", "")); } } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct() != null) { if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getOtherTarget() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setOtherTarget( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getOtherTarget().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setOtherTarget( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getOtherTarget().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getComponents() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setComponents( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getComponents().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setComponents( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getComponents().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getTimeInUse() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setTimeInUse( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getTimeInUse().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setTimeInUse( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getTimeInUse().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getUseage() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct() .setUseage(createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getUseage().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct() .setUseage(createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getUseage().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getObjectUse() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setObjectUse( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getObjectUse().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setObjectUse( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getObjectUse().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getGuideline() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setGuideline( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getGuideline().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setGuideline( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getGuideline().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getPackateMaterial() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setPackateMaterial( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getPackateMaterial().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setPackateMaterial( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getPackateMaterial().replace("\r", "")); } // if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getPackageRecipe() != null) { // createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setPackageRecipe(createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getPackageRecipe().replace("\n", "nl")); // createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setPackageRecipe(createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getPackageRecipe().replace("\r", "")); // } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getProductionProcess() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setProductionProcess( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getProductionProcess().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setProductionProcess( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getProductionProcess().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getCounterfeitDistinctive() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setCounterfeitDistinctive(createFormOriginal .getDetailProduct().getCounterfeitDistinctive().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setCounterfeitDistinctive(createFormOriginal .getDetailProduct().getCounterfeitDistinctive().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getOrigin() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct() .setOrigin(createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getOrigin().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct() .setOrigin(createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getOrigin().replace("\r", "")); } } if (createFormOriginal.getTestRegistration() != null) { } } createFormClone = fdhe.getCloneFilesDetail(createForm.getFileId()); if (createFormClone != null) { if (createFormClone.getAnnouncement() != null) { if (createFormClone.getAnnouncement().getAssessmentMethod() != null) { createFormClone.getAnnouncement().setAssessmentMethod( createFormClone.getAnnouncement().getAssessmentMethod().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getAnnouncement().setAssessmentMethod( createFormClone.getAnnouncement().getAssessmentMethod().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget() != null) { createFormClone.getAnnouncement().setMatchingTarget( createFormClone.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getAnnouncement().setMatchingTarget( createFormClone.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget().replace("\r", "")); } } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct() != null) { if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getOtherTarget() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setOtherTarget( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getOtherTarget().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setOtherTarget( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getOtherTarget().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getComponents() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setComponents( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getComponents().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setComponents( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getComponents().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getTimeInUse() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setTimeInUse( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getTimeInUse().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setTimeInUse(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getTimeInUse().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getUseage() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setUseage(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getUseage().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setUseage(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getUseage().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getObjectUse() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setObjectUse( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getObjectUse().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setObjectUse(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getObjectUse().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getGuideline() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setGuideline( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getGuideline().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setGuideline(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getGuideline().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getPackateMaterial() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setPackateMaterial( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getPackateMaterial().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setPackateMaterial( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getPackateMaterial().replace("\r", "")); } // if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getPackageRecipe() != null) { // createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setPackageRecipe(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getPackageRecipe().replace("\n", "nl")); // createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setPackageRecipe(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getPackageRecipe().replace("\r", "")); // } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getProductionProcess() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setProductionProcess( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getProductionProcess().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setProductionProcess( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getProductionProcess().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getCounterfeitDistinctive() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setCounterfeitDistinctive( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getCounterfeitDistinctive().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setCounterfeitDistinctive( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getCounterfeitDistinctive().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getOrigin() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setOrigin(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getOrigin().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setOrigin(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getOrigin().replace("\r", "")); } } } DepartmentDAOHE ddhe = new DepartmentDAOHE(); Department dept = ddhe.getDeptByUserId(createForm.getUserCreateId()); if (dept != null) { agencyName = dept.getDeptName(); } } if (createForm.getFileType() != null && createForm.getFileType() > 0l) { ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); CategoryDAOHE cdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); Procedure tthc = pdhe.findById(createForm.getFileType()); if (tthc != null) { //binhnt 060215 thm combobox ch?n n v x l h s ProcedureDepartmentDAOHE pddaohe = new ProcedureDepartmentDAOHE(); List lstCQXL = pddaohe.getAllProcedureDepartmentByProcedureId(createForm.getFileType()); lstDeptProcessFile = new ArrayList(); lstDeptProcessFile.addAll(lstCQXL); lstDeptProcessFile.add(0, new ProcedureDepartment(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstDeptProcessFile", lstDeptProcessFile); //binhnt add //getLstVersionFiles(); FilesDAOHE filesDaohe = new FilesDAOHE(); lstOldVersion = new ArrayList(); lstOldVersion.addAll(filesDaohe.getLstOldVersionFiles(createForm.getFileId())); lstOldVersion.add(0, new FilesForm(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, "--Ch?n--")); lstOldVersion.add(1, new FilesForm(createForm.getFileId(), "Ln sa i gn nht")); getRequest().setAttribute("lstOldVersion", lstOldVersion); // lstProductType = cdhe.findAllCategory("SP"); lstUnit = cdhe.findAllCategory("DVI"); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", lstProductType); getRequest().setAttribute("lstUnit", lstUnit); String fileLst = tthc.getFileList(); getRequest().setAttribute("fileList", com.viettel.common.util.StringUtils.removeHTML(fileLst)); getRequest().setAttribute("agencyName", agencyName); UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List<String> lstStaff = new ArrayList<String>(); lstStaff.add(Constants.POSITION.VFA_CV); lstStaff.add(Constants.POSITION.NV); if (udaohe.checkUserByLstPosition(getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), lstStaff)) {//la chuyen vien List lstLDP = udaohe.getAllLeaderOfStaffInOffice(getDepartmentId()); if (lstLDP != null) { List lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid = new ArrayList(); lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDP); lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderOfStaff", lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid); } } else {//la pho phong - lay danh sach ldc va truong phong List lstLDC = udaohe.getLeaderByUser(getDepartmentId()); List lstLDP = udaohe.getTruongPhong(getDepartmentId()); List lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid = new ArrayList(); if (lstLDC != null) { lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDC); } if (lstLDP != null) { lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDP); } lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderOfStaff", lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid); } if (createForm.getAgencyId() != null) { List lstLDC = udaohe.getLeader(createForm.getAgencyId()); lstLeader = new ArrayList(); if (lstLDC != null) { lstLeader.addAll(lstLDC); } lstLeader.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeader", lstLeader); } else { lstLeader = new ArrayList(); lstLeader.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeader", lstLeader); } String viewTypeDialog = getRequest().getParameter("viewTypeDialog"); if (viewTypeDialog != null && !"".equals(viewTypeDialog) && "1".equals(viewTypeDialog)) { strReturn = tthc.getDescription() + "DialogView"; } else { strReturn = tthc.getDescription() + "View"; } } } try { //Check validate ky CA if (createForm.getContentSigned() != null) { String validCAStatus = "NG"; if (CommonUtils.checkSecurityPublishCA(createForm.getFileId(), createForm.getContentSigned())) { String contentSigned = createForm.getContentSigned(); KeyInfo keyInfo = CommonUtils.validateContentSigned(contentSigned); if (keyInfo != null) { try { CommonUtils.getUserSigned(keyInfo); validCAStatus = "OK"; } catch (CertificateExpiredException | CertificateNotYetValidException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(expiredEx); } } } getRequest().setAttribute("validCAStatus", validCAStatus); } // Get Role List<Roles> roles = getListRolesByUser(); String lstRole = ""; if (roles != null && roles.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < roles.size(); i++) { lstRole += roles.get(i).getRoleCode() + ";"; } } getRequest().setAttribute("lstRole", lstRole); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(e.getMessage()); } /* if (createForm.getAnnouncement() != null) { getBarcode(createForm); } */ return strReturn; } /** * ly h s * * @return */ public String loadFile() { //List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); List items = new ArrayList(); if (createForm.getFileId() != null && createForm.getFileId() > 0l) { //FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); //createForm = fdhe.getFilesDetail(createForm.getFileId()); try { Document document = CommonUtils.buildAllPublishDocument(createForm.getFileId()); createForm.setContentXml(com.viettel.common.util.StringUtils .escapeHtml(CommonUtils.convertDocument2String(document))); items.add(createForm.getContentXml()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(e.getMessage()); } } //jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setItems(items); return GRID_DATA; } /** * danh sch cc n v c th np h s * * @return */ public String getListOfAgency() { getGridInfo(); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Long provinceId = getProvinceId(); GridResult gr = fdhe.getAgencyToSendFile(createForm.getFileId(), provinceId, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /* * Doanh nghiep chon don vi de xu ly ho so */ public String onSelectFlow() throws JAXBException { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); boolean bReturn = fdhe.assignFileToDept(createForm.getFileId(), createForm.getDeptId(), getUserId(), getUserName(), getBusinessId(), getBusinessName()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn == true) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Np h s thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Np h s thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); //String xml = fdhe.prepareAnnouceHandling(createForm.getFileId()); return GRID_DATA; } /* * Tra ve danh sach chi tieu chu yeu cua ho so */ public String loadMainlyTarget() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List lst = fdhe.getMainlyTargetOfFile(createForm.getFileId()); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lst); return GRID_DATA; } public String onValidate() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); String error = fdhe.validateFiles(searchForm.getFileId()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (error == null) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("H s validate thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("2"); resultMessage.add(error); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /* * TRa ve danh sach chi tieu cua san pham */ public String loadProductTarget() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List lst = fdhe.getProductTargetOfFile(createForm.getFileId()); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lst); return GRID_DATA; } /* * Tra ve danh sach attach cua ho so */ public String loadAttachs() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List lst = fdhe.getAttachsOfFile(createForm.getFileId()); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lst); String idSession = (String) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("idSession"); if (idSession == null) { idSession = ""; } for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { VoAttachs bo = (VoAttachs) lst.get(i); idSession += bo.getAttachId().toString(); idSession += ";"; } getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("idSession", idSession); return GRID_DATA; } /* * Hiepvv 1403 * Tra ve danh sach attach cua ho so sdbs sau cong bo */ public String loadAttachs2() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List lst = fdhe.getAttachsOfFileSDBS(createForm.getFileId()); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lst); String idSession = (String) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("idSession"); if (idSession == null) { idSession = ""; } for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { VoAttachs bo = (VoAttachs) lst.get(i); idSession += bo.getAttachId().toString(); idSession += ";"; } getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("idSession", idSession); return GRID_DATA; } /* * Tra ve danh sach ke hoach quan ly chat luong cua ho so */ public String loadQualityControls() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List lst = fdhe.getQualityControlOfFile(createForm.getFileId()); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lst); return GRID_DATA; } /* * Tra ve danh sach san pham dang ky trong ho so */ public String loadProductInFiles() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List lst = fdhe.getProductOfFile(createForm.getFileId()); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lst); return GRID_DATA; } /* * Vao trang bo sung ho so cua doanh nghiep */ public String toBusinessAdditionPage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return businessAdditionPage; } /* * Vao trang danh sach ho so cua doanh nghiep */ public String toBusinessListPage() { if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setStatus(-1l); } isEdit = false; ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); CategoryDAOHE che = new CategoryDAOHE(); lstProductType = che.findAllCategory("SP"); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", lstProductType); // try { // Date sysDate = cdhe.getSysdate(); // getRequest().setAttribute("sysDate", sysDate); // } catch (Exception ex) { // Logger.getLogger(FilesDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", lstProductType); BusinessDAOHE bdhe = new BusinessDAOHE(); Business bus = bdhe.findById(getBusinessId()); if (bus.getIsCa() != null && bus.getIsCa() == 1) { getRequest().setAttribute("isCa", bus.getIsCa()); } else { getRequest().setAttribute("isCa", 0); } DepartmentDAOHE dphe = new DepartmentDAOHE(); Department dept = dphe.findByDeptCode("ATTP"); Long AgencyId = dept.getDeptId(); String AgencyName = dept.getDeptName(); getRequest().setAttribute("AgencyId", AgencyId); getRequest().setAttribute("AgencyName", AgencyName); return businessListPage; } /** * Tim kiem ho so cua doanh nghiep * * @return */ public String onSearchBusinessFiles() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); CategoryDAOHE cdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); lstProductType = cdhe.findAllCategory("SP"); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", lstProductType); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); } searchForm.setDeptId(getBusinessId()); Long deptId = getBusinessId(); GridResult gr; if (isEdit) { gr = fdhe.searchBusinessFilesNoSDBSAnd4Star(searchForm, start, count, sortField, deptId); } else { gr = fdhe.searchBusinessFiles(searchForm, start, count, sortField, deptId); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /* * Xu ly them moi, bo sung ho so savefiles */ public String onInsert() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure tthc = pdhe.findById(createForm.getFileType()); Long fee = tthc.getFee(); try { Long filesId = createForm.getFileId(); Boolean isCreate = true; if (filesId == null) {//check la update hay them moi createForm.setCreateDate(getSysdate()); createForm.setUserCreateId(getUserId()); createForm.setUserCreateName(getUserName()); createForm.setDeptId(getBusinessId()); createForm.setDeptName(getBusinessName()); createForm.setBusinessName(getBusinessName()); createForm.setFeeFile(fee); createForm.setIsDownload(Constants.ACTIVE_STATUS.ACTIVE);//141215u binhnt53 if (getBusinessId() != null) {//141214u binhnt53 bo sung co quan chu quan. BusinessDAOHE busdaohe = new BusinessDAOHE(); Business busbo = busdaohe.findById(getBusinessId()); if (busbo != null && busbo.getGoverningBody() != null) { createForm.setGoverningBody(busbo.getGoverningBody()); } } } else { isCreate = false; createForm.setModifyDate(getSysdate()); } Procedure fileType = pdhe.findById(createForm.getFileType()); if (fileType != null) { createForm.setFileTypeName(fileType.getName()); } createForm.setStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.NEW_CREATE); if (createForm.getStatus() != null && (createForm.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.NEW_CREATE) || createForm.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.NEW) || createForm.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.RECEIVED_REJECT) || createForm.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.RECEIVED_REJECT_TO_ADD) || createForm.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.EVALUATED_TO_ADD))) {//check role if (isCreate) {//insert Files Files fileSaved = fdhe.saveFiles(createForm); if (fileSaved == null) { resultMessage.clear(); resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Thm mi h s khng thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Thm mi h s thnh cng"); // Log EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Thm mi h s", "Thm mi h s m " + fileSaved.getFileCode(), getRequest()); } } else {// update File FilesDAOHE fdaohe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files files = fdaohe.findById(filesId); if (files != null) {// update File if (files.getStatus() != null && (files.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.NEW_CREATE) || files.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.NEW) || files.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.RECEIVED_REJECT) || files.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.RECEIVED_REJECT_TO_ADD) || files.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.EVALUATED_TO_ADD)) && files.getUserCreateId() != null && files.getUserCreateId().equals(getUserId())) { Files fileSaved = fdhe.saveFiles(createForm); if (fileSaved == null) { resultMessage.clear(); resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Cp nht h s khng thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Cp nht h s thnh cng"); // Log EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Cp nht h s", "Cp nht h s m " + fileSaved.getFileCode(), getRequest()); } } } else { resultMessage.clear(); log.error("Li h thng: Phn quy?n x l h s: " + files.getFileCode()); resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add( "Lu h s khng thnh cng. Bn khng c quy?n cp nht h s!"); } } } else { resultMessage.clear(); resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage .add("Lu h s khng thnh cng: Bn khng c php x l h s!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { // log.error(ex.getMessage()); LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 resultMessage.clear(); resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu h s khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } /* * Huy ho so */ public String onDelete() throws Exception { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); try { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); int nSuccess = 0; int nError = 0; String sid = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lstItemOnGrid.size(); i++) { FilesForm form = lstItemOnGrid.get(i); if (form != null && form.getFileId() != null && form.getFileId() != 0L) { int nReturn = fdhe.deleteFile(getUserId(), getBusinessId(), form.getFileId()); sid += form.getFileId() + ","; if (nReturn == 0) { nSuccess++; } else { nError++; } } } // String strAlert = "Hy h s thnh cng"; String strAlert = "Hy h s thnh cng, c " + nSuccess + " h s b hy v " + nError + " h s khng c php hy"; resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add(strAlert); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Thm mi h s", "Hy h s c id=" + sid, getRequest()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Hy h s khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return "gridData"; } /* * signing trnh k giay */ //<editor-fold desc="TAO VA TRINH KY GIAY CHUNG NHAN"> public String onSearchFileToSigning() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), 4l, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * tm kim file k * * @return */ public String onSearchFileToSigned() { getGridInfo(); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToSign(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * vo trang xem xt * * @return */ public String toSigningPage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return SIGNING_PAGE; } /** * gui ky * * @return */ public String onSendToSign() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onSendToSign(signingForm, getUserId(), getUserName()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); // EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); // edhe.insertEventLog("Xem xt h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * action ky * * @return */ public String onSign() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onSign(signedForm, getUserId(), getUserName()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); // EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); // edhe.insertEventLog("Xem xt h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * tu choi tiep nhan * * @return */ public String onReject() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.onReject(rejectForm, getUserId(), getUserName()); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); // EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); // edhe.insertEventLog("Xem xt h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * load page soan thao giay tiep nhan cong bo hop quy * * @return */ public String loadProvidePage() { String strReturn = ERROR_PERMISSION; if (provideForm.getFileId() != null && provideForm.getFileId() > 0l) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); provideForm = fdhe.getFilesDetail(provideForm.getFileId()); } if (provideForm.getFileType() != null && provideForm.getFileType() > 0l) { ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); CategoryDAOHE cdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); Procedure tthc = pdhe.findById(provideForm.getFileType()); if (tthc != null) { strReturn = tthc.getDescription() + "Provide"; List lstNation = cdhe.findAllCategory("NATION"); getRequest().setAttribute("lstNation", lstNation); if (Constants.FILE_STATUS.APPROVED.equals(provideForm.getStatus())) { if (provideForm.getAnnouncementId() != null && provideForm.getAnnouncementId() > 0L) { provideForm.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm() .setBusinessName(provideForm.getAnnouncement().getBusinessName()); provideForm.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm() .setProductName(provideForm.getAnnouncement().getProductName()); provideForm.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm() .setManufactureName(provideForm.getAnnouncement().getManufactureName()); provideForm.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm() .setEmail(provideForm.getAnnouncement().getBusinessEmail()); provideForm.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm() .setFax(provideForm.getAnnouncement().getBusinessFax()); provideForm.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm() .setTelephone(provideForm.getAnnouncement().getBusinessTelephone()); provideForm.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm() .setNationName(provideForm.getAnnouncement().getNationName()); } if (provideForm.getTestRegistrationId() != null && provideForm.getTestRegistrationId() > 0L) { provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setTestAgencyName(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getTestAgency()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setTestAdd(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getTestAdd()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setExportBusinessName(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getExportBusinessName()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setExportBusinessAdd(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getExportBusinessAdd()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setExportBusinessMail(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getExportBusinessMail()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setExportBusinessTel(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getExportBusinessTel()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setExportBusinessFax(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getExportBusinessFax()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setExportContractCode(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getExportContractCode()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setExportContractDate(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getExportContractDate()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setExportLadingCode(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getExportLadingCode()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setExportLadingDate(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getExportLadingDate()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setExportPort(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getExportPort()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setImportBusinessName(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getImportBusinessName()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm().setImportBusinessAddress( provideForm.getTestRegistration().getImportBusinessAddress()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setImportBusinessEmail(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getImportBusinessEmail()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setImportBusinessTel(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getImportBusinessTel()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setImportBusinessFax(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getImportBusinessFax()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setImportPort(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getImportPort()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setImportDate(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getImportDate()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setProductName(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getProductName()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setProductDescription(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getProductDescription()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setProductCode(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getProductCode()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setProductOrigin(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getProductOrigin()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setProductAmount(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getProductAmount()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setProductWeight(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getProductWeight()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setProductValue(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getProductValue()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setGatheringAdd(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getGatheringAdd()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setTestDate(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getTestDate()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setBusinessRepresent(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getBusinessRepresent()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setBusinessSignAdd(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getBusinessSignAdd()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setBusinessSigndate(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getBusinessSigndate()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setAgencyRepresent(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getAgencyRepresent()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setAgencySignAdd(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getAgencySignAdd()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setAgencySigndate(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getAgencySigndate()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setStandardTargetNo(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getStandardTargetNo()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setStandardTargetDate(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getStandardTargetDate()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setReleaseDocumentNo(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getReleaseDocumentNo()); provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() .setReleaseDocumentDate(provideForm.getTestRegistration().getReleaseDocumentDate()); } } if (Constants.FILE_STATUS.REJECT.equals(provideForm.getStatus())) { if (provideForm.getAnnouncementId() != null && provideForm.getAnnouncementId() > 0L) { AnnouncementReceiptPaperDAOHE arphe = new AnnouncementReceiptPaperDAOHE(); AnnouncementReceiptPaperForm bo = new AnnouncementReceiptPaperForm(arphe.getById( "announcementReceiptPaperId", provideForm.