Example usage for java.security.cert Certificate getPublicKey

List of usage examples for java.security.cert Certificate getPublicKey


In this page you can find the example usage for java.security.cert Certificate getPublicKey.


public abstract PublicKey getPublicKey();

Source Link


Gets the public key from this certificate.


From source file:com.mqm.frame.infrastructure.util.ValidateLicense.java

 * License// w ww  .  j a  v a2s  . com
 * @param licenseColl LicenseColl
 * @param path String
 * @return boolean
public static boolean validateLicense(LicenseColl licenseColl, String path) {
    // ??
    boolean payedUser = true;
    List<String> macAddressList = CollectMacAddress.getMacAddress();
    for (LicenseInfo licenseInfo : licenseColl.getLicenseInfoList()) {
        String productName = licenseInfo.getProductName();
        String expirationDate = licenseInfo.getExpiration();
        String signature = licenseInfo.getSignature();
        boolean flag = false;
        String data = new StringBuffer().append(productName).append(expirationDate).toString();
        java.security.cert.CertificateFactory cf;
        try {
            cf = java.security.cert.CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");

            java.security.cert.Certificate cert = cf
                    .generateCertificate(new FileInputStream(path + "/WEB-INF/fbrp.cer"));

            PublicKey pubKey = cert.getPublicKey();
            // ??Signature
            Signature sig = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withDSA");
            // ?License
            boolean verifies = sig.verify(Base64.decode((InternationalizationUtil.getBytes(signature))));
            if (verifies) {
                Date evalDate = DateTimeUtil.parseDate(expirationDate);
                if (evalDate.before(new Date())) {
                    // ?
                    payedUser = false;
                } else {
                    flag = true;
                    payedUser = true;
                            "" + productName + " License" + expirationDate + "?");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("", e);

        if (!flag) {
            payedUser = false;
                    "" + productName + " License??License?");
    return payedUser;

From source file:org.bankinterface.util.KeyStoreUtil.java

public static String pemToPkHex(String certString) throws IOException, CertificateException {
    Certificate cert = pemToCert(certString);
    return Hex.encodeHex(cert.getPublicKey().getEncoded()).toString();

From source file:kr.co.exsoft.eframework.util.LicenseUtil.java

 * //from   ww w.j ava2s .c  o m
 * <pre> 
 * 1.  :  ??   WAS
 * 2.  :
 * </pre>
 * @Method Name : decipherLicenseKeyWeb
 * @param licenseKey
 * @return String
 * @throws Exception
public static String decipherLicenseKeyWeb(String licenseKey) throws Exception {

    String ret = null;

    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(licenseKey)) {

        // URLDecoder - ? ?   
        String certName = URLDecoder.decode(
                LicenseUtil.class.getResource("/").getPath() + "kr/co/exsoft/eframework/cert/exsoft.cer",

        //  WAS  
        if (certName.indexOf("WEB-INF/") != -1) {
            certName = certName.replace("WEB-INF", "WEB-INF/");

        FileInputStream certfis = null;

        try {
            certfis = new FileInputStream(certName);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // JBOSS?  Jboss system property?   .
            // Jboss system  ? standalone.xml ? 
               <property name="org.apache.catalina.connector.URI_ENCODING" value="UTF-8" />
               <property name="org.apache.catalina.connector.USE_BODY_ENCODING_FOR_QUERY_STRING" value="true" />
               <property name="exsoft.license.cert.path" value="D:/jboss-eap-6.3/standalone/deployments/EDMS3.0.war/WEB-INF/classes" /> 
            // Jboss exception ?  WAS System property    

            certName = URLDecoder.decode(
                    System.getProperty("exsoft.license.cert.path") + "/kr/co/exsoft/eframework/cert/exsoft.cer",

            try {
                certfis = new FileInputStream(certName);
            } catch (Exception e2) {

        CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
        Certificate cert = cf.generateCertificate(certfis);

        PublicKey key = cert.getPublicKey();

        // ??  .
        ret = unspell(licenseKey, key);

    return ret;

