Example usage for java.nio.file Path getParent

List of usage examples for java.nio.file Path getParent


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio.file Path getParent.


Path getParent();

Source Link


Returns the parent path, or null if this path does not have a parent.


From source file:io.warp10.worf.WorfCLI.java

public int execute(String[] args) {
    try {/*from   ww w .java 2s.c  o  m*/
        CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser();
        CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args);

        String inputFile = null;
        boolean interactive = false;
        boolean token = false;
        String outputFile = null;
        String keyStoreFile = null;

        String producerUID = null;
        String ownerUID = null;
        String appName = null;
        long ttl = 0L;

        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out);

        if (cmd.hasOption(HELP)) {
            return 0;

        if (cmd.hasOption(VERSION)) {
            return 0;

        if (cmd.hasOption(VERBOSE)) {
            verbose = true;

        if (cmd.hasOption(INTERACTIVE)) {
            interactive = true;

        if (cmd.hasOption(OUTPUT)) {
            outputFile = cmd.getOptionValue(OUTPUT);

        if (cmd.hasOption(KEYSTORE)) {
            keyStoreFile = cmd.getOptionValue(KEYSTORE);

        if (cmd.hasOption(TOKEN)) {
            token = true;
            // PRODUCER UUID OPTION (mandatory)
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (cmd.hasOption(UUIDGEN_PRODUCER)) {
                producerUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
            } else if (cmd.hasOption(P_UUID)) {
                producerUID = cmd.getOptionValue(P_UUID);

            // OWNER UUID OPTION (mandatory)
            // --------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (cmd.hasOption(UUIDGEN_OWNER)) {
                ownerUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
            } else if (cmd.hasOption(O_UUID)) {
                ownerUID = cmd.getOptionValue(O_UUID);
            } else {
                ownerUID = producerUID;

            if (cmd.hasOption(APPNAME)) {
                appName = cmd.getOptionValue(APPNAME);

            if (cmd.hasOption(TTL)) {
                ttl = Long.parseLong(cmd.getOptionValue(TTL));
                long ttlMax = Long.MAX_VALUE - System.currentTimeMillis();

                if (ttl >= ttlMax) {
                    throw new WorfException("TTL can not be upper than " + ttlMax + " ms");

            } else {
                throw new WorfException("The option 'ttl' is missing ");

        // get the input file name
        switch (cmd.getArgs().length) {
        case 0:
            throw new WorfException("Config or template file missing.");

        case 1:
            inputFile = cmd.getArgs()[0];

            throw new WorfException("Too many arguments, only one config or template file expected.");

        // load the interactive mode
        if (interactive) {
            return runInteractive(inputFile);

        Properties config = Worf.readConfig(inputFile, out);

        if (WorfTemplate.isTemplate(config)) {

            // load keystore if needed
            WorfKeyMaster templateKeyMaster = null;
            if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(keyStoreFile)) {
                // read config
                Properties keyStoreConfig = Worf.readConfig(keyStoreFile, out);
                // load key master
                templateKeyMaster = new WorfKeyMaster(keyStoreConfig);

                if (!templateKeyMaster.loadKeyStore()) {
                    throw new WorfException("Template Keystore not loaded");

            WorfTemplate tpl = new WorfTemplate(config, inputFile);

            for (String cryptoKey : tpl.getCryptoKeys()) {
                String keySize = tpl.generateCryptoKey(cryptoKey);
                if (keySize != null) {
                    out.println(keySize + " bits secured key for " + cryptoKey + "  generated");
                } else {
                    throw new WorfException("Unable to generate " + cryptoKey + ", template error");

            // read defaults
            if (token) {
                Properties defaultProperties = Worf.readDefault(inputFile, out);
                appName = Worf.getDefault(defaultProperties, out, appName, APPNAME);
                producerUID = Worf.getDefault(defaultProperties, out, producerUID, P_UUID);
                ownerUID = Worf.getDefault(defaultProperties, out, ownerUID, O_UUID);
            // GENERATE TOKENS
            for (String tokenKey : tpl.getTokenKeys()) {
                if (!token) {
                    throw new WorfException("Unable to generate template tokens missing -t option");
                if (templateKeyMaster == null) {
                    throw new WorfException("Unable to generate template tokens missing -ks option");

                String tokenIdent = tpl.generateTokenKey(tokenKey, appName, ownerUID, producerUID, ttl,
                out.println("Token generated key=" + tokenKey + "  ident=" + tokenIdent);

            if (tpl.getFieldsStack().size() > 0) {
                throw new WorfException("Unable the update template, you are not in interactive mode");