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperId())); provideForm.setAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm(bo); } if (provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperId() != null && provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperId() > 0L) { ConfirmImportSatistPaperDAOHE cisphe = new ConfirmImportSatistPaperDAOHE(); ConfirmImportSatistPaperForm bo = new ConfirmImportSatistPaperForm(cisphe.getById( "confirmImportSatistPaperId", provideForm.getConfirmImportSatistPaperId())); provideForm.setConfirmImportSatistPaperForm(bo); } } } } return strReturn; } /** * loadSignPage * * @return */ public String loadSignPage() { String strReturn = ERROR_PERMISSION; if (signForm.getFileId() != null && signForm.getFileId() > 0l) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); signForm = fdhe.getFilesDetail(signForm.getFileId()); } if (signForm.getFileType() != null && signForm.getFileType() > 0l) { ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); CategoryDAOHE cdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); Procedure tthc = pdhe.findById(signForm.getFileType()); if (tthc != null) { strReturn = tthc.getDescription() + "Sign"; if (signForm.getAnnouncementId() != null && signForm.getAnnouncementId() > 0L) { } if (signForm.getTestRegistrationId() != null && signForm.getTestRegistrationId() > 0L) { } List lstNation = cdhe.findAllCategory("NATION"); getRequest().setAttribute("lstNation", lstNation); } } getBarcodeImg(); return strReturn; } public String loadEvaluateView() { return GRID_DATA; } /** * trang xem xet * * @return */ public String toSignPage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return SIGN_PAGE; } //</editor-fold> /*#lookup file by leader or staff*/ /** * trang tim kiem ho so vai tro lanh dao cuc * * @return */ public String lookupFilesByLeader() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return lookupFilesByLeaderPage; } /** * trang tim kiem ho so vai tro lanh dao cuc * * @return */ public String lookupFilesByLeaderApproveSdbs() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return lookupFilesByLeaderApproveSdbs; } /** * action tim kiem ho so vai tro lanh dao cuc * * @return */ public String onsearchLookupFilesByLeader() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("lookupFilesByLeaderApproveSdbs.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("lookupFilesByLeaderApproveSdbs.startServer").toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("lookupFilesByLeaderApproveSdbs.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("lookupFilesByLeaderApproveSdbs.countServer").toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } GridResult gr = bdhe.searchLookupFiles(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), Constants.ROLES.LEAD_OFFICE_ROLE, start, count, sortField, ""); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("lookupFilesByLeaderApproveSdbs.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("lookupFilesByLeaderApproveSdbs.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * trang tim kiem ho so vai tro lanh dao phong * * @return */ public String lookupFilesByLeaderOfStaff() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List lstLDP = udaohe.findLstUserByPosition(getDepartmentId(), Constants.POSITION.LEADER_OF_STAFF_T); if (lstLDP == null || lstLDP.isEmpty()) { List<String> lstLeader = new ArrayList<String>(); lstLeader.add(Constants.POSITION.LEADER_OF_STAFF_T); lstLeader.add(Constants.POSITION.GDTT); lstLDP = udaohe.findLstUserByLstPosition(getDepartmentId(), lstLeader); } lstLeaderOfStaff = new ArrayList(); lstLeaderOfStaff.addAll(lstLDP); lstLeaderOfStaff.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderOfStaff", lstLeaderOfStaff); return lookupFilesByStaffOfStaffPage; } /** * action tim kiem ho so vai tro lanh dao phong * * @return */ public String onsearchLookupFilesByLeaderOfStaff() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("lookupFilesByLeaderOfStaff.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("lookupFilesByLeaderOfStaff.startServer") .toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("lookupFilesByLeaderOfStaff.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("lookupFilesByLeaderOfStaff.countServer") .toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } GridResult gr = bdhe.searchLookupFiles(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), Constants.ROLES.LEAD_UNIT, start, count, sortField, ""); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("lookupFilesByLeaderOfStaff.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("lookupFilesByLeaderOfStaff.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * trang tim kiem ho so vai tro chuyn vin * * @return */ public String lookupFilesByStaff() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); lstProductType = new ArrayList(); CategoryDAOHE cat = new CategoryDAOHE(); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", null); lstProductType = new ArrayList(); lstProductType.addAll(cat.findAllCategory("SP")); lstProductType.add(0, new Category(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", lstProductType); lstProvince = new ArrayList(); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProvince", null); lstProvince = new ArrayList(); lstProvince.addAll(cat.findAllCategory("PROVINCE")); lstProvince.add(0, new Category(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProvince", lstProvince); RepositoryDAOHE repDAO = new RepositoryDAOHE(); lstRepositories = new ArrayList(); List allRep = repDAO.getRepositoryFromCreator(getUserId()); lstRepositories.addAll(allRep); lstRepositories.add(0, new Repositories(Constants.COMBOBOX_REPOSITORY_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_REPOSITORY_HEADER_TEXT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstRepository", lstRepositories); return lookupFilesByStaffPage; } /** * trang tim kiem ho so vai tro chuyn vin * * @return */ public String lookupFilesByStaffDonothing() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); lstProductType = new ArrayList(); CategoryDAOHE cat = new CategoryDAOHE(); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", null); lstProductType = new ArrayList(); lstProductType.addAll(cat.findAllCategory("SP")); lstProductType.add(0, new Category(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", lstProductType); lstProvince = new ArrayList(); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProvince", null); lstProvince = new ArrayList(); lstProvince.addAll(cat.findAllCategory("PROVINCE")); lstProvince.add(0, new Category(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProvince", lstProvince); RepositoryDAOHE repDAO = new RepositoryDAOHE(); lstRepositories = new ArrayList(); List allRep = repDAO.getRepositoryFromCreator(getUserId()); lstRepositories.addAll(allRep); lstRepositories.add(0, new Repositories(Constants.COMBOBOX_REPOSITORY_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_REPOSITORY_HEADER_TEXT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstRepository", lstRepositories); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -12); Date result1 = cal.getTime(); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 12); Date result2 = cal.getTime(); searchForm.setSendDateFrom(result1); searchForm.setSendDateTo(result2); return lookupFilesByStaffDonothingPage; } /** * action tim kiem ho so vai tro chuyn vin * * @return */ public String onsearchLookupFilesByStaff() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("lookupFilesByStaff.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("lookupFilesByStaff.startServer") .toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("lookupFilesByStaff.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("lookupFilesByStaff.countServer") .toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } GridResult gr = bdhe.searchLookupFiles(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), Constants.ROLES.STAFF_ROLE, start, count, sortField, ""); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("lookupFilesByStaff.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("lookupFilesByStaff.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * action tim kiem ho so vai tro chuyn vin * * @return */ public String onsearchLookupFilesByClerical() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("lookupFilesByClerical.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("lookupFilesByClerical.startServer") .toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("lookupFilesByClerical.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("lookupFilesByClerical.countServer") .toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } GridResult gr = bdhe.searchLookupFiles(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), Constants.ROLES.CLERICAL_ROLE, start, count, sortField, ""); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("lookupFilesByClerical.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("lookupFilesByClerical.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * action tim kiem ho so vai tro chuyn vin * * @return */ public String onsearchLookupFilesByStaffDonothing() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } GridResult gr = bdhe.searchLookupFilesDonothing(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), Constants.ROLES.STAFF_ROLE, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * trang tim kiem ho so vai tro van thu * * @return */ public String lookupFilesByClerical() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); // CategoryDAOHE catedaohe = new CategoryDAOHE(); // List status = catedaohe.findAllCategoryOrderByCode("STATUS"); // lstStatus = new ArrayList(); // lstStatus.addAll(status); // lstStatus.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); // getRequest().setAttribute("lstStatus", lstStatus); return lookupFilesByClericalPage; } public String lookupFilesByClericalForAA() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return lookupFilesByClericalForAAPage; } /** * action doi chieu ho so * * @return */ public String toComparison() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); searchForm.setStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.ALERT_COMPARISON); } ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return toComparisonPage; } /** * action doi chieu ho so loi * * @return */ public String toComparisonFail() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); searchForm.setStatus(Long.valueOf(16)); } GridResult gr = bdhe.searchLookupFiles(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), Constants.ROLES.CLERICAL_ROLE, start, count, sortField, ""); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); //return GRID_DATA; return toComparisonFailPage; } /** * action thng bo i chiu h * * @return */ public String toComparisonAlert() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); searchForm.setStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.APPROVED); } GridResult gr = bdhe.searchLookupFiles(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), Constants.ROLES.CLERICAL_ROLE, start, count, sortField, ""); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return toComparisonAlertPage; } /** * action tim kiem ho so vai tro van thu * * @return */ public String onsearchLookupFilesByClericalOnHomePage() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } GridResult gr = bdhe.searchLookupFilesOnHomePage(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), Constants.ROLES.CLERICAL_ROLE, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Report day * * @param form * @return */ public List<FilesNoClob> onsearchDayReportClerical(FilesForm form) { getGridInfo(); searchForm = form; FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } GridResult gr = bdhe.searchLookupReport(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), Constants.ROLES.CLERICAL_ROLE, start, -1, "", "f.sendDate ASC,f.businessName ASC"); return gr.getLstResult(); } /** * * @param form * @return */ public List<FilesNoClob> onsearchWeekReportClerical(FilesForm form) { getGridInfo(); searchForm = form; FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } GridResult gr = bdhe.searchLookupFiles(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), Constants.ROLES.CLERICAL_ROLE, start, -1, "", "f.sendDate ASC,f.businessName ASC"); return gr.getLstResult(); } /** * Xem lung x l h s. * * @return */ public String loadFLowView() { getGridInfo(); String strReturn = ERROR_PERMISSION; GridResult gridResult = new GridResult(0, new ArrayList()); ProcessDAOHE prodhe = new ProcessDAOHE(); try { if (flowForm.getFileId() != null) { gridResult = prodhe.searchProcessOfDoc(Long.valueOf(flowForm.getFileId()), Long.valueOf(Constants.OBJECT_TYPE.FILES), start, count, "processId"); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gridResult.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gridResult.getnCount().intValue()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 return strReturn; } return GRID_DATA; } //Hiepvv Lung h s gc public String loadFLowView2() { getGridInfo(); String strReturn = ERROR_PERMISSION; GridResult gridResult = new GridResult(0, new ArrayList()); ProcessDAOHE prodhe = new ProcessDAOHE(); try { if (flowForm.getFileId() != null) { FilesDAOHE fHE = new FilesDAOHE(); Files f = fHE.findById(flowForm.getFileId()); if (f.getFilesSourceID() != null && f.getFilesSourceID() > 0) { gridResult = prodhe.searchProcessOfDoc(Long.valueOf(f.getFilesSourceID()), Long.valueOf(Constants.OBJECT_TYPE.FILES), start, count, "processId"); } else { return null; } jsonDataGrid.setItems(gridResult.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gridResult.getnCount().intValue()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 return strReturn; } return GRID_DATA; } /** * TIP NHn H S BINHNT53 * * @return */ public String toReceived() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); //Hiepvv Tach chuc nang sua doi sau cong bo List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure2(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); // try { // Date sysDate = cdhe.getSysdate(); // getRequest().setAttribute("sysDate", sysDate); // } catch (Exception ex) { // Logger.getLogger(FilesDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } return RECEIVED_PAGE; } /** * Hiepvv 22/01 TIP NHn H S Sua doi bo sung sau cong bo * * @return */ public String toReceivedAfterAnnounced() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure p = new Procedure(); try { p = cdhe.getProcedureByDescription(announcementFile05); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 p = null; } lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.add(p); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } if (p != null) { searchForm.setFileType(p.getProcedureId()); } return RECEIVEDAFTERANNOUNED_PAGE; } //VN TH TIP NHN H S BINHNT53 /** * van thu tiep nhan ho so * * @return */ public String onSearchFilesToReceived() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = bdhe.findAllFileForReceived(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } //Hiepvv //Van thu tiep nhan ho so sua doi bo sung sau cong bo public String onSearchFilesToReceivedAfterAnnounced() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } Procedure p = new Procedure(); ProcedureDAOHE pdao = new ProcedureDAOHE(); try { p = pdao.getProcedureByDescription(announcementFile05); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 p = null; } if (p != null) { searchForm.setFileType(p.getProcedureId()); } FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = bdhe.findAllFileForReceived(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } //t chi tip nhn h s binhnt /** * tu choi tiep nhan ho so * * @return */ public String onRejectReveived() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); // boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); // if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.rejectReveived(createForm, getUserId(), getUserName()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } // } else { // resultMessage.add("3"); // resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); // } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); // EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); // edhe.insertEventLog("Xem xt h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Vn th tip nhn h s - binhnt53 * * @return */ public String onReceivedFile() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); // boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); // if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.onReceivedFile(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } // } else { // resultMessage.add("3"); // resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); // } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Vn th tip nhn", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } //binhnt add 160926 public String onReceivedFileToStaff() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); createForm = fdhe.getFilesDetail(createForm.getFileId()); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onReceivedFileToStaff(createForm, getUserId(), getUserName()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Vn th tip nhn", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } //hieptq update 120115 public String onReceivedMoreFile() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); // boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); // if (check) { String lstObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("lstObjectId"); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onReceivedMoreFile(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName(), lstObjectId); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add( "Lu d liu khng thnh cng - c h s c nhi?u n v x l khng th tip nhn t ng"); } // } else { // resultMessage.add("3"); // resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); // } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Vn th tip nhn", "Nhng h s c id=" + lstObjectId, getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Vn th tip nhn h s - binhnt53 * * @return */ public String onReturnFiles() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); // boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); // if (check) { createForm = new FilesForm(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("signFileId"); Long fileId = 0L; try { fileId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } createForm.setFileId(fileId); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onReturnFiles(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Tra du h s thnh cng!"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Tra du h s khng thnh cng"); } // } else { // resultMessage.add("3"); // resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); // } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Vn th tr h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * u150121 binhnt53 update luong tra ho so luong cu * * @return */ public String onReturnFilesOldFlow() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onReturnFiles(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Tra du h s thnh cng!"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Tra du h s khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Vn th tr h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Xem chi tit h s tip nhn * * @return */ public String loadFileViewReceived() { String strReturn = ERROR_PERMISSION; String agencyName = ""; if (createForm.getFileId() != null && createForm.getFileId() > 0l) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); createForm = fdhe.getFilesDetail(createForm.getFileId()); DepartmentDAOHE ddhe = new DepartmentDAOHE(); Department dept = ddhe.getDeptByUserId(createForm.getUserCreateId()); if (dept != null) { agencyName = dept.getDeptName(); } } if (createForm.getFileType() != null && createForm.getFileType() > 0l) { ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); CategoryDAOHE cdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); Procedure tthc = pdhe.findById(createForm.getFileType()); if (tthc != null) { lstProductType = cdhe.findAllCategory("SP"); lstUnit = cdhe.findAllCategory("DVI"); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", lstProductType); getRequest().setAttribute("lstUnit", lstUnit); String fileLst = com.viettel.voffice.common.util.StringUtils.escapeHTML(tthc.getFileList()); getRequest().setAttribute("fileList", fileLst); getRequest().setAttribute("agencyName", agencyName); strReturn = tthc.getDescription() + "ViewReceived"; } } return strReturn; } /** * get ket qua doi chieu * * @return */ public String getComments() { getGridInfo(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); // String strObjectType = getRequest().getParameter("objectType"); String strCommentType = getRequest().getParameter("commentType"); // String attachIds = getRequest().getParameter("attachIds"); Long objectId = 0l; // Long objectType = 0l; Long commentType = 0l; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); // objectType = Long.parseLong(strObjectType); commentType = Long.parseLong(strCommentType); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } ProcessCommentDAOHE pcdhe = new ProcessCommentDAOHE(); //VoAttachsDAOHE attDaoHe = new VoAttachsDAOHE(); GridResult result = pcdhe.getCommentOfDocument(getUserId(), objectId, commentType, 0L, true, start, count, sortField);//binhnt53 150130 bo object type thua List<ProcessCommentForm> listPc = result.getLstResult(); String idSession = (String) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("idSession"); if (idSession == null) { idSession = ""; } if (listPc != null && listPc.isEmpty() == false) { for (ProcessCommentForm pc : listPc) { idSession += pc.getAttachIds(); idSession += ";"; } } getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("idSession", idSession); jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } //140709 /** * lay y kien doanh nghiep * * @return */ public String getCommentsBusiness() { getGridInfo(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); String strObjectType = getRequest().getParameter("objectType"); Long objectId = 0l; // Long objectType = 0l; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } // try { // objectType = Long.parseLong(strObjectType); // } catch (Exception ex) { // LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // } ProcessCommentDAOHE pcdhe = new ProcessCommentDAOHE(); GridResult result = pcdhe.getCommentOfDocument(getUserId(), objectId, 0L, 0l, false, start, count, sortField);//binhnt53 150130 bo object type thua List<ProcessCommentForm> listPc = result.getLstResult(); String idSession = (String) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("idSession"); if (idSession == null) { idSession = ""; } for (ProcessCommentForm pc : listPc) { idSession += pc.getAttachIds(); idSession += ";"; } getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("idSession", idSession); jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } public String getVersionSDBS() { getGridInfo(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); String strObjectType = getRequest().getParameter("objectType"); Long objectId = -1L; Long objectType = -1L; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } try { objectType = Long.parseLong(strObjectType); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } VoAttachsDAOHE vtdhe = new VoAttachsDAOHE(); GridResult result = vtdhe.getAttachsByIdType(objectId, objectType, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } public String getAttachsSDBS() { getGridInfo(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); String strObjectType = getRequest().getParameter("objectType"); Long objectId = -1L; Long objectType = -1L; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } try { objectType = Long.parseLong(strObjectType); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } VoAttachsDAOHE vtdhe = new VoAttachsDAOHE(); GridResult result = vtdhe.getAttachsByIdTypeChanged(objectId, objectType, start, count, sortField); //linhdx add de co the download String idSession = (String) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("idSession"); if (idSession == null) { idSession = ""; } List lstAttach = result.getLstResult(); for (int i = 0; i < lstAttach.size(); i++) { VoAttachs bo = (VoAttachs) lstAttach.get(i); idSession += bo.getAttachId().toString(); idSession += ";"; } getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("idSession", idSession); jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * lay lich su thanh toan * * @return */ public String getPaymentHistory() { getGridInfo(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); String strObjectType = getRequest().getParameter("objectType"); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); Long objectId; Long objectType; Long totalFeeFile; Long feeFile; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(en.getMessage()); objectId = 0L; } try { objectType = Long.parseLong(strObjectType); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 objectType = 0L; } PaymentHistoryDAOHE pcdhe = new PaymentHistoryDAOHE(); FilesDAOHE bdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files filebo = bdhe.findById(objectId); String fileCode = "0"; if (filebo != null) { fileCode = filebo.getFileCode(); } GridResult result = pcdhe.getLstPaymentHistory(fileCode, objectType, start, count, sortField); FilesDAOHE filesDHE = new FilesDAOHE(); feeFile = filesDHE.findById(objectId).getFeeFile(); if (feeFile == null) { feeFile = 0l; } totalFeeFile = pcdhe.getTotalPaymentHistory(fileCode, objectType); customInfo.add(feeFile); customInfo.add(totalFeeFile); // nop du if ((totalFeeFile.equals(feeFile) && feeFile > 0l) || (totalFeeFile > feeFile)) { customInfo.add(1); } else // nop thieu if (totalFeeFile < feeFile && totalFeeFile > 0) { customInfo.add(0); } // chua nop else { customInfo.add(-1); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } /** * get kin x l h s * * @return */ public String getComparisonRecordsDetails() { List items = new ArrayList(); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files file = fdhe.getById("fileId", createForm.getFileId()); //file.setIsComparison(createForm.getIsComparison()); Long check = file.getIsComparison(); //file.setComparisonContent(createForm.getComparisonContent()); String content = file.getComparisonContent(); items.add(check); items.add(content); jsonDataGrid.setItems(items); return GRID_DATA; } /** * them noi dung y kien tham dinh ho so * * @return */ public String insertComment() { if (commentForm != null) { ProcessDAOHE pdhe = new ProcessDAOHE(); ProcessCommentDAOHE pcdhe = new ProcessCommentDAOHE(); Long userId = getUserId(); String userName = getUserName(); Long departmentId = getDeptRepresentId(); Department dept = getDeptRepresent(); String deptName = ""; if (dept != null) { deptName = dept.getDeptName(); } else { } ProcessCommentForm pcf = new ProcessCommentForm(); Long processId = pdhe.getProcessId(commentForm.getObjectId()); if (processId != null) { pcf.setProcessId(processId); pcf.setCreatedBy(userId); pcf.setUserId(userId); pcf.setUserName(userName); if (departmentId > 0) { pcf.setGroupId(departmentId); } else { UsersDAOHE udhe = new UsersDAOHE(); Users ubo = udhe.findById(userId); if (ubo != null) { pcf.setGroupId(ubo.getBusinessId()); } } if (deptName != "") { pcf.setGroupName(deptName); } else { UsersDAOHE udhe = new UsersDAOHE(); Users ubo = udhe.findById(userId); if (ubo != null) { pcf.setGroupName(ubo.getBusinessName()); } } pcf.setCreatedDate(new Date()); pcf.setCommentText(commentForm.getCommentText()); pcf.setCommentType(commentForm.getCommentType()); pcf.setAttachIds(commentForm.getAttachIds()); pcf.setObjectId(commentForm.getObjectId()); pcf.setObjectType(commentForm.getObjectType()); pcf.setIsActive(1L); pcdhe.insertComment(pcf); // Process newItem = new Process(); // newItem.setIsActive(IS_ACTIVE); // newItem.setObjectId(commentForm.getObjectId()); // newItem.setObjectType(commentForm.getObjectType()); // newItem.setProcessType(Constants.PROCESS_TYPE.COMMENT); // newItem.setSendGroupId(departmentId); // newItem.setSendGroup(deptName); // newItem.setReceiveGroupId(departmentId); // newItem.setReceiveGroup(deptName); // newItem.setSendUser(userName); // newItem.setSendUserId(userId); // newItem.setReceiveUser(userName); // newItem.setReceiveUserId(userId); // newItem.setSendDate(new Date()); // newItem.setReceiveDate(new Date()); // newItem.setStatus(-1L); // processId = pdhe.create(newItem); } } if (filesCommentForm != null) { ProcessDAOHE pdhe = new ProcessDAOHE(); ProcessCommentDAOHE pcdhe = new ProcessCommentDAOHE(); Long userId = getUserId(); String userName = getUserName(); Long departmentId = getDeptRepresentId(); Department dept = getDeptRepresent(); String deptName = ""; if (dept != null) { deptName = dept.getDeptName(); } else { } ProcessCommentForm pcf = new ProcessCommentForm(); Long processId = pdhe.getProcessId(filesCommentForm.getObjectId()); if (processId != null) { pcf.setProcessId(processId); pcf.setCreatedBy(userId); pcf.setUserId(userId); pcf.setUserName(userName); if (departmentId > 0) { pcf.setGroupId(departmentId); } else { UsersDAOHE udhe = new UsersDAOHE(); Users ubo = udhe.findById(userId); if (ubo != null) { pcf.setGroupId(ubo.getBusinessId()); } } if (deptName != "") { pcf.setGroupName(deptName); } else { UsersDAOHE udhe = new UsersDAOHE(); Users ubo = udhe.findById(userId); if (ubo != null) { pcf.setGroupName(ubo.getBusinessName()); } } pcf.setCreatedDate(new Date()); pcf.setAttachIds(filesCommentForm.getAttachIds()); pcf.setObjectId(filesCommentForm.getObjectId()); pcf.setObjectType(filesCommentForm.getObjectType()); pcf.setIsActive(1L); if (filesCommentForm.getCommentText() != null && filesCommentForm.getCommentText().length() > 0) { pcf.setCommentText(filesCommentForm.getCommentText()); pcf.setCommentType(4L); pcdhe.insertComment(pcf); } if (filesCommentForm.getLegal() != null && filesCommentForm.getLegal().length() > 0) { pcf.setCommentText(filesCommentForm.getLegal()); pcf.setCommentType(1L); pcdhe.insertComment(pcf); } if (filesCommentForm.getEffectUtility() != null && filesCommentForm.getEffectUtility().length() > 0) { pcf.setCommentText(filesCommentForm.getEffectUtility()); pcf.setCommentType(3L); pcdhe.insertComment(pcf); } if (filesCommentForm.getFoodSafetyQuality() != null && filesCommentForm.getFoodSafetyQuality().length() > 0) { pcf.setCommentText(filesCommentForm.getFoodSafetyQuality()); pcf.setCommentType(2L); pcdhe.insertComment(pcf); } // Process newItem = new Process(); // newItem.setIsActive(IS_ACTIVE); // newItem.setObjectId(filesCommentForm.getObjectId()); // newItem.setObjectType(filesCommentForm.getObjectType()); // newItem.setProcessType(Constants.PROCESS_TYPE.COMMENT); // newItem.setSendGroupId(departmentId); // newItem.setSendGroup(deptName); // newItem.setReceiveGroupId(departmentId); // newItem.setReceiveGroup(deptName); // newItem.setSendUser(userName); // newItem.setSendUserId(userId); // newItem.setReceiveUser(userName); // newItem.setReceiveUserId(userId); // newItem.setSendDate(new Date()); // newItem.setReceiveDate(new Date()); // newItem.setStatus(-1L); // processId = pdhe.create(newItem); } } return GRID_DATA; } /** * Xa kin thm nh h s * * @return */ public String onDeleteComment() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); ProcessCommentDAOHE procCmtDaoHe = new ProcessCommentDAOHE(); try { String processCommentId = getRequest().getParameter("processCommentId"); if (processCommentId != null) { ProcessComment bo = procCmtDaoHe.findById(Long.valueOf(processCommentId), false); bo.setIsActive(Constants.Status.INACTIVE); getSession().update(bo); resultMessage.add("0"); resultMessage.add("Xa kin thnh cng"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); resultMessage.add("0"); resultMessage.add("Xa kin khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Kim tra h s c phiu thm nh hay khng * * @return */ public String onCheckEvaluationFile() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (createForm.getFileId() != null) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files form = fdhe.findById(createForm.getFileId()); //tim tham dinh EvaluationRecordsDAOHE evaluationRecordsDAOHE = new EvaluationRecordsDAOHE(); EvaluationRecords evaluationRecords = evaluationRecordsDAOHE.findFilesByFileId(form); if (evaluationRecords == null) { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c phiu thm xt"); } else { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Xut file thm nh h s"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("H s khng tn ti"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Kim tra H s c bn cng b hp qui ko * * @return */ public String onCheckPaperFile() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (createForm.getFileId() != null) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); FilesForm form = fdhe.getFilesDetail(createForm.getFileId()); if (form != null) { if (form.