Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013, DECOIT GmbH * * This file is part of VISA Topology-Editor. * * VISA Topology-Editor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * VISA Topology-Editor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * VISA Topology-Editor. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission; import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Dataset; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ReadWrite; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Literal; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.SimpleSelector; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement; import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.TDB; import com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.TDBFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class manages the RDF information of the topology. The information is * stored in a TDB database at a location specified at object creation. The * dataset's default model stores the current topology RDF model. Additionally a * named model with the URI '' is used for * storage of all statements that use the {@link VISABackup VISABackup} * namespace. RDF information from uploaded and imported RDF/XML files is stored * in named models using URIs following the scheme * '<model_name>', where * <model_name> is replaced by the name of the uploaded file. * * @author Thomas Rix */ public class RDFManager { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RDFManager.class.getName()); private Dataset ds; private Resource rootNode; private List<Path> source; private List<Document> vsaTemplates; private Model activeNamedModel; /** * Construct a new RDFManager object. It will open and clear the TDB * database at the specified location if it exists. Otherwise a new database * will be created. The program must have read and write access to the * database location. * * @param pLocation The TDB database will be opened at this location * @throws IOException if the VSA template directory is not accessible * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws SAXException */ public RDFManager(String pLocation) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { source = new ArrayList<>(); vsaTemplates = new ArrayList<>(); activeNamedModel = null; // Load a list of available VSA templates DirectoryStream<Path> dirStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(Paths.get("res/vsa"), "*.xml"); DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); for (Path p : dirStream) { DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = dBuilder.parse(Files.newInputStream(p, StandardOpenOption.READ)); doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); vsaTemplates.add(doc); } // Create or load the TDB database at pLocation ds = TDBFactory.createDataset(pLocation); ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); try { // Do some cleanup if last run didn't clear the database // Remove all named models from the database Iterator<String> itNames = ds.listNames(); ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); while (itNames.hasNext()) { names.add(; } for (String n : names) { ds.removeNamedModel(n); } // Clear the default model ds.getDefaultModel().removeAll(); ds.commit(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ds.abort(); } finally { ds.end(); // Sync changes to disk TDB.sync(ds); } } /** * Remove all named models and statements in the default model from the TDB * database and delete all uploaded source files. After cleaning up close * the connection to the TDB database. * * @throws IOException */ public void close() throws IOException { ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); try { clearSourceFiles(); // Remove all named models from the database that were not removed // by clearSourceFiles() Iterator<String> itNames = ds.listNames(); ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); while (itNames.hasNext()) { names.add(; } for (String n : names) { ds.removeNamedModel(n); } // Clear the default model ds.getDefaultModel().removeAll(); ds.commit(); } catch (Throwable ex) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Caught: ["); sb.append(ex.getClass().getSimpleName()); sb.append("] "); sb.append(ex.getMessage()); log.error(sb.toString()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { for (StackTraceElement ste : ex.getStackTrace()) { log.debug(ste.toString()); } } ds.abort(); throw ex; } finally { ds.end(); // Sync changes to disk TDB.sync(ds); // Close the TDB database connection ds.close(); } } /** * Delete all existing uploaded source files and create a new empty RDF * model. The root node will be named by the provided name. It will use * makeLocalName() to remove any characters restricted by URI definition. * * @param pName The name of the root node * @throws IOException */ public void createEmptyModel(String pName) throws IOException { ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); try { Model mod = ds.getDefaultModel(); mod.removeAll(); // Delete all uploaded files (if any) and clear the source file list clearSourceFiles(); // Remove restricted characters from the name string String rootLocalName = makeLocalName(pName); // Create the new RDF nodes Resource newRootNode = VISA.createResource(rootLocalName); Literal newNameLit = mod.createLiteral(pName); // Add the statement to the model mod.add(newRootNode, VISA.NAME, newNameLit); // Update the root node rootNode = newRootNode; ds.commit(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ds.abort(); throw ex; } finally { ds.end(); TDB.sync(ds); } } /** * Load a RDF/XML file into a named model. The file will be read from the * specified location. It can be specified if the existing model will be * replaced or the new data will be appended to the current model. * * @param pFile Path and file name of the source file * @param pReplace Specify if the new data will replace the existing model * or if it will be appended to the model * @throws IOException * @throws RDFSourceException */ public void loadRDF(Path pFile, boolean pReplace) throws IOException, RDFSourceException { InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(pFile); if (pReplace) { source = new ArrayList<>(); source.add(pFile); } else { source.add(pFile); } loadRDF(is, pReplace, pFile.getFileName().toString()); } /** * Load RDF/XML data into a named model. The model will be read from the * specified input stream. It can be specified if the existing model will be * replaced or the new data will be appended to the current model. * * @param pIS Input stream to read the model from * @param pReplace Specify if the new data will replace the existing model * or if it will be appended to the model * @param pModelName The local name of the model the RDF information will be * stored into * @throws IOException * @throws RDFSourceException */ public void loadRDF(InputStream pIS, boolean pReplace, String pModelName) throws IOException, RDFSourceException { ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); try { activeNamedModel = ds.getNamedModel(VISA.createModelURI(pModelName)); // If the model contains statements, clear it before importing the // new statements if (!activeNamedModel.isEmpty()) { activeNamedModel.removeAll(); } // Read the RDF file into the model, null); HashSet<String> addedLocNames = new HashSet<>(); if (pReplace) { // Clear the topology storage TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.clear(); // Clear the default model ds.getDefaultModel().removeAll(); // Get the root node (the node which is subject of device // properties) of this model QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory .create(getRootNodeSPARQL(VISA.createModelURI(pModelName)), ds); ArrayList<QuerySolution> rsList = resultSetToList(qexec.execSelect()); if (rsList.size() == 1) { rootNode = rsList.get(0).getResource("root"); } else if (rsList.size() > 1) { activeNamedModel .write(Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("error_dump.rdf"), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING)); throw new RDFSourceException("Multiple VSA (root) nodes found in RDF/XML file"); } else { throw new RDFSourceException("No VSA (root) node found in RDF/XML file"); } } else { // Alter the local names of the nodes preventLocalNameCollisions(VISA.createModelURI(pModelName)); // Alter the root node to fit the root node of the current model alterRootNode(VISA.createModelURI(pModelName), rootNode); } // Process data stored in the model and create topology objects // from it addedLocNames = processModel(VISA.createModelURI(pModelName)); // Insert the new model into the existing one ds.getDefaultModel().add(activeNamedModel); // Layout the topology TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.layoutTopology(); TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.updateInterfaceOrientations(addedLocNames); ds.commit(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ds.abort(); throw ex; } finally { activeNamedModel = null; ds.end(); TDB.sync(ds); pIS.close(); } } /** * Import the contents of a VSA template into the topology. The devices of * the VSA will be grouped into a group with the specified name. Connections * between VSA and existing topology are created according to the user's * input. * * @param pTplID ID number of the template * @param pGroupName Name of the VSA group * @param pConnTargets Information about connections to the existing * topology * @param pConnVLANs Information about VLAN assignment of new interfaces * @throws IOException if the template RDF/XML file cannot be accessed * @throws RDFSourceException if the RDF/XML file contains errors */ public void importRDFTemplate(int pTplID, String pGroupName, Map<String, String> pConnTargets, Map<String, String> pConnVLANs) throws IOException, RDFSourceException { ComponentGroup vsaCG = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getComponentGroupByName(pGroupName); Document