List of usage examples for java.nio.file StandardOpenOption WRITE
StandardOpenOption WRITE
To view the source code for java.nio.file StandardOpenOption WRITE.
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void findMaxDirPathNio(File root) { int maxName = findMaxDirname(root) - 10; String one = mkstr("onedir", maxName) + "/"; for (int rpt = 1; rpt < 1000; rpt++) { String path = StringUtils.repeat(one, rpt); File dir = new File(root, path); String dirstr = dir.getPath(); boolean res = dir.mkdirs(); if (!res) {"mkdirs failed at " + dirstr.length() + " chars"); break; }/*from w w w . j a v a2 s . c om*/"mkdirs ok: " + dirstr.length()); File f = new File(dir, "foobbb"); try { Path npath = Paths.get(f.getPath()); Files.createFile(npath); FileChannel ochan =, StandardOpenOption.WRITE); OutputStream os = Channels.newOutputStream(ochan); os.write((byte) 44); os.close(); FileChannel ichan =, StandardOpenOption.READ); InputStream is = Channels.newInputStream(ichan); int bb =; is.close(); assertEquals(44, bb);"file ok at " + npath.toString().length() + " chars"); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { log.error("FNF: " + f.getPath().length(), fnfe); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("IOE: " + f.getPath().length() + ", " + ioe.getMessage()); } } }
From source
@Test public void thinArchives() throws IOException, InterruptedException { assumeTrue(Platform.detect() == Platform.MACOS || Platform.detect() == Platform.LINUX); ProjectFilesystem filesystem = new ProjectFilesystem(tmp.getRoot()); CxxPlatform platform = CxxBuckConfig(FakeBuckConfig.builder().build())); assumeTrue(platform.getAr().supportsThinArchives()); // Build up the paths to various files the archive step will use. SourcePathResolver sourcePathResolver = new SourcePathResolver(new SourcePathRuleFinder( new BuildRuleResolver(TargetGraph.EMPTY, new DefaultTargetNodeToBuildRuleTransformer()))); Archiver archiver = platform.getAr(); Path output = filesystem.getPath("foo/libthin.a"); filesystem.mkdirs(output.getParent()); // Create a really large input file so it's obvious that the archive is thin. Path input = filesystem.getPath("bar/blah.dat"); filesystem.mkdirs(input.getParent()); byte[] largeInputFile = new byte[1024 * 1024]; byte[] fillerToRepeat = "hello\n".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); for (int i = 0; i < largeInputFile.length; i++) { largeInputFile[i] = fillerToRepeat[i % fillerToRepeat.length]; }//from www .ja va 2 s . c o m filesystem.writeBytesToPath(largeInputFile, input); // Build an archive step. ArchiveStep archiveStep = new ArchiveStep(filesystem, archiver.getEnvironment(), archiver.getCommandPrefix(sourcePathResolver), ImmutableList.of(), getArchiveOptions(true), output, ImmutableList.of(input), archiver); // Execute the archive step and verify it ran successfully. ExecutionContext executionContext = TestExecutionContext.newInstance(); TestConsole console = (TestConsole) executionContext.getConsole(); int exitCode = archiveStep.execute(executionContext).getExitCode(); assertEquals("archive step failed: " + console.getTextWrittenToStdErr(), 0, exitCode); // Verify that the thin header is present. assertThat(filesystem.readFirstLine(output), Matchers.equalTo(Optional.of("!<thin>"))); // Verify that even though the archived contents is really big, the archive is still small. assertThat(filesystem.getFileSize(output), Matchers.lessThan(1000L)); // NOTE: Replace the thin header with a normal header just so the commons compress parser // can parse the archive contents. try (OutputStream outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(filesystem.resolve(output), StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) { outputStream.write(ObjectFileScrubbers.GLOBAL_HEADER); } // Now read the archive entries and verify that the timestamp, UID, and GID fields are // zero'd out. try (ArArchiveInputStream stream = new ArArchiveInputStream( new FileInputStream(filesystem.resolve(output).toFile()))) { ArArchiveEntry entry = stream.getNextArEntry(); // Verify that the input names are relative paths from the outputs parent dir. assertThat(entry.getName(), Matchers.equalTo(output.getParent().relativize(input).toString())); } }
From source
@Override public void overwriteFlow(final InputStream is) throws IOException { writeLock.lock();/*from w w w .j a v a 2s . c o m*/ try (final OutputStream output = Files.newOutputStream(flowXml, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE); final OutputStream gzipOut = new GZIPOutputStream(output);) { FileUtils.copy(is, gzipOut); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
From source