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm() != null) { if (form.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm().getAnnouncementReceiptPaperId() != null) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add(createForm.getFileId()); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c bn cng b"); } } else if (form.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm() != null) { if (form.getConfirmImportSatistPaperForm().getConfirmImportSatistPaperId() != null) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add(createForm.getFileId()); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c bn cng b"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c bn cng b"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c bn cng b"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c bn cng b"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Kim tra h s c tn ti bn cng b ph hp ko * * @return */ public String oncheckAnnouncementReceiptPaper() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (createForm.getFileId() != null) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); FilesForm form = fdhe.getFilesDetail(createForm.getFileId()); if (form != null) { if (form.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm() != null) { if (form.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm().getAnnouncementReceiptPaperId() != null) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add(createForm.getFileId()); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c bn cng b"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c bn cng b"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c bn cng b"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c bn cng b"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; }// /** * Kim tra h s c tn ti vi S tip nhn khng * * @return */ public String oncheckReAnnouncementFiles() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (createForm.getFileId() != null) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); FilesForm form = fdhe.getFilesDetail(createForm.getFileId()); if (form != null) { if (form.getReIssueForm() != null) { Announcement ann = fdhe.checkAnnouncementFilesExist(form.getReIssueForm().convertToEntity()); if (ann != null) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add(createForm.getFileId()); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(ann); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c thng tin h s"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c thng tin h s"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c thng tin h s"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Khng c thng tin h s"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Ti trang copy h s ca doanh nghip * * @return */ public String toCopyFilePage() { String strReturn = ERROR_PERMISSION; Long checkEdit = getRequest().getParameter("checkEdit") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("checkEdit")); Long fileType = getRequest().getParameter("fileType") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("fileType")); // check edit hide excel tab getRequest().setAttribute("checkEdit", checkEdit); try { if (createForm.getFileId() != null && createForm.getFileId() > 0l) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); createForm = fdhe.getFilesDetail(createForm.getFileId()); ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure tthc = pdhe.findById(createForm.getFileType()); if (fileType > 0L) { createForm.setFileType(fileType); //createForm.setFileId(fileId); } createForm.setAnnouncementId(null); createForm.setDetailProductId(null); createForm.setReIssueFormId(null); createForm.setTestRegistrationId(null); createForm.setAnnouncementReceiptPaperId(null); createForm.setConfirmAnnouncementPaperId(null); createForm.setConfirmImportSatistPaperId(null); strReturn = tthc.getDescription(); if (strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_FILE01) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_FILE03) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.CONFIRM_FUNC_IMP) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.CONFIRM_FUNC_VN) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.CONFIRM_NORMAL_IMP) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.CONFIRM_NORMAL_VN)) { String a = fdhe.getReceiptNoNew(getUserId(), getUserLogin(), createForm.getFileType()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setAnnouncementNo(a); } //createForm.setFileId(null); createForm.setFlowId(null); createForm.setLeaderStaffSignId(null); if (createForm.getAnnouncement() != null) { createForm.getAnnouncement().setAnnouncementId(null); } if (createForm.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm() != null) { createForm.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm().setAnnouncementReceiptPaperId(null); } if (createForm.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm() != null) { createForm.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperForm().setReceiptNo(null); } if (createForm.getDetailProduct() != null) { createForm.getDetailProduct().setDetailProductId(null); } } if (createForm.getFileType() != null && createForm.getFileType() > 0l) { ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); CategoryDAOHE cdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); TechnicalStandardDAOHE tdhe = new TechnicalStandardDAOHE(); UserAttachsDAOHE uahe = new UserAttachsDAOHE(); Procedure tthc = pdhe.findById(createForm.getFileType()); if (tthc != null) { //lstProductType = cdhe.findAllCategory("SP"); Long typeFee = cdhe.findTypeFee(tthc.getProcedureId()); lstProductType = cdhe.findAllCategoryByFee("SP", typeFee); lstUnit = cdhe.findAllCategory("DVI"); lstUnit.add(0, new Category(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); lstStandard = tdhe.findAllStandard(); String lstDepts = convertToJSONData(lstStandard, "vietnameseName", "vietnameseName"); getRequest().setAttribute("lstStandard", lstDepts); lstUserAttach = uahe.findAllUserAttach(getUserId()); String lstUserAttachs = convertToJSONData(lstUserAttach, "attachName", "attachName"); getRequest().setAttribute("lstUserAttach", lstUserAttachs); if (lstUserAttachs.trim().length() > 0) { createForm.setCountUA(1L); } else { createForm.setCountUA(0L); } getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", lstProductType); getRequest().setAttribute("lstUnit", lstUnit); String fileLst = tthc.getFileList(); getRequest().setAttribute("fileList", com.viettel.common.util.StringUtils.removeHTML(fileLst)); getRequest().setAttribute("agencyName", getDepartmentName()); getRequest().setAttribute("fileNameFull", tthc.getName()); strReturn = tthc.getDescription(); } } //hieptq 17.11.14 if (createForm.getFileId() != null && createForm.getFileId() > 0l) { if (!createForm.getFileType().equals(0L)) { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getProcedureForChange(createForm.getFileType()); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); } } // getRequest().setAttribute("isCopy", true); CategoryDAOHE ctdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); Category cate = ctdhe.findCategoryByTypeAndCode("SP", "TPCN"); Category cateTL = ctdhe.findCategoryByTypeAndCode("SP", "TL"); List<Category> cate1 = ctdhe.findCategoryByTypeAndCodeNew("SP", "DBT"); String dbtId = ""; for (int i = 0; i < cate1.size(); i++) { dbtId += cate1.get(i).getCategoryId().toString() + ";"; } Long tpcnId = cate.getCategoryId(); Long tlId = cateTL.getCategoryId(); FeeDAOHE fdhe1 = new FeeDAOHE(); Fee findfee1 = fdhe1.findFeeByCode("TPDB"); Long priceTPDB = findfee1.getPrice(); Fee findfee2 = fdhe1.findFeeByCode("TPCN"); Long priceTPCN = findfee2.getPrice(); Fee findfee3 = fdhe1.findFeeByCode("TPK"); Long priceETC = findfee3.getPrice(); getRequest().setAttribute("dbtId", dbtId); getRequest().setAttribute("tpcnId", tpcnId); getRequest().setAttribute("tlId", tlId); getRequest().setAttribute("priceTPCN", priceTPCN); getRequest().setAttribute("priceTPDB", priceTPDB); getRequest().setAttribute("priceETC", priceETC); getRequest().setAttribute("fileIdCopy", createForm.getFileId()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } return strReturn; } // /* * Chng thc ch k s */ public String validateCA() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (signCAForm != null) { try { FilesDAOHE bdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files files = bdhe.getById("fileId", signCAForm.getFileId()); if (CommonUtils.checkSecurityPublishCA(files.getFileId(), signCAForm.getContentSigned())) { String contentSigned = signCAForm.getContentSigned(); KeyInfo keyInfo = CommonUtils.validateContentSigned(contentSigned); String userSigned = ""; if (keyInfo != null) { try { userSigned = CommonUtils.getUserSigned(keyInfo); //validate serial String serialNumber = CommonUtils.getSerial(keyInfo); CaUserDAOHE caUserDao = new CaUserDAOHE(); if (!caUserDao.checkCaUser(getUserLogin(), serialNumber)) { resultMessage.add("0"); resultMessage.add( "Ph duyt khng thnh cng. Bn ang s dng USB token cha c ng k"); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return "gridData"; } } catch (CertificateExpiredException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } catch (CertificateNotYetValidException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } else { resultMessage.add("0"); resultMessage.add("Ph duyt khng thnh cng. D liu k khng hp l"); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return "gridData"; } files.setContentSigned(contentSigned); files.setUserSigned(userSigned); getSession().saveOrUpdate(files); resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("K duyt thnh cng"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("C li trong qu trnh gi h s"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("C li d liu trong qu trnh gi h s"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * xem chi tiet y kien tham dinh * * @return */ public String getEvaluationRecordsDetails() { EvaluationRecords evaluationRecordsBo; EvaluationRecordsDAOHE evaluationRecordsDAOHE = new EvaluationRecordsDAOHE(); if (createForm != null) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files form = fdhe.findById(createForm.getFileId()); evaluationRecordsBo = (EvaluationRecords) evaluationRecordsDAOHE.findFilesByFileId(form); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(evaluationRecordsBo); } return GRID_DATA; } //140405 /* * Tim kiem h so de review */ public String onSearchFileToAdditionReview() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("additionReviewPage.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("additionReviewPage.startServer") .toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("additionReviewPage.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("additionReviewPage.countServer") .toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = fdhe.searchFilesToProcess(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), 8l, start, count, sortField); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("additionReviewPage.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("additionReviewPage.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * tm kim xem xt SDBS h s * * @return */ public String toAdditionReviewPage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); return ADDITION_REVIEW_PAGE; } /** * tim kiem kho luu tru ho so giay * * @return */ public String getAllRepository() { RepositoryDAOHE repDAO = new RepositoryDAOHE(); lstRepositories = new ArrayList(); List allRep = repDAO.findAllRepositories(); lstRepositories.addAll(allRep); lstRepositories.add(0, new Repositories(Constants.COMBOBOX_REPOSITORY_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_REPOSITORY_HEADER_TEXT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstRepository", lstRepositories); return GRID_DATA; } /** * thong tin luu tru ho so giay * * @return */ public String getRepositoryRecordsDetails() { RepositoryDAOHE rdhe = new RepositoryDAOHE(); List items = rdhe.getRepositoryFromId(createForm.getRepositoriesId()); jsonDataGrid.setItems(items); return GRID_DATA; } /** * thm mi kho lu tr * * @return */ public String onInsertRepo() { RepositoryDAOHE rdhe = new RepositoryDAOHE(); boolean bReturn = rdhe.onCreateRepositories(repoForm, getUserId()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Chuyn vin to mi", "kho c id=" + repoForm.getRepId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * sua kho luu tru * * @return */ public String toRepositorySearch() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); RepositoryDAOHE repDAO = new RepositoryDAOHE(); lstRepositories = new ArrayList(); List allRep = repDAO.getRepositoryFromCreator(getUserId()); lstRepositories.addAll(allRep); lstRepositories.add(0, new Repositories(Constants.COMBOBOX_REPOSITORY_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_REPOSITORY_HEADER_TEXT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstRepository", lstRepositories); return REPOSITORY_PAGE; } /** * tim kiem kho luu tru * * @return */ public String lookupRepositories() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); RepositoryDAOHE repDAO = new RepositoryDAOHE(); lstRepositories = new ArrayList(); List allRep = repDAO.getRepositoryFromCreator(getUserId()); lstRepositories.addAll(allRep); lstRepositories.add(0, new Repositories(Constants.COMBOBOX_REPOSITORY_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_REPOSITORY_HEADER_TEXT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstRepository", lstRepositories); return this.lookupRepositoriesPage; } /** * quan ly kho luu tru * * @return */ public String onSearchLookupRepositories() { getGridInfo(); RepositoryDAOHE rdhe = new RepositoryDAOHE(); GridResult gr = rdhe.findAllRepositoriesById(repForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * action tim kiem kho luu tru * * @return */ public String onSearchRepository() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } GridResult gr = bdhe.searchLookupFiles(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), Constants.ROLES.CLERICAL_ROLE, start, count, sortField, ""); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; //return REPOSITORY_PAGE; } /** * cap nhat kho luu tru * * @return */ public String onUpdateRepository() throws Exception { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); if (createForm.getRepositoriesId() >= 0) { fdhe.updateRepository(createForm.getFileId(), createForm.getRepositoriesId()); } return GRID_DATA; } /** * xoa kho luu tru * * @return */ public String onDeleteRepositories() { RepositoryDAOHE rdhe = new RepositoryDAOHE(); int bReturn = rdhe.deleteRepo(getUserId(), repoForm.getRepId()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn == 1) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Xa d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * lay ho so goc * * @return */ public FilesForm getCreateFormOriginal() { return createFormOriginal; } /** * set ho so goc * * @return */ public void setCreateFormOriginal(FilesForm createFormOriginal) { this.createFormOriginal = createFormOriginal; } /** * lay barcode * * @return */ public void getBarcode(FilesForm form) { FilesDAOHE filehe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files filesqr = filehe.findById(form.getFileId()); Long announcementReceiptPaperId = 0L; Long confirmAnnouncementPaperId = 0L; Long confirmImportSatistPaperId = 0L; if (filesqr != null) { announcementReceiptPaperId = filesqr.getAnnouncementReceiptPaperId(); confirmAnnouncementPaperId = filesqr.getConfirmAnnouncementPaperId(); confirmImportSatistPaperId = filesqr.getConfirmImportSatistPaperId(); } String barcodeInfo = ""; if (announcementReceiptPaperId != null && announcementReceiptPaperId > 0L) { AnnouncementReceiptPaperDAOHE announcementReceiptPaperDaohe = new AnnouncementReceiptPaperDAOHE(); AnnouncementReceiptPaper announcementReceiptPaper = announcementReceiptPaperDaohe .findById(announcementReceiptPaperId); if (announcementReceiptPaper != null) { if (announcementReceiptPaper.getProductName() != null) { barcodeInfo += "Tn sn phm: " + announcementReceiptPaper.getProductName(); } else { barcodeInfo += "Tn sn phm: N/A"; } if (announcementReceiptPaper.getBusinessName() != null) { barcodeInfo += "\n?n v ng k: " + announcementReceiptPaper.getBusinessName(); } else { barcodeInfo += "\n?n v ng k: N/A"; } if (announcementReceiptPaper.getManufactureName() != null) { barcodeInfo += "\nTn nh sn xut: " + announcementReceiptPaper.getManufactureName(); } else { barcodeInfo += "\nTn nh sn xut: N/A"; } if (announcementReceiptPaper.getManufactureAdd() != null) { barcodeInfo += "\n?a ch: " + announcementReceiptPaper.getManufactureAdd(); } else { barcodeInfo += "\n?a ch: N/A"; } if (announcementReceiptPaper.getNationName() != null) { barcodeInfo += "\nTn nc xut x: " + announcementReceiptPaper.getNationName(); } else { //barcodeInfo += "\nTn nc xut x: N/A"; } // if (announcementReceiptPaper.getMatchingTarget() != null) { // barcodeInfo += "\nS qui chun KT/Q?ATTP: " + announcementReceiptPaper.getMatchingTarget(); // } else { // barcodeInfo += "\nS qui chun KT/Q?ATTP: N/A"; // } if (announcementReceiptPaper.getReceiptDeptName() != null) { barcodeInfo += "\n?n vi cp chng nhn: " + announcementReceiptPaper.getReceiptDeptName(); } else { barcodeInfo += "\n?n vi cp chng nhn: N/A"; } if (announcementReceiptPaper.getReceiptNo() != null) { barcodeInfo += "\nS cng b: " + announcementReceiptPaper.getReceiptNo(); } else { barcodeInfo += "\nS cng b: N/A"; } SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); if (announcementReceiptPaper.getEffectiveDate() != null) { barcodeInfo += "\nNgy cp: " + formatter.format(announcementReceiptPaper.getReceiptDate()); } else { barcodeInfo += "\nNgy cp: N/A"; } } else { barcodeInfo = "Sn phm hin ti cha c thng tin"; } } else if (confirmAnnouncementPaperId != null && confirmAnnouncementPaperId > 0L) { // ConfirmAnnouncementPaperDAOHE confirmAnnouncementPaperDaohe = new ConfirmAnnouncementPaperDAOHE(); // ConfirmAnnouncementPaper confirmAnnouncementPaper = confirmAnnouncementPaperDaohe.findById(confirmAnnouncementPaperId); barcodeInfo = "Sn phm hin ti cha c thng tin"; } else if (confirmImportSatistPaperId != null && confirmImportSatistPaperId > 0L) { // ConfirmImportSatistPaperDAOHE confirmImportSatistPaperDaohe = new ConfirmImportSatistPaperDAOHE(); // ConfirmImportSatistPaper confirmImportSatistPaper = confirmImportSatistPaperDaohe.findById(announcementReceiptPaperId); barcodeInfo = "Sn phm hin ti cha c thng tin"; } else { barcodeInfo = "Sn phm hin ti cha c thng tin"; } // byte[] bAvatar = filebo1.getQrCode(); // // try { // FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("C:\\QR_Code.PNG"); // fos.write(bAvatar); // fos.close(); // } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config"); String dir = rb.getString("directoryQR"); File folderExisting = new File(dir); if (!folderExisting.isDirectory()) { folderExisting.mkdir(); } if (folderExisting.isDirectory()) {//tao folder theo ngay thang File temp = new File(dir); if (!temp.isDirectory()) { temp.mkdirs(); } } Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder(); byte[] b = null; try {// Convert a string to UTF-8 bytes in a ByteBuffer ByteBuffer bbuf = encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(barcodeInfo)); b = bbuf.array(); } catch (CharacterCodingException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } String data; String fName = dir + File.separatorChar + filesqr.getFileCode() + "_QRCode.PNG"; try { data = new String(b, "UTF-8"); // get a byte matrix for the data BitMatrix matrix = null; int h = 200; int w = 200; Writer writer = new MultiFormatWriter(); try { Hashtable<EncodeHintType, String> hints = new Hashtable<EncodeHintType, String>(2); hints.put(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET, "UTF-8"); matrix = writer.encode(data, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE, w, h, hints); } catch ( ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } // change this path to match yours (this is my mac home folder, you can use: c:\\qr_png.png if you are on windows) File file = new File(fName); try { MatrixToImageWriter.writeToFile(matrix, "PNG", file);//System.out.println("printing to " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } //save image into database File file = new File(fName); byte[] bFile = new byte[(int) file.length()]; try { FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file); //convert file into array of bytes; fileInputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 Logger.getLogger(FilesDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } Files filebo = filehe.findById(form.getFileId()); filebo.setQrCode(bFile); getSession().update(filebo); file.deleteOnExit(); } public void getBarcodeImg() { try { Long fileId = signForm.getFileId(); HttpServletRequest request = getRequest(); // HttpServletResponse response = getResponse(); FilesDAOHE filesdaohe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files filesbo = filesdaohe.findById(fileId); // response.setContentType(UploadFile.getCustomContentType()); // response.getOutputStream().write(UploadFile.getCustomImageInBytes(filesbo.getFileCode(), request)); // response.getOutputStream().flush(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("data:image/png;base64,"); sb.append(org.apache.commons.codec.binary.StringUtils.newStringUtf8( Base64.encodeBase64(UploadFile.getCustomImageInBytes(filesbo.getFileCode(), request), false))); getRequest().setAttribute("imgsrc", sb.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * chuyen doi list sang json cho multiselect * * @return */ public String convertToJSONData(List array, String att1, String att2) { JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); String id = att1; String searchAttr1 = att2; String searchAttr2 = att2; try { for (Object o : array) { Class cls = o.getClass(); String getMethodName; Method getMethod; JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); getMethodName = "get" + UpcaseFirst(id); getMethod = cls.getMethod(getMethodName); String idValue = getMethod.invoke(o).toString(); jsonObj.put("id", idValue); getMethodName = "get" + UpcaseFirst(searchAttr1); getMethod = cls.getMethod(getMethodName); String search1 = getMethod.invoke(o).toString(); jsonObj.put("search1", search1.replace("'", "")); getMethodName = "get" + UpcaseFirst(searchAttr2); getMethod = cls.getMethod(getMethodName); String search2 = ""; if (getMethod.invoke(o) != null) { search2 = getMethod.invoke(o).toString(); } jsonObj.put("search2", search2.replace("'", "")); jsonArray.add(jsonObj); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 Logger.getLogger(FilesDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return jsonArray.toString(); } /** * load file attach cua user * * @return */ public String loadUserAttachs() { try { Base64 decoder = new Base64(); String UserAttachArr = new String( decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("lstUserAttach").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List lst = fdhe.getAttachsOfUserAttach(UserAttachArr, getUserId()); List lstAttach = new ArrayList(); VoAttachsDAOHE daoHe = new VoAttachsDAOHE(); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { VoAttachs bo = new VoAttachs(); bo.setCategoryName(((UserAttachs) lst.get(i)).getAttachName()); bo.setAttachDes(((UserAttachs) lst.get(i)).getDescription()); bo.setAttachName(((UserAttachs) lst.get(i)).getFileName()); bo.setAttachPath(((UserAttachs) lst.get(i)).getAttachPath()); bo.setIsActive(Constants.ACTIVE_STATUS.ACTIVE); bo.setUserCreateId(this.getUserId()); bo.setCreateDate(daoHe.getSysdate()); Long id = daoHe.create(bo); getRequest().setAttribute("attachId", id); getRequest().setAttribute("fileName", ((UserAttachs) lst.get(i)).getFileName()); lstAttach.add(bo); String idSession = (String) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("idSession"); if (idSession == null) { idSession = ""; } idSession += id.toString() + ";"; getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("idSession", idSession); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstAttach); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return GRID_DATA; } //!140616 //import from excel - hieptq /** * import du lieu tu excel * * @return */ public String importFileFromExcel() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ParseException { List fileInfo = new ArrayList(); String strReturn = ERROR_PERMISSION; // TechnicalStandard ts = new TechnicalStandard(); TechnicalStandardDAOHE tshe = new TechnicalStandardDAOHE(); String err = ""; Long attachId = Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("attachId"));//get attactId VoAttachs att = (VoAttachs) getSession().get("com.viettel.voffice.database.BO.VoAttachs", attachId);//Attachs BO if (att == null) { fileInfo.add("File not found"); err += "File not found"; } else { Category item; ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config");//get link tuong doi String dir = rb.getString("directoryExcel"); String linkFile = att.getAttachPath(); linkFile = dir + linkFile; createForm.setPath(linkFile); InputStream myxls = new FileInputStream(linkFile);//get file excel XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(myxls); XSSFRow row = null; String matchingTarget = null; XSSFCell productName = null; XSSFCell businessTaxCode = null; XSSFCell manufactorAddress = null; XSSFCell manufactorName = null; XSSFCell manufactorTel = null; XSSFCell manufactorFax = null; XSSFCell manufactorEmail = null; XSSFCell nationName = null; XSSFCell signer = null; XSSFCell assessmentMethod = null; XSSFCell annoucementNo = null; XSSFCell pushlishDate = null; XSSFCell nationCompanyName = null; XSSFCell nationCompanyAddress = null; try { XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); try { // XSSFSheet sheet1 = wb.getSheetAt(1); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(e.getMessage()); err += "Khng tm thy Sheet Chi tit sn phm, "; } try { // XSSFSheet sheet2 = wb.getSheetAt(2); } catch (Exception ex) { // log.error(e.getMessage()); LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 err += "Khng tm thy Sheet Ch tiu cht lng ch yu, "; } try { // XSSFSheet sheet3 = wb.getSheetAt(3); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(e.getMessage()); err += "Khng tm thy Sheet Ch tiu vi sinh vt, "; } try { // XSSFSheet sheet4 = wb.getSheetAt(4); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(e.getMessage()); err += "Khng tm thy Sheet Hm lng kim loi nng, "; } try { // XSSFSheet sheet5 = wb.getSheetAt(5); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(e.getMessage()); err += "Khng tm thy Sheet Hm lng ha cht, "; } try { // XSSFSheet sheet6 = wb.getSheetAt(6); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(e.getMessage()); err += "Khng tm thy Sheet K hoch kim sot cht lng, "; } if (sheet == null) { err += "Khng tm thy Sheet Bn cng b, "; } else { String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName(); if (!"Ban_Cong_bo".equals(sheetName)) { err += "Sai tn sheet Bn cng b, "; } } // XSSFRow firstRow = sheet.getRow(1); int rowNums = sheet.getLastRowNum(); // UsersDAOHE sdhe = new UsersDAOHE(); // SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); row = sheet.getRow(1); businessTaxCode = row.getCell((short) 1); productName = row.getCell((short) 3); row = sheet.getRow(4); manufactorName = row.getCell((short) 1); manufactorAddress = row.getCell((short) 3); row = sheet.getRow(5); manufactorTel = row.getCell((short) 1); manufactorFax = row.getCell((short) 3); row = sheet.getRow(6); manufactorEmail = row.getCell((short) 1); nationName = row.getCell((short) 3); row = sheet.getRow(7); nationCompanyName = row.getCell((short) 1); nationCompanyAddress = row.getCell((short) 3); row = sheet.getRow(10); annoucementNo = row.getCell((short) 1); pushlishDate = row.getCell((short) 3); row = sheet.getRow(11); signer = row.getCell((short) 1); assessmentMethod = row.getCell((short) 3); matchingTarget = ""; String standardCode; for (int i = 12; i < rowNums; i++) { row = sheet.getRow(i); if (row.getCell((short) 1).toString() != "") { XSSFCell standardCodeCell = row.getCell((short) 1); standardCode = standardCodeCell.getRichStringCellValue().toString(); if (tshe.findStandardByCode(standardCode)) { XSSFCell matchingTargetCell = row.getCell((short) 2); matchingTarget += matchingTargetCell.getRichStringCellValue() + ";"; } else { err += "Quy chun (quy nh) " + standardCode + " khng chnh xc ! "; break; } } else { break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(e.getMessage()); err += "li tab bn cng b hp quy "; } if (matchingTarget != "" && matchingTarget != null) { matchingTarget = matchingTarget.substring(0, matchingTarget.length() - 1); } //tab chi tiet san pham XSSFCell productNo = null; XSSFCell productStatus = null; XSSFCell productColor = null; XSSFCell productSmell = null; XSSFCell productOtherstatus = null; XSSFCell productType = null; XSSFCell otherTarget = null; XSSFCell component = null; XSSFCell timeinuse = null; XSSFCell useage = null; XSSFCell objectInUse = null; XSSFCell guideline = null; //XSSFCell packageRecipe = null; XSSFCell packageMaterial = null; XSSFCell productProcess = null; XSSFCell counterfeitDistinctive = null; XSSFCell origin = null; XSSFCell signDate = null; XSSFCell signer_productdetails = null; XSSFCell chemicalTargetUnwanted = null; try { XSSFSheet sheet1 = wb.getSheetAt(1); if (sheet1 == null) { err += "Khng tm thy Sheet Chi tit sn phm, "; } else { String sheetName = sheet1.getSheetName(); if (!"Chi_tiet_san_pham".equals(sheetName)) { err += "Sai tn Sheet Chi tit sn phm, "; } } row = sheet1.getRow(1); productType = row.getCell((short) 1); productNo = row.getCell((short) 3); row = sheet1.getRow(4); productStatus = row.getCell((short) 1); productColor = row.getCell((short) 3); row = sheet1.getRow(5); productSmell = row.getCell((short) 1); productOtherstatus = row.getCell((short) 3); row = sheet1.getRow(13); otherTarget = row.getCell((short) 1); row = sheet1.getRow(14); component = row.getCell((short) 1); timeinuse = row.getCell((short) 3); row = sheet1.getRow(15); useage = row.getCell((short) 1); objectInUse = row.getCell((short) 3); row = sheet1.getRow(16); guideline = row.getCell((short) 1); packageMaterial = row.getCell((short) 3); row = sheet1.getRow(17); productProcess = row.getCell((short) 3); //packageRecipe = row.getCell((short) 1); row = sheet1.getRow(18); counterfeitDistinctive = row.getCell((short) 1); origin = row.getCell((short) 3); row = sheet1.getRow(19); signDate = row.getCell((short) 1); signer_productdetails = row.getCell((short) 3); // bo sung ham luong hoa chat khong mong muon XSSFSheet sheet5 = wb.getSheetAt(5); int rowNums = sheet5.getLastRowNum(); do { row = sheet5.getRow(rowNums); chemicalTargetUnwanted = row.getCell((short) 2); rowNums--; } while (chemicalTargetUnwanted == null); // chemicalTargetUnwanted = row.getCell((short) 2); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(e.getMessage()); err += "Li tab chi tit sn phm "; } // do du lieu vao form Long fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("fileId")); Long fileType = getRequest().getParameter("fileType") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("fileType")); if (fileType > 0L && fileId > 0L) { createForm = new FilesForm(); createForm.setFileType(fileType); createForm.setFileId(fileId); } UsersDAOHE udhe = new UsersDAOHE(); Users user = udhe.findById(getUserId()); BusinessDAOHE bdhe = new BusinessDAOHE(); Business bus = bdhe.findById(user.getBusinessId()); if (createForm.getFileId() != null && createForm.getFileId() > 0l) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); createForm = fdhe.getFilesDetail(createForm.getFileId()); if (!createForm.getFileType().equals(0L)) { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getProcedureForChange(createForm.getFileType()); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); } } if (createForm.getFileType() != null && createForm.getFileType() > 0l) { ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); CategoryDAOHE cdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); TechnicalStandardDAOHE tdhe = new TechnicalStandardDAOHE(); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); if (!fileType.equals(0L)) { createForm.setFileType(fileType); } Procedure tthc = pdhe.findById(createForm.getFileType()); if (tthc != null) { lstProductType = cdhe.findAllCategory("SP"); lstUnit = cdhe.findAllCategory("DVI"); lstStandard = tdhe.findAllStandard(); String lstDepts = convertToJSONData(lstStandard, "vietnameseName", "vietnameseName"); getRequest().setAttribute("lstStandard", lstDepts); UserAttachsDAOHE uahe = new UserAttachsDAOHE(); lstUserAttach = uahe.findAllUserAttach(getUserId()); String lstUserAttachs = convertToJSONData(lstUserAttach, "attachName", "attachName"); getRequest().setAttribute("lstUserAttach", lstUserAttachs); if (lstUserAttachs.trim().length() > 0) { createForm.setCountUA(1L); } else { createForm.setCountUA(0L); } getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", lstProductType); getRequest().setAttribute("lstUnit", lstUnit); String fileLst = tthc.getFileList(); getRequest().setAttribute("fileList", com.viettel.common.util.StringUtils.removeHTML(fileLst)); getRequest().setAttribute("agencyName", getDepartmentName()); getRequest().setAttribute("fileNameFull", tthc.getName()); strReturn = tthc.getDescription(); if (createForm.getAnnouncement() != null) { if (createForm.getAnnouncement().getAnnouncementNo() != null && createForm.getAnnouncement().getAnnouncementNo().length() > 0l) { return strReturn; } } if (strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_FILE01) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_FILE03) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.CONFIRM_FUNC_IMP) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.CONFIRM_FUNC_VN) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.CONFIRM_NORMAL_IMP) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.CONFIRM_NORMAL_VN) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.REC_CONFIRM_NORMAL_IMP) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.RE_ANNOUNCEMENT) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.RE_CONFIRM_FUNC_IMP) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.RE_CONFIRM_FUNC_VN) || strReturn.equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.RE_CONFIRM_NORMAL_VN)) { String announcementNoStr = fdhe.getReceiptNoNew(getUserId(), getUserLogin(), createForm.getFileType()); createForm.setAnnouncement(new AnnouncementForm()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setAnnouncementNo(announcementNoStr); // thong tin doanh nghiep createForm.getAnnouncement().setBusinessAddress(bus.getBusinessAddress()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setBusinessFax(bus.getBusinessFax()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setBusinessName(bus.getBusinessName()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setBusinessTelephone(bus.getBusinessTelephone()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setBusinessEmail(bus.getUserEmail()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setBusinessLicence(bus.getBusinessLicense()); // ho so cap lai 7-11 createForm.setReIssueForm(new ReIssueFormForm()); createForm.getReIssueForm().setBusinessName(bus.getBusinessName()); createForm.getReIssueForm().setIdentificationNumber(bus.getBusinessLicense()); createForm.getReIssueForm().setAddress(bus.getBusinessAddress()); createForm.getReIssueForm().setEmail(bus.getUserEmail()); createForm.getReIssueForm().setTelephone(bus.getBusinessTelephone()); createForm.getReIssueForm().setFax(bus.getBusinessFax()); //set thong tin tu excel try { if (businessTaxCode != null && user.getUserName().equals(businessTaxCode.toString())) { if (matchingTarget != "" && matchingTarget != null) { createForm.getAnnouncement().setMatchingTarget(matchingTarget.toString()); } createForm.getAnnouncement().setProductName(productName.toString()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setManufactureAddress(manufactorAddress.toString()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setManufactureName(manufactorName.toString()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setManufactureTel(manufactorTel.toString()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setManufactureFax(manufactorFax.toString()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setManufactureEmail(manufactorEmail.toString()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setNationName(nationName.toString()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setSigner(signer.toString()); createForm.getAnnouncement() .setNationCompanyAddress(nationCompanyAddress.toString()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setNationCompanyName(nationCompanyName.toString()); createForm.getAnnouncement().setAssessmentMethod(assessmentMethod.toString()); if (pushlishDate.toString() != null && pushlishDate.toString().length() > 0) { createForm.getAnnouncement().setPublishDate(DateTimeUtils .convertStringToTime(pushlishDate.toString(), "dd/MM/yyyy")); } createForm.getAnnouncement().setAnnouncementNo(annoucementNo.toString()); //tab thong tin chi tiet createForm.setDetailProduct(new DetailProductForm()); createForm.getDetailProduct().setProductNo(productNo.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct().setProductStatus(productStatus.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct().setProductColor(productColor.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct().setProductSmell(productSmell.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct().setProductOtherStatus(productOtherstatus.toString()); item = cdhe.findCategoryByName("SP", productType.toString()); if (item != null) { createForm.getDetailProduct().setProductType(item.getCategoryId()); } else { err += "Danh mc " + productType.toString() + " khng chnh xc, "; } createForm.getDetailProduct().setOtherTarget(otherTarget.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct().setComponents(component.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct().setTimeInUse(timeinuse.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct().setUseage(useage.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct().setObjectUse(objectInUse.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct().setGuideline(guideline.toString()); //createForm.getDetailProduct().setPackageRecipe(packageRecipe.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct().setPackateMaterial(packageMaterial.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct().setProductionProcess(productProcess.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct() .setCounterfeitDistinctive(counterfeitDistinctive.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct().setOrigin(origin.toString()); if (signDate.toString() != null && signDate.toString().length() > 0) { createForm.getDetailProduct().setSignDate( DateTimeUtils.convertStringToTime(signDate.toString(), "dd/MM/yyyy")); } createForm.getDetailProduct().setSigner(signer_productdetails.toString()); createForm.getDetailProduct() .setChemicalTargetUnwanted(chemicalTargetUnwanted.toString()); createForm.setStatusExcel( err += "Thm mi bn cng b hp quy thnh cng "); } else { createForm.setStatusExcel(err += "M s thu khng chnh xc "); } } catch (Exception ex) { // log.error(parseException); LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 createForm.setStatusExcel( err += "Thm mi bn cng b hp quy khng thnh cng "); } } } } } CategoryDAOHE ctdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); Category cate = ctdhe.findCategoryByTypeAndCode("SP", "TPCN"); Category cateTL = ctdhe.findCategoryByTypeAndCode("SP", "TL"); List<Category> cate1 = ctdhe.findCategoryByTypeAndCodeNew("SP", "DBT"); String dbtId = ""; for (int i = 0; i < cate1.size(); i++) { dbtId += cate1.get(i).getCategoryId().toString() + ";"; } Long tpcnId = cate.getCategoryId(); Long tlId = cateTL.getCategoryId(); FeeDAOHE fdhe1 = new FeeDAOHE(); Fee findfee1 = fdhe1.findFeeByCode("TPDB"); Long priceTPDB = findfee1.getPrice(); Fee findfee2 = fdhe1.findFeeByCode("TPCN"); Long priceTPCN = findfee2.getPrice(); Fee findfee3 = fdhe1.findFeeByCode("TPK"); Long priceETC = findfee3.getPrice(); getRequest().setAttribute("dbtId", dbtId); getRequest().setAttribute("tpcnId", tpcnId); getRequest().setAttribute("tlId", tlId); getRequest().setAttribute("priceTPCN", priceTPCN); getRequest().setAttribute("priceTPDB", priceTPDB); getRequest().setAttribute("priceETC", priceETC); return strReturn; } //load mainly target from excel - hieptq /** * load mainly target tu excel * * @return */ public String loadMainlyTargetExcel() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { // mainly target Category item = new Category(); String linkFile = getRequest().getParameter("path"); String fileError = ""; List customInfo = new ArrayList(); InputStream myxls = new FileInputStream(linkFile);//get file excel XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(myxls); List<MainlyTarget> lstMainlyTarget = null; try { XSSFSheet sheet2 = wb.getSheetAt(2); if (sheet2 == null) { fileError += "Khng tm thy Sheet Ch tiu cht lng ch yu, "; } else { String sheetName = sheet2.getSheetName(); if (!"Chi_tieu_chat_luong_chu_yeu".equals(sheetName)) { fileError += "Sai tn Sheet Ch tiu cht lng ch yu, "; } } XSSFRow row; int rowNums2 = sheet2.getLastRowNum(); lstMainlyTarget = new ArrayList<MainlyTarget>(); CategoryDAOHE cdhed = new CategoryDAOHE(); for (int i = 2; i < rowNums2; i++) { row = sheet2.getRow(i); if (row.getCell((short) 1) != null && row.getCell((short) 1).toString().trim() != "") { MainlyTarget temp = new MainlyTarget(); XSSFCell targetName = row.getCell((short) 1); XSSFCell unitId = row.getCell((short) 2); XSSFCell publishLevel = row.getCell((short) 3); XSSFCell meetLevel = row.getCell((short) 4); item = cdhed.findCategoryByName("DVI", unitId.toString()); if (item != null) { temp.setMeetLevel(meetLevel.toString()); temp.setTargetName(targetName.toString()); temp.setUnitId(item.getCategoryId().toString()); temp.setPublishLevel(publishLevel.toString()); lstMainlyTarget.add(temp); } else { fileError += "Danh mc n v " + unitId.toString() + " khng chnh xc, "; } } else { break; } } fileError += "Thm mi cc ch tiu cht lng ch yu thnh cng "; customInfo.add(fileError); } catch (Exception ex) { fileError += "Thm mi cc ch tiu cht lng ch yu khng thnh cng "; customInfo.add(fileError); // log.error(e.getMessage()); LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstMainlyTarget); return GRID_DATA; } // load product target excel /** * load product target tu excel * * @return */ public String loadProductTargetExcel() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { Category item = new Category(); String linkFile = getRequest().getParameter("path"); String fileError = ""; List customInfo = new ArrayList(); InputStream myxls = new FileInputStream(linkFile);//get file excel XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(myxls); List<ProductTarget> lstProductTarget = null; try { XSSFSheet sheet3 = wb.getSheetAt(3); if (sheet3 == null) { fileError += "Khng tm thy Sheet Ch tiu vi sinh vt, "; } else { String sheetName = sheet3.getSheetName(); if (!"Chi_tieu_vi_sinh_vat".equals(sheetName)) { fileError += "Sai tn Sheet Ch tiu vi sinh vt, "; } } XSSFRow row; int rowNums3 = sheet3.getLastRowNum(); lstProductTarget = new ArrayList<ProductTarget>(); CategoryDAOHE cdhed = new CategoryDAOHE(); // vi sinh vat for (int i = 2; i < rowNums3; i++) { row = sheet3.getRow(i); if (row.getCell((short) 1) != null && !"".equals(row.getCell((short) 1).toString().trim())) { ProductTarget temp = new ProductTarget(); XSSFCell targetName = row.getCell((short) 1); XSSFCell unitId = row.getCell((short) 2); XSSFCell maxLevel = row.getCell((short) 3); item = cdhed.findCategoryByName("DVI", unitId.toString().trim()); if (item != null) { temp.setTargetName(targetName.toString()); temp.setUnitId(item.getCategoryId().toString()); temp.setMaxLevel(maxLevel.toString()); temp.setTargetType(1l); lstProductTarget.add(temp); } else { fileError += "Danh mc n v " + unitId.toString() + " khng chnh xc, "; } } else { break; } } //kim loai nang XSSFSheet sheet4 = wb.getSheetAt(4); if (sheet4 == null) { fileError += "Khng tm thy Sheet Hm lng kim loi nng, "; } else { String sheetName2 = sheet4.getSheetName(); if (!"Ham_luong_kim_loai_nang".equals(sheetName2)) { fileError += "Sai tn Sheet Hm lng kim loi nng, "; } } int rowNums4 = sheet4.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 2; i < rowNums4; i++) { row = sheet4.getRow(i); if (row.getCell((short) 1) != null && !"".equals(row.getCell((short) 1).toString().trim())) { ProductTarget temp = new ProductTarget(); XSSFCell targetName = row.getCell((short) 1); XSSFCell unitId = row.getCell((short) 2); XSSFCell maxLevel = row.getCell((short) 3); item = cdhed.findCategoryByName("DVI", unitId.toString().trim()); if (item != null) { temp.setTargetName(targetName.toString()); temp.setUnitId(item.getCategoryId().toString()); temp.setMaxLevel(maxLevel.toString()); temp.setTargetType(2l); lstProductTarget.add(temp); } else { fileError += "Danh mc n v " + unitId.toString() + " khng chnh xc, "; } } else { break; } } //hoa chat khong mong muon XSSFSheet sheet5 = wb.getSheetAt(5); if (sheet5 == null) { fileError += "Khng tm thy Sheet Hm lng ha cht khng mong mun, "; } else { String sheetName1 = sheet5.getSheetName(); if (!"Ham_luong_hoa_chat".equals(sheetName1)) { fileError += "Sai tn Sheet Hm lng ha cht khng mong mun, "; } } int rowNums5 = sheet5.getLastRowNum(); for (int i = 2; i < rowNums5; i++) { row = sheet5.getRow(i); if (row.getCell((short) 1) != null && !"".equals(row.getCell((short) 1).toString().trim())) { ProductTarget temp = new ProductTarget(); XSSFCell targetName = row.getCell((short) 1); XSSFCell unitId = row.getCell((short) 2); XSSFCell maxLevel = row.getCell((short) 3); item = cdhed.findCategoryByName("DVI", unitId.toString().trim()); if (item != null) { temp.setTargetName(targetName.toString()); temp.setUnitId(item.getCategoryId().toString()); temp.setMaxLevel(maxLevel.toString()); temp.setTargetType(3l); lstProductTarget.add(temp); } else { fileError += "Danh mc n v " + unitId.toString() + " khng chnh xc, "; } } else { break; } } fileError += "Thm mi cc ch tiu vi sinh vt, hm lng kim loi nng, hm lng ha cht khng mong mun thnh cng "; customInfo.add(fileError); } catch (Exception ex) { fileError += "Thm mi cc ch tiu vi sinh vt, hm lng kim loi nng, hm lng ha cht khng mong mun khng thnh cng "; customInfo.add(fileError); // log.error(e.getMessage()); LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstProductTarget); return GRID_DATA; } //load quality control plan /** * load quality control plan excel * * @return */ public String loadQualityControlsExcel() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { // mainly target // Category item = new Category(); String linkFile = getRequest().getParameter("path"); String fileError = ""; List customInfo = new ArrayList(); InputStream myxls = new FileInputStream(linkFile);//get file excel XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(myxls); List<QualityControlPlan> lstQualityControl = null; try { XSSFSheet sheet6 = wb.getSheetAt(6); if (sheet6 == null) { fileError += "Khng tm thy Sheet K hoch kim sot, "; } else { String sheetName1 = sheet6.getSheetName(); if (!"Ke_Hoach_Kiem_soat".equals(sheetName1)) { fileError += "Khng tm thy Sheet K hoch kim sot, "; } } XSSFRow row; int rowNums6 = sheet6.getLastRowNum(); lstQualityControl = new ArrayList<QualityControlPlan>(); // CategoryDAOHE cdhed = new CategoryDAOHE(); for (int i = 2; i < rowNums6; i++) { row = sheet6.getRow(i); if (row.getCell((short) 1).toString().trim() != "") { QualityControlPlan temp = new QualityControlPlan(); XSSFCell processDetails = row.getCell((short) 1); XSSFCell controlTarget = row.getCell((short) 2); XSSFCell technicalRegulation = row.getCell((short) 3); XSSFCell patternFrequence = row.getCell((short) 4); XSSFCell testDevice = row.getCell((short) 5); XSSFCell testMethod = row.getCell((short) 6); // XSSFCell noteForm = row.getCell((short) 7); XSSFCell note = row.getCell((short) 8); temp.setProductProcessDetail(processDetails.toString()); temp.setControlTarget(controlTarget.toString()); temp.setTechnicalRegulation(technicalRegulation.toString()); temp.setPatternFrequence(patternFrequence.toString()); temp.setTestDevice(testDevice.toString()); temp.setTestMethod(testMethod.toString()); temp.setNote(note.toString()); temp.setNoteForm(note.toString()); lstQualityControl.add(temp); } else { break; } } fileError = "Thm mi k hoch kim sot cht lng thnh cng "; customInfo.add(fileError); } catch (Exception ex) { fileError = "Thm mi k hoch kim sot cht lng khng thnh cng "; customInfo.add(fileError); // log.error(e.getMessage()); LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstQualityControl); return GRID_DATA; } //140624-binhnt53 lay thong tin nhan vien tham dinh /** * thong tin lien lac chuyen vien * * @return */ public String showStaffContact() { getGridInfo(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); Long objectId = 0l; Long staffId = 0l; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } ProcessDAOHE pdhe = new ProcessDAOHE(); Process result = pdhe.getStaffEvaluate(objectId); if (result != null) { staffId = result.getReceiveUserId(); } UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); Users u = udaohe.findById(staffId); try { customInfo.add(u.getFullName()); customInfo.add(u.getEmail()); customInfo.add(u.getTelephone()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); customInfo.add("N/A"); customInfo.add("N/A"); customInfo.add("N/A"); } jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } //140704 binhnt53 get noi dung comment vao tham dinh ho so /** * get noi dung comment tham dinh vao ho so * * @return */ public String getCommentEvaluateForm() { getGridInfo(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); String strObjectType = getRequest().getParameter("objectType"); Long objectId = 0l; Long objectType; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } try { objectType = Long.parseLong(strObjectType); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 objectType = 0l; } ProcessCommentDAOHE pcdhe = new ProcessCommentDAOHE(); List<ProcessCommentForm> result = pcdhe.getLstCommentOfDocument(getUserId(), objectId, objectType, start, count, sortField); //160628 bo sung noi dung sua sau cong bo FilesDAOHE filesDaohe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files filebo = filesDaohe.findById(objectId); String legal = ""; String foodSafetyQuality = ""; String effectUtility = ""; String standard = ""; for (ProcessCommentForm t : result) { if (t.getCommentType().equals(Constants.COMMENT_TYPE.LEGAL)) { legal += t.getUserName() + ": " + t.getCommentText() + "\n"; } if (t.getCommentType().equals(Constants.COMMENT_TYPE.FOOD_SAFETY_QUALITY)) { foodSafetyQuality += t.getUserName() + ": " + t.getCommentText() + "\n"; } if (t.getCommentType().equals(Constants.COMMENT_TYPE.EFFECT_UTILITY)) { effectUtility += t.getUserName() + ": " + t.getCommentText() + "\n"; } if (t.getCommentType().equals(Constants.COMMENT_TYPE.STANDARD)) { standard += t.getUserName() + ": " + t.getCommentText() + "\n"; } } customInfo.add(legal);//0 customInfo.add(foodSafetyQuality);//1 customInfo.add(effectUtility);//2 if (standard != null && !"".equals(standard)) { customInfo.add(standard);//3 } else if (Constants.FILE_STATUS.FEDBACK_TO_EVALUATE.equals(filebo.getStatus()) && filebo.getLeaderStaffRequest() != null && !"".equals(filebo.getLeaderStaffRequest().trim())) { customInfo.add(filebo.getLeaderStaffRequest());//3 } else { customInfo.add(standard);//3 } String titleEditATTP = ""; String contentsEditATTP = ""; if (filebo != null) { if (filebo.getTitleEditATTP() != null && !"".equals(filebo.getTitleEditATTP().trim())) { titleEditATTP = filebo.getTitleEditATTP(); } else { titleEditATTP = filebo.getTitleEdit(); } if (filebo.getContentsEditATTP() != null && !"".equals(filebo.getContentsEditATTP().trim())) { contentsEditATTP = filebo.getContentsEditATTP(); } else { contentsEditATTP = filebo.getContentsEdit(); } } customInfo.add(titleEditATTP);//4 customInfo.add(contentsEditATTP);//5 jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; }//!140704 //get noi dung tham dinh - tham dinh lanh dao phong public String getCommentEvaluateFormByLeader() { getGridInfo(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); Long objectId = 0l; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(en.getMessage()); } FilesDAOHE fdaohe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files fbo = fdaohe.findById(objectId); EvaluationRecordsDAOHE erdaohe = new EvaluationRecordsDAOHE(); EvaluationRecords erbo = erdaohe.findFilesByFileId(fbo); String legal = ""; String foodSafetyQuality = ""; String effectUtility = ""; String standard = ""; Long llegal = null; Long lfoodSafetyQuality = null; Long leffectUtility = null; Long lstandard = null; if (erbo != null && fbo != null) { legal = erbo.getLegalContent(); foodSafetyQuality = erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContent(); effectUtility = erbo.getEffectUtilityContent(); standard = fbo.getStaffRequest(); lstandard = fbo.getEffectiveDate(); llegal = erbo.getLegal(); lfoodSafetyQuality = erbo.getFoodSafetyQuality(); leffectUtility = erbo.getEffectUtility(); } customInfo.add(legal);//0 customInfo.add(foodSafetyQuality);//1 customInfo.add(effectUtility);//2 customInfo.add(standard);//3 customInfo.add(lstandard);//4 customInfo.add(llegal);//5 customInfo.add(lfoodSafetyQuality);//6 customInfo.add(leffectUtility);//7 //160628 bo sung noi dung sua sau cong bo FilesDAOHE filesDaohe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files filebo = filesDaohe.findById(objectId); String titleEditATTP = ""; String contentsEditATTP = ""; if (filebo != null) { if (filebo.getTitleEditATTP() != null && !"".equals(filebo.getTitleEditATTP().trim())) { titleEditATTP = filebo.getTitleEditATTP(); } else { titleEditATTP = filebo.getTitleEdit(); } if (filebo.getContentsEditATTP() != null && !"".equals(filebo.getContentsEditATTP().trim())) { contentsEditATTP = filebo.getContentsEditATTP(); } else { contentsEditATTP = filebo.getContentsEdit(); } } customInfo.add(titleEditATTP);//8 customInfo.add(contentsEditATTP);//9 //!160628 jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; }//!140704 //140724 hien thi phi nop ho so - phi tham xet public String getCommentEvaluateFeedbackEvaluate() { getGridInfo(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); Long objectId = 0l; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(en.getMessage()); } FilesDAOHE fdaohe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files fbo = fdaohe.findById(objectId); EvaluationRecordsDAOHE erdaohe = new EvaluationRecordsDAOHE(); EvaluationRecords erbo = erdaohe.findFilesByFileId(fbo); String staffContent = ""; String leaderContent = ""; if (erbo != null && fbo != null) { if (fbo.getStaffRequest() != null && !"null".equals(fbo.getStaffRequest().trim())) { staffContent += "* ? kin chung:" + "\n"; staffContent += fbo.getStaffRequest() + "\n"; } // else { // staffContent += "Khng c ni dung." + "\n"; // } if (erbo.getLegalContent() != null && !"null".equals(erbo.getLegalContent())) { staffContent += "* V? php ch:" + "\n"; staffContent += erbo.getLegalContent() + "\n"; } // else { // staffContent += "Khng c ni dung." + "\n"; // } if (erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContent() != null && !"null".equals(erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContent())) { staffContent += "* V? ch tiu cht lng an ton thc phm:" + "\n"; staffContent += erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContent() + "\n"; } // else { // staffContent += "Khng c ni dung." + "\n"; // } if (erbo.getEffectUtilityContent() != null && !"null".equals(erbo.getEffectUtilityContent())) { staffContent += "* V? c ch tc dng, cng dng v hng dn s dng:" + "\n"; staffContent += erbo.getEffectUtilityContent() + "\n"; } // else { // staffContent += "Khng c ni dung." + "\n"; // } if (fbo.getLeaderRequest() != null && !"null".equals(fbo.getLeaderRequest())) { leaderContent += "* ? kin chung:" + "\n"; leaderContent += fbo.getLeaderRequest() + "\n"; } // else { // leaderContent += "Khng c ni dung." + "\n"; // } if (fbo.getLeaderStaffRequest() != null && !"null".equals(fbo.getLeaderStaffRequest())) { leaderContent += fbo.getLeaderStaffRequest() + "\n"; } // else { // leaderContent += "Khng c ni dung." + "\n"; // } if (erbo.getLegalContentL() != null && !"null".equals(erbo.getLegalContentL())) { leaderContent += "* V? php ch:" + "\n"; leaderContent += erbo.getLegalContentL() + "\n"; } // else { // leaderContent += "Khng c ni dung." + "\n"; // } if (erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContentL() != null && !"null".equals(erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContentL())) { leaderContent += "* V? ch tiu cht lng an ton thc phm:" + "\n"; leaderContent += erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContentL() + "\n"; } // else { // leaderContent += "Khng c ni dung." + "\n"; // } if (erbo.getEffectUtilityContentL() != null && !"null".equals(erbo.getEffectUtilityContentL())) { leaderContent += "* V? c ch tc dng, cng dng v hng dn s dng:" + "\n"; leaderContent += erbo.getEffectUtilityContentL() + "\n"; } // else { // leaderContent += "Khng c ni dung." + "\n"; // } } customInfo.add(staffContent);//0 customInfo.add(leaderContent);//1 jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } public String getCommentFeedbackReview() { getGridInfo(); /* List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); Long objectId = 0l; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception en) { log.error(en.getMessage()); } FilesDAOHE fdaohe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files fbo = fdaohe.findById(objectId); if (fbo != null) { RequestCommentDAOHE rqdaohe = new RequestCommentDAOHE(); RequestComment lastRQBo = rqdaohe.findLastRequestComment(fbo.getFileId(), 1L); customInfo.add(lastRQBo.getContent()); } else { customInfo.add("Khng c d liu."); } */ List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); Long objectId = 0l; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { // log.error(en.getMessage()); LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } FilesDAOHE fdaohe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files fbo = fdaohe.findById(objectId); EvaluationRecordsDAOHE erdaohe = new EvaluationRecordsDAOHE(); EvaluationRecords erbo = erdaohe.findFilesByFileId(fbo); String staffContent = ""; //hieptq update 070515 RequestCommentDAOHE rqcmdhe = new RequestCommentDAOHE(); RequestComment rqcm = rqcmdhe.findLeaderComment(objectId, 1l); if (rqcm != null && !"".equals(rqcm.getContent())) { staffContent = rqcm.getContent(); } else if (erbo != null && fbo != null) { if (fbo.getStaffRequest() != null && !"null".equals(fbo.getStaffRequest())) { staffContent += "* ? kin chung:" + "\n"; staffContent += fbo.getStaffRequest() + "\n"; } // else { // staffContent += "Khng c ni dung." + "\n"; // } if (erbo.getLegalContent() != null && !"null".equals(erbo.getLegalContent())) { staffContent += "* V? php ch:" + "\n"; staffContent += erbo.getLegalContent() + "\n"; } // else { // staffContent += "Khng c ni dung." + "\n"; // } if (erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContent() != null && !"null".equals(erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContent())) { staffContent += "* V? ch tiu cht lng an ton thc phm:" + "\n"; staffContent += erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContent() + "\n"; } // else { // staffContent += "Khng c ni dung." + "\n"; // } if (erbo.getEffectUtilityContent() != null && !"null".equals(erbo.getEffectUtilityContent())) { staffContent += "* V? c ch tc dng, cng dng v hng dn s dng:" + "\n"; staffContent += erbo.getEffectUtilityContent() + "\n"; } // else { // staffContent += "Khng c ni dung." + "\n"; // } } customInfo.add(staffContent); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } // lay noi dung thong bao cua lanh dao phong gui len public String getCommentFeedbackApprove() {// getGridInfo(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); Long objectId = 0l; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(en.getMessage()); } FilesDAOHE fdaohe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files fbo = fdaohe.findById(objectId); if (fbo != null) { RequestCommentDAOHE rqdaohe = new RequestCommentDAOHE(); RequestComment lastRQBo = rqdaohe.findLastRequestComment(fbo.getFileId(), 1L); if (lastRQBo != null) { customInfo.add(lastRQBo.getContent()); } else { EvaluationRecordsDAOHE erdaohe = new EvaluationRecordsDAOHE(); EvaluationRecords erbo = erdaohe.findFilesByFileId(fbo); String staffContent = ""; if (erbo != null && fbo != null) { if (fbo.getStaffRequest() != null && !"null".equals(fbo.getStaffRequest())) { staffContent += "* ? kin chung:" + "\n"; staffContent += fbo.getStaffRequest() + "\n\n"; } if (erbo.getLegalContent() != null && !"null".equals(erbo.getLegalContent())) { staffContent += "* V? php ch:" + "\n"; staffContent += erbo.getLegalContent() + "\n\n"; } if (erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContent() != null && !"null".equals(erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContent())) { staffContent += "* V? ch tiu cht lng an ton thc phm:" + "\n"; staffContent += erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContent() + "\n\n"; } if (erbo.getEffectUtilityContent() != null && !"null".equals(erbo.getEffectUtilityContent())) { staffContent += "* V? c ch tc dng, cng dng v hng dn s dng:" + "\n"; staffContent += erbo.getEffectUtilityContent() + "\n"; } } if (staffContent.trim().length() > 0) { customInfo.add(staffContent); } else { customInfo.add("Khng c d liu."); } } } else { customInfo.add("Khng c d liu."); } jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } /** * hien thi phi nop ho so * * @return */ public String getFeePaymentInfo() { getGridInfo(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); String strObjectType = getRequest().getParameter("objectType"); String strFileType = getRequest().getParameter("fileType"); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); Long objectId = 0l; Long objectType = 0l; Long fileType = 0l; // Long feeFile; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); fileType = Long.parseLong(strFileType); objectType = Long.parseLong(strObjectType); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // log.error(en.getMessage()); LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } FeePaymentInfoDAOHE fpidaohe = new FeePaymentInfoDAOHE(); FilesDAOHE bdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files filebo = bdhe.findById(objectId); Long fileId = 0L; Long isFee = 0L; Long deptId = 0L; if (filebo != null) { if (filebo.getFileId() != null && filebo.getFileId() > 0) { fileId = filebo.getFileId(); } if (filebo.getIsFee() != null && filebo.getIsFee() > 0) { isFee = filebo.getIsFee(); } if (filebo.getAgencyId() != null && filebo.getAgencyId() > 0) { deptId = filebo.getAgencyId(); } } GridResult result = fpidaohe.getLstFeePaymentInfo(fileId, objectType, 2L, start, count, sortField); /*SONAR FilesDAOHE filesDHE = new FilesDAOHE(); feeFile = filesDHE.findById(objectId).getFeeFile(); if (feeFile == null) { feeFile = 0l; } */ customInfo.add(isFee); //lay so tiep nhan hien tai CountNoDAOHE cndaohe = new CountNoDAOHE(); CountNo cnbo = cndaohe.returnCountNoByDeptId(deptId); if (cnbo != null && cnbo.getReceiveNo() != null && cnbo.getReceiveNo() > 0L) { customInfo.add(cnbo.getReceiveNo()); } else { customInfo.add(1L); } if (fileType > 0L) { ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure tthc = pdhe.findById(fileType); if (tthc != null) { String fileLst = tthc.getFileList(); customInfo.add(com.viettel.common.util.StringUtils.removeHTML(fileLst)); } else { customInfo.add(""); } } else if (filebo != null && filebo.getFileType() != null && filebo.getFileType() > 0L) { ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure tthc = pdhe.findById(filebo.getFileType()); if (tthc != null && tthc.getFileList() != null) { String fileLst = tthc.getFileList(); customInfo.add(com.viettel.common.util.StringUtils.removeHTML(fileLst)); } else { customInfo.add(""); } } else { customInfo.add(""); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } //140724 hien thi le phi tra ho so - phi cap giay /** * hien thi le phi cap giay * * @return */ public String getFeePaymentInfoForReturnFiles() { getGridInfo(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); String strObjectType = getRequest().getParameter("objectType"); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); Long objectId = 0l; Long objectType; // Long feeFile; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(en.getMessage()); } try { objectType = Long.parseLong(strObjectType); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(en.getMessage()); objectType = 0L; } FeePaymentInfoDAOHE fpidaohe = new FeePaymentInfoDAOHE(); FilesDAOHE bdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files filebo = bdhe.findById(objectId); Long fileId = 0L; Long isFee = 0L; Long isCourier = 0L; String recipientAddress = ""; if (filebo != null) { if (filebo.getFileId() != null && filebo.getFileId() > 0) { fileId = filebo.getFileId(); } if (filebo.getIsFee() != null && filebo.getIsFee() > 0) { isFee = filebo.getIsFee(); } isCourier = filebo.getIsCourier(); recipientAddress = filebo.getRecipientAddress(); } GridResult result = fpidaohe.getLstFeePaymentInfo(fileId, objectType, 1L, start, count, sortField); /*SONAR FilesDAOHE filesDHE = new FilesDAOHE(); feeFile = filesDHE.findById(objectId).getFeeFile(); if (feeFile == null) { feeFile = 0l; } */ customInfo.add(isFee); customInfo.add(isCourier); customInfo.add(recipientAddress); jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } // thanh toan dien tu hieptq /** * thanh toan dien tu * * @return */ public String preparePayment() { try { if (createFeeForm != null) { searchFeeForm = new FeeForm(); } ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config"); String calink = rb.getString("KEYPAY_LINK"); getRequest().setAttribute("calink", calink); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files files = fdhe.findById(createFeeForm.getFileId()); if (files != null) { String fileCode = files.getFileCode(); // Base64 encoder = new Base64(); String productName = ""; String businessName = newStringUtf8(Base64.encodeBase64(files.getBusinessName().getBytes("UTF-8"))); ; ProcedureDAOHE prodaohe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure probo = prodaohe.findById(files.getFileType()); if (probo != null) { if (probo.getDescription().equals(Constants.FILE_DESCRIPTION.ANNOUNCEMENT_4STAR)) { productName = newStringUtf8(Base64.encodeBase64("KS4S".getBytes("UTF-8"))); } else { productName = newStringUtf8(Base64.encodeBase64(files.getProductName().getBytes("UTF-8"))); } } //String businessName = files.getBusinessName(); getRequest().setAttribute("fileCode", fileCode); getRequest().setAttribute("businessName", businessName); getRequest().setAttribute("productName", productName); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return payFilePage; } //hieptq update 130115 public String preparePaymentMore() { try { if (createFeeForm != null) { searchFeeForm = new FeeForm(); } String lstObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("lstObjectId"); FeeDAOHE feedhe = new FeeDAOHE(); List listFpi = feedhe.getLstFpiId(lstObjectId); String fpiId = ""; for (int i = 0; i < listFpi.size(); i++) { if (i == listFpi.size() - 1) { fpiId += listFpi.get(i).toString(); } else { fpiId += listFpi.get(i).toString() + ","; } } String[] lstObjectIdSplit = lstObjectId.split(","); int countObj = lstObjectIdSplit.length; ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config"); String calink = rb.getString("KEYPAY_LINK"); getRequest().setAttribute("calink", calink); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); // Base64 encoder = new Base64(); //Long filesCode = feedhe.getMaxFilesCode(); // if (filesCode == 0l || filesCode == null) { // filesCode = 1l; // } else { // filesCode++; // } CountNo countNo = feedhe.getMaxFilesCode("ATTP"); Long filesCode = countNo.getKeypayNo(); if (filesCode == 0l || filesCode == null) { filesCode = 1l; } else { filesCode++; } countNo.setKeypayNo(filesCode); getSession().update(countNo); String fileCode = "MF_" + filesCode.toString(); String productNameNew = ""; Long amount = feedhe.getAmountKeyPay(lstObjectId); for (int i = 0; i < countObj; i++) { Files files = fdhe.findById(Long.parseLong(lstObjectIdSplit[i])); if (i == countObj - 1) { //fileCode += files.getFileCode(); productNameNew += files.getProductName(); } else { //fileCode += files.getFileCode() + " "; productNameNew += files.getProductName() + ","; } } String productName = newStringUtf8(Base64.encodeBase64(productNameNew.getBytes("UTF-8"))); Files files = fdhe.findById(Long.parseLong(lstObjectIdSplit[0])); String businessName = newStringUtf8(Base64.encodeBase64(files.getBusinessName().getBytes("UTF-8"))); //String businessName = files.getBusinessName(); getRequest().setAttribute("amount", amount); getRequest().setAttribute("fpiId", fpiId); getRequest().setAttribute("fileCode", fileCode); getRequest().setAttribute("businessName", businessName); getRequest().setAttribute("productName", productName); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage());; } return payFilePageMore; } // quan ly le phi /** * quan ly le phi * * @return */ public String prepareFeeManage() { try { if (createFeeForm != null) { searchFeeForm = new FeeForm(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return feeManagePage; } // quan ly nop phi /** * quan ly nop phi * * @return */ public String prepareFeePayManage() { try { if (createFeeForm != null) { searchFeeForm = new FeeForm(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } return feePayManagePage; } /** * tim kiem le phi * * @return */ public String onSearchFeeManage() { getGridInfo(); String userId = getRequest().getParameter("userId"); FeeDAOHE = new FeeDAOHE(); GridResult gr = FeeDAOHE.getLstFeeManage(searchFeeFormNew, Long.parseLong(userId), start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * tim kiem phi tham xet * * @return */ public String onSearchFeePayManage() { getGridInfo(); String userId = getRequest().getParameter("userId"); FeeDAOHE = new FeeDAOHE(); GridResult gr = FeeDAOHE.getLstFeePayManage(searchFeeFormNew, Long.parseLong(userId), start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * tim kiem phi * * @return */ public String onSearchPayment() { getGridInfo(); Long fileId = Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("fileId"));//get attactId FeeDAOHE = new FeeDAOHE(); GridResult gr = FeeDAOHE.getLstPayment(searchFeeForm, fileId, start, count, sortField); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * tim kiem ho so theo version cu * * @return */ public String loadFilesByOldVersion() {// String strReturn = ERROR_PERMISSION; String agencyName = ""; String thisVersion = getRequest().getParameter("thisVersion"); String oldVersion = getRequest().getParameter("oldVersion"); Long thisIdVersion = 0L; Long oldIdVersion = 0L; try { thisIdVersion = Long.parseLong(thisVersion); oldIdVersion = Long.parseLong(oldVersion); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(en.getMessage()); } if (thisIdVersion > 0l) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); createForm = fdhe.getFilesDetail(thisIdVersion); createFormOriginal = fdhe.getFilesDetail(thisIdVersion); if (createFormOriginal != null) { if (createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement() != null) { if (createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getAssessmentMethod() != null) { createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().setAssessmentMethod( createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getAssessmentMethod().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().setAssessmentMethod( createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getAssessmentMethod().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget() != null) { createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().setMatchingTarget( createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget().replace(";", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().setMatchingTarget( createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget().replace("\n", "")); createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().setMatchingTarget( createFormOriginal.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget().replace("\r", "")); } } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct() != null) { if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getOtherTarget() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setOtherTarget( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getOtherTarget().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setOtherTarget( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getOtherTarget().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getComponents() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setComponents( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getComponents().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setComponents( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getComponents().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getTimeInUse() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setTimeInUse( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getTimeInUse().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setTimeInUse( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getTimeInUse().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getUseage() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct() .setUseage(createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getUseage().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct() .setUseage(createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getUseage().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getObjectUse() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setObjectUse( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getObjectUse().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setObjectUse( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getObjectUse().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getGuideline() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setGuideline( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getGuideline().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setGuideline( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getGuideline().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getPackateMaterial() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setPackateMaterial( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getPackateMaterial().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setPackateMaterial( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getPackateMaterial().replace("\r", "")); } // if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getPackageRecipe() != null) { // createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setPackageRecipe(createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getPackageRecipe().replace("\n", "nl")); // createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setPackageRecipe(createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getPackageRecipe().replace("\r", "")); // } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getProductionProcess() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setProductionProcess( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getProductionProcess().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setProductionProcess( createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getProductionProcess().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getCounterfeitDistinctive() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setCounterfeitDistinctive(createFormOriginal .getDetailProduct().getCounterfeitDistinctive().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().setCounterfeitDistinctive(createFormOriginal .getDetailProduct().getCounterfeitDistinctive().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getOrigin() != null) { createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct() .setOrigin(createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getOrigin().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct() .setOrigin(createFormOriginal.getDetailProduct().getOrigin().replace("\r", "")); } } if (createFormOriginal.getTestRegistration() != null) { } } createFormClone = fdhe.getFilesDetail(oldIdVersion); if (createFormClone != null) { if (createFormClone.getAnnouncement() != null) { if (createFormClone.getAnnouncement().getAssessmentMethod() != null) { createFormClone.getAnnouncement().setAssessmentMethod( createFormClone.getAnnouncement().getAssessmentMethod().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getAnnouncement().setAssessmentMethod( createFormClone.getAnnouncement().getAssessmentMethod().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget() != null) { createFormClone.getAnnouncement().setMatchingTarget( createFormClone.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget().replace(";", "nl")); createFormClone.getAnnouncement().setMatchingTarget( createFormClone.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getAnnouncement().setMatchingTarget( createFormClone.getAnnouncement().getMatchingTarget().replace("\r", "")); } } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct() != null) { if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getOtherTarget() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setOtherTarget( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getOtherTarget().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setOtherTarget( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getOtherTarget().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getComponents() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setComponents( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getComponents().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setComponents( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getComponents().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getTimeInUse() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setTimeInUse( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getTimeInUse().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setTimeInUse(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getTimeInUse().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getUseage() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setUseage(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getUseage().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setUseage(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getUseage().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getObjectUse() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setObjectUse( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getObjectUse().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setObjectUse(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getObjectUse().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getGuideline() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setGuideline( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getGuideline().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setGuideline(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getGuideline().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getPackateMaterial() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setPackateMaterial( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getPackateMaterial().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setPackateMaterial( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getPackateMaterial().replace("\r", "")); } // if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getPackageRecipe() != null) { // createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setPackageRecipe(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getPackageRecipe().replace("\n", "nl")); // createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setPackageRecipe(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getPackageRecipe().replace("\r", "")); // } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getProductionProcess() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setProductionProcess( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getProductionProcess().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setProductionProcess( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getProductionProcess().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getCounterfeitDistinctive() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setCounterfeitDistinctive( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getCounterfeitDistinctive().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct().setCounterfeitDistinctive( createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getCounterfeitDistinctive().replace("\r", "")); } if (createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getOrigin() != null) { createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setOrigin(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getOrigin().replace("\n", "nl")); createFormClone.getDetailProduct() .setOrigin(createFormClone.getDetailProduct().getOrigin().replace("\r", "")); } } } DepartmentDAOHE ddhe = new DepartmentDAOHE(); Department dept = ddhe.getDeptByUserId(createFormOriginal.getUserCreateId()); if (dept != null) { agencyName = dept.getDeptName(); } if (createFormOriginal != null && createFormOriginal.getFileType() != null && createFormOriginal.getFileType() > 0l) { ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); CategoryDAOHE cdhe = new CategoryDAOHE(); Procedure tthc = pdhe.findById(createFormOriginal.getFileType()); if (tthc != null) { FilesDAOHE filesDaohe = new FilesDAOHE(); lstOldVersion = new ArrayList(); if (createFormOriginal != null && createFormOriginal.getOriginalId() != null && createFormOriginal.getOriginalId() > 0L) { lstOldVersion.addAll(filesDaohe.getLstOldVersionFiles(createFormOriginal.getOriginalId())); lstOldVersion.add(0, new FilesForm(createFormOriginal.getOriginalId(), "Ln sa i gn nht")); } else { lstOldVersion.addAll(filesDaohe.getLstOldVersionFiles(createFormOriginal.getFileId())); lstOldVersion.add(0, new FilesForm(createFormOriginal.getFileId(), "Ln sa i gn nht")); } lstOldVersion.add(0, new FilesForm(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, "--Ch?n--")); getRequest().setAttribute("lstOldVersion", lstOldVersion); // lstProductType = cdhe.findAllCategory("SP"); lstUnit = cdhe.findAllCategory("DVI"); getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", lstProductType); getRequest().setAttribute("lstUnit", lstUnit); String fileLst = tthc.getFileList(); getRequest().setAttribute("fileList", com.viettel.common.util.StringUtils.removeHTML(fileLst)); getRequest().setAttribute("agencyName", agencyName); strReturn = tthc.getDescription() + "View"; } } try { //Check validate ky CA String validCAStatus = "NG"; if (createFormOriginal != null && createFormOriginal.getContentSigned() != null) { if (CommonUtils.checkSecurityPublishCA(createFormOriginal.getFileId(), createFormOriginal.getContentSigned())) { String contentSigned = createFormOriginal.getContentSigned(); KeyInfo keyInfo = CommonUtils.validateContentSigned(contentSigned); if (keyInfo != null) { try { CommonUtils.getUserSigned(keyInfo); validCAStatus = "OK"; } catch (CertificateExpiredException | CertificateNotYetValidException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(expiredEx); } } else { validCAStatus = "NG"; } } else { validCAStatus = "NG"; } getRequest().setAttribute("validCAStatus", validCAStatus); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(e.getMessage()); } } return strReturn; } /** **Thng bo cho doanh nghip ?i chiu h s * * @return */ public String onAlertComparison() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onAlertComparison(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Thng bo i chiu thnh cng"); Files file = fdhe.findById(createForm.getFileId()); fdhe.saveStatusFiles(file, "H s m: " + file.getFileCode() + " ? c thng bo i chiu"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Thng bo i chiu h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } //141219 binhnt53 public String onSetCourierAlertComparison() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); try { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files file = fdhe.findById(createForm.getFileId()); if (file != null) { file.setIsCourier(createForm.getIsCourier()); file.setRecipientAddress(createForm.getRecipientAddress()); getSession().update(file); resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu ni dung thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } } catch (Exception ex) { // log.error(e.getMessage()); LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Cp nht thng tin nhn bn cng b.", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * get noi dung comment vao tham dinh ho so * * @return */ public String getLastRequestComment() { getGridInfo(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); // String strObjectType = getRequest().getParameter("objectType"); Long objectId = 0l; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } RequestCommentDAOHE rcdhe = new RequestCommentDAOHE(); RequestComment lastRQBo = rcdhe.findLastRequestComment(objectId, 1L); String content = lastRQBo.getContent(); customInfo.add(content); ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); FilesDAOHE fdaohe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files f = fdaohe.findById(objectId); if (f != null && f.getFileId() > 0L) { Procedure tthc = pdhe.findById(f.getFileType()); String fileLst = tthc.getFileList(); customInfo.add(fileLst); } jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } /** * trang download ho so * * @return */ public String toDownloadPage() {// List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); Long filesId = createForm.getFileId(); if (filesId == null) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Download thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Cp nht h s khng thnh cng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } // lnh o phng xem xt ?i chiu h s /** * lnh o phng xem xt ?i chiu h s * * @return */ public String onComparisonByLeaderOfStaff() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onComparisonByLeaderOfStaff(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); if (bReturn) { Files file = fdhe.findById(createForm.getFileId()); resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("H s c Xem xt i chiu"); fdhe.saveStatusFiles(file, "H s m: " + file.getFileCode() + " ? c Xem xt i chiu"); if (file.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.COMPARED)) { edhe.insertEventLog("?i chiu h s", "H s ID" + createForm.getFileId() + " M: " + file.getFileCode() + " ? c i chiu Thnh cng", getRequest()); } else { edhe.insertEventLog( "?i chiu h s", "H s ID" + createForm.getFileId() + " M: " + file.getFileCode() + " ? c i chiu C sai lch", getRequest()); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Xem xt i chiu d liu khng thnh cng"); edhe.insertEventLog("Xem xt ?i chiu h s", "H s ID:" + createForm.getFileId() + " gp s c khi i chiu", getRequest()); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); //edhe.insertEventLog("?i chiu h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } /** * upload file ky cua doanh nghiep * * @return */ public String onUploadFileSign() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId"); String billPath = getRequest().getParameter("billPath"); String[] lstVo = billPath.split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < lstVo.length; i++) { if (lstVo[i] != null) { VoAttachsDAOHE vadhe = new VoAttachsDAOHE(); VoAttachs voUpload = vadhe.findById(Long.parseLong(lstVo[i])); voUpload.setObjectId(Long.parseLong(fileId)); voUpload.setObjectType(60L); getSession().update(voUpload); } } FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files files = fdhe.findById(Long.parseLong(fileId)); files.setUserSigned("fileUploaded"); getSession().update(files); getSession().getTransaction().commit(); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } //hieptq update lanh dao day file ky len public String onUploadFileSignPdf() throws Exception, Exception { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId"); String billPath = getRequest().getParameter("billPath"); String[] lstVo = billPath.split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < lstVo.length; i++) { if (lstVo[i] != null) { VoAttachsDAOHE vadhe = new VoAttachsDAOHE(); VoAttachs voUpload = vadhe.findById(Long.parseLong(lstVo[i])); voUpload.setObjectId(Long.parseLong(fileId)); voUpload.setObjectType(40L); getSession().update(voUpload); } } FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files files = fdhe.findById(Long.parseLong(fileId)); files.setIsSignPdf(1l); getSession().update(files); getSession().getTransaction().commit(); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } //hieptq update 121214 public String onUploadFileSignPdfVT() throws Exception, Exception { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId"); String billPath = getRequest().getParameter("billPath"); String[] lstVo = billPath.split(";"); VoAttachsDAOHE vdhe = new VoAttachsDAOHE(); List<VoAttachs> voa = vdhe.getAttachsByObject(Long.parseLong(fileId), 40L); if (voa != null && voa.