            // save the template
            if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(outputFile)) {
                Path inputConfigurationPath = Paths.get(inputFile);
                String outputFileName = inputConfigurationPath.getFileName().toString();
                outputFileName = outputFileName.replace("template", "conf");

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                if (!inputConfigurationPath.endsWith(File.separator)) {

                outputFile = sb.toString();
            out.println("Warp configuration saved (" + outputFile + ")");
            inputFile = outputFile;

            // Keystore is given as input
            //end of the job
            if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(keyStoreFile)) {
                out.println("Warp configuration file used for tokens generation in templates");
                out.println("For generate tokens, reload Worf without 'ks' option");

        if (token) {
            // read config
            config = Worf.readConfig(inputFile, out);
            // load key master
            WorfKeyMaster keyMaster = new WorfKeyMaster(config);

            if (!keyMaster.loadKeyStore()) {
                throw new WorfException("Keystore not loaded");

            Properties defaultProperties = Worf.readDefault(inputFile, out);
            appName = Worf.getDefault(defaultProperties, out, appName, APPNAME);
            producerUID = Worf.getDefault(defaultProperties, out, producerUID, P_UUID);
            ownerUID = Worf.getDefault(defaultProperties, out, ownerUID, O_UUID);

            // save default
            if (defaultProperties == null) {
                Worf.saveDefault(inputFile, appName, producerUID, ownerUID);

            // deliver token
            String readToken = keyMaster.deliverReadToken(appName, producerUID, ownerUID, ttl);
            String writeToken = keyMaster.deliverWriteToken(appName, producerUID, ownerUID, ttl);

            // write outputformat
            JSONObject jsonOutput = new JSONObject();
            JSONObject jsonToken = new JSONObject();
            jsonToken.put("token", readToken);
            jsonToken.put("tokenIdent", keyMaster.getTokenIdent(readToken));
            jsonToken.put("ttl", ttl);
            jsonToken.put("application", appName);
            jsonToken.put("owner", ownerUID);
            jsonToken.put("producer", producerUID);

            jsonOutput.put("read", jsonToken);

            jsonToken = new JSONObject();
            jsonToken.put("token", writeToken);
            jsonToken.put("tokenIdent", keyMaster.getTokenIdent(writeToken));
            jsonToken.put("ttl", ttl);
            jsonToken.put("application", appName);
            jsonToken.put("owner", ownerUID);
            jsonToken.put("producer", producerUID);

            jsonOutput.put("write", jsonToken);


    } catch (Exception we) {
        if (verbose) {
        } else {
            System.out.println(we.getMessage() + "\n");
        return -1;
    return 0;

From source file:org.mitre.mpf.wfm.util.PropertiesUtil.java

public File createArtifactFile(long jobId, long mediaId, int stageIndex, String name) throws IOException {
    Path path = Paths.get(artifactsDirectory.toURI())
            .resolve(String.format("%d/%d/%d/%s", jobId, mediaId, stageIndex, name)).normalize()
            .toAbsolutePath();/*from  w  w w. j  av  a2  s .c  o m*/
    return path.toFile();

From source file:com.liferay.sync.engine.document.library.handler.GetSyncDLObjectUpdateHandler.java

protected boolean isParentUnsynced(SyncFile syncFile) {
    Path filePath = Paths.get(syncFile.getFilePathName());

    if (FileUtil.isUnsynced(filePath.getParent())) {
        return true;
    }/*  w  w  w  . ja  v a2s.co  m*/

    return false;

From source file:org.fao.geonet.api.records.formatters.FormatterApiIntegrationTest.java

public void testLoggingNullPointerBug() throws Exception {
    final org.apache.log4j.Logger logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(Geonet.FORMATTER);
    Level level = logger.getLevel();
    logger.setLevel(Level.ALL);//from  w w w .  j  a v a 2  s. c o m
    try {
        MockHttpServletRequest webRequest = new MockHttpServletRequest();
        final ServletWebRequest request = new ServletWebRequest(webRequest, new MockHttpServletResponse());
        final FormatterParams fparams = new FormatterParams();
        fparams.context = this.serviceContext;
        fparams.webRequest = request;
        // make sure context is cleared

        final String formatterName = "logging-null-pointer";
        final URL testFormatterViewFile = FormatterApiIntegrationTest.class
                .getResource(formatterName + "/view.groovy");
        final Path testFormatter = IO.toPath(testFormatterViewFile.toURI()).getParent();
        final Path formatterDir = this.dataDirectory.getFormatterDir();
        IO.copyDirectoryOrFile(testFormatter, formatterDir.resolve(formatterName), false);
        final String functionsXslName = "functions.xsl";
                formatterDir.resolve(functionsXslName), false);

        formatService.exec("eng", "html", "" + id, null, formatterName, null, null, _100, request);

