Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004 - 2013 Wayne Grant * 2013 - 2016 Kai Kramer * * This file is part of KeyStore Explorer. * * KeyStore Explorer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * KeyStore Explorer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with KeyStore Explorer. If not, see <>. */ package net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.keystore; import static net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.SecurityProvider.APPLE; import static net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.SecurityProvider.BOUNCY_CASTLE; import static net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.SecurityProvider.MS_CAPI; import static net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.keypair.KeyPairType.EC; import static net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.SecurityProvider.HTJSSE; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import; import gnu.crypto.pki.provider.GnuPki; import static net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.keystore.KeyStoreType.BKS; import static net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.keystore.KeyStoreType.BKS_V1; import static net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.keystore.KeyStoreType.KEYCHAIN; import static net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.keystore.KeyStoreType.UBER; import net.sf.keystore_explorer.ApplicationSettings; import net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.CryptoException; import net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.Password; import net.sf.keystore_explorer.crypto.filetype.CryptoFileUtil; /** * Provides utility methods for loading/saving KeyStores. The BouncyCastle * provider must be added before using this class to create or load a PKCS12, * BKS or UBER type KeyStores. * */ public final class KeyStoreUtil { private static ResourceBundle res = ResourceBundle .getBundle("net/sf/keystore_explorer/crypto/keystore/resources"); private KeyStoreUtil() { } /** * Create a new, empty KeyStore. * * @param keyStoreType * The KeyStore type to create * @return The KeyStore * @throws CryptoException * Problem encountered creating the KeyStore * @throws IOException * An I/O error occurred */ public static KeyStore create(KeyStoreType keyStoreType) throws CryptoException, IOException { if (!keyStoreType.isFileBased()) { throw new CryptoException(MessageFormat .format(res.getString("NoCreateKeyStoreNotFile.exception.message"), keyStoreType.jce())); } KeyStore keyStore = getKeyStoreInstance(keyStoreType); try { keyStore.load(null, null); } catch (CertificateException ex) { throw new CryptoException( MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoLoadKeyStoreType.exception.message"), keyStoreType), ex); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new CryptoException( MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoLoadKeyStoreType.exception.message"), keyStoreType), ex); } return keyStore; } /** * Load a KeyStore, auto-detecting the type, from a file accessed by a * password. * * @param keyStoreFile * File to load KeyStore from * @param password * Password of the KeyStore * @return The KeyStore or null if file did not contain a KeyStore of a * recognised type * @throws KeyStoreLoadException * Problem encountered loading the KeyStore as the auto-detected * type * @throws CryptoException * Problem encountered loading the KeyStore * @throws FileNotFoundException * If the KeyStore file does not exist, is a directory rather * than a regular file, or for some other reason cannot be * opened for reading */ public static KeyStore load(File keyStoreFile, Password password) throws CryptoException, FileNotFoundException { KeyStoreType keyStoreType = null; try { keyStoreType = CryptoFileUtil.detectKeyStoreType(new FileInputStream(keyStoreFile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw ex; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoLoadKeyStore.exception.message"), ex); } if (keyStoreType == null) { return null; } return load(keyStoreFile, password, keyStoreType); } /** * Load a KeyStore from a file accessed by a password. * * @param keyStoreFile * File to load KeyStore from * @param password * Password of the KeyStore * @param keyStoreType * The type of the KeyStore to open * @return The KeyStore * @throws KeyStoreLoadException * Problem encountered loading the KeyStore as the specified * type * @throws CryptoException * Problem encountered loading the KeyStore * @throws FileNotFoundException * If the KeyStore file does not exist, is a directory rather * than a regular file, or for some other reason cannot be * opened for reading */ public static KeyStore load(File keyStoreFile, Password password, KeyStoreType keyStoreType) throws CryptoException, FileNotFoundException { if (!keyStoreType.isFileBased()) { throw new CryptoException(MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoLoadKeyStoreNotFile.exception.message"), keyStoreType.jce())); } FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(keyStoreFile); KeyStore keyStore = getKeyStoreInstance(keyStoreType); try { keyStore.load(fis, password.toCharArray()); } catch (CertificateException ex) { throw new KeyStoreLoadException( MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoLoadKeyStoreType.exception.message"), keyStoreType), ex, keyStoreType); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new