tpl = vsaTemplates.get(pTplID); Element vsaElement = (Element) (tpl.getElementsByTagName("VSA").item(0)); Path vsaRDF = Paths.get("res/vsa", vsaElement.getAttribute("rdf")); InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(vsaRDF); String modURI = VISA.createModelURI(vsaCG.getIdentifier()); ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); try { activeNamedModel = ds.getNamedModel(modURI); // If the model contains statements, clear it before importing the // new statements if (!activeNamedModel.isEmpty()) { activeNamedModel.removeAll(); } // Read the RDF file into the model, null); // Remove existing grouping information from the template List<RDFNode> cgList = activeNamedModel.listObjectsOfProperty(VISABackup.GROUP).toList(); for (RDFNode node : cgList) { if (node.isResource()) { // If the group node is a resource, remove the name literal // connected to it Resource res = (Resource) node; activeNamedModel.removeAll(res, VISA.NAME, null); } activeNamedModel.removeAll(null, VISABackup.GROUP, node); } // Remove network information from the model List<RDFNode> netList = activeNamedModel.listObjectsOfProperty(VISA.NETWORK).toList(); for (RDFNode node : netList) { if (node.isResource()) { Resource res = (Resource) node; activeNamedModel.removeAll(res, VISA.INTERNAL_NAME, null); activeNamedModel.removeAll(res, VISA.TYPE, null); activeNamedModel.removeAll(res, VISA.VALUE, null); activeNamedModel.removeAll(res, VISA.NETMASK_LENGTH, null); activeNamedModel.removeAll(null, VISA.NETWORK, res); } } // Remove address information from the model List<RDFNode> ifList = activeNamedModel.listObjectsOfProperty(VISA.ADDRESS).toList(); for (RDFNode node : ifList) { if (node.isResource()) { Resource res = (Resource) node; activeNamedModel.removeAll(res, VISA.INTERNAL_NAME, null); activeNamedModel.removeAll(res, VISA.TYPE, null); activeNamedModel.removeAll(res, VISA.VALUE, null); activeNamedModel.removeAll(null, VISA.ADDRESS, res); } } // Add new grouping information to model List<RDFNode> devList = activeNamedModel.listObjectsOfProperty(VISA.DEVICE).toList(); for (RDFNode node : devList) { if (node.isResource()) { Resource devRes = (Resource) node; StringBuilder sbURI = new StringBuilder(VISABackup.getURI()); sbURI.append(vsaCG.getIdentifier()); Resource cgRes = activeNamedModel.getResource(sbURI.toString()); activeNamedModel.add(devRes, VISABackup.GROUP, cgRes); activeNamedModel.add(cgRes, VISABackup.NAME, vsaCG.getName()); } } // Alter the local names of the nodes String lnSuffix = preventLocalNameCollisions(modURI); // Alter the root node to fit the root node of the current model alterRootNode(modURI, rootNode); // Process data stored in the model and create topology objects // from it HashSet<String> addedLocNames = processModel(modURI); // Insert the new model into the existing one ds.getDefaultModel().add(activeNamedModel); activeNamedModel = null; int routerID = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> connEntry : pConnTargets.entrySet()) { Element e = tpl.getElementById(connEntry.getKey()); StringBuilder sbSrc = new StringBuilder(e.getAttribute("component")); sbSrc.append(lnSuffix); if (e.hasAttribute("vlan")) { StringBuilder sbVLAN = new StringBuilder(e.getAttribute("vlan")); sbVLAN.append(lnSuffix); } // NetworkComponent inside the VSA NetworkComponent ncSrc = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getComponent(sbSrc.toString()); // NetworkComponent in the existing topology NetworkComponent ncTarget = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getComponent(connEntry.getValue()); addedLocNames.add(ncTarget.getRDFLocalName()); // Interface inside the VSA (source) Interface ifSrc = ncSrc.getConfig().createInterface(PortOrientation.TOP); // Interface in the existing topology (target) Interface ifTarget = ncTarget.getConfig().createInterface(PortOrientation.TOP); GroupInterface gIf = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getComponentGroupByName(pGroupName) .createOuterConnection(ifSrc, ifTarget); TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.createCable(ifSrc, ifTarget, gIf); // Check if the target component is a switch and the connection is part of a VLAN if (ncTarget instanceof NCSwitch && pConnVLANs.containsKey(connEntry.getKey())) { HashSet<VLAN> vlan = ifTarget.getAllVLAN(); // Add the VLAN to the target interface vlan.add(TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getVLAN(pConnVLANs.get(connEntry.getKey()))); ifTarget.setVLAN(vlan); } // If a target VLAN inside the VSA is specified, create a router VM to connect the topology with that VLAN if (e.hasAttribute("vlan") && e.getAttribute("vlan").length() > 0) { StringBuilder sbVLAN = new StringBuilder(e.getAttribute("vlan")); sbVLAN.append(lnSuffix); ArrayList<String> ifOrientation = new ArrayList<>(); ifOrientation.add(PortOrientation.TOP.toString()); ifOrientation.add(PortOrientation.TOP.toString()); StringBuilder sbRtName = new StringBuilder("VSA Router "); sbRtName.append(routerID); NCVM router = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.createVM(ifOrientation, sbRtName.toString(), null, null); router.getConfig().setComponentGroup(vsaCG.getName()); HashMap<String, Interface> ifMap = router.getConfig().getPorts(); Set<String> ifMapKeySet = ifMap.keySet(); Iterator<String> it = ifMapKeySet.iterator(); // Configure the interface connected to the VSA Interface ifInt = ncSrc.getConfig().createInterface(PortOrientation.TOP); Interface rtIfInt = ifMap.get(; TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.createCable(ifInt, rtIfInt, null); VLAN intVLAN = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getVLAN(sbVLAN.toString()); HashSet<VLAN> ifIntVLANs = new HashSet<>(); ifIntVLANs.add(intVLAN); ifInt.setVLAN(ifIntVLANs); // Configure the interface connected to the topology Interface ifExt = ncSrc.getConfig().createInterface(PortOrientation.TOP); Interface rtIfExt = ifMap.get(; TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.createCable(ifExt, rtIfExt, null); if (pConnVLANs.containsKey(connEntry.getKey())) { VLAN extVLAN = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getVLAN(pConnVLANs.get(connEntry.getKey())); HashSet<VLAN> ifExtVLANs = new HashSet<>(); ifExtVLANs.add(extVLAN); ifExt.setVLAN(ifExtVLANs); } } } // Layout the topology TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.layoutTopology(); TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.updateInterfaceOrientations(addedLocNames); ds.commit(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ds.abort(); throw ex; } finally { activeNamedModel = null; ds.end(); TDB.sync(ds); is.close(); } } /** * Restore the contents of the RDF model to a saved state. Only information * stored in uploaded files will be restored at this time. * * @param pState ID number of the state which will be restored * @throws RDFSourceException if source file contains invalid RDF * information * @throws IOException */ public void restore(int pState) throws RDFSourceException, IOException { if (pState >= 0 && pState < source.size()) { ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); try { // Check if the provided state ID points to a valid list index // Backup the old source file list List<Path> oldSource = source; // Get a sub list with only the needed source files source = new ArrayList<>(oldSource.subList(0, pState + 1)); // Iterate over the temporary source file list and add all files // to the model boolean replace = true; for (Path f : source) { this.loadRDF(f, replace); replace = false; } // Delete all source files that are no longer needed for (int i = pState + 1; i < oldSource.size(); i++) { Files.delete(oldSource.get(i)); ds.removeNamedModel(VISA.createModelURI(oldSource.get(i).getFileName().toString())); } ds.commit(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ds.abort(); throw ex; } finally { ds.end(); TDB.sync(ds); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid state ID provided"); } } /** * Write the RDF model to a RDF/XML file. The output file will be created at * the specified location. * * @param pFile File object with path and file name of the output file * @throws IOException */ public void writeRDF(Path pFile) throws IOException { OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(pFile, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); writeRDF(os); Set<PosixFilePermission> attrSet = PosixFilePermissions.fromString("rwxrwxrwx"); Files.setPosixFilePermissions(pFile, attrSet); } /** * Write the RDF model to an output stream. * * @param pOS Output stream the model will be written to * @throws IOException */ public void writeRDF(OutputStream pOS) throws IOException { ds.begin(ReadWrite.READ); ds.getDefaultModel().write(pOS); pOS.close(); ds.end(); } /** * Add an instance of the IRDFObject interface to the RDF model. If the * provided object is a NetworkComponent instance all of its ports will be * added by using this method. A provided NetworkPort instance will be added * including the 'address' node if IP configuration is present in the port * object. It will be connected to its parent component by the "interface" * property, using the interface node as object. Connections to other ports * will be created using the "connected" property. These will be created in * both directions. * * @param pObj The object to be added to the RDF model */ public void addObject(IRDFObject pObj) { boolean startTransaction = !ds.isInTransaction(); // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); } try { Model mod = ds.getDefaultModel(); StringBuilder sbRes = new StringBuilder(VISA.getURI()); sbRes.append(pObj.getRDFLocalName()); Resource res = mod.createResource(sbRes.toString()); if (pObj instanceof NetworkComponent) { NetworkComponent nc = (NetworkComponent) pObj; mod.add(rootNode, VISA.DEVICE, res); // Add statement for type property, switches have type "switch", // all others have "vm" if (nc instanceof