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < voa.size(); i++) { voa.get(i).setIsActive(0L); vdhe.updateDbNotCommit(voa.get(i)); } } for (int i = 0; i < lstVo.length; i++) { if (lstVo[i] != null) { VoAttachsDAOHE vadhe = new VoAttachsDAOHE(); VoAttachs voUpload = vadhe.findById(Long.parseLong(lstVo[i])); voUpload.setObjectId(Long.parseLong(fileId)); voUpload.setObjectType(40L); getSession().update(voUpload); } } FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files files = fdhe.findById(Long.parseLong(fileId)); files.setIsSignPdf(2l); getSession().update(files); getSession().getTransaction().commit(); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } // check thong tu 30 /** * * @return */ public String check30() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId"); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files files = fdhe.findById(Long.parseLong(fileId)); files.setIs30(1l); getSession().update(files); getSession().getTransaction().commit(); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } /** * * @return */ public String UnCheck30() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId"); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files files = fdhe.findById(Long.parseLong(fileId)); files.setIs30(0l); getSession().update(files); getSession().getTransaction().commit(); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } /** * Login USB Token * * @return */ public String loginUsbCA() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); try { if (!"".equals(loginCAForm.getPassword())) { HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); HttpSession session = req.getSession(); session.setAttribute("passwordCa", loginCAForm.getPassword()); resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add(loginCAForm.getPassword()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); resultMessage.add("0"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } //- /** * 150121 binhnt53 check trang thai ho so * * @return */ public String checkEditStatusFiles() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); Files bo = new Files(); bo.setFileId(createForm.getFileId()); bo.setStatus(createForm.getStatus()); bo.setDisplayStatus(createForm.getDisplayStatus()); bo.setStaffProcess(createForm.getStaffProcess()); bo.setNameStaffProcess(createForm.getNameStaffProcess()); bo.setLeaderEvaluateId(createForm.getLeaderEvaluateId()); bo.setLeaderEvaluateName(createForm.getLeaderEvaluateName()); bo.setLeaderReviewId(createForm.getLeaderReviewId()); bo.setLeaderReviewName(createForm.getLeaderReviewName()); bo.setLeaderApproveId(createForm.getLeaderApproveId()); bo.setLeaderApproveName(createForm.getLeaderApproveName()); // UsersDAO udao = new UsersDAO(); try { // if (!udao.checkUserExist(bo.getNameStaffProcess(), bo.getStaffProcess()) // || !udao.checkUserExist(bo.getLeaderEvaluateName(), bo.getLeaderEvaluateId()) // || !udao.checkUserExist(bo.getLeaderReviewName(), bo.getLeaderReviewId()) // || !udao.checkUserExist(bo.getLeaderApproveName(), bo.getLeaderApproveId())) { // resultMessage.add("3"); // resultMessage.add("Ng?i dng khng tn ti"); // jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); // jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); // return "gridData"; // } // FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); String displayStatus = FilesDAOHE.getFileStatusName(bo.getStatus()); if (!displayStatus.equals(bo.getDisplayStatus())) { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Tn trng thi hin th khng ng"); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return "gridData"; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // Logger.getLogger(FilesDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("M?i np"); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return "gridData"; } /** * binhnt 060215 thm combobox ch?n n v x l h s * * @return */ public String loadDepartmentProcessFile() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); createForm = fdhe.getFilesDetail(createForm.getFileId()); List<ProcedureDepartment> lstDepartmentProcessFile = new ArrayList<ProcedureDepartment>(); ProcedureDepartmentDAOHE pddaohe = new ProcedureDepartmentDAOHE(); List lstCQXL = pddaohe.getAllProcedureDepartmentByProcedureId(createForm.getFileType()); lstDepartmentProcessFile.addAll(lstCQXL); lstDepartmentProcessFile.add(0, new ProcedureDepartment(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstDepartmentProcessFile); jsonDataGrid.setLabel("processDeptName"); jsonDataGrid.setIdentifier("processDeptId"); return GRID_DATA; } public String updateFileSearchIndex() { getGridInfo(); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); fdhe.updateIndex(start, count); return GRID_DATA; } public String getCountIndex() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); int fileCount = fdhe.getUpdateCount(); jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(fileCount); return GRID_DATA; } //<editor-fold desc="GETTER-SETTER"> public LoginCAForm getLoginCAForm() { return loginCAForm; } public void setLoginCAForm(LoginCAForm loginCAForm) { this.loginCAForm = loginCAForm; } public FilesForm getSearchForm() { return searchForm; } public void setSearchForm(FilesForm searchForm) { this.searchForm = searchForm; } public FilesForm getCreateForm() { return createForm; } public void setCreateForm(FilesForm createForm) { this.createForm = createForm; } public FilesForm getCreateFormCompare() { return createFormCompare; } public void setCreateFormCompare(FilesForm createFormCompare) { this.createFormCompare = createFormCompare; } public List<FilesForm> getLstItemOnGrid() { return lstItemOnGrid; } public void setLstItemOnGrid(List<FilesForm> lstItemOnGrid) { this.lstItemOnGrid = lstItemOnGrid; } public List getLstCategory() { return lstCategory; } public void setLstCategory(List lstCategory) { this.lstCategory = lstCategory; } public List getLstDeptProcessFile() { return lstDeptProcessFile; } public void setLstDeptProcessFile(List lstDeptProcessFile) { this.lstDeptProcessFile = lstDeptProcessFile; } public List<ProcessForm> getLstProcessOnGrid() { return lstProcessOnGrid; } public void setLstProcessOnGrid(List<ProcessForm> lstProcessOnGrid) { this.lstProcessOnGrid = lstProcessOnGrid; } public FilesForm getSigningForm() { return signingForm; } public void setSigningForm(FilesForm signingForm) { this.signingForm = signingForm; } public FilesForm getProvideForm() { return provideForm; } public void setProvideForm(FilesForm provideForm) { this.provideForm = provideForm; } public FilesForm getRejectForm() { return rejectForm; } public void setRejectForm(FilesForm rejectForm) { this.rejectForm = rejectForm; } public FilesForm getSignedForm() { return signedForm; } public void setSignedForm(FilesForm signedForm) { this.signedForm = signedForm; } public FilesForm getSignForm() { return signForm; } public void setSignForm(FilesForm signForm) { this.signForm = signForm; } public String getLookupFilesByLeaderPage() { return lookupFilesByLeaderPage; } public void setLookupFilesByLeaderPage(String lookupFilesByLeaderPage) { this.lookupFilesByLeaderPage = lookupFilesByLeaderPage; } public String getLookupFilesByStaffPage() { return lookupFilesByStaffPage; } public void setLookupFilesByStaffPage(String lookupFilesByStaffPage) { this.lookupFilesByStaffPage = lookupFilesByStaffPage; } public FilesForm getFlowForm() { return flowForm; } public void setFlowForm(FilesForm flowForm) { this.flowForm = flowForm; } public FilesForm getCreateFormClone() { return createFormClone; } public void setCreateFormClone(FilesForm createFormClone) { this.createFormClone = createFormClone; } public ProcessCommentForm getCommentForm() { return commentForm; } public void setCommentForm(ProcessCommentForm commentForm) { this.commentForm = commentForm; } public String getLookupFilesByStaffOfStaffPage() { return lookupFilesByStaffOfStaffPage; } public void setLookupFilesByStaffOfStaffPage(String lookupFilesByStaffOfStaffPage) { this.lookupFilesByStaffOfStaffPage = lookupFilesByStaffOfStaffPage; } public String getToComparisonPage() { return toComparisonPage; } public void setToComparisonPage(String toComparisonPage) { this.toComparisonPage = toComparisonPage; } public FilesForm getSignCAForm() { return signCAForm; } public void setSignCAForm(FilesForm signCAForm) { this.signCAForm = signCAForm; } public RepositoriesForm getRepoForm() { return repoForm; } public void setRepoForm(RepositoriesForm repoForm) { this.repoForm = repoForm; } public ProcessCommentForm getFilesCommentForm() { return filesCommentForm; } public void setFilesCommentForm(ProcessCommentForm filesCommentForm) { this.filesCommentForm = filesCommentForm; } public FeeForm getCreateFeeForm() { return createFeeForm; } public void setCreateFeeForm(FeeForm createFeeForm) { this.createFeeForm = createFeeForm; } public FeeForm getSearchFeeForm() { return searchFeeForm; } public void setSearchFeeForm(FeeForm searchFeeForm) { this.searchFeeForm = searchFeeForm; } public FeePaymentFileForm getSearchFeeFormNew() { return searchFeeFormNew; } public void setSearchFeeFormNew(FeePaymentFileForm searchFeeFormNew) { this.searchFeeFormNew = searchFeeFormNew; } public List getLstStatus() { return lstStatus; } public void setLstStatus(List lstStatus) { this.lstStatus = lstStatus; } public String getLookupFilesByStaffDonothingPage() { return lookupFilesByStaffDonothingPage; } public void setLookupFilesByStaffDonothingPage(String lookupFilesByStaffDonothingPage) { this.lookupFilesByStaffDonothingPage = lookupFilesByStaffDonothingPage; } public List getLstLeaderOfStaff() { return lstLeaderOfStaff; } public void setLstLeaderOfStaff(List lstLeaderOfStaff) { this.lstLeaderOfStaff = lstLeaderOfStaff; } public List getLstLeader() { return lstLeader; } public void setLstLeader(List lstLeader) { this.lstLeader = lstLeader; } public List getLstLeaderP() { return lstLeaderP; } public void setLstLeaderP(List lstLeaderP) { this.lstLeaderP = lstLeaderP; } public List getLstOldVersion() { return lstOldVersion; } public void setLstOldVersion(List lstOldVersion) { this.lstOldVersion = lstOldVersion; } public List getLstProductType() { return lstProductType; } public void setLstProductType(List lstProductType) { this.lstProductType = lstProductType; } public List getLstRepositories() { return lstRepositories; } public void setLstRepositories(List lstRepositories) { this.lstRepositories = lstRepositories; } public List getLstUnit() { return lstUnit; } public void setLstUnit(List lstUnit) { this.lstUnit = lstUnit; } public List getLstProvince() { return lstProvince; } public void setLstProvince(List lstProvince) { this.lstProvince = lstProvince; } public List getLstStandard() { return lstStandard; } public void setLstStandard(List lstStandard) { this.lstStandard = lstStandard; } public List getLstUserAttach() { return lstUserAttach; } public void setLstUserAttach(List lstUserAttach) { this.lstUserAttach = lstUserAttach; } public String loadAllLDCOfDept() { UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); Long userId = 0L; try { userId = Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("leaderAssignId")); Users a = udaohe.findById(userId); List lstLDC = udaohe.getLeaderByUser(a.getDeptId()); List<Users> lstUsers = new ArrayList<Users>(); lstUsers.addAll(lstLDC); lstUsers.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstUsers); jsonDataGrid.setLabel("fullName"); jsonDataGrid.setIdentifier("userId"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } return GRID_DATA; } public String loadAllLDPOfDept() { UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); Long userId = 0L; try { userId = Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("leaderAssignId")); Users a = udaohe.findById(userId); List lstLDC = udaohe.getAllLeaderOfStaffInOffice(a.getDeptId()); List<Users> lstUsers = new ArrayList<Users>(); lstUsers.addAll(lstLDC); lstUsers.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstUsers); jsonDataGrid.setLabel("fullName"); jsonDataGrid.setIdentifier("userId"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } return GRID_DATA; } public String loadAllCVOfDept() { UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); Long userId = 0L; try { userId = Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("leaderAssignId")); Users a = udaohe.findById(userId); List lstLDC = udaohe.getCVOfDept(a.getDeptId()); List<Users> lstUsers = new ArrayList<Users>(); lstUsers.addAll(lstLDC); lstUsers.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstUsers); jsonDataGrid.setLabel("fullName"); jsonDataGrid.setIdentifier("userId"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } return GRID_DATA; } /** * binhnt * * @return */ public String loadAllStatus() { CategoryDAOHE catedaohe = new CategoryDAOHE(); List lstCategory = catedaohe.findAllCategorySearch(Constants.CATEGORY_TYPE.STATUS); List<Category> lstStatus = new ArrayList<Category>(); lstStatus.addAll(lstCategory); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstStatus); jsonDataGrid.setLabel("name"); jsonDataGrid.setIdentifier("code"); return GRID_DATA; } public String loadAllBusinessUser() { UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List lst = udaohe.findAllUserOfBusiness(); List<Users> lstStatus = new ArrayList<Users>(); lstStatus.addAll(lst); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstStatus); jsonDataGrid.setLabel("fullName"); jsonDataGrid.setIdentifier("userId"); return GRID_DATA; } public String loadAllDept() { UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List lst = udaohe.findAllUserOfBusiness(); List<Users> lstStatus = new ArrayList<Users>(); lstStatus.addAll(lst); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstStatus); jsonDataGrid.setLabel("fullName"); jsonDataGrid.setIdentifier("userId"); return GRID_DATA; } public String loadAllBusiness() { DepartmentDAOHE ddaohe = new DepartmentDAOHE(); List lst = ddaohe.getAllDept(); List<Department> lstStatus = new ArrayList<Department>(); lstStatus.addAll(lst); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstStatus); jsonDataGrid.setLabel("deptName"); jsonDataGrid.setIdentifier("deptId"); return GRID_DATA; } public String loadAllUsers() { UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List lst = udaohe.findAllUserOfStaff(); List<Users> lstStatus = new ArrayList<Users>(); lstStatus.addAll(lst); jsonDataGrid.setItems(lstStatus); jsonDataGrid.setLabel("fullName"); jsonDataGrid.setIdentifier("userId"); return GRID_DATA; } public String getRequestComments() { getGridInfo(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); Long objectId = 0l; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // log.error(en.getMessage()); LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } RequestCommentDAOHE pcdhe = new RequestCommentDAOHE(); GridResult result = pcdhe.findLstRequestComment(objectId, start, count, sortField);//binhnt53 150130 bo object type thua jsonDataGrid.setItems(result.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(result.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } //hieptq update 070515 public String saveDraftLeaderComment() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.saveDraftComment(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Lu kin cng vn S?BS", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } //hieptq update 161015 public String actionSignCA() throws IOException { boolean result = true; String base64Hash = ""; String base64Hash0 = ""; String certSerial = ""; String fileId = ""; String outPutFileFinal = ""; String outPutFileFinal2 = ""; String fileName = ""; String fileName0 = ""; String fileToSign = ""; String fileToSign0 = ""; String errorCode = ""; SignPdfFile pdfSig = new SignPdfFile(); SignPdfFile pdfSig0 = new SignPdfFile(); try { fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId"); String rootCert, base64Certificate, certChain; Base64 decoder = new Base64(); certChain = new String(decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("cert").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); String sToFind = getRequest().getParameter("signType"); String path = getRequest().getParameter("path"); String[] pathArr = path.split(";"); fileToSign = pathArr[0]; fileName = pathArr[1]; if ("PDHS".equals(sToFind) || "PDHS_VT".equals(sToFind)) { fileToSign0 = pathArr[2]; fileName0 = pathArr[3]; } String[] chain; try { chain = certChain.split(","); rootCert = chain[1]; base64Certificate = chain[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { base64Certificate = null; LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_001"; rootCert = ""; result = false; } // hieptq update 150615 if (base64Certificate == null) { errorCode = "SI_002"; result = false; } X509Certificate x509Cert = null; X509Certificate x509CertChain = null; try { x509Cert = CertUtils.getX509Cert(base64Certificate); x509CertChain = CertUtils.getX509Cert(rootCert); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_003"; result = false; } PDFServerClientSignature pdfSCS = new PDFServerClientSignature(); ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config"); String TSA_LINK = rb.getString("tsaUrl"); pdfSCS.setTSA_LINK(TSA_LINK); String checkOcspStr = rb.getString("checkOCSP"); Long checkOCSP = Long.parseLong(checkOcspStr); try { certSerial = x509Cert.getSerialNumber().toString(16); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_004"; result = false; } // hieptq update 160615 - check serial String filePath = rb.getString("sign_temp_plugin"); File f = new File(filePath); if (!f.exists()) { f.mkdirs(); } outPutFileFinal = filePath + fileName; outPutFileFinal2 = filePath + fileName0; CaUserDAOHE ca = new CaUserDAOHE(); //CaUser caur = null; boolean checkCaUser = true; if (!ca.checkCaSerial("SerialNumber:[" + certSerial + "]")) { errorCode = "SI_005"; result = false; } try { if (checkOCSP == 1l) { OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus status = checkRevocationStatus((X509Certificate) x509Cert, (X509Certificate) x509CertChain); if (status != OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus.GOOD) { errorCode = "SI_006"; result = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_007"; result = false; } if (checkCaUser) { String folderPath = ResourceBundleUtil.getString("sign_image"); //String separator = ResourceBundleUtil.getString("separator"); String linkImageSign = folderPath + getUserId() + ".png"; String linkImageStamp = folderPath + "attpStamp.png"; if ((linkImageSign == null && "".equals(linkImageSign)) || (linkImageStamp == null && "".equals(linkImageStamp))) { errorCode = "SI_008"; result = false; } try { if (sToFind.equals("PDHS")) { // ky lanh dao if (fileToSign == null && "".equals(fileToSign) || fileToSign0 == null && "".equals(fileToSign0)) { errorCode = "SI_009"; result = false; } sToFind = "<SI>"; SearchTextLocations ptl = new SearchTextLocations(); List local = ptl.searchLocation(sToFind, fileToSign, SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); String location = "0;0;0"; int pageNumber, lx, ly; if (local != null && local.size() > 0) { location = local.get(0).toString(); } String[] parts = location.split(";"); pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); lx = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[1]); ly = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[2]); ly = convertLocation(ly); base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, new Certificate[] { x509Cert }, pageNumber, linkImageSign, lx + 70, ly + 130, 120, 70, "LD"); SearchTextLocations ptl2 = new SearchTextLocations(); List local2 = ptl2.searchLocation(sToFind, fileToSign0, SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); String location2 = "0;0;0"; if (local2 != null && local2.size() > 0) { location2 = local2.get(0).toString(); } String[] parts2 = location2.split(";"); pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts2[0]); int lx1 = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts2[1]); int ly1 = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts2[2]); ly1 = convertLocation(ly1); base64Hash0 = pdfSig0.createHash(fileToSign0, outPutFileFinal2, new Certificate[] { x509Cert }, pageNumber, linkImageSign, lx1 + 70, ly1 + 130, 120, 70, "LD"); } if ("PDHS_VT".equals(sToFind)) { // ky van thu if (fileToSign == null && "".equals(fileToSign) || fileToSign0 == null && "".equals(fileToSign0)) { errorCode = "SI_010"; result = false; } String sToFindtemp = "<SI>"; SearchTextLocations ptl = new SearchTextLocations(); List local = ptl.searchLocation(sToFindtemp, fileToSign, SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); String location = "0;0;0"; int pageNumber, lx, ly; if (local != null && local.size() > 0) { location = local.get(0).toString(); } String[] parts = location.split(";"); pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); lx = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[1]); ly = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[2]); ly = convertLocation(ly); base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, new Certificate[] { x509Cert }, pageNumber, linkImageStamp, lx + 23, ly + 115, 90, 90, "VT"); SearchTextLocations ptl2 = new SearchTextLocations(); List local2 = ptl2.searchLocation(sToFindtemp, fileToSign0, SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); String location2 = "0;0;0"; if (local != null && local2.size() > 0) { location2 = local2.get(0).toString(); } String parts2[] = location2.split(";"); pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts2[0]); int lx1 = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts2[1]); int ly1 = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts2[2]); ly1 = convertLocation(ly1); base64Hash0 = pdfSig0.createHash(fileToSign0, outPutFileFinal2, new Certificate[] { x509Cert }, pageNumber, linkImageStamp, lx1 + 23, ly1 + 115, 90, 90, "VT"); } if ("CVBS_VT".equals(sToFind)) { // ky van thu if (fileToSign == null && "".equals(fileToSign) || fileToSign0 == null && "".equals(fileToSign0)) { errorCode = "SI_026"; result = false; } String sToFindtemp = "<SI>"; SearchTextLocations ptl = new SearchTextLocations(); List local = ptl.searchLocation(sToFindtemp, fileToSign, SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); String location = "0;0;0"; int pageNumber, lx, ly; if (local != null && local.size() > 0) { location = local.get(0).toString(); } String[] parts = location.split(";"); pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); lx = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[1]); ly = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[2]); ly = convertLocation(ly); base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, new Certificate[] { x509Cert }, pageNumber, linkImageStamp, lx + 23, ly + 130, 90, 90, "VT"); } if ("CVBS".equals(sToFind)) { // ky lanh dao if (fileToSign == null && "".equals(fileToSign)) { errorCode = "SI_011"; result = false; } String sToFindtemp = "<SI>"; SearchTextLocations ptl = new SearchTextLocations(); List local = ptl.searchLocation(sToFindtemp, fileToSign, SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_BOTTOMUP, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); String location = "0;0;0"; int pageNumber, lx, ly; if (local != null && local.size() > 0) { location = local.get(0).toString(); } String[] parts = location.split(";"); pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); lx = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[1]); ly = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[2]); ly = convertLocation(ly); base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, new Certificate[] { x509Cert }, pageNumber, linkImageSign, lx + 80, ly + 150, 120, 70, "LD"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 System.out.println("ERROR SI_012|" + ex.getMessage()); errorCode = "SI_012"; result = false; } } else { errorCode = "SI_013"; result = false; } } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_014"; result = false; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_015"; ex.printStackTrace(); // System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); result = false; } finally { } List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (result) { HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); HttpSession session = req.getSession(); session.setAttribute("PDFSignature", pdfSig); session.setAttribute("PDFSignature2", pdfSig0); resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); resultMessage.add(base64Hash); resultMessage.add(certSerial); resultMessage.add(fileId); resultMessage.add(outPutFileFinal); resultMessage.add(fileName); resultMessage.add(base64Hash0); resultMessage.add(outPutFileFinal2); resultMessage.add(fileName0); } else { resultMessage.add("0"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng " + errorCode); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } public String actionSignCAForAA() throws IOException { boolean result = true; String base64Hash = ""; // String base64Hash0 = ""; String certSerial = ""; String outPutFileFinal = ""; // String outPutFileFinal2 = ""; String fileId = ""; String fileName = ""; // String fileName0 = ""; String fileToSign = ""; // String fileToSign0 = ""; String errorCode = ""; SignPdfFile pdfSig = new SignPdfFile(); // SignPdfFile pdfSig0 = new SignPdfFile(); try { fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId"); String rootCert = null, base64Certificate = null, certChain; Base64 decoder = new Base64(); certChain = new String(decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("cert").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); String sToFind = getRequest().getParameter("signType"); String path = getRequest().getParameter("path"); String[] pathArr = path.split(";"); fileToSign = pathArr[0]; fileName = pathArr[1]; String[] chain; try { chain = certChain.split(","); rootCert = chain[1]; base64Certificate = chain[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_001"; result = false; } if (base64Certificate == null) { errorCode = "SI_002"; result = false; } X509Certificate x509Cert = null; X509Certificate x509CertChain = null; try { x509Cert = CertUtils.getX509Cert(base64Certificate); x509CertChain = CertUtils.getX509Cert(rootCert); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_003"; result = false; } PDFServerClientSignature pdfSCS = new PDFServerClientSignature(); ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config"); String TSA_LINK = rb.getString("tsaUrl"); pdfSCS.setTSA_LINK(TSA_LINK); String checkOcspStr = rb.getString("checkOCSP"); Long checkOCSP = Long.parseLong(checkOcspStr); try { certSerial = x509Cert.getSerialNumber().toString(16); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_004"; result = false; } String filePath = rb.getString("sign_temp_plugin"); File f = new File(filePath); if (!f.exists()) { f.mkdirs(); } outPutFileFinal = filePath + fileName; // outPutFileFinal2 = filePath + fileName0; CaUserDAOHE ca = new CaUserDAOHE(); boolean checkCaUser = true; if (!ca.checkCaSerial("SerialNumber:[" + certSerial + "]")) { errorCode = "SI_005"; result = false; } try { if (checkOCSP == 1l) { OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus status = checkRevocationStatus((X509Certificate) x509Cert, (X509Certificate) x509CertChain); if (status != OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus.GOOD) { errorCode = "SI_006"; result = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_007"; result = false; } if (checkCaUser) { String folderPath = ResourceBundleUtil.getString("sign_image"); String linkImageSign = folderPath + getUserId() + ".png"; String linkImageStamp = folderPath + "attpStamp.png"; if ((linkImageSign == null && "".equals(linkImageSign)) || (linkImageStamp == null && "".equals(linkImageStamp))) { errorCode = "SI_008"; result = false; } try { if ("PDHS".equals(sToFind)) { if (fileToSign == null && "".equals(fileToSign)) { errorCode = "SI_009"; result = false; } sToFind = "<SI>"; SearchTextLocations ptl = new SearchTextLocations(); List local = ptl.searchLocation(sToFind, fileToSign, SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); String location = "0;0;0"; int pageNumber, lx, ly; if (local != null && local.size() > 0) { location = local.get(0).toString(); } String[] parts = location.split(";"); pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); lx = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[1]); ly = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[2]); ly = convertLocation(ly); base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, new Certificate[] { x509Cert }, pageNumber, linkImageSign, lx + 70, ly + 130, 120, 70, "LD"); } if ("PDHS_VT".equals(sToFind)) { // ky van thu if (fileToSign == null && "".equals(fileToSign)) { errorCode = "SI_010"; result = false; } String sToFindtemp = "<SI>"; SearchTextLocations ptl = new SearchTextLocations(); List local = ptl.searchLocation(sToFindtemp, fileToSign, SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); String location = "0;0;0"; int pageNumber, lx, ly; if (local != null && local.size() > 0) { location = local.get(0).toString(); } String[] parts = location.split(";"); pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); lx = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[1]); ly = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[2]); ly = convertLocation(ly); base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, new Certificate[] { x509Cert }, pageNumber, linkImageStamp, lx + 23, ly + 115, 90, 90, "VT"); } if ("CVBS_VT".equals(sToFind)) { // ky van thu if (fileToSign == null && "".equals(fileToSign)) { errorCode = "SI_026"; result = false; } String sToFindtemp = "<SI>"; SearchTextLocations ptl = new SearchTextLocations(); List local = ptl.searchLocation(sToFindtemp, fileToSign, SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); String location = "0;0;0"; int pageNumber, lx, ly; if (local != null && local.size() > 0) { location = local.get(0).toString(); } String[] parts = location.split(";"); pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); lx = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[1]); ly = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[2]); ly = convertLocation(ly); base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, new Certificate[] { x509Cert }, pageNumber, linkImageStamp, lx + 23, ly + 130, 90, 90, "VT"); } if ("CVBS".equals(sToFind)) { // ky lanh dao if (fileToSign == null && fileToSign.equals("")) { errorCode = "SI_011"; result = false; } String sToFindtemp = "<SI>"; SearchTextLocations ptl = new SearchTextLocations(); List local = ptl.searchLocation(sToFindtemp, fileToSign, SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_BOTTOMUP, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); String location = "0;0;0"; int pageNumber, lx, ly; if (local != null && local.size() > 0) { location = local.get(0).toString(); } String[] parts = location.split(";"); pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); lx = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[1]); ly = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[2]); ly = convertLocation(ly); base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, new Certificate[] { x509Cert }, pageNumber, linkImageSign, lx + 80, ly + 150, 120, 70, "LD"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 System.out.println("ERROR SI_012|" + ex.getMessage()); errorCode = "SI_012"; result = false; } } else { errorCode = "SI_013"; result = false; } } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_014"; result = false; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_015"; result = false; } finally { } List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (result) { HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); HttpSession session = req.getSession(); session.setAttribute("PDFSignature", pdfSig); // session.setAttribute("PDFSignature2", pdfSig0); resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); resultMessage.add(base64Hash); resultMessage.add(certSerial); resultMessage.add(fileId); resultMessage.add(outPutFileFinal); resultMessage.add(fileName); // resultMessage.add(base64Hash0); // resultMessage.add(outPutFileFinal2); // resultMessage.add(fileName0); } else { resultMessage.add("0"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng " + errorCode); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } // public String actionSignCA() throws IOException { // boolean result = true; // String base64Hash = ""; // String base64Hash0 = ""; // String certSerial = ""; // String fileId = ""; // String outPutFileFinal = ""; // String outPutFileFinal2 = ""; // String fileName = ""; // String fileName0 = ""; // String fileToSign = ""; // String fileToSign0 = ""; // String errorCode = ""; //// Long fID = 0L; // Files f0 = new Files(); // FilesDAOHE fDAO = new FilesDAOHE(); // SignPdfFile pdfSig = new SignPdfFile(); // SignPdfFile pdfSig0 = new SignPdfFile(); // try { // fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId"); // if(fileId!=null && Long.parseLong(fileId)>0L){ // f0 = fDAO.findById(Long.parseLong(fileId)); // } // f0.getFilesSourceID(); // String rootCert = null, base64Certificate = null, certChain = null; // Base64 decoder = new Base64(); // certChain = new String(decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("cert").