KeyStoreLoadException( MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoLoadKeyStoreType.exception.message"), keyStoreType), ex, keyStoreType); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw ex; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new KeyStoreLoadException( MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoLoadKeyStoreType.exception.message"), keyStoreType), ex, keyStoreType); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fis); } return keyStore; } /** * Is Apple Keychain supported? * * @return True if it is, false otherwise */ public static boolean isAppleKeychainSupported() { return Security.getProvider(APPLE.jce()) != null; } /** * Load the Apple Keychain as a KeyStore. The KeyStore is not file based and * therefore does not need to be saved. * * @return The Keychain as a KeyStore * @throws CryptoException * Problem encountered loading the KeyStore */ public static KeyStore loadAppleKeychain() throws CryptoException { if (!isAppleKeychainSupported()) { throw new CryptoException(res.getString("AppleKeychainNotSupported.exception.message")); } KeyStore keyStore = null; try { keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KEYCHAIN.jce(), APPLE.jce()); } catch (KeyStoreException ex) { throw new CryptoException( MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoCreateKeyStore.exception.message"), KEYCHAIN.jce()), ex); } catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) { throw new CryptoException( MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoCreateKeyStore.exception.message"), KEYCHAIN.jce()), ex); } try { keyStore.load(null, null); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new CryptoException( MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoLoadKeyStoreType.exception.message"), KEYCHAIN.jce()), ex); } catch (CertificateException ex) { throw new CryptoException( MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoLoadKeyStoreType.exception.message"), KEYCHAIN.jce()), ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CryptoException( MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoLoadKeyStoreType.exception.message"), KEYCHAIN.jce()), ex); } return keyStore; } /** * Are MSCAPI Stores supported? * * @return True if they are, false otherwise */ public static boolean areMsCapiStoresSupported() { return Security.getProvider(MS_CAPI.jce()) != null; } /** * Load an MS CAPI Store as a KeyStore. The KeyStore is not file based and * therefore does not need to be saved. * * @param msCapiStoreType * MS CAPI Store Type * @return The MS CAPI Store as a KeyStore * @throws CryptoException * Problem encountered loading the KeyStore */ public static KeyStore loadMsCapiStore(MsCapiStoreType msCapiStoreType) throws CryptoException { if (!areMsCapiStoresSupported()) { // May previously have been set on an MSCAPI supporting JRE ApplicationSettings.getInstance().setUseWindowsTrustedRootCertificates(false); throw new CryptoException(res.getString("MsCapiStoresNotSupported.exception.message")); } KeyStore keyStore = null; try { keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(msCapiStoreType.jce(), MS_CAPI.jce()); } catch (KeyStoreException ex) { throw new CryptoException(MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoCreateKeyStore.exception.message"), msCapiStoreType.jce()), ex); } catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) { throw new CryptoException(MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoCreateKeyStore.exception.message"), msCapiStoreType.jce()), ex); } try { keyStore.load(null, null); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new CryptoException(MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoLoadKeyStoreType.exception.message"), msCapiStoreType.jce()), ex); } catch (CertificateException ex) { throw new CryptoException(MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoLoadKeyStoreType.exception.message"), msCapiStoreType.jce()), ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CryptoException(MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoLoadKeyStoreType.exception.message"), msCapiStoreType.jce()), ex); } return keyStore; } /** * Save a KeyStore to a file protected by a password. * * @param keyStore * The KeyStore * @param keyStoreFile * The file to save the KeyStore to * @param password * The password to protect the KeyStore with * @throws CryptoException * Problem encountered saving the KeyStore * @throws FileNotFoundException * If the KeyStore file exists but is a directory rather than a * regular file, does not exist but cannot be created, or cannot * be opened for any other reason * @throws IOException * An I/O error occurred */ public static void save(KeyStore keyStore, File keyStoreFile, Password password) throws CryptoException, IOException { KeyStoreType keyStoreType = KeyStoreType.resolveJce(keyStore.getType()); if (!keyStoreType.isFileBased()) { throw new CryptoException(MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoSaveKeyStoreNotFile.exception.message"), keyStoreType.jce())); } FileOutputStream fos = null; fos = new FileOutputStream(keyStoreFile); try {, password.toCharArray()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoSaveKeyStore.exception.message"), ex); } catch (KeyStoreException ex) { throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoSaveKeyStore.exception.message"), ex); } catch (CertificateException