protected Map<String, Collection<String>> getStaleStationIds() { Map<String, Collection<String>> staleIds = new HashMap<>(); DefaultJsonRequest req = factory.get(DefaultJsonRequest.Action.POST, RestNouns.SCHEDULE_MD5S, clnt.getHash(), clnt.getUserAgent(), clnt.getBaseUrl()); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < this.req.length(); ++i) { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); o.put("stationID", this.req.getString(i)); data.put(o);//from w w w.jav a 2 s .c o m } try { JSONObject result = Config.get().getObjectMapper().readValue(req.submitForJson(data), JSONObject.class); if (!JsonResponseUtils.isErrorResponse(result)) { Iterator<?> idItr = result.keys(); while (idItr.hasNext()) { String stationId =; boolean schedFileExists = Files .exists(vfs.getPath("schedules", String.format("%s.txt", stationId))); Path cachedMd5File = vfs.getPath("md5s", String.format("%s.txt", stationId)); JSONObject cachedMd5s = Files.exists(cachedMd5File) ? Config.get().getObjectMapper() .readValue(new String(Files.readAllBytes(cachedMd5File), ZipEpgClient.ZIP_CHARSET.toString()), JSONObject.class) : new JSONObject(); JSONObject stationInfo = result.getJSONObject(stationId); Iterator<?> dateItr = stationInfo.keys(); while (dateItr.hasNext()) { String date =; JSONObject dateInfo = stationInfo.getJSONObject(date); if (!schedFileExists || isScheduleStale(dateInfo, cachedMd5s.optJSONObject(date))) { Collection<String> dates = staleIds.get(stationId); if (dates == null) { dates = new ArrayList<String>(); staleIds.put(stationId, dates); } dates.add(date); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(String.format("Station %s/%s queued for refresh!", stationId, date)); } else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(String.format("Station %s is unchanged on the server; skipping it!", stationId)); } Files.write(cachedMd5File, stationInfo.toString(3).getBytes(ZipEpgClient.ZIP_CHARSET), StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.CREATE); } } } catch (Throwable t) { Grabber.failedTask = true; LOG.error("Error processing cache; returning partial stale list!", t); } return staleIds; }
From source
@Test public void getContents() throws IOException, URISyntaxException, XmlProcessingException, InterruptedException { final String bucketName = "test_get_contents"; try {//from w w w . j av a m HELPERS.ensureBucketExists(bucketName, envDataPolicyId); loadBookTestData(client, bucketName); final Ds3ClientHelpers.Job job = HELPERS.startReadAllJob(bucketName); final UUID jobId = job.getJobId(); job.transfer(new Ds3ClientHelpers.ObjectChannelBuilder() { @Override public SeekableByteChannel buildChannel(final String key) throws IOException { final Path filePath = Files.createTempFile("ds3", key); return Files.newByteChannel(filePath, StandardOpenOption.DELETE_ON_CLOSE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE); } }); assertThat(JobStatusHelper.getJobStatusWithRetries(client, jobId, JobStatus.COMPLETED), is(JobStatus.COMPLETED)); } finally { deleteAllContents(client, bucketName); } }
From source
/** * Uses the given `http_client` to download `url` into `out_tmp`. * Renames `out_tmp` to the value of the filename param of the Content-Disposition header field. * Returns a path to the renamed file./*ww w . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ * * @param http_client synchronous interruptible HTTP client. * @param out_tmp download destination file on disk (will be created if does not exist). * @param url what to download. * @return Path to file with its actual name. * @throws IOException Anything went wrong (with IO or network, or if the HTTP header field * Content-Disposition is missing). * @throws InterruptedException Thread has been interrupted. */ private DownloadResult downloadValidateRename(InterruptibleHttpClient http_client, Path out_tmp, String url) throws IOException, InterruptedException { try (FileChannel output =, StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) { HttpResponse response = http_client.interruptibleGet(url, output); // If the response's status code is not 200, something wrong happened if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { Formatter ff = new Formatter(); ff.format( "Synchronizer#%d cannot download product at %s," + " remote dhus returned message '%s' (HTTP%d)", getId(), url, response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase(), response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); throw new IOException(ff.out().toString()); } // Gets the filename from the HTTP header field `Content-Disposition' Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("filename=\"(.+?)\"", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); String contdis = response.getFirstHeader("Content-Disposition").getValue(); Matcher m = pat.matcher(contdis); if (!m.find()) { throw new IOException("Synchronizer#" + getId() + " Missing HTTP header field `Content-Disposition` that determines the filename"); } String filename =; if (filename == null || filename.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException( "Synchronizer#" + getId() + " Invalid filename in HTTP header field `Content-Disposition`"); } // Renames the downloaded file output.close(); Path dest = out_tmp.getParent().resolve(filename); Files.move(out_tmp, dest, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE); DownloadResult res = new DownloadResult(dest, response.getEntity().getContentType().getValue(), response.getEntity().getContentLength()); return res; } finally { if (Files.exists(out_tmp)) { Files.delete(out_tmp); } } }
From source
