Java tutorial
/****************************************************************************** * NOTICE * * * * This software (or technical data) was produced for the U.S. Government * * under contract, and is subject to the Rights in Data-General Clause * * 52.227-14, Alt. IV (DEC 2007). * * * * Copyright 2018 The MITRE Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2018 The MITRE Corporation * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ package org.mitre.mpf.wfm.util; import; import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ImmutableConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConversionException; import; import org.h2.util.StringUtils; import org.javasimon.aop.Monitored; import org.mitre.mpf.interop.util.TimeUtils; import org.mitre.mpf.mvc.model.PropertyModel; import org.mitre.mpf.wfm.WfmProcessingException; import; import org.mitre.mpf.wfm.enums.ArtifactExtractionPolicy; import org.mitre.mpf.wfm.enums.EnvVar; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import*; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission; import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.*; import static*; @Component(PropertiesUtil.REF) @Monitored public class PropertiesUtil { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PropertiesUtil.class); public static final String REF = "propertiesUtil"; @Autowired private ApplicationContext appContext; @Autowired private MpfPropertiesConfigurationBuilder mpfPropertiesConfigBuilder; @javax.annotation.Resource(name = "mediaTypesFile") private FileSystemResource mediaTypesFile; private ImmutableConfiguration mpfPropertiesConfig; // The set of core nodes will not change while the WFM is running. private ImmutableSet<String> coreMpfNodes; @PostConstruct private void init() throws IOException, WfmProcessingException { parseCoreMpfNodes(); mpfPropertiesConfig = mpfPropertiesConfigBuilder.getCompleteConfiguration(); if (!mediaTypesFile.exists()) { copyResource(mediaTypesFile, getMediaTypesTemplate()); } Set<PosixFilePermission> permissions = new HashSet<>(); permissions.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_READ); permissions.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_WRITE); permissions.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_EXECUTE); Path share = Paths.get(getSharePath()).toAbsolutePath(); if (!Files.exists(share)) { share = Files.createDirectories(share, PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(permissions)); } if (!Files.exists(share) || !Files.isDirectory(share)) { throw new WfmProcessingException( String.format("Failed to create the path '%s'. It does not exist or it is not a directory.", share.toString())); } artifactsDirectory = createOrFail(share, "artifacts", permissions); markupDirectory = createOrFail(share, "markup", permissions); outputObjectsDirectory = createOrFail(share, "output-objects", permissions); remoteMediaCacheDirectory = createOrFail(share, "remote-media", permissions); uploadedComponentsDirectory = createOrFail(share, getComponentUploadDirName(), permissions); createOrFail(getPluginDeploymentPath().toPath(), "", EnumSet.of(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_READ, PosixFilePermission.OWNER_WRITE, PosixFilePermission.OWNER_EXECUTE, PosixFilePermission.GROUP_READ, PosixFilePermission.GROUP_EXECUTE, PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_READ, PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_EXECUTE)); // create the default models directory, although the user may have set "detection.models.dir.path" to something else createOrFail(share, "models", permissions);"All file resources are stored within the shared directory '{}'.", share); log.debug("Artifacts Directory = {}", artifactsDirectory); log.debug("Markup Directory = {}", markupDirectory); log.debug("Output Objects Directory = {}", outputObjectsDirectory); log.debug("Remote Media Cache Directory = {}", remoteMediaCacheDirectory); log.debug("Uploaded Components Directory = {}", uploadedComponentsDirectory); } private void parseCoreMpfNodes() { String coreMpfNodesStr = System.getenv(EnvVar.CORE_MPF_NODES); if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(coreMpfNodesStr)) { throw new IllegalStateException(EnvVar.CORE_MPF_NODES + " environment variable must be defined."); } coreMpfNodes =",")).map(String::trim).filter(node -> !node.isEmpty()) .collect(collectingAndThen(toSet(), ImmutableSet::copyOf)); } private static File createOrFail(Path parent, String subdirectory, Set<PosixFilePermission> permissions) throws IOException, WfmProcessingException { Path child = parent.resolve(subdirectory); if (!Files.exists(child)) { child = Files.createDirectories(child, PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(permissions)); } if (!Files.exists(child) || !Files.isDirectory(child)) { throw new WfmProcessingException(String .format("Failed to create the path '%s'. It does not exist or it is not a directory.", child)); } return child.toAbsolutePath().toFile(); } public String lookup(String propertyName) { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString(propertyName); } public void setAndSaveCustomProperties(List<PropertyModel> propertyModels) { mpfPropertiesConfig = mpfPropertiesConfigBuilder.setAndSaveCustomProperties(propertyModels); } /** * Returns a updated list of property models. Each element contains current value, * as well as a flag indicating whether or not a WFM restart is required to apply the change. * @return Updated list of property models. */ public List<PropertyModel> getCustomProperties() { return mpfPropertiesConfigBuilder.getCustomProperties(); } /** * Returns a updated list of property models for the set of immutable properties. Each element contains current value, * as well as a flag indicating whether or not a WFM restart is required to apply the change. * @return Updated list of property models for the set of immutable properties. */ public List<PropertyModel> getImmutableCustomProperties() { // Get