NCSwitch) { mod.add(res, VISA.TYPE, VISA.DEV_TYPE_SWITCH); } else { mod.add(res, VISA.TYPE, VISA.DEV_TYPE_HOST); } // The topology editor does only add VMs to the model, so all // added components get a "physical" property with value "false" mod.add(res, VISA.PHYSICAL, VISA.BOOL_FALSE); // Add statement for name property mod.add(res, VISA.NAME, mod.createLiteral(nc.getName())); for (Map.Entry<String, NetworkComponent.Interface> ifEntry : nc.getConfig().getPorts().entrySet()) { TEBackend.RDF_MANAGER.addObject(ifEntry.getValue()); } } else if (pObj instanceof NetworkComponent.Interface) { NetworkComponent.Interface np = (NetworkComponent.Interface) pObj; // Add "name" property mod.add(res, VISA.NAME, mod.createLiteral(np.getRDFLocalName())); // If IP is configured on this port add an "address" property for (NetworkComponent.Interface.IPConfig conf : np.getAllIPConfig()) { Resource addrRes = createAddressResource(conf.getAddress().getAddressString(), conf.getSubnet(), conf.getVersion(), conf.getNetwork().getNetworkAddressString()); mod.add(res, VISA.ADDRESS, addrRes); } // Add "interface" property to parent component node StringBuilder sbParent = new StringBuilder(VISA.getURI()); sbParent.append(np.getComponent().getRDFLocalName()); Resource parentComponent = mod.getResource(sbParent.toString()); mod.add(parentComponent, VISA.INTERFACE, res); // If a cable is connected add "connected" properties for both // ends if (np.isConnected()) { // Get the port on the other end of the cable NetworkComponent.Interface remotePort = null; switch (np.getCableEnd()) { case LEFT: remotePort = np.getCable().getRight(); break; case RIGHT: remotePort = np.getCable().getLeft(); break; default: break; } StringBuilder sbRemote = new StringBuilder(VISA.getURI()); sbRemote.append(remotePort.getRDFLocalName()); Resource remoteRes = mod.getResource(sbRemote.toString()); mod.add(res, VISA.CONNECTED, remoteRes); mod.add(remoteRes, VISA.CONNECTED, res); } } // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.commit(); } } catch (Throwable ex) { // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.abort(); } throw ex; } finally { // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.end(); TDB.sync(ds); } } } /** * Update a specific property of an object. The old property statement will * be removed and the new one will be added. * * @param pObj Object whose property shall be updated * @param pProp Property which will be updated */ public void updateProperty(IRDFObject pObj, Property pProp) { boolean startTransaction = !ds.isInTransaction(); // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); } try { Model mod; if (activeNamedModel == null) { mod = ds.getDefaultModel(); } else { mod = activeNamedModel; } Model backupMod = ds.getNamedModel(VISABackup.createModelURI()); StringBuilder sbObj = new StringBuilder(VISA.getURI()); sbObj.append(pObj.getRDFLocalName()); Resource obj = mod.getResource(sbObj.toString()); if (pProp.equals(VISA.NAME)) { // Update "name" property on the object // Allowed for: NetworkComponent, NetworkComponent.Interface Literal name; // Create the new name literal if (pObj instanceof NetworkComponent) { name = mod.createLiteral(((NetworkComponent) pObj).getName()); } else if (pObj instanceof NetworkComponent.Interface) { name = mod.createLiteral(pObj.getRDFLocalName()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Provided object for 'name' property was no interface or component"); } // Remove the old property and add the new mod.removeAll(obj, pProp, null).add(obj, pProp, name); } else if (pProp.equals(VISA.CONNECTED)) { // Update "connected" property on the object // Allowed for: NetworkComponent.Interface if (pObj instanceof NetworkComponent.Interface) { NetworkComponent.Interface np = (NetworkComponent.Interface) pObj; // First remove the connected properties of this object mod.removeAll(obj, pProp, null); mod.removeAll(null, pProp, obj); // Second, add new connected properties if the port is // connected to a cable if (np.isConnected()) { // Get the port on the other end of the cable NetworkComponent.Interface remotePort = null; switch (np.getCableEnd()) { case LEFT: remotePort = np.getCable().getRight(); break; case RIGHT: remotePort = np.getCable().getLeft(); break; default: break; } // Check for null on the remote port to avoid // NullPointerException because of dangling cables if (remotePort != null) { StringBuilder sbRemote = new StringBuilder(VISA.getURI()); sbRemote.append(remotePort.getRDFLocalName()); Resource remoteRes = mod.getResource(sbRemote.toString()); mod.add(obj, VISA.CONNECTED, remoteRes); mod.add(remoteRes, VISA.CONNECTED, obj); } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-interface object provided for 'connected' property"); } } else if (pProp.equals(VISA.ADDRESS)) { // Update "address" property on the object // Allowed for: NetworkComponent.Interface if (pObj instanceof NetworkComponent.Interface) { NetworkComponent.Interface np = (NetworkComponent.Interface) pObj; // Remove existing address property // Casting null pointer to RDFNode...weird but necessary: // List<Statement> stmtList = mod.listStatements(new SimpleSelector(obj, pProp, (RDFNode) null)) .toList(); for (Statement stmt : stmtList) { removeStatementRecursive(stmt); } // If IP is configured on the port add new address property for (NetworkComponent.Interface.IPConfig conf : np.getAllIPConfig()) { Resource addrRes = createAddressResource(conf.getAddress().getAddressString(), conf.getSubnet(), conf.getVersion(), conf.getNetwork().getNetworkAddressString()); mod.add(obj, VISA.ADDRESS, addrRes); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-interface object provided for 'address' property"); } } else if (pProp.equals(VISA.VLAN)) { // Update "vlan" property on the object // Allowed for: NetworkComponent.Interface if (pObj instanceof NetworkComponent.Interface) { NetworkComponent.Interface np = (NetworkComponent.Interface) pObj; // Remove existing vlan property // Casting null pointer to RDFNode...weird but necessary: // List<Statement> stmtList = mod.listStatements(new SimpleSelector(obj, pProp, (RDFNode) null)) .toList(); for (Statement stmt : stmtList) { removeStatementRecursive(stmt); } for (VLAN vlan : np.getAllVLAN()) { Resource vlanRes = createVLANResource(vlan); mod.add(obj, pProp, vlanRes); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-interface object provided for 'vlan' property"); } } else if (pProp.equals(VISA.ID)) { // Update "id" property on the object // Allowed for: VLAN if (pObj instanceof VLAN) { VLAN vlan = (VLAN) pObj; Literal idLit = mod.createLiteral(String.valueOf(vlan.getID())); // Remove existing id property // Casting null pointer to RDFNode...weird but necessary: // mod.removeAll(obj, pProp, (RDFNode) null).add(obj, pProp, idLit); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-VLAN object provided for 'id' property"); } } else if (pProp.equals(VISABackup.COMP_DIM_X)) { // Update "compDimX" property on the object in backup model // Allowed for: NetworkComponent if (pObj instanceof NetworkComponent) { NetworkComponent nc = (NetworkComponent) pObj; // Remove existing compDimX property // Casting null pointer to RDFNode...weird but necessary: // backupMod.removeAll(obj, pProp, (RDFNode) null); Literal dimLit = backupMod .createLiteral(String.valueOf(nc.getConfig().getComponentDimensions().getX())); backupMod.add(obj, pProp, dimLit); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Non-component object provided for 'compDimX' backup property"); } } else if (pProp.equals(VISABackup.COMP_DIM_Y)) { // Update "compDimY" property on the object in backup model // Allowed for: NetworkComponent if (pObj instanceof NetworkComponent) { NetworkComponent nc = (NetworkComponent) pObj; // Remove existing compDimY property // Casting null pointer to RDFNode...weird but necessary: // backupMod.removeAll(obj, pProp, (RDFNode) null); Literal dimLit = backupMod .createLiteral(String.valueOf(nc.getConfig().getComponentDimensions().getY())); backupMod.add(obj, pProp, dimLit); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Non-component object provided for 'compDimY' backup property"); } } else if (pProp.equals(VISABackup.COMP_LOC_X)) { // Update "compLocX" property on the object in backup model // Allowed for: NetworkComponent if (pObj instanceof NetworkComponent) { NetworkComponent nc = (NetworkComponent) pObj; // Remove existing compLocX property // Casting null pointer to RDFNode...weird but necessary: // backupMod.removeAll(obj, pProp, (RDFNode) null); if (nc.getConfig().getGridLocation() != null) { Literal dimLit = backupMod .createLiteral(String.valueOf(nc.getConfig().getGridLocation().getX())); backupMod.add(obj, pProp, dimLit); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Non-component object provided for 'compLocX' backup property"); } } else if (pProp.equals(VISABackup.COMP_LOC_Y)) { // Update "compLocY" property on the object in backup model // Allowed for: NetworkComponent if (pObj instanceof NetworkComponent) { NetworkComponent nc = (NetworkComponent) pObj; // Remove existing compLocY property // Casting null pointer to RDFNode...weird but necessary: // backupMod.removeAll(obj, pProp, (RDFNode) null); if (nc.getConfig().getGridLocation() != null) { Literal dimLit = backupMod .createLiteral(String.valueOf(nc.getConfig().getGridLocation().getY())); backupMod.add(obj, pProp, dimLit); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Non-component object provided for 'compLocY' backup property"); } } else if (pProp.equals(VISABackup.INTERFACE_ORIENTATION)) { // Update "orientation" property on the object in backup model // Allowed for: NetworkComponent.Interface if (pObj instanceof NetworkComponent.Interface) { NetworkComponent.Interface nci = (NetworkComponent.Interface) pObj; // Remove existing orientation property // Casting null pointer to RDFNode...weird but necessary: // backupMod.removeAll(obj, pProp, (RDFNode) null); Literal