@Override public void copy(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... options) throws IOException { List<CopyOption> optionList = Arrays.asList(options); if (!optionList.contains(StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)) { if (Files.exists(target)) throw new java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException(source.toString(), target.toString(), "could not copy file to destination"); } else {/* w w w . j a v a 2s. c o m*/ Files.deleteIfExists(target); } FileSystem sourceFS = source.getFileSystem(); FileSystem targetFS = target.getFileSystem(); if (optionList.contains(HadoopCopyOption.REMOTE_COPY) && sourceFS.equals(targetFS)) { remoteCopy(source, target, options); return; } try (SeekableByteChannel sourceChannel = sourceFS.provider().newByteChannel(source, EnumSet.of(StandardOpenOption.READ))) { Set<StandardOpenOption> openOptions = EnumSet.of(StandardOpenOption.WRITE); if (optionList.contains(StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)) openOptions.add(StandardOpenOption.CREATE); else openOptions.add(StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW); List<FileAttribute<?>> fileAttributes = new ArrayList<>(); if (optionList.contains(StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES)) { Set<String> sourceAttrViews = sourceFS.supportedFileAttributeViews(); Set<String> targetAttrViews = targetFS.supportedFileAttributeViews(); if (sourceAttrViews.contains(PosixFileAttributeViewImpl.NAME) && targetAttrViews.contains(PosixFileAttributeViewImpl.NAME)) { PosixFileAttributes posixAttributes = sourceFS.provider().readAttributes(source, PosixFileAttributes.class); fileAttributes.add(PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(posixAttributes.permissions())); } if (sourceAttrViews.contains(HadoopFileAttributeViewImpl.NAME) && targetAttrViews.contains(HadoopFileAttributeViewImpl.NAME)) { final HadoopFileAttributes hdfsAttributes = sourceFS.provider().readAttributes(source, HadoopFileAttributes.class); fileAttributes.add(new FileAttribute<Long>() { @Override public String name() { return HadoopFileAttributeViewImpl.NAME + ":blockSize"; } @Override public Long value() { return hdfsAttributes.getBlockSize(); } }); fileAttributes.add(new FileAttribute<Short>() { @Override public String name() { return HadoopFileAttributeViewImpl.NAME + ":replication"; } @Override public Short value() { return hdfsAttributes.getReplication(); } }); } } FileAttribute<?>[] attributes = fileAttributes.toArray(new FileAttribute<?>[fileAttributes.size()]); try (SeekableByteChannel targetChannel = targetFS.provider().newByteChannel(target, openOptions, attributes)) { int buffSize = getConfiguration().getInt(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE_KEY, DFSConfigKeys.DFS_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(buffSize); buffer.clear(); while ( > 0) { buffer.flip(); targetChannel.write(buffer); buffer.clear(); } } if (optionList.contains(StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES)) { BasicFileAttributes attrs = sourceFS.provider().readAttributes(source, BasicFileAttributes.class); BasicFileAttributeView view = targetFS.provider().getFileAttributeView(target, BasicFileAttributeView.class); view.setTimes(attrs.lastModifiedTime(), attrs.lastAccessTime(), attrs.creationTime()); } } }
From source
void createDirectory(CryptoPath cleartextDir, FileAttribute<?>... attrs) throws IOException { CryptoPath cleartextParentDir = cleartextDir.getParent(); if (cleartextParentDir == null) { return;//from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om } Path ciphertextParentDir = cryptoPathMapper.getCiphertextDirPath(cleartextParentDir); if (!Files.exists(ciphertextParentDir)) { throw new NoSuchFileException(cleartextParentDir.toString()); } Path ciphertextFile = cryptoPathMapper.getCiphertextFilePath(cleartextDir, CiphertextFileType.FILE); if (Files.exists(ciphertextFile)) { throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(cleartextDir.toString()); } Path ciphertextDirFile = cryptoPathMapper.getCiphertextFilePath(cleartextDir, CiphertextFileType.DIRECTORY); boolean success = false; try { Directory ciphertextDir = cryptoPathMapper.getCiphertextDir(cleartextDir); try (FileChannel channel =, EnumSet.of(StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW, StandardOpenOption.WRITE), attrs)) { channel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(ciphertextDir.dirId.getBytes(UTF_8))); } Files.createDirectories(ciphertextDir.path); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { Files.delete(ciphertextDirFile); dirIdProvider.delete(ciphertextDirFile); } } }
From source