ex) { throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoSaveKeyStore.exception.message"), ex); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoSaveKeyStore.exception.message"), ex); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fos); } } /** * Does the supplied KeyStore contain any key entries? ie any entries that * contain a key with no certificate chain. * * @param keyStore * KeyStore * @return True if it does * @throws CryptoException * Problem occurred checking the KeyStore */ public static boolean containsKey(KeyStore keyStore) throws CryptoException { try { Enumeration<String> aliases = keyStore.aliases(); while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) { String alias = aliases.nextElement(); if (isKeyEntry(alias, keyStore)) { return true; } } return false; } catch (KeyStoreException ex) { throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoCheckKeyStoreKeys.exception.message"), ex); } } /** * Is the named entry in the KeyStore a key pair entry? * * @param alias * Alias * @param keyStore * KeyStore * @return True if it is, false otherwise * @throws KeyStoreException * If there was a problem accessing the KeyStore. */ public static boolean isKeyPairEntry(String alias, KeyStore keyStore) throws KeyStoreException { return keyStore.isKeyEntry(alias) && keyStore.getCertificateChain(alias) != null && keyStore.getCertificateChain(alias).length != 0; } /** * Is the named entry in the KeyStore a key entry? * * @param alias * Alias * @param keyStore * KeyStore * @return True if it is, false otherwise * @throws KeyStoreException * If there was a problem accessing the KeyStore. */ public static boolean isKeyEntry(String alias, KeyStore keyStore) throws KeyStoreException { return keyStore.isKeyEntry(alias) && (keyStore.getCertificateChain(alias) == null || keyStore.getCertificateChain(alias).length == 0); } /** * Is the named entry in the KeyStore a trusted certificate entry? * * @param alias * Alias * @param keyStore * KeyStore * @return True if it is, false otherwise * @throws KeyStoreException * If there was a problem accessing the KeyStore. */ public static boolean isTrustedCertificateEntry(String alias, KeyStore keyStore) throws KeyStoreException { return keyStore.isCertificateEntry(alias); } /** * Copy a KeyStore. * * @param keyStore * KeyStore to copy * @return Copy * @throws CryptoException * Problem encountered copying the KeyStore */ public static KeyStore copy(KeyStore keyStore) throws CryptoException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { char[] emptyPassword = {};, emptyPassword); KeyStore theCopy = KeyStoreUtil.create(KeyStoreType.resolveJce(keyStore.getType())); theCopy.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()), emptyPassword); return theCopy; } catch (CryptoException ex) { throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoCopyKeyStore.exception.message"), ex); } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) { throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoCopyKeyStore.exception.message"), ex); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoCopyKeyStore.exception.message"), ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new CryptoException(res.getString("NoCopyKeyStore.exception.message"), ex); } } private static KeyStore getKeyStoreInstance(KeyStoreType keyStoreType) throws CryptoException { try { if (keyStoreType == BKS || keyStoreType == BKS_V1 || keyStoreType == UBER) { if (Security.getProvider(BOUNCY_CASTLE.jce()) == null) { throw new CryptoException(MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoProvider.exception.message"), BOUNCY_CASTLE.jce())); } return KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType.jce(), BOUNCY_CASTLE.jce()); } else if (keyStoreType == KeyStoreType.HTKS) { com.haitai.jsse.provider.HTJsse(true)); gnu.crypto.jce.GnuCrypto()); GnuPki()); return KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType.jce(), HTJSSE.jce()); } else { return KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType.jce()); } } catch (KeyStoreException ex) { throw new CryptoException( MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoCreateKeyStore.exception.message"), keyStoreType), ex); } catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) { throw new CryptoException( MessageFormat.format(res.getString("NoProvider.exception.message"), BOUNCY_CASTLE.jce())); } } /** * Is the key pair entry identified by alias a EC key pair? * * @param alias * Alias of key pair entry * @param keyStore * KeyStore that contains the key pair * @return True, if alias is a EC key pair * @throws KeyStoreException * If there was a problem accessing the KeyStore. */ public static boolean isECKeyPair(String alias, KeyStore keyStore) throws KeyStoreException { if (!isKeyPairEntry(alias, keyStore)) { return false; } Certificate certificate = keyStore.getCertificate(alias); String algorithm = certificate.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm(); return algorithm.equals(EC.jce()); } /** * Is the keystore entry type supported (e.g. exclude Card Verifiable Certificates) * * @param alias * Alias of keystore entry * @param keyStore * KeyStore that contains the key pair or certificate * @return True, if entry type is supported * @throws KeyStoreException * If there was a problem accessing the KeyStore. */ public static boolean isSupportedEntryType(String alias, KeyStore keyStore) throws KeyStoreException { Certificate certificate = keyStore.getCertificate(alias); return (certificate == null) || (certificate instanceof X509Certificate); } }