From source file:com.glaf.core.security.SecurityUtils.java

 * ?????,??//from www  . j  a  va  2  s.  c om
 * @param ctx
 * @param symmetryKey
 * @param pubKey
 * @return String(?base64?)
public static String generateDigitalEnvelope(SecurityContext ctx, Key symmetryKey, byte[] pubKey) {
    String result = null;
    InputStream inputStream = null;
    try {
        CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
        inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(pubKey);
        java.security.cert.Certificate cert = cf.generateCertificate(inputStream);
        PublicKey publicKey = cert.getPublicKey();
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ctx.getAsymmetryAlgorithm());

        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey);
        result = Base64.encodeBase64String(cipher.doFinal(symmetryKey.getEncoded()));
        return result;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new SecurityException(ex);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (inputStream != null) {
                inputStream = null;
        } catch (IOException ex) {

From source file:net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.keystore.KeyStoreUtil.java

 * Is the key pair entry identified by alias a EC key pair?
 * @param alias//from   w  ww  .java 2s .co  m
 *            Alias of key pair entry
 * @param keyStore
 *            KeyStore that contains the key pair
 * @return True, if alias is a EC key pair
 * @throws KeyStoreException
 *                If there was a problem accessing the KeyStore.
public static boolean isECKeyPair(String alias, KeyStore keyStore) throws KeyStoreException {

    if (!isKeyPairEntry(alias, keyStore)) {
        return false;

    Certificate certificate = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
    String algorithm = certificate.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm();
    return algorithm.equals(EC.jce());

From source file:net.sf.jsignpdf.utils.KeyStoreUtils.java

 * Returns true if the given certificate can be used for encryption, false
 * otherwise./*from  w ww .  ja v a  2  s . c o  m*/
 * @param cert
 * @return
public static boolean isEncryptionSupported(final Certificate cert) {
    boolean result = false;
    if (cert != null) {
        try {
            result = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.debug("Not possible to encrypt with the certificate", e);
    return result;

From source file:org.dspace.authenticate.X509Authentication.java

 * Verify CERTIFICATE against KEY. Return true if and only if CERTIFICATE is
 * valid and can be verified against KEY.
 * @param context//from  w ww  . j ava 2  s  .  c om
 *            The current DSpace context
 * @param certificate -
 *            An X509 certificate object
 * @return - True if CERTIFICATE is valid and can be verified against KEY,
 *         false otherwise.
private static boolean isValid(Context context, X509Certificate certificate) {
    if (certificate == null) {
        return false;

    // This checks that current time is within cert's validity window:
    try {
    } catch (CertificateException e) {
        log.info(LogManager.getHeader(context, "authentication",
                "X.509 Certificate is EXPIRED or PREMATURE: " + e.toString()));
        return false;

    // Try CA public key, if available.
    if (caPublicKey != null) {
        try {
            return true;
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
            log.info(LogManager.getHeader(context, "authentication",
                    "X.509 Certificate FAILED SIGNATURE check: " + e.toString()));

    // Try it with keystore, if available.
    if (caCertKeyStore != null) {
        try {
            Enumeration ke = caCertKeyStore.aliases();

            while (ke.hasMoreElements()) {
                String alias = (String) ke.nextElement();
                if (caCertKeyStore.isCertificateEntry(alias)) {
                    Certificate ca = caCertKeyStore.getCertificate(alias);
                    try {
                        return true;
                    } catch (CertificateException ce) {
            log.info(LogManager.getHeader(context, "authentication",
                    "Keystore method FAILED SIGNATURE check on client cert."));
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
            log.info(LogManager.getHeader(context, "authentication",
                    "X.509 Certificate FAILED SIGNATURE check: " + e.toString()));

    return false;

From source file:org.signserver.server.cryptotokens.CryptoTokenHelper.java

 * Checks that the supplied certificate has a public key matching the
 * exiting one in the keystore.//from   ww  w.j a v  a  2s.c  om
 * @param keyStore to get the current public key from
 * @param alias of the entry to check
 * @param newCertificate to compare with the current one
 * @throws KeyStoreException if the keystore has not been initialized
 * @throws CryptoTokenOfflineException in case the keys does not match
public static void ensureNewPublicKeyMatchesOld(KeyStore keyStore, String alias, Certificate newCertificate)
        throws KeyStoreException, CryptoTokenOfflineException {
    Certificate oldCert = keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
    if (!oldCert.getPublicKey().equals(newCertificate.getPublicKey())) {
        throw new CryptoTokenOfflineException("New certificate public key does not match current one");