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); // String sToFind = getRequest().getParameter("signType"); // String path = getRequest().getParameter("path"); // String[] pathArr = path.split(";"); // fileToSign = pathArr[0]; // fileName = pathArr[1]; // if (sToFind.equals("PDHS") || sToFind.equals("PDHS_VT")) { // if(pathArr.length>=4){ // fileToSign0 = pathArr[2]; // fileName0 = pathArr[3]; // } // } // String[] chain; // try { // chain = certChain.split(","); // rootCert = chain[1]; // base64Certificate = chain[0]; // } catch (Exception e) { // errorCode = "SI_001"; // result = false; // } // // hieptq update 150615 // if (base64Certificate == null) { // errorCode = "SI_002"; // result = false; // } // X509Certificate x509Cert = null; // X509Certificate x509CertChain = null; // try { // x509Cert = CertUtils.getX509Cert(base64Certificate); // x509CertChain = CertUtils.getX509Cert(rootCert); // } catch (Exception e) { // errorCode = "SI_003"; // result = false; // } // // PDFServerClientSignature pdfSCS = new PDFServerClientSignature(); // ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config"); // String TSA_LINK = rb.getString("tsaUrl"); // pdfSCS.setTSA_LINK(TSA_LINK); // String checkOcspStr = rb.getString("checkOCSP"); // Long checkOCSP = Long.parseLong(checkOcspStr); // try { // certSerial = x509Cert.getSerialNumber().toString(16); // } catch (Exception e) { // errorCode = "SI_004"; // result = false; // } // // hieptq update 160615 - check serial // String filePath = rb.getString("sign_temp_plugin"); // File f = new File(filePath); // if (!f.exists()) { // f.mkdirs(); // } // // String outputFileFinalName = "_" + (new Date()).getTime() + ".pdf"; // outPutFileFinal = filePath + fileName; // if(pathArr.length>=4) // outPutFileFinal2 = filePath + fileName0; // CaUserDAOHE ca = new CaUserDAOHE(); // //CaUser caur = null; // boolean checkCaUser = true; // if (ca.checkCaSerial("SerialNumber:[" + certSerial + "]") == false) { // errorCode = "SI_005"; // result = false; // } // try { // if (checkOCSP == 1l) { // OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus status = checkRevocationStatus((X509Certificate) x509Cert, (X509Certificate) x509CertChain); // if (status != OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus.GOOD) { // errorCode = "SI_006"; // result = false; // } // } // } catch (Exception e) { // errorCode = "SI_007"; // result = false; // } // if (checkCaUser != false) { // String folderPath = ResourceBundleUtil.getString("sign_image"); // //String separator = ResourceBundleUtil.getString("separator"); // String linkImageSign = folderPath + getUserId() + ".png"; // String linkImageStamp = folderPath + "attpStamp.png"; // if ((linkImageSign == null && linkImageSign.equals("")) || (linkImageStamp == null && linkImageStamp.equals(""))) { // errorCode = "SI_008"; // result = false; // } // try { // if (sToFind.equals("PDHS")) { // // ky lanh dao // //String date = df.format(today); // if(pathArr.length>=4){ // if (fileToSign == null && fileToSign.equals("") || fileToSign0 == null && fileToSign0.equals("")) { // errorCode = "SI_009"; // result = false; // } // } // //Hiepvv 0703 sdbs sau cong bo // else{ // if(fileToSign == null || fileToSign.equals("")){ // errorCode = "SI_009"; // result = false; // } // } // // sToFind = "<SI>"; // SearchTextLocations ptl = new SearchTextLocations(); // List local = ptl.searchLocation(sToFind, fileToSign, // SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); // String location = local.get(0).toString(); // int pageNumber, lx, ly; // String[] parts = location.split(";"); // pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); // lx = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[1]); // ly = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[2]); // ly = convertLocation(ly); // base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, // new Certificate[]{x509Cert}, pageNumber, linkImageSign, lx + 70, ly + 130, 120, 70, "LD"); // // //Hiepvv neu ko phai ho so sdbs sau cong bo // if(pathArr.length>=4){ // SearchTextLocations ptl2 = new SearchTextLocations(); // List local2 = ptl2.searchLocation(sToFind, fileToSign0, // SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); // String location2 = local2.get(0).toString(); // String parts2[] = location2.split(";"); // pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts2[0]); // int lx1 = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts2[1]); // int ly1 = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts2[2]); // ly1 = convertLocation(ly1); // base64Hash0 = pdfSig0.createHash(fileToSign0, outPutFileFinal2, // new Certificate[]{x509Cert}, pageNumber, linkImageSign, lx1 + 70, ly1 + 130, 120, 70, "LD"); // // } //// base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, //// new Certificate[]{x509Cert}, pageNumber, linkImageSign, lx + 70, ly + 80, 120, 70, "LD"); //// } // } // if (sToFind.equals("PDHS_VT")) { // // ky van thu // if(pathArr.length>=4){ // if (fileToSign == null && fileToSign.equals("") || fileToSign0 == null && fileToSign0.equals("")) { // errorCode = "SI_009"; // result = false; // } // } // //Hiepvv 0703 sdbs sau cong bo // else{ // if(fileToSign == null || fileToSign.equals("")){ // errorCode = "SI_009"; // result = false; // } // } // String sToFindtemp = "<SI>"; // SearchTextLocations ptl = new SearchTextLocations(); // List local = ptl.searchLocation(sToFindtemp, fileToSign, // SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); // String location = local.get(0).toString(); // int pageNumber, lx, ly; // String[] parts = location.split(";"); // pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); // lx = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[1]); // ly = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[2]); // ly = convertLocation(ly); // base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, // new Certificate[]{x509Cert}, pageNumber, linkImageStamp, lx + 23, ly + 115, 90, 90, "VT"); // // SearchTextLocations ptl2 = new SearchTextLocations(); // List local2 = ptl2.searchLocation(sToFindtemp, fileToSign0, // SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); // String location2 = local2.get(0).toString(); // String parts2[] = location2.split(";"); // pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts2[0]); // int lx1 = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts2[1]); // int ly1 = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts2[2]); // ly1 = convertLocation(ly1); // base64Hash0 = pdfSig0.createHash(fileToSign0, outPutFileFinal2, // new Certificate[]{x509Cert}, pageNumber, linkImageStamp, lx1 + 23, ly1 + 115, 90, 90, "VT"); // } // // if (sToFind.equals("CVBS_VT")) { // // ky van thu // if (fileToSign == null && fileToSign.equals("") || fileToSign0 == null && fileToSign0.equals("")) { // errorCode = "SI_026"; // result = false; // } // String sToFindtemp = "<SI>"; // SearchTextLocations ptl = new SearchTextLocations(); // List local = ptl.searchLocation(sToFindtemp, fileToSign, // SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); // String location = local.get(0).toString(); // int pageNumber, lx, ly; // String[] parts = location.split(";"); // pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); // lx = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[1]); // ly = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[2]); // ly = convertLocation(ly); // base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, // new Certificate[]{x509Cert}, pageNumber, linkImageStamp, lx + 23, ly + 130, 90, 90, "VT"); // } // // if (sToFind.equals("CVBS")) { // // ky lanh dao // if (fileToSign == null && fileToSign.equals("")) { // errorCode = "SI_011"; // result = false; // } // String sToFindtemp = "<SI>"; // SearchTextLocations ptl = new SearchTextLocations(); // List local = ptl.searchLocation(sToFindtemp, fileToSign, // SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_BOTTOMUP, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); // String location = local.get(0).toString(); // int pageNumber, lx, ly; // String[] parts = location.split(";"); // pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); // lx = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[1]); // ly = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[2]); // ly = convertLocation(ly); // base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, // new Certificate[]{x509Cert}, pageNumber, linkImageSign, lx + 80, ly + 150, 120, 70, "LD"); // } // } catch (Exception ex) { // errorCode = "SI_012"; // result = false; // } // // } else { // errorCode = "SI_013"; // result = false; // } // } catch (JsonSyntaxException jsonSyntaxException) { // errorCode = "SI_014"; // result = false; // } finally { // } // List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); // if (result) { // HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); // HttpSession session = req.getSession(); // session.setAttribute("PDFSignature", pdfSig); // session.setAttribute("PDFSignature2", pdfSig0); // resultMessage.add("1"); // resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); // resultMessage.add(base64Hash); // resultMessage.add(certSerial); // resultMessage.add(fileId); // resultMessage.add(outPutFileFinal); // resultMessage.add(fileName); // resultMessage.add(base64Hash0); // resultMessage.add(outPutFileFinal2); // resultMessage.add(fileName0); // } else { // resultMessage.add("0"); // resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng " + errorCode); // } // jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); // return GRID_DATA; // } public static OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus checkRevocationStatus(X509Certificate peerCert, X509Certificate issuerCert) throws Exception { OCSPReq request = generateOCSPRequest2(issuerCert, peerCert.getSerialNumber()); //This list will sometimes have non ocsp urls as well. List<String> locations = getAIALocations(peerCert); for (String serviceUrl : locations) { SingleResp[] responses; try { ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config"); //String host = rb.getString("ocspUrl"); String BCY = rb.getString("BCY"); String checkBCY = issuerCert.getIssuerDN().toString(); String host; if (BCY.equals(checkBCY)) { host = rb.getString("ocspBcyUrl"); } else { host = getOcspUrl(peerCert); } //String host = ""; OCSPResp ocspResponse = getOCSPResponse(host, request); if (OCSPRespStatus.SUCCESSFUL != ocspResponse.getStatus()) { continue; // Server didn't give the response right. } BasicOCSPResp basicResponse = (BasicOCSPResp) ocspResponse.getResponseObject(); responses = (basicResponse == null) ? null : basicResponse.getResponses(); //todo use the super exception } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 continue; } if (responses != null && responses.length == 1) { SingleResp resp = responses[0]; OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus status = getRevocationStatus(resp); return status; } } throw new Exception("Cant get Revocation Status from OCSP."); } private static OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus getRevocationStatus(SingleResp resp) throws Exception { Object status = resp.getCertStatus(); if (status == CertificateStatus.GOOD) { return OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus.GOOD; } else if (status instanceof org.bouncycastle.ocsp.RevokedStatus) { return OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus.REVOKED; } else if (status instanceof org.bouncycastle.ocsp.UnknownStatus) { return OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus.UNKNOWN; } throw new Exception("Cant recognize Certificate Status"); } private static List<String> getAIALocations(X509Certificate cert) throws Exception { //Gets the DER-encoded OCTET string for the extension value for Authority information access Points byte[] aiaExtensionValue = cert.getExtensionValue(X509Extensions.AuthorityInfoAccess.getId()); if (aiaExtensionValue == null) { throw new Exception("Certificate doesn't have authority " + "information access points"); } //might have to pass an ByteArrayInputStream(aiaExtensionValue) ASN1InputStream asn1In = new ASN1InputStream(aiaExtensionValue); AuthorityInformationAccess authorityInformationAccess; try { DEROctetString aiaDEROctetString = (DEROctetString) (asn1In.readObject()); ASN1InputStream asn1InOctets = new ASN1InputStream(aiaDEROctetString.getOctets()); ASN1Sequence aiaASN1Sequence = (ASN1Sequence) asn1InOctets.readObject(); authorityInformationAccess = AuthorityInformationAccess.getInstance(aiaASN1Sequence); } catch (IOException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 throw new Exception("Cannot read certificate to get OCSP URLs", ex); } List<String> ocspUrlList = new ArrayList<String>(); AccessDescription[] accessDescriptions = authorityInformationAccess.getAccessDescriptions(); for (AccessDescription accessDescription : accessDescriptions) { GeneralName gn = accessDescription.getAccessLocation(); if (gn.getTagNo() == GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier) { DERIA5String str = DERIA5String.getInstance(gn.getName()); String accessLocation = str.getString(); ocspUrlList.add(accessLocation); } } if (ocspUrlList.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Cant get OCSP urls from certificate"); } return ocspUrlList; } protected static OCSPResp getOCSPResponse(String serviceUrl, OCSPReq request) throws Exception { try { //Todo: Use http client. byte[] array = request.getEncoded(); if (serviceUrl.startsWith("http")) { HttpURLConnection con; URL url = new URL(serviceUrl); con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/ocsp-request"); con.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/ocsp-response"); con.setDoOutput(true); OutputStream out = con.getOutputStream(); DataOutputStream dataOut = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(out)); dataOut.write(array); dataOut.flush(); dataOut.close(); //Check errors in response: if (con.getResponseCode() / 100 != 2) { throw new Exception( "Error getting ocsp response." + "Response code is " + con.getResponseCode()); } //Get Response InputStream in = (InputStream) con.getContent(); return new OCSPResp(in); } else { throw new Exception("Only http is supported for ocsp calls"); } } catch (IOException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 throw new Exception("Cannot get ocspResponse from url: " + serviceUrl, ex); } } private static OCSPReq generateOCSPRequest2(X509Certificate issuerCert, BigInteger serialNumber) throws Exception { //TODO: Have to check if this is OK with synapse implementation. //Add provider BC Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider()); CertificateID id = new CertificateID(CertificateID.HASH_SHA1, issuerCert, serialNumber); OCSPReqGenerator generator = new OCSPReqGenerator(); generator.addRequest(id); BigInteger nonce = BigInteger.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); Vector<ASN1ObjectIdentifier> objectIdentifiers = new Vector<ASN1ObjectIdentifier>(); Vector<X509Extension> values = new Vector<X509Extension>(); objectIdentifiers.add(OCSPObjectIdentifiers.id_pkix_ocsp_nonce); values.add(new X509Extension(false, new DEROctetString(nonce.toByteArray()))); generator.setRequestExtensions(new X509Extensions(objectIdentifiers, values)); return generator.generate(); } private static String getOcspUrl(X509Certificate certificate) throws Exception { byte[] octetBytes = certificate.getExtensionValue(X509Extension.authorityInfoAccess.getId()); DLSequence dlSequence = null; ASN1Encodable asn1Encodable = null; try { ASN1Primitive fromExtensionValue = X509ExtensionUtil.fromExtensionValue(octetBytes); if (!(fromExtensionValue instanceof DLSequence)) { return null; } dlSequence = (DLSequence) fromExtensionValue; for (int i = 0; i < dlSequence.size(); i++) { asn1Encodable = dlSequence.getObjectAt(i); if (!(asn1Encodable instanceof DLSequence)) { break; } } if (!(asn1Encodable instanceof DLSequence)) { return null; } dlSequence = (DLSequence) asn1Encodable; for (int i = 0; i < dlSequence.size(); i++) { asn1Encodable = dlSequence.getObjectAt(i); if (asn1Encodable instanceof DERTaggedObject) { break; } } if (!(asn1Encodable instanceof DERTaggedObject)) { return null; } DERTaggedObject derTaggedObject = (DERTaggedObject) asn1Encodable; byte[] encoded = derTaggedObject.getEncoded(); if (derTaggedObject.getTagNo() == 6) { int len = encoded[1]; return new String(encoded, 2, len); } } catch (IOException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 } return null; } public int convertLocation(int y) { ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config"); String pageHeightStr = rb.getString("pageHeight"); String imageSignatureHeightStr = rb.getString("imageSignatureHeight"); int pageHeight = Integer.parseInt(pageHeightStr); int imageSignatureHeight = Integer.parseInt(imageSignatureHeightStr); int padding = 10; if ((pageHeight - y) < 0) { y = 0; } else { y = pageHeight - y; } if (y > pageHeight - imageSignatureHeight) { y = pageHeight - imageSignatureHeight - padding; } return y; } /** * hieptq update 141015 sign file using plugin * * @return */ public String onSignPlugin() { boolean result = true; String errorCode = ""; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); try { String signType = getRequest().getParameter("signType"); String fileName = getRequest().getParameter("fileName"); String fileName0 = getRequest().getParameter("fileName0"); //hieptq update vi tri luu file ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config"); String uploadPath = rb.getString("PERMIT_path");//160629 binhnt update duong dan luu file cong bo String subDir = String.valueOf(cal.getTime().getYear() + 1900) + separatorFile + String.valueOf(cal.getTime().getMonth() + 1) + separatorFile + String.valueOf(cal.getTime().getDate()) + separatorFile;//ex: 2016\6\29\ String strPath = rb.getString("PERMIT_upload") + subDir; String copyPath = rb.getString("file_sign_link"); String paperOnly = ""; File folderExisting = new File(strPath); if (!folderExisting.isDirectory()) { folderExisting.mkdir(); } if (folderExisting.isDirectory()) { //tao folder theo ngay thang File temp = new File(strPath); if (!temp.isDirectory()) { temp.mkdirs(); } } String[] parts = fileName.split("_"); if (parts.length != 4 && parts.length != 5 && parts.length != 6) { errorCode = "SI_015"; result = false; } if (parts.length == 5 && "LD".equals(parts[0])) { paperOnly = parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + "_" + parts[2] + "_" + parts[3] + "_" + "2" + ".pdf"; } if (parts.length == 6 && "VT".equals(parts[0])) { paperOnly = parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + "_" + parts[2] + "_" + parts[3] + "_" + parts[4] + "_" + "2" + ".pdf"; } //hieptq update 106015 String outputFile = strPath + fileName; String outputFileOriginal = strPath + fileName0; String signature; String signatureOriginal = null; Base64 decoder = new Base64(); signature = new String( decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("signData").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); SignPdfFile pdfSig = new SignPdfFile(); SignPdfFile pdfSig0 = new SignPdfFile(); String checkTsaStr = rb.getString("checkTSA"); Long checkTSA = Long.parseLong(checkTsaStr); pdfSig = (SignPdfFile) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("PDFSignature"); //Hiepvv hoso SDBS sau cong bo khong can cai nay if (fileName0 != null && fileName0.length() > 0 && ("PDHS".equals(signType) || "PDHS_VT".equals(signType))) { signatureOriginal = new String( decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("signDataOriginal").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); pdfSig0 = (SignPdfFile) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("PDFSignature2"); } //hieptq update 110615 String fileSignOutLink = getRequest().getParameter("outPutPath"); String fileSignOutLink2 = getRequest().getParameter("outPutPath2"); try { if (checkTSA == 1l) { pdfSig.insertSignatureFinal(signature, fileSignOutLink, outputFile, true); if ("PDHS".equals(signType) || "PDHS_VT".equals(signType)) { pdfSig0.insertSignatureFinal(signatureOriginal, fileSignOutLink2, outputFileOriginal, true); } } else { pdfSig.insertSignatureFinal(signature, fileSignOutLink, outputFile, false); //Hiepvv hoso SDBS sau cong bo khong can cai nay if (fileSignOutLink2 != null && fileSignOutLink2.length() > 0 && ("PDHS".equals(signType) || "PDHS_VT".equals(signType))) { pdfSig0.insertSignatureFinal(signatureOriginal, fileSignOutLink2, outputFileOriginal, false); } } // if (signType.equals("PDHS") || signType.equals("VT")) { // File source = new File(copyPath + paperOnly); // File dest = new File(PATH1 + paperOnly); // copyFileUsingFileStreams(source, dest); // } } catch (IOException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_016"; System.out.println("IOException " + ex.toString()); result = false; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_017"; System.out.println("Exception " + ex.getMessage()); result = false; } finally { try { if (deleteFile(fileSignOutLink)) { System.out.println("Deleted file: " + fileSignOutLink); } else { errorCode = "SI_018"; result = false; } //Hiepvv SDBS sau cong bo khong co file 2 if (("PDHS".equals(signType) || "PDHS_VT".equals(signType)) && fileSignOutLink2 != null && fileSignOutLink2.length() > 0) { if (deleteFile(copyPath + paperOnly)) { System.out.println("Deleted file: " + copyPath + paperOnly); } else { errorCode = "SI_020"; result = false; } if (deleteFile(fileSignOutLink2)) { System.out.println("Deleted file: " + fileSignOutLink2); } else { errorCode = "SI_019"; result = false; } } if (deleteFile(copyPath + fileName)) { System.out.println("Deleted file: " + copyPath + fileName); } else { errorCode = "SI_021"; result = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 System.out.println("Delete file fail ! " + ex.toString()); } } System.out.println("Signed file: " + outputFile); try { if (updateSignPlugin(fileName, subDir, uploadPath) == false) { errorCode = "SI_022"; result = false; } if (("PDHS".equals(signType) || "PDHS_VT".equals(signType)) //Hiepvv && fileSignOutLink2 != null && fileSignOutLink2.length() > 0) { if (updateSignPlugin(paperOnly, subDir, uploadPath) == false) { errorCode = "SI_023"; result = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_024"; result = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_025"; result = false; } List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (result) { resultMessage.add("1"); } else { resultMessage.add("0"); resultMessage.add(errorCode); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } public String onSignPluginAA() { boolean result = true; String errorCode = ""; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); try { // String signType = getRequest().getParameter("signType"); String fileName = getRequest().getParameter("fileName"); // String fileName0 = getRequest().getParameter("fileName0"); //hieptq update vi tri luu file ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config"); String uploadPath = rb.getString("PERMIT_path"); String subDir = String.valueOf(cal.getTime().getYear() + 1900) + separatorFile + String.valueOf(cal.getTime().getMonth() + 1) + separatorFile + String.valueOf(cal.getTime().getDate()) + separatorFile;//ex: 2016\6\29\ String PATH1 = rb.getString("PERMIT_upload") + subDir; String copyPath = rb.getString("file_sign_link"); File folderExisting = new File(PATH1); if (!folderExisting.isDirectory()) { folderExisting.mkdir(); } if (folderExisting.isDirectory()) { //tao folder theo ngay thang File temp = new File(PATH1); if (!temp.isDirectory()) { temp.mkdirs(); } } String[] parts = fileName.split("_"); if (parts.length != 4 && parts.length != 5 && parts.length != 6) { errorCode = "SI_015"; result = false; } // if (parts.length == 5 && parts[0].equals("LD")) { // paperOnly = parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + "_" + parts[2] + "_" + parts[3] + "_" + "2" + ".pdf"; // } // if (parts.length == 6 && parts[0].equals("VT")) { // paperOnly = parts[0] + "_" + parts[1] + "_" + parts[2] + "_" + parts[3] + "_" + parts[4] + "_" + "2" + ".pdf"; // } //hieptq update 106015 String outputFile = PATH1 + fileName; // String outputFileOriginal = ""; // if (fileName0 != null && fileName0 != "") { // outputFileOriginal = PATH1 + fileName0; // } String signature; // String signatureOriginal = null; Base64 decoder = new Base64(); signature = new String( decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("signData").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); SignPdfFile pdfSig = new SignPdfFile(); // SignPdfFile pdfSig0 = new SignPdfFile(); String checkTsaStr = rb.getString("checkTSA"); Long checkTSA = Long.parseLong(checkTsaStr); pdfSig = (SignPdfFile) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("PDFSignature"); //Hiepvv hoso SDBS sau cong bo khong can cai nay // if (fileName0 != null && fileName0.length() > 0 && (signType.equals("PDHS") || signType.equals("PDHS_VT"))) { // signatureOriginal = new String(decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("signDataOriginal").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); // pdfSig0 = (SignPdfFile) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("PDFSignature2"); // } //hieptq update 110615 String fileSignOutLink = getRequest().getParameter("outPutPath"); // String fileSignOutLink2 = getRequest().getParameter("outPutPath2"); try { if (checkTSA == 1l) { pdfSig.insertSignatureFinal(signature, fileSignOutLink, outputFile, true); // if (signType.equals("PDHS") || signType.equals("PDHS_VT")) { // if (!outputFileOriginal.equals("")) { // pdfSig0.insertSignatureFinal(signatureOriginal, fileSignOutLink2, outputFileOriginal, true); // } // } } else { pdfSig.insertSignatureFinal(signature, fileSignOutLink, outputFile, false); // if (fileSignOutLink2 != null && fileSignOutLink2.length() > 0 && (signType.equals("PDHS") || signType.equals("PDHS_VT"))) { // if (!outputFileOriginal.equals("")) { // pdfSig0.insertSignatureFinal(signatureOriginal, fileSignOutLink2, outputFileOriginal, false); // } // } } } catch (IOException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_016"; System.out.println("IOException " + ex.toString()); result = false; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_017"; System.out.println("Exception " + ex.getMessage()); result = false; } finally { try { if (deleteFile(fileSignOutLink)) { System.out.println("Deleted file: " + fileSignOutLink); } else { errorCode = "SI_018"; result = false; } //Hiepvv SDBS sau cong bo khong co file 2 // if ((signType.equals("PDHS") || signType.equals("PDHS_VT")) // && fileSignOutLink2 != null && fileSignOutLink2.length() > 0 && !outputFileOriginal.equals("")) { // if (deleteFile(copyPath + paperOnly)) { // System.out.println("Deleted file: " + copyPath + paperOnly); // } else { // errorCode = "SI_020"; // result = false; // } // if (deleteFile(fileSignOutLink2)) { // System.out.println("Deleted file: " + fileSignOutLink2); // } else { // errorCode = "SI_019"; // result = false; // } // } if (deleteFile(copyPath + fileName)) { System.out.println("Deleted file: " + copyPath + fileName); } else { errorCode = "SI_021"; result = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 System.out.println("Delete file fail ! " + ex.toString()); } } System.out.println("Signed file: " + outputFile); try { if (updateSignPlugin(fileName, subDir, uploadPath) == false) { errorCode = "SI_022"; result = false; } // if ((signType.equals("PDHS") || signType.equals("PDHS_VT")) // //Hiepvv // && fileSignOutLink2 != null && fileSignOutLink2.length() > 0) { // if (updateSignPlugin(paperOnly) == false) { // errorCode = "SI_023"; // result = false; // } // } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_024"; result = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_025"; result = false; } List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (result) { resultMessage.add("1"); } else { resultMessage.add("0"); resultMessage.add(errorCode); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } public boolean deleteFile(String filePath) { boolean result = true; try { if (filePath != null && filePath.trim().length() > 0) { File file = new File(filePath); if (!file.delete()) { result = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 result = false; } return result; } // Insert cac file dc ky vao DB /** * * @param fileName * @return */ public Boolean updateSignPlugin(String fileName, String destination, String uploadPath) { boolean result = true; try { // Save info to DB String[] parts = fileName.split("_"); if (parts.length != 4 && parts.length != 5 && parts.length != 6) { result = false; } String signType = ""; Integer indexFile = 0; if (parts.length == 4) { signType = parts[3].substring(0, parts[3].indexOf(".pdf")); } else if (parts.length == 6) { if ("VT".equals(parts[0])) { signType = parts[4]; indexFile = Integer.parseInt(parts[5].substring(0, parts[5].indexOf(".pdf"))); } else { signType = parts[3]; indexFile = Integer.parseInt(parts[4].substring(0, parts[4].indexOf(".pdf"))); } } else if (parts.length == 5) { if ("VT".equals(parts[0])) { signType = parts[4].substring(0, parts[4].indexOf(".pdf")); } else { signType = parts[3]; indexFile = Integer.parseInt(parts[4].substring(0, parts[4].indexOf(".pdf"))); } } String fileId = parts[2]; if ("".equals(fileId) || "".equals(signType)) { Logger.getLogger(FilesWS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, "Li trong qu trnh upload file k ln server: Tn File khng ng nh dng"); result = false; } VoAttachsDAOHE vdhe = new VoAttachsDAOHE(); if ("LD".equals(parts[0])) { VoAttachs voUpload = new VoAttachs(); voUpload.setObjectId(Long.parseLong(fileId)); voUpload.setIsActive(1l); voUpload.setCreateDate(vdhe.getSysdate()); if ("PDHS".equals(signType)) { if (indexFile == 0 || indexFile == 1) { voUpload.setObjectType(40L); } else if (indexFile == 2) { voUpload.setObjectType(41L); } else { Logger.getLogger(FilesWS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, "Li trong qu trnh upload file k ln server: PDHS khng xc nh c th t File k"); result = false; } //Hiepvv 0703 dat ten file FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files fName = fdhe.findById(Long.parseLong(fileId)); if (fName.getFilesSourceID() != null && fName.getFilesSourceID() > 0) { voUpload.setAttachName("CongvanSDBSsaucongbo_" + fileName); voUpload.setObjectType(40L); } else { voUpload.setAttachName("Bancongbo_" + fileName); } } else if ("CVBS".equals(signType)) { voUpload.setObjectType(71L); voUpload.setAttachName("CongvanSdbs_" + fileName); } else { Logger.getLogger(FilesWS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, "Li trong qu trnh upload file k ln server: Tn File khng ng nh dng"); result = false; } voUpload.setAttachPath(uploadPath + destination + fileName); vdhe.saveDbNotCommit(voUpload); } else if ("VT".equals(parts[0])) { List<VoAttachs> voa; if ("PDHS".equals(signType)) { if (indexFile == 0 || indexFile == 1) { voa = vdhe.getAttachsByObject(Long.parseLong(fileId), 40L); if (voa != null && voa.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < voa.size(); i++) { voa.get(i).setIsActive(0L); vdhe.updateDbNotCommit(voa.get(i)); } } } else if (indexFile == 2) { voa = vdhe.getAttachsByObject(Long.parseLong(fileId), 41L); if (voa != null && voa.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < voa.size(); i++) { voa.get(i).setIsActive(0L); vdhe.updateDbNotCommit(voa.get(i)); } } } } VoAttachs voUpload = new VoAttachs(); voUpload.setObjectId(Long.parseLong(fileId)); voUpload.setIsActive(1l); voUpload.setCreateDate(vdhe.getSysdate()); if ("PDHS".equals(signType)) { if (indexFile == 0 || indexFile == 1) { voUpload.setObjectType(40L); } else if (indexFile == 2) { voUpload.setObjectType(41L); } else { Logger.getLogger(FilesWS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, "Li trong qu trnh upload file k ln server: PDHS khng xc nh c th t File k"); result = false; } //Hiepvv 0703 dat ten file FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files fName = fdhe.findById(Long.parseLong(fileId)); if (fName.getFilesSourceID() != null && fName.getFilesSourceID() > 0) { voUpload.setAttachName("CongvanSDBSsaucongbo_" + fileName); voUpload.setObjectType(40L); } else { voUpload.setAttachName("Bancongbo_" + fileName); } } else if ("CVBS".equals(signType)) { voUpload.setObjectType(71L); voUpload.setAttachName("CongvanSdbs_" + fileName); } else { Logger.getLogger(FilesWS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, "Li trong qu trnh upload file k ln server: Tn File khng ng nh dng"); result = false; } voUpload.setAttachPath(uploadPath + destination + fileName); vdhe.saveDbNotCommit(voUpload); } // Update status to File if ("PDHS".equals(signType)) { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files file = fdhe.findById(Long.parseLong(fileId)); file.setIsDownload(1L); if ("VT".equals(parts[0])) { file.setIsSignPdf(2l); fdhe.saveDbNoCommit(file); } else if ("LD".equals(parts[0])) { file.setIsSignPdf(1l); fdhe.saveDbNoCommit(file); } else { Logger.getLogger(FilesWS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, "Li trong qu trnh upload file k ln server: Tn File khng ng nh dng"); result = false; } } vdhe.commitDb(); //Hiepvv_Home copy file S?BS sau cng b sang file gc if ("PDHS".equals(signType) && "VT".equals(parts[0])) { if (fileId != null && fileId.length() > 0) { Long fId = Long.parseLong(fileId); result = copyFileChangeAfterAnnouncedToFileSource(fId); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // Logger.getLogger(FilesWS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); result = false; } return result; } //Hiepvv_Home Copy file nhn v file cng vn ca h s S?BS sau cng b sang h s gc public boolean copyFileChangeAfterAnnouncedToFileSource(Long fileId) { VoAttachsDAOHE vDAO = new VoAttachsDAOHE(); ProcedureDAOHE pdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Files f = new Files(); FilesDAOHE fDAO = new FilesDAOHE(); try { if (fileId != null && fileId > 0L) { f = fDAO.findById(fileId); Procedure pro = pdhe.findById(f.getFileType()); String typePro = ""; if (pro != null) { typePro = pro.getDescription(); } //Nu l S?BS sau cng b if (typePro != null && announcementFile05.equalsIgnoreCase(typePro)) { boolean isCheck = false; VoAttachs vAtt; VoAttachs voUpload; List<VoAttachs> lstVoAtt = vDAO.getLstVoAttachByObjectId(fileId); if (lstVoAtt != null && lstVoAtt.size() > 0) { //Check vn th ng du tr doanh nghip for (int i = 0; i < lstVoAtt.size(); i++) { vAtt = lstVoAtt.get(i); if (vAtt.getObjectType() == 41L || vAtt.getObjectType() == 40L) { isCheck = true; break; } } //Nu vn th tr cng b v cha copy files if (isCheck == true && (f.getIsCopy() == null || f.getIsCopy() != 1L)) { for (int i = 0; i < lstVoAtt.size(); i++) { vAtt = lstVoAtt.get(i); //Hiepvv chi insert cong van sdbs sau cong bo ve ho so goc if (vAtt.getObjectType() == 41L || vAtt.getObjectType() == 40L) { voUpload = new VoAttachs(); //Copy voUpload.setObjectId(f.getFilesSourceID()); voUpload.setIsActive(1l); voUpload.setCreateDate(vAtt.getCreateDate()); voUpload.setAttachName(vAtt.getAttachName()); voUpload.setAttachPath(vAtt.getAttachPath()); voUpload.setAttachDes("Cng vn sa i b sung sau cng b"); voUpload.setCategoryName("Cng vn sa i b sung sau cng b"); voUpload.setObjectType(vAtt.getObjectType()); if (vAtt.getCategoryId() != null) { voUpload.setCategoryId(vAtt.getCategoryId()); } if (vAtt.getDeptId() != null) { voUpload.setDeptId(vAtt.getDeptId()); } if (vAtt.getIsTemp() != null) { voUpload.setIsTemp(vAtt.getIsTemp()); } if (vAtt.getOriginalId() != null) { voUpload.setOriginalId(vAtt.getOriginalId()); } if (vAtt.getUserCreateId() != null) { voUpload.setUserCreateId(vAtt.getUserCreateId()); } vDAO.saveDbNotCommit(voUpload); // voUpload.set(vAtt.getAttachDes()); } //Hiepvv update file nhan dinh kem ve ho so goc // if(vAtt.getObjectType()==17L || vAtt.getObjectType()==41L || vAtt.getObjectType()==40L){ // voUpload = new VoAttachs(); // //Copy // voUpload.setObjectId(f.getFilesSourceID(); // voUpload.setIsActive(1l); // voUpload.setCreateDate(vAtt.getCreateDate()); // voUpload.setAttachName(vAtt.getAttachName()); // voUpload.setAttachPath(vAtt.getAttachPath()); // if(vAtt.getObjectType()==41L || vAtt.getObjectType()==40L){ // voUpload.setAttachDes("Cng vn sa i b sung sau cng b"); // voUpload.setCategoryName("Cng vn sa i b sung sau cng b"); // voUpload.setObjectType(30L); // }else{ // voUpload.setAttachDes(vAtt.getAttachDes()); // voUpload.setCategoryName(vAtt.getCategoryName()); // voUpload.setObjectType(vAtt.getObjectType()); // } // if(vAtt.getCategoryId()!