dimLit = backupMod.createLiteral(String.valueOf(nci.getOrientation().toString())); backupMod.add(obj, pProp, dimLit); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Non-interface object provided for 'orientation' backup property"); } } else if (pProp.equals(VISABackup.VLAN_COLOR)) { // Update "color" property on the object in backup model // Allowed for: VLAN if (pObj instanceof VLAN) { VLAN vlan = (VLAN) pObj; // Remove existing property // Casting null pointer to RDFNode...weird but necessary: // backupMod.removeAll(obj, pProp, (RDFNode) null); Literal dimLit = backupMod.createLiteral(vlan.getColor()); backupMod.add(obj, pProp, dimLit); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-VLAN object provided for 'color' backup property"); } } else if (pProp.equals(VISABackup.NAME)) { // Update "name" property on the object in backup model // Allowed for: VLAN if (pObj instanceof VLAN) { VLAN vlan = (VLAN) pObj; // Remove existing property // Casting null pointer to RDFNode...weird but necessary: // backupMod.removeAll(obj, pProp, (RDFNode) null); Literal dimLit = backupMod.createLiteral(vlan.getName()); backupMod.add(obj, pProp, dimLit); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-VLAN object provided for 'name' backup property"); } } else if (pProp.equals(VISABackup.GROUP)) { // Update "name" property on the object in backup model // Allowed for: VLAN if (pObj instanceof NetworkComponent) { NetworkComponent nc = (NetworkComponent) pObj; List<RDFNode> nodeList = mod.listObjectsOfProperty(obj, pProp).toList(); if (nodeList.size() == 1) { Resource cgRes = nodeList.get(0).asResource(); mod.remove(obj, pProp, cgRes); List<Resource> cgDevList = mod.listSubjectsWithProperty(pProp, cgRes).toList(); if (cgDevList.size() == 0) { mod.removeAll(cgRes, VISABackup.NAME, (RDFNode) null); } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(VISABackup.getURI()); sb.append(TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getComponentGroupByName(nc.getConfig().getComponentGroup()) .getIdentifier()); Resource groupRes = mod.createResource(sb.toString()); Literal groupLit = mod.createLiteral(TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE .getComponentGroupByName(nc.getConfig().getComponentGroup()).getName()); mod.add(obj, pProp, groupRes); mod.add(groupRes, VISABackup.NAME, groupLit); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-component object provided for 'group' property"); } } // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.commit(); } } catch (Throwable ex) { if (startTransaction) { ds.abort(); } throw ex; } finally { // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.end(); TDB.sync(ds); } } } /** * Remove a component from the RDF model. All statements connected to this * node will be removed too. Statements which have this node as subject will * be followed recursively to remove the connected nodes. * * @param pObj The IRDFObject whose RDF node shall be removed */ public void removeObject(IRDFObject pObj) { boolean startTransaction = !ds.isInTransaction(); // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); } try { Model mod = ds.getDefaultModel(); Model backupMod = ds.getNamedModel(VISABackup.createModelURI()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(VISA.getURI()); sb.append(pObj.getRDFLocalName()); // Get the RDF resource which represents this component Resource res = mod.getResource(sb.toString()); // Get all statements having the component as subject List<Statement> stmtList = res.listProperties().toList(); for (Statement stmt : stmtList) { // Remove this statement recursively by removing the whole // branch of // the RDF model this.removeStatementRecursive(stmt); } // Remove all statements that use this component as object mod.removeAll(null, null, res); // Remove all statements from the backup model that reference this // resource backupMod.removeAll(res, null, null); // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.commit(); } } catch (Throwable ex) { // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.abort(); } throw ex; } finally { // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.end(); TDB.sync(ds); } } } /** * Remove the specified VLAN from the model. This will remove any statement * that uses the VLAN as subject or object. * * @param pVLAN The VLAN which will be removed */ public void removeVLAN(VLAN pVLAN) { boolean startTransaction = !ds.isInTransaction(); // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); } try { Model mod = ds.getDefaultModel(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(VISA.getURI()); sb.append(pVLAN.getRDFLocalName()); // Get the RDF resource which represents this component Resource res = mod.getResource(sb.toString()); // Remove all statements that use the VLAN as subject or object mod.removeAll(res, null, (RDFNode) null).removeAll(null, null, res); // Remove all statements that use the VLAN as subject from the // backup model ds.getNamedModel(VISABackup.createModelURI()).removeAll(res, null, (RDFNode) null); // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.commit(); } } catch (Throwable ex) { // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.abort(); } throw ex; } finally { // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.end(); TDB.sync(ds); } } } /** * Remove the connected statements that have the specified interface as * subject or object from the model. * * @param pIf Interface whose connected statements shall be removed */ public void removeConnectedProperty(NetworkComponent.Interface pIf) { boolean startTransaction = !ds.isInTransaction(); // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); } try { Model mod = ds.getDefaultModel(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(VISA.getURI()); sb.append(pIf.getRDFLocalName()); // Get the RDF resource which represents this component Resource res = mod.getResource(sb.toString()); // Get all statements that have the resource as subject or object List<Statement> stmtList = mod.listStatements(res, VISA.CONNECTED, (RDFNode) null).toList(); stmtList.addAll(mod.listStatements(null, VISA.CONNECTED, res).toList()); // Remove these statements mod.remove(stmtList); // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.commit(); } } catch (Throwable ex) { // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.abort(); } throw ex; } finally { // Only do transaction management if no file is being parsed at the // moment if (startTransaction) { ds.end(); TDB.sync(ds); } } } /** * Change the value of the 'name' property of the root node * * @param pName The new value */ public void setRootNodeName(String pName) { if (!pName.isEmpty()) { ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); Literal nameLit = ds.getDefaultModel().createLiteral(pName); ds.getDefaultModel().removeAll(rootNode, VISA.NAME, (RDFNode) null).add(rootNode, VISA.NAME, nameLit); ds.commit(); ds.end(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty string for topology name provided"); } } /** * Return the literal object value of the statement with the root node as * subject and the predicate 'name' * * @return The literal object value */ public String getRootNodeName() { ds.begin(ReadWrite.READ); String rv = ds.getDefaultModel().listStatements(rootNode, VISA.NAME, (RDFNode) null).toList().get(0) .getObject().asLiteral().toString(); ds.end(); return rv; } /** * Return the local name of the root node * * @return The local name of the root node */ public String getRootNodeLocalName() { return rootNode.getLocalName(); } /** * Synchronize the topology storage with the RDF model. This method will * remove all objects stored in the topology storage and rebuild the storage * from the data stored in the RDF model. After rebuilding the topology it * will use the data stored in the backup model (VISABackup vocabulary * definition) to update the objects to their last known state. If the * synchronization fails it will be assumed that the model is corrupted and * the whole backend will be cleared (same as calling "clear topology" from * the frontend). * * @throws RDFSourceException if the model contains structural errors */ public void syncTopologyToRDF() throws RDFSourceException { // Clear the topology TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.clear(); Model saveMod = null; StringBuilder sb = null; boolean syncFailed = false; ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); try { // Save the backup model from being overwritten sb = new StringBuilder(VISABackup.getURI()); sb.append("savebackupmod"); saveMod = ds.getNamedModel(sb.toString()); saveMod.add(ds.getNamedModel(VISABackup.createModelURI())); ds.commit(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ds.abort(); log.error( "SYNC PREPARATION: Rebuilding the topology from RDF model failed, model is propably corrupted!"); syncFailed = true; throw ex; } finally { ds.end(); if (syncFailed) { // Synchronization failed, clear the backend try { TEBackend.clearBackend(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("SYNC PREPARATION: Clearing backend after failed sync caused an exception!"); TEBackend.logException(e, log); /* Ignored */ } } } if (!syncFailed) { // Reprocess the current model to build a new topology ds.