From source file:com.bcmcgroup.flare.client.ClientUtil.java

 * Fetch a public key (certificate) from KeyStore
 * @param keyStorePath a String containing the path to the KeyStore
 * @param keyStorePW   a String containing the KeyStore password
 * @param alias        a String containing the alias of targeted certificate
 * @return the PublicKey object containing the targeted public key
 */// www .j  a  v a 2s. c  o  m
public static PublicKey getPublicKeyByAlias(String keyStorePath, String keyStorePW, String alias) {
    KeyStore ks;
    FileInputStream is = null;
    try {
        ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
        is = new FileInputStream(keyStorePath);
        ks.load(is, keyStorePW.toCharArray());
        Certificate certificate = ks.getCertificate(alias);
        if (certificate != null) {
            return certificate.getPublicKey();
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        logger.error("FileNotFoundException when attempting to extract a public key by an alias in a keystore. "
                + e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("IOException when attempting to extract a public key by an alias in a keystore. " + e);
    } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
                "KeyStoreException when attempting to extract a public key by an alias in a keystore. " + e);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
                "NoSuchAlgorithmException when attempting to extract a public key by an alias in a keystore. "
                        + e);
    } catch (CertificateException e) {
                "CertificateException when attempting to extract a public key by an alias in a keystore. " + e);
    } finally {
        if (is != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                logger.error("IOException when attempting to close an input stream. " + ioe);
    return null;

From source file:org.signserver.server.cryptotokens.CryptoTokenHelper.java

 * Performs test signatures for the specified keys or for all if "all" specified.
 * @param keyStore Loaded keystore to read keys from
 * @param alias Alias of key to test or "all" to test all
 * @param authCode Key password (if used, ie for JKS only)
 * @param signatureProvider Provider for creating the signature
 * @return The results for each key found
 * @throws CryptoTokenOfflineException In case the key could not be used
 *///from  w w  w  .  j  a v a2 s  .c om
public static Collection<KeyTestResult> testKey(KeyStore keyStore, String alias, char[] authCode,
        String signatureProvider) throws CryptoTokenOfflineException {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("testKey for alias: " + alias);

    final Collection<KeyTestResult> result = new LinkedList<KeyTestResult>();

    try {
        final Enumeration<String> e = keyStore.aliases();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            final String keyAlias = e.nextElement();
            if (alias.equalsIgnoreCase(ICryptoToken.ALL_KEYS) || alias.equals(keyAlias)) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("checking keyAlias: " + keyAlias);

                if (keyStore.isKeyEntry(keyAlias)) {
                    String status;
                    String publicKeyHash = null;
                    boolean success = false;
                    try {
                        final PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey) keyStore.getKey(keyAlias, authCode);
                        final Certificate entryCert = keyStore.getCertificate(keyAlias);
                        if (entryCert != null) {
                            final PublicKey publicKey = entryCert.getPublicKey();
                            publicKeyHash = createKeyHash(publicKey);
                            testSignAndVerify(privateKey, publicKey, signatureProvider);
                            success = true;
                            status = "";
                        } else {
                            status = "Not testing keys with alias " + keyAlias + ". No certificate exists.";
                    } catch (ClassCastException ce) {
                        status = "Not testing keys with alias " + keyAlias + ". Not a private key.";
                    } catch (InvalidKeyException ex) {
                        LOG.error("Error testing key: " + keyAlias, ex);
                        status = ex.getMessage();
                    } catch (KeyStoreException ex) {
                        LOG.error("Error testing key: " + keyAlias, ex);
                        status = ex.getMessage();
                    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
                        LOG.error("Error testing key: " + keyAlias, ex);
                        status = ex.getMessage();
                    } catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) {
                        LOG.error("Error testing key: " + keyAlias, ex);
                        status = ex.getMessage();
                    } catch (SignatureException ex) {
                        LOG.error("Error testing key: " + keyAlias, ex);
                        status = ex.getMessage();
                    } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException ex) {
                        LOG.error("Error testing key: " + keyAlias, ex);
                        status = ex.getMessage();
                    result.add(new KeyTestResult(keyAlias, success, status, publicKeyHash));
    } catch (KeyStoreException ex) {
        throw new CryptoTokenOfflineException(ex);

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
    return result;