=null) // voUpload.setCategoryId(vAtt.getCategoryId()); // if(vAtt.getDeptId()!=null) // voUpload.setDeptId(vAtt.getDeptId()); // if(vAtt.getIsTemp()!=null) // voUpload.setIsTemp(vAtt.getIsTemp()); // if(vAtt.getOriginalId()!=null) // voUpload.setOriginalId(vAtt.getOriginalId()); // if(vAtt.getUserCreateId()!=null) // voUpload.setUserCreateId(vAtt.getUserCreateId()); // // vDAO.saveDbNotCommit(voUpload); //// voUpload.set(vAtt.getAttachDes()); // } } vDAO.commitDb(); //Update files chuyn cc file cn thit qua h s gc f.setIsCopy(1L); getSession().update(f); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // Logger.getLogger(FilesWS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return false; } return true; } //Hiepvv_Home Lnh o sa i ni dung cng vn public boolean loadTitleAndContentEditAfterAnnounced() { Long fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("fileId")); try { if (fileId > 0L) { FilesDAOHE fHE = new FilesDAOHE(); Files f = fHE.findById(fileId); createForm = new FilesForm(); createForm.setFileId(fileId); createForm.setTitleEditATTP(f.getTitleEditATTP()); createForm.setContentsEditATTP(f.getContentsEditATTP()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } //Acction edit title and content public String onEditTitleAndContent() { Long fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("fileId")); String title = getRequest().getParameter("title") == null ? "" : getRequest().getParameter("fileId"); String content = getRequest().getParameter("content") == null ? "" : getRequest().getParameter("fileId"); try { if (fileId > 0L) { FilesDAOHE fHE = new FilesDAOHE(); Files f = fHE.findById(fileId); f.setTitleEditATTP(title); f.setContentsEditATTP(content); getSession().update(f); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); return GRID_DATA; } return GRID_DATA; } /** * phan cong tham dinh ho so * * @return */ public String onReAssignEvaluation() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("reAssignEvaluation.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("reAssignEvaluation.startServer") .toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("reAssignEvaluation.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("reAssignEvaluation.countServer") .toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } } if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = bdhe.findAllFileForReAssignEvaluation(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), start, count, sortField); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("reAssignEvaluation.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("reAssignEvaluation.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } /* * Danh sach ho so da cong bo cua doanh nghiep */ public String toBusinessEditAfterAnnouncedFilesPage() { if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setStatus(22l); } isEdit = true; ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure2(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); // CategoryDAOHE che = new CategoryDAOHE(); // lstProductType = che.findAllCategory("SP"); // getRequest().setAttribute("lstProductType", lstProductType); // BusinessDAOHE bdhe = new BusinessDAOHE(); // Business bus = bdhe.findById(getBusinessId()); // // if (bus.getIsCa() != null && bus.getIsCa() == 1) { // getRequest().setAttribute("isCa", bus.getIsCa()); // } else { // getRequest().setAttribute("isCa", 0); // } // DepartmentDAOHE dphe = new DepartmentDAOHE(); // Department dept = dphe.findByDeptCode("ATTP"); // Long AgencyId = dept.getDeptId(); // String AgencyName = dept.getDeptName(); // getRequest().setAttribute("AgencyId", AgencyId); // getRequest().setAttribute("AgencyName", AgencyName); return businessEditAfterAnnouncedFilesPage; } /** * Hiepvv Tim kiem danh sach ho so sua doi cua mot ho so cua doanh nghiep * * @return */ public String onsearchListFilesChangesAfterAnnouned() { getGridInfo(); FilesNoClobDAOHE fdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); ProcedureDAOHE pdaohe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); Procedure p = new Procedure(); //Get Procedure SDBS try { p = pdaohe.getProcedureByDescription(announcementFile05); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 p = null; return GRID_DATA; } GridResult gr; //Get ID File source when click view if (p != null) { if (fileSourceID == null) { fileSourceID = 0L; } gr = fdhe.searchListFilesChangesAfterAnnouned(fileSourceID, start, count, sortField, p.getProcedureId()); } else { gr = new GridResult(0, null); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } public String onEvaluateNew() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(createForm.getFileId(), createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { boolean bReturn = fdhe.onEvaluate(createForm, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName());//thuc hien tham dinh ho so if (bReturn) { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); // Hiepvv_Home Update Title And Content of File SDBS after announced Files fo = fdhe.findById(createForm.getFileId()); if (fo.getFilesSourceID() != null && fo.getFilesSourceID() > 0 && fo.getFileSourceCode() != null) { if (createForm.getTitleEditATTP() != null) { fo.setTitleEditATTP(createForm.getTitleEditATTP()); } else { fo.setTitleEditATTP(createForm.getTitleEdit()); } if (createForm.getContentsEditATTP() != null) { fo.setContentsEditATTP(createForm.getContentsEditATTP()); } else { fo.setContentsEditATTP(createForm.getContentsEdit()); } getSession().update(fo); } //End Hiepvv_Home Files file = fdhe.findById(createForm.getFileId()); fdhe.saveStatusFiles(file, "H s m: " + file.getFileCode() + " ? c thm nh"); } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng"); } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Thm nh h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); return GRID_DATA; } public String onAssignEvaluationAfterAnnounced() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("assignEvaluation.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("assignEvaluation.startServer").toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("assignEvaluation.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("assignEvaluation.countServer").toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } } if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = bdhe.findAllFileForAssignEvaluationAfterAnnounced(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), start, count, sortField); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("assignEvaluation.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("assignEvaluation.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } public String toAssignEvaluationAfterAnnounced() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); //Hiepvv tach rieng chuc nang sua doi sau cong bo List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedureAfterAnnounced(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } return ASSIGN_EVALUATION_AFTER_ANNOUNCED_PAGE; } public String onsearchLookupFilesAfterAnnounced() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("lookupAfterAnnounced.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("lookupFilesByClerical.startServer") .toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("lookupAfterAnnounced.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("lookupFilesByClerical.countServer") .toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } } FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } GridResult gr = bdhe.searchLookupFilesAfterAnnounced(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), Constants.ROLES.CLERICAL_ROLE, start, count, sortField, ""); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("lookupAfterAnnounced.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("lookupAfterAnnounced.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } public String lookupFilesAfterAnnounced() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List lstLDP = udaohe.findLstUserByPosition(getDepartmentId(), Constants.POSITION.LEADER_OF_STAFF_T); if (lstLDP == null || lstLDP.isEmpty()) { List<String> lstLeader = new ArrayList<String>(); lstLeader.add(Constants.POSITION.LEADER_OF_STAFF_T); lstLeader.add(Constants.POSITION.GDTT); lstLDP = udaohe.findLstUserByLstPosition(getDepartmentId(), lstLeader); } lstLeaderOfStaff = new ArrayList(); if (lstLDP != null && !lstLDP.isEmpty()) { lstLeaderOfStaff.addAll(lstLDP); } lstLeaderOfStaff.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderOfStaff", lstLeaderOfStaff); return lookupAfterAnnouncedPage; } public String toEvaluateLeaderAAPage() { ProcedureDAOHE cdhe = new ProcedureDAOHE(); List lstTTHC = cdhe.getAllProcedure(); lstCategory = new ArrayList(); lstCategory.addAll(lstTTHC); lstCategory.add(0, new Procedure(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstFileType", lstCategory); // Get Role List<Roles> roles = getListRolesByUser(); String lstRole = ""; if (roles != null && roles.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < roles.size(); i++) { lstRole += roles.get(i).getRoleCode() + ";"; } } getRequest().setAttribute("lstRole", lstRole); UsersDAOHE udaohe = new UsersDAOHE(); List<String> lstStaff = new ArrayList<String>(); lstStaff.add(Constants.POSITION.VFA_CV); lstStaff.add(Constants.POSITION.NV); if (udaohe.checkUserByLstPosition(getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), lstStaff)) {//la chuyen vien List lstLDP = udaohe.getAllLeaderOfStaffInOffice(getDepartmentId()); if (lstLDP != null) { List lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid = new ArrayList(); lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDP); lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderOfStaff", lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid); } } else {//la pho phong - lay danh sach ldc va truong phong List lstLDC = udaohe.getLeaderByUser(getDepartmentId()); List lstLDP = udaohe.getTruongPhong(getDepartmentId()); List lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid = new ArrayList(); if (lstLDC != null) { lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDC); } if (lstLDP != null) { lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.addAll(lstLDP); } lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid.add(0, new Users(Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_VALUE, Constants.COMBOBOX_HEADER_TEXT_SELECT)); getRequest().setAttribute("lstLeaderOfStaff", lstLeaderOfStaffOnGrid); } return EVALUATION_LEADER_PAGE_AA; } public String onEvaluateByLeaderManyFiles() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); int nSuccess = 0; int nError = 0; String sid = ""; Long id = getRequest().getParameter("leaderId") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("leaderId")); String name = ""; try { Base64 decoder = new Base64(); name = new String(decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("leaderName").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // Logger.getLogger(FilesDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } for (int i = 0; i < lstItemOnGrid.size(); i++) { FilesForm form = lstItemOnGrid.get(i); if (form != null && form.getFileId() != null && form.getFileId() != 0L) { boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(form.getFileId(), form, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { form.setStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.EVALUATED); form.setLeaderStaffRequest("? thm nh nhi?u h s t."); form.setLeaderReviewId(id); form.setLeaderReviewName(name); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onEvaluateByLeaderManyFiles(form, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); sid += form.getFileId() + ","; if (bReturn) { nSuccess++; } else { nError++; } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } } } String strAlert = "Thm nh nhi?u h s thnh cng, c " + nSuccess + " h s thnh cng v " + nError + " h s thm nh khng thnh cng"; resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add(strAlert); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Thm nh nhi?u h s", "Thm nh nhi?u h s id=" + sid, getRequest()); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } public String onEvaluateByLeaderManyFilesToAdd() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); int nSuccess = 0; int nError = 0; String sid = ""; Long id = getRequest().getParameter("leaderId") == null ? 0L : Long.parseLong(getRequest().getParameter("leaderId")); String name = ""; try { Base64 decoder = new Base64(); name = new String(decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("leaderName").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // Logger.getLogger(FilesDAO.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } for (int i = 0; i < lstItemOnGrid.size(); i++) { FilesForm form = lstItemOnGrid.get(i); if (form != null && form.getFileId() != null && form.getFileId() != 0L) { boolean check = fdhe.validateRoleUser(form.getFileId(), form, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); if (check) { form.setStatus(Constants.FILE_STATUS.FEDBACK_TO_ADD); form.setLeaderStaffRequest( "Ph phng ng vi kt lun yu cu sbs ca chuyn vin."); form.setLeaderReviewId(id); form.setLeaderReviewName(name); boolean bReturn = fdhe.onEvaluateByLeaderManyFilesToAdd(form, getDepartmentId(), getDepartment().getDeptName(), getUserId(), getUserName()); sid += form.getFileId() + ","; if (bReturn) { nSuccess++; } else { nError++; } } else { resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng - Li phn quy?n ng?i dng"); } } } String strAlert = "Thm nh b sung nhi?u h s thnh cng, c " + nSuccess + " h s thnh cng v " + nError + " h s thm nh b sung khng thnh cng"; resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add(strAlert); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Thm nh nhi?u h s", "Thm nh nhi?u h s id=" + sid, getRequest()); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } public String onAssignEvaluationForRE() { getGridInfo(); if (searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() != null && searchForm.getFlagSavePaging() == 1) { try { String startServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("assignEvaluation.startServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("assignEvaluation.startServer").toString(); String countServerStr = getRequest().getSession() .getAttribute("assignEvaluation.countServer") == null ? "" : getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("assignEvaluation.countServer").toString(); if (!startServerStr.isEmpty() && !countServerStr.isEmpty()) { count = Integer.parseInt(countServerStr); start = Integer.parseInt(startServerStr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } } if (searchForm == null) { searchForm = new FilesForm(); searchForm.setDeptId(getDepartmentId()); } FilesNoClobDAOHE bdhe = new FilesNoClobDAOHE(); GridResult gr = bdhe.findAllFileForAssignEvaluationForRE(searchForm, getDepartmentId(), getUserId(), start, count, sortField); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("assignEvaluation.startServer", start); getRequest().getSession().setAttribute("assignEvaluation.countServer", count); jsonDataGrid.setItems(gr.getLstResult()); jsonDataGrid.setTotalRows(gr.getnCount().intValue()); return GRID_DATA; } public String getCommentEvaluateFormByLeaderForAA() { getGridInfo(); List customInfo = new ArrayList(); String strObjectId = getRequest().getParameter("objectId"); Long objectId = 0l; try { objectId = Long.parseLong(strObjectId); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 // log.error(en.getMessage()); } FilesDAOHE fdaohe = new FilesDAOHE(); Files fbo = fdaohe.findById(objectId); EvaluationRecordsDAOHE erdaohe = new EvaluationRecordsDAOHE(); EvaluationRecords erbo = erdaohe.findFilesByFileId(fbo); String legal = ""; String foodSafetyQuality = ""; String effectUtility = ""; String standard = ""; Long llegal = null; Long lfoodSafetyQuality = null; Long leffectUtility = null; Long lstandard = null; if (erbo != null && fbo != null) { legal = erbo.getLegalContent(); foodSafetyQuality = erbo.getFoodSafetyQualityContent(); effectUtility = erbo.getEffectUtilityContent(); standard = fbo.getStaffRequest(); lstandard = fbo.getEffectiveDate(); llegal = erbo.getLegal(); lfoodSafetyQuality = erbo.getFoodSafetyQuality(); leffectUtility = erbo.getEffectUtility(); } customInfo.add(legal);//0 customInfo.add(foodSafetyQuality);//1 customInfo.add(effectUtility);//2 customInfo.add(standard);//3 customInfo.add(lstandard);//4 customInfo.add(llegal);//5 customInfo.add(lfoodSafetyQuality);//6 customInfo.add(leffectUtility);//7 //160628 bo sung noi dung sua sau cong bo String titleEditATTP = ""; String contentsEditATTP = ""; if (fbo != null) { if (fbo.getTitleEditATTP() != null && !"".equals(fbo.getTitleEditATTP().trim())) { titleEditATTP = fbo.getTitleEditATTP(); } else { titleEditATTP = fbo.getTitleEdit(); } if (fbo.getContentsEditATTP() != null && !"".equals(fbo.getContentsEditATTP().trim())) { contentsEditATTP = fbo.getContentsEditATTP(); } else { contentsEditATTP = fbo.getContentsEdit(); } } customInfo.add(titleEditATTP);//8 customInfo.add(contentsEditATTP);//9 //!160628 jsonDataGrid.setCustomInfo(customInfo); return GRID_DATA; } /** * * @return @throws IOException */ public String actionSignCARegisterCA() throws IOException { boolean result; String base64Hash = ""; String certSerial = ""; String errorCode = ""; SignPdfFile pdfSig = new SignPdfFile(); try { String rootCert = null, base64Certificate = null; Base64 decoder = new Base64(); String certChain = new String( decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("cert").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); String[] chain; try { chain = certChain.split(","); rootCert = chain[1]; base64Certificate = chain[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_001"; result = false; } if (base64Certificate == null) { errorCode = "SI_002"; result = false; } X509Certificate x509Cert = null; X509Certificate x509CertChain = null; try { x509Cert = CertUtils.getX509Cert(base64Certificate); x509CertChain = CertUtils.getX509Cert(rootCert); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_003"; result = false; } PDFServerClientSignature pdfSCS = new PDFServerClientSignature(); ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config"); String TSA_LINK = rb.getString("tsaUrl"); pdfSCS.setTSA_LINK(TSA_LINK); String checkOcspStr = rb.getString("checkOCSP"); Long checkOCSP = Long.parseLong(checkOcspStr); try { certSerial = x509Cert.getSerialNumber().toString(16); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_004"; result = false; } CaUserDAOHE ca = new CaUserDAOHE(); if (!ca.checkCaSerial("SerialNumber:[" + certSerial + "]")) { result = true; } else { result = false; } try { if (checkOCSP == 1l) { OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus status = checkRevocationStatus((X509Certificate) x509Cert, (X509Certificate) x509CertChain); if (status != OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus.GOOD) { errorCode = "SI_006"; result = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_007"; result = false; } } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_014"; result = false; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_015"; result = false; } finally { } List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (result) { CaUser caUserBo = new CaUser(); caUserBo.setCaSerial("SerialNumber:[" + certSerial + "]"); caUserBo.setUserName(getUserLogin()); caUserBo.setStatus(1); caUserBo.setBusinessId(getBusinessId()); getSession().saveOrUpdate(caUserBo); BusinessDAOHE bdhe = new BusinessDAOHE(); Business bus = bdhe.findById(getBusinessId()); bus.setIsCa(1l); getSession().update(bus); HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); HttpSession session = req.getSession(); session.setAttribute("PDFSignature", pdfSig); resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Kim tra thng tin ch k s thnh cng."); resultMessage.add(base64Hash); resultMessage.add(certSerial); } else { resultMessage.add("0"); resultMessage.add("Kim tra thng tin ch k s khng thnh cng " + errorCode); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * * @return */ public String onSignPluginRegisterCA() { List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); resultMessage.add("1"); jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * * @return @throws IOException */ public String actionSignCAFile() throws IOException { boolean result = true; String base64Hash = ""; String certSerial = ""; String fileId = ""; String outPutFileFinal = ""; String fileName = ""; String fileToSign = ""; String errorCode = ""; SignPdfFile pdfSig = new SignPdfFile(); try { fileId = getRequest().getParameter("fileId"); String rootCert = null, base64Certificate = null; Base64 decoder = new Base64(); String certChain = new String( decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("cert").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); String sToFind = getRequest().getParameter("signType"); String path = getRequest().getParameter("path"); String[] pathArr = path.split(";"); fileToSign = pathArr[0]; fileName = pathArr[1]; String[] chain; try { chain = certChain.split(","); rootCert = chain[1]; base64Certificate = chain[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_001"; result = false; } if (base64Certificate == null) { errorCode = "SI_002"; result = false; } X509Certificate x509Cert = null; X509Certificate x509CertChain = null; try { x509Cert = CertUtils.getX509Cert(base64Certificate); x509CertChain = CertUtils.getX509Cert(rootCert); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_003"; result = false; } PDFServerClientSignature pdfSCS = new PDFServerClientSignature(); ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config"); String TSA_LINK = rb.getString("tsaUrl"); pdfSCS.setTSA_LINK(TSA_LINK); String checkOcspStr = rb.getString("checkOCSP"); Long checkOCSP = Long.parseLong(checkOcspStr); try { certSerial = x509Cert.getSerialNumber().toString(16); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_004"; result = false; } String filePath = rb.getString("sign_temp_plugin"); File f = new File(filePath); if (!f.exists()) { f.mkdirs(); } outPutFileFinal = filePath + fileName; CaUserDAOHE ca = new CaUserDAOHE(); boolean checkCaUser = true; if (!ca.checkCaSerial("SerialNumber:[" + certSerial + "]")) { errorCode = "SI_005"; result = false; } try { if (checkOCSP == 1l) { OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus status = checkRevocationStatus((X509Certificate) x509Cert, (X509Certificate) x509CertChain); if (status != OCSP.RevocationStatus.CertStatus.GOOD) { errorCode = "SI_006"; result = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_007"; result = false; } if (checkCaUser) {//u 16 07 29 String folderPath = ResourceBundleUtil.getString("sign_image"); String folderStampDN = ResourceBundleUtil.getString("directory"); String linkImageSign = folderPath + getUserId() + ".png"; String linkImageStamp = folderPath + "attp.png"; CaUser cabo; CaUserDAOHE cadaohe = new CaUserDAOHE(); List<CaUser> lstCabo = cadaohe.findCaUserBySerialUser("SerialNumber:[" + certSerial + "]", getUserLogin()); if (!lstCabo.isEmpty() && lstCabo != null) { cabo = lstCabo.get(0); folderStampDN += cabo.getSignature(); } linkImageSign = linkImageStamp; if ((linkImageSign == null && "".equals(linkImageSign)) || (linkImageStamp == null && "".equals(linkImageStamp)) || (folderStampDN == null && "".equals(folderStampDN))) { errorCode = "SI_008"; result = false; } try { if ("CBDN".equals(sToFind)) { if (fileToSign == null && "".equals(fileToSign)) { errorCode = "SI_009"; result = false; } sToFind = "<SI>"; SearchTextLocations ptl = new SearchTextLocations(); List local = ptl.searchLocation(sToFind, fileToSign, SearchTextLocations.SEARCH_TOPDOWN, SearchTextLocations.FIND_ONE); String location = "0;0;0"; int pageNumber, lx, ly; if (local != null && local.size() > 0) { location = local.get(0).toString(); } String[] parts = location.split(";"); pageNumber = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); lx = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[1]); ly = (int) Float.parseFloat(parts[2]); ly = convertLocation(ly); base64Hash = pdfSig.createHash(fileToSign, outPutFileFinal, new Certificate[] { x509Cert }, pageNumber, folderStampDN, lx + 70, ly + 130, 120, 70, "DN"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_012"; result = false; } } else { errorCode = "SI_013"; result = false; } } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_014"; result = false; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_015"; System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); result = false; } finally { } List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (result) { HttpServletRequest req = getRequest(); HttpSession session = req.getSession(); session.setAttribute("PDFSignature", pdfSig); resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); resultMessage.add(base64Hash); resultMessage.add(certSerial); resultMessage.add(fileId); resultMessage.add(outPutFileFinal); resultMessage.add(fileName); } else { resultMessage.add("0"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu khng thnh cng " + errorCode); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * * @return */ public String onSignFileUsingPlugin() { boolean result = true; String errorCode = ""; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); try { String fileName = getRequest().getParameter("fileName"); ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("config"); String uploadPath = rb.getString("PERMIT_path");//160629 binhnt update duong dan luu file cong bo String subDir = String.valueOf(cal.getTime().getYear() + 1900) + separatorFile + String.valueOf(cal.getTime().getMonth() + 1) + separatorFile + String.valueOf(cal.getTime().getDate()) + separatorFile;//ex: 2016\6\29\ String strPath = rb.getString("PERMIT_upload") + subDir; String copyPath = rb.getString("file_sign_link"); File folderExisting = new File(strPath); if (!folderExisting.isDirectory()) { folderExisting.mkdir(); } if (folderExisting.isDirectory()) { //tao folder theo ngay thang File temp = new File(strPath); if (!temp.isDirectory()) { temp.mkdirs(); } } String[] parts = fileName.split("_"); if (parts.length != 3) { errorCode = "SI_015"; result = false; } String outputFile = strPath + fileName; String signature; Base64 decoder = new Base64(); signature = new String( decoder.decode(getRequest().getParameter("signData").replace("_", "+").getBytes()), "UTF-8"); SignPdfFile pdfSig = new SignPdfFile(); pdfSig = (SignPdfFile) getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("PDFSignature"); String fileSignOutLink = getRequest().getParameter("outPutPath"); try { pdfSig.insertSignatureFinal(signature, fileSignOutLink, outputFile, false); } catch (IOException ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_016"; System.out.println("IOException " + ex.toString()); result = false; } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_017"; System.out.println("Exception " + ex.getMessage()); result = false; } finally { try { if (deleteFile(fileSignOutLink)) { System.out.println("Deleted file: " + fileSignOutLink); } else { errorCode = "SI_018"; result = false; } if (deleteFile(copyPath + fileName)) { System.out.println("Deleted file: " + copyPath + fileName); } else { errorCode = "SI_021"; result = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 System.out.println("Delete file fail ! " + ex.toString()); } } System.out.println("Signed file: " + outputFile); try { if (updateSignFileUsingPlugin(fileName, subDir, uploadPath) == false) { errorCode = "SI_022"; result = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_024"; result = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 errorCode = "SI_025"; result = false; } List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); if (result) { resultMessage.add("1"); } else { resultMessage.add("0"); resultMessage.add(errorCode); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * * @return */ public String onUpdateIsSignFile() { FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); List resultMessage = new ArrayList(); try { resultMessage.add("1"); resultMessage.add("Lu d liu thnh cng"); if (createForm.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.APPROVED)) { getBarcode(createForm); } Files file = fdhe.findById(createForm.getFileId()); file.setIsSignPdf(1L); getSession().update(file); EventLogDAOHE edhe = new EventLogDAOHE(); edhe.insertEventLog("Ph duyt h s", "h s c id=" + createForm.getFileId(), getRequest()); getSession().getTransaction().commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 resultMessage.add("3"); resultMessage.add("Ph duyt khng thnh cng"); // log.error(ex.getMessage()); } jsonDataGrid.setItems(resultMessage); return GRID_DATA; } /** * * @param fileName * @param destination * @param uploadPath * @return */ public Boolean updateSignFileUsingPlugin(String fileName, String destination, String uploadPath) { boolean result = true; try { // Save info to DB String[] parts = fileName.split("_"); String signType = parts[0]; String fileId = parts[2].substring(0, parts[2].indexOf(".pdf")); if ("".equals(fileId) || "".equals(signType)) { Logger.getLogger(FilesWS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, "Li trong qu trnh upload file k ln server: Tn File khng ng nh dng"); result = false; } FilesDAOHE fdhe = new FilesDAOHE(); VoAttachsDAOHE vdhe = new VoAttachsDAOHE(); VoAttachs voUpload; Files file = fdhe.findById(Long.parseLong(fileId)); if (file.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.NEW_CREATE)) { List<VoAttachs> listVoAtt = vdhe.getAttachsByObject(file.getFileId(), Constants.ATTACH_OBJECT_TYPE.CBDN); if (listVoAtt != null && !listVoAtt.isEmpty()) { voUpload = listVoAtt.get(0); voUpload.setCreateDate(vdhe.getSysdate()); voUpload.setObjectType(Constants.ATTACH_OBJECT_TYPE.CBDN); voUpload.setAttachName(fileName); voUpload.setAttachPath(uploadPath + destination + fileName); voUpload.setUserCreateId(getUserId()); vdhe.saveDbNotCommit(voUpload); } else { voUpload = new VoAttachs(); voUpload.setObjectId(Long.parseLong(fileId)); voUpload.setIsActive(1l); voUpload.setCreateDate(vdhe.getSysdate()); voUpload.setObjectType(Constants.ATTACH_OBJECT_TYPE.CBDN); voUpload.setAttachName(fileName); voUpload.setAttachPath(uploadPath + destination + fileName); voUpload.setUserCreateId(getUserId()); vdhe.saveDbNotCommit(voUpload); } } if (file.getStatus().equals(Constants.FILE_STATUS.EVALUATED_TO_ADD)) { List<VoAttachs> listVoAtt = vdhe.getAttachsByObject(file.getFileId(), Constants.ATTACH_OBJECT_TYPE.CBDN); if (listVoAtt != null && !listVoAtt.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < listVoAtt.size(); i++) { listVoAtt.get(0).setIsActive(-1L); vdhe.saveDbNotCommit(listVoAtt.get(0)); } voUpload = new VoAttachs(); voUpload.setObjectId(Long.parseLong(fileId)); voUpload.setIsActive(1l); voUpload.setCreateDate(vdhe.getSysdate()); voUpload.setObjectType(Constants.ATTACH_OBJECT_TYPE.CBDN); voUpload.setAttachName(fileName); voUpload.setAttachPath(uploadPath + destination + fileName); voUpload.setUserCreateId(getUserId()); vdhe.saveDbNotCommit(voUpload); } else { voUpload = new VoAttachs(); voUpload.setObjectId(Long.parseLong(fileId)); voUpload.setIsActive(1l); voUpload.setCreateDate(vdhe.getSysdate()); voUpload.setObjectType(Constants.ATTACH_OBJECT_TYPE.CBDN); voUpload.setAttachName(fileName); voUpload.setAttachPath(uploadPath + destination + fileName); voUpload.setUserCreateId(getUserId()); vdhe.saveDbNotCommit(voUpload); } } file.setIsSignPdf(Constants.TYPE_SIGN.DN); file.setUserSigned(Constants.TYPE_SIGN.CBDN); fdhe.saveDbNoCommit(file); vdhe.commitDb(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.addLog(ex);//binhnt sonar a160901 Logger.getLogger(FilesWS.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); result = false; } return result; } }