        // no Error is success
    } finally {

From source file:de.teamgrit.grit.checking.compile.JavaCompileChecker.java

 * Runs a command specified by a compiler invocation.
 * @param compilerInvocation//from   w  w  w  . j  a  v  a 2s .c  om
 *            specifies what program with which flags is being executed
 * @param pathToSourceFolder
 *            the path to the source folder of the submission
 * @return CompilerOutput with fields initialized according to the outcome
 *         of the process
 * @throws BadFlagException
 *             if a flag is not known to javac
private CompilerOutput runJavacProcess(List<String> compilerInvocation, Path pathToSourceFolder, boolean junit)
        throws BadFlagException {
    Process compilerProcess = null;
    try {
        ProcessBuilder compilerProcessBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(compilerInvocation);
        // make sure the compiler stays in its directory.
        if (Files.isDirectory(pathToSourceFolder, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
        } else {
        compilerProcess = compilerProcessBuilder.start();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // If we cannot call the compiler we return a CompilerOutput
        // which is
        // initialized with false, false, indicating
        // that the compiler wasn't invoked properly and that there was no
        // clean Compile.
        CompilerOutput compilerInvokeError = new CompilerOutput();
        return compilerInvokeError;

    // Now we read compiler output. If everything is ok javac reports
    // nothing at all.
    InputStream compilerOutputStream = compilerProcess.getErrorStream();
    InputStreamReader compilerStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(compilerOutputStream);
    BufferedReader compilerOutputBuffer = new BufferedReader(compilerStreamReader);
    String line;

    CompilerOutput compilerOutput = new CompilerOutput();

    List<String> compilerOutputLines = new LinkedList<>();

    try {
        while ((line = compilerOutputBuffer.readLine()) != null) {

    } catch (IOException e) {
        // Reading might go wrong here if javac should unexpectedly
        // terminate
        LOGGER.severe("Could not read compiler ourput from its output stream." + " Aborting compile of: "
                + pathToSourceFolder.toString() + " Got message: " + e.getMessage());
        return compilerOutput;

    splitCompilerOutput(compilerOutputLines, compilerOutput);

    if (compilerOutputLines.size() == 0) {

    return compilerOutput;

From source file:org.mitre.mpf.wfm.util.PropertiesUtil.java

public Path createMarkupPath(long jobId, long mediaId, String extension) throws IOException {
    Path path = Paths.get(markupDirectory.toURI()).resolve(
            String.format("%d/%d/%s%s", jobId, mediaId, UUID.randomUUID(), TextUtils.trimToEmpty(extension)))
    return Files.createFile(path);

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.server.rest.OpenCGAWSServer.java

private void init() {
    logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.opencb.opencga.server.rest.OpenCGAWSServer");
    logger.info("| Starting OpenCGA REST server, initializing OpenCGAWSServer");
    logger.info("| This message must appear only once.");

    // We must load the configuration files and init catalogManager, storageManagerFactory and Logger only the first time.
    // We first read 'config-dir' parameter passed
    ServletContext context = httpServletRequest.getServletContext();
    String configDirString = context.getInitParameter("config-dir");
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(configDirString)) {
        // If not environment variable then we check web.xml parameter
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(context.getInitParameter("OPENCGA_HOME"))) {
            configDirString = context.getInitParameter("OPENCGA_HOME") + "/conf";
        } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(System.getenv("OPENCGA_HOME"))) {
            // If not exists then we try the environment variable OPENCGA_HOME
            configDirString = System.getenv("OPENCGA_HOME") + "/conf";
        } else {//from  w w w  .  j  a v  a  2  s  . c  om
            logger.error("No valid configuration directory provided!");

    // Check and execute the init methods
    java.nio.file.Path configDirPath = Paths.get(configDirString);
    if (configDirPath != null && Files.exists(configDirPath) && Files.isDirectory(configDirPath)) {
        logger.info("|  * Configuration folder: '{}'", configDirPath.toString());

        // Required for reading the analysis.properties file.
        // TODO: Remove when analysis.properties is totally migrated to configuration.yml

        // TODO use configuration.yml for getting the server.log, for now is hardcoded
        logger.info("|  * Server logfile: " + configDirPath.getParent().resolve("logs").resolve("server.log"));
    } else {
        logger.error("No valid configuration directory provided: '{}'", configDirPath.toString());


From source file:org.opencastproject.staticfiles.impl.StaticFileServiceImpl.java

public String storeFile(String filename, InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
    notNull(filename, "filename");
    notNull(inputStream, "inputStream");
    final String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    final String org = securityService.getOrganization().getId();