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); try { // Process the default model processModel(null); // Process data in the backup model processBackupModel(saveMod); // The backup model should now contain the correct values, so we // can delete the copy of the old model ds.removeNamedModel(sb.toString()); ds.commit(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ds.abort(); log.error("SYNC: Rebuilding the topology from RDF model failed, model is propably corrupted!"); syncFailed = true; throw ex; } finally { ds.end(); TDB.sync(ds); if (syncFailed) { // Synchronization failed, clear the backend try { TEBackend.clearBackend(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("SYNC: Clearing backend after failed sync caused an exception!"); TEBackend.logException(e, log); /* Ignored */ } } } } } /** * Create a JSON object which contains a list of all imported RDF/XML source * files * * @return JSON object with import history * @throws JSONException */ public JSONObject historyToJSON() throws JSONException { JSONObject rv = new JSONObject(); int i = 0; for (Path f : source) { rv.put(String.valueOf(i), f.getFileName().toString()); i++; } return rv; } /** * Return a JSONObject containing a list of the existing VSA templates and * information about these. * * @return JSONObject containing a list of VSA templates * @throws JSONException */ public JSONObject vsaTemplatesToJSON() throws JSONException { JSONObject rv = new JSONObject(); // Iterate over all existing VSA templates for (Document doc : vsaTemplates) { JSONObject docJSON = new JSONObject(); docJSON.put("id", vsaTemplates.indexOf(doc)); // Add the values of the "name" and "description" properties to the // JSONObject Node vsaNode = doc.getElementsByTagName("VSA").item(0); // Check if the node is an Element. Should be the case, just for // security reasons if (vsaNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // Cast the node to Element to access the attributes Element e = (Element) vsaNode; docJSON.put("name", e.getAttribute("name")); } docJSON.put("description", doc.getElementsByTagName("VSA_DESCRIPTION").item(0).getTextContent().trim()); // Create a JSONObject for the outer connections of the VSA JSONObject connJSON = new JSONObject(); // Get all elements of type CONNECTION and iterate over the list NodeList nl = doc.getElementsByTagName("CONNECTION"); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { JSONObject tmpConnJSON = new JSONObject(); Node n = nl.item(i); // Check if the node is an Element. Should be the case, just for // security reasons if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // Cast the node to Element to access the attributes Element e = (Element) n; tmpConnJSON.put("identifier", e.getAttribute("id")); tmpConnJSON.put("description", e.getAttribute("description")); connJSON.put(e.getAttribute("id"), tmpConnJSON); } } docJSON.put("connections", connJSON); rv.put(String.valueOf(vsaTemplates.indexOf(doc)), docJSON); } return rv; } /** * Get the XML document of the VSA template with the specified ID. The * templates are stored in an {@link java.util.ArrayList ArrayList} so * requesting a not existing template may cause an exception. * * @param pID ArrayList index of the template * @return XML Document containing the VSA template information * @see java.util.ArrayList */ public Document getVSATemplate(int pID) { return vsaTemplates.get(pID); } /** * Delete all uploaded RDF/XML source files and the corresponding named * models * * @throws IOException */ private void clearSourceFiles() throws IOException { if (source.size() > 0) { // Delete all uploaded files (if any) and clear the source file list for (Path f : source) { Files.delete(f); // Remove the named model the contains the information in this // file ds.removeNamedModel(VISA.createModelURI(f.getFileName().toString())); } source.clear(); } } /** * Remove a statement recursively. The method will follow the statements * that have the object of this statement as subject and remove them too. * The only predicate which is not followed recursively is 'connected'. * Since it is a two way connection both statements will be removed and the * recursion ends there. After all recursion calls returned the provided * statement will be removed. * * @param pSt Statement which will be removed */ private void removeStatementRecursive(Statement pSt) { Model mod = ds.getDefaultModel(); // Ignore nodes with the local name "__". Jena creates these on import // of RDF/XML data and they build weird statements if (!pSt.getSubject().getLocalName().equals("__")) { // Get the object of the statement RDFNode obj = pSt.getObject(); // Check if the predicate is 'connected' if (pSt.getPredicate().equals(VISA.CONNECTED)) { // Get the subject of the statement Resource subj = pSt.getSubject(); // Remove the 'connected' statement using this subject as object // ('connected' properties always exist in both directions) // The cast to Resource is OK here since 'connected' statements // always include two resources, never literals mod.remove(obj.asResource(), VISA.CONNECTED, subj); } else { // Check if the object is a resource and ignore resources with // the local name "__". Jena creates these on import of RDF/XML // data and they build weird statements if (obj.isResource() && !obj.asResource().getLocalName().equals("__")) { // Get all statements that have the object as subject List<Statement> stmtList = obj.asResource().listProperties().toList(); for (Statement stmt : stmtList) { // Remove the current statement recursively this.removeStatementRecursive(stmt); } } } } // Remove this statement mod.remove(pSt); } /** * Create a Resource object to link to a RDF node of a NetworkPort by using * the "address" property. The created resource will have all necessary * literals connected. These are the literals for the "address" and "type" * (IP version) properties. * * @param pIPAddr IP address for the "address" literal * @param pSubnet Length of the subnet mask (CIDR) * @param pIPV IPVersion object to determine the value for the "type" * literal * @param pNetwork IPNetwork object used for the network resource * @return The address resource */ private Resource createAddressResource(String pIPAddr, int pSubnet, IPVersion pIPV, String pNetwork) { Model mod = ds.getDefaultModel(); // Build the local name for the address node StringBuilder sbLocName = new StringBuilder("__"); sbLocName.append(pIPV.toString()); sbLocName.append("_address_"); sbLocName.append(pIPAddr.replaceAll("\\.", "_").replaceAll(":", "_")); sbLocName.append("/"); sbLocName.append(pSubnet); sbLocName.append("__"); Resource addrRes = VISA.createResource(sbLocName.toString()); // Create the necessary literals Literal ipAddrLiteral = mod.createLiteral(pIPAddr); Literal ipVersionLiteral = mod.createLiteral(pIPV.toString()); // Add the literals mod.add(addrRes, VISA.VALUE, ipAddrLiteral); mod.add(addrRes, VISA.TYPE, ipVersionLiteral); Resource netwRes = createNetworkResource(pNetwork, pSubnet, pIPV); mod.add(addrRes, VISA.NETWORK, netwRes); return addrRes; } /** * Create a Resource object to link to a RDF address node using the * "network" property. All necessary literal statements will be created and * inserted into the model. * * @param pNetwork Network address * @param pSubnet Subnet length * @param pIPV Version of Internet Protocol * @return The created resource */ private Resource createNetworkResource(String pNetwork, int pSubnet, IPVersion pIPV) { Model mod = ds.getDefaultModel(); StringBuilder sbLocName = new StringBuilder("__"); sbLocName.append(pIPV.toString()); sbLocName.append("_network_"); sbLocName.append(pNetwork); sbLocName.append("/"); sbLocName.append(pSubnet); sbLocName.append("__"); Resource netwRes = VISA.createResource(sbLocName.toString()); // Create the necessary literals Literal networkLiteral = mod.createLiteral(pNetwork); Literal subnetLiteral = mod.createLiteral(String.valueOf(pSubnet)); Literal ipVersionLiteral = mod.createLiteral(pIPV.toString()); // Add the literals mod.add(netwRes, VISA.VALUE, networkLiteral); mod.add(netwRes, VISA.NETMASK_LENGTH, subnetLiteral); mod.add(netwRes, VISA.TYPE, ipVersionLiteral); return netwRes; } /** * Create a Resource object to link to a RDF interface node using the "vlan" * property. All necessary literal statements will be created and inserted * into the model. * * @param pVLAN VLAN object containing the required information * @return The created resource */ private Resource createVLANResource(VLAN pVLAN) { Model mod = ds.getDefaultModel(); Resource vlanRes = VISA.createResource(pVLAN.getRDFLocalName()); Literal idLiteral = mod.createLiteral(String.valueOf(pVLAN.getID())); mod.add(vlanRes, VISA.ID, idLiteral); return vlanRes; } /** * Remove restricted characters from the provided string, so it can be used * as a local name for a RDF node. It will first replace the following * characters: * ->ae, ->oe, ->ue, ->ss, /->- * Any remaining invalid characters (any character that is not a-z, A-Z, * 0-9, '_' or '-') will be replaced by '_' * * @param pName String which will be checked for restricted characters * @return The new string which only contains valid characters */ private String makeLocalName(String pName) { String rv = pName.replaceAll("", "ae").replaceAll("", "oe").replaceAll("", "ue") .replaceAll("", "ss").replaceAll("/", "-").replaceAll("[^-\\w]", "_"); return rv; } /** * Process the contents of an RDF model. All objects of the property * 'device' will be converted to NetworkComponent objects. Their type is * defined by the 'type' property: 'switch' will cause an NCSwitch to be * created, 'vm' will create a NCVM object. All objects of the property * 'interface' will be converted to interfaces on the component that is * defined by the subject of the 'interface' property. The interfaces will * be IP configured if an 'address' property of type 'ipv4' or 'ipv6' is * present. All 'connected' statements will be converted to NetworkCable * objects that connect the interfaces which are object and subject to the * statement. * * @param pMod The named model URI which will be processed. Can be set to * null to use the default model. * @return A set of the local names of all non-switch devices. * @throws RDFSourceException if the model contains semantic errors */ private HashSet<String> processModel(String pMod) throws RDFSourceException { addGroupStatements(pMod); HashSet<String> rv = new HashSet<>(); // Get all networks in the topology QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(getNetworkListSPARQL(pMod), ds); ArrayList<QuerySolution> globalNetworkList = resultSetToList(qexec.execSelect()); qexec.close(); for (QuerySolution qs : globalNetworkList) { String addr = qs.getLiteral("nwaddr").getString(); int netmask; IPVersion version = IPVersion.getVersion(qs.getLiteral("nwtype").getString()); if (qs.get("nwmask") != null) { netmask = qs.getLiteral("nwmask").getInt(); } else { netmask = 24; } TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.createNetwork(addr, netmask, version); } // Get all VLANs in the topology qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(getVLANListSPARQL(pMod), ds); ArrayList<QuerySolution> globalVLANList = resultSetToList(qexec.execSelect()); qexec.close(); for (QuerySolution qs : globalVLANList) { try { Resource vlanRes = qs.getResource("vlan"); String vlan = vlanRes.getLocalName(); Literal idLit = qs.getLiteral("id"); int id = idLit.getInt(); VLAN newVLAN = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.createVLAN(vlan, id); if (newVLAN.getID() != id) { Model nMod = ds.getNamedModel(pMod); nMod.removeAll(vlanRes, VISA.ID, null); nMod.add(vlanRes, VISA.ID, nMod.createLiteral(String.valueOf(newVLAN.getID()))); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { TEBackend.logException(ex, log); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("VLAN "); sb.append(qs.getResource("vlan").getLocalName()); sb.append(" will be missing in topology!"); log.error(sb.toString()); } } // All connections between ports will be stored here HashMap<String, String> connections = new HashMap<>(); // Get all connections in the topology qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(getConnectionListSPARQL(pMod), ds); ResultSet connectionList = qexec.execSelect(); while (connectionList.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; String src = qs.getResource("sif").getLocalName(); String target = qs.getResource("oif").getLocalName(); // Only add the connection to the map if the source is not present // in the map if (!connections.containsKey(src) && !connections.containsValue(src)) { connections.put(src, target); } } qexec.close(); HashSet<NCSwitch> switchSet = new HashSet<>(); // Get all devices in the topology qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(getDevListSPARQL(rootNode, pMod), ds); ArrayList<QuerySolution> deviceList = resultSetToList(qexec.execSelect()); qexec.close(); // Iterate over all devices and process their information for (QuerySolution qs : deviceList) { ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> ports = new ArrayList<>(); Resource dev = qs.getResource("dev"); String devLocalName = dev.getLocalName(); // Get literal properties of the node String devName = qs.getLiteral("name").getString(); String devTypeLit = qs.getLiteral("type").getString(); String devGroup = qs.getLiteral("cgname").getString(); String devType; if (devTypeLit.equals("switch")) { devType = devTypeLit; } else { if (qs.getLiteral("phys").equals(VISA.BOOL_TRUE)) { devType = "host"; } else { devType = "vm"; } } // Get all interfaces of this device QueryExecution ifListQexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(getInterfaceListSPARQL(dev, pMod), ds); ArrayList<QuerySolution> interfaceList = resultSetToList(ifListQexec.execSelect()); ifListQexec.close(); // Iterate over all interfaces for (QuerySolution ifQS : interfaceList) { Resource ifRes = ifQS.getResource("if"); HashMap<String, String> port = new HashMap<>(); // Get local name of the interface String ifLocalName = ifRes.getLocalName(); port.put("localName", ifLocalName); if (devType.equals("switch")) { // Switch interfaces always point upwards port.put("orientation", PortOrientation.TOP.toString()); // VLAN processing is only useful on switch interfaces QueryExecution vlanQexec = QueryExecutionFactory .create(getInterfaceDetailVLANSPARQL(ifRes, pMod), ds); ArrayList<QuerySolution> vlanList = resultSetToList(vlanQexec.execSelect()); vlanQexec.close(); // Process VLANs if there are any if (vlanList.size() > 0) { StringBuilder sbVLAN = new StringBuilder(); // Store the VLAN local names as a single string // separated by ";" boolean first = true; for (QuerySolution vlanQs : vlanList) { Resource vlanRes = vlanQs.getResource("vlan"); if (!first) { sbVLAN.append(";"); } else { first = false; } sbVLAN.append(vlanRes.getLocalName()); } port.put("vlan", sbVLAN.toString()); } } else { // Add a random interface orientation to the map, this will // be replaced later int rnd = (int) Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4); switch (rnd) { case 1: port.put("orientation", PortOrientation.TOP.toString()); break; case 2: port.put("orientation", PortOrientation.BOTTOM.toString()); break; case 3: port.put("orientation", PortOrientation.LEFT.toString()); break; case 4: port.put("orientation", PortOrientation.RIGHT.toString()); break; default: port.put("orientation", PortOrientation.TOP.toString()); } // Only non-switch components will have their interface // orientations updated after model processing rv.add(devLocalName); } // Get all address nodes connected to this interface QueryExecution addrQexec = QueryExecutionFactory .create(getInterfaceDetailAddressSPARQL(ifRes, pMod), ds); ResultSet addrIt = addrQexec.execSelect(); // Iterate over all address nodes while (addrIt.hasNext()) { QuerySolution addrQs =; // IP address and version are always present port.put("IPAddress", addrQs.getLiteral("addrip").getString()); // port.put("IPVersion", // addrQs.getLiteral("addrtype").getString()); // Check if a network resource is connected to this address // node if (addrQs.get("nettype") != null && addrQs.get("netip") != null && addrQs.get("netmask") != null) { // Network resource is present, read the values // port.put("IPSubnetMask", // addrQs.getLiteral("netmask").getString()); port.put("IPNetwork", addrQs.getLiteral("netip").getString()); } else { if (addrQs.getLiteral("addrtype").getString().equals(IPVersion.V4.toString())) { // No network resource found, use default values: // Assume a subnet mask length of 24bit as default // if no // subnet mask was defined // port.put("IPSubnetMask", "24"); // Using a 24bit subnet mask the network address is // "xxx.yyy.zzz.0" // Extract the subnet from the IP address Pattern ipPattern = Pattern.compile("^(.{1,3}\\..{1,3}\\..{1,3}\\.).{1,3}$"); Matcher ipMatcher = ipPattern.matcher(port.get("IPAddress")); ipMatcher.matches(); // Append the 0 as network address StringBuilder sbNetwork = new StringBuilder(; sbNetwork.append("0"); if (TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getNetwork(sbNetwork.toString()) == null) { IPNetwork ipNet = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.createNetwork(sbNetwork.toString(), 24, IPVersion.getVersion(addrQs.getLiteral("addrtype").getString())); port.put("IPNetwork", ipNet.getNetworkAddressString()); } else { port.put("IPNetwork", sbNetwork.toString()); } } else if (addrQs.getLiteral("addrtype").getString().equals(IPVersion.V6.toString())) { // TODO handle IPv6 networks! throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "IPv6 addresses without network node are not supported yet"); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown IP version detected"); } } // TODO consider multiple address nodes per interface // Break loop since multiple address nodes are not supported break; } ports.add(port); } try { NetworkComponent newNC; switch (devType) { case "vm": newNC = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.createVM(ports, devName, null, null, devLocalName); break; case "host": newNC = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.createHost(ports, devName, null, null, devLocalName); break; case "switch": newNC = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.createSwitch(ports, devName, new Dimension2D(ports.size(), 3), null, devLocalName); switchSet.add((NCSwitch) newNC); break; default: throw new RDFSourceException("Unknown component type provided"); } // Add the new component to the group it is assigned to newNC.getConfig().setComponentGroup(devGroup); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | RDFSourceException ex) { TEBackend.logException(ex, log); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Component "); sb.append(devLocalName); sb.append(" will be missing in topology!"); log.error(sb.toString()); } } // Create cables for the connections for (Map.Entry<String, String> conn : connections.entrySet()) { // Get source and target interfaces NetworkComponent.Interface src = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getInterface(conn.getKey()); NetworkComponent.Interface target = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getInterface(conn.getValue()); GroupInterface gIf = null; // If the connected devices belong to different groups, create a // connection using a GroupInterface if (!src.getComponentGroup().equals(target.getComponentGroup())) { // Determine which component is inner and outer, only create // GroupInterface connection if the outer component is no switch if (src.getComponentGroup().equals("") && !(src.getComponent() instanceof NCSwitch)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Group-Interface connection: "); sb.append(target.getComponentGroup()); sb.append(" (inner) <-> "); sb.append(src.getComponentGroup()); sb.append(" (outer)"); log.debug(sb.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("Interfaces: "); sb.append(target.getIdentifier()); sb.append(" (inner) <-> "); sb.append(src.getIdentifier()); sb.append(" (outer)"); log.debug(sb.toString()); } gIf = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getComponentGroupByName(target.getComponentGroup()) .createOuterConnection(target, src); } else if (target.getComponentGroup().equals("") && !(target.getComponent() instanceof NCSwitch)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Group-Interface connection: "); sb.append(src.getComponentGroup()); sb.append(" (inner) <-> "); sb.append(target.getComponentGroup()); sb.append(" (outer)"); log.debug(sb.