private void generateJavaFile(File javaService) throws IOException { // Generate methods StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (TOperation op : this.tinterface.getOperation()) { // Annotations sb.append("\t@WebMethod\n"); sb.append("\t@SOAPBinding\n"); sb.append("\t@Oneway\n"); // Signatur String operationReturn = "void"; sb.append("\tpublic " + operationReturn + " " + op.getName() + "(\n"); // Parameter boolean first = true; if (op.getInputParameters() != null) { for (TParameter parameter : op.getInputParameters().getInputParameter()) { String parameterName = parameter.getName(); if (first) { first = false;/*from w ww.j av a2 s.c o m*/ sb.append("\t\t"); } else { sb.append(",\n\t\t"); } // Generate @WebParam sb.append("@WebParam(name=\"" + parameterName + "\", targetNamespace=\"" + this.namespace + "\") "); // Handle required and optional parameters using @XmlElement if (parameter.getRequired().equals(TBoolean.YES)) { sb.append("@XmlElement(required=true)"); } else { sb.append("@XmlElement(required=false)"); } sb.append(" String " + parameterName); } } sb.append("\n\t) {\n"); // If there are output parameters we generate the respective HashMap boolean outputParamsExist = (op.getOutputParameters() != null) && (!op.getOutputParameters().getOutputParameter().isEmpty()); if (outputParamsExist) { sb.append("\t\t// This HashMap holds the return parameters of this operation.\n"); sb.append("\t\tfinal HashMap<String,String> returnParameters = new HashMap<String, String>();\n\n"); } sb.append("\t\t// TODO: Implement your operation here.\n"); // Generate code to set output parameters if (outputParamsExist) { for (TParameter outputParam : op.getOutputParameters().getOutputParameter()) { sb.append("\n\n\t\t// Output Parameter '" + outputParam.getName() + "' "); if (outputParam.getRequired().equals(TBoolean.YES)) { sb.append("(required)"); } else { sb.append("(optional)"); } sb.append("\n\t\t// TODO: Set " + outputParam.getName() + " parameter here."); sb.append( "\n\t\t// Do NOT delete the next line of code. Set \"\" as value if you want to return nothing or an empty result!"); sb.append("\n\t\treturnParameters.put(\"" + outputParam.getName() + "\", \"TODO\");"); } sb.append("\n\n\t\tsendResponse(returnParameters);\n"); } sb.append("\t}\n\n"); } // Read file and replace placeholders Charset cs = Charset.defaultCharset(); List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>(); for (String line : Files.readAllLines(javaService.toPath(), cs)) { // Replace web service method line = line.replaceAll(Generator.PLACEHOLDER_GENERATED_WEBSERVICE_METHODS, sb.toString()); lines.add(line); } // Write file OpenOption[] options = new OpenOption[] { StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING }; Files.write(javaService.toPath(), lines, cs, options); }
From source
/** * Load RDF/XML data into a named model. The model will be read from the * specified input stream. It can be specified if the existing model will be * replaced or the new data will be appended to the current model. * * @param pIS Input stream to read the model from * @param pReplace Specify if the new data will replace the existing model * or if it will be appended to the model * @param pModelName The local name of the model the RDF information will be * stored into/* w w w . ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ * @throws IOException * @throws RDFSourceException */ public void loadRDF(InputStream pIS, boolean pReplace, String pModelName) throws IOException, RDFSourceException { ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); try { activeNamedModel = ds.getNamedModel(VISA.createModelURI(pModelName)); // If the model contains statements, clear it before importing the // new statements if (!activeNamedModel.isEmpty()) { activeNamedModel.removeAll(); } // Read the RDF file into the model, null); HashSet<String> addedLocNames = new HashSet<>(); if (pReplace) { // Clear the topology storage TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.clear(); // Clear the default model ds.getDefaultModel().removeAll(); // Get the root node (the node which is subject of device // properties) of this model QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory .create(getRootNodeSPARQL(VISA.createModelURI(pModelName)), ds); ArrayList<QuerySolution> rsList = resultSetToList(qexec.execSelect()); if (rsList.size() == 1) { rootNode = rsList.get(0).getResource("root"); } else if (rsList.size() > 1) { activeNamedModel .write(Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("error_dump.rdf"), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING)); throw new RDFSourceException("Multiple VSA (root) nodes found in RDF/XML file"); } else { throw new RDFSourceException("No VSA (root) node found in RDF/XML file"); } } else { // Alter the local names of the nodes preventLocalNameCollisions(VISA.createModelURI(pModelName)); // Alter the root node to fit the root node of the current model alterRootNode(VISA.createModelURI(pModelName), rootNode); } // Process data stored in the model and create topology objects // from it addedLocNames = processModel(VISA.createModelURI(pModelName)); // Insert the new model into the existing one ds.getDefaultModel().add(activeNamedModel); // Layout the topology TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.layoutTopology(); TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.updateInterfaceOrientations(addedLocNames); ds.commit(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ds.abort(); throw ex; } finally { activeNamedModel = null; ds.end(); TDB.sync(ds); pIS.close(); } }