    Path file = getTemporaryStorageDir(org).resolve(Paths.get(uuid, filename));
    try (ProgressInputStream progressInputStream = new ProgressInputStream(inputStream)) {
        progressInputStream.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
            @Override/*  w  w w  .j  a  va  2  s  .com*/
            public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
                long totalNumBytesRead = (Long) evt.getNewValue();
                long oldTotalNumBytesRead = (Long) evt.getOldValue();
                staticFileStatistics.add(totalNumBytesRead - oldTotalNumBytesRead);

        Files.copy(progressInputStream, file);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Unable to save file '{}' to {} because: {}",
                new Object[] { filename, file, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e) });
        throw e;

    return uuid;

From source file:org.apache.taverna.prov.W3ProvenanceExport.java

private Path saveValue(T2Reference t2Ref, Path file) throws IOException {
    Path parent = file.getParent();

    switch (t2Ref.getReferenceType()) {

    case IdentifiedList:
        DataBundles.createList(file);/*  www .  ja  v  a2s. c o m*/
        IdentifiedList<T2Reference> list = saver.getReferenceService().getListService().getList(t2Ref);
        long position = 0;
        for (T2Reference ref : list) {
            saveValue(ref, DataBundles.getListItem(file, position++));
    case ErrorDocument:
        file = saveError(t2Ref, file);
    case ReferenceSet:
        file = saver.saveReference(t2Ref, file);
    seenReference(t2Ref, file);
    return file;

From source file:de.teamgrit.grit.checking.compile.GccCompileChecker.java

 * This Method generates the command required to start the compiler. It
 * generates a list of strings that can be passed to a process builder.
 * /*from   w w  w. ja v  a2 s  .co m*/
 * @param pathToProgramFile
 *            Where to look for the main file that will be compiled.
 * @param compilerName
 *            Which compiler to call
 * @param compilerFlags
 *            User supplied flags to be passed
 * @throws BadCompilerSpecifiedException
 *             When no compiler is given.
 * @throws FileNotFoundException
 *             When the file to be compiled does not exist
 * @return List of string with the command for the process builder.
private List<String> createCompilerInvocation(Path pathToProgramFile, String compilerName,
        List<String> compilerFlags) throws BadCompilerSpecifiedException, FileNotFoundException {

    List<String> compilerInvocation = new LinkedList<>();
    // We need a compiler name. Without it we cannot compile anything and
    // abort.
    if (("".equals(compilerName)) || (compilerName == null)) {
        throw new BadCompilerSpecifiedException("No compiler specified.");
    } else {
        // search for a makefile
        Path programDirectory = null;
        if (!Files.isDirectory(pathToProgramFile)) {
            programDirectory = pathToProgramFile.getParent();
        } else {
            programDirectory = pathToProgramFile;
        Collection<File> fileList = FileUtils.listFiles(programDirectory.toFile(),
                FileFilterUtils.fileFileFilter(), null);

        boolean hasMakefile = false;
        for (File f : fileList) {
            if (f.getName().matches("[Mm][Aa][Kk][Ee][Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee]")) {
                hasMakefile = true;

        if (hasMakefile) {
            // add the necessary flags for make and return the invocation -
            // we don't need more flags or parameters
            LOGGER.info("Found make-file. Compiling c-code with make.");
            return compilerInvocation;
        } else {
            LOGGER.info("Compiling c-code with " + compilerName);

    // If compiler flags are passed, append them after the compiler name.
    // If we didn't get any we append nothing.
    if ((compilerFlags != null) && !(compilerFlags.isEmpty())) {
        if (!compilerFlags.contains("-c")) {

    // Check for the existance of the program file we are trying to
    // compile.
    if ((pathToProgramFile == null) || (pathToProgramFile.compareTo(Paths.get("")) == 0)) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException("No file to compile specified");
    } else {

        if (Files.isDirectory(pathToProgramFile, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
            // we have to be able to compile several .c files at the same
            // time so we need to find them
            RegexDirectoryWalker dirWalker = new RegexDirectoryWalker(".+\\.[Cc][Pp]?[Pp]?");
            try {
                Files.walkFileTree(pathToProgramFile, dirWalker);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGGER.severe("Could not walk submission " + pathToProgramFile.toString()
                        + " while building compiler invocation: " + e.getMessage());
            for (Path matchedFile : dirWalker.getFoundFiles()) {
                        .add(matchedFile.toString().substring(pathToProgramFile.toString().length() + 1));
        } else {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Program file that should be compiled does not exist."
                    + "Filename : \"" + pathToProgramFile.toString() + "\"");
    return compilerInvocation;