an updated list of property models. Each element contains current value. Return only the immutable system properties by // filtering out the mutable detection properties from the list. return getCustomProperties().stream().filter(pm -> !isDetectionProperty(pm.getKey())).collect(toList()); } /** * Returns a updated list of property models for the set of mutable properties. Each element contains current value, * as well as a flag indicating whether or not a WFM restart is required to apply the change. * @return Updated list of property models for the set of mutable properties. */ public List<PropertyModel> getMutableCustomProperties() { // Get an updated list of property models. Each element contains current value. Return only the mutable system properties by // filtering out the immutable detection properties from the list. return getCustomProperties().stream().filter(pm -> isDetectionProperty(pm.getKey())).collect(toList()); } private static boolean isDetectionProperty(String key) { return key.startsWith(MpfPropertiesConfigurationBuilder.DETECTION_KEY_PREFIX); } public TransientDetectionSystemProperties createDetectionSystemPropertiesSnapshot() { Map<String, String> detMap = new HashMap(); mpfPropertiesConfig.getKeys().forEachRemaining(key -> { if (isDetectionProperty(key)) { detMap.put(key, mpfPropertiesConfig.getString(key)); // resolve final value } }); return new TransientDetectionSystemProperties(Collections.unmodifiableMap(detMap)); } // // JMX configuration // public boolean isAmqBrokerEnabled() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getBoolean(""); } public String getAmqBrokerJmxUri() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString(""); } public String getAmqBrokerAdminUsername() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString(""); } public String getAmqBrokerAdminPassword() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString(""); } public Set<String> getAmqBrokerPurgeWhiteList() { return new HashSet<>(mpfPropertiesConfig.getList(String.class, "")); } // // Main configuration // public String getSiteId() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString(""); } public boolean isOutputObjectsEnabled() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getBoolean("mpf.output.objects.enabled"); } public boolean isOutputQueueEnabled() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getBoolean("mpf.output.objects.queue.enabled"); } public String getOutputQueueName() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString(""); } public String getSharePath() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("mpf.share.path"); } private File artifactsDirectory; public File getArtifactsDirectory() { return artifactsDirectory; } public File getJobArtifactsDirectory(long jobId) { return new File(artifactsDirectory, String.valueOf(jobId)); } public File createArtifactDirectory(long jobId, long mediaId, int stageIndex) throws IOException { Path path = Paths.get(artifactsDirectory.toURI()) .resolve(String.format("%d/%d/%d", jobId, mediaId, stageIndex)).normalize().toAbsolutePath(); Files.createDirectories(path); return path.toFile(); } public File createArtifactFile(long jobId, long mediaId, int stageIndex, String name) throws IOException { Path path = Paths.get(artifactsDirectory.toURI()) .resolve(String.format("%d/%d/%d/%s", jobId, mediaId, stageIndex, name)).normalize() .toAbsolutePath(); Files.createDirectories(path.getParent()); return path.toFile(); } private File outputObjectsDirectory; /** Gets the path to the top level output object directory * @return path to the top level output object directory */ public File getOutputObjectsDirectory() { return outputObjectsDirectory; } public File getJobOutputObjectsDirectory(long jobId) { return new File(outputObjectsDirectory, String.valueOf(jobId)); } /** Create the output objects directory and detection*.json file for batch jobs * @param jobId unique id that has been assigned to the batch job * @return directory that was created under the output objects directory for storage of detection files from this batch job * @throws IOException */ public File createDetectionOutputObjectFile(long jobId) throws IOException { return createOutputObjectsFile(jobId, "detection"); } /** Create the output objects directory for a job * Note: this method is typically used by streaming jobs. * The WFM will need to create the directory before it is populated with files. * @param jobId unique id that has been assigned to the job * @return directory that was created under the output objects directory for storage of files from this job * @throws IOException */ public File createOutputObjectsDirectory(long jobId) throws IOException { String fileName = String.format("%d", jobId); Path path = Paths.get(outputObjectsDirectory.toURI()).resolve(fileName).normalize().toAbsolutePath(); Files.createDirectories(path); return path.toFile(); } /** Create the output object file in the specified streaming job output objects directory * @param time the time associated with the job output * @param parentDir this streaming job's output objects directory * @return output object File that was created under the specified output objects directory * @throws IOException */ public File createStreamingOutputObjectsFile(LocalDateTime time, File parentDir) throws IOException { String fileName = String.format("summary-report %s.json", TimeUtils.getLocalDateTimeAsString(time)); Path path = Paths.get(parentDir.toURI()).resolve(fileName).normalize().toAbsolutePath(); Files.createDirectories(path.getParent()); return path.toFile(); } /** Create the File to be used for storing output objects from a job, plus create the directory path to that File * @param jobId unique id that has been assigned to the job * @param outputObjectType pre-defined type of output object for the job * @return File to be used for storing an output object for this job * @throws IOException */ private File