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("Interfaces: "); sb.append(src.getIdentifier()); sb.append(" (inner) <-> "); sb.append(target.getIdentifier()); sb.append(" (outer)"); log.debug(sb.toString()); } gIf = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getComponentGroupByName(src.getComponentGroup()) .createOuterConnection(src, target); } else { log.error("Connection between two non-global groups detected"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Connected groups: "); sb.append(src.getComponentGroup()); sb.append(" <-> "); sb.append(target.getComponentGroup()); log.debug(sb.toString()); sb = new StringBuilder("Interfaces: "); sb.append(src.getIdentifier()); sb.append(" <-> "); sb.append(target.getIdentifier()); log.debug(sb.toString()); } } } // Create the NetworkCable TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.createCable(src, target, gIf); } // Create group switches where necessary for (NCSwitch ncs : switchSet) { ncs.createGroupSwitches(); } return rv; } /** * Process the contents of a backup model (VISABackup vocabulary definition) * and update all stored objects according to the stored information * * @param pMod A model containing backup information of topology objects */ private void processBackupModel(Model pMod) { List<Resource> resList = pMod.listSubjects().toList(); for (Resource res : resList) { // Get the reference to the object with that local name IRDFObject irdfo = TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getRDFObject(res.getLocalName()); if (irdfo instanceof NetworkComponent) { // Object is a NetworkComponent NetworkComponent nc = (NetworkComponent) irdfo; // Get component dimensions from the model int dimX = pMod.listStatements(res, VISABackup.COMP_DIM_X, (RDFNode) null).toList().get(0).getInt(); int dimY = pMod.listStatements(res, VISABackup.COMP_DIM_Y, (RDFNode) null).toList().get(0).getInt(); // Update component dimensions nc.getConfig().setComponentDimensions(dimX, dimY); // The grid location properties are not necessarily present, so // first search for them if (pMod.contains(res, VISABackup.COMP_LOC_X) && pMod.contains(res, VISABackup.COMP_LOC_Y)) { // Grid location properties are present, read the values int locX = pMod.listStatements(res, VISABackup.COMP_LOC_X, (RDFNode) null).toList().get(0) .getInt(); int locY = pMod.listStatements(res, VISABackup.COMP_LOC_Y, (RDFNode) null).toList().get(0) .getInt(); // Update grid location nc.getConfig().setGridLocation(locX, locY); } } else if (irdfo instanceof NetworkComponent.Interface) { // Object is a NetworkComponent.Interface NetworkComponent.Interface nci = (NetworkComponent.Interface) irdfo; // Read port orientation from the model PortOrientation po = PortOrientation .valueOf(pMod.listStatements(res, VISABackup.INTERFACE_ORIENTATION, (RDFNode) null).toList() .get(0).getString()); // Update port orientation nci.setOrientation(po); } else if (irdfo instanceof VLAN) { // Object is a VLAN VLAN vlan = (VLAN) irdfo; // Update color and name with values from the model vlan.setColor(pMod.listStatements(res, VISABackup.VLAN_COLOR, (RDFNode) null).toList().get(0) .getString()); vlan.setName(pMod.listStatements(res, VISABackup.NAME, (RDFNode) null).toList().get(0).getString()); } } } /** * Change the subject of all device properties in a RDF model to the * specified node * * @param pModURI The URI of RDF model to be altered * @param pRoot The node which will be the new subject for all device * statements */ private void alterRootNode(String pModURI, Resource pRoot) { Model mod = ds.getNamedModel(pModURI); // Get all device statements List<Statement> stmtList = mod.listStatements(null, VISA.DEVICE, (RDFNode) null).toList(); // Remove those statements mod.remove(stmtList); // Iterate over all extracted statements and insert them with altered // subject for (Statement stmt : stmtList) { mod.add(pRoot, VISA.DEVICE, stmt.getObject()); } } /** * Prevent local name collisions. This method alters the local name of every * resource of a RDF model to make sure its local name is not present in the * currently stored model. The local name of the resource is appended with * an underscore followed by the MD5 hash of the Unix timestamp at method * invocation. The statement is removed from the model and a new statement * with the altered nodes is inserted. Literals will not be altered. * * @param pModURI The URI of RDF model to be altered * @return The suffix which was appended to all local names */ private String preventLocalNameCollisions(String pModURI) { Model mod = ds.getNamedModel(pModURI); // Get the current date Date currDate = new Date(); // Create the MD5 hash which will be appended to all nodes StringBuilder sbHash = new StringBuilder(mod.listSubjectsWithProperty(VISA.DEVICE).next().getLocalName()); sbHash.append(currDate.getTime()); String hash = DigestUtils.md5Hex(sbHash.toString()); // Get a list of all statements List<Statement> stmtList = mod.listStatements().toList(); for (Statement stmt : stmtList) { // Extract subject, predicate and object from the statement Resource subject = stmt.getSubject(); RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); Property prop = stmt.getPredicate(); StringBuilder sbLocName; // Ignore nodes with the local name "__". // Jena creates these on import of RDF/XML data and they build weird // statements if (!subject.getLocalName().equals("__")) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("SUBJECT: Old local name: "); sb.append(subject.getLocalName()); log.debug(sb.toString()); } // Create the new subject resource sbLocName = new StringBuilder(subject.getLocalName()); sbLocName.append("_"); sbLocName.append(hash); subject = VISA.createResource(sbLocName.toString()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("SUBJECT: New local name: "); sb.append(subject.getLocalName()); log.debug(sb.toString()); } } // If the object is a resource we will create a new one, otherwise // (object is a literal) we'll just use the existing node. // Ignore nodes with the local name "__". // Jena creates these on import of RDF/XML data and they build weird // statements if (object.isResource() && !object.asResource().getLocalName().equals("__")) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("OBJECT: Old local name: "); sb.append(object.asResource().getLocalName()); log.debug(sb.toString()); } sbLocName = new StringBuilder(object.asResource().getLocalName()); sbLocName.append("_"); sbLocName.append(hash); object = VISA.createResource(sbLocName.toString()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("OBJECT: New local name: "); sb.append(object.asResource().getLocalName()); log.debug(sb.toString()); } } // Insert the new statement into the model mod.add(subject, prop, object); } mod.remove(stmtList); StringBuilder rv = new StringBuilder("_"); rv.append(hash); return rv.toString(); } /** * Get a Query object to determine the root node of a model. The * QuerySolutions produced by this Query will contain the fields 'root' * (RDFNode of the root node) and 'name' (value of the 'visa:name' * property). * * @param pMod Optional URI of the model on which the query will be * executed. If set to null, the query will execute on the * default model of the dataset. * @return A Query object containing the read SPARQL query, null if the * input file cannot be read */ private Query getRootNodeSPARQL(String pMod) { return readSPARQL("rootnode.sparql", null, pMod); } /** * Get a Query object to list all devices with their literal properties in a * model. The QuerySolutions produced by this Query will contain the fields * 'dev' (RDFNode of the device), 'name' (value of 'visa:name'), 'type' * (value of 'visa:type'), 'phys' (value of 'visa:physical') and 'imgfile' * (value of 'visa:imageFile'). * * @param pRootNode Resource object of the root node * @param pMod Optional URI of the model on which the query will be * executed. If set to null, the query will execute on the * default model of the dataset. * @return A Query object containing the read SPARQL query, null if the * input file cannot be read */ private Query getDevListSPARQL(Resource pRootNode, String pMod) { return readSPARQL("devlist.sparql", pRootNode, pMod); } /** * Get a Query object to list all VLANs with their 'id' property in a model. * The QuerySolutions produced by this Query will contain the fields 'vlan' * (RDFNode of the VLAN) and 'id' (value of 'visa:id'). * * @param pMod Optional URI of the model on which the query will be * executed. If set to null, the query will execute on the * default model of the dataset. * @return A Query object containing the read SPARQL query, null if the * input file cannot be read */ private Query getVLANListSPARQL(String pMod) { return readSPARQL("vlanlist.sparql", null, pMod); } /** * Get a Query object to list all networks with their 'value', * 'subnetmaskLength' and 'type' properties in a model. The QuerySolutions * produced by this Query will contain the fields 'nwaddr' (value of * visa:value), 'nwtype' (value of visa:type) and 'nwmask' (value of * visa:netmaskLength). The last field is optional in may be empty if it is * not found in the model. * * @param pMod Optional URI of the model on which the query will be * executed. If set to null, the query will execute on the * default model of the dataset. * @return A Query object containing the read SPARQL query, null if the * input file cannot be read */ private Query getNetworkListSPARQL(String pMod) { return readSPARQL("networklist.sparql", null, pMod); } /** * Get a Query object to list all connections between interfaces in the * model. The QuerySolutions produced by this Query will contain the fields * 'sif' (RDFNode of the subject interface) and 'oif' (RDFNode of the object * interface). * * @param pMod Optional URI of the model on which the query will be * executed. If set to null, the query will execute on the * default model of the dataset. * @return A Query object containing