createOutputObjectsFile(long jobId, String outputObjectType) throws IOException { return createOutputObjectsFile(jobId, outputObjectsDirectory, outputObjectType); } /** Create the File to be used for storing output objects from a job, plus create the directory path to that File * @param jobId unique id that has been assigned to the job * @param parentDir parent directory for the file to be created * @param outputObjectType pre-defined type of output object for the job * @return File to be used for storing an output object for this job * @throws IOException */ private File createOutputObjectsFile(long jobId, File parentDir, String outputObjectType) throws IOException { String fileName = String.format("%d/%s.json", jobId, TextUtils.trimToEmpty(outputObjectType)); Path path = Paths.get(parentDir.toURI()).resolve(fileName).normalize().toAbsolutePath(); Files.createDirectories(path.getParent()); return path.toFile(); } private File remoteMediaCacheDirectory; public File getRemoteMediaCacheDirectory() { return remoteMediaCacheDirectory; } private File markupDirectory; public File getMarkupDirectory() { return markupDirectory; } public File getJobMarkupDirectory(long jobId) { return new File(markupDirectory, String.valueOf(jobId)); } public Path createMarkupPath(long jobId, long mediaId, String extension) throws IOException { Path path = Paths.get(markupDirectory.toURI()).resolve( String.format("%d/%d/%s%s", jobId, mediaId, UUID.randomUUID(), TextUtils.trimToEmpty(extension))) .normalize().toAbsolutePath(); Files.createDirectories(path.getParent()); return Files.createFile(path); } // // Detection configuration // public ArtifactExtractionPolicy getArtifactExtractionPolicy() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.get(ArtifactExtractionPolicy.class, "detection.artifact.extraction.policy"); } public int getSamplingInterval() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getInt("detection.sampling.interval"); } public int getFrameRateCap() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getInt("detection.frame.rate.cap"); } public double getConfidenceThreshold() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getDouble("detection.confidence.threshold"); } public int getMinAllowableSegmentGap() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getInt(""); } public int getTargetSegmentLength() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getInt(""); } public int getMinSegmentLength() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getInt("detection.segment.minimum.length"); } public boolean isTrackMerging() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getBoolean("detection.track.merging.enabled"); } public int getMinAllowableTrackGap() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getInt(""); } public int getMinTrackLength() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getInt("detection.track.minimum.length"); } public double getTrackOverlapThreshold() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getDouble("detection.track.overlap.threshold"); } // // JMS configuration // public int getJmsPriority() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getInt("jms.priority"); } // // Pipeline configuration // private FileSystemResource getAlgorithmsData() { return new FileSystemResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.algorithms.file")); } private Resource getAlgorithmsTemplate() { return appContext.getResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.algorithms.template")); } public WritableResource getAlgorithmDefinitions() { return getDataResource(getAlgorithmsData(), getAlgorithmsTemplate()); } private FileSystemResource getActionsData() { return new FileSystemResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.actions.file")); } private Resource getActionsTemplate() { return appContext.getResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.actions.template")); } public WritableResource getActionDefinitions() { return getDataResource(getActionsData(), getActionsTemplate()); } private FileSystemResource getTasksData() { return new FileSystemResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.tasks.file")); } private Resource getTasksTemplate() { return appContext.getResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.tasks.template")); } public WritableResource getTaskDefinitions() { return getDataResource(getTasksData(), getTasksTemplate()); } private FileSystemResource getPipelinesData() { return new FileSystemResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.pipelines.file")); } private Resource getPipelinesTemplate() { return appContext.getResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.pipelines.template")); } public WritableResource getPipelineDefinitions() { return getDataResource(getPipelinesData(), getPipelinesTemplate()); } private FileSystemResource getNodeManagerPaletteData() { return new FileSystemResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.nodemanagerpalette.file")); } private Resource getNodeManagerPaletteTemplate() { return appContext.getResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.nodemanagerpalette.template")); } public WritableResource getNodeManagerPalette() { return getDataResource(getNodeManagerPaletteData(), getNodeManagerPaletteTemplate()); } private FileSystemResource getNodeManagerConfigData() { return new FileSystemResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.nodemanagerconfig.file")); } private Resource getNodeManagerConfigTemplate() { return appContext.getResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.nodemanagerconfig.template")); } public WritableResource getNodeManagerConfigResource() { return getDataResource(getNodeManagerConfigData(), getNodeManagerConfigTemplate()); } private FileSystemResource getStreamingServicesData() { return new FileSystemResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.streamingprocesses.file")); } private Resource getStreamingServicesTemplate() { return appContext.getResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("data.streamingprocesses.template")); } public WritableResource getStreamingServices() { return getDataResource(getStreamingServicesData(), getStreamingServicesTemplate()); } // // Component upload and registration properties // private FileSystemResource getComponentInfo() { return new FileSystemResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("")); } private Resource getComponentInfoTemplate() { return appContext.getResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("")); } public WritableResource getComponentInfoFile() { return getDataResource(getComponentInfo(), getComponentInfoTemplate()); } private File uploadedComponentsDirectory; public File getUploadedComponentsDirectory() { return uploadedComponentsDirectory; } // should not need these outside of this file private String getComponentUploadDirName() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString(""); } public File getComponentDependencyFinderScript() { return new File(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("mpf.component.dependency.finder.script")); } public File getPluginDeploymentPath() { return new File(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("mpf.plugins.path")); } public int getNumStartUpServices() { String key = ""; try { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getInt(key, 0); } catch (ConversionException e) { if (mpfPropertiesConfig.getString(key).startsWith("${")) { log.warn("Unable to determine value for \"" + key + "\". It may not have been set via Maven. Using default value of \"0\"."); return 0; } throw e; } } public boolean isStartupAutoRegistrationSkipped() { String key = ""; try { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getBoolean(key, false); } catch (ConversionException e) { if (mpfPropertiesConfig.getString(key).startsWith("${")) { log.warn("Unable to determine value for \"" + key + "\". It may not have been set via Maven. Using default value of \"false\"."); return false; } throw e; } } public String getThisMpfNodeHostName() { return System.getenv(EnvVar.THIS_MPF_NODE); } public Set<String> getCoreMpfNodes() { return coreMpfNodes; } // // Web settings // // directory under which log directory is located: <log.parent.dir>/<hostname>/log public String getLogParentDir() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("log.parent.dir"); } public List<String> getWebActiveProfiles() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getList(String.class, ""); } public int getWebSessionTimeout() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getInt("web.session.timeout"); } public String getServerMediaTreeRoot() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString(""); } public int getWebMaxFileUploadCnt() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getInt("web.max.file.upload.cnt"); } // // Version information // public String getSemanticVersion() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("mpf.version.semantic"); } public String getGitHash() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("mpf.version.git.hash"); } public String getGitBranch() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("mpf.version.git.branch"); } public String getBuildNum() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("mpf.version.jenkins.buildnum"); } public String getOutputObjectVersion() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("mpf.version.json.output.object.schema"); } public FileSystemResource getMediaTypesFile() { return mediaTypesFile; } private Resource getMediaTypesTemplate() { return appContext.getResource(mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("config.mediaTypes.template")); } public String getAmqUri() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("mpf.output.objects.activemq.hostname"); } // // Streaming job properties // /** * Get the health report callback rate, in milliseconds * @return health report callback rate, in milliseconds */ public long getStreamingJobHealthReportCallbackRate() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getLong("streaming.healthReport.callbackRate"); } /** * Get the streaming job stall alert threshold, in milliseconds * @return streaming job stall alert threshold, in milliseconds */ public long getStreamingJobStallAlertThreshold() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getLong("streaming.stallAlert.detectionThreshold"); } // // Ansible configuration // public String getAnsibleChildVarsPath() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("mpf.ansible.child.vars.path"); } public String getAnsibleCompDeployPath() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("mpf.ansible.compdeploy.path"); } public String getAnsibleCompRemovePath() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getString("mpf.ansible.compremove.path"); } public boolean isAnsibleLocalOnly() { return mpfPropertiesConfig.getBoolean("mpf.ansible.local-only", false); } // Helper methods private static WritableResource getDataResource(WritableResource dataResource, InputStreamSource templateResource) { if (dataResource.exists()) { return dataResource; } try {"{} doesn't exist. Copying from {}", dataResource, templateResource); copyResource(dataResource, templateResource); return dataResource; } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } private static void copyResource(WritableResource target, InputStreamSource source) throws IOException { createParentDir(target); try (InputStream inStream = source.getInputStream(); OutputStream outStream = target.getOutputStream()) { IOUtils.copy(inStream, outStream); } } public static void createParentDir(Resource resource) throws IOException { Path resourcePath = Paths.get(resource.getURI()); Path resourceDir = resourcePath.getParent(); if (Files.notExists(resourceDir)) {"Directory {} doesn't exist. Creating it now.", resourceDir); Files.createDirectories(resourceDir); } } }