the read SPARQL query, null if the * input file cannot be read */ private Query getConnectionListSPARQL(String pMod) { return readSPARQL("connectionlist.sparql", null, pMod); } /** * Get a Query object to list all interfaces and their literal properties of * a device. The QuerySolutions produced by this Query will contain the * fields 'if' (RDFNode of the interface) and 'name' (value of 'visa:name'). * * @param pDevice Resource object of the device * @param pMod Optional URI of the model on which the query will be * executed. If set to null, the query will execute on the * default model of the dataset. * @return A Query object containing the read SPARQL query, null if the * input file cannot be read */ private Query getInterfaceListSPARQL(Resource pDevice, String pMod) { return readSPARQL("iflist.sparql", pDevice, pMod); } /** * Get a Query object to get the VLAN(s) an interface is attached to. Only * useful on switch interfaces, all other interfaces will produce an empty * ResultSet. The QuerySolutions produced by this Query will contain the * field 'vlan' (RDFNode of the VLAN). * * @param pInterface Resource object of the interface * @param pMod Optional URI of the model on which the query will be * executed. If set to null, the query will execute on the * default model of the dataset. * @return A Query object containing the read SPARQL query, null if the * input file cannot be read */ private Query getInterfaceDetailVLANSPARQL(Resource pInterface, String pMod) { return readSPARQL("ifdetailvlan.sparql", pInterface, pMod); } /** * Get a Query object to get the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses bound to an * interface. If a Network resource is attached to an Address Resource it * will be returned too. The QuerySolutions produced by this Query will * contain the fields 'addrtype' (value of visa:type on Address node), * 'addrip' (value of visa:value on address node), 'nettype' (value of * visa:type on network node), 'netip' (value of visa:value on network node) * and 'netmask' (value of visa:netmaskLength). * * @param pInterface Resource object of the interface * @param pMod Optional URI of the model on which the query will be * executed. If set to null, the query will execute on the * default model of the dataset. * @return A Query object containing the read SPARQL query, null if the * input file cannot be read */ private Query getInterfaceDetailAddressSPARQL(Resource pInterface, String pMod) { return readSPARQL("ifdetailaddr.sparql", pInterface, pMod); } /** * Get a Query object to get the group information for a switch from a * model. The QuerySolutions produced by this Query will contain the fields * 'vlan' (RDFNode of a VLAN), 'netaddr' (value of visa:value on a network * node) and 'netmask' (value of visa:netmaskLength). All fields may be * empty if a switch is not attached to VLANs or no network nodes could be * found on the connected interfaces. * * @param pSwitch Resource object of the switch * @param pMod Optional URI of the model on which the query will be * executed. If set to null, the query will execute on the * default model of the dataset. * @return A Query object containing the read SPARQL query, null if the * input file cannot be read */ private Query getSwitchGroupSPARQL(Resource pSwitch, String pMod) { return readSPARQL("switchgroups.sparql", pSwitch, pMod); } /** * Get a Query object to get the group information for a host device from a * model. The QuerySolutions produced by this Query will contain the fields * 'netaddr' (value of visa:value on a network node) and 'netmask' (value of * visa:netmaskLength). All fields may be empty if no network nodes could be * found on the interfaces of the device. * * @param pDev Resource object of the device * @param pMod Optional URI of the model on which the query will be * executed. If set to null, the query will execute on the * default model of the dataset. * @return A Query object containing the read SPARQL query, null if the * input file cannot be read */ private Query getDevGroupSPARQL(Resource pDev, String pMod) { return readSPARQL("devgroups.sparql", pDev, pMod); } /** * Read a SPARQL query from a file into a String and create a Query object * from that. If a resource was specified all occurrences of $URI$ * placeholder in the read query will be replaced with the URI of the * resource. If a model URI is specified, GRAPH lines will be added to the * query using the placeholders $S_MOD$ and $E_MOD$. * * @param pFileName File name of the SPARQL file. The file must exist and be * located in 'res/sparql' * @param pRes Optional resource object, will be used to replace the $URI$ * placeholder. Can be set to null if not required. * @param pMod Optional model URI, will be used to add GRAPH lines to the * query. If set to null the query will be executed on the * default model of the dataset. * @return A Query object containing the read SPARQL query, null if the * input file cannot be read */ private Query readSPARQL(String pFileName, Resource pRes, String pMod) { try { // Open the SPARQL file for reading Path inFile = Paths.get("res/sparql", pFileName); BufferedReader br = Files.newBufferedReader(inFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // Read all lines and concatenate them using a StringBuilder StringBuilder rv = new StringBuilder(); String line = br.readLine(); while (line != null) { rv.append(line); rv.append(System.lineSeparator()); line = br.readLine(); } br.close(); // Get the String from the StringBuilder and, if required, replace // the $URI$ placeholder String rvStr = rv.toString(); if (pRes != null) { rvStr = rvStr.replaceAll("\\$URI\\$", pRes.getURI()); } if (pMod != null && !pMod.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder graphLine = new StringBuilder("GRAPH <"); graphLine.append(pMod); graphLine.append("> {"); rvStr = rvStr.replaceAll("\\$S_MOD\\$", graphLine.toString()).replaceAll("\\$E_MOD\\$", "}"); } else { rvStr = rvStr.replaceAll("\\$S_MOD\\$", "").replaceAll("\\$E_MOD\\$", ""); } // Build a Query object and return it return QueryFactory.create(rvStr); } catch (IOException ex) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Caught: ["); sb.append(ex.getClass().getSimpleName()); sb.append("] "); sb.append(ex.getMessage()); log.error(sb.toString()); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { for (StackTraceElement ste : ex.getStackTrace()) { log.debug(ste.toString()); } } return null; } } /** * Transfer all solutions in a ResultSet into a list. The ResultSet cannot * be used afterwards because it is iterated using the next() method. * * @param pRS ResultSet containing the solutions * @return A list containing all QuerySolution objects */ private ArrayList<QuerySolution> resultSetToList(ResultSet pRS) { ArrayList<QuerySolution> rv = new ArrayList<>(); while (pRS.hasNext()) { rv.add(; } return rv; } /** * Determine the groups for all devices. Devices are grouped together * according to the networks they are attached to. If a device is attached * to 2 or more different networks it will not be grouped and assigned to * the global group that collects all devices which will be located * on the base layer of the editor grid. Group information will be added to * the backup model for further processing. * * @param pMod The URI of the model which contains the devices */ private void addGroupStatements(String pMod) { QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(getDevListSPARQL(rootNode, pMod), ds); ArrayList<QuerySolution> devList = resultSetToList(qexec.execSelect()); qexec.close(); // Iterate over all devices for (QuerySolution qs : devList) { // If no group information is set, determine the group based on // device type if (qs.get("cgname") == null) { Resource dev = qs.getResource("dev"); ArrayList<QuerySolution> groupInfo; Model mod; if (pMod != null && !pMod.isEmpty()) { mod = ds.getNamedModel(pMod); } else { mod = ds.getDefaultModel(); } // Execute the SPARQL query that matches the device type if (qs.getLiteral("type").equals(VISA.DEV_TYPE_HOST)) { // Determine the groups for host devices QueryExecution groupQexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(getDevGroupSPARQL(dev, pMod), ds); groupInfo = resultSetToList(groupQexec.execSelect()); groupQexec.close(); } else { // Determine the groups for switches QueryExecution groupQexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(getSwitchGroupSPARQL(dev, pMod), ds); groupInfo = resultSetToList(groupQexec.execSelect()); groupQexec.close(); } // If exactly 1 line of group information was found and // 'netaddr' exists, apply that value as group. Otherwise use // global group if (groupInfo.size() == 1 && groupInfo.get(0).get("netaddr") != null) { QuerySolution groupQS = groupInfo.get(0); // Combine 'netaddr' and 'netmask' to form the group name StringBuilder sbGroupName = new StringBuilder(groupQS.getLiteral("netaddr").getString()); sbGroupName.append("/"); sbGroupName.append(groupQS.getLiteral("netmask").getString()); StringBuilder sbLocName = new StringBuilder(VISA.getURI()); sbLocName.append(TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getComponentGroupByName(sbGroupName.toString()) .getIdentifier()); Resource groupRes = ds.getDefaultModel().getResource(sbLocName.toString()); // Add the group information to the model mod.add(dev, VISABackup.GROUP, groupRes); mod.add(groupRes, VISABackup.NAME, ds.getDefaultModel().createLiteral(sbGroupName.toString())); } else { StringBuilder sbLocName = new StringBuilder(VISA.getURI()); sbLocName.append(TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getComponentGroupByName("").getIdentifier()); Resource groupRes = ds.getDefaultModel().getResource(sbLocName.toString()); // Add the group information to the backup model mod.add(dev, VISABackup.GROUP, groupRes); mod.add(groupRes, VISABackup.NAME, ds.getDefaultModel().createLiteral( TEBackend.TOPOLOGY_STORAGE.getComponentGroupByName("").getName())); } } } } }